Lists of foreign (national) names. Names, surnames and patronymics of different nations



Novorossiysk, Krasnodar Territory

Linguistics Section

Comparative characteristics

proper names,

found in different European languages


Mzhachikh Anna Sergeevna,

4th grade student "A"

AU Gymnasium No. 6


Scientific adviser:

Tsvetkova Galina Ivanovna,

primary school teacher

Novorossiysk - 2010

1. Introduction. Purpose and objectives of the study

2. Groups of names of different origins in the Russian language

3. Common origin of the group of names under consideration

4. Tables of consonant names

5. Slight differences in names due to language characteristics

6. Interesting examples of similar names

7. Names fairy-tale heroes different nations

8. Conclusion


Studying English, communicating with the teacher in lessons, where students often call themselves by their name in English, reading books different writers and fairy tales of the peoples of the world, in which the main characters have names reminiscent of the names of heroes of works of Russian folklore and Russian writers, you can notice the consonance of male and female names.

Hypothesis. We assume that most modern male and female Russian names have their brothers and sisters in other languages. Apparently, many Russian names have analogues in other languages. Since the number and origin of names are very large and varied, we will try to consider the most frequently used names in Russian and European languages: English, French, German, Italian.

Purpose of the study – find kinship and common origin frequently used names in Russian and European languages, prove this historical information, grammar, examples from literature, examples from life.

Research objectives:

  1. study the literature on this issue,
  2. create a table of name correspondences,
  3. give examples,
  4. draw conclusions about the common origin of names.


In ancient times in Rus', people were given names that were understandable to all Russians, such as Wolf, Bear, or Lyudmila - dear to people, Vladimir - who owns the world.

Russia is a huge country, surrounded on different sides by completely different peoples and cultures. Among the names we use, there are many eastern names that came from Asia (Timur, Ruslan, Zemfira).

From the north, from cold and cloudy Scandinavia, the names Olga (in Scandinavia - Helga), Igor (Ingvar) were borrowed.

But there is an even larger group of names whose meaning is not clear. They are very familiar to us and seem completely ours, but in fact they are of foreign origin and came to us for the most part along with the Christian religion, which defeated pagan beliefs.Let's consider this group.

This christian names,and they came to us in the 10th century from Byzantium along with Orthodoxy. The Byzantine Empire was located between Europe and Asia. Newborn children were named according to church calendars (saints), in which each day of each month corresponded to the names of saints revered by the Russian Orthodox Church.


Almost all of our frequently encountered names, which we have long been accustomed to consider Russian, were brought by Christianity to Rus' through Byzantium. The mighty Byzantine Empire had a huge influence on the entire world culture and religion. For our case, we can briefly say that many names were legalized there when they were recognized as church names, names of saints.

Late 10th century Kyiv prince Vladimir was looking for a strong ally against the steppe nomads who carried out devastating raids on Rus'. He saw such an ally in the person of the Byzantine emperor. To get help and cement the alliance, Prince Vladimir agreed to the baptism of Rus'. During baptism it was necessary to replace pagan name to Christian. From this time on, Ivans and Marys, Peters and Annas appeared in Rus'.

Where did Christian saints come to us from? From Rome and Greece, and therefore the names have Greek, Latin, Hebrew origin. That is why there is a correspondence of names in different languages different peoples, to whom Christianity also came through the Byzantine Empire.(For example: Russian Ivan– Polish Jan – French Jean - English John, German Johann, Hans).This can be seen in detail in the table.

In the languages ​​of those peoples where these names first appeared (usually Greek, Latin, Hebrew languages), almost all of them had exact value. When names passed from one language to another, their original meaning was lost (each word-name used to mean something specifically,for example, Anna is God’s grace, Maria is beloved, desired, Andrey is a man, Alexey is a protector). And these names became only proper names, that is, the names of saints, the names of people.

The main reason for the similarity of names of different peoples is their common source- Christian religion. All of Europe (and America after it) also named their children according to church calendars. But the Orthodox world borrowed the names of Christian saints through Greek language, and Catholics and Protestants - through Latin. Therefore, the same name, which once belonged to one of the first Christian saints, sounds in Russian, slightly different from the English or French versions.


The search for names and variants consonant with them is reflected in two tables. When we see these names next to each other, their similarity is clearly noticeable.

Table No. 1. Male names.






Ivan (God is merciful, Heb.)



Johann Hans

Giovanni Gianni

Michael (like God, Heb.)




Nikolai (conqueror of nations, gr.)





Vasily (royal, gr.)



Peter (stone, gr.)





Pavel (small, lat.)





Andrey (courageous, gr.)





Yakov (second born, euro)



Sergey (highly revered, l at.)



Roman (Roman, Latin)



Alexander Alexey(defender, gr.)



Alessandro Sandro

Georgy (gr) Yuri (slav) (farmer)





Stepan (wreath, gr.)





Anton (enemy, gr.)





Table No. 2. Female names






Anna (grace, Heb.)





Maria (lady, Heb.)





Ekaterina (net, gr.)





Elena (torch, gr.)




Elizabeth (worshipping God, euro)




Julia (curly, lat.)




Sophia (wise, gr.)





Eugenia (noble, gr.)




In French names, as in general in this language, the emphasis is on the last syllable. German considered tough, firm - this is also noticeable in names. Italian names, in my opinion, are more joyful, musical, like their language, like the Italian people themselves. INIn many cases, names only seem different, but in fact they are one name pronounced in different languages, taking into account the linguistic peculiarities of these languages features.


AGAFYA – AGA TH A (Agatha)

But, studying the English language and the pronunciation of letter combinations, we can say that the combination of letters T.H. reads like something between the Russian sounds T and F. The result is Marfa and Agafya. It is interesting that the same name was borne by the English aristocrat - detective writer Agatha Christie and the Russian resident - hermit, descendant of the Old Believers, living in remote Siberia - Agafya Lykova.


To make it easier to imagine the common origin of names among very different people, consider interesting examples:

1.Very different people, lived in different times- Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible, German composer Johann Sebastian Bach, Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen, English rock musician from the Beatles John Lennon, French actor Jean-Paul Belmondo - but they all have one thing in common common name– in the Russian version this is IVANY.

