No parking sign: coverage area. Effect of the “Paid parking” sign according to traffic regulations

The paid and regular parking sign is provided so that the driver can easily identify the territory intended for parking there. Vehicle. Organizing parking spaces helps greatly to optimize the entire road network. Until now, not only for novice drivers, the “Parking Zone” sign raises some questions related to its interpretation in various situations. We will cover all common situations to clarify common mistakes.

The coverage area of ​​any “Parking” sign, unless there is another limiting sign below, extends up to the nearest intersection. In such cases, there is usually an additional sign regulating the method of placing the vehicle in this area. Stands can be found in this form most often, as they are designed to prevent confusion.

In this case, the car can be placed parallel to the roadway and sidewalk, exclusively in one lane.

Outside a residential area, a parking sign is placed several hundred meters before the beginning of the corresponding area in order to promptly inform the driver about the possibility of parking. The distance to this object is marked by a sign located below.

The parking zone in your pocket is usually marked using 3 signs at once:

  • direct parking sign;
  • a stand limiting its action;
  • method of setting up the vehicle.

Even if there is a pocket, it is not prohibited to leave the car on the territory before and after it from the edge of the roadway. In such places they are used general rules parking, i.e. it is not allowed to park the car in the second row, so as not to complicate exit.

If the bottom 3 signs described above are supplemented by sign 8.17 “Disabled” and it is located in the direction of travel, then stopping in this pocket is possible only for disabled drivers. Sometimes it is installed perpendicular to the direction of movement. In such cases, any driver can leave their car in their pocket without taking up a seat reserved for the disabled.

If there are signs that prohibit parking, parking can only be organized if a corresponding stand is combined with a sign delimiting the coverage area. Thus, for a certain period the ban will not be in force.

The traffic rules do not provide for the situation described above, so many are accustomed to considering this combination a contradiction. However, the limitation of the coverage area is specified in GOST R 52289-2004.

Paid parking: features

Relatively recently, a new road sign “Paid parking” appeared, namely, it was introduced in 2013 as an experiment in Moscow. Such an innovation pursued two goals at once - to supplement the city with parking spaces and provide the treasury with another source of income. Gradually, parking lots began to use this practice in other cities.

In the area intended for stopping cars, in addition to the fact that there is a paid parking sign, there are also special markings. When entering the territory, the car is filmed by 2 cameras, recording the license plates. At this moment, a check will be carried out in the database to determine whether payment has been made, whether the car belongs to a disabled person or another citizen enjoying benefits, and whether it belongs to the category of special transport.

If the parking officers record that the driver did not pay for the service, but left the car in a parking lot with paid parking, then a photo of the violation and a fine for the violation will soon be sent to the address of the place of residence. At the very beginning, before leaving your vehicle in a particular place, you need to make sure that the action established sign“Paid parking” has ended, otherwise there is a high risk of becoming a violator.

So, what does a paid parking sign look like? To indicate parking spaces for which you must pay, use the road sign number 8.8. It is a plate with three circles in succession on a white background, and the numbers “10”, “15”, “20” are written inside. The circles are a stylization of coins, that is, the need to pay for parking.

The designation of any paid parking is a combination of two signs: directly 6.4 “Parking”, as well as 8.8 “Paid services”. Other signs informing about the quantity may also be located nearby. free seats, length of parking, method of parking the vehicle.

A paid parking zone is a limited area where paid parking is possible. It starts exactly from the place where they are installed road signs 6.4 and 8.8. Those parking spaces that do not have this combination of signs cannot be considered paid.

The end of the zone may be indicated immediately below them. In this case, the sign will have a number corresponding to the length of the paid parking and an arrow in the direction of movement. But most often, at the end of the zone where the paid parking sign was in effect, a regular parking stand is installed, but crossed out with a line. Another way to indicate the end of a parking area is with a 3.27 “No Stopping” sign. It applies regardless of whether it is paid or free.

In some state parking lots, it is also customary to install information stands that display not only signs 6.4 and 8.8, but also inscriptions informing the driver that he is entering or leaving a paid parking space.

