Young people's perspective on a changing world

Young people are usually understood as people aged 15 to 35 years; the scope of this social group may be different, depending on the object and goals of the study. In this case, youth is understood as a social group aged 16 to 25 years, i.e. people born from 1984 to 1993.

In order to determine the value system of a representative of this group, it is necessary to understand in what environment they were brought up and what events they witnessed.

I will add that in my essay I will consider urban youth, whose specifics I know better.

Born at the end of the USSR, all of us, while still children, witnessed how our country experienced perestroika, and how our parents and older friends adapted to new conditions.

We can say that modern youth was formed nineties. On social networks, there are many interest groups that unite people who are nostalgic for the times when the main show on TV (for them) were Disney cartoons, any toys were Lego constructors, the most delicious sweet was Kinder Surprises, and Bathing was a joy thanks to the Johnson & Johnson shampoo, which “doesn’t sting the eyes.”

We can conclude that this generation was the first to grow up on Western goods. At the same time, at the suggestion of the elders, of course, even the child knew the division of goods into “ours” and “ import" Imported ones were not just appreciated, but adored.

Perhaps these facts would not have much significance if they had not had such an influence on the formation of personality.

Modern youth are pro-Western. It is characteristic of her liberalism in everything. Modern young people are tolerant of religions, indifferent to politics, enterprising in the economy, and independent in personal relationships.

With the lability characteristic of any growing organism, the children of the nineties absorbed everything that appeared in the country. It seems that never before (with the possible exception of the generation of revolutionaries of the early 20th century) has there been such a division between fathers and children.

Almost any person between the ages of 16 and 25 speaks English, owns a computer, and uses the Internet skillfully. These abilities alone are enough to compete with the older generation, for example, when applying for a job.

Moreover, the generation of the nineties is more educated than any generation before it. A generation has grown up knowledge. However, this is not yet the golden age of enlightenment. Today education is still to a greater extent The key to a successful career is not to self-development.

Careernow it comes first for young people. If parents have achieved a lot in the post-Soviet years, their children want to increase this. If not, then achieve everything yourself. Economic independence- sign modern man. Many people start working or preparing themselves for future work from school. I note that almost no one aspires to be an astronaut, but more and more to become a banker. When my brother (now 16), then just a toddler, was asked where he wanted to work, he answered: “In a bank.” By whom? "Bath attendant!"

For some reason, the seemingly obvious dilemma became not so obvious. Between family and even girls choose work, which once again emphasizes the modern Western worldview.

Separately, it is necessary to say about communication. In the age group under consideration, there is a clear division into those who can communicate and those who cannot. The border follows (approximately) 1990. Half of today's youth spent the first years of their lives in the yard under the supervision of grandmothers on a bench or housewife mothers, the second - at home alone with computer games. A modern young man may have many acquaintances, but extremely (especially in comparison with his parents, i.e. the generation of the sixties, the generation of propaganda campaigns and tourist rallies) few friends. Communication has become surrogate.

From a psychological point of view, we can say that kinesthetic information lost its meaning, giving way to verbal. Time will tell whether this is good or bad. Now we can only state the manifestations of this change. For example, food has ceased to be an object of pleasure, becoming a status unit ( Where you eat, brands), a way to control yourself ( How many you eat, diets) and rationalization of life activities ( How you eat semi-finished products).

As for health, then there is a dual trend: on the one hand, this is a balanced diet, fasting days, fitness - which speaks of awareness and self-care, on the other hand - bad habits, which would be more correctly called style, i.e. derived from lifestyle, sedentary lifestyle (physical inactivity), lack of sleep. As a result, caring for health turns into a farce, an expense item, a way to occupy thoughts and time.

The last thing I would like to write about is subcultures. The first “rock wave” swept across the union in the 80s, but society did not divide into subgroups as a result. The exception is outright dissidents like DDT or Chizh& Co " Now, on the contrary, even a slight deviation from the dominant culture forms a powerful social branch. Obviously, this fragmentation is largely artificial, because does not rest on any solid foundation. (An example is emo. I conducted a small survey among representatives of this subculture. The results were predictable - nobody did not answer where their current came from and why). Obviously, this is direct evidence that today’s youth find it difficult identify ourselves as a single group! That is why people unite into smaller ones, formed according to formal, often exclusively external, characteristics. Young people unite in groups that they are able to reach, which indicates weak systems thinking ( male type thinking, which has now extended to women).

So, modern youth are new ( modern even) people with Western thinking, existing in Russian realities. These are people in whom the thinking of individualism competes with the spirit of collectivism (conciliarity, so to speak). These are people whose values ​​(see above) are more like instincts than ideas. And finally, these are people who have nothing in common. In this light, the state’s aspirations to instill at least some ideology (Orthodoxy in school, the concept of spiritual education of youth, etc.) become understandable. At the same time, these aspirations concern another generation - the generation born in the 21st century (with the exception of the “Nashis” - the degenerates of the vanguard of the existing system). I'm afraid that the generation of the end of the 20th century will remain lost.

Essay “Problems of youth through the eyes of the young”

2nd year students of IUBPE gr. EA 11-11 Ignatenko Christina

The problems of youth have worried society at all times. I think this is the most pressing topic in our time, one of the main ones, because the future belongs to young people. It is difficult for the younger generation to adapt in the present time, since they do not yet have their own value system, and if there is one, it is conditional...

But why does it seem to us that the older generation is always wrong, that they look for the origins of problems when they are on the surface or look for them in the wrong places? Probably because the sense of responsibility is not so strongly developed in today's youth, or it has not yet been deeply rooted in young souls. When you are eighteen years old, it seems that your whole life is ahead of you, and even if you make any mistakes, there is so much time ahead to correct them.

Youth is the path to the future that everyone chooses for themselves. Choosing the future, planning it is characteristic feature our younger generation. Everyone chooses their own path in life, and it does not always turn out to be correct and prosperous for us. Most young people still choose the right life position, which sets goals and strives to achieve them. By leading a healthy lifestyle, we want to get everything out of life in order to live with dignity and contribute to the development of our society. But there is also a negative side of young people among us, who drive themselves into a corner from which they cannot get out on their own. They have many problems that they cannot solve themselves. And I would like to talk about the bad habits of our generation, such as problems with alcohol, tobacco and drugs. It is these bad habits that have become widespread among young people. Nowadays their consumption is characterized by huge numbers, and the whole society suffers from this. After all, alcohol, tobacco and drugs have a particularly active effect on the unformed body, gradually destroying it. Moreover, bad habits have negative influence on the life of society as a whole, as well as on the life and activities of individuals individually. IN at the moment this problem has become truly global.

