Arguments on the theme of the path. Moral choice - arguments of the Unified State Exam. Helping people

From the texts for preparing for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, we have identified the most pressing and frequently encountered problems concerning the meaning of life. For each of them we have selected interesting arguments from literature. All of them are available for download in table format, link at the end of the article.

Helping people

  1. The problem of the meaning of life is fully revealed in story by A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor". It is in this work that the main character, without sparing herself, helps people. Throughout her life, Matryona always gave everything she had and demanded nothing in return. Despite the fact that many simply took advantage of the heroine’s kindness, she enjoyed every day and was grateful for her life. According to the author himself, it is Matryona who is the real righteous person, on whom absolutely everything rests.
  2. Natasha Rostova, heroine epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", sees his meaning of life in family and love for people. Since childhood, she doted on her parents and brothers and sisters. Being a married woman, Natasha gave all her love to her husband, Pierre Bezukhov, and her children. Rostova also did not forget about help strangers. Let us remember the episode after the Battle of Borodino, when the heroine selflessly helps wounded soldiers and places them at home. Natasha Rostova lives in order to sow kindness, love and affection around herself.

In material values

  1. Famusov society, known by comedy A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit", considered only material values ​​to be their meaning in life. Fame, rank, money, position in society - all this plays for them main role. And to achieve this, they are not afraid to be hypocritical, commit meanness, play dirty tricks and gossip. For example, Molchalin deceives the daughter of his boss, feigning love, just to achieve promotion and patronage. Only Chatsky alone understands that this false values, But secular society refuses to believe it and simply does not accept his point of view.
    2. Perhaps story by I.A. Bunin "Mr. from San Francisco" is a real example in which the meaning of the hero’s life is material wealth. The Nameless Master worked all the time to ensure a happy existence for himself and his family. Precisely existence, since each of their days was similar to the previous one. The hero did not see the meaning of life in love or family, so their only vacation together turns into routine vegetation on deck, when there is nothing to even talk about. No wonder, because for the hero the most important thing is money, but his wife and daughter cannot talk about it. It is through the example of his hero that the author wants to show how insignificant such a set is life values. It’s not for nothing that all the passengers, fixated on wealth, are sailing on a ship called “Atlantis” - they are doomed to death.

In service to the Motherland

  1. For many heroes of Russian literature, the meaning of life lies in serving the Fatherland. For example, for Andrei Sokolov from the story of M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man". Having learned about the beginning of the war, he unconditionally went to the front. Yes, it was difficult for him - several wounds, captivity, but Andrei never thought about betraying his homeland. Even the thought of it disgusted him. Sokolov behaved bravely in the camp as well. Let us remember the episode when the hero refused to drink with the German commandant Muller. As we see, the meaning of life for Andrei is his homeland and love for it.
  2. For Vasily Terkin, hero poems by A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin", Homeland is the meaning of life. He is an ordinary soldier who is not afraid to give his own life to defeat the enemy. Terkin is brave, dexterous, courageous and strong. He is not afraid of difficulties, because with the help of his ingenuity he is able to find a way out of any situation. The hero deserves true respect. Vasily Terkin is an example true patriot of his country, who is ready to do anything for it.

In love

  1. main character dramas A.N. Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm" Katerina considered love to be the meaning of her life. It was this feeling that was inextricably linked in her with the freedom that she lacked. All her life the heroine wanted to love and be loved. However, her husband, Tikhon, did not pay attention to Katerina. Every day the heroine felt more and more unhappy. Only after Boris appeared did the heroine realize that she was capable of love. This forbidden connection weighed heavily on Katerina, but she could not do anything, because she so wanted to be loved and in this feeling to find the long-awaited freedom. However, the conflict between feelings and duty led her to the fact that she could not live, abandoning one of the conflicting parties. The woman chose death because she had lost the meaning in life.
  2. The hero also saw the meaning of life in love stories by A.I. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet". Despite the fact that these feelings were doomed from the very beginning, Zheltkov continued to love Vera with all his heart. He didn't ask for anything in return. For him, the most important thing is her happiness. Zheltkov never allowed himself to cross the line, knowing that Vera was married woman. By his example, the hero proved that love stronger than death. When he was forced to give up his feelings, he left this world, because he lived only for love.
  3. Search for the meaning of life

