Arkady's love story. The essay “Why does the novel “Fathers and Sons” present the story of the happy love of Arkady Kirsanov and Katya Lokteva

Finding themselves in the estate of Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, Bazarov and Arkady, the heroes of the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons", they also meet her sister Katya, a young silent girl. Both Bazarov and Arkady are interested in Anna Sergeevna, but the hostess herself preferred to spend her leisure time in long walks and conversations with Bazarov. Therefore, Arkady is forced to communicate with Katya, overcoming the girl’s shyness and isolation. Bazarov immediately drew Arkady’s attention to Katya’s extraordinary personality, but it took time for Arkady to become convinced of this himself.

The scene of Arkady and Katya's explanation is the culmination of their relationship. Sitting in the garden, in the shade of a tall ash tree, they are silent, but, as the author notes, in their silence one could feel “a trusting rapprochement: each of them seemed not to think about his neighbor, but secretly rejoiced at his closeness.” Katya agrees with Arkady’s words, and this gives him the opportunity to mentally compare her attitude towards his thoughts and Bazarov’s attitude towards them - intolerant, harsh, categorical. Katya loves Heine’s lyrics, but not satire, and believes that Arkady’s love for satire is “old traces” of his direction.

Internally agreeing with her, Arkady is amazed to himself: “If only Bazarov had heard this!” And indeed, Katya concludes that he is no longer under the influence of Bazarov: he does not quarrel with old people, he accompanies his aunt to church: “I couldn’t refuse!” Habits brought up from childhood and respect for elders prevail over an atheistic worldview. And Katya feels that Bazarov is a “stranger” both to Arkady and to herself: “He is predatory, but you and I are tame.” Katya notes that her sister also freed herself from Bazarov’s influence and began to treat Arkady better, and Arkady is again amazed: where does such a young girl have such powers of observation? The reason is simple: Katya lived alone a lot and thought a lot about life. And what pleases Arkady most is her remark that she, Katya, is not rich - after all, the estate went to her sister from her late husband. Arkady likes how simply Katya talks about this, and the lack of vanity in her, and this very fact: he would not want to feel his and Katya’s material inequality. He is delighted to discover a lot of advantages in the girl: she is smart, proud, independent, although she feels somewhat humiliated compared to her sister. “...I won’t trade you not only for your sister, but for anyone in the world,” Arkady says to the girl, quickly leaving after that, “as if frightened by the words that came out of his mouth.”

As a subtle psychologist and artist, Turgenev brings the characters to the realization of how spiritually close they are to each other, how ready they are to free themselves from the influence that fetters their souls, deciding to feel like themselves. Therefore, it seems natural after this for Arkady’s declaration of love to Katya, which Anna Sergeevna did not expect, and his separation from Bazarov, and his return to the traditional circle of “fathers.”

The novel by I. S. Turgenev is multifaceted in terms of genre. Firstly, this family romance, since it shows the relationship between parents and children in the family. Secondly, it is socio-ideological, because it reflects the struggle between liberal nobles and commoners. Thirdly, psychological, since the author deeply reveals inner world his heroes, creates psychologically accurate types of people.

And finally, we can call Turgenev’s work philosophical, due to the fact that the writer turns to eternal themes life and death, the meaning of human existence.

The episode “Explanation of Arkady and Katya” helps readers understand why the younger Kirsanov, who idolized his “teacher” - Bazarov’s friend, abandons his previous beliefs and leaves the proud and proud nihilist alone. Why did shy and timid Katya turn out to be stronger not only than the self-confident Bazarov, but also her sister Anna Sergeevna Odintsova?

It was under the influence of Katya that Arkady left the “satirical direction” and began to look for ideals in places other than where he had looked for them before. He finds them in the family he creates, as we learn from last chapter, with Katya.

From the camp of “children” he moves to the camp of “fathers”. His son is born, he becomes a “zealous owner.”

Let's turn to the episode "Explanation of Arkady and Katya" and try to understand how the characters are revealed in it characters novel.

