Who said: “Happy people don’t watch the clock”? Schiller, Griboyedov or Einstein? Don't watch happy hours? What about the unfortunate ones? The meaning of the phrase happy hours do not watch

Wed. Look at your watch, look out the window:

People have been pouring down the streets for a long time,

And in the house there is knocking, walking, sweeping and cleaning (Lisa).

"Happy hours don't watch".

Griboyedov. Woe from the mind. 1, 8. Sophia.

Wed. Dem Glücklichen schlägt keine Stunde.

Wed. O, der ist aus dem Himmel schon gefallen,

Der an der Stunden Wechsel denken muss!

Die Uhr schlägt keinem Glücklichen.

Schiller. Die Piccolomini. 3, 3.

Cm. while away.

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  • - 1927, 65 min., b/w, Lensovkino. genre: drama. dir. Eduard Ioganson, screenplay Konstantin Derzhavin, opera. Pyotr Chupyatov, artist Evgenia Slovtsova...

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  • - change in clock correction over a certain period of time. With a negative rate, the clock moves forward, with a positive rate, it falls further and further behind...
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  • - The first phrase of the novel “Anna Karenina” by L. N. Tolstoy. Quoted: as advice, consider the specific cause of family troubles...
  • - From the comedy “Woe from Wit” by A. S. Griboedov. Words from Sophia: Lisa Look at your watch, look out the window: People have been pouring down the streets for a long time; And in the house there is knocking, walking, sweeping and cleaning. Sophia...

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  • - joking. alteration catchphrase from A. S. Griboyedov’s play “Woe from Wit”: “happy people don’t watch the clock”...

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  • - Wed. Look at the clock, look out the window: People have been pouring down the streets for a long time, And in the house there is knocking, walking, sweeping and cleaning. "You don't watch happy hours." Griboyedov. Woe from the mind. 1, 8. Sophia. Wed. Dem Glücklichen schlägt keine Stunde...

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  • - Cm....

    IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 1 city...

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Happy hours do not watch From the comedy “Woe from Wit” (1824) by A. S. Griboedov (1795-1829). Words of Sophia (act. 1, scene 4): Liza Look at your watch, look out the window: People have been pouring down the streets for a long time; And in the house there is knocking, walking,

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Phrase appeared thanks to A.S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”, here is an excerpt from the work:
Lisa Look at your watch, look out the window: People have been pouring down the streets for a long time; And in the house there is knocking, walking, sweeping and cleaning.
Sophia Happy hours don't watch.

Perhaps Griboyedov himself used words from the drama “Piccolomini” by the German author Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805): “ Die Uhr schlagt keinem Gliicklichen» - « I don’t strike the happy clock T". In Russian, a quote from Griboyedov’s work is used. The quote became popular and transformed into a saying.
Meaning of the expression Happy hours don't watch The point is that when people are happy, they don’t notice how time flies, they don’t look at what’s happening around them, happy moments can last for hours, but for the happy they are fleeting as a moment. Sometimes the expression is used jokingly when a person does not look at his watch.
It’s difficult to argue with the expression Happy hours are not observed, but probably someone will not agree with this quote, let’s see how the majority of people vote in the survey

Everyone knows that time spent in joy and pleasure passes unnoticed and very quickly. But painful waiting or difficult work, on the contrary, drag on endlessly, and it seems that there will never be an end to them. Writers, prose writers and poets formulated this idea in different ways and repeatedly. Scientists also have their own opinions on this issue.

Poets about time

The German poet Johann Schiller was one of those who said: “Happy people do not watch clocks.” He expressed his thought, however, somewhat differently. In the drama Piccolomini, written by him in 1800, there is a phrase that, loosely translated, sounds like this: “For those who are happy, the chime of the clock is not heard.”

“Stop, just a moment, you’re beautiful!” - in these lines Goethe hears regret that everything good in life passes too quickly, and at the same time expresses a passionate desire to expand the time boundaries of this joyful state.