How to determine the range of the pointer

The number of free parking spaces is gradually decreasing, which is especially noticeable in large cities, so you need to know how effective the signs are in paid and free parking:

  1. No other territories are within the scope of the sign, including before and after it. Even if you park your vehicle right in front of the stand indicating the beginning of paid parking, you will not have to pay for parking. However, in such cases, you need to make sure that no other traffic rules are violated.
  2. If there are no signs indicating the length of the stand, this means that you can leave your car in the area until the nearest intersection, but no closer than 5 meters before it.
  3. It is prohibited to include in paid parking those parts of the territories that belong to the local area. Parking in these areas should be free.
  4. If there is an 8.2.1 “Area of ​​Action” sign under the “P” stand, you need to look at the number shown on it. It is this that indicates the extent of the zone suitable (in meters) for stopping the vehicle.
  5. If a sign prohibiting stopping was installed shortly before the “P” sign, you should definitely pay attention to additional signs and road markings so as not to violate traffic rules.

Using even paid parking does not present any problems at first glance, but in reality there are still a few difficulties. After all, you can always get confused in road signs, sometimes installed erroneously. And in a familiar place, a paid parking sign may suddenly appear, not to mention the fact that special markings are often erased or errors occur during the operation of the parking meter.

Since 2013, paid parking zones have appeared on the streets of Moscow. Even some experienced drivers have not yet learned how to quickly navigate this innovation, determine where the boundaries of the parking area are and when they don’t have to pay.

What is such a territory?

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The emergence of regulated parking zones has both advantages and disadvantages. Several years of using the new methodology showed that drivers began to park their cars in a more orderly manner and more funds began to flow into the city budget.

However, confusion arose. Since new signs were sometimes placed next to old ones, drivers could not decide which one was correct and therefore became lawbreakers without meaning to.

A paid parking zone is an area equipped for parking cars. As a rule, it is adjacent to the roadway, bridge or sidewalk. Such places are marked with clear road signs.

Now people don't have to pay for parking. Moreover, they cannot in any way affect the cost of a parking space. Payments are now monitored by an automated system.

Special vehicles - parkons - are equipped with recognition devices:

  1. When a vehicle enters a paid parking area, the device reads the license plates and tracks whether payment has been made.
  2. After that, the system checks what type of car entered using the state license plates.
  3. Can distinguish personal transport, special equipment and company vehicles.
  4. Data about violators is collected and transmitted to the traffic police. There, the final processing of the data is carried out, as a result of which the offender is given a fine for improper use of state paid parking.

Prohibition signs

To avoid unnecessary problems with law enforcement agencies, it is necessary to clearly define areas where leaving a vehicle is prohibited by law. The following signs will help the driver to find his way.

It is important to understand the difference between these concepts. Stopping means leaving the vehicle motionless for a short time, usually up to 5 minutes.

If the car remains in one place for a long enough time, the situation is regarded as parking. Moreover, if goods are continuously loaded and unloaded from a vehicle, this is still considered a stop.

In order to avoid getting caught in the wrong place, you need to understand the distance covered by the road signs described above:

  • if the car stops before the sign, this territory does not fall under its prohibitory influence;
  • the sign applies only to the side of the road on which it is installed;
  • termination of the sign – end of the intersection, unless otherwise indicated by additional signs;
  • The signs may be terminated by the “End of all restrictions” sign;
  • The sign does not apply to a new settlement.

The following illustration describes the nuances of the duration of the parking and stopping signs.

Knowing and following the rules saves a lot of trouble and helps determine the zone if the distance is not specified according to other principles.

Designation of parking spaces

Leaving a car in the city can be problematic. But even in places where it seems that parking is not prohibited, the driver can expect an unpleasant surprise.

It is important to be able to clearly distinguish between parking zones and understand where this action is prohibited:

  1. Parking spaces are identified by sign No. 6.4 “Parking”. His image is shown below.

  2. In some cases, the “Parking” sign is supplemented by other signs that detail who has the right to leave cars in a given place. For example, it could be .

  3. Paid parking should be marked slightly differently. If under the letter “P” there is not a sign with three circles containing the numbers 10, 15 and 20, no money can be charged for parking.
  4. This is what a sign indicating paid parking looks like. In some places, boards with inscriptions may be placed warning the driver that he is entering a paid parking area. However, such signs are not located everywhere.

    Coverage area of ​​the paid parking sign

    Thanks to the fact that most parking areas are becoming more landscaped, motorists can safely leave their vehicles without worrying about their safety.