2. In Russia, before the New Year, we see Father Frost everywhere, and in the west it is Santa Claus. But if we literally translate these words into Russian, we get St. Nicholas, and we remember St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. This is confirmed by the legend about people who are identical in their actions and kindness - Santa Claus and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Once upon a time, on Christmas Day, poor people found sweets, apples and children's toys at the doors of their houses. They didn't know who was leaving them. One Christmas Eve they managed to catch a man with a large bag full of apples. It was Saint Nicholas, or, in English, Santa Claus.

There is such a legend. Hearing that a bankrupt resident was planning to sell his daughters due to extreme poverty, Saint Nicholas helped the family. At night he secretly threw three bags of gold into the garden and saved everyone from hunger and death. Since then, a bag of gifts has become an attribute of Santa Claus.

And in our country, such a kind and miracle-working person is St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - Christiansaint. Nicholas the Wonderworker became known for his kindness, especially to children.

And the date of commemoration of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is December 19, which is just before Christmas and the New Year.

3. In the Russian version of the lovers, a young man and a girl from the tragedy English writer Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet might have been called Roman and Julia.

4. Let us remember from the fairy tale about Pinocchio the cunning and intelligent Cat Basilio. And in Rus' many cats were called Vaska.

5. If we consider the fantastic version of the birth of Michael Jackson in Russia, then his name would be Mikhail Yakovlev. And here you can see his last name Jackson.

IN English language Often there are surnames that are very similar to given names, for example, Jackson, Johnson, Nicholson. And the word SON is translated Son. I had an idea that the surname Jackson was like an old patronymic, from a time when there were no surnames. In Rus' it was - Ivan Petrovich, that is, Ivan, Petrov's son. And Jackson is Jack's son.


For this study one can recall broadly famous fairy tales with the main characters - girls named Marya (Russian folk tales about Marya the artist, Marya the beauty-long braid), Marie ( Hoffmann's fairy tale "The Nutcracker"), Mary Poppins ( fairy tale by the English writer Pamela Travers “Mary Poppins, goodbye!”). All three heroines have one name in common. But the people and authors from different countries endowed them with beauty and similar character traits - intelligence, kindness, hard work, beautiful appearance.

The name IVAN has become one of the favorite male names at all times and in all countries. There are so many fairy tales about him, where at first Ivanushka is not very lucky, he is not very lucky, not very rich. But his natural intelligence, kindness, ingenuity, and golden hands at the end of fairy tales help him become a real hero, defeat his enemies, help his friends and the poor, and find his love.

Hans Christian Andersen "Fool Hans"

English folk tale "The Peddler's Dream" (hero John)

French folk tale "The Devil's Castle" (hero Jean)

Brothers Grimm "Clever Hans"

Lots of Russians folk tales about Ivanushka


Why did the names that arose in different countries turn out to be so similar? Knowledge of history helps answer this question.

Historians have long noticed that different cultures follow a similar path in their development. Therefore, different peoples have the same rituals, beliefs, fairy tales. This also applies to names.

The commonality of names was facilitated by communication between people from different countries - foreign governesses have long been invited, children were and are sent to foreign schools. Often young people want to be like their idol and call themselves by his name, which is similar to the Russian version. It’s good when in any country you can introduce yourself in a way that foreigners can understand and beautiful name, but at the same time know for sure that this is your name.


  5. Vladimir Tanich “The history of our names: the amazing adventures of foreigners in Russia” (Journal “9 months” No. 11-2001)
  6. Vladimir Tanich “Does a name influence fate?”

Most unusual people in matters of choosing a name - Indians. They were allowed to have many names and change them throughout their lives. The Indians assigned names based on virtues or distinctive features person. For example, Gvivizensish is a bad boy, Gizhiyash is a fast swimmer.

Armenians name children in honor of kings, gods, generals, planets, precious stones and holidays. Popular names– Narek (offering, gift) and Milena (darling). In Kazakhstan they prefer sonorous names. Akbota: Ak is white, Botha is a small camel. Common names are Damela (hopeful) and Rahat (delight). The French give a child at least two names. The choice is simplified by the fact that children are named after relatives. Thus, the emphasis is on the family tree. On the day of baptism, the name of the saint is added. In Greece, children are named after their grandparents. The Japanese write their surname in capital letters to avoid confusion with their given name. The name of the child often depends on the order of birth of the child in the family.

If the 1st child is a boy, then the suffix - kazu is added to the name, if the 2nd son is ji, the third is dzo. Female names ending in -mi denote beauty. For example, Akemi is dazzlingly beautiful.

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Islamic theologian Sheikh Muhammad Saleh al-Munajjid, after analyzing religious texts, compiled a detailed list of names that should not be given to Muslim children.

1. In particular, it is undesirable if a person’s name does not correspond to his nationality and social environment where he lives. This can create problems for the person himself.

2. Dissonant names often cause ridicule, which can negatively affect the worldview of their bearers.

3. Girls' names should not have an erotic meaning, otherwise they may develop false stereotypes in behavior. The undesirable ones include: Mignaj (playful, flirtatious), Faten (charming, seductive), Gada (attractive gait), Visal (sexy) and some others.

The name Asia (rebellious, wayward) is also not suitable, since it can affect the girl’s behavior: “Since my parents named me that, they want me to be like that.”

4. Muslim theologians do not approve of the custom of giving children names in honor of famous actors, singers, musicians. They consider it unworthy to worship someone like an idol. It is especially bad if the idol leads an “unrighteous” lifestyle, because the child can take an example from such a person.

5. You should not name children after political figures who have tarnished their reputation, as well as pharaohs. Ancient Egypt and rulers of the past who were guilty of crimes against entire nations.

6. Names indicating any sin or crime are also undesirable. For example, Sarrak (thief) or Zalim (tyrant, despot).

7. If the name is common among representatives of peoples, the majority of whom do not profess Islam, then it is also not suitable. Like John, Ivan, Jean, Juan, Johan or Giovanni.

8. Some people may name their child after an animal or bird. This is acceptable if we are talking about underlining positive qualities certain representatives of the fauna: courage, strength, wisdom, nobility. But you should not use animal names that could be perceived as an insult. For example, Teis (goat) or Khimar (donkey), etc.

