Pakhmutova and Dobronravov personal for how many years. Alexandra Pakhmutova: biography, personal life, children, photos and creativity. Star Trek by composer Alexandra Pakhmutova

Living legend Soviet scene, great composer Alexandra Nikolaevna Pakhmutova lived with her only man, the poet Nikolai Dobronravov. This couple has long been dubbed the most loving and long-lasting family union in all of Russia. Just imagine: two talented people, legends of Soviet song, lived together almost their entire lives - 62 years. Alexandra Pakhmutova’s husband admits that he never doubted that meeting Alexandra was his destiny. The most touching thing in their love story is, perhaps, that after so many years, Pakhmutova and Dobronravov managed to preserve their feelings and continue to look at each other with eyes full of love...

Alexandra Pakhmutova's husband - photo

The love story of the famous poetess and composer began back in 1956. Alexandra Pakhmutova met her future husband at work, then she was an employee of the studio for children's radio programs of the All-Union Radio.

The young poet Nikolai Dobronravov at that time worked at the Moscow Theater for Young Spectators, reading his poems in programs for children, and musical accompaniment answered a miniature blonde (Alexandra Pakhmutova’s height is only 149 cm). Their first joint creation was the song “Motor Boat”, for which Pakhmutova wrote the music, and Dobronravov wrote the words. It was during collaboration Over this work, truly strong feelings arose between the young people and they decided never to part with each other.

Their relationship developed so rapidly that just a few months after they met, on August 6 of the same year, Alexandra Pakhmutova and Nikolai Dobronravov played a rather modest wedding. Interesting fact from the biography of the great composer: since there is not enough money for a celebration, even for Wedding Dress For the bride, they didn’t have enough, Pakhmutova’s mother sewed a suit from inexpensive pink material. Mine Honeymoon Alexandra Pakhmutov and her husband spent time in Abkhazia, stopping to stay with the groom’s family.

“The main thing is to look not at each other, but in the same direction”

Pakhmutova’s husband, Nikolai Nikolaevich Dobronravov, admits that over 60 years in their family, like everyone else, there have been difficult moments, there have been quarrels and misunderstandings. But music always came to the rescue, and, carried away by writing the next hit, Alexandra and Nikolai forgot about temporary difficulties, completely devoting themselves to their favorite work.

Despite the fact that God did not send children to their family, the creative union of Pakhmutova and Dobronravov became incredibly fruitful. Together with her husband, Alexandra Pakhmutova created more than a hundred Russian hits, as well as music for films and productions. Having written most of their songs together, the heroes joke that they cheated on each other exclusively in their creative work, collaborating with other poets. For example, Alexandra Pakhmutova created the legendary song “Old Maple” from the movie “Girls” in collaboration with the poet Mikhail Matusovsky, and wrote the text for “Song about Troubled Youth” Soviet poet Lev Oshanin.

Recipe for Happiness

Alexandra Pakhmutova herself says that her family differs from the average in that she and her husband are content with what they have. They never pursued any benefits and always lived simply, without excesses.

Perhaps, main secret The family idyll of Alexandra Pakhmutova and her husband is not to find fault with each other over trifles and to keep their personal lives from the unnecessary glances of strangers.

Despite his venerable age (Alexandra Nikolaevna turned 89 this year, and Nikolai Nikolaevich is 90), the great composer and her husband still travel around the country, taking part in various concerts and festivals, are happy to share their invaluable experience with the younger generation and engage in writing new hits.

Born on November 9, 1929 in the village of Beketovka (now part of the Kirovsky district of Volgograd), Nizhne-Volzhsky region.

Honored Artist of the RSFSR (06/2/1971).
People's Artist of the RSFSR (08/1/1977).
People's Artist of the USSR (06/22/1984).
Hero of Socialist Labor (10/29/1990).

At the age of three and a half she began playing the piano and composing music. The Great War, which began in June 1941 Patriotic War interrupted her studies at the Stalingrad Music School. Despite all the difficulties of wartime, in 1943 she went to Moscow and was accepted into the Central music school at the Moscow State Conservatory (then it was called the School of Gifted Children). This world-famous school gave a start to life for many outstanding masters musical art. Future world-famous pianist E.V. studied in the same class with her. Malinin, violinist E.D. Hrach and many others.

After graduating from music school in 1948, she entered the Moscow State Conservatory (class of V.Ya. Shebalin).
In 1953 she graduated from the conservatory, and in 1956 – graduate school, defending her dissertation on the topic “Score of the opera M.I. Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

Author of the music for the vocal cycle “Gagarin’s Constellation” and popular songs (“Song of Troubled Youth”, “Geologists”, “Tenderness”, “Melody”). She works in creative collaboration with her husband, poet Nikolai Dobronravov.

