Traffic rules: "Entry prohibited" sign (action, fine, exceptions). If a sign is installed, movement is prohibited, exceptions for it

Motorists and pedestrians often call a “brick” a road sign located in the Rules traffic under number 3.1. This prohibition sign that looks like white rectangle on a red round field, called “Entry prohibited.” The size of the fine for driving under a “brick” depends on the specific situation and the place in which it was installed. In some cases, a driver will face a penalty for ignoring a sign. deprivation of rights for up to 6 months or more .

In what cases is a “No Entry” sign installed?

“Brick” is installed on roads in several cases:

  1. For a ban in which the driver may find himself on oncoming lane;
  2. Separating a road lane on which ordinary cars are prohibited from driving (a lane intended only for public transport). In this case, the sign is placed together with the sign “ Lane»;
  3. Restriction of entry into territory that is privately owned, or into the territory of hospitals, clinics, and administrative buildings. " Brick» is also placed to restrict entry to the road on which repairs are being made, as well as to delimit entry and exit to a parking lot or gas station;
  4. Prohibition on driving in the oncoming lane. In this case, the “brick” is installed on the dividing strip of the road, just before the entrance to it, along with the sign “Exit to a one-way road.”

Driving under a brick - fine in 2019

The amount of the fine or the severity of other penalties for driving under a “brick” depend on several variables. The calculation takes into account the consequences that the offense entailed, the methods by which it was recorded (by an inspector or a traffic camera) and whether it was a first or repeated violation.

The severity of the offense for driving under a “brick” is determined independently by the traffic police inspector and must record his findings in the protocol. The protocol, together with witness testimony (oral and written) and recordings of road surveillance cameras (if available), is subsequently reviewed by the court, which chooses the penalty - a fine or imprisonment.

For 2019, there are no amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation that would relate to the amount of punishment for driving under a “brick”, so the amount of fines remains the same:

  • The minimum penalty for driving under a prohibitive “brick” is: 500 rubles assigned at the entrance to the territory adjacent to the main road (Part 1 of Article 12.16 of the Administrative Code). This is the most “harmless” disregard for the “No Entry” sign, for which your license is deprived only in very rare cases when the maneuver led to a serious accident;
  • Fine in 1500 rubles imposed for entering a traffic lane, which is intended only for public transport (part 1.1-2 of article 12.17 of the Administrative Code). For residents of the largest metropolises (Moscow and St. Petersburg), the fine for “brick” in this case is increased to 3000 rubles. This is due to poor road conditions and is intended to encourage drivers to drive more rigidly;
  • For driving into the oncoming lane, in front of which a “brick” has been installed, the penalty is the most serious - 5000 rubles(Part 3 of Article 12.16 of the Administrative Code). This violation is considered committed even if the car drove into oncoming traffic in reverse while performing the maneuver. If the departure was recorded by a traffic police officer, then instead of a fine of 5,000 rubles, the driver will most likely have to give up his license for a period of 4 to six months. If a violation is recorded using road surveillance cameras, deprivation of rights is not applied.

If the driver entered the oncoming lane again, and the inspector saw this, then the driver faces deprivation of his license for driving under a “brick” for up to 1 year (Part 3.1 of Article 12.16 of the Administrative Code). For a repeated violation recorded by video cameras, the violator will only face a standard fine of 5,000 rubles.

In what cases can a fine for driving under a brick be challenged?

There are a number of requirements for installing a “No Entry” sign: mandatory requirements, non-compliance with which will not allow the driver to be fined if he ignores it. Rules for installing the sign:

  • within the city - a distance of at least 25 meters from the entrance to the area where traffic is prohibited, at a height of 2 to 4 meters;
  • for country roads - a distance of at least 50 meters and a height of 1.5 to 3 meters;
  • good visibility of the sign, absence of interference in the form of trees, billboards and banners, buildings.

Sometimes traffic police inspectors may insist on maximum fine of 5,000 rubles when ignoring the “brick” installed at the entrance or exit from the parking lot of a shopping or entertainment center. But such a fine is issued only when driving under a sign into oncoming traffic or on a one-way road. In this case, there are no grounds for such a large fine, the maximum is 500 rubles.

