Family relationships in the novel "War and Peace". Essay on the topic: Love and war in the novel War and Peace, Tolstoy What is true love, war and peace

In the novel “War and Peace” L.N. Tolstoy reveals the most important life problems- problems of morality. Love and friendship, honor and nobility... Tolstoy's heroes dream and doubt, think and solve problems that are important to them. Some of them are deeply moral people, while others are alien to the concept of nobility. To the modern reader, Tolstoy’s heroes are close and understandable, the author’s decision moral problems helps today’s reader understand in many ways what makes L.N.’s novel. Tolstoy is still a very relevant work.
Love... Perhaps one of the most exciting problems of human life. In the novel “War and Peace” many pages are devoted to this wonderful feeling. Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov, Anatole pass before us... They all love, but they love in different ways, and the author helps the reader to see, correctly understand and appreciate the feelings of these people.
True love does not come to Prince Andrey right away. From the very beginning of the novel we see how far he is from secular society, and his wife Lisa is a typical representative of the world. Although Prince Andrei loves his wife in his own way (such a man could not marry without love), they are spiritually separated and cannot be happy together. His love for Natasha is a completely different feeling. He found in her a close, understandable, sincere, natural person, loving and understanding of what Prince Andrei also values. His feeling is very pure, gentle, caring. He believes Natasha and does not hide his love. Love makes him younger and stronger, it ennobles him, it helps him. (“Such an unexpected confusion of young thoughts and hopes arose in his soul...”) Prince Andrei decides to marry Natasha because he loves her with all his heart.
Anatoly Kuragin has a completely different love for Natasha. Anatole is handsome, rich, accustomed to worship. Everything in life is easy for him. At the same time, it is empty and superficial. He never even thought about his love. Everything is simple for him; he is overcome by a primitive thirst for pleasure. And Natasha, with shaking hands, holds a “passionate” love letter composed for Anatoly by Dolokhov. “Love and die. “I have no other choice,” reads this letter. Trite. Anatole doesn't think at all about future fate Natasha, oh her happiness. Above all, personal pleasure is for him. This feeling cannot be called high. And is this love?
Friendship... With his novel L.N. Tolstoy helps the reader understand what true friendship is. Extreme frankness and honesty between two people, when neither can even entertain the thought of betrayal or apostasy - this is exactly the kind of relationship that develops between Prince Andrei and Pierre. They deeply respect and understand each other, and in the most difficult moments of doubt and failure they come to each other for advice. It is no coincidence that Prince Andrei, when leaving abroad, tells Natasha to turn to Pierre for help only. Pierre also loves Natasha, but he doesn’t even have the thought of taking advantage of Prince Andrei’s departure to court her. Against. Although it is very difficult and difficult for Pierre, he helps Natasha in the story with Anatoly Kuragin, he considers it an honor to protect his friend’s fiancee from all kinds of harassment.
A completely different relationship is established between Anatoly and Dolokhov, although they are also considered friends in the world. “Anatole sincerely loved Dolokhov for his intelligence and daring; Dolokhov, who needed Anatole’s strength, nobility, and connections to lure rich young people into his gambling society, without letting him feel this, used and amused himself with Kuragin.” What kind of pure and honest love and friendship can we talk about here? Dolokhov indulges Anatoly in his affair with Natasha, writes a love letter for him and watches what is happening with interest. True, he tried to warn Anatole when he was about to take Natasha away, but only out of fear that this would affect his personal interests.
Love and friendship, honor and nobility. L.N. Tolstoy gives the answer to solve these problems not only through the main ones, but also secondary images novel, although the author does not have an answer to the question posed about morality minor characters: Berg’s petty-bourgeois ideology, Boris Drubetsky’s “unwritten subordination,” “love for Julie Karagina’s estates” and so on - this is the second half of solving the problem - through negative examples.
Even to solving the problem of whether a person is beautiful or not, great writer approaches from a very peculiar moral position. An immoral person cannot be truly beautiful, he believes, and therefore portrays the beautiful Helen Bezukhova as a “beautiful animal.” On the contrary, Marya Volkonskaya, who cannot be called a beauty, is transformed when she looks at others with a “radiant” gaze.
J.I.H. decision. Tolstoy of all the problems in the novel “War and Peace” from a moral standpoint makes this work relevant, and Lev Nikolaevich - modern writer, the author of works that are highly moral and deeply psychological.