9. Male names that end in “al-Islam” or “ad-din” (religion) are considered by Muslim theologians to be too boastful and immodest. They do not recommend that people exalt their sons: after all, men themselves must show their best qualities, then others will respect them.

For example, the following names are undesirable: Ziyauddin (shine of religion), Nuruddin (light of religion), Zahabuddin (gold of religion), Nurulislam (light of Islam), Saifulislam (sword of Islam), Naseruddin (helper of religion), Masuddin (diamond of religion) Muhyiddin (revitalizing religion), etc.

10. Names with other endings can also be immodest. Thus, Barra (the pious), Abid (the worshiper) or Taqi (the God-fearing) sometimes do not correspond to their bearers, as do Hakim al-Hukkam (the ruler of rulers), Sittunnisa (the mistress of all women), Shahinshah (the Shah of all Shahs).

11. According to some theologians, children should not be named after angels: Jabrail, Israfil, Mikail and others. The Iranian name Fereshta (angel) is also undesirable, as is Malyak, which means “angel” in Arabic.

11. Naming children after famous surahs of the Koran (Yasin, Taha, Hamim) is also not correct, according to theologians.

and the Novgorodians killed them not about three times, but themselvesstory everyone is turning back.

Determine the meaning of the word in bold. Propose a hypothesis that explains your position from a phonetic point of view.

Response model and criteria

This word means healthy (1 point), i.e. “returned healthy.”

In a word Hello(good health) in the process of reduction of reduced sounds (1 point), a vowel dropped out (1 point), as a result of which progressive (1 point) assimilation (1 point) into deafness-voicedness (1 point) became possible. Modern Russian word healthy different from Novgorod story direction of assimilation (1 point): for the Russian language, regressive assimilation (1 point) is much more characteristic, which occurred in the word healthy.

Total 8 points.

Task No. 2 (2 points)

Read the text. Determine the meaning of the highlighted word.

In these skirmishes, the advantage was usually on the side of the villains, well-fed, drunk and benign. The skinny city cavalry could not defeat them.

(A.S. Pushkin)

Response model and criteria

Dobrokonny- having good horses.

Total 2 points.

Task No. 3 (16 points)

Many names among different peoples are included in one etymological nest, going back to a common ancestor name. This is usually an ancient Greek or Hebrew name. So, Italian name"Teodoro", Romanian "Tudor" and Russian "Fedor" go back to ancient Greek name“Theodoros”, which means “gift of God.”

Specify Russian name, which is etymologically related to a foreign name. Specify the name - common ancestor and expand its internal form in the source language.

In Irish Sean, and in Russian...

In Polish Jerzy, and in Russian...

In German Klaus, and in Russian...

In Portuguese it’s Jaimi, and in Russian...

Response model and criteria

In Irish Sean, and in Russian Ivan. They go back to the Hebrew name “Yohanan”, which means “God has mercy”, “God rewards”.

In Polish Jerzy, and in Russian Georgy (Yuri, Egor). Goes back to ancient Greek name Georgios, derived from georgos - “farmer” (one of the epithets of Zeus).

In German Klaus, and in Russian Nikolay. Goes back to the ancient Greek name Nikolaos: nik – “victory” + laos – “people, people, army”.

In Portuguese it is Jaimi, and in Russian it is Yakov. They go back to the Hebrew name “Yaakob”, which means “holding the heel” (according to the Old Testament, the patriarch Jacob was born holding his older twin brother Esau by the heel).

For each correct Russian name - 1 point (4 points in total).

For each correct name - common ancestor - 1 point (4 points in total).

For disclosure internal form each ancestor name – 2 points (total 8 points).

Total 16 points.

Task No. 4 (8 points)

Let's assume that the words slurp , pie , son-in-law - these are verbs in the past tense singular form male. What would the possible third person singular present or future tense, past tense feminine singular, and infinitive forms of these verbs look like? Give similar examples from the Russian language.

Response model and criteria

From the word slurp: take a sip - take a sip - take a sip rowing - rowing - rowing(1 point).

From the word pie :

  1. pyrognet - pyrogla - pie(1 point for all forms), similar to chilled - chilled - chilled(1 point);
  2. pirozhet – pyrogla – piroch(1 point for all forms), similar to can – could – can(1 point).

From the word son-in-law : son-in-law - son-in-law - son-in-law(1 point for all forms), similar to flowing - flowing - flowing(1 point).

Total 8 points.

Task No. 5 (12 points)

Using your knowledge in the field of etymology, as well as in the field foreign languages, explain the spelling of the highlighted letters in the words listed below (for example: Glasses - eyes; falsetto - false (Italian. falsetto, from falso– false)). Explain the choice of the test word.


Response model and criteria

brochure - brooch (both words go back to French brocher– “prick”, “fasten”);

thorough – finish (both words are in the same etymological slot with the word end);

cadrille - frame, squadron ( quadrille goes back to Latin quadrum– square (quadrille – dance in the square), and quadrum- to Latin quadro- four).

Frame is (initially) a quadrangular frame, squadron is a quadrangular battle formation.

frog - thigh (both words in the same etymological nest with kick).

For correct verification of each word 1 point.

For a correct explanation of each word, 2 points.

Total 12 points.

Task No. 6 (5 points)

Give one example each of the following cases of the word form functioning in a sentence waves:

  1. it is a complement;
  2. it is a circumstance of the course of action;
  3. it is an integral part of the nominal predicate;
  4. she is the definition;
  5. it is part of the subject, which has the meaning of a joint agent.

Response model and criteria

  • The steamer was covered by large waves (1 point).
  • The fog covered the field and the river in waves (1 point).
  • In the spring, the ice floes became waves (1 point).
  • The actor came out in his famous toga with waves (1 point).
  • Wind and waves caused damage to the coast (1 point).

Total 5 points.

Task No. 7 (6 points)

Czech phrases given young man(young gentleman, sir), young lady(young chick),green les(green Forest), mladá žena(young woman),mladá kráva(young cow), green tráva(green grass), mladé děvče(young girl) young tele(young calf) green space(green city) and their Russian gender equivalents in the nominative, genitive and accusative case of both numbers.