Knowing well the rules for installing a “No Entry” sign, the driver can significantly reduce the amount of the fine or receive instead only a verbal warning; all he has to do is go to court. The protocol drawn up by the traffic police officer is subject to appeal in court within 10 days after its execution. Therefore, before signing the protocol, you must make a note in it that you do not agree with the inspector’s decision and give a brief explanation of your position, including describing the reasons why you were unable to respond to the sign in time.

A “no entry” sign indicates that passage or traffic in in this direction are strictly prohibited. The sign has a round shape. A white rectangle is drawn on a bright red background. Popularly it received its other name - “brick”.

This sign is installed in the following cases:

  • on road sections with one-way traffic to prohibit the movement of vehicles in the opposite direction;
  • on roads marked with sign 5.11 (see figure), to prevent vehicles from entering towards the general flow;
  • to carry out separate entry and exit of vehicles at parking lots, rest areas, gas stations, etc.;
  • to prohibit a vehicle from entering a specific lane or specific section of the road;
  • to prohibit entry into a separate lane, as indicated by additional sign 8.14 (see figure).

It is also quite possible to install a sign Entry prohibited in exceptional cases that have not been considered general rules use of a prohibiting road sign. As a rule, these are bans on entry into protected or private areas, etc.

Thus, the use of a “brick” road prohibition sign allows you to prevent serious violations and avoid road accidents. However, the use of this sign is not always effective, since it is not only important that it be present on sections of the road, but it is also important to position it correctly so that the “brick” is visible to drivers and does not create an ambiguous effect of a ban on the road.

How should the No Entry sign be placed?

It must be located strictly within the driver’s visibility, otherwise its restriction will not be considered valid. In this case, it is necessary to correctly take into account the intensity of traffic on this section of the route. According to the established norm, a “no entry” road sign can be placed no further than 100 meters from the place where travel is prohibited. It should be located to the right of the roadway or above it. Failure to comply with this condition completely relieves the driver of responsibility if a traffic accident occurs.

The area of ​​operation of prohibitory signs is limited not only by the nearest intersection, but also by the end of the populated area. In order to increase the coverage area if necessary, it is necessary to duplicate the ban every 100 meters of the road. Otherwise, if the coverage area needs to be reduced, additional signs are placed directly under the “brick” itself.

Fine for violating the entry prohibited sign

First of all, the parameters of liability for violating the category of the brick sign, which means entry is prohibited, are affected by the correctness of its installation. If it is installed directly next to a road on which only fixed-route vehicles are allowed to travel, then driving under the brick sign is considered a violation and the driver will be required to pay a fine of at least one and a half thousand rubles. If it is installed on the territory adjacent to the road, and the driver violates the rules, then an administrative penalty in the amount of 500 rubles is imposed on him or the traffic police authorities issue a warning in accordance with the regulations.

Drivers who ignore the brick sign in the traffic rules and drive onto a one-lane road in the opposite direction are very strictly punished. In this case, the authorities deprive the person of the right to drive a car for up to six months or issue a fine for a “no entry” sign in the amount of up to 5,000 rubles. Repeated violation of restrictions entails deprivation of rights for a longer period - for a year.

A prerequisite is the drawing up of a protocol recording the main indicators of the offense and the time of its implementation. When signing the protocol, the driver must not forget about his rights. If the road on which he drove is one-way, but its beginning and end are not marked with appropriate road signs, the driver bears less blame for failure to comply with the rules. The sign must be clearly visible and located at the required distance.

The most severe violation is one that results in a serious traffic accident resulting in death. In this case, according to the provisions of the traffic rules, a fine is threatened for violating the ban and is considered together with a number of other provisions, such as creating an emergency situation, causing serious injury to another person as a result of non-compliance with the rules and depriving another road user of life, which was caused by the driver’s negligence or negligence .

There may be exceptions to the rules!

There are some exceptions for the “brick”, but they are very few. Violation of the ban is allowed only for emergency transport services if they are moving with the siren on - ambulance, fire brigade, gas service, emergency service vehicles, law enforcement agencies. A postal service vehicle is also allowed to enter under the brick, but nothing will be required as proof if a marked official vehicle is used.

In all other cases, the driver must have a special permit to travel under the “brick” and have the relevant documents with him:

  • if you live in this territory, you need to present a Russian passport with registration at this address;
  • if you, as a service employee, carry out your work (delivery, unloading, loading) in a given territory, then you need a voucher or invoice that indicates this address;
  • if you are disabled, then your vehicle must have a special sign and relevant documents that confirm your status.

