Literary quiz of the works of Pippi Longstocking. "Academy of Fairytale Sciences": Library lesson based on the book by A. Lindgren "Pippi Longstocking"

Everyone knows the girl our quiz is about. Anyone who doesn't know her is simply unlucky. Eat literary heroes, having met them in childhood, you remain their friend for life.

Pippi, Longstocking, who hasn't heard this name? I think there are very few of them. And it was invented by a wonderful Swedish children's writer with a difficult to pronounce first and last name, Astrid Lindgren.

Astrid Anna, née Eriksson, was born on November 14, 1907, in the town of Vimmerby, and passed away on January 28, 2002. Swedish writer, author of several international famous books for children, including such films as “Carlson Who Lives on the Roof” and the tetralogy about Pippi Longstocking.

Astrid was born into a farming family. Lindgren, in her collection of autobiographical essays “My Fictions” (1971), wrote that she grew up in the age of “the horse and the convertible.” The main means of transportation for the family was a horse-drawn carriage, the pace of life was slower, entertainment was simpler, and the relationship with the surrounding nature was much closer than it is today. This environment contributed to the writer’s love of nature.
The writer herself always called her childhood happy (there were many games and adventures in it, interspersed with work on the farm and in its environs) and pointed out that it served as a source of inspiration for her work. Astrid's parents not only felt deep affection for each other and for their children, but also did not hesitate to show it, which was rare at that time. The writer spoke with great sympathy and tenderness about the special relationships in the family in her only book not addressed to children, “Samuel August from Sevedstorp and Hannah from Hult” (1973).

The story of the girl Pippi Longstocking has an unusual beginning. The thing is that one day in 1941, the writer’s daughter Karin fell ill with pneumonia. And sitting at the patient’s bedside, Astrid told Karin different stories. On one of these evenings, Karin asked her to tell her about the girl Pippi Longstocking. Karin made up this name on the fly. And so this wonderful naughty, rule-breaking girl was born.

After the first story about Pippi, her daughter’s favorite, Astrid told more and more new ones over the next few years. evening tales about this red-haired girl Pippi. On Karina's tenth birthday, Astrid gave her a gift - a shorthand recording of several stories about Pippi, from which she then compiled a book of her own making (with her own drawings) for her daughter.

The writer sent the manuscript about Pippi to the largest Stockholm publishing house, Bonnier. After some deliberation, the manuscript was rejected. Astrid Lindgren was not discouraged by the refusal; she already realized that composing for children was her calling. In 1944 she took part in a competition for best book for girls, announced by the relatively new and little-known publishing house Raben and Sjögren. Lindgren received second prize for the story “Britt-Marie pours out her soul” (1944) and a publishing contract for it. You could say it started from that moment professional activity Astrid.

The first book in the Pippi series, Pippi Moves to the Chicken Villa, was published in 1945.

Pippi Longstocking, aka Peppilotta Viktualia Rulgardina Krisminta Ephraimsdotter Longstocking, absolutely unusual girl. She lives alone in the "Chicken" villa in a small Swedish town with her animals: Mr. Nilsson the monkey and the horse. Pippi is the daughter of Captain Ephraim Longstocking, who later became the leader of a black tribe. From her father, Pippi inherited fantastic physical strength, as well as a suitcase with gold, which allows her to exist comfortably. Pippi's mother died when she was still a baby. Pippi is sure that she has become an angel and is looking at her from heaven (“My mother is an angel, and my father is a black king. Not every child has such noble parents”).

But the most amazing thing about Pippi is her bright and wild imagination, which manifests itself both in the games she comes up with and in amazing stories O different countries, where she visited with her captain dad, and in endless pranks, the victims of which are idiotic adults. Pippi takes any of her stories to the point of absurdity: a mischievous maid bites guests on the legs, a long-eared Chinese man hides under his ears when it rains, and a capricious child refuses to eat from May to October. Pippi gets very upset if someone says that she is lying, because lying is not good, she just sometimes forgets about it.

Many films have been made about Pippi. But perhaps one of the most famous was the two-part film “Pippi Longstocking,” which was filmed at Mosfilm in 1984. The scriptwriter and director Margarita Mikaelyan managed, as it seems to us, to find the only true, sincere, full of genuine burlesque and humor, and at the same time touching intonation for Pippi’s story. The film stars wonderful actors: Tatyana Vasilyeva as Miss Rosenblum; Lyudmila Shagalova as Mrs. Settergren; Elizaveta Nikishchikhina as Fru Laura; Lev Durov - circus director; Leonid Yarmolnik - swindler Blon; Leonid Kanevsky - swindler Karl.