Case singular plural
Czech Russian Czech Russian
Them. mladý pan – young gentleman mladí pani, (-ové) young gentlemen
mladý pták – young mladí ptáci young chicks
green les – green Forest green lesy green forests
mladá žena – young young lady young
mladá kráva – young cow young lady young cows
green tráva – green grass green trávy green herbs
mladé děvče – young


mladá děvčata young


mladé tele – mladá telata
green mesto – green place green space green places
Genus. young lady young gentleman mladých panů young gentlemen
mladého ptaka young mladých ptáků young
zeleneho lesa green forest zelených lesů green forests
young lady young mladých žen young
young lady young mladých krav young cows
green trávy green grass zelených trav green herbs
mladého young


mladých děvčat young


mladého telete mladých telat
greenery města green place zelených měst green places
Vin. young lady young gentleman young lady young gentlemen
mladého ptaka young young people young
green les green Forest green lesy green forests
mladou ženu young young lady young
mladou krávu young young lady young cows
zelenou trávu green grass green trávy green herbs
mladé děvče young


mladá děvčata young


young tele mladá telata
green space green place green space green places

Describe the similarities and differences in the expression of the category of animate/inanimate nouns in Czech and Russian*.

*This task does not present all cases of differences between Czech and Russian animation/inanimateness, therefore in the answer to the task you must indicate that the conclusion is drawn only on the basis of these examples.

Response model and criteria

Based on these examples, the following similarities can be seen: in the singular, animacy in both languages ​​is expressed by matching the accusative case form with the form genitive case only for masculine nouns (1 point).

The differences are:

  1. unlike the Russian language, in the accusative plural the animate or inanimate nature of Czech nouns is not expressed at all (1 point);
  2. Animation of masculine nouns (1 point) in the plural is expressed in the Czech language, unlike Russian, in nominative case(1 point) using not only special endings of nouns (1 point), but also special endings of adjectives that agree with them (1 point).

Total 6 points.

Task No. 8 (8 points)

Two groups of sentences are given (examples from National Corps Russian language).

First group

Around the cart stood about six young giants, very similar to each other and to Fedya.

[I.S. Turgenev. Khor and Kalinich (1847)]

Akim the Younger asked again five times, wiping away the tears that had appeared from laughter.

[M.A. Sholokhov. Upturned virgin soil. Book 1 (1932)]

For four days I held on, but the papers were six rubles higher.

[I.S. Shmelev. The Restaurant Man (1911)]

Second group

Six people went hunting, but only four returned.

[DI. Kharms. Cases (1935–1939)]

Maybe […] the three fishermen were hiding somewhere in secluded shelters, in thick sedge or under a lucky tree.

[Yu.V. Trifonov. Notes from a neighbor (1972) // “Friendship of Peoples”, 1989]

What do these two groups have in common? On what basis are they divided? Can all sentences from the second group be reduced to the form of the first?

Response model and criteria

In both groups, each sentence contains phrases with numerals (2 points). But there is also a semantic difference (1 point) - in the first group: the numeral is in postposition (2 points), which indicates an approximate quantity (1 point). In the second sentence from the second group, the numeral cannot be placed in postposition (1 point): *there are three fishermen. This is due to the fact that in the construction with postposition there are nouns with a sufficient degree of abstraction (1 point): once, day, person, etc.

Buy something of little value, sell something valuable...
The second sin of merchants is often lying,
You are ready to deceive your neighbor in things.

Exercise 1. What does the word mean? charm?

Task 2. What does the word mean? hedgehog and what part of speech is it? Give another form of the same word from a well-known Christian prayer.

Task 3. What would a proposal sound like?

I have a strong desire to buy (something) at a low price,

What if the modern Russian language preserved the same combination of words and the same syntactic structures as in this passage?

Response model and criteria

Exercise 1. Lovely means “to deceive” (1 point).

Task 2. Hedgehog stands for which(1 point), it is a relative (1 point) pronoun (1 point). Another form of this word is others like it(Our Father, who art in heaven...) (1 point).

Task 3. I earnestly wish for something of little value and will buy it (1 point).

The maximum score for all completed tasks is 74.

Every person receives a name at birth. Long before a child is born, parents think about what they will name it. Why is this so important? Of course, a name distinguishes one person from another. But still, by giving a name to a child, we change something in him. To the date of birth and biological characteristics that were combined in the new person by the will of fate, we want to add a wish, parting words, the first gift - a name. Does it affect the fate of the newborn? Even someone who considers himself a convinced materialist cannot help but admit that he has an influence. So people have always tried to understand exactly how this happens. This was done not only by astrologers, but also by representatives of other occult teachings.

This may surprise the reader, but proper names have long been the subject of study. After all, a word, like any sound, has a wave nature and directly affects the human brain. A name is a word that a person hears throughout his life more often than other words. Therefore, naturally, it has a direct impact on the development and formation of personality, on his perception of reality, and even on his appearance, and as a result - on his fate.

Every citizen has a first name, last name and patronymic. The name has a social meaning, determining the status of a person by its form. Addresses by first name, first name and patronymic, last name show different roles of a person in society and reflect different attitudes towards him. Each form sounds different and has its own shade of meaning. All this, and more, is something parents who are choosing a name for their child should seriously think about.

In this book you will find a lot of useful information that will help you choose a name for your child. If you have a materialistic perception of the world, you can choose a name based on its historical roots, euphony and impact on perception. If you believe in astrology and numerology, you can choose a name using the recommendations of the most famous astrologers. Believers will be able to use the name day calendar and choose a name using the Saints.

The reader learns about names in other cultures, the history of their origins and their unusual kinship. After reading the book, you will understand how people different cultures close to each other, how intertwined were the destinies of all people and their names in human history. Of course, this will allow you to make a good choice and give your child a worthy gift.

The book also contains a lot of practical information, for example, how to change your first and last name, how names sound in different languages. It can be useful not only for choosing a name for a child, but it can also become a fascinating and useful reading absolutely for everyone.