In no case is a “no entry” sign an exception for those who are forced to park near it because they live nearby. In this case, non-compliance with the rules is considered in the general manner and will entail punishment for the violation.

Is it possible to avoid responsibility?

If the car is located on a single-lane road near a supermarket, and there was no movement into the oncoming lane, but the requirements of the “brick” road sign are violated, traffic inspectors may try to issue the highest fine. The driver has the right, based on the comments of specialists, to disagree with the inspector and appeal his action in court if there was no movement in the oncoming lane.

In the event that the “brick” sign is not installed in accordance with the standards regulated by the legislative framework, the driver also has the right to go to court. However, even if an obvious violation was identified during the installation of this sign, it is impossible to say unequivocally that the case can be won.

For example, not long ago the court of St. Petersburg made a decision on a similar controversial issue not in favor of the driver. It was proven that the “brick” was installed incorrectly. But the court was based on the statement of the traffic police officer that at the time of violating the ban, the driver did not yet know that the “brick” was installed incorrectly, that is, he committed a deliberate offense and entered under the brick sign. Thus, the responsibility was placed on the driver.

The law stipulates in which cases the driver is liable, but in practice it is quite difficult to prove his innocence in court. To avoid such disputes and troubles, you should strictly follow the rule prescribed by the “brick” and not enter if it is prohibited.

Important for every driver to know!

Many drivers, both experienced and novice, often do not distinguish the difference between the concept of “entering a traffic sign is prohibited” and “entering the oncoming lane and driving along it.” These are two different offenses that imply unequal administrative responsibility for the road user. If in the first case you can get off with a small fine, then in the second the amount of the penalty will be substantial.

In addition, there are cases when road service employees deliberately “exaggerate” the severity of the driver’s liability, up to and including deprivation of a driver’s license for a period of six months. To avoid getting into such a situation, you need to follow the traffic rules, but if for some reason the brick sign was violated, you should at least understand your own share of guilt for the offense committed.

Sensation in court or how knowledge of the law frees you from responsibility!

It is not for nothing that many motorists doubt that if a prohibition sign is installed incorrectly, they have every chance of winning the case in court. Most recently, the Kiev court made a decision in support of the driver. So, the “brick” was installed improperly. A person violated the rules by driving under a No Entry road sign, which means committing an offense. The absence of an inspection officer at the trial and the incorrect placement of the sign contributed to the court ruling in favor of the driver and exempting him from paying a fine. Such situations are very rare. To protect yourself from paying fines and deprivation of your license, you need to carefully monitor the road and even if the “brick” is positioned incorrectly, it is better to play it safe and not drive under it.

The sign, popularly referred to as “Brick,” prohibits any vehicle from moving in this direction.
Drivers of public transport carrying passengers along an established route have this right.
— in case of violation outside the roadway (for example, at a gas station), a fine of 500 rubles is imposed;
— the fine for driving under a “brick” in a one-way traffic zone will be 5 thousand rubles, or the culprit may lose his license for 4–6 months.
No such sanction is provided. However, the culprit will have to pay 1.5 thousand or 3 thousand rubles. in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sevastopol.
— if a repeated violation is detected by the camera, the culprit will receive a new fine of 5 thousand;
— and the traffic police inspector will have the right to take away your license for a year.
The procedure for imposing any fine provides for the opportunity to appeal within 10 days.
The requirements for signs and markings become mandatory from the moment they are installed and applied.
When faced with such a violation, you should write a statement to the traffic police. If a fine is imposed, it can be appealed.

The most severe, with minimum quantity The only exception is the “No Entry” sign.

Drivers also call it "Brick". Installed to prohibit movement in a certain direction.

Appendix 1 to the Traffic Rules gives the designation of the “No Entry” sign, defines the coverage area, as well as exceptions.

Failure to comply with traffic rules results in administrative liability in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses.

What does it look like

The road sign "No entry" has a round shape with a rectangle white on a red background. The color of the sign was not chosen by chance, as it allows you to maximally attract the attention of drivers and avoid unpleasant consequences as a result of entering the territory of its operation.

At what distance should a warning triangle be placed - failing to do so will result in a fine?