Pippi was brilliantly played by Svetlana Stupak.

By inviting you to solve the Pippi Longstocking quiz, we hope that it will not be a waste of your time! On the contrary! After all, as Pippi said:

“Grown-ups never have fun. They always have a lot of boring work, stupid dresses and cuminal taxes. And they are also stuffed with prejudices and all sorts of nonsense.” So let's get down to the real business!

" Academy fairy sciences" :

Library lesson based on the book by A. Lindgren "Pippi Longstocking" "

Target: acquaintance with creativity Swedish writer A. Lindgren

Direction: reading promotion

Equipment: exhibition of the writer's works, projector, screen

Progress of the event

Good afternoon to everyone who came to our library! Friends, do you like to travel? And some of you can tell us where you vacationed (traveled?). And today we guys are going on a trip to Sweden, the homeland of Astrid Lindgren. The full name of this country is the Kingdom of Sweden. The capital is Stockholm. The official language, as you might guess, is Swedish.
The main feature of the people of this nation is punctuality. Swedes try to be precise in everything. Do you guys want to be in this country during the holiday?
So, let's go to Sweden! We will commit literary journey and we will visit the Swedish writer and a little bit of a sorceress Astrid Lindgren. Her books are known all over the world; they have been translated into 80 languages. She has a very funny order - the Order of Smile, which is awarded by children to their favorite writers. Astrid Lindgren was awarded the main award of storytellers - the Gold Medal of H.K. Andersen as one of the best children's writers in the world. There is even a star in the sky named after her.
Astrid Lindgren was born on November 14, 1907 in southern Sweden, in the small town of Vimmerby in the province of Småland into a simple peasant family. In 1914, Astrid went to school. She studied well, and the creative girl was especially gifted with literature. One of her essays was even published in her hometown newspaper. Astrid considered her childhood to be unusually happy. Astrid's parents not only felt deep affection for each other and for their children, but also did not hesitate to show it, which was rare at that time. As an adult, she moved to the capital Stockholm, where for a long time she worked as a secretary-typist in her husband’s office. She had two children: a son and a daughter.

One day in March 1944, Astrid Lindgren sprained her leg, and doctors told her not to get out of bed for three weeks.

Agree: lying down for three weeks is very boring. Astrid came up with something to do. She began to write down the story she was telling her daughter. It was a fairy tale - “Pippi Longstocking”. The book quickly became popular.

Astrid Lindgreen has written many children's books. Guys, do you know what book brought the writer wide fame? (Children's answers)
That's right, well done! It was a fairy tale story “Pippi Longstocking.” Guys, do you remember the names of the main characters? (Children's answers) A main character books - Pippi. “...A red-haired, cheerful girl with spiky pigtails. She wears different stockings and huge shoes. She has a suitcase full of gold coins, and she can buy a hundred kilos of candy to treat the city kids. She practically doesn’t go to school, but she can fool any adult..."
(Pippi appears).
Pippi: Here I am! Hello, girls and boys, those who have 100 freckles on their noses, and those who have none. Hello, those with pigtails and bows, hello everyone, everyone. Do you all recognize me? Well done!
I'm Pippi - a girl like a girl, though not an ordinary one.
Librarian: Hello Pippi, we are glad to see you. Guys, not just a girl came to visit us, but a girl, full name which consists of six words. Say her full name. (Children's answers)
And the full name of this girl is Peppilotta-Viktualia-Rolgardina-Krusmunta-Efraimsdotter-Longstocking. Unusual name, really, guys.

Pippi, tell us about yourself.
Pippi: With pleasure. I am 9 years old. I live in my villa, where I do whatever I want. My monkey lives with me. Who knows what her name is? (Children's answers). That's right, Mr. Nilsson, and I also have a horse. It's a pity. That I don’t have a mother, but I have a dad - a captain, the storm of the seas. True, he was washed off the deck by a huge wave. But I'm sure. That my dad didn’t drown, but swam to the island and became a black king. Guys, do you know that I am the strongest girl in the world? Do you have any doubts? But I, jokingly, threw the thieves who climbed into my closet onto my closet. What am I telling you, you’ve read the book about me, haven’t you? (Children's answers).
Librarian: But we will check this now. Guys, but be careful, Pippi is a very mischievous girl and came up with such questions... Listen carefully and choose the correct answer.