Fate and name

History of names

Proper names were identified in ancient times. Of course, it is impossible to find witnesses who would confirm this, but even the Stoic philosopher Chrysippus (c. 280-208/205 BC) identified names as a separate group of words. Today, anthroponymy (“anthropos” - person, “onym” - name) is studying the proper names of people, the patterns of their origin and development, their structure, functioning in society, and distribution. People's proper names are called anthroponyms.

People have always been given names. There are many legends and traditions about how they arose. Here is one of them. In a distant time, when Higher intelligence gave people speech, there was one language. Every word reflected inner essence of things. Anyone who knew a word gained power over what it meant. Chaos arose in the world because people could not decide who would govern and who would obey. Then the priests came up with other words for everything in the world in order to prevent the uninitiated from using the true names of things for evil. Higher knowledge turned out to be beyond the reach of man. As a result, different languages ​​arose, and true language was hidden and then almost completely lost. This is what is said about language, words and names in the legends of many nations. The same thing happened with people's names.

People now had to come up with names themselves. Moreover, in many cultures, a child was given two names - one close to the real one and a second one, for general use, so that no one could, knowing the real name, harm the child. Our distant ancestors understood that a name is not just the name of a person to distinguish him from others, but a kind of verbal formula that is somehow connected with the fate of a person and power over him. They tried to use it in different ways.

In Indian and some African tribes They gave repulsive names in order to ward off evil spirits. Once upon a time it was believed that only the person himself and his parents should know his real name. IN Indian tribes The young man learned his real name only on the day he was recognized as an adult through meditation and communication with spirits and did not tell anyone. Old Indian shamans say that often this name could not be pronounced with normal sounds, it existed only as a mixture of image and sound.

The ancient Greeks gave a child the names of gods and heroes, hoping that the child would enjoy their favor and inherit their qualities and destiny. But calling children by similar names was somehow tactless, and even dangerous - after all, the gods of the Hellenes lived very close - on Mount Olympus, were very similar to people and often communicated with them. They might not like such familiarity. Therefore, for everyday reference to the gods, various epithets were used, which were also transformed into names. For example, Victor is the winner, Maxim is the greatest. These epithets were used to call Zeus. Mars wore laurel branch, hence the name Laurel. Many gods wore headdresses such as crowns or tiaras. This is where the name Stefan - crowned - comes from.

However, the tradition of giving children direct names of gods, although not supreme ones, has also been preserved, in order to avoid their anger for such impudence. The names Muse, Apollo, Aurora, Maya are still in use. Later this desire became Christian tradition give names in honor of the righteous, canonized.

In Rus' there was another tradition: the parents gave the newborn a name that was real - his parents, godparents and especially close people knew him. It combined the wishes for the baby, the hopes and aspirations of the parents, it reflected love for the child and the desire for his happiness. Then the child was wrapped in a matting and carried out of the threshold, as if demonstrating evil spirits, that they found an abandoned baby who was not particularly needed. And they called him a name that would scare away the evil spirits and lull their attention. “They call me Zovutka, but they call me a duck.” This means what to call given name to a stranger was considered dangerous. What if the stranger was a sorcerer who could use knowledge of the name for evil. By giving the child a dissonant and repulsive name, they hoped that evil forces would not bother themselves with causing harm to the unworthy, and also that a nondescript name would not arouse the envy of the gods. The rite of the second naming was performed in adolescence, when the main character traits were formed. The name was given based on these traits.

However, the tradition of such naming did not take root. And a person who was constantly called not by his real name, but by a nickname, often acquired all the qualities characteristic of this nickname. In such a situation, the name-amulet protected the person from unknown reasons. Since the name was not spoken out loud, it had no internal connection with its bearer.

The influence of a name on a person and his fate has been noticed for a long time. It has always been believed, and quite rightly, that a word chosen for a name with love will help in life. But at the same time, giving a name, naming it means gaining secret power. Does not change in different languages emotional coloring words, and that which means something pleasant has a sound that is pleasant to the ear, and vice versa.

Thus, the development of the name has a long history. Before the adoption of Christianity in Rus', original names were used, created on Slavic soil using the Old Russian language. The Slavs chose any words to name their children that reflected the various properties and qualities of people, the characteristics of their character: Clever, Brave, Kind, Cunning; features of behavior and speech: Molchan; physical advantages and disadvantages: Oblique, Lame, Krasava, Kudryash, Chernyak, Belyai; the time and “order” of the appearance of a particular child in the family: Menshak, Elder, First, Second, Tretyak; profession: Villager, Kozhemyaka and much more. Similar names were also used by other peoples; it is enough to recall the names of the Indians, which characterized the characteristics of a particular person: Eagle Eye, Sly Fox, etc. We had several other names, which later, with the adoption of Christianity and the consolidation of names in church calendars, became into nicknames. Some of these nicknames have come down to us in the form of surnames: Cat, Beetle, Wolf, Sparrow. It should be noted that these surnames are very common.

From the 11th to the 17th centuries, native Slavic names fade into the background, and Byzantine-Greek ones come to the fore. With the advent of Christianity, a two-name system began to develop. In order to protect a person from evil spirits, he was given one name and called a completely different one. This period is characterized by social stratification. At this time, Old Russian names were common, which consist of two roots and contain the root -slav. These are names such as Vyacheslav, Svyatoslav, Yaroslav, Borislav, which were joined by Byzantine-Greek names with the same root: Stanislav, Bronislav, Miroslav, etc.

From the beginning of the 18th century until 1917, canonical names dominated, a three-part formula for naming a person (last name, first name, patronymic) developed and spread, and a pseudonym appeared.

After the revolution, newly created names reflecting the events taking place in the country became very popular. The formation of new names especially affected girls. So, they were called Idea, Iskra, Oktyabrina. There is evidence that one girl was even called Artillery Academy. It was fashionable to call twin boys and girls Revo and Lucia; the names of the boys are known: Genius, Giant (it is noteworthy that these names did not always correspond to reality, and often completely contradicted). However, at this time names appeared that continue to live now: Lilia (it is similar to the Russian name Lydia and is very euphonious), Ninel (reading the name Lenin in reverse order), Timur, Spartak.