What did the one who said: “Happy people don’t watch the clock” want to express? The elusiveness of happiness, the impossibility of feeling it instantly, and only its subsequent understanding has always worried both philosophers and ordinary people thinking about life. “Happiness is what once was,” many people think. “Now I remember, and I understand that it was then that I was happy,” others say. And everyone agrees that “good, but not enough...”

Griboyedov and his aphorisms

To the question of who said: “Happy people don’t watch the clock,” there is a clear answer. This is Griboyedov’s Sophia from the comedy “Woe from Wit,” which was published in 1824.

In modern Russian there are many proverbs and sayings borrowed from literary works. They are so widespread that their use no longer indicates erudition. Not everyone who says the words “I’d be glad to serve, but being served is sickening” has certainly read immortal comedy and knows that Chatsky said it. The same applies to the expression “happy people don’t watch hours.” Griboyedov wrote aphoristically, he became the author of many catch phrases. Just four words, one of which is a preposition, convey a deep For anyone who understands literature, it is clear that the ability to convey a complex picture of existence in a laconic form is a sign high art, and sometimes the genius of the author.

Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov was a multi-talented person. A poet, composer and diplomat, he passed away at tragic circumstances, defending the interests of the homeland. He was only 34 years old. The poem “Woe from Wit” and Griboyedov’s Waltz forever entered the treasury of Russian culture.

Einstein, love, clock and frying pan

Scientists were also not indifferent to the issue of time. One of the people who said, “Happy people don’t watch the clock,” was none other than Albert Einstein. He generally believed that if a researcher cannot explain the essence of his work to a five-year-old child in five minutes, then he can safely be called a charlatan. When a correspondent with no knowledge of physics asked Einstein what “relativity of time” meant, he found a figurative example. If a young man is talking with a girl dear to his heart, then for him many hours will seem like one moment. But if the same young man is seated on a hot frying pan, then every second for him will be equivalent to a century. This is the interpretation given to the phrase “happy people don’t watch hours” by the author of the theory of relativity.

I finished my work \\for today\\ yesterday.
I can't sleep.
I found the following on the Internet

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions

Letter C

Happy hours don't watch

From the comedy “Woe from Wit” (1824) by A. S. Griboyedov (1795-1829). Sophia's words (act. 1, appearance 4):

Look at your watch, look out the window:

People have been pouring down the streets for a long time;

And in the house there is knocking, walking, sweeping and cleaning.

Happy hours are not observed.

A possible primary source of this expression is the drama “Piccolomini” (1800) by the German poet Johann Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805): “Die Uhr schlagt keinem Gliicklichen” - “The clock does not strike for a happy person.”

Happy hours don't watch
Everyone stares and stares at the clock, but the happy ones, on the contrary, don’t watch the clock! Why stare at it? What’s interesting about the clock? The numbers around the circumference and the hands are nothing new! And how old are they, the clock? Hoary old... Our clock that hangs in the kitchen with two weights and a hole, covered with a round lid, is more than a century old! - My great-grandfather looked at it when he was unhappy. I must admit - it’s an unusual clock with a cuckoo. It sounds every number. with its cuckooing, jumping out of the hole. An old cuckoo, shabby - you can’t find a feather on it anymore, besides, it’s without a tail!

Happy people don’t watch clocks... It’s disgusting to look at these clocks, although I consider myself not always happy and therefore must watch them at least once a week.

You don’t think about the clock, suddenly you hear: kuu-ku; coo-coo; kuuu-ku... the bird is about to die - so hard and reluctantly it fulfills its duties.

One day this clock cuckoo did something that made you wonder: she allowed herself to be arbitrary - she supplemented her kuuuk with a word that was not provided for in any document. This is what I heard: kuuu-ku, hello; kuuu - ku, hi; kuu-ku, hi... I was stunned! He shook his head, driving away various bad thoughts, I couldn’t believe my ears! I sat for an hour to hear her cuckoo again: kuu-ku, hello; kuuu-ku, hello..., definitely teasing... What if someone was playing a joke on me: he hides under the table and adds the word - hello! There is no one under the table, there is nothing behind the door...What the hell is this?! I shared the information with my wife. We sat with her in the kitchen for an hour to hear the cuckoo again... And then the cuckoo came to life; kuu-ku, hi, kuu-ku, hi... I shout to my wife: did you hear? did you hear? The wife answers calmly; yes! Kuuu-ku, kuu-ku.kuu-ku,... That's all? - I’m surprised. What should I hear? - the wife is nervous. The word "hello"! She shrugged her shoulders and spread her arms.