The location of the action, the environment in which the conversation of young people takes place, is important. A tall ash tree, in the shade of which Arkady and Katya are sitting on a turf bench; pale golden spots of light on the garden path and on the yellow back of the greyhound dog Fifi, and the “small family of sparrows” that the girl feeds by throwing crumbs to them white bread, - everything in this picture creates an atmosphere of peace, tranquility and harmony. Young people feel very good around each other; there is a sincere and trusting relationship between them. They agree on many points of view, they equally love nature and art. With Katya, Arkady can be himself. He is not afraid that any of his statements will cause rejection or condemnation. Let us remember the significant conversation between friends at a haystack, when Arkady compared the movements of a dry maple leaf with the flight of a butterfly, and Bazarov interrupted him: “Oh, my friend Arkady Nikolaevich!.. I ask you one thing: don’t speak beautifully.” Communicating with Katya, young Kirsanov can allow himself to “speak beautifully”: “Don’t you think... that “ash” in Russian is very well named: not a single tree comes through in the air as easily and clearly as it does.” Katya agrees with him, and Arkady thinks with pleasure: “This one doesn’t reproach me for expressing myself beautifully.”

Odintsova’s younger sister is very observant, her statements about people are true and accurate. For example, she well understands the alienness of Bazarov not only to her, but also to Arkady: “He is predatory, and you and I are tame,” “Predatory” are strong, independent natures striving to remake the world. Katya and Arkady are “tame” because they have a simplicity of character, they are not going to destroy the old, but only continue the same, develop it. The girl notes that her sister changed her attitude towards Arkady and became “disposed” towards him. Proud and independent Anna Sergeevna was also under the influence of Bazarov, “but no one can get the better of her for a long time.”

Young people even think alike, agreeing that they do not need independence. Smart and sensitive Katya hints to Arkady that there may be some feelings between him and her sister. She is independent, reserved, and knows how to control herself. The author conveys her hidden experiences through gesture. Because of her excitement, she begins to throw crumbs to the sparrows too sharply: “the wave of her hand was too strong, and they flew away without having time to peck.” It is at this moment that Arkady understands the girl’s inner state and almost pronounces a declaration of love: “...know that I will not exchange you for your sister, I will not exchange you for anyone.”

Bazarov was right when he said about Katya: “... and yours will stand up for herself, and she will stand up so much that she will take you into her hands...” Anna Sergeevna does not suspect anything about the feelings of young people and has “views” of Arkady. She is condescending towards her younger sister, not realizing that this “young and green” will defeat her. Odintsova advises Katya to try on new shoes: “... and you still have such lovely legs!” And at that moment the eighteen-year-old girl thinks: “... lovely legs, you say... Well, they will have him.”

From the episode “Explanation of Arkady and Katya” we can conclude that these heroes make up a psychological couple, having a soft and simple character. They have kindred spirits.

Blessed is he who was young from his youth,
Blessed is he who matures in time,
Who gradually life is cold
He knew how to endure meetings;
Who strange dreams didn't indulge
Who has not shunned the secular mob,
Who at twenty was a dandy or a smart guy,
And at thirty he is profitably married;
Who was freed at fifty
From private and other debts,
Who is fame, money and ranks
I got in line calmly,
About whom they have been repeating for a century:
N.N. wonderful person.
A. S. Pushkin

It's no secret that moral principles a person may well manifest itself in love. Revealing the image of the nihilist Bazarov - the main character of the novel, Turgenev describes tragic story his love for the provincial beauty Odintsova, and next to him, for contrast, the writer unfolds the story happy love Arkady Kirsanov (university friend of Bazarov) and Katya Lokteva (younger sister of Odintsova). Why did the first story end in a breakup, and the second in a wedding? Of all the possible reasons-explanations, three main ones should be highlighted: the financial situation of the heroes, their characters and beliefs.

Arkady Kirsanov is the grandson of a general, the heir of his father and uncle, a relative (though distant) of important St. Petersburg officials, the Kolyazins. Although Nikolai Petrovich constantly complains about economic problems, the Kirsanovs own a large steppe (black earth) estate, which, if properly managed, can generate quite a decent income. In a word, Arkady is a groom anywhere. Bazarov is the grandson of a sexton, the son of a regimental doctor, who received hereditary nobility for conscientious service and did not make any influential friends or patrons. Consequently, the young nihilist can only inherit from his parents a tiny estate of twenty-two peasant souls. In other words, from birth Arkady is freed from the harsh “struggle for life” and is free to choose any career for himself: public service, managing the family estate, calm family joys or wasting life, while the poor man Bazarov must, if he wishes, achieve everything in life himself.

