Life aspirations of Oblomov and Stolz table. Comparative characteristics of the images of the main characters of Ivan Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”


Goncharov’s work “Oblomov” is a socio-psychological novel based on literary method antitheses. The principle of opposition can be traced both when comparing the characters of the main characters, as well as their basic values ​​and life path. A comparison of the lifestyles of Oblomov and Stolz in the novel “Oblomov” allows us to better understand ideological plan works, to understand the reasons for the tragedy of the destinies of both heroes.

Features of the heroes' lifestyle

The central character of the novel is Oblomov. Ilya Ilyich is afraid of life’s difficulties and does not want to do or decide anything. Any difficulty and the need to act causes sadness in the hero and plunges him even deeper into an apathetic state. That is why Oblomov, after his first failure in the service, no longer wanted to try his hand at a career and took refuge from the outside world on his favorite sofa, trying not only not to leave the house, but not even to get out of bed unless absolutely necessary. Ilya Ilyich’s way of life is similar to slow dying - both spiritual and physical. The hero's personality gradually degrades, and he himself is completely immersed in illusions and dreams that are not destined to come true.

On the contrary, difficulties spur Stolz on; any mistake for him is only a reason to move on, achieving more. Andrei Ivanovich stays in constant movement– business trips, meetings with friends and social evenings are an integral part of his life. Stolz looks at the world soberly and rationally; there are no surprises, illusions or strong shocks in his life, because he has calculated everything in advance and understands what to expect in each specific situation.

The lifestyle of the heroes and their childhood

The development and formation of the images of Oblomov and Stolz is shown by the author from the very early years heroes. Their childhood, adolescence and mature years proceed differently, they are instilled with different values ​​and life guidelines, which only emphasizes the dissimilarity of the characters.

Oblomov grew up like a greenhouse plant, fenced off from the possible influences of the surrounding world. The parents spoiled little Ilya in every possible way, indulged his desires, and were ready to do everything to make their son happy and contented. Special attention The very atmosphere of Oblomovka, the hero’s native estate, requires it. Slow, lazy and poorly educated villagers considered labor to be something similar to punishment. Therefore, they tried in every possible way to avoid it, and if they had to work, they worked reluctantly, without any inspiration or desire. Naturally, this could not help but influence Oblomov, who from an early age absorbed the love of an idle life, absolute idleness, when Zakhar, as lazy and slow as his master, can always do everything for you. Even when Ilya Ilyich finds himself in a new, urban environment, he does not want to change his lifestyle and start working intensively. Oblomov simply closes himself off from the outside world and creates in his imagination some idealized prototype of Oblomovka, in which he continues to “live.”

Stolz's childhood is different, which is due, first of all, to the roots of the hero - a strict German father tried to raise his son as a worthy bourgeois, who could achieve everything in life on his own, without fear of any work. Andrei Ivanovich’s sophisticated mother, on the contrary, wanted her son to achieve a brilliant secular reputation in society, so from an early age she instilled in him a love of books and the arts. All this, as well as the evenings and receptions regularly held at the Stoltsev estate, influenced little Andrei, forming an extroverted, educated and purposeful personality. The hero was interested in everything new, he knew how to confidently move forward, so after graduating from university he easily took his place in society, becoming an irreplaceable person for many. Unlike Oblomov, who perceived any activity as an aggravating necessity (even university studies or reading a long book), for Stolz his activity was an impulse for further personal, social and career development.

Similarities and differences in the characters' lifestyles

If the differences in the lifestyles of Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolts are noticeable and obvious almost immediately, correlating respectively as a passive lifestyle leading to degradation and an active one aimed at comprehensive development, then their similarities are visible only after detailed analysis characters. Both heroes are “superfluous” people for their era; they both do not live in the present time, and therefore are in constant search for themselves and their true happiness. The introverted, slow Oblomov holds on with all his might to his past, to the “heavenly”, idealized Oblomovka - a place where he will always feel good and calm.