    However, how to determine where the paid parking area ends. These limits are not always clearly defined.

    The coverage area of ​​a parking sign without markings is as follows:

  • to the next intersection;
  • no closer than 5 meters to the next roadway;
  • if under the “Paid parking” sign there is a sign indicating the distance in meters, then the duration of the sign should be observed based on these provisions;
  • If a parking lot is followed by a “No Parking” or “No Stopping” sign, the driver must pay attention to several signs at the same time.

The group of paid parking does not include areas belonging to the courtyards of apartment buildings.

How to determine where parking begins and ends

The parking zone begins with the corresponding “Parking” sign, the coverage area of ​​which may vary depending on many factors.

The place where the parking area ends is in some cases indicated by a corresponding banner:

However, it is not uncommon to have only one sign at the beginning. The driver calculates the end of the parking lot himself based on traffic regulations and existing markings.

The social parking zone is an area for parking cars that will remain free. This includes parking spaces near clinics, hospitals, social centers and other significant places.

These places are marked with a special sign: “Free parking in the area of ​​the social facility.”

Territory of validity of the residence permit

Since the advent of paid parking in Moscow, an opportunity has arisen. This document gives the right to people living near paid parking zones to leave their cars there on preferential terms.

The validity area of ​​the residence permit extends to the entire area of ​​residence of the person for whom the document is issued.

Table. Conditions for obtaining a resident permit.

The permit must be issued by the owner of the apartment or the tenant on the basis of a rental agreement.

What does yellow marking mean?

What dangers does a yellow mark in a parking zone pose? The driver must be extremely careful, as often some road signs seem to be installed specifically so that the driver breaks some rule.

The yellow line is equivalent in strength to sign 3.27, which prohibits stopping. Sometimes among the parking spaces there is something like the one shown in the photo.

As a result, the driver, thinking that he is entering a parking zone, grossly violates the rules. You have to be very vigilant to avoid getting into the yellow parking zone. It is not clear for what purpose such areas are created.

If you have the slightest doubt that it is possible to park your car in a given area, it is better to refuse parking and look for another place. For leaving a car in the wrong place, the vehicle will be towed and you will have to look for it at the impound area.

Preferential categories of citizens

Even in paid parking lots there are categories of the population entitled to free parking.

Even if there is a sign indicating paid parking, the following categories of citizens may not pay for the space:

  • disabled people;
  • large families;
  • WWII veterans;
  • representatives of disabled children;
  • participants in the defense of Moscow;
  • bicycle and electric vehicle drivers;
  • motorcyclists;
  • concentration camp prisoners;
  • emergency transport.

However, in order to park for free, it is not enough just to belong to this category of citizens. It is necessary to obtain a parking permit in accordance with all regulations.

Those for whom a fine has already been issued cannot apply for a permit. First, you should pay off your debts, apply for a permit, and only then, if you wish, begin to challenge administrative penalties.

Rules for disabled people

Only those disabled people who:

  • received a parking permit;
  • have with them an appropriate document confirming their category;
  • equipped their cars with special yellow signs.

The right to free parking can only be used by disabled people of the first and second groups, as well as family members accompanying a person with disabilities.

On holidays and weekends

In 2015, the government established an experiment in which all paid parking became free at certain times.

These include:

  • all weekends;
  • public holidays;
  • non-working days following holidays.

    However, there are exceptions here too. Some parking lots are equipped with signs: “Parking on weekends is paid.”

    Pros and cons of the service

    The advantages of creating paid parking zones include:

    • saving space by creating multi-level parking lots;
    • absence of fraud thanks to photo recording of violations;
    • a more responsible approach by drivers to leaving cars near the road;
    • liberation of the main highways of the city;
    • reducing the creation of emergency situations.

    Drivers note that it has now become easier to find a place to leave their car in the city center.

    The disadvantages of creating paid parking include:

    • confusion with signs;
    • difficulties in paying electronically;
    • erroneous fines that have to be appealed;
    • large congestion of courtyards of residential buildings with other people's cars.

    At a permitted vehicle parking area, a road sign 10 15 20 parking may be installed - in this case, leaving the car here is also acceptable, but no longer free. The cost of services is not fixed and can be set independently in each region. Many modern car enthusiasts either do not know what the parking sign 10 15 20 means, or consider it a relic Soviet era. In fact, the installation of such a sign is still legal today.

