May 27 is All-Russian Librarian's Day of Libraries. Libraries are the special forces of culture. Poems about libraries and librarians

The holiday is called differently: Library Day or Librarian's Day.

Librarian's Day is about respect for the profession and recognition of its importance. Congratulations are accepted by people working in this field.

This is also a holiday for the entire “reading” population of the country who visits libraries.

Of course, it is important to know the history of the holiday, how to celebrate it, what gift to give to a loved one or a work colleague.

This day helps to strengthen and expand the spiritual heritage of all eras and times.

Importance of Libraries

A book is concentrated wisdom, a teacher who does not require gratitude.

Together with the heroes of the works, you experience joy and sorrow, fight, love, believe, hope.

After reading a book, you understand yourself better; it is your interlocutor and friend. The term library with Greek language translated as “place for storing books.”

Today Russia is one of the most reading countries, with more than 150,000 libraries. Visitors will always be informed by knowledgeable, experienced staff.

Public libraries, as well as private collections of books, make up the country's book treasury.

This holiday is not only for workers in this field: librarians, bibliographers, bibliographers, but also for those who work in libraries - frequent guest, loves to read books.

The librarian develops the area of ​​spiritual culture. It is not always easy to understand the vast flow of information and books published today.

A librarian comes to the rescue. He is familiar with the book collection and will be able to advise, prompt, and answer an exciting question.

New times present new ways of existence. Modern libraries are being modernized to include microfilms, transparencies, video and audio cassettes, as well as documents in electronic form.

Today, libraries are equipped with modern office equipment.

Libraries have existed for a long time, but their popularity came after the population became literate.

People became interested in reading books, and therefore in libraries, from the moment when Soviet times done school education mandatory.

They supplied the population with books; a person does not need to buy a book, he just needs to go to the library and choose the work he likes.

In Russia, the holiday was approved by the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin. In 1995, according to Decree No. 539 “On the establishment of an all-Russian library day.” The celebration date is set for May 27.

History of libraries

The first books date back to the Sumerian period. They were clay tablets.

They were stored in clay jugs, standing on shelves, which were “signed” with small clay tablets, informing about the branch of knowledge of the first “books”.

The funds were protected in the spirit of those ancient times. The inscription in the first library stated that the wrath of the gods would fall on the person who dared to take away the table.

The Arab Caliphate had great respect for libraries, calling them “houses of wisdom.”

Before crossing the threshold of the library, a person approached the source located at the entrance and performed ablution. Visitors anointed themselves directly on the floor covered with carpets.

The title of the largest library of antiquity is rightfully given to Alexandria, founded in the 3rd century BC.

A part of the complex was allocated for it, which included botanical and zoological gardens, an observatory, living quarters, reading rooms and, finally, the library itself, consisting of 700 thousand documents and 200 thousand papyri.

The first library in Rus' was founded in 1037 by Yaroslav the Wise at the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv.

If you go back into the past of Russia and look into the medieval monastery library, you can see workshops where manuscripts were copied - church scriptures or works of antiquity.

The process was extremely labor-intensive, books were expensive, so in libraries they were chained to shelves.

Fun fact

There is such a practice - mobile library points. This applies to remote areas and a certain group of citizens: the disabled, the elderly.

Buses and vans are used for transportation, and in Zimbabwe donkeys are used for these purposes.

How to celebrate Librarian's Day

This day is celebrated at work, with colleagues, and among loved ones. The holiday will be fun and will be remembered for a long time if you prepare a thoughtful scenario that includes cheerful banquets, concerts, competitions, songs, dances, and congratulatory poems.

This is not only a holiday, but also a moment when pressing issues are voiced and problems related to the activities of libraries are solved.

When is the holiday celebrated in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus?

It was on May 27 that Catherine II, Empress of All Rus', with an imperious hand signed the document on the creation of the Imperial Public Library. Today it is called Russian National Library and is considered one of the largest in the world.

The CIS countries continue to celebrate Librarian's Day. Each country chose its own date for the celebration.

For example, Ukraine celebrates September 30, and the Republic of Belarus – September 15 (the date was chosen due to the fact that the National Library was founded in the country on the same day in 1922).

What to give for Librarian's Day

A gift to a librarian should emphasize the importance of the profession. If you congratulate a woman, then you should remember that regardless of her field of activity, she belongs to the fair half who loves cute trinkets.