She also authored works for symphony orchestra(“Russian Suite”, concerto for trumpet and orchestra, overture “Youth”, concerto for orchestra, “Ode to Light a Fire”, music for bell ensemble), and works of the cantata-oratorio genre (“Vasily Terkin”, “Beautiful as youth, country", cantatas for children's choir and the symphony orchestra “Red Pathfinders”, “Squad Songs”). To the music of A.N. Pakhmutova at the State Academic Bolshoi Theater and in Odessa State Theater Opera and ballet staged the ballet “Illumination” (1974). In cinema - since 1957 (“The Ulyanov Family”).

For many years she was the chairman of the All-Union Commission of Mass Music Genres. For more than twenty years, since 1968, she headed the jury International competition songs "Red Carnation". From 1968 to 1995 she was secretary of the board of the Union of Composers of the USSR and Russia. From 1969 to 1973 she was a deputy of the Moscow City Council, from 1980 to 1990 - a deputy of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, and was elected a member of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR.

In 1976, minor planet No. 1889 between Mars and Jupiter, discovered by Crimean astronomers on February 20, 1976, was named after her and officially registered at the Planetary Center in Cincinnati (USA).
The asteroid Pakhmutova, discovered in 1968, is named after Pakhmutova.
On May 31, 2011, the city meeting of deputies of Magnitogorsk approved the song “Magnitka” by composer Alexandra Pakhmutova and poet Nikolai Dobronravov as the city anthem.

prizes and awards

USSR State Prize (1975) - for songs (1971-1974).
USSR State Prize (1982) - for the music for the film “Oh sport, you are the world!” (1981).
Lenin Komsomol Prize (1966) - for a cycle of songs about youth and the Komsomol.
State Prize Russian Federation(2015) - for outstanding achievements in the field of humanitarian work 2014
Prize of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the field of culture and art - for contribution to the development of culture (2016)

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 1st class (November 9, 2009).
Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (December 27, 1999).
Two Orders of Lenin (11/6/1979, 10/29/1990).
Two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (1967, 1971).
Order of Friendship of Peoples (1986).
Order of Francis Skaryna (Belarus, April 3, 2000).
Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (2014) - for great contribution to the development of domestic musical art and achieved creative success
Order of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, 1st degree (ROC, 2014)
The first honorary citizen of the city of Ust-Ilimsk (11/9/1979).
Honorary citizen of Lugansk (1971).
Honorary citizen of Volgograd (October 19, 1993).
Honorary citizen of Bratsk (August 26, 1994).
Honorary citizen of Moscow (September 13, 2000).
Russian national award“Ovation” in the “Living Legend” category (2002).
Russian National Olympus Award (2004).
Prize of the Union State of Russia and Belarus for works of literature and art that make a great contribution to strengthening relations of brotherhood, friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the member states of the Union State (March 10, 2004).
National Award for Public Recognition of Women's Achievements "Olympia" Russian Academy business and entrepreneurship in 2005
Order of St. Euphrosyne, Grand Duchess Moscow II degree (ROC, 2008).
Honorary Prize of RAO "For contribution to the development of science, culture and art."
Russian L. E. Nobel Prize (Ludwig Nobel Foundation, St. Petersburg)
"Golden Disc" prize from Melodiya
Title “Person of the Year 2011” according to “Tsaritsyn Muse”
Honorary Citizen of Magnitogorsk (1994)
Honorary Professor of Moscow State University (2015)

Pakhmutova Alexandra Nikolaevna is a real legend musical Olympus USSR, author of music for hundreds of songs that at one time sounded like the anthem of the era. Alexandra Nikolaevna’s talent has accompanied us since childhood, in many Soviet cartoons The music is her own ("Well, wait a minute", "Who is grazing in the meadow?"). Further, her work is actively represented in Soviet cinema, including cult movie"Girls". Pakhmutova is People's Artist of the USSR, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, multiple laureate of state prizes and awards, which once again confirms her significance in the history of music. Her name is forever immortalized in space; an asteroid discovered in 1968 is named in her honor.

Alexandra Pakhmutova is a legendary composer, whose songs were sung by everyone, young and old, in the last century, and even today her work is not alien to both the older generation and young people.