    1. In the novel by A. S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” The hero has been searching for his destiny all his life. However, any business brought only boredom and disappointment. He was tired of empty chatter in the world, he set about organizing the economy in the inherited village. But this activity soon ceased to interest him. Friendship and love also did not inspire Evgeniy. As a result, he realized too late that it was in them that he could find himself. Pushkin leaves the ending open in order to emphasize that the hero has only monotonous lonely wanderings ahead, which make no sense to describe. He lost his meaning in life due to satiation and laziness of his soul.
    2. In the novel by M. Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time” Pechorin is looking for the meaning of life, but does not find it because of his vices: selfishness, fear of feelings and indifference. Many people come to him with kindness, affection and love, but in return they receive only coldness. Because of this, Grigory Alexandrovich is lonely and powerless to find his destiny. He got lost in the labyrinths of fate and lost hope for successful outcome. Neither in the service, nor in the family, nor in creativity, the hero was able to satisfy his ambitions. That's why critics called it " extra person”, who fruitlessly disappeared into oblivion without ever using his skills and knowledge.
    3. In the epic novel “War and Peace” by L. N. Tolstoy One of the heroes was looking for himself throughout the entire story. Pierre Bezukhov tried to find his place in high society, but became convinced of his falsehood and hypocrisy. Then he found love, but was disappointed in it, having received deception instead of devotion and affection. He even joined a secret society in order to benefit society. However, none of these roles suited him; each of them did not bring complete satisfaction. Only in the bosom of his family, after all his wanderings, did he find himself and the meaning of being. Children, marriage, honest work for the good of the people - this was Pierre’s real destiny.
    4. The false meaning of life and the consequences of error

      1. In the work of N.V. Gogol “The Overcoat” the hero lived without realizing why. His existence was only an insignificant vegetation little man V big city. Therefore, he found its similarity in the recognition of the environment. He wanted to earn it not by merit, but appearance. The new overcoat, it seemed to him, became a reason to respect his person. Because of this, he became unnaturally attached to this thing, and even died of grief after losing it. If a person makes a mistake in choosing life guidelines, the tragic consequences of his mistake await him.
      2. In A. P. Chekhov’s play “Uncle Vanya” the hero worked all his life in the name of false ideals. He and his niece worked for minimal remuneration, and all the remaining money was sent to the girl’s father, the husband of Uncle Vanya’s late sister. He is a professor, and in his face modest people saw science itself, which they willingly served. However, a personal meeting with their idol showed them that they had sacrificed everything for the sake of smug insignificance. The psychological crisis of Ivan Voinitsky after realizing the falsity of ideals led to the fact that a quiet and timid man tried to kill a relative. However, in the finale he resigned himself to fate and his deep misfortune.
      3. In the work of A.P. Chekhov “Ionych” the main character rejects Startsev's proposal in order to go to the capital and enter the conservatory. The girl sees the meaning of her life in music. Everyone praised her piano playing, no one doubted her success. But Mademoiselle Turkina turned out to be a mediocre pianist. She returned to hometown with nothing, but just as diligently she studied music, although this no longer mattered. Catherine was disappointed in herself and did not find the strength to find a new incentive to develop.
      4. Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Here are collected problems from texts for preparing for the Unified State Exam, which applicants encounter most often. Selected for each of them literary arguments, available for download in table form, link at the end of the article.