1.Where did Pippi the horse live?

    in the living room;

    in the stable;

    on the terrace;

2. What dish did Pippi love most?

  • rhubarb cream;

    semolina porridge;

    vegetable soup

3. What did Pippi treat the police with?





4. Name the money that was in use in the country where Pippi lived.


5. What game did the children play on Pippi’s birthday?

  • do not step on the floor;

    do not pry;

6. What did Pippi want to become when she grew up?


    sea ​​robber;

    a real lady;

7. How old was Pippi?



8. Where did Pippi roll out the dough for scones?

    on the table;

    on the chest;

    on the floor;

9. How Pippi liked to sleep:

    placing your feet on a pillow and covering your head with a blanket

    on the floor under the bed

    in the garden in a hammock

Well done guys, you completed this task.

Guys, now we will solve the crossword puzzle “Pippi’s Tricks”.

Anyone who has read a book about Pippi Longstocking can easily figure it out.


    What game did Pippi play with the police? (Salochki.)

    The fish that Pippi fought with (Shark.)

    What was in Pippi's clothes? different color? (Stockings.)

    Villa Pippi. (" Chicken")

    Pippi's father's schooner ("The Jumper")

    The country Pippi sailed to. (Merry.)

    What did Pippi hang around her neck in the menagerie? (A snake.)

    What did Pippi once put on her head? (To the jar.)

    Pippi's riddle: “They go, they go, they won’t leave their place.” (Watch)


Word invented by Pippi ( Kukaryamba)

Librarian: Pippi, tell us why you brought this suitcase with you.

Pippi: Don't you like my suitcase? It's so wonderful, it's fun to play!

Librarian: But how to play it?

Pippi: Like this! You open it, take out what you need, close it again.

Librarian: That's all?

Pippi: No, then you open it, put everything in there and close it.

Librarian: What a game! What an inventor you are!

Pippi: And you can put whatever you want in it: bubbles, boxes, jars, candies. I still have many secrets, but I will tell you one. I always take an empty bottle with me when I travel because my father taught me not to forget an empty bottle.

Librarian: Why is it needed?

Pippi: Haven't you ever heard of bottle mail? Guys, have any of you heard of bottle mail? When they ask for help, they write a note. They seal it in a bottle and throw it into the sea. Then it will fall into the hands of those who will save you. Like this!

(Approaches the guys.) You’re sitting there sad, your stomach probably hurts. I will help you. I am very well versed in all diseases and I think that you should chew a hot rag - this remedy will definitely help. I've tried it many times.

Librarian: Oh, no need to scare the guys with such advice.

Pippi: I was joking. What a liar I am, I always make up something. To attract attention.

Librarian: And we also know. What's your favorite thing? favorite hobby- give gifts.

Pippi: Yes, that's right, and I have a surprise for you. I have items in my suitcases. Which ones will be useful to you at school, but try to guess which ones.

1. Magic wand

I have friends

With this stick

I can build:

Tower. Airplane

And a huge ship.

To make it

Requires graphite and wood.

2. This item is a master at erasing what is written. (Eraser)

3. At first they were wax tablets, they wrote on them with steel sticks, then they were boards on which they wrote with a stylus and washed them with a cloth, and now they are made of paper. (Notebooks.)

And lastly, guess my favorite riddle:

4. With legs, but without arms, with a back, but without a head. (Chair.)

Pippi: Kukaryamba! How smart you are! This is what it means to go to school! Well, it's time for me to hit the road. After all, there is still a lot to learn and find. I had a lot of fun with you. It’s just a pity that not all the children know me. But that's okay. I'm waiting for you on the pages of my book. See you.

Librarian: Goodbye, Pippi! We look forward to your visit again and again.

Literary quiz based on the fairy tale by Astrid Lindgren

"Pippi Longstocking"

Goal: acquaintance with the works of Astrid Lindgren, development of reading competence.

Objectives: formation of communicative, regulatory, cognitive UUD.

Expected result: formation of cognitive and social activity of students.

Preparatory stage of the quiz

1. Introduction to the fairy tale “Pippi Longstocking”.

2. Students prepare questions for the quiz.

3. Preparation of a presentation of the writer’s biography by a creative group of children (three students).

4. Selection of an expert group from class students.

5. Identification of questions for the quiz by experts under the guidance of a teacher.

6. Inviting four to five high school students to serve on the jury.

Main stage of the quiz

Equipment and materials:


Hat with pictures of Pippi, Tommy, Annika, King Ephraim (5-6 of each);

Sheets of paper in A 3, A 4 format;

Colored pencils, felt-tip pens;


Certificates to the winners and sweet prizes;

Colored ribbons;

Four pairs of high heels;

Moving music.