“War and Peace” is a Russian national epic, which is reflected national character of the Russian people at the moment when their historical fate was being decided. L.N. Tolstoy worked on the novel for almost six years: from 1863 to 1869. From the very beginning of work on the work, the writer’s attention was attracted not only historical events, but also private, family life heroes. Tolstoy believed that the family is a unit of the world, in which the spirit of mutual understanding, naturalness and closeness to the people should reign.

The novel “War and Peace” describes the life of several noble families: the Rostovs, the Bolkonskys and the Kuragins.

The Rostov family is an ideal harmonious whole, where the heart prevails over the mind. Love binds all family members. It manifests itself in sensitivity, attention, and closeness. With the Rostovs, everything is sincere, it comes from the heart. Cordiality, hospitality, hospitality reign in this family, and the traditions and customs of Russian life are preserved.

Parents raised their children, giving them all their love. They can understand, forgive and help. For example, when Nikolenka Rostov lost a huge amount of money to Dolokhov, he did not hear a word of reproach from his father and was able to pay off his gambling debt.

The children of this family have absorbed everything best qualities“Rostov breed”. Natasha is the personification of heartfelt sensitivity, poetry, musicality and intuitiveness. She knows how to enjoy life and people like a child.

Life of the heart, honesty, naturalness, moral purity and decency determine their relationships in the family and behavior among people.

Unlike the Rostovs, the Bolkonskys live with their minds, not their hearts. This is an old aristocratic family. In addition to blood ties, the members of this family are also connected by spiritual closeness.

At first glance, the relationships in this family are difficult and devoid of cordiality. However, internally these people are close to each other. They are not inclined to show their feelings.

The old Prince Bolkonsky embodies the best features of a serviceman (nobility, devoted to those to whom he “sworn allegiance.” The concept of honor and duty of an officer was in the first place for him. He served under Catherine II, participated in Suvorov’s campaigns. He considered intelligence and activity to be the main virtues , and his vices are laziness and idleness. The life of Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky is a continuous activity. He either writes memoirs about past campaigns, or manages the estate. Prince Andrei Bolkonsky greatly respects and honors his father, who was able to instill in him a high concept of honor.” Yours road -- road honor,” he says to his son. And Prince Andrei fulfills his father’s instructions both during the campaign of 1806, in the Battles of Shengraben and Austerlitz, and during the War of 1812.

Marya Bolkonskaya loves her father and brother very much. She is ready to give all of herself for the sake of her loved ones. Princess Marya completely submits to her father's will. His word is law for her. At first glance, she seems weak and indecisive, but at the right moment she shows strength of will and fortitude. Tolstoy's novel family national

Both the Rostovs and the Bolkonskys are patriots, their feelings were especially clearly manifested during Patriotic War 1812. They express folk spirit war. Prince Nikolai Andreevich dies because his heart could not stand the shame of the retreat of the Russian troops and the surrender of Smolensk. Marya Bolkonskaya rejects the French general's offer of patronage and leaves Bogucharovo. The Rostovs give their carts to the soldiers wounded on the Borodino field and pay the most dear ones - with the death of Petya.

Another family is shown in the novel. This is Kuragin. The members of this family appear before us in all their insignificance, vulgarity, callousness, greed, and immorality. They use people to achieve their selfish goals. The family is devoid of spirituality. For Helen and Anatole, the main thing in life is the satisfaction of their base desires. They are completely divorced from folk life, live in a brilliant but cold world, where all feelings are perverted. During the war, they lead the same salon life, talking about patriotism.

In the epilogue of the novel, two more families are shown. This is the Bezukhov family (Pierre and Natasha), which embodied the author's ideal of a family based on mutual understanding and trust, and the Rostov family - Marya and Nikolai. Marya brought kindness and tenderness, high spirituality to the Rostov family, and Nikolai shows spiritual kindness in relation to those closest to him.

Showing in your novel different families, Tolstoy wanted to say that the future belongs to families such as the Rostovs, Bezukhovs, and Bolkonskys.

Loyalty - eternal concept containing deep meaning. Moreover, it will not be possible to interpret it unambiguously. Several aspects can be distinguished: devotion in love and friendships, loyalty to the Motherland, adherence to internal principles and beliefs.

And all three of these directions are masterfully revealed by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy in his great epic novel “War and Peace.”

Let's start with the problem of loyalty and betrayal in love relationships. She is connected, first of all, with the main character,.

From the first pages of the novel, the young girl evokes admiration for her innocence and purity. True, it should still be said that the young lady was too frivolous. Which ultimately played a cruel joke on her.