  1. N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" Andriy's act. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol touched on many topics that still seem relevant to us in his work “Taras Bulba”. Taras's son, Andriy, faced a choice between love for a girl and love for his homeland, family. And in his case, the first option carried more weight. The young man thought that thanks to his love for the Polish lady, he would be able to justify himself to his father. But his confidence was unnecessary, since Taras could never forgive betrayal, and the last thing he expected was that his son was capable of such an act. After all, Taras also had a choice: he could save his son’s life, but lose his own authority, which in war conditions was like death. Therefore, he kills Andriy, cursing himself for bringing him into the world.
  2. L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” - Andrei Bolkonsky. In the novel "War and Peace" you can find answers to any questions. Just as the Bible once taught people about life, so this work can serve as a guide for those who are full of spiritual quests. The personality of Andrei Bolkonsky in the novel is very multifaceted. His whole life is a daily confrontation with choice. But, probably, the main question for him was how to behave in difficult wartime? Bolkonsky came from a noble family, was rich, and could well afford to sit in the rear when others would give their lives on the battlefield. But this man knew what honor and courage were. He always bravely went to the epicenter of battles, at first only for glory, but later he realized that he was really ready to give his life for his Motherland. Bolkonsky fought in the war without trying to hide behind someone else's back. He was a man who deserved to be called a hero and committed heroic deeds until his death.
  3. Vasil Bykov “Obelisk” - Ales Ivanovich Moroz. In his heroic story “Obelisk” Vasil Bykov tells us the story of a simple school teacher who became a hero during the Great Patriotic War. Ales Ivanovich Moroz was one of the types of teachers who literally lived by their work. In his heart there was always a burning desire to teach children not just to memorize stupid formulations and rules, but also to be able to think. Naturally, such a person saw in his students much more than just schoolchildren. And in a critical situation, when he was faced with a choice about whether to protect his charges, he did not doubt for a second. He knew that their lives were in his hands, and it was his duty to save them.

Choice in love

  1. L.N. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina". Probably every person has ever faced the problem of making a love choice. "Anna Karenina" is the most famous novel about love, where the main character also has to choose. And the decision affected everything future fate Anna. She came to the intersection of two lights. On the one hand there was a family - a dearly beloved son, but an unloved husband, and on the other - incredibly deep, passionate feelings for Count Vronsky. The heroine chose ardent love instead of a quiet and peaceful existence with her family. She loses power, respect in society, turns a blind eye to everything, because she understands that she cannot live life with a cold and calculating person. But Tolstoy shows that even the choice of sincere love can become fatal. Anna is under pressure high society, loses everything that was dear to her, and decides to die so that the pain will finally stop tormenting her every day.
  2. L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace” - Natasha Rostova. Natalya Rostova is one of those heroines of Russian literature who faced the problem of choice throughout their lives. But, probably, the most important choice still concerned love. She, in her childish naivety, decided to have a relationship with Anatoly Kuragin, not even suspecting that he could deceive her. Bolkonsky's cold love was not enough to melt her heart, and she makes a big mistake when she prepares to run away with Kuragin. Perhaps, if not for this betrayal, their love with Prince Bolkonsky would have continued for a very long time. But Tolstoy thereby wanted to show how erroneous fleeting decisions can be, and how much we can sometimes regret them.
  3. A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” Tatyana. Of course, the “encyclopedia of Russian life” should touch upon love theme. The main character Tatyana is faced with a love choice that was connected with her future and past. Having passionately fallen in love with Evgeniy Onegin, while still very young, she could not think that this handsome and intelligent man could deny her this feeling. But that’s exactly what happens, and it breaks the girl’s heart. Many years pass, and Tatyana blossoms, becomes more mature and intelligent. Marriage to the general brought a lot of new things into her life, the changes were beneficial. When Evgeny meets her and now offers his love himself, she refuses. Tatyana understands that exchanging her current calm life for, perhaps, a second of happiness with Onegin would be stupid. In this choice, she is guided only by cold reason, because her feelings had faded by that time and did not allow her to act rashly.
  4. Moral choice

    1. F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment” Raskolnikov.“Am I a trembling creature or do I have the right”? - this is the main one vital question poor student Rodion Raskolnikov. This young man, confused in himself, has set out on a very dangerous path, which leads him to even more dire consequences than ordinary poverty. He chooses murder, thinking that this step will elevate him, make him a winner, a man to whom everything falls into his hands from heaven. But Rodion did not know how wrong he was. He could not soberly assess himself, and instead of soaring, he fell like a stone into the abyss of despair, remorse and constant fear for himself and his loved ones. Dostoevsky was a very good psychologist and wanted to show what can happen to a person who has reached the extreme degree of madness, and how he will try to survive in these conditions.
    2. N.S. Leskov "Lady Macbeth" Mtsensk district " The name of Lady Macbeth has been shrouded in an ominous veil of mystery since the time of William Shakespeare. Leskov does main character of his work is even more legendary, because he singles out an entire work for it. Katerina Lvovna was faced with a moral choice in her life. This was a kind of test for the level of evil that a person can commit. In her case, it turned out to be maximum. The heroine is so caught up in love that she doesn’t hesitate to bathe in blood for a few seconds of bliss with Sergei. Many will think that the situation in which Katerina found herself left her with no choice, but still there was a very sinister choice. Lust and greed added their weight and persuaded the woman to take the lives of many people. But, in to a greater extent, it was a cold calculation, albeit based on emotional instability.
    3. Choosing a life path