Classroom setup: tables are arranged for 4 groups to work, tables for the jury.

Forming teams: Students enter the classroom and take a piece of paper from a hat with a picture of one of the heroes. In accordance with the chosen image, they are seated at the tables.

Competition 1.

Choosing a name, motto, emblem associated with the hero of the draw.

Team presentation.

Evaluation criteria: participation in the work of each group member, correspondence of the team name, motto, emblem to the hero, the characteristics of his character.

Presentation of work results creative group– presentation with biography of Astrid Lindgren and comments on the presentation slides:

Slide 1. It all started with snow falling outside in Stockholm. And an ordinary housewife named Astrid Lindgren slipped and injured her leg. Lying in bed turned out to be desperately boring, and Mrs. Lindgren decided to write a book.

Slide 2. Fru Lindgren wrote her book for her daughter and... for another child. The same girl that she herself was some twenty years ago.

Slide 3. At that time, Lindgren’s name was not Lindgren at all, but Astrid Erikson. She was born on November 14, 1907 in southern Sweden, in the small town of Vimmerby. She lived with her parents in an estate called Nes.

Slide 4. The family and his wife Hannah had four children: the tomboy Gunnar and three inseparable girls - Astrid, Stina and Ingegerd.

Yes, it was great being the Ericksons' daughter! It was also great to wallow in the snow with my brother and sisters until exhaustion in the winter, and lie on sun-warmed stones in the summer, inhale the smell of hay and listen to the corncrake singing. And then play, play from morning until evening.

Slide 5. In 1914, Astrid went to school. She studied well, and the creative girl was especially gifted with literature.

Slide 6. At the age of 16, Miss Erikson decided to start independent life. She became a proofreader for a newspaper in a nearby town and was the first of the girls in the area to cut her long hair.

Slide 7. When Astrid turned eighteen, she went to the capital of Sweden, Stockholm, in search of work.

After a long search, Miss Erikson found a job at the Royal Motorists Society. A few months later she married her boss Sture Lindgren.

Slide 7. So the office worker Miss Erikson turned into a housewife Mrs. Lindgren. That same inconspicuous housewife who once wrote a book for her daughter.

It was a fairy tale - "Pippi Longstocking". The book quickly became popular.
The writer described her heroine this way: “... This is what she looked like: her carrot-colored hair was braided into two tight braids sticking out in different directions; the nose looked like a tiny potato, and besides, it was speckled with freckles; White teeth sparkled in his large, wide mouth. She was wearing a blue dress, but apparently she didn’t have enough blue material, she embroidered some scraps here and there. She had long thin stockings on her legs: one was brown, the other was black. And the huge shoes seemed about to fall off..."

Comic warm-up. Team representatives draw Pippi with their eyes closed (on A4 size sheets).

Competition 2.

Quiz on questions:

1. Say Pippi's full name.

(Peppilotta Viktualia Rulgardina Chrisminta Ephraimsdotter Longstocking)

2. Draw verbal portrait Pippi.

(Two pigtails, a potato nose, freckles, different striped stockings, big black shoes).
3. Name the main characters of the fairy tale?

(Pippi, Annika, Tommy, Mr. Nilsson, Horse, etc.)

4. How did Pippi meet Tommy and Annika?

(During a walk).

5. How did Pippi sleep?

(She slept: her feet were on the pillow, and her head was where people’s feet were).

6. How did Pippi save the children from the burning house?

(Nilson helped her tie a rope to a tree and with the help of a rope and a board she saved the kids).

7. Where did Annika and Tommy go with Pippi? And why did mom let them go?
(Tommy and Annika were sick and pale. Therefore, their mother sent them to a black island with Pippi and her dad, Captain Ephraim).

8. Why, according to the heroes of the fairy tale, is it bad to be an adult?
(Pippi: “Grown-ups never really have fun...” Annika: “The main thing is that they don’t know how to play.”)

9. How does Pippi differ from other children? Illustrate with examples from the text.

(Internal differences are important).

Competition 3.

"Dance of King Ephraim"

Each team invents and dances a dance of the residents of Veselia to the music suggested by the host.

Competition 4.

"In the name of Pippi"

Teams dress up one of the students as Pippi, tie bows, draw freckles, and put on shoes.


“Pippi” students play tug of war in pairs. Then the two strongest students compete.


Team awards.


Subject. A. Lindgren “Pippi Longstocking”

Target: expand the literary horizons of children, continue acquaintance with the work of A. Lindgren; work on reading expressiveness; learn to analyze a work of art, determine main idea; teach to feel the word, humor; give children the opportunity to demonstrate their erudition; instill interest in learning the Russian language.