The modern Russian name book includes many names with different origins. But still, names that we can now rightfully call Russian have a huge advantage. Although there are very few actual Russian names left. Over time, the original meaning of names was forgotten, but historically each name was a word or phrase of some language. Almost all modern names came to us from Byzantium and have Greek roots, but many of them were borrowed from other ancient languages, or were simply borrowed from ancient Roman, Hebrew, Egyptian and other languages ​​and with this method of borrowing were used only as a proper name, and not as a word, denoting something.

Different names - similar roots

Almost all personal names that we have long been accustomed to consider Russian were brought by Christianity to Rus' through Byzantium, which collected the best names from its language, as well as foreign names and canonized them, that is, officially legitimized them, making them church names. Therefore, they are of Greek, Latin, Hebrew origin, and occasionally you can find names belonging to some other eastern languages, for example, Syriac, Egyptian. The same can be said about many other nations. That is why there is a correspondence of names in different languages: Russian - Ivan, Polish - Jan, French - Jean, English - John, German - Johann; Russian - Mikhail, French - Michel, Polish - Michal; Russian - Olga, German - Helga; Russian - Pavel, French - Paul, German - Paul, etc. When names were transferred from other languages, their original meaning was lost (after all, they all came from common nouns), and they became only proper names.

It is interesting that different peoples chose roots with different meanings for the name. Thus, among the Slavs the components predominate: “good”, “holy”, “light”, “glory”, “grow”, “peace”, “nice”, “glad”, “love”, among the Greeks and Romans - words emphasizing in a person moral qualities. Jews and Arabs preferred to emphasize in their names detachment from earthly goods and an appeal to God.

Many names that sound different have the same meaning. For example:

Nikita, Nikon (Greek), Victor, Victoria (Latin) - winner.

Fedor, Dorotheus (Greek) - gift of God.

George, Yuri, Egor (Greek) - farmer.

Oleg, Olga (scand.) - saint.

Cyril (Greek) - lord, Maria (Aramic) - mistress.

Albina, Clara (lat.) - white.

Ivan, Zhanna, Yanina (Old Hebrew), Eliza (Old German) - the grace of God.

Marina (Latin), Pelageya (Greek) - sea.

Zoya (Greek), Vitalia, Eva, Vitaly (Latin) - life.

Felix, Beatrice, Beata (lat.) - happy.

However, the opposite situation is also observed: a large number of names in the Russian name book have a similar sound, but completely different meaning. Such names should not be confused, since they carry different information.

For example:

Erasmus (Greek) - beloved; Erast (Greek) - loving; Philip (Greek) - lover of horses.

Valentin (lat.) - strong; Valery (lat.) - cheerful, strong.

Vit (lat.) - defeated; Vitaly (lat.) - vital; Witold (Old German) - forest ruler.

Veronica (Greek) - bringing victory, (Latin) - true, authentic image; Nike (Greek) - victory.

Naming traditions

The ordering of Slavic names began with the compilation of church lists - Saints and Menaions. By decision of Pope Gregory, names were allowed only by names legalized by religion, or canonical, recorded in these books. All other names were called pagan. Canonical names were included in civil and church calendars. The same names appeared in the calendars on the same dates, associated with the veneration of one or another saint. Christian names were the names of ascetics and martyrs who died for the establishment of this religion. In addition, these same names also belonged to representatives of those peoples from whose language they were borrowed. Therefore, now these names are not perceived by us as church names. The child was named after the saint whose name was listed in the Saints on the day of the child’s christening. Often these were very dissonant names, but the parents could not go against the will of the church. True, the parents of a baby from wealthy families or belonging to the upper class had some privilege - they could choose a name without agreeing with it church calendar, but, nevertheless, this name should have been contained in the Saints.

There have been other naming systems in the history of the name. For example, the names given to Papuans at birth were usually changed to others when the child grew up and turned into a girl or boy. Representatives of the northern peoples believed that the child must be named in the first three days after his birth, since three days later the name will be suggested to him by evil spirits, which, of course, cannot bring him happiness. Among other peoples of the North, it was allowed to name a child only after a cradle had been made for him. Doing it before birth was considered a bad omen - the child could be born dead or not live long, but without a name the child was not allowed into his first home. African tribes have an even more interesting naming system. It was believed that the soul of a deceased relative moved into a newborn, so it was important to determine whose soul wished to be born a second time in order to give its name to the child. This is what shamans did.

It is impossible not to notice that all this is inherent and Slavic names. The same change of name - from a diminutive to a patronymic name, the same custom of naming a child in honor of departed relatives and a warning against naming the names of living parents.

Now we do not have a question about who will name the child. This is usually done by parents. They choose a name according to their taste, sometimes giving a name in honor of a grandmother, grandfather or some other respected and beloved relative. But in the history of the name one can find evidence of who chose the name from different peoples, and it was not always the parents. People often thought that best name Only a stranger, a stranger, can give it to a child. He chooses the name objectively, and therefore the child should be happy. The stranger who named the child was treated with honor, treated very generously, and rewarded with gifts. He played the role of godfather, who every year on his birthday had to give gifts to the child, and on his wedding day he had to give a gun or a horse, which were considered very valuable gifts. In some Nigerian tribes, the whole village chose the name of the child.

Tribes inhabiting New Zealand, give the child the name he sneezes on. Here's how it happens: first, the father lists the qualities that he wants to see in his child, then he accompanies his words with a song in which he names names, one of which the newborn must choose for himself. The child receives the name, when pronounced, he sneezes. Interestingly, sometimes they waited for about a day for this sneezing. But what if this is the custom?

The social role of a name is enormous, and in the history of the development of names, traditions are intricately intertwined, reflecting the relationship of people among themselves, with the state and with God. As human communities grew larger, a name alone became insufficient for identification. There were different ways to get out of this situation. Orthodox Christians have a deeply rooted tradition of patronymics. Among Catholics one could find whole garlands of names. Thus, in Spain of the 18th century, each nobleman had the right to 6 names, well-born nobles could have 12 names, and the highest-ranking persons had an unlimited number of names. Each name was the name of a heavenly protector; the more names a person had, the more more defenders he had. But for each name the church that gave these names had to be paid. Therefore, the poor could not afford such luxury and used only one or two names. The nobility demonstrated the trail of their names as an indicator of their condition. This tradition remains, but so long names are rare today. In a number of Spanish-speaking countries, a person’s name is halfway between the names of the mother and father, but among Jews only the mother’s name matters.