Having chosen this path, they strive to escape from real problems into an illusory world. Or teenagers often start drinking and smoking when they find themselves in new company, where this is a kind of test - “if you don’t want to drink or smoke, then you won’t be with us.” So they gradually get hooked, their comrades force them, and then they get used to alcohol - it’s impossible to do without it at fun meetings. After a while, these habits become a necessary part of relaxation, peace and a cheerful mood. Then the doses consumed increase, because the initial volume seems insufficient. Thus, alcohol becomes an integral part of life and is involved in all vital processes of the young body. This is especially true for girls - female alcoholism becomes more powerful. After all, female alcoholism is virtually incurable. I think everyone has seen a young girl with a stroller and a bottle of beer, a cigarette, or worse, a pregnant girl. And this “harmless” activity can cause irreparable harm to her unborn child - drinking alcohol can lead to deviations in the development of the fetus, deformities and abnormalities in the child. For example, incomplete development of the cerebral cortex, mental retardation, congenital heart defects. And what can such a mother teach her child in the future?

But what can we talk about when almost every child can buy beer and cigarettes, which are mainly preferred by teenagers and young people. Sellers sell without hesitation - the main thing for them is to sell, they need additional revenue. And there is no responsibility for your actions. Health in the literal sense of the word is drunk by young people, who sometimes still do not understand what serious damage they are causing to their unformed body.

But the problem of alcoholism does not come alone - the problem of drug addiction follows on its heels, the use of narcotic and psychotropic substances is increasing, which have a great impact on the health of the young body and from childhood turn healthy children into sick, mentally unstable individuals. What is drug addiction? In my opinion, this is not only a loss of human appearance, but also a breeding ground for the “plague of the 21st century.” Drug addiction is the misfortune of the drug addict himself, it is the tears of his family and friends. Is it worth ruining the lives of yourself and your family? After all, drugs make a person weak and weak-willed, and drug addiction drives him into slavery. The person can no longer help himself, and is ready to do anything for a new dose. Thus, drugs lead to theft and violence. Drug addiction is directly related to crime.

Adolescents from low-income, dysfunctional families are at greater risk of becoming drug addicts, and, on the contrary, families in which income is high. Teenagers whose parents have problems with alcohol, from the very beginning early age revolve in an environment of misunderstanding and problems, and, in search of a way to escape from them, may begin to use drugs. On the contrary, those teenagers who are accustomed to never needing anything can try the drug as a fashionable antidepressant. With the help of drugs, teenagers sometimes try to drown out some of their personal experiences, for example, first love. And of course, there may be a genetic predisposition to drug use. Moreover, there is a lot of drug propaganda: books, magazines, the Internet. Literally everything pushes you to try the “forbidden fruit.” Drugs are especially popular among the “golden youth”, although many of them are not even 20. In fact, I don’t blame people who want to try everything in this life, but there should always be a sense of proportion, if you don’t have it, don’t even think about it do things that will drag you down. You should do only what you need, and not what society demands of you. And yet most susceptible to drug addiction weak-willed people people who cannot defend their point of view or simply confused people who are broken by the weight of the world. A person should always be able to say “no”; if you don’t want to take powder or a cigarette, don’t take it, you don’t need to think about what others will think of you, you need to do what you think is right.

Drug addiction and alcoholism have acute social consequences: crimes and immoral acts are committed, degradation of the individual and the population as a whole occurs, mortality increases especially among young people, diseases develop and are transmitted, the birth rate of sick and handicapped children increases, families break up. It is minors, the younger generation, who are more quickly and more often susceptible to the above-mentioned negative social phenomena. modern society.

However, one should not assume that modern youth does not think about the future at all, that modern youth is corrupted by a lack of morality, spoiled, vulgar and unbridled. This is not true at all. A huge number of young people want to be useful to their country, they want to do what they love, receive decent pay for their work, they want to get married without fear, have children, without fear that tomorrow they will be fired during the next financial crisis, in the state of which, Unfortunately, our country is almost constantly...

But young people cannot cope with all the difficulties on their own. Only the targeted, systematic participation of the state and all branches of government in the life of the younger generation will be able to solve the problems of social adaptation of young people in modern society, ranging from alcoholism and drug addiction, to army hazing and arbitrariness in the workplace.

And in conclusion, I want to say that every person should think about the future, and not live one day at a time, one must set goals and achieve them.

The problems of youth have worried society at all times. The problem of youth is one of the main ones, because they are the future. But “the present century” and the “past century” are always in contradiction. The time of global reforms that swept Russia “broke” the system of the previous “morality”, significantly turning everything upside down moral values. The older generation, who still have fresh memories of “the days of yore,” find it difficult to adapt to current conditions while maintaining the same value system; It is even more difficult for the younger generation in this regard, because... he doesn’t have his own value system yet, and if he does, it’s conditional...

But why does it seem to us that the older generation is always wrong, that they look for the origins of problems when they are on the surface or look for them in the wrong places? Probably because the sense of responsibility is not so strongly developed in today's youth, or it has not yet been deeply rooted in young souls. When you are eighteen years old, it seems that your whole life is ahead of you, and even if you make any mistakes, there is so much time ahead to correct them.

Young people do not have time to adapt to the rapidly changing economic, political, spiritual and social aspects of life. Social progress affects its needs, interests, and value orientations.

Youth is the path to the future that a person chooses. Choosing the future and planning it is a characteristic feature of young age. In developmental psychology, youth is characterized as a period of formation of a stable system of values, the formation of self-awareness and the formation of the social status of an individual. The consciousness of a young person has a special sensitivity, the ability to process and assimilate a huge flow of information. During this period, critical thinking develops, the desire to give one’s own assessment of various phenomena, the search for arguments and original thinking. At the same time, at this age some attitudes and stereotypes characteristic of the previous generation still remain.

The formation of social maturity of young people occurs under the influence of many factors: family, school, work collective, media, youth organizations. Youth is the time when everyone must determine their own destiny, find the only true life path leading to success, which will allow them to realize their abilities and talents to the maximum. Life confronts a young person with the need to make critical decisions with a lack of life experience.

Deterioration in the health of children and adolescents. The growing generation is less healthy physically and mentally than the previous one. On average in Russia, only 10% of school graduates can consider themselves absolutely healthy. The number of young people leading an immoral lifestyle is increasing. There is a criminalization of youth.

Reducing opportunities for youth participation in economic development. The share of young people among the unemployed remains high.

Falling value of labor. " Big salary“- this motive turned out to be decisive when choosing a place of work.

Modern youth have a trait that shows that most of them want to have a good income, while not having a profession or desire to work. This happens due to the fact that young people lack incentives to work.

The problem of criminal influence on youth in lately cannot but worry the Russian public. Among criminal offenses, every fourth is committed by young people and teenagers. Among the offenses, mercenary crimes attract attention - theft, extortion of money, fraud. The volume of acquisitive crimes is currently growing rapidly. This depends on the fact that for the majority of young people, their parents cannot give them what they would like, taking into account their needs. But they themselves cannot get this due to the fact that they do not have a specialty or work skills. Young people do not want to get an education just because they have no prospects after receiving an education. Currently, more and more young people are using drugs. Maybe this comes from the hopelessness of realizing their capabilities or from the fact that, due to a lack of understanding of the seriousness, they were involved in this by people interested in selling drugs.