    The Paid Parking sign, of course, cannot be installed wherever you please. The location where a parking space is provided for a fee is agreed upon with the municipality and the traffic police, as well as the cost of such a service.

    Such a sign can be used not only in conjunction with a parking sign, but also in conjunction with other signs. In this case, such a “kit” will warn the motorist that travel along the section of the road ahead may be subject to a toll.

    The beginning of the paid parking zone is a sign that complements the paid parking sign, “10 15 20” (which means paid parking). Without this tandem of road signs, any parking area cannot be considered a paid parking lot.

    The end of the parking zone in which a paid parking sign is in effect is indicated by a sign depicting a diagonal strikethrough of the “Parking” sign. Another signal for the completion of any, free or paid, parking may be sign 3.27 “Stopping is prohibited.”

    Additionally, the state paid parking zone is indicated by a sign - a shield with the inscription “You are entering a paid parking zone.” In the same way, a road sign “You are leaving a paid parking area” should indicate the end of this area. But such signs are not available everywhere.

    Who is allowed to use the parking for free?

    The current traffic rules and legislation regulating the principles of organizing city paid parking spaces establish a number of categories of benefit drivers who have the right to use free paid parking spaces

    1. Disabled people and legal representatives of children with disabilities.
    2. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Large families. Participants in the defense of the city of Moscow.
    3. Drivers of electric vehicles.
    4. Persons who were prisoners of concentration camps as minors during the Second World War. Motorcyclists.
    5. Emergency vehicles.

    The above road users have the right to obtain a parking permit based on supporting documents. Separately, regulations governing the rules for using state paid parking lots stipulate the conditions for preferential parking for residents or tenants of housing located in the territory to which paid parking belongs. Residents of homes in the parking area are entitled to the following benefits.

    Owners (tenants) have the right to obtain a resident permit for themselves - a document confirming the right to use paid parking spaces free of charge every day from 20:00 to 08:00 (but no more than two permitting documents per household). Based on residency rights, you can additionally receive an annual subscription, which allows you to use parking during the daytime at a reduced cost (from 3 thousand rubles).

    You can apply for a discounted parking pass and a permit for free overnight parking by contacting the nearest MFC department. Preferential parking conditions do not apply to drivers who have unpaid (overdue) fines for traffic violations. For this reason, it is necessary to promptly check information about the absence of such debts through the State Traffic Inspectorate website or the State Services portal.

    Amount of fines for violating parking rules

    Since paid and free parking signs are often located along the roadway itself, cars left chaotically in such an area can easily create a lot of difficulties for the free passage of other vehicles.

    To avoid this, the sign allowing parking is often equipped with a sign that shows a specific way to park a car in this place, for example, by partially driving onto the sidewalk. If this condition is not met, it may be equated to a violation of parking rules, with all the ensuing consequences.

    Quite often, especially near socially significant objects, you can find a riser sign, to which is attached a plate with a picture wheelchair. The meaning of this “kit” is clear without any explanation - it is a parking lot for vehicles driven by people with disabilities.

    Very often such parking spaces turn out to be free, which is what motorists try to take advantage of. Before parking on it, you should re-read the relevant traffic rules clause. It clearly states that parking here is possible only with the appropriate sticker and identification.

    If they are missing, it is worth preparing the amount of 5 thousand rubles - this is exactly the fine provided for such a violation. In addition, the car can be easily evacuated. It also threatens in the case where the driver ignored the sign Parking on odd and even days - if there is a readable sign, incorrect parking of any car will inevitably result in it having to be taken from the impound lot.

    Behind last years Innovations have appeared in our lives that came as a surprise to many. One of them was the collection of fees for parking vehicles in the central regions of Moscow. Without questioning the feasibility of this project, we will try to understand how and in what amounts payment is made, what paid parking sign is provided for by traffic regulations.

    Measures to streamline vehicle parking

    The increase in the number of vehicles on Russian roads has given rise to whole line problems. Among them, one of the most pressing is the difficulty of finding parking spaces on the busy streets of cities and towns. Paradoxical as it may seem, the driver is sometimes forced to leave the car not where he needs it, but where it is not prohibited.

    However, finding such a place can be very difficult, because it is not for nothing that Section 12 provides for more than ten cases in which stopping or parking is prohibited. If we take into account that they are accompanied by some types of road markings, which also limit the parking space, then it is quite clear that this cannot but contribute to traffic excessive nervousness.