      1. A.P. Chekhov "Man in a Case".Main character The story “The Man in the Case” is a clear example of the kind of life a person can choose for himself. Some open up to everything new and interesting, communicate with people every day and enjoy all the moments of life, while others close themselves deep inside themselves and do not allow circumstances to change the existing order of things. And at the same time, a person consciously limits himself from everything that can bring joy, literally burying himself alive. Belikov independently takes up a brush and paints his life in black and white colors, consolidates the framework of conventions around himself, because he believes that everything should happen according to a previously known scenario. Any life shocks and changes can greatly cripple the psyche of people like Belikov, but Chekhov shows an even sadder outcome in the history of this man
      2. M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of Our Time". This is the first psychological novel, which tells the story of a man with a deep personal tragedy in his soul. Pechorin is an ambiguous character who, although he does not give up all the pleasures of life, still chooses cold isolation and solitude for himself. Here we can consider a problem on a deeper scale: the hero chooses loneliness for himself, since collisions with outside world bring him nothing but misfortune. Throughout his life he had no real friends, and in love this man also remained deeply unhappy. His choice fell on a feeling of hatred and contempt for everything that surrounds him, including people. He accepted it based on the life circumstances that made him the way he ultimately appears before readers.
      3. I.S. Turgenev "Rudin". Turgenev in his novel “Rudin” wanted to show readers the image of a person who is usually called “superfluous.” After all, this is exactly how the main character feels throughout all the events of the novel and until the very end, when despair leads him to the barricades. Dmitry Rudin is accustomed to treating people in his company arrogantly and insolently. Thus, it is as if he is erecting a barrier inside himself that does not allow sensitivity to come to light. He attaches too great importance to his person, which is why many unwittingly warmed to him and fell in love. But the problem is that behind all this hypocrisy and lying tirades was hidden ordinary self-doubt. He also chose the path of constantly limiting himself from life, because he thought that this would make him happy. Rudin plays with own life, wearing different masks every day, and ultimately cannot take important decisions, which can completely change his fate. The only one really a brave deed his life - participation in french revolution and the desire to die a hero.

Arguments in the essay of part C of the Unified State Exam in Russian on the topic “The problem of happiness (its understanding), the meaning of life”

Text from the Unified State Examination

(1) The writer lives for them, his readers and viewers. (2) In novels, stories, stories, the author certainly - sometimes even involuntarily - shares his life experience, his thoughts, suffering and hopes.

(3) Later, letters can convey to the author the opinion of those for whose sake all his incessant thoughts, turmoil, his defenseless frankness, his work. (4) One of the readers in his letter recalls how once in the House of Writers he heard from me the lines of a poem, the author of which I cannot now name with certainty:

(5) And people are looking for happiness, As if Happiness, Happiness exists...

(6) Many, many questions from readers can be reduced to this common semantic denominator: what is the concept of “happiness” in reality? (7) They are also interested in whether I have ever been absolutely happy. (8) I answer immediately and without hesitation: “absolutely” I have never been. (9) As Arkady Isaakovich Raikin said, the most meaningless question is: “Are you okay?” (10) Does anyone ever have everything go well?!

(11) And if suddenly it were... (12) To feel such boundless, thoughtless and careless happiness is, in my opinion, immoral and sinful. (13) After all, even if everything seems to have turned out well for you, someone at the same time is experiencing mental and physical torment...

(14) The classics of Russian literature penetrated the depths of universal human situations, universal human conflicts and psychological cataclysms. (15) They comprehended the incomprehensible complexities of existence. (16) What do they think about the happiness so desired for everyone? (17) Pushkin, as you know, wrote: “There is no happiness in the world, but there is peace and will.” (18) By will he meant freedom. (19) Lermontov was looking for “freedom and peace” - and this was perhaps his most secret aspiration. (20) Lermontov was looking for “peace,” but in reality he was likened to that sail that “is looking for storms, as if there is peace in storms!” (21) “We only dream of peace...” - Alexander Blok sadly stated many years later. (22) Perhaps in the second half of the twentieth century people no longer dream of peace. (23) But we still crave peace of mind, in which only creative rest and beneficial rest are possible in any other activity necessary for people. (24) Worldly prosperity did not often visit the immortals. (25) It is generally accepted to consider Goethe the darling of fate. (26) But Irakli Andronikov showed me Goethe’s letter, in which the “darling” said that if there had been at least one completely happy month in his life, he would have considered his whole life happy. (27) So much for “absolutely”!