Those working with children and adolescents - teachers, school psychologists, etc., also need a completely new approach to their charges. In order to teach them new forms of behavior, to form a stress-resistant personality capable of independently and responsibly building their lives. To do this, it is necessary to possess the necessary qualities and demonstrate them in the process of working with teenagers, as well as to have knowledge, skills and learning skills, the ability to adequately overcome life’s problems, and develop a type of healthy behavior.

It must be borne in mind that if any problems are not resolved at one or another stage, this can hinder the process of personal development. Understanding such a situation can force a person to set new goals and change the ways of achieving them. Overall it's not scary. It is much worse if unresolved or unsolvable problems are not recognized by the individual, and he does not begin to look for any further solutions.

Much depends on the person, on his ability to manage his own activities. But this process takes place when the environment stimulates the need for new interests and creates incentives for the individual to act.

The constant imposition of lack of spirituality on our youth has led to a crisis of moral ideals and the meaning of goals, the cultivation of momentary pleasures of behavior.

There may also be a negative impact from the family in which the young man lives and is raised.

The most dangerous thing in the current state Russian society– an increasing feeling of spiritual emptiness, meaninglessness, futility, and temporaryness of everything that is happening, which visibly embraces more and more layers of Russians. The breakdown of value orientations is reflected in the mood of young people. The most important and fundamental thing here is the growing disappointment in prospects, the spread of nihilism, and the decline of moral standards. The younger generation found itself in the most difficult situation, when it is called upon to continue development based on the basis of inherited material and spiritual values, it is forced, being in the formative stage, to participate in the development of these values ​​independently, often contrary to the older generation’s attempts to restore the past. As a result, the contradictions between “fathers and sons” in our society have become a source of conflict against the backdrop of processes of alienation of young people in society, a decrease in their social status, a reduction in social youth programs, opportunities for education, work, and political participation.

The younger generation, for the most part, found itself without reliable social guidelines. Choice life path began to be determined not by the abilities and interests of the young man, but by specific circumstances.

It is obvious that the younger generation of Russia is experiencing a crisis socio-psychological situation. Previous stereotypes of behavior, normative and value orientations have been destroyed. Young people lose their sense of the meaning of what is happening and do not have certain life skills that would allow them to preserve their individuality and create a healthy life style.

Current situation inevitably led the younger generation to the need to take responsibility for their future, make independent choices and control their behavior. At the same time, it is quite obvious that teenagers, being under the influence of continuously increasing stressful situations, are not ready to overcome them and suffer from their consequences. The lack of knowledge and behavioral skills among the adult part of the population - parents, teachers - does not allow them to provide the necessary educational influence, psychological and social support. Teenagers found themselves alone and psychologically helpless due to lost connections with the older generation.

The desire to escape from real problems into an illusory world contributes to mass distribution alcoholism and drug addiction among young people. Adults today cannot provide the younger generation with the necessary number of alternative ways of existence, goals and values, norms for which it would be worth studying hard, working, and observing certain standards of behavior.

We have all forgotten the wisdom of our ancestors and, in pursuit of the most modern televisions, stereo systems, or simply fighting for survival in our imperfect world, we have forgotten about the main thing, about tomorrow, about your own children...

Therefore, it is necessary not to build prisons, camps and colonies, but to restore pioneer camps, sports clubs, playgrounds, and recreation parks. Raise the level of professional training of teachers, practical psychologists, and simply promote a healthy lifestyle, work, etc. And parents need to understand that they need to feed, clothe, put on shoes, this is all good, but we must not forget about the moral side of upbringing. Therefore, there is no need to think that your son will never start using drugs or stealing, and if (God forbid) this has already happened, then you should not turn away from him, but simply help him get out of it. Understand that your children want to be understood, needed and simply want to be taken into account. They want to be adults - so help them...

People have always been capable of extravagant acts that defy any logic and break all analyzes and forecasts.

Today's youth are the future of the entire Earth, since they will have to take the reins of its governance, accept priority goals, and not only those, and implement them. But, unfortunately, modern youth, who grew up on fast food, talk shows, soap operas, computer games and other elements of modern popular culture, may not be able to give an adequate response (adequate reaction) to the current circumstances in the socio-political life of the state, region, planet.

Currently, mass media play an important role in shaping the orientations and aspirations of the population of most countries of the world, except for the countries of the current socialist camp. Mass media can influence value orientations, the formation of everyday culture and the so-called “meaning of life.” Based on the degree of exposure, youth can be divided into four main groups:

An important role is played by the choice of the younger generation in social terms and in what way it will achieve a certain social status and “worldly goods”. According to the methods used, youth can be divided as follows:

  • Near-criminal. They use brute physical force and all forms of its manifestation. This group is numerous, and most young people strive for it, as they are idealized by television and courtyard “thieves’ romance”;
  • "With connections." Children of wealthy people and high officials who use the position of their parents to achieve their goals, but are unable to achieve them on their own (in fairness, it should be noted that among this part of the youth there are capable people, but these cases, unfortunately, are few in number, so they can be ignored );
  • "Nerds." They use exclusively their intellectual abilities, but often end up in the service of previous groups due to their cowardice;
  • Unskilled youth. A group of people into which those who did not realize themselves in previous groups will fall; they achieve their goals and acquire benefits “with sweat and blood.”

An important role in the development of society is played by the value orientations of a generation, as they determine everyday culture and often the “meaning of life.” Approximate division of the younger generation in relation to priority goals and values:

  • Mercantile people. A group striving to achieve the greatest amount of material values ​​and maximum satisfaction of its, mostly far-fetched, needs (power, jewelry, elements of luxury, etc.);
  • Officials. A group that strives through career growth(with the help of money, connections, sometimes abilities) to achieve a certain social status and satisfy one’s personal ambitions. There you often meet people with “higher” needs, in addition to achieving material well-being;
  • Intellectuals. A group of individuals who, with the help of their knowledge, strive to achieve a certain material and moral satisfaction. They have a positive influence on society, developing science and society, and strive to “spiritualize” their physiological life;
  • “Philosophers” (I note that the specialty does not matter). Individuals who most objectively assess and react to reality and selectively relate to all values ​​- material wealth, social status, intellectual and spiritual development (according to the author, this is the most interesting and small group);
  • "Risk group." Most of the younger generation, so to speak, has “fallen out of the loop”, who have not achieved their goals and can lay claim to the benefits of previous groups, that is, threaten with coups or criminal seizure of values.

All of the above is a consequence of ignorance of just the basics of the humanities, and philosophy in particular, since only it can add a spiritual component biological life person. As for external factors, such as international organizations, they can contribute to the spiritual and intellectual development of the younger generation, using their ample opportunities to help the state in educational companies.

What continuation of events can be expected from modern youth, who have such spiritual emptiness and which will eventually replace the present generation?

  1. Pessimistic forecast: the next generations will be worse and worse, and the process will be reversed to evolution, up to appearance of homo pitecus.
  2. Optimistic forecast: periods of stagnation and degradation always precede periods of cultural, spiritual and intellectual flourishing of an ethnic group, nation, etc.
  3. Realistic forecast: at all times and in all societies, only a certain group of people was highly educated (the intelligentsia in the broad sense of the word), and the rest of society (the largest) was a level or several levels lower, and, nevertheless, society was decaying, That's how it developed.