Stolz strives exclusively for the future. He perceives his past as valuable experience and does not try to cling to it. Even their friendship with Oblomov is full of unrealizable plans for the future - about how the life of Ilya Ilyich can be transformed, made more vivid and real. Stolz is always one step ahead, so it is difficult for him to be for Olga ideal husband(However, Oblomov’s “extra” nature in the novel also becomes an obstacle to the development of relations with Olga).

Such isolation from others and internal loneliness, which Oblomov fills with illusions, and Stolz fills with thoughts about work and self-improvement, become the basis of their friendship. The characters unconsciously see in each other the ideal of their own existence, while completely denying their friend’s lifestyle, considering it either too active and intense (Oblomov was even upset by the fact that he had to walk for a long time in boots, and not in his usual soft slippers), or excessively lazy and inactive (at the end of the novel, Stolz says that it was “Oblomovism” that ruined Ilya Ilyich).


Using the example of the lifestyle of Oblomov and Stolz, Goncharov showed how the fates of people who come from the same social class but who received different upbringings can differ. Depicting the tragedy of both characters, the author shows that a person cannot live, hiding from the whole world in illusion or giving himself overly to others, to the point of mental exhaustion - in order to be happy, it is important to find harmony between these two directions.

Work test

In Ivan Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” there are many storylines. The variety of characters helps to better understand the meaning that the author puts into the work.

The image and characterization of Stolz with quotes prove that success is achieved by those who confidently move towards their own goals, without fear of difficulties.

Childhood and literacy

Stolz Andrei Ivanovich was born into a family of a German and a Russian noblewoman. His father was a manager in the village of Verkhlevo, he ran a local boarding house, where Andryusha met young Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. They soon became inseparable friends.

“Russian was a natural speech” Stolz, he learned it from his mother, from books, and adopted many words from peasants and village boys. Parents early began to introduce their son to all kinds of sciences.

“From the age of eight the boy sat over geographical maps, taught Bible verses, Krylov’s fables.”

When he “looked up from the instructions,” he ran to the neighbor’s kids.

He stayed on the street until late at night, destroyed birds' nests, and often got into fights. The mother complained to her husband that:

“Not a day goes by without the boy returning without a blue spot, and the other day he breaks his nose.”

Despite his violent temper, he never lost his talent for learning. When he played the piano four hands with his mother, she instantly forgot about the bad behavior of her beloved son.

From the age of fourteen, the father began to send his son to the city on certain errands.

“It never happened that the boy forgot, overlooked, changed things up, or made a mistake.” Mother did not like this kind of “work discipline”.

The woman dreamed of seeing her son as a gentleman, and not as a farmer with working hands.


Andrei Ivanovich was the same age as his friend Ilya Oblomov. The author compares him to a thoroughbred English horse. It seemed that he was composed only of nerves and muscles. Stolz was thin. He was missing "a sign of fatty roundness".

On a dark face, green eyes looked very expressive. The gaze was sharp. Absolutely no detail escaped him. Ilya Oblomov envy tells his friend that he exudes masculinity and health, because he “is not fat, and does not have styes.”

Attitude to work. Financial situation

Andrey was persistent.

“He stubbornly walked along his chosen path. I haven't seen anyone think painfully about anything. Didn’t get lost in difficult circumstances.”

From childhood he was accustomed to any kind of work. After he resigned, he decided to start his own business. Thanks to this, I managed to acquire a house and money. “He is involved in a company that ships goods overseas.” Colleagues respect him and treat him with confidence.

Andrey's life is continuous movement. If work requires you to go abroad, then they definitely send him.

“When there is a need in society to visit Belgium or England, they send Stolz, it is necessary to write a project or adapt new idea to the point - they choose him.”

Such enterprise helped him:

“from the parents’ forty, make three hundred thousand capital.”

To Ilya Oblomov’s assurances that one cannot devote one’s whole life to work, he replies that such a thing is possible. He cannot imagine himself being idle.