Choose a tasteful souvenir for her - a mirror in a luxurious frame or a box, a case for mobile phone, decorated with stones and beads. A bouquet of flowers will enhance the impression of any gift.

On May 27th, librarians preserving cultural heritage and informing the population about it are worthy of the most sincere wishes.

Express your affection for a person of this profession using original gift which will please him. May his soul be filled with joy and warmth.

There is a legend about the Liberia of Ivan the Terrible - a unique collection of works.

Give a painted mouse as a gift; the gift will be useful both at home and at work. An original and exquisite gift would be, for example, a crystal painting that will delight a person working in the field of spiritual values.

A bright, cozy hammock will allow you to enjoy reading a book on fresh air. The main thing is, when choosing a gift, do not forget that a librarian is just a woman.

Who loves and knows the works of Russian and world classics more than a librarian? The librarian will be glad to receive a portrait of his favorite poet or writer.

It would be appropriate to present a portrait of Catherine II as the founder of the first library in Russia.


The day emphasizes the importance of this profession and the libraries themselves for introducing the people of the country to the eternal and unshakable spiritual heritage.

A librarian who carefully treats the material entrusted to him preserves the heritage of the nation, the fruits of human genius, concentrated in book publications.

With the advent of network technologies, libraries are losing their former power. Any book can be downloaded from the Internet. It seems that libraries are becoming obsolete. But reality gives a slightly different picture; the electronic version of books is not suitable for everyone. Modern libraries are equipped with the latest technologies.

People do not stop visiting their usual book abode. The largest libraries are still in demand and loved by the people today.

All-Russian Library Day is a professional holiday for library workers. Everyone associated with these institutions has something to do with the holiday: their employees, support staff. Archives workers, teachers, and students of specialized educational institutions consider him theirs. All those who have received appropriate education, their relatives, acquaintances, friends and close people take part in the event.

In Russia, All-Russian Library Day in 2020 is celebrated on May 27 and is held at the official level 26 times.

Significance: the holiday is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Imperial Public Library.

The holiday is marked by ceremonial events at which library workers accept congratulations. Distinguished employees are awarded certificates and bonuses. Library teams organize feasts and field trips.

Contents of the article

History of the holiday

The modern custom of celebrating Librarian's Day in Russia dates back to May 27, 1995. The presidential decree fixed the date in the list of memorable events of the state. It is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the founding of the Imperial Public Library in 1795. The event was established by Presidential Decree Russian Federation dated May 27, 1995 “On the establishment of an all-Russian Library Day.” The document was signed by B. Yeltsin.

This establishment was the first of its kind. Had access to his vaults wide circle residents. First person document Russian state recommends that authorities and local governments conduct events aimed at supporting and popularizing libraries. They should pay attention to the role of books in the processes of development of society, science, and culture. Celebrations are widespread only in a professional environment.

Holiday traditions

Librarian's Day 2020 in the Russian Federation is marked by feasts among colleagues, relatives, friends, acquaintances and close people. Congratulations, wishes for health and success are heard, toasts end with the clink of glasses. Those gathered at the event discuss news, tell stories from life, everyday work, share impressions and plans for the future. The management gives speeches and issues certificates of honor as a token of gratitude for their work. Valuable gifts are presented, one of the most desired and widespread of which are rare books.

On this day it is customary to attend cultural events: concerts of dance and song groups, film screenings, performances, exhibitions. Another popular tradition is going out into nature. Here dishes are prepared over an open fire and leisure time is spent under open air. Often radio and television news reports talk about memorable date, programs dedicated to the profession and related topics are broadcast. All-Russian Library Day is a tribute and recognition of the importance of the work of all who devote themselves to the industry.

Daily task

Make a list of books you plan to read during the year. Then go to the library and pick up the book that is number one on your list.


“Dear librarians and simply connoisseurs of literature, we congratulate you on All-Russian Library Day. Thanks to these institutions, the connection between man and book is still alive, although it is being repressed modern technologies. We wish that everything more people visited reading rooms and got subscription cards in libraries. Support domestic authors and meet foreigners. Remember that a book is the best interlocutor, adviser and friend.”

“Dear and dear library employees, writers, poets and all book lovers! We are happy to congratulate you on All-Russian Library Day today! We wish everyone interesting discoveries, useful knowledge, wonderful events in life. May amazingly interesting and exciting novels, poems, cautionary tales, beautiful poems and works of art wonderful authors."