The psychiatrist looked at me suspiciously and asked: how is your health? Not complaining! In what year did the State Duma sequester the budget? I'm silent. What year did the default happen? I'm silent again. With your memory... that... What should I do, doctor. Force yourself to forget the word "hello". How can I say hello to my friends? Well, say: Bonjour! or "healthy bulls!" or "salve". The choice of words is sufficient!

Happy hours don't watch! - and they do it right: there is no point in being distracted from the task!

The electric train driver was informed that his son had just been born: 3200, height 52. What happened?! The driver almost went crazy with happiness; I left the control levers and, well, danced. I had to stop the train. The passengers congratulated the driver on the birth of the little one, decorated the electric locomotive with wildflowers, had fun, danced, someone uncorked a bottle of champagne, someone took out a bottle of cognac, the moonshine came in handy... The driver became happy and stopped looking at his watch and the schedule.. The electric train was already two hours late to its arrival point.... The driver was acquitted: he was right! Happy hours don't watch!...

It turns out bad that they, happy, do not look at the clock with both eyes, well, at least they looked with one eye....

Judge football match accidentally became... who do you think?... not - ah, a millionaire! Remember on TV they asked: who wants to become a millionaire??? And take the judge and blurt out: I want... A happy judge in the field is a disaster! He doesn’t look at the scoreboard, he despises the stopwatch. does not recognize the clock..., fans and players have mixed up all the cards! The football players on the field got wet, stuck out their tongues, poor people, looking at the referee... A half, as you know, lasts 45 minutes, but an hour has already passed, and the referee does not let the players go for a break - he forgot that he has a whistle - the main instrument of labor!

The fans get nervous and show the judge their watches, but he turns away. The stadium began to chant: time! Time! Time! The referee seemed to go deaf, waved his hand and continued the game. The players fell onto the lawn from fatigue. We had to urgently replace the referee: a happy one with an unhappy, miserable one, so that he could finish the match, even if he looked at his watch from time to time.

Yes, happy people don’t watch the clock! It became a habit for them... it became their hobby!

He came on a date with a bouquet of flowers, took a place under a post with a clock, and waits impatiently. While he is happy, he does not look at the clock. She is worried, excited; Today she has an important date with a young man - he promised her to confess his love!

Well, I ran! - she says. The mother shouts: stop! take a dramatic pause! Your betrothed must suffer, worry, suffer... Love without suffering is not love! I'm with your father... what followed was a long story about an old gray love. He couldn't find room, got nervous, started eating flowers - he'd already chewed half the bouquet, his nostrils flared like a hot stallion. He didn't like the watch and started shaking his fist at it.

She again rushed to the door, again shouting: stop! If he loves, he must wait until the last!

Happy hours don't watch! Well, okay, everything is clear with them - the happy ones lose their heads / like that driver, the judge... Can you imagine if everyone in the country suddenly became happy... No one looks at the chronometers, the country would be in chaos, confusion all around : all graphs, schedules, instructions have been disrupted; the work schedule of institutions has collapsed - no one comes on time because everyone is happy who does not look at the clock. Airports, train stations, theaters, museums... work in virtual time, people have become virtual...

That is why in a country, in addition to happy citizens, there must be unhappy, long-suffering, mediocre citizens who are supposed to watch the clock by status.

Happy people don’t watch the clock, but that’s their business, and we have to live in real time, without a sense of time - what a life.

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P.s. Happy hours are not observed. They wear them
We are all accustomed to the fact that the one who wears a watch is “unhappy.” The whole world believes that without this accessory a businessman is no longer a businessman, but an entrepreneur. Especially if suddenly his watch is Chinese, from the market. Then he'll definitely better hands During negotiations, partners do not extend it - they will not respect you and will not understand. Business is easier for ladies, but current fashion dictates watch rules for them too.