The financial situation of Anna Sergeevna Odintsova and Katya Lokteva is also different, although they are sisters. Their father, a brilliant swindler and card player, squandered the entire family fortune in St. Petersburg and Moscow and died, leaving his daughters a small estate in one village. However, Anna Sergeevna, a twenty-year-old beauty with a brilliant metropolitan upbringing, belonging to a princely family on her mother’s side, married a rich forty-six-year-old

(XV) of the landowner Odintsov and after his death became a rich widow, still young and beautiful. From the very death of her father, Anna Sergeevna took upon herself to take care of her younger sister, and Katya did not need anything by the grace of Odintsova (XXV), but at the same time, Katya still owned only half of her father’s village, that is, she was a poor bride, almost without a dowry.

It should be noted that the young heroes of the novel are people of broad views; for them the poverty of a friend or loved one is not of paramount importance. The rich heir Arkady Kirsanov became friends with the poor student Bazarov, married Katya, without thinking about her dowry. Bazarov fell in love with the rich woman Odintsova, captivated by her beauty and intelligence, and she was carried away by him, and in her discussions about the “doctor” the thought of his poverty did not arise at all.

In both love stories, the characters' characters played a more serious role than material considerations. Arkady is good-natured, flexible, sensitive, moderately intelligent and observant - in a word, a young man, “pleasant in all respects.” Having danced a mazurka with Odintsova at a ball, he fell in love with the young widow with “graceful humility” (XIV), that is, he sighed languidly about her and did not dare to bother her with his courtship. Young Kirsanov naively succumbed to Bazarov’s cunning, who, in order to remove his young rival, upon arrival in Nikolskoye, immediately drew his attention to Katya: “... this dark-skinned one. It’s fresh, and untouched, and timid, and silent, and whatever you want” (XVI). Arkady easily gets confused in his affairs of the heart: he, “who finally decided with himself that he was in love with Odintsova, began to indulge in quiet despondency. However, this despondency did not prevent him from getting closer to Katya” (XVII). Perhaps, thanks to his soft, easy-going character, Katya liked young Kirsanov, and she helped him understand where his happiness lay.

One day Katya asked Arkady: “Don’t compare me with my sister... it’s too unfavorable for me” (XXV). However, she is clearly being modest: she is very similar to Anna Sergeevna in her prudence, restraint, and determination. She behaves so smartly with young Kirsanov that he, sighing about Odintsova, imperceptibly becomes attached to his younger sister: “Katya vaguely understood that he was looking for some kind of consolation in her company, and did not deny either him or herself the innocent pleasure of half-bashful , half-trusting friendship" (XVII). Saying goodbye to Arkady forever, Bazarov says: “...I hope for Katerina Sergeevna. Look how quickly she will console you” (XXVII). And Bazarov is right. “Tame” Arkady needs a loyal friend and leader. As soon as Bazarov leaves the life of young Kirsanov, Katya takes his place: already in the evening after the departure of his university friend, Arkady began to submit to the bride, “and Katya felt it and was not surprised” (XXVI).

It is Katya who chooses Arkady as her life partner, although he himself is sure of the opposite. It is she who explains to Arkady the difference between him and Bazarov: “... you are a stranger to him. (...) He is predatory, and you and I are tame” (XXV), but he does it very tactfully, because she herself takes Arkady’s side (“you and I”). At the same time, none other than Katya reminds her husband about Bazarov at the end of the novel during a gala dinner.

Bazarov’s character is the complete opposite of Arkady: stern, self-confident, decisive, remarkably smart and purposeful, at the same time honest and sincere. He did not, like his friend, “give in to the quiet despondency” (XVII) of love, did not become deceived about his feelings for Anna Sergeevna, which he declares to young Kirsanov: “Eh, yes, I see, Arkady Nikolaevich, you understand love, like all the new young people: chick, chick, chicken, and as soon as the chicken starts to approach, God bless your legs! I am not like that” (XXI). He got a little angry at himself for romantic love, which he had not believed in before, he resolutely confessed his feelings to Odintsova. His passion was so great that it captured and at the same time frightened Anna Sergeevna: “... passion beat in him, strong and heavy - a passion similar to anger and, perhaps, akin to it... Odintsova felt scared and sorry for him” ( XVIII). The young nihilist is distinguished by external restraint and internal pride (“satanic pride,” as Pavel Petrovich put it - X): Bazarov outwardly calmly accepted Anna Sergeevna’s refusal (XIX), but proudly refused her pity-mercy (XXVI).