Time will tell everything.

Features of the genesis of the worldview of the youth of Glazov

The choice of the topic of our course work is determined primarily by the specifics of our future profession- teaching work at school. This requires us to understand the inner world of our teenage student as much as possible - after all, his worldview, as the view of the world of a representative of young people who have now formed their own subculture, can differ quite significantly from ours, and this can create certain difficulties both in the learning process and in process of communication, and even lead to misunderstanding.

It is also necessary to note such a task of the teacher as educating the student. Education - instilling certain norms of behavior, positive ideas, transfer of experience. That is, this is, one way or another, the directed formation of the worldview of one’s pupil. Naturally, the successful completion of this task also requires close acquaintance with the inner world of the student.

Thus, we see that in order to successfully work with young people in the direction of teaching and upbringing, each teacher needs to be more or less familiar with the worldview of young people, since it is this knowledge that greatly facilitates the fulfillment of his task.

The relevance of our topic is primarily due to the fact that young people are the most mobile, agile, energetic part of our society. It is this group that in 10 years will turn into the main part of our society - it will occupy places from the sphere of production to the sphere of management, having finally formed its view of the world. Therefore, knowledge of its worldview is important - it is young people who play a huge role in the future.

In our opinion, this topic is also relevant because modern youth is a unique phenomenon. It was formed at the junction of two largely contradictory eras - the Soviet, socialist, and today's, Russian, aimed at capitalism. This, naturally, left an imprint on the perception of the world, caused great variability in personal attitudes towards today's life, and led to a revision of life values ​​and one's own principles.

Knowledge of worldview is very important - not only when applied to young people. Worldview is a person’s view of the world, his attitude towards all things and ideas, and even his own values ​​and ideals, aspirations and principles. Worldview is the most important component spiritual world man, and without knowledge of him it is almost impossible to adequately assess his cultural potential.

This work will be of interest to teachers, extras and generally people interested in the formation of today's youth. The work contains statistical data, the results of surveys, conversations, discussions, reflects the beliefs and ideas of modern youth and clearly shows their heterogeneity.

Chapter 1. Definition of the subject and methods of research.

The subject of our research is the genesis of the worldview of young people and those special features that are inherent in the worldview of today's generation. To better understand the essence of the study, the subject of study should be divided into the social group in relation to which the research is being conducted (that is, modern youth), identify and identify an individual from the group, the object of study that interests us in this social group (that is, worldview as a set of views on the world ) and the process itself that interests us, that is, genesis, and its features.

Worldview is a system of ideas about the world and a person’s place in it, about a person’s relationship to the surrounding reality and to himself, as well as the basic life positions of people, their beliefs, ideals, and value orientations determined by these views. This is a way for a person to master the world, in the unity of a theoretical and practical approach to reality. Three main types of worldview should be distinguished:

everyday (ordinary) is generated by the immediate conditions of life and experience transmitted over generations,

religious - associated with the recognition of the supernatural principle of the world, expressed in an emotional and figurative form,

philosophical - appears in a conceptual, categorical form, to one degree or another relying on the achievements of the sciences of nature and society and possessing a certain measure of logical evidence.

Worldview is a system of generalized feelings, intuitive ideas and theoretical views on the world around us and man’s place in it, on man’s many-sided relationship to the world, to himself and to other people, a system of not always conscious basic life attitudes of people, a certain social group and society , their beliefs, ideals, value orientations, moral, ethical and religious principles of knowledge and assessments. Worldview is a kind of framework for the structure of an individual, class or society as a whole. The subject of a worldview is an individual, a social group and society as a whole.

The basis of a worldview is knowledge. Any knowledge forms a worldview framework. The greatest role in the formation of this framework belongs to philosophy, since philosophy arose and was formed as a response to the ideological questions of humanity. Any philosophy performs a worldview function, but not every worldview is philosophical. Philosophy is the theoretical core of a worldview.

The structure of a worldview includes not only knowledge but also its assessment. That is, the worldview is characterized not only by informational, but also by value (axiological) saturation.

Knowledge enters the worldview in the form of beliefs. Beliefs are the prism through which reality is seen. Beliefs are not only an intellectual position, but also an emotional state, a stable psychological attitude; confidence in the correctness of one’s ideals, principles, ideas, views, which subjugate a person’s feelings, conscience, will and actions.

The structure of a worldview includes ideals. I. can be both scientifically based and illusory, both achievable and unrealistic. As a rule, they are facing the future. Ideals are the basis of the spiritual life of an individual. The presence of ideals in a worldview characterizes it as a proactive reflection, as a force that not only reflects reality but also orients it towards changing it.

Worldview is formed under the influence of social conditions, upbringing and education. Its formation begins in childhood. It determines a person’s life position.

It should be especially emphasized that a worldview is not only content, but also a way of understanding reality. Essential Component worldview represents ideals as decisive life goals. The nature of the idea of ​​the world contributes to the setting of certain goals, from the generalization of which a general life plan is formed, ideals are formed that give the worldview effective force. The content of consciousness turns into a worldview when it acquires the character of beliefs, confidence in the correctness of one’s ideas.

Worldview is of great practical importance. It affects norms of behavior, attitude towards work, towards other people, character life aspirations, according to tastes and interests. This is a kind of spiritual prism through which everything around us is perceived and experienced.

What is youth as a subject of social relations? The controversy between scientists regarding the definition of youth, the criteria for separating them into an independent group, and age boundaries have a long history. Scientists share different approaches to the subject of study - from the positions of sociology, psychology, physiology, demography, as well as classification traditions formed in certain scientific schools. Ideological factors play a significant role, as young people are. on the cutting edge political struggle.

In Russian social science, for a long time, young people were not considered as an independent socio-demographic group: the identification of such a group did not fit into existing ideas about the class structure of society, and contradicted the official ideological doctrine of its socio-political unity. It is one thing to talk about youth as an integral part of the working class, the collective farm peasantry, and the Soviet intelligentsia; it is another thing to recognize its social characteristics as a kind of integrity. This was seen as contrasting youth with other social groups

One of the first definitions of the concept of “youth” was given in 1968 by V. T. Lisovsky: “Youth is a generation of people who are going through the stage of socialization, acquiring, and at a more mature age having already acquired, educational, professional, cultural and other social functions; depending on specific historical conditions age criteria for youth can range from 16 to 30 years.” Later more full definition was given by I. S. Kon: “Youth is a socio-demographic group, identified on the basis of a combination of age characteristics, characteristics of social status and socio-psychological properties determined by both. Youth as a certain phase, stage of the life cycle is biologically universal, but its specific age framework associated with it social status and socio-psychological characteristics have a socio-historical nature and depend on social order, culture and patterns of socialization characteristic of a given society.”

In recent years, with a change in the general scientific approach to solving a number of social problems, a need has arisen for a holistic approach to studying the diversity of common connections and patterns of the younger generation, to consider youth as an organic subject of social development.