Planned results: students will learn to read works consciously and expressively; characterize the characters and their actions; tell the content of the text based on illustrations; participate in the discussion of problem situations.

Lesson format: conversation, quiz.

Method: explanatory and illustrative.

Form of work: collective, individual, group.

Equipment: board, handouts, children's drawings.

During the classes:

I. Communicating the topic and objectives of the lesson.

I I. New material.

1.What did you learn about Astrid Lindgren? (children's answers)

August 13, 2005 residents Stockholm , the capital of Sweden observed an unusual parade . Children walked along the streets of different ages, they all wore red wigs with pigtails and painted freckles. So Sweden noted 60th anniversary forever young heroine Astrid Lindgren Peppilotta-Victualina-Rollergarden-Long-Stocking.

It is impossible to imagine that there are children in the world who have never read books about Pippi Longstocking.

And this story began like this...

Winter, ice. An unknown woman, a secretary-typist by profession, is walking through the city...

Suddenly - boom! Slipped, fell, woke up - cast! I broke my leg. She lay in bed for a long time, and in order not to get bored, she took a notepad and pencil and began to write a fairy tale.

She came up with it earlier, when her daughter was sick and kept asking:

Mom, tell me something!

What should I tell you?

“Tell me about Pippi Longstocking,” she replied.

She came up with this name at that very moment, and since this name was unusual, Astrid Lindgren, and it was she, also came up with an unusual baby.

And when that same trouble happened with her leg, she decided to write a book for her daughter’s birthday.

Then the book was published, and the whole world came to know and love the writer Astrid Lindgren and the amazing girl Pippi Longstocking.

True, in Sweden they call it Pippi, This is exactly what the name sounds like in your native language.

We read the book in Russian. Who helped us do this?

Library Component

Book structure

Let us repeat once again the information about who he is:

Translator specialist in translation from one language to another.

Where can we find the name of the book's translator? On the title page, on the back title page, in the bibliographic description, in the table of contents (if it is a collection).

Please provide the translator's name.

Our translators decided that it would be more harmonious to speak in Russian Pippi . And for several generations of children in our country this is what they call the red-haired girl.

2. Quiz on the work.

How dull and boring it was in the small Swedish town: local ladies drank coffee for a long time and had empty conversations, the school trustee Miss Rosenblum instilled terrible fear in all the children, the children stood sadly for a long time at the window of a candy store, and the bully Laban committed mischief with impunity at the fair. But at the same time, all the residents were very pleased with themselves, most of all they valued peace and quiet, they always repeated the same words and could not stand children.

    This town is so small that there is only 3 attractions. Which? / Local history museum, mound, villa “Chicken”.

    In the garden of a villa wearing so much proud name, stands oak. IN good year You can pick unusual fruits from it:..? / Lemonade, chocolates, if you water it well, it can grow French rolls and veal chops.

    This is where Pippi settled. How old is she? / 9 years.

Question for discussion:

Is Pippi an ordinary girl? Support this with examples from the text:

    the strongest, the most cheerful, the funniest, the kindest and fairest;

    fidgety, slobish, gourmet, loves to lie.

    Her hair colors carrots, braided into two tight braids, sticking out in different directions. What vegetable does her nose look like? / For a tiny potato .

    And if her nose turns white, that can only mean one thing...? / Pippi is very angry.

    Everything is unusual about this girl. She even sleeps differently. How? / Putting your feet on the pillow and your head under the blanket.

Question for discussion:

Pippi's mom is an angel in heaven, dad is a black king on a distant island. Tommy and Annika think that Is Pippi lonely? Pippi doesn't agree with this. And you? / Children's answers.

    Do you remember the painting “A Very Lonely Rooster” hanging in Carlson’s house? There is also a painting in Pippi's house. Who is depicted on it? / The painting, painted directly on the wallpaper, depicts a fat lady in a black hat and red dress. The lady holds a yellow flower in one hand and a dead rat in the other.

    Pippi had a dream: when she grows up, she will become...? / Sea robber.

    Before settling in the Chicken Villa, Pippi visited a variety of countries. It was in this country that Pippi learned to sleep with her feet on a pillow. ( Guatemala )

    In this country, everyone walks backwards. ( Egypt )

    There is not a person here who would say at least one truthful word. ( Belgian Congo )

    Little residents of this country do nothing but eat candy at school. ( Argentina )

    And in this country, no one goes out into the street without thickly smearing egg on their head. ( Brazil )

    Here, according to Pippi, all the children are sitting in puddles. ( America )

    In this country, everyone walks on their hands. ( India )

Question for discussion:

Why did the adults of the town decide that the girl should be sent to Orphanage? Do you agree with their opinion? / “All children should have someone to raise them. All children should go to school and learn their multiplication tables.”