“I will never stop working. Work is the goal, the element and the way of life.”

Lives on a budget, without excesses.

“I tried to spend every ruble, with vigilant control over time and labor, the strength of the soul and heart.”

Friendship and love.

Stolz was a loyal and reliable comrade. He became friends with Oblomov when he was a teenager. Together they studied at the boarding school, where Andrei’s father was in charge. The guys were already very different in their aspirations.

Ilya did not like science. But when he developed a passion for poetry, Andryusha began to bring him all kinds of books from home, just to develop his knowledge.

“Stolz’s son spoiled Ilyusha, giving him lessons and doing many translations for him.”

Years later, he never ceases to support Oblomov. He claims that he is a close person to him.

“Closer than any relative: I studied and grew up with him.”

Andrey will always selflessly support his comrade. Ilya happily awaits his visit and trusts him with all his affairs, including financial ones. Stolz would come soon! He writes that it will be coming soon. He would have sorted it out. When Oblomov has serious problems with the estate, his friend himself offers to help restore order there; he understands that the estate manager is deceiving Ilya Ilyich. He does everything competently.

Even after Oblomov’s death, he never ceases to show concern for his loved ones. He sends his wife Agafya Pshenitsyna the money that the estate brings. He takes the son of his late comrade into his home.

“Andryusha was asked to be raised by Stolz and his wife. Now they consider him a member of their own family.”


Andrei Ivanovich was careful in relationships with the opposite sex.

“Among my hobbies, I felt the ground under my feet and enough strength to break free in case of emergency. I was not blinded by beauty, I did not lie at the feet of beauties.”

They had a long-standing friendship with Olga Ilyinskaya. The man was older than her and perceived her acquaintance as a child.

“I was in his eyes as charming, giving high hopes child."

After a painful break in relations with Oblomov, Olga and her aunt go abroad. They will meet Andrey in Paris, and will never part again.

Andrey will try in every possible way to brighten up her loneliness in a foreign city.

“Having covered it with notes and albums, Stolz calmed down, believing that he had filled his friend’s leisure time for a long time, and went to work.”

Soon they leave for Switzerland together. Here he becomes even more convinced that he cannot live without Olga.

The man is in love with her.

“During these six months, all the tortures of love, from which he so carefully guarded himself in relationships with women, played out over him.”

Having confessed to her sincere feelings, finds out that she feels reciprocity towards him. Soon the lovers get married and have children.

The family lives amicably and happily. The widow of the late Ilya Ilyich Oblomov comes to visit them to visit her son Andryushka. The woman understands that their feelings are sincere. “Both existences, Olga and Andrey, merged into one channel. Everything was harmony and silence with them.”

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Presentation on the topic: Stolz and Oblomov

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Main questions: - Why didn’t the author depict Oblomov’s miraculous transformation? - How can you generally help a person achieve harmony with life, learn not to hide, but to reveal to the world all his intellectual and spiritual wealth? What needs to be done to help a person overcome apathy and return to a full life? - What did Stolz intend to do in the name of saving his friend? What was his conclusion? - Why such noble spiritual impulses of Stolz did not lead to the expected result.

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Was the author right in believing that it was a person like Stolz who was capable of saving Oblomov? - Could a person like Stolz awaken Oblomov’s soul? - What traits did the author endow with Andrei Stolts? Can we consider that the image of Stolz is strictly opposed to the image of Oblomov? Match author's description lifestyle of Oblomov and Stolz. 1. In what ways are Oblomov and Stolz opposed to each other? 2. What brings Oblomov and Stolz together?