He turned his attention to the young lady. And Natasha was, of course, very flattered by this. Yes, and he was attractive in appearance. What else does a young girl need? Choosing between silent love and fiery speeches of Anatoly Kuragin, Natasha chooses the second. But she already made a promise to Andrey. What to do? The girl decides to cheat. True, spiritual. And yet it is a betrayal. The girl even decided to run away with Anatole. It's good that she was stopped in time.

So what was the reason for Natasha’s behavior? I think there are two reasons for this: firstly, the inexperience of a young girl, the lack of wisdom that comes with age, and, secondly, doubt about the possibility of a joint future with Andrei.

Rostova is too young to understand what consequences await her if she decides to take this step - to run away with Kuragin. Only chance saves the girl.

Within this direction, I would also like to note the image. This lady is completely devoid of any moral principles or prohibitions. Therefore, such a concept as loyalty is completely unfamiliar to her. For Helen, benefit comes first; she does not care about the feelings of the people around her; what she feels is much more important and dear to her. Having married him, she thought only about his material wealth, and that an indifferent and cold attitude could hurt young man, Helen simply didn’t care! Such an alliance could not last long, as, indeed, it happened.

As for loyalty to civic duty, on the pages of the novel there appears a man who is devoted to his Motherland to the core - Kutuzov. His seemingly wrong decisions ultimately save the country from defeat.

There is one more heroine that must definitely be mentioned - Maria Bolkonskaya. The girl dedicated her life to serving her father. She endures a lot: rudeness and reproaches from him. But still he does not renounce his duty. This is her nature: to put other people’s interests and desires above her own.

The Rostov family was also a role model. AND hard times they couldn't break her. They always and everywhere remained true to their moral principles. What does it cost to help soldiers! The hardships of life during the war did not affect them in any way and could not change their characters.

  1. Introduction
  2. Love and heroes of the novel
  3. Helen Kuragina
  4. Andrey Bolkonsky
  5. Natasha Rostova
  6. Pierre Bezukhov
  7. Marya Bolkonskaya
  8. Love for the Motherland
  9. Love for parents


The theme of love in Russian literature has always occupied one of the first places. Great poets and writers of all times turned to her. Love for the Motherland, for the mother, for the woman, for the land, for the family - the manifestation of this feeling is very different, it depends on people and circumstances. It is very clearly shown what love can be and what it is in the novel “War and Peace” by Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. After all, it is love in the novel “War and Peace” that is the main driving force in the lives of heroes. They love and suffer, hate and care, despise, discover truths, hope and wait - and all this is love.

The heroes of Leo Tolstoy's epic novel live life to the fullest, their destinies are intertwined. Natasha Rostova, Andrei Bolkonsky, Helen Kuragina, Pierre Bezukhov, Marya Bolkonskaya, Nikolai Rostov, Anatol, Dolokhov and others - all of them, to a greater or lesser extent, experienced a feeling of love and went through the path of spiritual rebirth or moral decline. Therefore, today the theme of love in Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” remains relevant.
Whole lives of people, different in their status, character, meaning of life and beliefs, flash before us.

Love and heroes of the novel

Helen Kuragina

The secular beauty Helen had “an undeniable and too powerful and victorious beauty.” But all this beauty was present only in her appearance. Helen's soul was empty and ugly. For her, love is money, wealth and recognition in society. Helen enjoyed great success with men. After marrying Pierre Bezukhov, she continued to flirt with everyone who attracted her attention. Status married woman did not embarrass her at all, she took advantage of Pierre’s kindness and deceived him.

All members of the Kuragin family showed the same attitude of love. Prince Vasily called his children “fools” and said: “My children are a burden to my existence.” He expected to marry his "junior" prodigal son» Anatole on the daughter of the old Count Bolkonsky - Marya. Their whole life was built on profitable calculations, and human relationships were alien to them. Vulgarity, meanness, secular entertainment and pleasures - here life ideal Kuragin family.

But the author of the novel does not support such love in War and Peace. L.N. Tolstoy shows us a completely different love - real, faithful, all-forgiving. Love that has stood the test of time, the test of war. Reborn, renewed, bright love is the love of the soul.