    By the way, the school in this town, according to Pippi, is amazing. A child cries if he was not allowed to go to school or the teacher forgot to assign problems to them. And the teacher herself is a champion. In what sport? / A triple spit with a jump.

    Pippi spent only one day at this school and managed to get to know multiplication table? With knowledge of the matter, she told the residents of Veselia that 7 × 7 = 102. Why? / “Here (in Veselia) everything is different, and the climate is completely different, and the land is so fertile that 7 × 7 must definitely be more than ours.”

    “He was wearing a loincloth made of bast, a golden crown on his head, several rows of large pearls on his neck, in one hand he held a spear and in the other a shield. He had nothing else on, and his thick, hairy legs were decorated at the ankles with gold bracelets.” Who is this? / Pope Ephraim, the black king.

    How did he become the king of the island of Veseliya? / Papa Ephraim was washed away from his schooner by a wave, but he did not drown. He was washed ashore. Locals they were going to take him prisoner, but when he tore a palm tree out of the ground with his bare hands, they changed their minds and even chose him as king.

    Papa Ephraim is very strong and brave. But there is something that he is very afraid of. This…? / Tickling.


3. Working with the textbook.

Reading the passage “How Pippi looks for cucaryamba” by well-prepared students in roles.

    Surprises from Pippi.”

I received letters from those who are related to the story “Pippi Longstocking”. Just three letters. And in every letter there is a question. Now you will work in groups on these questions.

Envelope first. Question from Pippi's friend, the boy Tommy. “Our friend Pippi is an extraordinary girl. She is very kind, she is a great dreamer, an inventor, it is always interesting to be with her. But Pippi also has a quality that any boy would envy. What is this quality and when does she use it?” (Great physical strength, used when it is necessary to protect the weak and restore justice).

The second envelope. A letter from the girl Annika: “As you know, Pippi is very kind girl. She loves to give gifts to children. So she gave Tommy and me a lot of elegant and valuable things. But one day Tommy and I gave Pippi a gift: on her birthday. “Pippi grabbed the package and frantically unwrapped it. There was a large music box there. Out of happiness and joy, Pippi hugged Tommy, then Annika, then the music box, then green wrapping paper. Then she began to turn the handle - with tinkling and whistling, a melody poured out...” What melody sounded from the music box? The same melody sounds in one of Andersen’s fairy tales you know. Name her . (“Ah, my dear Augustine, Augustine...” Andersen’s fairy tale “The Swineherd”).

Envelope three. A question from Pippi Longstocking herself. Every child thinks about what he will be when he grows up. I thought about this more than once too. At first I had two desires - to become a Noble Lady or a sea robber, but I chose a sea robber. But I soon realized that it was best to stay in childhood forever and never become old. Tommy, Annika, and I swallowed special pills and chanted a spell: “I’ll swallow the pill, I don’t want to become old.”

Why do you think I decided to stay forever in the country of my childhood, why didn’t I want to become an adult? (“Adults never really have fun. They are busy with boring work or fashion magazines, ruin their mood with all sorts of stupid things, and most importantly, they don’t know how to play.”)

For correct answers, the children are awarded prizes and souvenirs “from Pippi.”

    Extracurricular activity by work

    Astrid Lindgren

    "Pippi Longstocking."


    IN common system literary education at school, in addition to the main lessons, lessons play an important role extracurricular reading. At them, students get acquainted with works that go beyond the scope of the school textbook, which helps broaden the horizons of schoolchildren and develop an interest in reading outside of school. However, even these lessons cannot fully satisfy the diverse interests of schoolchildren or meet their needs for independent communication with a book. Noteworthy is the fact that the most beloved, memorable works of children's literature are those that were read not according to the program, but on their own initiative. At the same time, in last decade Another trend is becoming more and more clear - a decrease in interest in reading, a decline in the authority of the book. Priority is given to television, video, computer games. As a rule, when asked whether you read in free time non-curricular works - the answers are: from time to time, I read only what is asked, I have no desire to read, etc. In this regard, the problem of developing students’ independent reading skills arises.