Coverage area

The “brick” is installed:

  1. on roads that have a special lane for public transport, which makes it possible to limit the movement of other cars in the appropriate direction along a certain section;
  2. to indicate the direction of movement (entry/exit) in parking lots, rest areas on highways, gas stations and other areas, which helps to eliminate traffic difficulties and prevent accidents;
  3. to restrict entry to a certain section of the road.

The road sign “Entry prohibited” must be installed on the basis of legal requirements in accordance with the decision of the authorized body of the State Traffic Inspectorate.

The sign is mounted directly before an intersection, a U-turn, a driveway into a yard, etc. At the same time, the distance from the sign to the area covered by its action must be maintained. In a populated area, the distance is 25 m, while the sign is installed at a height of 2-4 m, outside it the range is 50 m, with a plate height of 1.5 to 3 m.

The distance from the roadway is at least 0.5 m. When installing a road sign, its visibility (at least 100 m), accessibility to the eye (should not be obscured by trees, shields, buildings and other obstacles) is taken into account.

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The “No Entry” sign is installed in clearly regulated places and prohibits the movement of all vehicles in its coverage area.

However, there are a number of exceptions according to the rules of the road. Thus, the road sign does not apply to vehicles moving in a certain direction (route), namely:

  • buses;
  • trolleybuses;
  • minibuses;
  • trams.

"Brick" does not apply to taxis. An exception is the sign that has the additional entry “Except for clients...”.

Punishment for violation

There is liability for driving into the area covered by the “No Entry” sign, which is regulated by the Code of Administrative Offences. Depending on the situation, the type of punishment may be different. As a rule, a driver faces a fine or deprivation of his driver’s license for such a violation.

If a “No Entry” sign is installed to indicate one-way traffic on the road, and the driver enters the zone of its coverage, a fine of 5 thousand rubles is imposed on him.

By decision of the authorized body, punishment in the form of deprivation of a driver’s license for a period of 4 to 6 months may also be applied. These sanctions are regulated by Art. 12.16.3 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

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If the driver drove into the lane for public transport into the coverage area of ​​the “Entry prohibited” road sign, penalties are provided in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses, in particular Art. 12.17. The driver will have to pay 1.5 thousand rubles. At the same time, the amount of monetary penalty for Moscow and St. Petersburg is 2 thousand rubles.

If traffic is violated in the yard, gas station, rest areas, etc., the driver faces an administrative fine for driving under a brick in the amount of 500 rubles, as specified in Art. 12.16.1.

For repeated violation of traffic rules - driving under the “No entry” sign, an administrative fine of 5 thousand rubles is provided, if the illegal act is recorded by technical means of registration (video and photo recording). If a driver is stopped by a traffic police inspector, a more severe punishment is applied - deprivation of the right to drive. vehicle for a period of up to 1 year.

Drawing up a protocol and appealing it

If a driver is stopped by a traffic police officer on the spot, an administrative violation report is drawn up, which includes the data of the traffic police inspector and the citizen who violated the traffic rules. Next, the reason for drawing up the document, the article and the circumstances of the unlawful act must be indicated. Next, explanations are taken from the driver and entered into the protocol.

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At the end, the date of preparation and signature of the parties is indicated. In case of disagreement with the specified information and guilt, the driver may indicate this in the protocol. If a citizen refuses to sign the paper, an additional paper is drawn up about this. If the offense was recorded by video and photographic cameras, the photographs are attached to the case file.

The driver is given a copy of the protocol, and the original is sent to the courts. Based on the document, a decision is made, which is sent to the citizen who violated the traffic rules within three days.

After receiving the enforcement order, the driver can pay the fine or appeal it.

In the first case, a citizen can, with the help of banking institutions or Internet resources, repay the collection with a 50% discount within 20 days after the decision is made. However, this benefit does not apply to a repeat offense (driving under a brick on a one-way road).

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In the second case, the driver can appeal the enforcement decision within 10 days after its issuance. To do this, it is necessary to send a corresponding petition to the judicial authorities. When writing an application, it is important to indicate all the details and circumstances that are subject to appeal.

The so-called “brick”, that is, sign 3.1 “Entry prohibited”, is installed in accordance with GOST R 52289-2004 (clause 5.4.2) in places where entry to a separate section of the road or a separate road lane is prohibited; for the purpose of organizing separate entry and exit to parking lots, recreation areas, gas stations, etc.