“The librarian is the keeper of the book temple. You protect the knowledge accumulated over centuries. We can find ancient books in your file cabinets. Allow me to congratulate you on this holiday from the bottom of my heart. May your whole life be cheerful, bright and full. Never be discouraged, never lose heart. May the path you choose be straight and clear, may your work bring only inspiration. Happiness, peace, kindness and smiles to you.


Gift certificate. A gift certificate to a bookstore will serve as a pleasant present that will allow you to choose a book that you like.

Subscribe to the magazine. An annual subscription to your favorite magazine or newspaper will be a thematic and practical gift.

Notebook. A personalized notebook in leather binding will be an original gift that will allow you to take notes and keep the necessary notes at hand.


Literary crocodile
Before the competition, it is necessary to prepare in advance forfeits with the names of famous literary characters: Anna Karenina, Evgeny Onegin, Harry Potter, Quasimodo and others. The first participant in the competition chooses a forfeit at random and, without words, tries to portray the hidden character. Whoever is the first to correctly name the hero is the next to enter the game.

Write your story
The presenter makes a wish for something famous fairy tale. For example, “Little Red Riding Hood” or “Kolobok”. Then the participants of the competition are asked literary genres: detective, comedy, drama, horror, epic. Then each contestant must retell the fairy tale in accordance with the chosen style. The most resourceful storyteller wins.

All guests of the competition can take part in the competition. The presenter gives the task to come up with a congratulation in alphabetical order. Each participant speaks short phrase, which begins with the corresponding letter of the alphabet.

  • The most large library in the world - the Library of Congress in Washington, which contains 75 million various names books, including audio and video recordings, photographs.
  • Biblical kleptomania is a disease characterized by an excessive love of books and the desire to appropriate library copies. Stephen Bloomberg, who suffered from this disease, stole about 23 thousand books from 268 libraries in different countries peace.
  • The most frequently stolen public library is the Guinness Book of Records.
  • The Harvard University library has a collection of books made from human skin.
  • IN medieval Europe In public libraries, books were attached to the shelves using chains. The length of the chain made it possible to remove the book from the shelf and read it, but did not allow it to be taken outside the building. This rule was due to the high cost of books.
  • In the ancient Egyptian city of Alexandria, there was a rule according to which all ships that entered the port were required to hand over the books on board for copying.

About the profession

The volume of knowledge created by humanity in its life activities grows every year. One of the most common storage media for centuries has been paper. For their universal access, special institutions have been created - libraries.

Specialists provide services to readers who wish to obtain or use in their activities the knowledge contained in the library collections. Employees provide proper storage, accounting and replenishment of the institution’s property. Establishments can have a social and industry focus. The latter refers to a highly specialized area of ​​interest to a certain range of professions.

One becomes a librarian after receiving specialized education at secondary or higher level educational institution. It acquires the necessary knowledge to conduct further activities. These include the ability to work not only with material assets, but also with electronic databases, catalogues, and accounting automation tools.

This holiday in other countries

Many countries around the world celebrate World Library Day on the last Monday of October.

Recognition of the significant role of libraries in the life of the modern Russian state is important task modernity. The wealth of libraries and their importance in society grew rapidly as humanity made more and more discoveries in understanding itself and the world around it.

Libraries contain all the knowledge that has been accumulated over generations different nations on a very long historical path. Every year on May 27, our country celebrates Library Day. This significant day is a professional holiday for all librarians in Russia.

This holiday dates back to 1995 and was established by the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin. It was the first president of the Russian Federation who issued Decree No. 539 “On the establishment of an all-Russian library day” in 1995.

First library

The day of May 27 was not chosen by chance. After all, this very day is the date of foundation of the first state public library in Russia - the Imperial Public Library, which now bears the name of the Russian National Library.

The history of librarianship is an important part of the history and culture of the entire society.

The very first library in Rus' is the library at St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, which was founded by Yaroslav the Wise in 1037.

Profession librarian

From century to century the librarian has occupied, and will continue to occupy, an important place in public life, since he works in the field of spiritual culture. Perhaps the work of a librarian is not as noticeable as the work of a doctor or teacher, and it is impossible to see any final result of their work. But the impact their work has on society is invaluable.

It can be difficult to navigate the huge flow of literature published today.