The Kwakutl Indians adhere to an unusual tradition - if a member of their tribe borrows money from someone, he must leave his name as collateral. Until he repays the debt, he has no right to bear his name. They do not address him in any way or use gestures and sounds as an address. Isn't it true that this speaks of great respect for the name?

Meaning and interpretation of names

Every name that came to us from other languages, or has an original Russian origin, is derived from a specific word and has its own meaning. But today this meaning has become so erased that we no longer draw a parallel between the name and its meaning. A name, unlike any other word, does not designate an object, but names a specific person, and due to the repetition of one name, it is often not enough to separate one person from another; for this you also need to know the patronymic and surname.

Currently, anthroponymic scientists, based on the research conducted, are trying to formulate psychological characteristics bearer of a specific name. According to this theory, each name has its own specific characteristics (it is no coincidence that a name has a meaning), which form the character of its owner. This theory has great success, since in practice it has been proven that each name really leaves a certain imprint on a person, as a result of which certain character traits are formed in him. Anthroponymic studies were carried out, during which it was discovered that bearers of the same name have general features character, and often most owners of the same name even have a similar appearance. We are, of course, talking about the type of appearance, and not about specific features.

In addition, when choosing a name, you should think about the correspondence of the sound characteristics of the name to the surname and patronymic. It has been proven that the more harmonious a person’s name is, the more harmonious his inner world, and therefore, the luckier and happier he will be.

The philosopher A.F. Losev wrote about names: “Looking for the corresponding term for a name in languages, I cannot find anything better than the term “magic.” Magic is usually understood as precisely this semantic charge of a certain idea, which, being actually expressed and directed into in this direction, is discharged in the form of major events in a given area of ​​reality. There is no actual direction of meaning in a symbol; it is in the name. A name always comes from somewhere and is directed somewhere, while a symbol is simply given as a static being. Therefore, the introduction of the moment of magic into the dialectical formula of the name is its essential addition. A name is a personal and energetic symbol, or an energetic-personal symbol. This formula, however, expresses its essence more clearly if we say that the name is a magical-mythical symbol.”

Perhaps this is related to the existing legend about how Alexander the Great once noticed among the soldiers of his army a man who always ran away from the battlefield. Having learned that his name was also Alexander, he told him: “Either be brave in battle, or change your name so that they don’t confuse me with you.”

Interestingly, there is a fashion for names. At a certain period of time, one name or group of names becomes fashionable. This may be associated with the characters of books, films, popular at that time, with names famous people, artists, etc. But you should not get carried away with such names, since during the period of popularity this or that name becomes overly popular, and the person who received such a name may be doomed to lack individuality. Agree, a person with an ordinary Russian name, not pretentious, but also not very common, attracts much more attention. In this regard, it is worth remembering such good Russian names that were undeservedly forgotten, for example: Savely, Semyon, Avdey, Evdokia, Alevtina, Varvara, etc.

How to choose a name

Tribal and national traditions

The choice of name is determined different traditions. In many cultures, a person has several names. One of them accompanies the child in childhood, the other during adolescence, and the third is the final, adult name given to a person upon the onset of adulthood. This was customary in Indian tribes, as well as in China, where there is a milk name, a school name, a marriage name, and even a service name. In the Russian tradition, we also observe that in childhood children’s, diminutive name, then - complete, and as an indicator that a person has taken place and is not only full-fledged as a person, but also acquires significance as a guardian of the clan, he is called by his first name and patronymic, which has always been considered a tribute of respect and is not used for everyone. In more early period this address was originally noble, people of low classes were called disparaging names, and only the most respected were awarded a full name.

Along with the name, a person is given a heavenly patron who can be an intercessor before God. Orthodox and Catholics believe in this. Therefore, when choosing a name, find out the name of which saint he will inherit, who will be his patron. This is important to know when you or someone else prays for the forgiveness of sins, for assistance in everyday affairs, for the healing of serious illnesses, for the preservation of your property or career advancement. Even if you yourself are agnostics, give your child the opportunity to choose for himself whether to be a believer or not.

There are many beliefs and traditions associated with naming, which intricately combine pagan ideas about Higher powers and Christian doctrine. Since these traditions have gone through centuries of trials, they should not be discounted. We will tell you about some of them.

    It was believed that naming a child after the name of a righteous man meant good, while naming a child after a martyr meant dooming him to wanderings and torment in life.

    They did not give the child the name of his father, mother, brother, sister, the names of all those who live in the house - he or his namesake could die. This is a purely pagan belief, but there are many observations that confirm its correctness.

    It is believed that a girl should not be named after her mother - it will be difficult for them to find mutual language.

    It is believed that girls should not be named male names, because they grow up rude and often have difficulty getting married.

    In no case were three people called by the same name.

For example, if a grandmother, daughter and granddaughter were called by the same name, then this was considered a bad omen. Our ancestors believed that out of three, the first takes the last. If such a situation arises in your family, you need to baptize all three with different names in three churches on the same day. If the first one has already died, then the younger one still needs to be baptized. Moreover, the one who is to be baptized, according to popular belief, must come to the church first and be the first to enter the baptismal sanctuary, ahead of the rest of the people.

However, it was considered most favorable to name children after their grandparents, even living ones, because they voluntarily pass on the strength of their spirit to their beloved grandchildren.

    They did not give the child the name of the deceased baby in the family, so that he would not repeat his fate.

    Before the christening, the child’s name was not told to anyone, so as not to jinx it. And if they asked the name of the child, they answered: “My child was given by God and his name is Bogdan.”

    Before baptism, the child was usually given a temporary name.

    If newborn children died in a family, they were called Adam and Eve, in honor of their ancestors. Or they gave the names of their parents, thereby passing on an evil fate to them.

    On name day, you need to break something from the dishes, even if on purpose - for good luck.

Overall, choosing a name is very important decision in the lives of parents who determine future destiny your child. After all, first of all, a name is the answer to the questions “who am I?” and “what am I?” Try asking a three-year-old: “Who are you?” - and, most likely, he will answer either: “I am a boy (girl),” or name the name by which he is called at home. Of course the name determines future life person not to the same extent as, say, gender, but it allows the baby to be psychologically aware of himself as an individual, and this is very important factor development.