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“Oblomov, a nobleman by birth, a collegiate secretary by rank, has been living in St. Petersburg for twelve years without a break” (1, V). “Ilya Ilyich’s lying down was neither a necessity, like that of a sick person or like a person who wants to sleep, nor an accident, like that of someone who is tired, nor a pleasure, like that of a lazy person: it was his normal state” (1.1 ). “Stolz is the same age as Oblomov: and he is already over thirty years old... He is constantly on the move...” (2, II) “Stolz was only half German, according to his father; his mother was Russian; he professed the Orthodox faith; his natural speech was Russian...” (2.1) “He walked firmly, cheerfully; lived according to a budget, trying to spend every day, like every ruble, with every minute, never dozing control of the time spent, labor, strength of soul and heart. It seems that he controlled both sorrows and joys by the movement of his hands, the steps of his feet, or how he dealt with bad and good weather” (2, II).

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“He kept getting ready and preparing to start life, he kept drawing a pattern of his future in his mind; but with every year that flashed over his head, he had to change and discard something in this pattern. Life in his eyes was divided into two halves: one consisted of work and boredom - these were synonyms for him; the other - from peace and peaceful fun” (1, V). “And he himself kept walking and walking stubbornly along the chosen road. We didn’t see him thinking about anything painfully and painfully; apparently, he was not consumed by the remorse of a weary heart; He was not sick in soul, he never got lost in complex, difficult or new circumstances, but approached them as if he were former acquaintances, as if he were living a second time, passing through familiar places” (2, II). 1. Oblomov has been living in one city for more than 12 years, and his main occupation is lying down; Stolz is “constantly on the move.” Oblomov was still just getting ready and preparing to start life, Stolz “kept walking and walking stubbornly along his chosen path.” Oblomov was just creating a picture in his imagination future life; Stolz did everything thoughtfully and confidently, “as if he were living a second time.” 2. Oblomov and Stolz are peers and belong to the same social class.

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Oblomov and Stolz: relationships with parents - Compare the nature of the relationship between Oblomov and Stolz with their parents. 1. In what ways are Oblomov and Stolz opposed to each other? (1, IX, 1, IX, 2,1) 2. What brings Oblomov and Stolz together? 1. Oblomov knew almost no male education; Stolz's father, on the contrary, sought to make a real man out of his son; he was a supporter of harsh methods of education and did not allow his wife to interfere with his communication with Andrei with pity and excessive care. 2. Both Oblomov and Stolz remember their mothers with tenderness, unable to hold back their tears. Their mothers - an example of tenderness and caring - treasured their sons, sought to protect them from danger, and could not stop looking at their children.

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Oblomov and Stolz: attitude to the teaching - Compare information about the attitude to the teaching of Oblomov and Stolz. How are Oblomov and Stolz opposed to each other? (1, VI;2,1) 2. What brings Oblomov and Stolz together? 1. Oblomov studied against his will, not understanding why he was given this punishment and why he needed this knowledge in life; the parents sought to protect their son from difficult teaching. Stolz's education was supervised by his father, who gave him important assignments and asked him how to behave as an adult. Stolz studied well. And soon he began teaching himself. 2. Both Oblomov and Stolz were created the necessary conditions for the study. They both got good education, and for many years studied together.

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Oblomov and Stolz: attitude to service and to society. -Compare information about the attitude of Oblomov and Stolz to service and role in society. 1. In what ways are Oblomov and Stolz opposed to each other? (1, V; 2, II) 2. What brings Oblomov and Stolz together? 1. Oblomov was alien to the lifestyle that his service required of him, as well as the bustle and noise of social life; he had successfully isolated himself from them. Stolz felt confident both in the service and in society, but never attached much importance to it. There are no bummers in the world; Stolz, despite his busy schedule, manages to appear in secular society. 2. Neither Oblomov nor Stolz believed that the service or secular society have special significance in their lives. Both Oblomov and Stolz are retired.

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Oblomov and Stolz: understanding of love - Compare the nature of the experiences of lovers Oblomov and Stolz - How are Oblomov and Stolz opposed to each other? (2, X; ,XI; 3, VI; 4,IV; 4, VII). 1. For Oblomov, love is a shock, an illness, it causes him mental and physical suffering. For Stolz, love is a labor of mind and soul. 2.Both Oblomov and Stolz are gifted with the ability to love deeply, sincerely.