And a librarian who is well acquainted with the book collection can always give advice on where to find the answer to a question of interest.

And therefore, Library Day is not only a professional holiday, it is also a recognition of the importance of this profession.

Don’t forget that the wonderful All-Russian Library Day is not only a professional holiday for bibliologists, bibliographers, librarians, teachers, it is also a holiday for all those who love books.

Library humor

Unexpected reader requests

"Woe in the Fog" ("Woe from Wit")

“The Man from Los Angeles” (I. Bunin “The Mister from San Francisco”)

“The Bourgeois Nobleman” (J.B. Moliere “The Bourgeois Nobility”)

“Poverty is not a gift” (N. Ostrovsky “Poverty is not a vice”)

“Oblomok” (I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov”)

“Cloud in Boots” (V. Mayakovsky “Cloud in Pants”)

“Prelude” (M. Gorky “In People”)

Chingiz Khan “The First Teacher” (Ch. Aitmatov “The First Teacher”)

Astafiev “Sighted Psycho” (instead of “Sighted Staff”)

McCullough "The Five Singing" ("The Thorn Birds")

Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm" and "Besprizornitsa" ("Dowry")

“Returning home from St. Petersburg” (Radishchev A. “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow”)

N.V. Gogol "Taraz Bubel" ("Taras Bulba")

E. Uspensky "School of Fools" ("School of Clowns")

"Falcon Song" by M. Gorky ("Song about the Falcon")

“A story about a small town” (M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The History of a Town”)

N.V. Gogol "On the road of the farm to Danko" ("Evenings on the farm near Dikanka")

M.Yu. Lermontov "Merchant's Wife Maria" ("Princess Mary")

V. Pikul “I wish you health” (“I have the honor”)

M. Gorky "Old Woman Baskerville" ("Old Woman Izergil")

Goncharshchikov "Oblomov" (I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov")

M. Gorky "Under water" ("At the bottom")

Anecdotes and funny stories from library life

From applications to the book depository

Reader: Give me RYASH, PISH and VOSH.
Librarian: - ???
Ch.: - Well, what’s unclear here? “Russian language at school”, “Teaching history at school” and “Educating schoolchildren”.
B.: - !!!

- Give me how man has ruined nature.

From the work plan:
“Visit current debtors at home”

Give me Komsomolskaya Pravda for this and next month.

Give me Pushkin's article about Eugene Onegin

The librarian smiles!

A reader asks
I don’t remember the author, but I need “Mash in the Nobility” - “The Bourgeois in the Nobility” by Moliere;
Yugo "Gavron" - Hugo "Gavroche";
"Gulliver's Travels with Wild Geese";
Request from a 5th grade student: “Give me everything about Icicle Castle.” They searched the entire library, and it turned out to be the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg;
"Plekhanov miniature" - " Palekh miniature";
Griboedov “Mountains and Fog”;
Griboedov “Happiness from the Mind”;
Gorky “The Old Woman from Irga”;
Gogol "Chanel";
Ostrovsky “Mayhem”;
Green “Rowing on the Waves”;
Evgrafovich “Fairy Tales” - “Fairy Tales” by Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E.;
Give me the Pskov meager charter - I mean the Pskov judicial charter;
Who wrote Marx's Capital?;
Pechorina "Lermontov";
Fantastic novel by S. Lem "Benefit" - "Solaris" by S. Lem;
About punctuation marks, - we mean “punctuation marks”;
About Bonaparte Bagration - about Napoleon Bonaparte;
Text of S. Yesenin’s poem “Anna Karenina” - “Anna Snegina”;
Scott "Ivanhoe" - W. Scott "Ivanhoe";
Give the book "Tom Cruise" - "Robinson Crusoe";
V. Julie " Mysterious island" - Jules Verne "The Mysterious Island";
Give literature about mathematical scientists;
Bruno Leske - Filippo Brunelleschi;
About the hero Civil War Brunza - about Frunze
Either “I’ll run through the taiga” or “I’ll run away through the taiga” - Arsenyev V.K. "Dersu Uzala; Through the Taiga"

Questions for all!!! :-)

Why do unscrupulous people exist?
What is chemical composition chips?
Is the crow the crow’s wife?
If possible, extend the books to yesterday’s date, I handed them in today.
The meaning of the expression “Keep yourself from an idol” - it meant “Do not make yourself an idol”
How to complain to the Strasbourg court?
Information about discoveries with imagination - give examples of discoveries made under unusual circumstances - a dream, insight, etc.
How to organize a brainstorming session?
What do the expressions mean - “Cobbler's chest”, “Hourglass stomach”, “Jellyfish head”, “Cat purring syndrome” - these are various diseases.