    Extracurricular reading lessons should differ in their methodology from ordinary literature lessons. These classes are held not every day, not even every week, but several times a quarter, and therefore must be non-standard in form, memorable for a long time for students. It is very important to attract the attention of schoolchildren to independent reading, teach them to see themselves as a reader, evaluate their strengths and weaknesses, and be aware of both the volume and quality of reading.

    Competitive" and creative character literary assignments allows the teacher to implement in extracurricular reading lessons various purposes: identifying the level of reading of schoolchildren and their literary development, formation of students' ability to aesthetic perception work of art, determination of state of ownership theoretical foundations the subject being studied, developing practical skills in working with text and many others.

    Astrid Lindgren "Pippi Longstocking"

    « Reading doesn't mean anything;

    that’s the main point.”

    K.D. Ushinsky

    Target : encourage students to read fiction.


    educational : learn competent work with a book;

    developing : develop students' creative abilities;

    educational : education of students careful attitude to the book;

    courage, truthfulness, mutual assistance, the ability to value friendship.


      Book exhibition works by Astrid Lindgren.

      Projector, screen, computer, multimedia presentation.

    I. introduction teachers.

    We continue the tradition of library lessons.

    Today is the anniversary of the book by Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren

    "Pippi Longstocking"

    "I hope that maybe

    my books will help to instill in little ones

    readers greater humanity,

    greater understanding of other people."

    Astrid Lindgren

    "Pippi even in her most terrible

    pranks remain touching and

    defenseless girl, with a very kind


    Greta Bulin and Eva von Zweigberg

    II. Students' stories.

    1 student:

    “If you look at the world map, then in the northwest, almost at the North Pole, you will see a large shaggy dog...

    This is the Scandinavian peninsula. It contains two of the most Nordic countries Europe - Norway and Sweden. This peninsula looks shaggy on the map because its shores are very uneven: there are a great many

    narrow bays - fjords, rocky peninsulas - skerries...

    Sweden occupies the belly of the dog-shaped peninsula and its huge green front paw. It is on this “paw” - in other words, on the eastern coast of the Scandinavian Peninsula - that it is located

    The capital of Sweden is Stockholm..."

    2nd student:

    The Scandinavian Peninsula is the largest in Europe. The Kingdom of Sweden stretches along this peninsula for 1600 km from the north


    The capital of Sweden is Stockholm. This is the most Big city country, a major port and industrial center.

    Stockholm is located on the banks of a strait connecting the lake

    with the sea, on 14 islands connected by bridges.

    “I was born in an old red house surrounded by an apple orchard. I was the second child in the family... The estate in which we lived was called - and still is called - Nes, and it is located very close to the small town of Vimmerby, in Småland...”

    Astrid Lindgren

    The future famous writer Astrid Lindgren - Astrid Anna Emilia Eriksson - was born on November 14, 1907 in the province of Småland in southern Sweden into a family of farmers.

    Her parents, Samuel and Hannah Eriksson, selflessly loved each other and their children: son Gunnar and daughters Astrid, Stina and Ingegerd.

    3rd student:

    Astrid wrote her first book at the age of 37, it was called “Britt-Marie Pours Out Her Soul.” The book unexpectedly took second place in a children's and youth literature competition.

    But her second book brought sensational fame to the writer -

    "Pippi Longstocking" (1945).

    "Pippi Longstocking" was born thanks to Karin, daughter

    Astrid Lindgren. The girl got sick, and every day Astrid spent a long time

    spent time at her daughter’s bedside, telling her all sorts of stories. One day

    the girl asked to tell about Pippi Longstocking. So Astrid

    Lindgren started writing a story about a girl who doesn't obey

    no rules or conditions.

    Quiz #1

    1 . Name the main characters of the fairy tale?

    (Pippi, Annika, Tommy, Mr. Nilsson, Horse, etc.)

    2 . Who is Pippi Longstocking?

    How old is she?

    Who are her parents?

    (Girl. She is 9 years old. Her mother died when she was very young. Her father is a sea captain, but one day, during a strong storm, he was washed away by a wave and disappeared. She was left alone.)

    3 . Who are Tommy and Annika? How did Pippi meet them?

    (They are brother and sister. They lived next to the Chicken Villa. They met during a walk.)

    4 . What did Pippi look like?

    (Two pigtails, a potato nose, freckles, different striped stockings, big black shoes.)

    5 . What did Pippi take with her when she left her father’s ship?

    (Mr. Nilsson, a large suitcase filled with gold coins.)

    6 . Who put Pippi to bed? And how did she sleep?

    (She put herself to bed. She slept: her feet were on the pillow, and her head was there,

    where are people's legs?