Today, scientists define youth as a socio-demographic group of society, identified on the basis of a set of characteristics, characteristics of social status and conditioned by certain socio-psychological properties that are determined by the level of socio-economic, cultural development, and characteristics of socialization in Russian society.

Young people in the context of our study are a socio-demographic group experiencing a period of developing social maturity, entering the world of adults, and adapting to it. The boundaries of this group are blurred and fluid, but they are usually associated with the age of 15-30 years. Modern youth as sociocultural group is characterized by several common features: it is more educated, masters new professions, and is the bearer of a new way of life and social dynamism.

An increased focus on communication within a given age category leads to the formation of a youth subculture, with its specific values ​​and ideals. It is also an integral part of youth.

Personality is an individual expression of social relations and functions of people, a subject of knowledge and transformation of the world, rights and responsibilities, ethical, aesthetic and all other social norms. A person’s personal qualities in this case are a derivative of his social image life and self-aware mind. Personality therefore is always a socially developed person.

Personality is formed in the process of activity and communication. In other words, its formation is essentially a process of socialization of the individual. This process requires people to be productive and is expressed in the constant adjustment of their actions, behaviors, and actions. This necessitates the development of the ability of self-esteem, which is associated with the development of self-awareness. Self-awareness and self-esteem together form the main core of the personality, around which the unique specificity of the personality develops.

Personality is a combination of its three main components: biogenetic inclinations, influence social factors and its psychosocial core - “I”. This I determines the nature of the human psyche, the sphere of motivation, the way of correlating one’s interests with social ones, the level of aspirations, the basis for the formation of beliefs, value orientations, and worldview. It is also the basis for the formation of a person’s social feelings: self-esteem, duty, responsibility, conscience, justice. Subjectively, for an individual, personality acts as an image of his Self - it serves as the basis of internal self-esteem and represents how the individual sees himself in the present, future, and how he would like to be. Man as an individual is a process that requires tireless mental work.

The main resulting property of a person is his worldview. A person asks himself: who am I? why me? what is the meaning of my life? Only by developing one or another worldview does a person, through self-determination in life, gain the opportunity to consciously and purposefully act, realizing his essence.

Genesis is the origin and subsequent development process that led to a certain state. Considering the genetic method as a method scientific knowledge, - explores the emergence, formation and change of developing phenomena. It involves the analysis of a certain initial state of the object of study and the derivation of subsequent states from it.

Thus, in our study, we consider the genesis of the worldview of young people as a review, analysis and forecasting of the process of forming an idea of ​​the world, life ideals and goals, a way of understanding reality in a specific socio-demographic group, uniform in a number of characteristics - age, demographic, social and cultural .

Of course, it should be noted that our research has a certain degree of tolerance and a certain percentage of inaccuracy when applied to a specific situation and/or person - since its object is the phenomenon of worldview formation - quite complex and in many ways strictly individual and it is not considered in application to a specific person (or even a clearly defined group of similar individuals), and to an entire socio-age-cultural stratum - to modern youth. But nevertheless, provided there is a sufficiently large coverage of youth respondents using a survey, with a specific time and geographical localization of our research (exclusively Glazov), it is possible to analyze with more or less confidence the process of the genesis of the worldview of young people, the specific situation with the view of the world in the environment youth, and even to a certain extent predict the situation in the future, provided that the research remains at the level of a social group (without stooping to the position of a specific individual from a given environment), all members of which are sufficiently averaged.

The sociology of youth as one of the branches of sociological knowledge was revived in the years Khrushchev's thaw. In the early stages of its development, it relied on a whole range of serious studies conducted in the 20s.

It was during this period, in a fierce polemic against a dogmatic perception of the world, that the foundations of the sociology of youth were laid as a more or less independent area of ​​research. Young people were studied from the point of view of life plans, value orientations, motivation of behavior in a variety of spheres of life, from school to production, in free time from study and work, in everyday life and the life of groups. Gradually, the corresponding conceptual apparatus of such research (the actual foundations of scientific knowledge) and its methodology took shape - tools for collecting and analyzing factual information.

In the 80s, the areas of research expanded significantly, new authors and teams were included in them. There is an opportunity to conduct comparative analysis youth problems in different regions.

Sociology of youth is a branch of sociological science that studies youth as a social community, the features of socialization and education of generations entering life, the process of social continuity and the inheritance of knowledge and experience by young people from older generations, features of the lifestyle of young people, the formation of their life plans and value orientations, including including professional ones, social mobility, fulfillment of social roles by various groups of youth.

As A.V. Sharonov writes: “The sociology of youth as a science is built on three interconnected levels: 1) general methodological, based on the approach to understanding youth as a social phenomenon; 2) specially theoretical, revealing the specifics and structure of young people as a socio-demographic group, the peculiarities of their consciousness and behavior, the age-related and socio-psychological specifics of their lifestyle, the dynamics of value orientations; 3) empirical, analyzing specific facts in various fields life."

The study of any category of youth, any aspect of their life and activities necessarily presupposes, first of all, the concretization of the very concept of “youth”, the individual groups being studied (urban, rural, working, student, other communities of youth), the adoption of concepts of their self-determination, social situation, in where young people live and work.

It is not difficult to notice how much the boundaries of a sociologist’s specific vision of youth are expanded in the process of research, when he defines it not just as an age group, but as a specific socio-demographic group, which is characterized, on the one hand, by its inherent psychological and physiological characteristics, the implementation of predominantly activities, associated with preparation and inclusion in public life, in the social mechanism; on the other, with its own subculture, internal differentiation corresponding to the social division of society.

A scientific, sociological approach to youth as a specific group of society implies, therefore, taking into account a whole complex of circumstances and features of the lifestyle of young people.

In the analysis of such a complex phenomenon as the formation of a worldview, complex research methods are needed. Primarily used by us statistical methods, such as surveys, which allow:

1. Reach the required mass of respondents.

2. Give the study a strict factual basis, which is based on specific numbers.

The sociological questionnaire on which the study was conducted is given in Appendix 2.

A necessary element in the work is conducting conversations and discussions. Direct communication with young people makes it possible to move from general survey figures to an analysis of the worldview of a specific individual. Direct contact allows you to gain a deeper understanding of the culture of young people using a specific case as an example. The generalized results of such conversations can be used as another source of material for research. Unfortunately, this topic has been little developed in modern scientific literature, since it should be noted that the process under consideration is extremely dynamic and time-limited - it has a narrow time frame, beyond which research loses its relevance.

The amount of information on this topic is small, so you have to rely mainly on your own materials. Thus, the information obtained using a variety of research methods will provide a reliable, extensive basis for a comprehensive consideration of the process of the genesis of the worldview of young people.

The results of the survey, conversations with students and teachers, and analysis of students’ behavior during teaching practice show certain trends in the area of ​​young people’s attitudes towards the educational system.