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Conclusion. The author characterizes Stolz as a bright, attractive personality; If Oblomov is lazy, inactive, good-natured, good-natured, sensitive, capable of emotional impulse, indecisive, then Stolz is active, active, kind, benevolent, focused on his goal, immersed in thought, prudent, calculating, and quickly makes decisions. The images of Oblomov and Stolz are contrasted both in terms of upbringing, and in relation to teaching, and in the perception of love... However, it cannot be said that the basis for the comparison of these images is a strict opposition. The author presented the reader with two bright personalities, inner world which are not limited to mutually exclusive characteristics. He draws the reader's attention to the fact that these heroes are brought together by their deep affection for their mother, memories of childhood and youth, and the ability to deeply and sincerely love. It is obvious that Stolz is exactly the person who could awaken Oblomov’s soul.

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Maybe Oblomov was afraid to trust Stolz? - What kind of relationship connected Oblomov and Stolz? Write down the words and phrases of the text with which the author characterizes the relationship between Oblomov and Stolz. (I,III; 2,II) Oblomov and Stolz were connected not only by common pages of biography. They valued each other, were always glad to meet, knew how to appreciate best qualities and be tolerant of each other's weaknesses. Their relationship is one of deep emotional affection, sincere heartfelt feelings. Oblomov and Stolz needed each other and were grateful to fate for sending them each other. Oblomov trusted Stolz, believed that he could help him, and expected help from him.

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Maybe Stolz made a mistake in choosing the means to save his friend? - Did Stolz choose the right means to realize his plan? Stolz, it would seem, calculated everything correctly. Love is a feeling that causes the most powerful shocks. If there are still living feelings in a person’s soul, love will not allow them to doze. Stolz was sure that Olga would charm Oblomov. - Were Stolz’s expectations met? Oblomov and Olga: awakening of love

In the novel “Oblomov,” Alexander Goncharov touches on the theme of friendship between people completely different in character and views.

Comparative characteristics The images of Oblomov and Stolz will help the reader figure out whether it is capable of changing a person for the better.

Childhood and education

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov grew up as a spoiled child. The parents were too protective of their son and did not give him the opportunity to prove himself. Didn't like to study. He believed that science was sent to people as punishment for their sins. As a thirteen-year-old boy, he was enrolled in a boarding school. He often asked his mother for permission to stay at home and not go to school. I did not receive sufficient knowledge at the university due to my own laziness.

Andrey Ivanovich Stolts was a smart boy. He absorbed knowledge like a sponge. His father raised him in strictness. Mother did not encourage “labor education.” When the father sent his son to university, he did not take him to the city. I said goodbye at the gate without unnecessary emotions, put on his cap, and pushed him so hard that he knocked him off his feet.”


Ilya has overweight. His “plump arms and soft shoulders” gave his appearance a certain delicacy. “His complexion was not ruddy or dark, he seemed positively pale.” There were always certain thoughts in the gray eyes that quickly disappeared before they had time to settle in their heads.

Andrey he is thin, has no cheeks at all, and has dark skin. “He was made of bones, nerves and muscles, like an English horse.” His face had expressive green eyes. It exudes masculinity and health.

Aspirations and wealth

Ilya Oblomov at thirty-two years old, he had acquired absolutely nothing on his own. He left the service because of a stupid mistake he made, sending important documents not at the address. He couldn't complete a simple assignment. Lives in rented apartments. The property inherited from parents suffers losses and does not bring adequate prosperity. Ilya Ilyich knows nothing about financial matters.
Doesn't try to keep up with anything and create something in life. He lies on the sofa, constantly in a sleepy state.

Stolz“I served, after resigning, I went into business on my own and made a house and money. He is involved in some company that ships goods overseas.” Does not make mistakes in work. He achieved respect in society and material wealth through his own efforts. “He is constantly on the move: if society needs to send an agent to England or Belgium, they send him. Should be created new project or to sort out a new idea - they choose Stolz.”