While visiting his parents, he declares to Arkady: “When I meet a person who would not give up on the front line, (...) then I will change my opinion about myself” (XXI). However, the proud nihilist is disingenuous - he has already met such a person. This is Odintsova, and in terms of strength of character (“... her character was free and quite decisive” - XV) she is not inferior to Bazarov. Anna Sergeevna, while still a young woman, had already experienced and successfully overcome many difficulties: the ruin of her family, six years of living with a husband whom “she could barely stand” (XVI), the evil tongue of county gossips, responsibility for the fate of her younger sister, managing the estate. Intelligence and interest in life, gentleness and independence in thoughts (she “favored Bazarov, although she rarely agreed with him” - XVII), aversion to vulgarity and tolerance for other people’s shortcomings, beauty and self-esteem - such a combination of character qualities in Anna Sergeevna makes fair the initial assessment given to her at the ball by Bazarov: “What kind of figure is this? (...) She’s not like other women” (XIV). It is not surprising that Bazarov found only in Odintsova, and not in anyone else (including his parents), the only person in the novel with whom he could talk seriously and frankly on any topic, starting with the device Russian state, continuing with questions of medicine, botany, ending with problems of happiness, love, and one’s own future.

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The legendary work of all times by Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" covers many topics and problems. But the main problem that visited each hero of the work is the problem of love. Love plays a very important role in the lives of the heroes in the novel "Fathers and Sons". But each character experiences the feeling in his own way, not like everyone else. So, let's look at the heroes separately.

First, let's talk about the main character Evgeny Bazarov.

Love for Odintsova is very difficult. All his life he despised this feeling, but when faced with it, he cannot help himself. Love in his life turned everything upside down. All his previous views turned out to be wrong. This is what destroyed him.

As for Arkady’s relationship with Katya, their love changes the hero, and his life becomes much better. After all, it is with Katya that Arkady can become who he is and stop pretending, as he did in his friendship with Bazarov.

Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov is a rather tragic personality. After the death of his wife, it was extremely difficult for him. And he found that love, tenderness and beauty that he so lacked in life in young Fenechka.

Pavel Kirsanov is an even more tragic person.

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The theme of love in the novel “Fathers and Sons” is revealed through the example of the relationships of the following four couples: Bazarov and Odintsova, Pavel Petrovich and Princess R., Arkady and Katya, Nikolai Petrovich and Fenechka. In this article we will briefly describe the feelings of these heroes. The theme of love in the novel "Fathers and Sons" helps to understand the character of the characters. The experience of this feeling reveals the personality traits of each of them.

The most bright character works is Bazarov. The author put this hero at the center of the narrative, and the history of his relationship with Anna Sergeevna is given significant place. Therefore, we will start with it.

Bazarov's feelings for Odintsova

Statements about Bazarov’s love and his feelings for Odintsova reveal contradictions in Evgeny’s nature. Perhaps, to some extent, the author’s irony is the depiction of the victory over nihilism of the flared romantic feeling. However, the real meaning of this situation seems to be the opposite. The fact is that for Turgenev true love has always been the criterion of a high personality. The author did not at all seek to humiliate Eugene; on the contrary, he wanted to elevate him. Turgenev tried to show that in callous and dry nihilists there is hidden a powerful force of feeling, one that Arkady is not capable of in his relationship with Katya.

However, love rarely played a role in the fate of common democrats. fatal role, as, for example, in the life of Pavel Petrovich. What happened to Evgeniy is rather an exception. That is why Turgenev in his work assigns minor role love story.

At the beginning of the novel, Bazarov treats this feeling as romantic nonsense. He believes that this is "emptiness" and "licentiousness." The story about the feeling that R. Pavel Petrovich had for Princess R. was introduced by Turgenev as a warning to Bazarov, this arrogant young man. Love in the life of the heroes of the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" becomes fatal.

The image of Anna Sergeevna

Anna Sergeevna is the culprit big changes that happened to the main character. She is a beauty, an aristocrat, a young widow of 28 years old. Odintsova experienced and felt a lot. She is proud, independent and smart woman who has a decisive and free character. Of course, Eugene struck her imagination. And Anna Sergeevna interested the hero with freedom of judgment, serene calm, erudition, originality, and democracy. However, Odintsova cannot respond to Bazarov with the same strong feeling. Of course, in the eyes of the reader she loses to Evgeniy, who turns out to be taller than her.

We can say that thanks to her, a turning point occurred in the soul of Evgeny Bazarov. Love for her is the beginning of tragic retribution for Bazarov. This feeling seems to split his soul into two halves.