First of all, the number of people satisfied with the current state of the educational system is extremely small (30% of respondents). Its main disadvantages, from the students’ point of view, lie in the too much pressure on them from the school system, its authoritarian style (40% of respondents) - this is expressed in the students’ excessive workload with classes and homework. Due to the fact that they are deprived of the right to choose the subjects for which they feel the greatest predisposition (or this right is extremely limited by state education standards). Also, 25% of respondents are generally not satisfied with the quality of knowledge given at school - obviously, they do not have enough knowledge and they strive for more - we will pay attention to this in the future. And to this it is necessary to add a factor that appeared not so long ago - this is a paid education, available only to children of wealthy parents, of whom there are very few. And consequently, all others are deprived of the opportunity to receive a better and more prestigious education, which causes legitimate discontent in them (17%).

Also among the financial problems that have emerged in the current decade is the issue of poor material support for schools - both in terms of remuneration for teachers and in terms of the technical equipment of schools. The first leads to a decrease in the prestige of the teaching profession, which means an outflow of talented teachers from school to other, more profitable areas of work, the second leads to the inability to obtain modern technical education at the proper level (especially considering the rapid progress of computer technologies and their active penetration into the field of education).

Students notice all the shortcomings, negative aspects educational system because in today's situation they themselves, more than anyone else, are interested in ensuring that it functions as best as possible and gives them the highest quality knowledge and skills. This is evidenced by the analysis of answers to the question: “Are you satisfied with your own education?” 78% of respondents answered unequivocally - they are not satisfied, and they are working to expand their own knowledge. This indicates that the stereotype among older people about young people as people who do not need knowledge is fundamentally incorrect. Probably, this approach was typical for the younger generation 5-7 years ago, which was experiencing an era of revision of all the values ​​of the bygone socialist system, among which was education.

Now, in new living conditions, when the main (or at least one of the most important) problem of young people is the search for prospects in the future (according to the survey, more than 50% of respondents have very unclear prospects for the future), and, first of all, prestigious and high-paying job in the future after graduation. But a necessary condition for getting such a job is the necessary education. Modern youth clearly understands this and strives to acquire knowledge - in the necessary, promising industries.

Thus, today we see that the prestige of education (and therefore knowledge) among young people is rapidly growing. A stable association has emerged - if a person is educated, that means he is smart and able to earn money to ensure a decent existence.

This feature is especially pronounced among the age group that interests us - senior schoolchildren. After graduating from school, they will need to continue their education - which means that knowledge and education occupy a sufficient place in their minds. great place.

Before we begin to consider this factor, it is necessary to say a few words about the essence of such a phenomenon as state ideology.

State ideology is the policy of the state to shape the way of thinking and style of behavior of its citizens, aimed at establishing control over the development of a person’s personality, standardizing it and forming in it exactly those qualities that society and the state need.

We see striking examples of the impact of state ideology on people in authoritarian or totalitarian states, for example the USSR or Nazi Germany. In them, the state ideology, justifying its existence as a factor of external and internal danger, without hiding behind anything, broadcast using all the media and directly put pressure on the minds of citizens, widely using such totalitarian methods as intimidation and silencing of the dissatisfied, strict censorship and monopolization of the right to provide information. .

It would seem, in light of the above, that modern so-called democratic states they have nothing of the kind - no clearly expressed and officially recognized ideology, and therefore no pressure, no moral violence. However, this does not mean that official ideology as such is completely absent. Ideology must be present in any state - since it is it that determines the main course of the state in politics and determines the attitude of citizens towards the state.

In the light of these facts, there is no doubt that in modern Russia there is a state ideology. This is the so-called ideology of liberalism, which first appeared in England. The main postulate: the predominance of personal interests over public ones (society is needed insofar as it helps its individual member). Core values: human freedom in decisions and actions, human self-sufficiency, lack of real mechanisms for creating responsibility for one’s actions to other people. It should be said that the ideology of liberalism was transferred to Russian soil quite spontaneously and mechanically - the pro-Western government chose it as a replacement for the communist ideology, which was partially collapsed, partially destroyed.

However, liberal ideology, as we know from history, has never been widespread in Russia (except for narrow circles of the progressive bourgeoisie and intelligentsia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries), since it contradicts traditional Russian culture with its communal principles, the predominance of collectivist feelings, and the lack of commercialism. That is why, as we see today, 10 years after the start of implementation in the country liberal ideology- it again did not find success in Russia, spreading only in the circles of the pro-Western intelligentsia.

In this case, if the official ideology is not successful among young people, then what replaces it? How do young people see their country in the future and what are they willing to do for it? The majority (40%) answer the question about the preferred policy in the state - “I don’t know.” In addition, it turns out that many respondents’ ideas about the necessary measures to change the current situation are vague, abstract and reflect only basic needs, acute problems without taking into account ways to implement these requirements (for example, 20% - for improving living conditions, 10% - for establishing order, but in both cases these are only good wishes). And only 20% of respondents (mostly from high school) can clearly and reasonably explain their Political Views in general on the current policy of the state. Only 5% of them lie in the area of ​​continuing reforms and developing democracy. But the remaining 15%, which should be paid special attention to, want to pursue a tough and fairly authoritarian policy that, in their opinion, could solve priority government tasks.

The attitude towards politics as an activity, a profession and towards politicians as people, towards their human qualities among young people is quite negative. 60% of respondents consider all modern politicians to be selfish people whose main task is to seek benefits for themselves, and only 20% of young people believe that there are exceptions. 15% disagree with the statement about politicians being self-interested. We see that there is very little trust in the leaders of today's political arena among young people, and it must be said that this distrust is caused by the actions of the politicians themselves. In connection with a series of elections that swept across the country in late 1999 - early 2000, the so-called war of incriminating evidence, initiated by the politicians themselves and directed against competitors, became widespread in the desire to “tarnish” their reputation. Obviously, as a result of this, the reputation was lost not only among individuals (it is unlikely that an ordinary person has the time and desire to understand the intricacies of political struggle), but among the entire category of politicians in power or in opposition to it. Probably, to these factors of distrust should also be added the fatigue of the population from the endless political battles that have filled the media.

Thus, summing up the above, we see that the official ideology of the state does not find a response among young people, most of the youth are apolitical (reasons: distrust of politicians, a large number of everyday problems) and do not have clearly expressed political convictions. Probably for this reason, in Russia at the moment there is not a single truly mass youth party.

Social alienation most often manifests itself in apathy, indifference to the political life of society, figuratively speaking, in the position of an “outside observer.” At the level of self-identification, the manifestation of any specific political attitudes is minimal. At the same time, the emotionality, gullibility and psychological instability of young people are skillfully used by political elites in the struggle for power.

Special attention we should focus on the 15-20% of young people (more often boys than girls) who not only understand politics, but have their own political convictions, and, most importantly, are radically and anti-government-minded. If we take into account all this the natural maximalism (and therefore the same radicalism) characteristic of youth of all times, this most potentially active layer of the population, then we can predict the growth of extremist sentiments in the future (and, judging in relation to patriotism, on a nationalistic basis) and the creation There are enough mass youth political organizations that will not affiliate with any of the existing political parties that have already compromised themselves and therefore are sharply opposed and uncontrollable by the government.