Choosing a name for a child is very important first intervention in his destiny and an attempt to direct it in a better direction. This right belongs to the parents. It often happens that some intuition tells a mother what to name her child when he is not yet born. Maybe you should follow it, but it still won’t hurt, before choosing a name, to correlate it with your surname, patronymic, and birth sign. When the child is born, you should choose from the expected names the one that will best suit the date of birth.

You should definitely think about what name your child will be called as a child. You should not choose a name that is too pretentious, as it may become a reason for ridicule. For boys, when choosing a name, you should take into account that someday he will become a father and will think about how his name forms a patronymic.

The name is directly related to nationality. Receiving the name of his people, the child involuntarily begins to include himself in its history and inherit national character. There are also international names that give the baby greater freedom in national self-determination. They have some unifying meaning, that is, it is easier for a person with this name to feel like a “citizen of the world.”

If you live in multinational country, treat your people with respect national traditions. If you want to capture in your name your son or daughter’s cultural affiliation, first of all think about what culture it belongs to. language environment they have to live. If, for example, at home Muslim name child will sound absolutely natural, then in a Russian-speaking environment a boy with that name will constantly face questions and distortions of his name. It is still better to choose a name that is more or less familiar to native Russian speakers and therefore better remembered.

In such a situation, it is useful to know about “international” names that have variants in different languages ​​- both European and Eastern (among them Maria, Ivan, Yakov, Gabriel, George, etc.).

If in a mixed marriage the child’s name or patronymic has a clear affiliation with specific language and culture, think about how the name you choose will combine with the child’s patronymic and surname. The principle of unity is very important here: a foreign name will be discordant with the Russian surname and patronymic.

Foreign names should be given with caution. The combination of Orlando Ivanovich would probably bring a lot of suffering to its owner. It is better if it is a name that is adapted to the culture in which you live. For Orthodox Christians, it is advisable that the name be in the Saints if you are going to baptize a child. Of course, a surge of passion foreign names, which gave such strange combinations as Esther Petrovna, John Ivanovich and others, has already passed, and in Lately there is an opposite trend - a return to old Russian names: Praskovya, Taras, Agafya, Fekla, Akim, Zakhar. Of course, a name that is too rare, read in the ancient Saints, for example, Ardalyon or Psoi, will make the child stand out among others, but fashion quickly passes... Will a person with such a name feel comfortable? rare name in life? Although, undoubtedly, many names and the people who bore them are worthy of calling children by them.

So, the name should be euphonious, form various shapes, which will not be a reason for ridicule of the child, nationally appropriate and beautifully combined with the surname and patronymic.

1. The name should be easy to pronounce both separately and with the patronymic.

2. The name should be easy to remember.

3. Diminutive forms should be easily formed from the name.

4. The name should not evoke associations in people that are undesirable for its bearer.

5. If a child will have a surname that does not indicate his gender, you should not give him a name like Zhenya, Sasha or Vali. Kids get upset when a girl is mistaken for a boy and vice versa.

Baptism and name

The sacrament of baptism is still one of the most sacred rites performed by the church. This is an equal blessing for all Christians, giving a person a name that he will carry throughout his life, which will influence his destiny. After all, it is known that the name book consists of church-legalized names belonging to saints. By calling a child one name or another, parents seem to call on the saint to protect their baby. No wonder the Scripture says: “Rejoice, for your names are written in Heaven!” That is, the church believes that a Christian name is a blessing from God.

Thanks to the rite of baptism, all Christians today bear the names that were once chosen by Jesus. In the Bible you can read about Jesus' warnings about keeping the name as it was given to them. That is, we are talking specifically about preserving the verbal formula.

When they began to call children at baptism after the names of holy martyrs, the apostles taught that this was done not for the sake of repeating the martyr’s path, but for the glory of those who went through it and for the sake of the name itself. The bottom line is this: it is impossible not to admit that at least one of the prophecies of the Bible came true - Jesus Christ gave names to all Christians.

Different peoples have the same names, with minor variations in spelling and pronunciation, which resulted from adapting them to national characteristics. The rest are translations into local language a name that came from the same times and was used earlier. For example, the name Agathon (kind) corresponded to the Slavic Dobrynya, Peter - to the Old Russian Stone. The Hebrew name Thomas corresponds to the Latin name Thomas and the Greek name Didymus, which then became the name Demetrius and means “twin.”

Baptism is a naming ritual. The first Christians changed their name. A person undergoing baptism enters the water without a name, and the priest at this time drives away with prayer dark forces and calls on the forces of Light to take the person under their care and names the name by which they recognize him. The forces of light must help a baptized person.

By naming children during baptism after the names of martyrs who suffered for the faith, it was believed that after death the saints found themselves at the throne of the Lord and had the opportunity to ask for mercy for their “wards.”

The ancient custom of naming children in honor of heroes and gods has been continued. At first there were no special rules according to which a person accepting the Christian faith chose a saint in whose name he was baptized. This was the person whose actions were closest to him or touched some strings of his soul, or that person lived nearby.

In the 16th century, Pope Gregory XIII, who was one of the most enlightened people of his time, introduced the calendar, which became known as the Gregorian calendar, and officially approved the custom of giving the names of saints and martyrs at baptism. The name was now given to a person at the moment when he accepted Christianity, as well as to newborns whose parents were Christians.

This is the rite of baptism. First, the priest read the prayer three times. Then he also called on the Holy Spirit three times and sanctified the water that was in the baptismal font. He immersed the baby (with his head) three times in this water. It was difficult to find a large font for adults, so the clergyman who performed the sacrament sprinkled the new convert three times blessed water. Water is not just a symbol of purification. By plunging into water, a person seemed to die and then resurrect, but as a Christian.

The newly born person is given a new name - Christian, and from now on the patron saint can ask the Lord for forgiveness and mercy for the person. The Holy Spirit enters the newly-made Christian through holy water and a drop of special incense - myrrh oil, which the priest applies to the forehead of the person being baptized. It means the blessing of the Lord and the equality of all before the Lord.