Andrey Bolkonsky

This hero went through a difficult time moral path to your true love, to understanding one's own purpose. Having married Lisa, he did not have family happiness. He was not interested in society, he himself said: “... this life that I lead here, this life is not for me!” Andrei was going to war, despite the fact that his wife was pregnant. And in a conversation with Bezukhov, he said: “...what would I not give now in order not to be married!” Then the war, the sky of Austerlitz, disappointment in his idol, the death of his wife and the old oak tree... “our life is over!”
“The revival of his soul will occur after meeting Natasha Rostova - “... the wine of her charm went to his head: he felt revived and rejuvenated...” Dying, he forgave her for the fact that she refused to love him when she was enchanted by Anatoly Kuragin . But it was Natasha who took care of the dying Bolkonsky, it was she who sat at his head, it was she who received his last look. Wasn’t this the happiness of Andrei? He died in the arms of his beloved woman, and his soul found peace. Just before his death, he told Natasha: “...I love you too much. More than anything else." Andrei forgave Kuragin before his death: “Love your neighbors, love your enemies. To love everything—to love God in all his manifestations.”

Natasha Rostova

Natasha Rostova meets us in the novel as a thirteen-year-old girl who loves everyone around her. In general, the Rostov family was distinguished by its special cordiality and sincere care for each other. Love and harmony reigned in this family, so Natasha could not be different. Childhood love for Boris Drubetsky, who promised to wait for her for four years, sincere joy and kind attitude towards Denisov, who proposed to her, speak of the sensuality of the heroine’s nature. Her main need in life is to love. When Natasha saw Andrei Bolkonsky, a feeling of love completely overwhelmed her. But Bolkonsky, having proposed to Natasha, left for a year. Infatuation with Anatoly Kuragin in Andrei's absence gave Natasha doubt about her love. She even planned to escape, but Anatole’s revealed deception stopped her. The spiritual emptiness left by Natasha after her relationship with Kuragin gave rise to a new feeling for Pierre Bezukhov - a feeling of gratitude, tenderness and kindness. While Natasha did not know that it would be love.

She felt guilty before Bolkonsky. While caring for the wounded Andrei, she knew that he would soon die. He and she needed her care. It was important for her that she would be there when he closed his eyes.

Natasha's despair after all the events that happened - the flight from Moscow, the death of Bolkonsky, the death of Petya - was accepted by Pierre Bezukhov. After the end of the war, Natasha married him and found true family happiness. “Natasha needed a husband... And her husband gave her a family... all her spiritual strength was directed towards serving this husband and family...”

Pierre Bezukhov

Pierre came into the novel as the illegitimate son of Count Bezukhov. His attitude towards Elen Kuragina was based on trust and love, but after a while he realized that he was simply being led by the nose: “This is not love. On the contrary, there is something disgusting in the feeling that she aroused in me, something forbidden.” The difficult path has begun life's quest Pierre Bezukhov. He treated Natasha Rostova with care and tender feelings. But even in the absence of Bolkonsky, he did not dare to do anything unnecessary. He knew that Andrei loved her, and Natasha was waiting for his return. Pierre tried to correct Rostova's situation when she became interested in Kuragin; he truly believed that Natasha was not like that. And he was not mistaken. His love survived all expectations and separation and found happiness. Having created a family with Natasha Rostova, Pierre was humanly happy: “After seven years of marriage, Pierre felt a joyful, firm consciousness that he was not a bad person, and he felt this because he was reflected in his wife.”

Marya Bolkonskaya

Tolstoy writes about Princess Marya Bolkonskaya: “...Princess Marya dreamed of family happiness and children, but her main, strongest and hidden dream was earthly love.” It was difficult to live in her father’s house; Prince Bolkonsky kept his daughter strictly. It cannot be said that he did not love her, only for him this love was expressed in activity and reason. Marya loved her father in her own way, she understood everything and said: “My calling is to be happy with another happiness, the happiness of love and self-sacrifice.” She was naive and pure and saw goodness and goodness in everyone. Even Anatoly Kuragin, who decided to marry her for advantageous position, she thought kind person. But Marya found her happiness with Nikolai Rostov, for whom the path to love turned out to be thorny and confusing. This is how the Bolkonsky and Rostov families united. Nikolai and Marya did what Natasha and Andrey could not do.

Love for the Motherland

The fates of the heroes and their contact are inseparable from the fate of the country. The theme of love for the homeland runs like a red thread through the life of each character. Moral quest Andrei Bolkonsky led him to the idea that the Russian people cannot be defeated. Pierre Bezukhov went from “a young man who doesn’t know how to live” to a real man who dared to look Napoleon in the eye, save a girl in a fire, endure captivity, and sacrifice himself for the sake of others. Natasha Rostova, who gave the carts to the wounded soldiers, knew how to wait and believe in the strength of the Russian people. Petya Rostov, who died at the age of fifteen for a “just cause,” experienced true patriotism. Platon Karataev, a peasant partisan who fought for victory with his bare hands, managed to explain the simple truth of life to Bezukhov. Kutuzov, who gave all of himself “for the Russian land,” believed to the end in the strength and spirit of Russian soldiers. L.N. Tolstoy in the novel showed the power of the Russian people in the unity, faith and steadfastness of Russia.