An ever-increasing role in modern life play by the media, through which a person today not only receives the information he needs (such as news), but also draws from them behavioral stereotypes, values ​​and ideals, and much more. The media today have gone beyond their original purpose - the dissemination of information and have become, along with everything else, one of the factors in shaping the worldview. We have to find out its features.

Modern youth, as the survey showed, spends a significant part of their free time watching TV (52% spend watching blue screen more than 3 hours a day). If we take into account that the information absorbed from the screen is mainly of an entertaining nature (about 35% of respondents from all programs highlight entertainment, more than 55% regularly watch feature films), then we can confidently say that TV is used as a means of relaxation and entertainment. However, it should be noted that ¼ of the respondents stand out from the general flow of those having fun. They pay greatest attention information and educational programs, therefore, for them, TV is a source of knowledge, a means to improve their own education.

For the majority of respondents (55%), television means, first of all, movies, which are a phenomenon related to the sphere cultural life. Without delving into its consideration, let us note the dominance of foreign video products on our screens. Brutal violence and eroticism are increasingly being shown on screen, drugs (especially psychedelics) are being promoted, especially in connection with the spread of non-state and cable television, on which Western low-fiction films are most often broadcast. This process contributes to the criminalization of the situation, especially affecting children, adolescents and young people, who constitute the main audience of viewers.

One third of the youth television audience are fans and regular viewers of TV series. These “soap operas,” which last for years, create a passive lifestyle and form unrealistic ideas about space and time, diverting people’s emotions from real life to experiencing fictional events.

Particular attention should be paid to the 10% of respondents who watch everything, regardless of the content of the programs - obviously, for them, TV is a means of killing free time (which has nothing else to do) without any cognitive influence.

Modern youth, from the entire volume of information, has the ability to filter out the unnecessary and useless, without taking on faith everything that they see on the screen or read from a newspaper, that is, they have some immunity to the influence of the media on the mind. 52% of respondents independently analyze and compare information coming from the media - that is, not everyone takes it on faith. A minority - about 30% - completely trust the media, that is, they are exposed to their influence. 11% of the audience do not completely trust the media - obviously, for them they have already exhausted their credibility and now only cause skepticism.

Thus, despite the massive media pressure on young people, they have developed clear evaluative functions relative to the content and therefore cannot be easily controlled through the media. Television, radio, newspapers are vital things for a teenager; he feels an urgent need for information, which he draws from the media.

In addition to the factors that directly influence the youth environment from the outside, one cannot ignore those processes that occur directly within this social group. Interpersonal relationships can be divided into vertical (with groups of different ages) and horizontal (within this society itself). Survey data on this issue present us with the following picture: young people for the most part experience a feeling of loneliness, but it is of an internal nature, that is, caused by claims of quality, not quantity. Many problems arise within a social group. What causes this discomfort?

Hypocrisy comes first (25%). People feel falseness, artificiality, insincerity in their relationships with each other. Analyzing words and actions, they refuse to perceive such phenomena. 11% of respondents consider the cause of their own communication difficulties to be insufficient. The mental development of your interlocutors. That is, for one reason or another, objectively or not, they consider themselves intellectually superior to the people in their social circle, and therefore cannot adequately communicate with them. Obviously, the actions of these people give rise to another reason for dissatisfaction in the social circle - arrogance (7%).

Obviously, among young people there is a boom in fashion for various bad habits: smoking, drinking, drug addiction, and the number of their opponents is increasing. 10% have a negative attitude towards such habits of their peers and show dissatisfaction with this when communicating with them.

The new generation is distinguished by the absence of special complexes in relationships with the opposite sex. 60% do not experience communication difficulties, 20% only sometimes, and only 10% say they have serious complexes. From this we can conclude that the line in communication between the sexes is easily overcome.

At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. against the backdrop of a general crisis, a program was formed to change the main system-forming characteristic of personality: the desire for stability, a fixed position, gave way to movement, change, i.e., a stable dynamic integrity of the worldview.

This program turned out to be implemented in a generation of modern young people, whose slogan is “Change! We are waiting for change!” sounded with particular force in the late 80s.

The quality of the conflict between “fathers” and “children” has also changed. In the current situation, young people are well aware of the discrepancy between the cultural stereotypes and norms of behavior and life imposed on them, and at the same time they refuse to understand and accept all traditional culture.

In vertical relations, the research data turned out to be as follows: 1/3 of young people belong to life experience adults are categorically negative. The other third treats with respect, and only the remaining 30% know how to correctly synthesize and combine their own experience with the social experience of the older generation. This picture is confirmed by the answer to the question: “Do you want to be like your parents?” the data are almost similar to those described above: “yes” - 24%, “no” - 29%, “when and how” - 33%.

So, interpersonal relationships are the main factor in influencing and shaping a worldview. And it is among young people that communication today is far from problem-free; conflicts are observed both with older people (a question of revising traditional values) and within the youth group. It is quite difficult to resolve these problems, since they are caused by the specific character traits of the younger generation: maximalism, demandingness, the desire to rise above their peers.

One of the most important indicators of youth culture is music. One of the preferred ones for young people in modern music is a progressive direction. The progressive direction is characterized by the fact that the leading role in it is played by percussive frequent elements and the presence of inanimate computer instrumentals. According to young people, this direction provides an opportunity to express their imagination, in contrast to light popular music, which is also widespread among young people. So-called pop music is characterized by the absence of semantic load on the text and particular ease of perception. These types of music are common in discos, radio stations, and television.

However, an increasing number of young people are interested in the rock direction in music, which can be safely contrasted with the above-mentioned trends. Rock music is characterized by a more serious semantic load, a realistic depiction of the world in the lyrics, and a different musical time signature. The trend of passion for rock music among modern youth can be explained as a kind of protest against the simplification of popular music and the aggressiveness of the progressive movement.

Music, as research shows, undoubtedly influences the psychophysical state of a person, so it is necessary to take this aspect of modern culture more seriously. If we take into account the musical preferences of modern youth towards such diametrically opposite directions in music as rock and pop, we can draw the following conclusions:

In modern musical culture, extreme trends (the opposite of official popular music) are becoming increasingly widespread, which provides a certain negative, destructive incentive to action.

The desire of young people to realize themselves through music leads to the growth of the national creative layer. The creative process itself, which is intensively occurring among creative youth, is positive.

In fine art, on the one hand, aggressive moods predominate - an ugly image of the world and man in this world (see Appendix 1, Fig. 1,2). On the other hand, there is a romantic mood: an image of a world of fantasies and dreams, in which everyone is happy, beautiful and content (see Appendix 1, Fig. 3,4). In this one can sense the desire of young people to distance themselves, to escape from real problems into their own, invented world. This is a sign of weakness and insecurity of a young man entering adulthood. Now state and public institutions do not take care of teenagers and they feel abandoned and lonely, which is reflected in the fine arts. As many as 45% of respondents acutely experience a feeling of loneliness, which naturally affects their worldview and behavior.

Religion is a type of worldview that dominates society. It dictates moral norms, rules of behavior, social values, and sometimes in a strict, dogmatic form, leaving no right of choice and no meta for reflection. There is currently a widespread stereotype that modern youth are quite pious. Is this true?