Huge contribution to development Russian music explains the attention to Pakhmutova’s person from journalists and bloggers. The latter are interested in: Height, weight, age. How old is Alexandra Pakhmutova? Today you can clearly answer all the questions posed. Alexandra Nikolaevna’s height is 149 cm, weight 45 kg, age - 88 years, 63 of which she has been happy in a creative and family tandem with Nikolai Dobronravov.

Biography and personal life of Alexandra Pakhmutova

The biography and personal life of Alexandra Pakhmutova do not represent any secret for fans of her work.

Alexandra Pakhmutova was born on November 9, 1929 in Volgograd. She became interested in music from birth, probably inheriting this quality from her father. Already at the age of 5 she wrote a piece for piano “The Roosters are Crowing”. After this, the question of self-determination, finding oneself and one’s business disappeared by itself. Her parents sent the girl to a music school, where little Pakhmutova studied before the start of the war. Wartime, although it made some adjustments, did not discourage the desire to make music. Pakhmutova and her family were forced to move to Kazakhstan, where she studied at a local music school.

In 1943, Pakhmutova set off to conquer Moscow. Almost immediately he entered the music school at the capital's conservatory. She graduated from her alma mater in 1956, defending her graduate degree with V. Ya. Shebalin. At the same time, Pakhmutova manages to fall in love, so much so that for the rest of her life. In addition to Pakhmutova’s active development as a professional, 1956 also saw her formation as a woman who can and wants to love. While working on the radio, she met the young poet Nikolai Dobronravov. Joint work on radio projects quickly brought the young people closer together and already on August 6, 1956 they stood at the threshold of the Moscow registry office.

All my later life Pakhmutova devoted herself to writing music that can truly be called legendary. Her archive contains hundreds of compositions co-authored with leading songwriters of the USSR. Her songs were heard literally everywhere in the 60-90s, they were performed on the stage, they were heard on the theater stage, in films. There probably won't be any famous artist of that era whose repertoire would not have included Pakhmutova’s songs: Lev Leshchenko, Yosif Kobzon, Sofia Rotaru, Alla Pugacheva, Maya Kristalinskaya VIA “Pesnyary” is the tenth, if not the hundredth, part of the galaxy of artists who became famous thanks to Pakhmutova’s songs. They all speak positively about the composer; many note that Pakhmutova practically gave them her talent, asking mere pennies for her songs, or not demanding a fee at all.

In addition to music, Pakhmutova studied social activities. IN different time She held responsible positions - she was a member of the Union of Composers of the USSR, and was a deputy of the Supreme Council. She was trusted to decide the destinies of the young and talented. So, since 1968, Pakhmutova has been a permanent member of the jury of the Red Carnation festival. Today, students themselves line up to see her to evaluate their talents - Pakhmutova passes on her experience to young people, being a teacher at Moscow State University. For your activity, as in public life, and in the musical field, Pakhmutova has been repeatedly awarded both domestic and foreign awards, a collection of which she gladly demonstrates to journalists.

The beginning of the 21st century brought with it new era in music, new genres and hits, but Pakhmutova’s songs still remain relevant. She still makes music today, writes new melodies, but rather for herself, for the soul, she teaches at Moscow State University, and at the invitation of colleagues, appears at concerts and recitals of artists with whose work her life is inextricably linked.

It is noteworthy that some of Pakhmutova’s songs are the official anthems of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In 2011, Magnitogorsk authorities approved Pakhmutova’s song “Magnitka” as the city’s anthem. Yaroslavl officials made a similar decision in 2017.

Family and children of Alexandra Pakhmutova

Alexandra Pakhmutova was born into a family of workers. Both mother and father worked at the local power plant. Her musical inclinations were passed on from her father; he himself mastered playing the balalaika, piano and violin and instilled a love of music in his daughter. In addition to Alexandra, the Pakhmutov family raised two more daughters and a son. The family and children of Alexandra Pakhmutova are a question of interest to many for several reasons. On the one hand, the family duet Pakhmutov-Dobronravov is a star duet of the Soviet stage; it was in collaboration with her husband that they wrote best songs, included in the golden fund of USSR music.

On the other hand, a couple who have long experienced their “golden wedding” and never have quarrels, at least publicly, do not have children. Pakhmutova does not like to be frank on this topic. It is only known that the marriage of Pakhmutova and Dobronravov was registered on August 6, 1956, and since then the spouses have been inseparable either in life or in work. The secret of their success is simple: listen to each other and not find fault with little things. And Nikolai Dobronravov sees the secret of longevity and strength of marriage in the inviolable fulfillment of the rule bequeathed to us by Antoine De Saint-Exupery “Love is not looking at each other, but looking in the same direction.” So the ship called the Pakhmutov-Dobronravov family union has been looking in one direction for almost 65 years, being practically a standard “star family” where no one pulls the blanket over themselves.