Fairy tale "Sit and relax. How a librarian was hired"

Poems about libraries and librarians

Sometimes you get tired of peace
And the person will get bored...
I'm in this situation
I always go to the library.
I wouldn't be able to avoid coming here.
I am connected to books forever.
And in life I'm not alone,
While I'm going to the library

Babenko G. L.

The source of knowledge is not particularly in fashion,
It’s much easier - press a key! -
And without difficulty it seems like
And he speaks when he has something to say.
No need to work with your eyes or hands
And you don’t need to strain your brain at all,
A panacea for sadness and boredom -
You look at yourself, lying down on the bed...
But you can’t compare the picture, even if it’s in motion,
With the intensity that a living syllable gives:
You read the classics, immortal creations,
You lose peace and tranquility.
They have something to say, something to tell,
What to teach descendants from century to century.
All their words are victory over grayness,
Over everything that a person should not live over.
What to choose - decide for yourself, people,
Questions in life are different for everyone.
But let the book be the main one for at least a day,
On All-Russian Library Day!

We congratulate the workers:
Not joiners, not carpenters,
Not bakers, not turners -
And in our reasonable age
Congratulations to those who work
He tries, he worries,
Who touches our soul
Within the walls of libraries!
The workers are wonderful
Clear in soul and heart,
You are so needed for society
And it's no secret!
We wish you spring
Today's mood!
Good luck and creativity to you
For many, many years!

May there be many changes in the world,
The library will not be touched by decay.
Teacher, mechanic and poet
Both a businessman and a local historian
All questions will be answered here

There are people in the library all day long,
There's a lot to do in the library.
You can visit clubs here
And study foreign
And listen to music and play KVN

Let them not talk about us often,
A team of enthusiasts is working -
True to their profession
librarians of the country!

Come to us, man

Music by N. Mishukov
Poems by O. Timmerman

Every day and every moment
In cities and villages
Book pages rustle
Sad and happy.
Libraries lights
Glowing everywhere
Come to us, man,
Come to us, man,
Join the miracle.

Chorus: La-la, la-la, la-la, la-la,
La la la
La-la, la-la, la-la
La-la, la-la, la-la, la-la,
La la la
Join the miracle.

Confirms life itself,
Arguing with the darkness:
Doesn't happen from the mind
No grief.
Our run is getting faster and faster,
The task becomes more and more difficult.
Come to us, man,
Come to us, man,
To become richer.

Chorus: La-la, la-la...
To become richer.

Let us help you take the height,
Find the way in the fog.
We are at the pilot station,
In the ocean of books.
The twenty-first century has arrived -
Don't forget about it.
Come to us, man,
Come to us, man,
Behind the magic light.

Chorus: La-la, la-la...
Behind the magic light.

B The river has opened to infinity,

AND galaxies alien worlds

B serene, mysterious, eternal

L a stream of books flows from above.

AND when the distances become clear,

ABOUT revealing to us texts of fate,

T the eager reader will learn about

E the only right way.

TO nigi generously inspire a person,

A book keeper - ......

Tatyana Borisovna Lovkova

Associate Professor of the Department of Library Science and Reading Theory, Candidate pedagogical sciences

State University culture and arts. St. Petersburg


On All-Russian Library Day
To the librarian, writer and reader beginning of the XXI century

Library, quiet glory
Deception did not last us long
Calm, comfort, fun
Only sleep and morning fog.

The librarian's calling is
Have a fighting character
We are sincerely rooting for you
For creativity and creation.

We do not wait with languor for hope -
We keep the spirit of culture alive,
So that the writer is young
I found my publications here.

We burn with love for books,
Hearts are still alive for honor
We, the reader, will dedicate
Beautiful impulses from the soul!

Comrade, believe: she will rise,
Star of native literature,
Russia will wake up from its sleep,
And on the ruins of KITCH culture
They will write our names!

Guardians of the book collection,
Where the thought of centuries shines with beauty!
The reader will find the young one or the gray one
You have the answer to all your searches!