    7. What is "Syrk" and what happened there?

    (Pippi rode a horse, walked on a tightrope, and interfered with the strongman.)

    8 . How did Pippi save the children from a burning house?

    (Nilsson helped her tie a rope to a tree and with the help of a rope and a board she saved the kids.)

    9 . Why didn't Pippi sail away with her father?

    (She was sorry to part with her friends, she did not want anyone in the world to cry because of her and feel unhappy.)

    10 . Where did Annika and Tommy go with Pippi? And why did mom let them go?

    (Tommy and Annika were sick and poor. Therefore, their mother sent them to a black island with Pippi and her dad, Captain Ephraim.)

    11 . Why, according to the heroes of the fairy tale, is it bad to be an adult?

    (Pippi: “Grown-ups never really have fun...”

    Annika: “The main thing is that they don’t know how to play.”)

    12 . About which of the heroes of the fairy tale can we say that he has “ warm heart"? Prove with examples.

    (Gifts for Annika and Tommy; I bought all the sweets for the children in the store.)

    13 .Where did the horse that belonged to Pippi Longstocking live?

    On the veranda

    Quiz #2

    1.Who was Mr. Nilsson?

    a) a monkey

    b) horse

    c) a person

    2 .How Tommy and Annika succeeded
    lure the heroine to school?

    a) kindness Fröken

    b) holidays

    c) a promise of fun

    3 .Arriving at the circus, the heroine always

    jumped into the arena. Who didn’t the amazing girl perform as?

    a) a clown

    b) strongman

    c) tightrope walker

    d) wrestler

    4. Our heroine showed true heroism in saving children. When it was?

    a) during a flood

    b) in case of fire

    c) during a robbery

    5 .What is the name of the schooner?

    a) “Hustler”

    b) "Jumper"

    c) “Running on the Waves”

    6. What did Pippi use when writing when there were not enough letters?

    a) hieroglyphs

    b) drawings

    c) numbers

    III. Reading essays about Pippi's new adventure.

    Children read.

    Shagidullina Aliya, 3B grade student.

    Pippi's journey.

    I woke up and thought that the morning would be the most ordinary. But I didn't know how wrong I was. And suddenly I began to notice strange things. Firstly, the clock that usually hung on the wall disappeared. That crib with Mr. Nilsson mysteriously disappeared. And on the walls there were pictures of roosters. I got up and went to the window. What a shock: the house was on the roof. Now I knew for sure that I was not in my small and calm city. Here is proof of this: in my city it was winter, the roads, houses, trees were covered with a soft and white blanket, but here the sun was shining and, probably, it was summer. My first thought was that I was kidnapped by pirates. I thought that I would never play with Tommy and Annika again, that I would never stroke Mr. Nilsson’s furry head, that I would never sail the seas with Dad on the ship Jumper. And then I heard a buzzing sound, I got scared and hid behind the curtain. A small man with a propeller on his back flew into the room. I had never seen such a miracle and laughed out loud. Carlson and I quickly found mutual language. He turned out to be the same entertainer and naughty guy as me. We frolicked all day, ran across the roofs and flew. I don’t remember how I fell asleep in Carlson’s crib.

    I woke up, stretched, looked around and was horrified. I was in wooden house, there were seven beds in a row, a huge table in the middle, seven large bowls on the table, and seven portraits hanging on the walls. And one could guess that these were heroes and, of course, brothers. I went out onto the porch and saw that the house was in a dense forest. I walked along the path, but soon it ended. I realized that I was lost. A dull growl was heard behind the trees, and a bear appeared. I wanted to push him away, but I couldn’t. I was not the strongest in this forest. Now I was truly scared. And then the bear was pierced by a spear. It turned out to be seven heroes. They took me home, and on the way I fell asleep.

    I woke up already at home. Everything was as before. I got up, got dressed and went to Tommy and Annika. I told them about my adventure, but Tommy and Annika said it was just a dream.


    1.What kind of socks did Pippi wear? (Multicolored).

    2.What was the name of the ship on which Pippi traveled? (Jumper)
    Z. Which girl did Pippi watch the play about? (Aurora).

    4. How much money did Pippi have? (Yes, a suitcase).

    5.What animal lived with Pippi? (Horse).

    6. What was Pippi's father's name? (King Ephraim - Longstocking, lord

    7. How many times did Tommy and Annika sail on the Jumping Ship? (Once).

    Which positive traits Pippi's character?

    What did you like about this book?

    “If trouble befalls you, be brave, take care of your friends, be attentive to people.”

    R. I. Fraerman