Love for a woman

Andrey respects opposite sex. In his relationship with Olga Ilyinskaya, he proves himself to be a true gentleman, capable of solving all the concerns of his beloved and making her happy. He achieved his goal - he married the one he loves.

Ilya always tactful in dealing with women. He loved Olga Ilyinskaya, but could not overcome his laziness and reluctance to change. I was afraid of the ordinariness of marriage. He caused his beloved a lot of trouble; she often cried because of his caustic speeches. He married the widow Pshenitsyna, from whom he rented a room. She demanded absolutely nothing from him. Such relationships suited Oblomov.

Attitude to life

Andrey Stolts, full of health, wishes to live many more years. Although he is a realist, phrases are often heard from his lips that he wants to “live two hundred, three hundred years.” Adheres to the goal that everything should be accomplished based on clearly defined tasks. The dream had no place in his soul.

Ilya Oblomov calls himself an “old caftan.” Sometimes he voices thoughts that he would lie down and fall asleep forever. Likes to dream. His imagination often paints imaginary pictures. The images of the future wife and children are especially clearly highlighted.

Who is Stolz? Goncharov does not force the reader to puzzle over this question. In the first two chapters of the second part there is detailed story about the life of Stolz, about the conditions in which his active character was formed. “Stolz was only half German, on his father’s side; his mother was Russian; He professed the Orthodox faith, his native speech was Russian...” Goncharov first tries to show that Stolz is more Russian than German: after all, the most important thing is that his faith and language are the same as those of the Russians. But the further he goes, the more the qualities of a German begin to emerge in him: independence, perseverance in achieving his goals, frugality.
Stolz's unique character was formed under the influence of two forces - soft and hard, at the junction of two cultures - Russian and German. From his father he received a “hard-working, practical upbringing,” and his mother introduced him to beauty and tried to instill in little Andrei’s soul a love of art and beauty. His mother “seemed the ideal of a gentleman in her son,” and his father accustomed him to hard, not at all lordly, work.
Practical intelligence, love of life, and courage helped Stolz achieve success after he left at the insistence of his father to study in St. Petersburg...
According to Goncharov, Stolz - new type Russian progressive figure. However, he does not depict the hero in a specific activity. The author only informs the reader about what Stolz has been and what he has achieved. He “served, retired... went about his business,... made a house and money,... learned Europe as his estate,... saw Russia up and down,... travels into the world.”
If we talk about Stolz’s ideological position, he “sought for a balance of practical aspects with the subtle needs of the spirit.” Stolz could control his feelings and was “afraid of every dream.” Happiness for him lay in consistency. According to Goncharov, he “knew the value of rare and expensive properties and spent them so sparingly that he was called an egoist, insensitive...”. In a word, Goncharov created the kind of hero that Russia has long lacked. For the author, Stolz is the force that is capable of reviving Oblomovism and destroying Oblomovism. In my opinion, Goncharov somewhat idealizes the image of Stolz, setting him up as an example to the reader as an impeccable person. But by the end of the novel it turns out that salvation did not come to Russia with the advent of Stolz. Dobrolyubov explains this by saying that “now there is no soil for them” in Russian society. For more productive activities of the Stolts, it is necessary to reach some compromise with the Oblomovs. This is why Andrei Stolts takes Ilya Ilyich’s son into custody.
Stolz is certainly the antipode of Oblomov. Every character trait of the first is a sharp protest against the qualities of the second. Stolz loves life - Oblomov often falls into apathy; Stolz has a thirst for activity; for Oblomov, the best activity is relaxing on the couch. The origins of this opposition are in the education of heroes. Reading the description of the life of little Andrei, you involuntarily compare it with the life of Ilyusha. Thus, already at the very beginning of the novel, two absolutely different characters, two life paths...