We wish you to prosper from century to century,
The ignorant are surprised by everything.
Accept our admiration and admiration
On All-Russian Library Day!


To the librarian on All-Russian Library Day

Librarian - you! Guardian of the wonderful gates!
In your domain there is a sea of ​​tomes,
And in this cathedral rich in wisdom
You are a true reader - glad!

Here the honor of knowledge is defended in dispute,
Once entering this marvelous garden,
Among the volumes you will find - a hundredfold!
Light of truth

In a leisurely conversation.

The rustling of pages and their tart aroma
Weaving a thread of fate in a mysterious pattern,
They will tell us thousands of stories,

They will warm your soul and console you in grief -
The magical city of books is always with you -
Librarian - you! And, fabulously rich!

Congratulatory song
On All-Russian Library Day!

Ring out the voice of joy!

Sound praiseworthy choruses!

Long live book maidens!

Readers are a glorious, exalted class!

Pour a glass of champagne!

We are here together

Wine sparkles

Forget your sorrows!

Let's raise our glasses and move them together!

Long live books

Long live reason!

Let knowledge, the Sun, burn!

How this lamp fades

Before the clear sunrise of dawn,

So stupidity and stupidity always recede

Before the sun of the immortal mind!

Long live the books, may the darkness disappear!

"Captains of the Book Seas" - a scenario for an event for schoolchildren, dedicated to the profession of a librarian

Researchers believe that the first book depository in Rus' appeared a very, very long time ago - in 1037 under Yaroslav the Wise. Catherine II in 1795 issued a decree on the creation of a state library in St. Petersburg - the Imperial Public Library. It was the first library available to everyone. Later, in 1995, the President of Russia issued a decree on the celebration of All-Russian Library Day and timed it to coincide with the date of the decree issued by Catherine the Second - May 27.

Modern libraries, according to some experts, are experiencing a stage of decline. The increasing spread of the Internet and the availability of almost any information online is significantly reducing the popularity of ancient “book depositories”. However, forecasts for the future are optimistic: yes, there are a lot of problems with premises, lack of proper funding, legal problems, but libraries are something more than just a warehouse of books.

Today is library day
And the book is not forgotten now,
After all, the Internet will not give you knowledge,
And the library door is always open!

Only in the book is knowledge, in the book is life,
And in books is the wisdom of generations.
And let them hurry to the library
Readers of all ages and generations.

Congratulations to librarians today,
Thank you for your hard work,
We appreciate you and respect your books,
Let libraries come to life with renewed vigor.

Every profession has its own smell.
The smell of books on the shelves warms your soul,
You faithfully preserve human wisdom,
Tell people: “Take everything for free!”

On this day we wish you to live longer
And donate to the library every day.
May your health last for another hundred years,
Let the words witchcraft always excite you!

May you be loved, appreciated and spared,
They don’t skimp on prizes, expensive awards!
Happiness to you people. What more could you want?
You will never know either trouble or grief!

Happy holiday to all librarians! Creative inspiration, inspiration and good luck in all your endeavors! Health, changes in better side and the desire to be better. May all your everyday life be productive and successful.

Books are wisdom, a storehouse of knowledge -
Every person knows.
So let's remember
We're talking about Library Day!

The smell and rustling of pages
Will not replace the Internet.
Let the libraries live
The teachings give us light!

Happy World Library Day
I sincerely congratulate you,
More good, smart books
I wish you good luck in life.

Good luck, happiness and love to you,
Successes and victories in your work,
Let the days flow with interest
In worthy, meaningful concerns.

Let work give wisdom,
Let the world of good books beckon,
Let the energy rage
May every moment give you joy.

The library is a miracle
Like a high speed express train.
Here, opening any book,
You find yourself in a world of miracles.

You gain a ton of knowledge
And you make friends
This world cannot be forgotten
Happy library day, friends.

Happy Library Day!
From the bottom of our hearts we want to wish you now
Good health, more money
Yes, less tired at work.
The multi-genre fund is richer,
And readers - more polite, kinder.
In any case, we wish you good luck,
It makes my heart happier.
Lead children to new knowledge!
Delight people with new products!
Success, and the roads are straight to it!

How many different secrets lurking
On magical worn pages,
You're incredibly lucky
Stay in the kingdom of books constantly.

On this holiday I wish you -
Don't let work get boring
Will bring a lot of new knowledge,
Warm meetings, kindness and attention!