    "Paid parking" sign in the traffic rules

    To simplify the task of drivers, information road sign 6.4 “Parking (parking space)” was specially established. It indicates that the area in front of which it is installed, or some part of it, is specifically intended for parking vehicles. But the way our life is structured is that we have to pay for everything (except for the cheese lying in the mousetrap), so the joy of drivers is often overshadowed by the sign 8.8 “Paid services” attached to this sign. The photographs in this article will tell you what a paid parking sign looks like.

    In our country for owners of personal transport paid services(unlike free ones) a lot is provided. It is enough to mention transport tax, insurance, fuel and lubricants and even travel on a number of highways. Therefore, the paid parking sign (photo below) is not something exceptional. He informs the driver that a certain fee is charged for using the parking area.

    Signs that are widely used these days

    The paid parking sign has become the same objective reality, like rain, snow or it is impossible to fight with it - you need to adapt to it and, if circumstances force you to be in the zone of its action, try to correctly fulfill all the requirements and not incur additional troubles in the form of fines provided for disobeying its instructions.

    Paid parking signs in Moscow can be seen in the area limited by the outer radius of the Kremlin and Moskovskaya embankments. The sector within Chekhov Street and Tsvetnoy Boulevard reaches the outer side of the Garden Ring.

    Paid parking zone designations

    In order to accurately determine whether the “Paid Parking” sign applies to the area where the driver intends to leave his car, he must carefully look at exactly which road signs are in front of him. First of all, make sure that sign 6.4 “Parking (Parking space)” is present.

    Then pay attention to whether there is a paid parking sign underneath it - “10 15 20” (image of coins), which was mentioned above. In addition, a sign may be installed on the road with an inscription informing that the driver is entering an area where a fee is charged for parking the car. It is important to keep in mind that if these signs are not present, then parking in this area is free.

    The driver, before leaving the car in the place he has chosen, must keep in mind that the presence of appropriate markings and information posters may indicate that, when entering the parking zone, he did not see the “Paid parking zone” sign in a timely manner. In this case, it is recommended to double-check that it is missing.

    It should be borne in mind that the paid parking zone ends when the driver sees the same paid parking sign in front of him, but crossed out by slanted lines. Signs with the inscription “You are leaving a paid parking zone” may contain similar information. It is important to note that the “Paid parking” sign does not apply to courtyards.

    Questions related to paying for a parking space

    Having finished talking about what sign indicates paid parking, you need to understand how it is paid for. This will help avoid many troubles. If the driver finds himself exactly in the area where paid parking signs are installed (in Moscow or any other city), it is very important that payment is made correctly and on time. To do this he must know several simple rules this unpleasant but necessary procedure.

    The “Paid Parking Zone” sign informs you that you have to pay, but does not indicate how much. You should know that the price is in this case fixed - one hour of parking costs fifty or sixty rubles. If you leave your car for less than fifteen minutes, parking is not paid. There are several forms of payment available. The most common is to transfer the payment amount via SMS message.

    Pay for parking using mobile devices

    To do this, the driver needs to send an SMS message from a smartphone or any other mobile device to 7757 with a text indicating the number of the parking lot where he is located, and registration number his car. An asterisk is placed between them as a separator. For example: 1004*006 a 254. This message means that the estimated parking time does not exceed one hour, and fifty rubles will be debited from the driver’s account.

    In the case of longer parking, X2 or X3, etc. is added to the text of the SMS message. In this case, the number after the letter X means the expected number of hours of stay where the paid parking sign is installed, and funds will be debited in accordance with this. When fifteen minutes remain until the end of the specified time, the driver receives a message with an offer to extend, if necessary, the duration of the service provided to him.

    To do this, he sends a new SMS to the same number with the text: X + a number from 1 to 24, indicating the duration of the stay. The rules also provide for early termination of parking and preservation of funds in the client’s parking account. In this case, the text of the SMS message is limited to one letter S or C, and the saved amount can be used next time.

    Parking meter services

    An alternative form of payment is payments made through parking meters, which are equipped in some Moscow parking lots. In this case, payment is made using bank cards or scratch cards. With detailed step by step instructions Payment details can be found directly at the parking meter.