A turning point in the soul of Evgeny Bazarov

From this moment on, two people live in the hero. The first one is the enemy of romantic feelings. The spiritual nature of love is denied by him. The second - spiritually and passionately loving person who was faced with the mystery of this feeling. Evgeniy usually doesn’t give appearance person a lot of attention, however, he was struck by Odintsova’s beauty, and he became interested in her. The hero, who previously denied beauty, now becomes captured by it. Bazarov, who rejected love, begins to experience this feeling. Evgeniy himself realizes that fighting oneself is a hopeless task!

Bazarov's loneliness in love

Bazarov is lonely in love. The hero reveals himself in a bitter feeling for Anna Sergeevna as a deep, passionate and strong nature. The author shows how love broke Eugene. At the end of the work, he is no longer the same person he was at the beginning. Bazarov is experiencing a severe mental crisis. Everything starts to fall out of his hands. Even the infection seems to be no accident: a depressed person becomes careless. However, Bazarov still does not give up the fight and does not humiliate himself in front of Anna Sergeevna. He tries with all his might to overcome despair and pain.

The similarities between the stories of Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Kirsanov

Love in the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" is shown both in opposition (Arkady's feeling for Katya and Bazarov's for Odintsova) and in similarity. You may notice that the stories of Evgeny Bazarov and Pavel Kirsanov are very similar. Both of them meet their lovers at the ball. Both Bazarov and Kirsanov are unhappy in their feelings. Both of them were there before“hunters of women,” but suddenly they changed, having fallen in love. Pavel Petrovich, accustomed to victories, soon achieved his goal in relation to Princess R. However, this victory did not cool him. Evgeny soon realized that Anna Sergeevna “wouldn’t get any sense,” but he couldn’t help but think about her. For both Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov, love is not a simple attraction. It becomes a real torment for them. Over time, Kirsanov not only did not lose interest in the princess, but also became “even more painfully” attached to her. This love story in the novel "Fathers and Sons" runs through his entire life. Bazarov was also “tormented and enraged” by love, from which only death saved him. And here you can find similarities in the stories of the two heroes. In both cases, love is associated with death. Pavel Petrovich could not stop loving the princess even after she died. And Kirsanov lost everything. The author notes that Pavel Petrovich’s “emaciated head” lay on the pillow like a dead man’s head. Having fallen in love with Anna Sergeevna, Bazarov also dies. Not like Pavel Petrovich, but physically.

Love in the life of Nikolai Petrovich

How is the theme of love revealed in the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" in relation to the next hero, Nikolai Petrovich? For him this feeling is driving force and support. The theme of love in the novel “Fathers and Sons” by Turgenev receives new coverage when it comes to Nikolai Petrovich or his son. For them, this is not a fatal feeling, as for Pavel Petrovich or Bazarov. This is tender affection, a natural need of the soul, which they do not try to fight.

At first, Nikolai Petrovich felt a deep, tender and touching feeling for his wife Masha. The couple practically never separated. So 10 years passed, and then Kirsanov’s wife died. Nikolai Petrovich could barely bear this blow. 10 years passed before his heart could accommodate new love.

Fenechka is not equal either in social status or age to Nikolai Petrovich. However, this did not stop Kirsanov. The heroine gave birth to his second son. This daughter of Nikolai Petrovich’s former housekeeper was able to fill the house with joy and illuminate Kirsanov’s life in his declining years.

Relationship between Arkady and Katya

The theme of love in the novel “Fathers and Sons” is also represented by the relationship between the son Nikolai Petrovich and Katya. In relation to Arkady, it must be said that before his eyes there was an example of the deep and tender love of his parents. He had a completely different idea of ​​this feeling than Bazarov. Therefore, this hero was indignant when Eugene ridiculed the secret of the relationship between a man and a woman. As soon as Arkady moved away from his friend, the need for loving and a loved one. Unnoticed, Katya entered his life. In the relationship between Katya and Arkady, the author exposes nihilism, which is unusual in the nature of the son Nikolai Petrovich. Katya directly declares that she undertakes to remake it. And the girl manages to put these words into practice. After some time, Arkady abandons the nihilistic ideology and becomes an exemplary family man.


The theme of love is very widely represented in the novel “Fathers and Sons” by Turgenev. It is not difficult to write an essay on this work. To reveal the theme of love, you can choose the relationship between two characters or imagine general overview, as in our article. The pages of Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" are literally permeated with the spirit of this eternal feeling. The character of the heroes is most fully revealed during the test of love. Of course, the theme of love in the novel “Fathers and Sons” is one of the key ones in this work.