(28) On the monument to Father Lermontov in Tarkhany we read:

(29) You gave me life, but you didn’t give me happiness.

(30) You yourself were persecuted in the world, you have only experienced evil in life...

(31) It was hard for the immortals. (32) “In life I have only experienced evil...” ... (33) This also applied to the poet himself. (34) But how much wisdom and light did he give to people?!

(According to A. Aleksin)


Happiness is a relative concept that has become the main goal of human existence. No matter how different people may be, everyone strives for happiness: the poor, the rich, the simple worker, and the highly educated professor. Old and young, sick and healthy, smart and stupid... And everyone has their own happiness.

Text problem

What is absolute happiness? What is it like? Is happiness the meaning? human life? A. Aleksin reflects on this in his text.

A comment

The author says that writers and poets, through their works, share with the reader thoughts, doubts, and emotional experiences. People often ask about creative personalities, what is happiness, apparently, hoping for them life experience and the ability to see the inner world.

Aleksin is sure that it is impossible to be absolutely happy, that everything can never be fine. Even if we assume that absolute boundless happiness has arrived, how can one feel careless given the suffering and torment of those around them?

The classics of Russian and world literature had their own idea of ​​happiness - for the majority it was peace and freedom. Although few, or rather, none of them had to experience happiness in real life. Pushkin, Lermontov, Blok - they all suffered, and from their suffering magnificent poems were born, filled with the deepest meaning.

Author's position

According to A. Aleksin, the main goal for the artist is creative person is not only about finding happiness, but also about helping readers better understand their place in life. This is the meaning of the difficult life of poets, writers, musicians, and artists.

Your position

I think that I will bring light and better understanding life is the lot not only of creative individuals, but of each of us. Awareness of the positive results of one’s actions, efforts, and labors is happiness. Perhaps this is the meaning of our short life - to give birth to another person and help people feel the value of their existence. In other words, true happiness lies in self-realization, in the struggle for the well-being of the world around us.

Argument No. 1

Many works have been written about happiness. One of the most famous was the poem by N.A. Nekrasov “Who Lives Well in Rus'.” The heroes of the poem, seven men from the surrounding villages, go in search of happy person in Russia.

On the way they meet various heroes: priest, landowner, wealthy Russian men who live by honor and justice. None of them found happiness in life, each had their own difficulties.

There is no happiness among Russian peasant women either. Matryona Timofeevna is considered lucky by the people, although she works for seven, and in her youth she lost her first-born son.

Unfortunately, Nekrasov did not finish the work. From his draft notes it becomes clear that the main “lucky” person of the poem is Grisha Dobrosklonov, a man who lives for the good of his people.

Argument No. 2

Another understanding of happiness is presented by L.N. Tolstoy in the epilogue to the novel “War and Peace”. All their lives, Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov were in search of answers to eternal questions: what do we live for? how should one live? is there happiness? what does it consist of?

The moral quest of one ended in death - Prince Andrei died during the War of 1812. And the other found simple human happiness - Pierre married Natasha Rostova, they gave birth to three children, formed a strong family, for which they built later life without fear of problems and difficulties.

Natasha Rostova, a flighty girl in her youth, turned out to be a faithful wife and a wonderful mother, putting her personal ambitions on the altar of the needs of her husband’s life.

Family is a person’s true pleasure, his meaning of life, his happiness.


Everyone is happy in their own way, everyone has their own ideas about happiness. It is not easy to achieve, for the sake of happiness you need to sacrifice a lot, then a person’s life will become filled with meaning.

About the choice life path

Some people may be lucky in life, but this luck does not always please them. There are much fewer people who are chosen by luck in the surrounding life than people of a different plane - those whose lot is everyday work, overcoming obstacles and the absence of bright events.