Also, a brick sign is installed to prohibit the entry of cars towards the general flow on roads marked with sign 5.11 “Road with a lane for route vehicles” and to prevent entry into the lane allocated for route vehicles on roads marked with sign 8.14 “Lane for traffic” and for prohibiting the movement of cars in the opposite direction on sections of roads with one-way traffic.

What is the threat for driving under a “brick” in 2017?

It is interesting that the level of responsibility for violating the “No entry” sign depends on where exactly this sign is installed, as well as whether the driver drove under a “brick” for the first time, or whether this is a repeated violation of the requirements of the road sign 3.1 “No entry” .

Fines for driving under a brick

If sign 3.1 is installed at the entrance to the adjacent territory, which is prohibited to enter from this direction, then if this sign is violated, the driver will be warned or fined 500 rubles in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 12.16 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

If a driver violates sign 3.1, installed at the entrance to a road on which only route vehicles are allowed to move in this direction in a dedicated lane, he can be fined 1,500 rubles, and in Moscow or St. Petersburg - 3,000 rubles in accordance with Part 1.1, 1.2 Art. 12.17 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation as of 2017.

When can you deprive your license for driving under a brick?

If a driver violates the requirements of a “No Entry” sign installed at the entrance to a one-way road in the oncoming direction, then the punishment for such driving under a “brick” is from 4 to 6 months or a fine of 5,000 rubles in 2017.

Please note that repeated violation of the requirements of sign 3.1 “Entry prohibited” entails deprivation of rights for one year. Although if such a violation is recorded by surveillance cameras, the driver will be punished with a fine of 5,000 rubles (Part 3, 3.1 of Article 12.16 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), it is therefore important who exactly recorded the repeated passage under the brick - a traffic police officer, or a camera recording traffic violations .

Did you know that by 50% if it is paid within 20 days from the date of the decision to impose a penalty. But this scheme does not include re-entry under a brick onto a one-way road in the opposite direction. It will not be possible to reduce the amount of the fine if the execution of the decision was delayed or spread out (Part 1.3 of Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Administrative responsibility for driving under a “No Entry” sign

If an administrative offense has been committed, which is failure to comply with the requirements of sign 3.1 “Entry is prohibited,” then the official makes a decision on the administrative offense in this case. If a violation of the requirements of sign 3.1 occurred in a situation where the punishment for the violator is deprivation of rights, then a protocol must be drawn up (see Part 1 of Article 28.6 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

However, the reasonable position of the driver should be this: before signing a resolution on an administrative offense or a protocol, it would be correct to determine the degree of his own guilt. To do this, remember these important aspects:

  1. Before entering a one-way road there must be a prohibitory sign 3.1 “Entry prohibited”, that is, a “brick”;
  2. At the point of entry from adjacent territories onto a one-way road, signs 5.7.1 and 5.7.2 “Exit onto a one-way road” are installed;
  3. Signs 5.5 and 5.6 “Start and end of a one-way road” must be installed on a one-way road in the opposite direction;
  4. Any road sign must be visible at a distance of less than 100m (see clause 5.1.4 of GOST R 52289-2004), the installation location of road signs is to the right of the road or above the roadway.

According to these legal requirements for road signs, a driver may be exempt from liability if the signs are missing or unreadable, for example, hidden by tree foliage, or invisible due to a parked truck.

How to appeal a punishment for driving under a “brick”?

A citizen has the right to appeal a decision or protocol issued by a traffic police officer. You have the right to appeal to a higher authority of the traffic police, either to a higher official, or through the court (clause 3, part 1, article 30.1, part 1, article 30.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). This complaint must be filed within 10 days from the date of the relevant decision or drawing up of the protocol.

If the driver does not agree with the protocol, he can make an entry in the administrative violation protocol itself, in which he explains the reason, for example: “I do not agree with the protocol, I was not able to see sign 3.1, since the sign was blocked by a parked truck.” This will help in the future to appeal the decision of the traffic police inspector in court.

In order to control vehicular traffic and not pose a threat to the life and health of pedestrians and drivers, they were invented various ways management, including road signs. One of the most important is the “Brick” sign, because cases of violation that are based on this sign require additional explanation.