At first glance, undoubtedly. According to our survey, the majority (60%) of respondents call themselves believers. Only 25% do not believe in God. But upon closer examination, one can clearly discern a certain superficiality of this belief. The vast majority of believers do not perform the rituals of the Christian religion (do not go to churches, do not confess, do not observe religious holidays). This view can be supported by evidence about the reason for believing in God.

In the first place among the reasons for one’s own faith is the need for it, the desire to receive hope, confidence in the future, and they cultivate strength and confidence not in themselves, but in external factor.

Among other reasons for faith, the most often mentioned is mercantile interest, that is, help from God in exchange for faith in him.

Thus, compared to previous years, the number of believers has undoubtedly increased, but it should be noted that the emphasis is on the psychotherapeutic factors of religion rather than purely philosophical aspects. That is, people look for support and protection in God in difficult moments of life and at the same time do not think at all about such theological aspects of religion as the essence of God.

One of the main criteria for assessing the formation of a personality is the ability to do creative work and attitude towards it. It is the ability for purposeful creative work that distinguishes a socially useful person. According to the survey results, 45% of young people experience a constant need for work, 30% do not, and 25% of young people periodically feel the need for work. This indicates that about ½ of the respondents understand the necessity and importance for themselves and society of labor, mental work, and to see the influence of child infantilism.

Now in the current economic situation, money has begun to play a major role in the life of any person. And they began to enjoy special influence among young people, since it was young people who were brought up in the new era of the emergence of capitalist relations. The majority of respondents (54%) clearly understand that for them money is a means to satisfy their material needs and nothing more. That is, they treat money calmly, without making a fetish out of it, but at the same time correctly appreciating it. 11% of respondents are sharply skeptical about the function of money, believing that it is useless pieces of paper that bring evil. These people are probably either penniless idealists or from very wealthy families. One way or another, we see that the monetary aspect in the worldview of the new generation has taken a rapid path of transformation: from socialist undervaluation to capitalist respect.

The position of patriotism among the values ​​of modern youth is interesting. “Patriotism is love for the Motherland, one of the deepest feelings, consolidated over centuries and millennia” V.I. Lenin. Does the Motherland occupy such an important position in the minds and moods of the new generation? At first glance, the data from our research in this area is disappointing - to the question “Do you want to live in another state?” 60% answered “yes” and 40% “no”. However, further answers to questions clarify the picture. In particular, 70% of young people are ready to defend their Motherland with arms in hand, and as many as 80% of respondents feel a sense of pride in their Motherland (and not only in historical terms, but also in the present time).

This means that young people can hardly be accused of lack of patriotism. Cosmopolitanism and worship of the West are only external phenomena that appeared during the years of idealization American image life in society. But now, in light of the difficult international situation, when disagreements between recent allies Russia and America are increasingly accumulating in the foreign policy arena, patriotism is beginning to manifest itself more and more actively.

The most important unit of modern society, as before, remains the family. We can safely say that its role among the values ​​of young people retains its high position. After all, it is this institution that instills in a person from birth the moral, ethical, ethical values ​​that guide the person throughout his entire life.

Analyzing the survey results, one can see that for most young people, the family is a support in life, it is a source of love and understanding, as well as a model for creating their own family in the future. Only about 15% deny the role of family in their lives, in the realization of their personality. Maybe this problem is not a priority for them. 80% of respondents plan to start a family in the future.

Thus, among the younger generation we see a return to traditional values. The same unshakable authorities are the Fatherland, family, children.

Our generation of youth is the result of the demographic boom of the late 70s and early 80s, and therefore is quite large in number. Having been born at the end of the era of so-called “stagnation,” the childhood of this generation was occupied by the perestroika era, the time of reforms of the socialist system. Their youth found themselves in completely different socio-political conditions - the emergence of capitalist relations, the era of the destruction of the socialist system and the emergence of a new type of socio-economic relations. This enormous revolutionary leap in the life of the state could not but affect the consciousness of society and, in particular, its most susceptible and unstable part - children and adolescents. As a result, their consciousness was significantly transformed, became different from the consciousness of previous generations, caused great variability, and predetermined conflicts among the youth themselves.

As a result of the process of socialization, a new flow into the established, traditional consciousness of society. The emergence of this, and not another, youth subculture with the indicated characteristics is due to a number of reasons, among which the following seem to be the most significant.

Young people live in a common social and cultural space, and therefore the crisis of society and its main institutions could not but affect the content and direction of the youth subculture. That is why the development of any specifically youth programs, with the exception of social adaptation or career guidance, is not indisputable. Any efforts to correct the socialization process will inevitably encounter the state of everyone social institutions Russian society and, above all, the education system, cultural institutions and the media. What society is like, so are the youth, and therefore the youth subculture.

The crisis of the institution of family and family education, the suppression of the individuality and initiative of a child, teenager, young person both from parents and teachers, all representatives of the “adult” world, cannot but lead, on the one hand, to social and cultural infantilism, and on the other hand the other - to pragmatism and social inadaptability (in some cases indirectly) - and to manifestations of an illegal or extremist nature. An aggressive parenting style gives rise to aggressive youth, prepared by the adults themselves for intergenerational alienation, when grown-up children cannot forgive either educators or society as a whole for focusing on obedient, uninitiated performers to the detriment of independence, initiative, independence, only directed in the direction of social expectations, but not suppressed agents of socialization.

Commercialization of the media, to some extent and all artistic culture, forms a certain “image” of the subculture no less than the main agents of socialization - the family and the education system. After all, watching TV shows, along with communication, as already mentioned, is the most common type of leisure self-realization. In many of its features, the youth subculture simply repeats the television subculture, which molds a convenient viewer for itself.

Trying to predict the further development of the worldview of young people, the following trends can be noted:

Moving away from the position of nihilism and denial of all values ​​of the older generation, a critical, evaluative view of things begins to prevail.

Education and the ability to self-learn are among the most important values ​​and guidelines in life.

IN political sphere young people do not play a big role; they deliberately ignore and avoid major political events.

The media has a great influence on young people, which leads to the passive formation of a worldview, that is, the worldview is formed by external forces behind the media.

In relationships within their own circle, young people are becoming more and more communicative, the barrier in communication between the sexes is almost disappearing, the interests of girls and boys are getting closer.

The first place in the scale of value guidelines of the new generation is occupied by universal human values, such as kindness, mutual understanding, love, determination, willpower. However, the following positions are occupied by such purely capitalist, mercantile values ​​as money, the desire for power, the desire to rest and relax.

So, as we found out, the topic of our research is quite relevant, in this work we tried to reflect the modern worldview of young people, the influencing factors and features of its formation, we tried to identify the main trends in the formation and the expected development of the process in the future. This work will be of interest to people working in the field of education and in contact with young people. It has become obvious that the problems of studying the worldview of young people and the processes associated with it are necessary in a modern dynamic, politically unstable environment. Therefore, research in this area should be continued and expanded.