The problem presented in the text is as follows. Suppose a person can be elevated by two unexpected events. One is a consequence of luck, a happy turn of fate. The second is recognition by others of merit and success achieved primarily through perseverance and hard work.

Which path to take, which course to follow, what to prefer, what to achieve?

Comment on the problem. People who are addicted, love effects, and are subject to rapid mood changes will choose the first path. They will wait for their happy hour when they just get lucky. And others, people with a more stable nervous system, hardworking and purposeful, capable of making informed decisions, will choose the second path.

The author's position is seen in the example of the fate of the hero of the essay. Daniil Granin, a physicist and writer, believes that every person should determine for himself his main life line and try to follow it along the path measured by fate. Only in these circumstances will the integrity of a person’s nature be revealed, and as a result - significant deeds, vivid biography, perhaps fame. And only hard work is the key to success.

I agree with the author’s position and prove its correctness with the first argument. A.P. Chekhov, the great humanist writer, in 1890 own initiative took a trip to Sakhalin Island for the purpose of a census of exiles. On Sakhalin he visited all the villages, visited prisons and mines. Under him, the guards punished the guilty with whips. Chekhov kept a card for each settler, which indicated his age, reasons and terms of punishment. In total, the card index contained eight thousand cards - the result of the enormous work of a writer, journalist, honest citizen, compassionate for the unfortunate. For his ascetic work, Chekhov was awarded a bronze medal, and in his subsequent works “everything was sanitized.” V. Lakshin, a literary critic, assessed this fact of Chekhov’s biography as follows: “Each great Russian writer had his own feat, his own peak in life and his own suffering. And he (Chekhov) himself created his own feat - a trip to the prison island.”

The second argument confirming the correctness of the author’s judgments can be cited from the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". The main character Bazarov is passionately devoted to science, he is ready to devote his entire life to the medical profession. Neither endless experiments nor hard work tire him. district doctor healing men. If he had remained alive, his name would have been on a par with the names of outstanding Russian scientists, physiologists, researchers in the field of medicine - Sechenov, Pirogov, Pavlov and others.

In conclusion, we can cite the statement of N.A. Nekrasova:

The will and labor of man/Wonderful wonders create.

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  • problem of choosing a life path
  • life is a journey essay on literature
  • the problem of choosing a life path arguments

Andria, youngest son Taras Bulba, it was necessary to make a choice: to remain faithful to his father and Motherland or take the path of betrayal, going over to the side of the enemy for the sake of love. The young man, without hesitation, chose love, betraying the people truly dear to him. In this situation of moral choice, true personal traits Andria. His father, Taras Bulba, found himself in a situation of moral choice later. He could have left his traitorous son alive or killed him, regardless of family ties. For Taras Bulba, honor is most important, so he kills his unworthy son without betraying his principles.

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

Moment of capture Belogorsk fortress became decisive for Peter Grinev in many ways. He had to make a choice: go over to the side of the impostor Pugachev or die as a proud and worthy man. For Pyotr Grinev, the betrayal of the Motherland was shameful; he did not even think of saving his life by dishonoring himself. The hero chose execution and only due to circumstances remained alive. Even with a choice on which his life depended, Pyotr Grinev remained faithful to his country. The situation of moral choice showed that he is a man of honor.

His complete opposite is Shvabrin. This unworthy man immediately recognized Pugachev as the sovereign, saving his life. People like Shvabrin are disgusting. In situations of moral choice, they are ready to betray anyone in order to make themselves better.

M. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man"

Andrei Sokolov showed his best moral qualities in situations of moral choice. For example, in captivity by the Germans, being summoned for interrogation by Müller, he refused to drink to the victory of German weapons, although these minutes could have been the last in his life. Andrei Sokolov, exhausted by hunger and overwork, remained true to his moral principles. He showed Muller the character of a real Russian soldier, which earned him respect. The German did not shoot Andrei Sokolov, recognizing him as a worthy person, and sent him back with bread and lard.

Arguments to the problem of moral choice can be found in almost every work. Are these three books not enough? Read short works by A.P. Chekhov or A.S. Pushkin. It is worth reading “War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy, if you are not afraid of large texts. No bank of arguments will give you the “foundation” with which you can easily find arguments for almost every problem.