Love for parents

It is no coincidence that the Rostov, Bolkonsky, Kuragin families are presented in the novel by Tolstoy with detailed description the lives of almost all family members. They are opposed to each other on the principles of education, morality, and internal relationships. Reverence family traditions, love for parents, care and participation - this is the basis of the Rostov family. Respect, justice and non-questioning of one’s father are the principles of life of the Bolkonsky family. The Kuragins live at the mercy of money and vulgarity. Neither Hippolyte, nor Anatole, nor Helen have grateful feelings for their parents. A love problem arose in their family. They deceive others and are deceived themselves, thinking that wealth is human happiness. In fact, their idleness, frivolity, and promiscuity do not bring happiness to anyone of them. Initially, this family did not cultivate a sense of love, kindness, or trust. Everyone lives for himself, without grieving for his neighbor.

Tolstoy gives this contrast of families for full picture life. We see love in all its manifestations - destructive and all-forgiving. We understand whose ideal is close to us. We have the opportunity to see what path we need to take to achieve happiness.

Characteristics of the relationships of the main characters and a description of their love experiences will help 10th grade students when writing an essay on the topic “The Theme of Love in the novel “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy.”

Essay on the topic of Love in the novel “War and Peace” |

Love is an amazing feeling that can heal or wound a person’s soul. In the works of L.N. For Tolstoy, the problem of love occupies a central place on the palette of moral issues. The author reveals both the bright feeling between a woman and a man, as well as love for parents and the Motherland. The images of Natasha Rostova, Andrei Bolkonsky, Helen Kuragina, Pierre Bezukhov, and Maria Bolkonskaya are most closely associated with this problem. All of them experienced a spiritual fall due to love and purification by it. This affected the fate of the heroes.

main character novel and one of L. N. Tolstoy’s most beloved heroines. Natasha’s heart is filled with love for her family and others, thanks to which she knows how to sympathize and worry. Soon, a flame of love for a man, Andrei Bolkonsky, begins to flare up in the girl’s soul. Unfortunately, this feeling was not destined to have a happy ending. However, it showed the heroine what suffering is and that you cannot play with the hearts of other people.

Love helped restore the soul after the defeat at Austerlitz. He realized that even in an environment of deception and intrigue there is a place sincere feelings. Prince Andrei begins to value not exploits and glory, but what is really important in human life. Love for Natasha later made him suffer, but the fire kindled by her did not completely go out.

Using an example, Lev Nikolaevich shows how human soul collapses under the pressure of a loveless marriage. Helene married Pierre for money, but you can’t deceive your heart. A woman quickly gets tired of her unloved and ugly husband. Pierre suffers, guessing about betrayal and deception.

However, this pseudo-love of Pierre does not denigrate his soul. A man goes to serve, helps others. Finally, he finds true love, and with it, he finds the meaning of life. Helen Kuragina does not know how to love, which becomes one of the reasons for her death.

Maria Bolkonskaya is the sister of Andrei Bolkonsky, an ugly girl, but very fair. Suffering from unrequited love. But this doesn’t make her angry at the world; on the contrary, she cares about those around her, treating them with warmth and respect. Spiritual beauty, illuminated by love, does not go unnoticed, and fate gives the girl a second half.

Love for family is shown in the examples of the Bolkonsky, Rostov and Kuragin families. In the Kuragin family, children do not know how not only to love, but also to respect their relatives, which is why the atmosphere in the house is cold and there is a lack of family happiness. Restrained love for relatives in the Bolkonsky family and open love in the Rostovs makes their life happier.

Love for the Motherland is shown in the example of soldiers and officers. In the war of 1805-1807, it was practically unnoticeable, since the participants in the battles did not understand why they were suffering. But in the army there is a warm attitude towards colleagues. For example, A. Kutuzov treats his soldiers like a father treats his children, and tries with all his might to protect them. Officers Tushin and Timokhin risk their lives for the sake of their Motherland. In the War of 1812. Love for their native lands gives ordinary officers, soldiers and commanders the strength to win.

Thus, love in the novel “War and Peace” is shown as the best feeling that transforms a person.