Functions of road signs

A road sign means a standard device with a printed symbol that carries certain information:

  • warns;
  • prohibits;
  • prescribes;
  • sets priorities;
  • informs.

The main purpose of prohibition signs is to ensure safe and accident-free movement of vehicles by means of prohibition and restriction.

Road sign "Brick"

The “No Entry” sign is a white rectangle on a red circle background and strictly prohibits passage. This is a stop sign, not just saying, but shouting that further movement is prohibited. In common parlance this sign is called “Brick”.

The “brick” is often located in the most inappropriate and inconvenient place from the driver’s point of view. Many sneak by, pretending not to notice him. But the result can be unpleasant, both morally and materially.


First of all, when installing a “No Entry” sign, you need to place it in a place that is clearly visible from any direction. Road authorities must ensure that the signal is not obscured by trees, an abandoned heavy vehicle or advertising poster. The sign must be in good technical condition.

The “Brick” sign imposing a traffic ban is placed:

  1. At the beginning of a one-way road on the opposite side to the entrance. He does not allow traffic that is traveling towards him to move.
  2. In the place where, after the sign, the road begins, organized for city buses, trolleybuses and minibuses.
  3. At the entrance, when, in addition to official vehicles, driving through the territory of any facility (hospital, store, gas station) is not allowed.
  4. At the site of an accident or repair work being carried out.
  5. In the parking lot, so that there is no collision when entering and exiting.
  6. In a private guarded area.

Coverage area

“Brick”, like all prohibitory signs, is valid along the road from it to the first intersection or to the end of the populated area. If the action of the sign continues further, another “Brick” is placed.

There are cases when the action of the “Brick” ends before the intersection, then a sign is placed under the “brick” sign specifying this interval, for example, 50 meters or 150 meters.

Punishment for driving under "Brick"

Penalties for disobeying the “No Entry” sign take into account the degree of traffic safety violation: the higher it is, the more serious the punishment.

  1. In a traffic situation where the driver drives under a brick, he will be fined 500 rubles. In this most harmless situation, you can get away with a remark from the traffic police.
  2. When entering the territory of an institution under a prohibiting sign, it is not considered driving in the oncoming lane. This is a driveway under the sign. The budget will cost 500 rubles.
  3. The driver turned left or turned around, and the car ended up driving behind a brick. Such an amateur will be fined 1-1.5 thousand rubles.
  4. The driver drove past the sign and took a place on the road with public transport, he will be fined 1,500 rubles, and in Moscow and St. Petersburg - 3,000 rubles.
  5. The owner of the car drove further than the “brick” sign and drove onto a one-way road, creating a threat to oncoming cars. The liability will be severe: a fine of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for up to 6 months. This is a very serious violation that creates a situation with high level dangers on the roadway.
  6. If the driver repeats this violation and is stopped by the inspector, his license will be taken away for 1 year. If the violation is captured on camera, the culprit will pay 5,000 rubles.
  7. The driver has passed the sign and is reversing on a one-way road. It is unacceptable. Fine 5,000 rubles or up to 6 months without the right to drive.

If, nevertheless, you have violated traffic rules and, as a law-abiding citizen, intend to pay a fine, remember: this year there is an option to pay only 50 percent of the fine. There is only one condition: no more than 20 days must pass from the moment the fine is issued until the money is transferred.


The “No Entry” sign is very categorical. There are several exceptions that allow you to drive past this sign:

  • Public transport that has an approved route. Taxis, no matter what color they are, are not allowed to use this exception. Because, although a taxi is public transport, it has an unknown route.
  • Drivers, if they have a documented license. For example, emergency services, with the siren and beacons turned on.
  • Official vehicles owned by the organization on whose territory the sign is installed.

Punishment will not overtake those who drive under a “false” “No Entry” sign or one installed by unauthorized persons. Only the traffic police have the right to install legal signs.

Some adhere to the rule: “If you can’t, but really want to, then you can.” This is an incorrect statement. It is strictly forbidden to drive to places where the “Brick” hangs, even if it is:

  • territory of official work;
  • shopping center parking;
  • place of residence.

Video about responsibility

Driving a car is a big responsibility. To avoid accidents, the driver must obey the “No Entry” sign. This will allow him to return home safe and sound. And his conscience will not torment for those affected by his improper driving.