Happy All-Russian Library Day!
I wish you prosperity and growth.
Let our age be electronic and rapid
Persistence will not defeat readers.

Will not defeat all those who love the rustle of books,
Who appreciates books and has been in love with their smell since childhood.
Libraries paved the way for enlightenment
And enlightenment is the best inheritance.

Let technology only be your servant,
Let the flow of readers not weaken.
Librarians of health and goodness,
Let reading your favorite books warm your heart.

Congratulations today
All those who love books and reading.
After all, books reveal secrets,
How to live, love, learn and dream!

On All-Russian Library Day
We wish you all success and kindness.
Interesting and wonderful readings,
Stories about love and beauty!

Library storage workers
Today we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
We wish you a life full of positivity,
May you be wonderful and good!
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Despite the fact that the librarian profession, like libraries themselves, is gradually dying out, there are still people in our country who will celebrate their professional holiday on May 27 - Librarian's Day.

History of the holiday

This holiday was established by Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin back in 1995. According to the text of the decree, new holiday became a worthy response to the contribution of the country’s librarians to the development of cultural relations in Russian society. In his decision, the president was guided by another date that happened several centuries ago. On May 27, 1795, the first public library was founded in Russia. The assortment of the new establishment was small, but now everyone could familiarize themselves with the text. If, of course, he could read.

All-Russian Librarian Day should be widely celebrated, at least as stated in the recommendation to local governments. This urgent recommendation should not be ignored, in order to avoid possible problems. Therefore, when the day of the librarian comes, a wide variety of events are held: meetings with famous writers, literature seminars and much more. What the authorities have enough desire and resources to do.

The very first library

Officially, the first accessible library opened only at the end of the 18th century, however, according to the latest research by historians, the library operated during the time of Yaroslav the Wise, when there were no people who could read, and there were no books at all. This event is dated 1037.

In the most reading country in the world, the libraries were the best, largest and most beautiful. Huge book depositories, as they were called then in official, official language, contained the entire cultural and historical heritage of Russia, and were constantly replenished with new, ideologically correct texts, folded into thick books. First, the Bolsheviks took and robbed the loot, nationalizing all the royal libraries. Private home libraries, the number of books in which numbered more than 500 copies, also went to the benefit of the young Soviet state. In the USSR, everyone read (again, if possible), but most of all, Lenin’s faithful friend, Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya, loved books. She was not only fanatically devoted to books, but literally obsessed with literature.

The book is the source of life

In the USSR, books were treated as shrines, and libraries were turned into temples. People went there in droves and sacrificed their free time, in return taking all the necessary information, and at the same time receiving great literary pleasure.


Today the number of libraries in Russia is declining, but at the same time their number is still incredibly large: 150 thousand libraries! A huge figure that again puts our country in the category of the most reading countries. Library Day is most widely celebrated in Moscow, where the most large number so-called temples of literature.

Russian State Library

One of the largest libraries in the world is located in Moscow. But she boasts at the moment maybe only in size, alas, interior decoration leaves much to be desired. With the development of the Internet, information on paper is less and less in demand, which means there are fewer and fewer visitors to libraries. And as a result, funding for libraries is being reduced. The government or private investors are more likely to allocate money to digitize existing copies rather than build additional storage that meets temperature standards suitable for storing books.

Russian National Library

Even though the average person spends less and less time visiting libraries, this does not mean that they should be abolished! Knowledge of history is one of the most important factors to avoid the mistakes of the past, and therefore for the future. The Russian National Library, which is located in St. Petersburg, is one of these treasures, the first book depository of which was opened in 1795! Collected here important documents the times of Catherine the Great and Alexander the First.

Old Believers

It is becoming less and less common to find people in transport reading paper books and increasingly tablets, smartphones and e-books. A person reading a paper book is nonsense for Moscow, and more and more often such people are called Old Believers. And maintaining a large analog home library is much more expensive than storing the same amount of information on a flash drive.

Librarians will live forever

Speech in in this case It’s not about a specific person, but about a profession. Only a qualified, intelligent librarian can help you navigate the huge flow of low-quality literature and find a real masterpiece. So, if you don’t know which book to pick up in the very near future, and the Internet and your friends won’t give you any good advice, sign up the old fashioned way at one of the nearest libraries and ask for advice.

When is Librarian Day 2020