Alexandra Pakhmutova's husband - Nikolai Dobronravov

Alexandra Pakhmutova’s husband, Nikolai Dobronravov, deserves special attention. With all the talent of his wife, the poet Nikolai Dobronravov did not remain in her shadow. His name is no less clearly inscribed in the history of the Soviet stage. In addition to his wife, he worked with such famous composers as: Arno Babajanyan, Evgeny Martynov, Muslim Magamaev. His songs were performed by the presenters at that time pop singers: Yosif Kobzon Edita Piekha, Valentina Tolkunova and others. And how many were there who could only dream of getting Dobronravov’s song into their repertoire, not to mention getting a bosom friend and comrade in him.

Nikolai Nikolaevich is a laureate of the USSR State Prize, winner of many awards and prizes - practically duplicating his wife’s award arsenal. Today, like his wife, Nikolai Nikolaevich, passes on his experience to beginners creative people, is an honorary professor at Moscow State University.

Wikipedia Alexandra Pakhmutova

Alexandra Pakhmutova is without a doubt a bright star on the musical horizon of the USSR. Her name is forever inscribed in the history of music. There is also Wikipedia of Alexandra Pakhmutova on the Internet. The composer’s personal page provides all the information about her work, the most bright moments life, full list her songs and filmography.

It is worth noting that, among other things, Alexandra Pakhmutova brought a lot of new things to cinema, taking part mainly in documentary projects. Concerning social networks, then Pakhmutova never mastered them, so all information about her is limited only to Wikipedia and other media resources, into which family photographs of the composer are unlikely to leak, and what is truly dear and close to the heart of this talented woman is stored only in family photo albums, to which she gives access only to a few. However, on the Internet there is comprehensive information about the contribution of this brilliant woman to the development of art, which is quite enough for the average person.

Alexandra Nikolaevna lived most of her life with one man - her husband Nikolai Dobronravov, and thanks fate for giving her a meeting with such a person. In this marriage children of Alexandra Pakhmutova, which she, like any other woman, of course, always dreamed of, did not come into being, and she filled this niche with creativity and love for her husband, with whom she lived for almost sixty years.

They met in the spring of 1956, and three months later they became husband and wife. Alexandra Pakhmutova’s husband at that time worked at the Moscow Youth Theater, performed on the radio, reading poetry in children’s programs “Attention, let’s start!” and "Pioneer Dawn". They met on the radio, and their love began with collaboration - Alexandra Nikolaevna wrote music for children's programs, and together with Dobronravov they composed the song “Motor Boat”.

After the wedding, they went to Nikolai’s relatives in Abkhazia for their honeymoon. The poet and composer Nikolai Dobronravov became for Alexandra Nikolaevna not only a husband, but also a colleague, with whom she wrote many songs that became real hits.

In the photo - Alexandra Pakhmutova and Nikolai Dobronravov

They have always been a very harmonious couple and fruitful creative union, that's why they lived so long and happy life. Dobronravov and Pakhmutova try to give as few interviews as possible, and do not answer questions about their personal lives at all, but the fact that they lived together record number years indicates that she was happy with them.

Alexandra Pakhmutova’s music has become a real symbol Soviet era, and her songs were heard on all radio stations and on TV screens. Despite the fact that fate never gave Alexandra Pakhmutova and Nikolai Dobronravov their own children, they did a lot for the children of everything Soviet Union, having written many children's songs on which more than one generation has grown up.

Alexandra Nikolaevna worked in different genres, but it was the songs that brought her particular popularity, which for her creative life she wrote no less than four hundred. She collaborated not only with her husband, but also with other songwriters - Lev Oshanin, Mikhail Matusovsky, Evgeny Dolmatovsky, Robert Rozhdestvensky and others. Her songs were and are performed by stars national stage and musical groups.

✿ღ✿The love story of Pakhmutova and Dobronravov✿ღ✿

Nikolai Dobronravov and Alexandra Pakhmutova.

Famous composer Alexandra Pakhmutova and her husband, poet Nikolai Dobronravov, believe that for happiness in family life there is no need to be “principled.”

The legend of Soviet popular music, composer Alexandra Pakhmutova was born on November 9, 1929 in the village of Beketovka, which today is part of Volgograd. Musical ability The girls were so obvious that already at the age of 3 her parents began to teach her to play the piano. It was music that helped Pakhmutova find her “prince” and main partner in her work. They met the young poet Nikolai Dobronravov in the children's broadcasting studio on All-Union Radio. Pakhmutova wrote music for the programs “Pioneer Dawn”, “Attention, at the start!”, and Dobronravov read poetry in these programs own composition. Almost immediately they wrote their first duet, “Motor Boat,” and three months later they signed at the registry office.

They didn’t organize a magnificent celebration: there was simply no money for it. The bride wore a modest pink suit, sewn by her mother. When Pakhmutova and Dobronravov were getting married, a downpour suddenly poured down on a hot August day. The lovers thought it good sign.

We went on a honeymoon to visit relatives in Abkhazia and spent our wedding night on the lunar paths of the Black Sea. As Pakhmutova and Dobronravov say in their interviews, they consider this vacation, despite all its modesty, the happiest of their lives. Alexandra Nikolaevna’s aunt prepared delicious Caucasian dishes for them, the newlyweds swam in the sea all day long, discussed joint creative plans... Since then, dozens of joint works have been written, hits that have not become obsolete for many years (“Tenderness”, “Old Maple”, “Belovezhskaya Pushcha”, “How young we were”), sports anthems (“The Team of Our Youth” and “A Coward Doesn’t Play Hockey”), lively songs (“The main thing, guys, is not to grow old in your heart!”).

From left to right: composer Oscar Feltsman, Mongolian singer Tsetsegee Dashtsevagiin, poet Nikolai Dobronravov, singer Galina Nenasheva, singer Joseph Kobzon, chairman of the jury, composer Alexandra Pakhmutova, Cuban singer Lourdes Gil and poet Robert Rozhdestvensky. III International festival youth political song in Sochi. 1969

Pakhmutova and Dobronravov are considered an inseparable creative duet and perhaps the most hospitable couple in Soviet art. Famous artists and musicians always came to their house to drink tea and play music.

As Lev Leshchenko says in his interviews, it is always surprising in the house of Pakhmutova and Dobronravov warm atmosphere, the composer and the poet call each other nothing more than Kolechka and Alechka. Alexandra Nikolaevna admits that she and Nikolai Nikolaevich do not have any special recipes for family happiness.

They simply try not to find fault with each other over trifles and not to be “principled.” And Dobronravov, talking about what their family is based on, likes to quote Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: “Love is not looking at each other, but looking in the same direction.” This is actually true in their case. Pakhmutova and Dobronravov suffered many difficulties, but they never became separated and fought together for their place in art. They once admitted in an interview with AiF that they “have a lot of songs that were banned.” The song dedicated to the veterans of the First Belorussian Front could not reach the public. The censorship did not like the words: “Marshal Rokossovsky was our favorite, and Marshal Zhukov personally led us to Berlin.” How can it be, how can we call and glorify these military leaders if we have one hero: Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev?! Pakhmutova called “upstairs”, cursed, screamed. They found fault not only with the words, but also with the music. The song “And Lenin is so young” featured drums and a frantic rhythm. Officials considered the song "crazy" and put it on the shelf for a year and a half. Pakhmutova refused to even change the note. And her loved one always supported her in all decisions, best friend and creative partner Nikolai Nikolaevich Dobronravov.

It is interesting that the creativity of Pakhmutova and Dobronravov not only became the basis of their own family happiness, but also ruled the personal lives of others famous artists. One day romantic relationship Muslim Magomayev and Tamara Sinyavskaya have cracked.

Tamara Ilyinichna was then married to another man and at some point decided not to get a divorce for Magomayev’s sake. Then Pakhmutova and Dobronravov, having learned that the stars had quarreled, wrote two songs. One - “Melody” - for Muslim Magometovich: “You are my melody, I am your devoted Orpheus.” The second - “Farewell, beloved” - for the diva Bolshoi Theater Sinyavskaya: “The whole world is filled with a swan song, goodbye, my beloved, my unique one.” As Tamara Ilyinichna and Muslim Magometovich later said in their interviews, these stunning melodies and soul-touching poems made such a great impression on them that Sinyavskaya divorced and she and Magomayev got married in 1974. All their lives, the legendary couple considered these two songs, written for their failed separation, to be their musical talismans of love.

Looking at Pakhmutova and Dobronravov today, it’s hard to believe that they have been married for more than half a century. They look at each other with loving eyes, talk for hours, are full creative plans. Their children famous couple no, but they consider talented children from disadvantaged families as their own, whom they help make their way in life.