The crocodile attacked the dream in the water. Meanings according to different dream books. Why do you dream of small crocodiles in the water?

The article discusses various dreams, and it is also said what a crocodile means in a dream. You can leave your dream in the comments to get its interpretation.

Why do you dream of an albino crocodile, an alligator, big in the water, a pregnant woman, white, headless, the head of a crocodile that attacks and bites

Seeing an alligator above or under water that shows big teeth and wants to bite your leg means injustice that will have to be faced or resentment from close friends.

Many crocodiles will be dreamed of as a warning that a conspiracy is being prepared against you and it is very bad if it bites you, because in this case the conspirators will succeed.

Seeing a crocodile in a dream for pregnant women means that negative reviews about you as a mother will begin to appear, but you should not pay attention to empty talk and envious people.

White ones or a huge crocodile mean trouble, but they won't really affect you. If your head was missing, then no one could do anything bad to you.

In the case when the head of this predator is visible in a dream, but there is no body, then someone is plotting intrigues for you.

A crocodile trying to bite off a part of your body, planning an attack, or one that has already bitten your hand is considered a harbinger of serious difficulties in your life, the solution of which will require outside support.

Why do you dream of a crocodile in an apartment, swimming in muddy water, in an aquarium, in a river, in the sea, petting, for girls, at home, homely, kind

If there are a lot of crocodiles in the apartment and they are small (baby), you should expect a nice cash bonus. In case they are in dirty, not clean water, we can say that you will be mistaken and make wrong decisions. For a girl, the dream indicates that she should pay more attention to choosing a boyfriend.

Its presence in an aquarium will indicate illness, but in a river it speaks of problems that will require support from relatives, otherwise they cannot be solved. At sea, this means such serious troubles that they can completely change your life.

When a crocodile appears in your house in a dream, you should expect a quarrel with your loved one. If he is home, then you will be able to establish relationships with those who are unpleasant to you. Kind crocodiles speak of your mind of decency.

Why do you dream of a living, green crocodile and a snake, a toy, a turtle, a cat, a bear, a hare, a hippopotamus, a cat, a tiger?

If it is a toy, you will have problems communicating with the opposite sex, at home or at work. Live green crocodiles and diseases. If he eats a snake, you will soon get better.

A turtle is always a positive dream, which means receiving practical advice from those who can really help you in solving existing problems.

Seeing a crocodile and a light cat in a dream means an upcoming choice between continuing a career and personal moral principles.

If there are bears, then you will need stamina due to the fact that a lot of urgent matters will pile up.

Seeing a hare and a crocodile in a dream means that you will have time to accomplish everything that was planned for the near future. Hippos say that you will be able to cope with any difficulties that will arise in the coming week, and the cat will symbolize the presence of enemies, while the tiger indicates the presence of a patron.

Why do you dream about a crocodile according to Miller’s dream book?

You should beware of friends and acquaintances, because some of them will betray you at the most inopportune time. You should not trust your secrets to anyone, otherwise they will be used against you.

Why do you dream about a crocodile in Tsvetkov’s dream book

Such a dream tells you about the danger that lurks where betrayal is least expected.

Why do Vanga dream about a crocodile?

From her point of view, a dream about crocodiles should be considered a warning that you have a sworn enemy who dreams of dealing with you by any means necessary, including a hidden threat that is already hanging over you and your loved ones.

Why do people dream about a crocodile?

The Runet dream book says that such a dream is symbolic, indicating that someone has a grudge against you and among your friends there are traitors who are ready to prevent you from achieving your goals by any means necessary.

Why do you dream about a crocodile in a Muslim dream book?

We are talking about enemies who will interfere with you. On the other hand, they will be weak and if you make some efforts, you will be able to cope with them.

Why do you dream about a crocodile according to Freud?

This animal, according to Freud, is nothing more than a symbol of the duplicity inherent in one of your acquaintances, friends, relatives or loved one. On the other hand, it is a hidden desire to rule and dominate a partner.

What does this mean, a crocodile dreams and tries to catch up, catch, little

If you have to run away from him in a dream, but he pursues you on land and wants to catch you, then you will be able to cope with those tasks that previously seemed impossible.

Catching a crocodile will be an attempt to meet an enemy who holds a grudge against you.

Many small predators mean new acquaintances. For men (men), the dream speaks of numerous novels.

Why do you dream of a crocodile on a leash, dead, in your arms, on a bed, eating a snake, tame, calm

If it is on a chain or has a leash, expect rich suitors.

The dead indicate the presence of enemies that you will be able to cope with on your own, and holding a crocodile in your arms in a dream means that you will have to solve all problems alone.

Crocodile on the bed - there will be problems sexually, and those who eat the earth speak of improved health.

A tame crocodile symbolizes the taming of enemies and the destruction of the machinations that they built against you, and a calm one speaks of the need to be calm in any situation.

Why dream of a crocodile with an open mouth, with cubs, eating a person, killing, killed

If his mouth is open or he's on the hunt, expect problems where you thought there shouldn't be any. When he has a cub, you actually have to meet a treacherous person.

If he or they eat a person, you should prepare for very unpleasant moments in life, because you are starting to have a “dark streak”. To run away from him is to escape from problems. To kill is to defeat enemies. If he runs away from you, then they will not intrigue you, but they will not stop envying you.

Why do you dream of a crocodile without a tail, toothless, in a swamp, in a bathtub, there is a crocodile, yellow, red, fried crocodile

If he doesn’t have a tail, you don’t have to worry about your enemies, because they won’t do anything bad to you.

Toothless to success, which will not be overshadowed by anything. In a swamp, you won’t be able to realize yourself.

I dreamed of a crocodile in the bathroom - expect difficulties, and eating it means victory over your enemies. If it is yellow or red, you dream of disappointment in a loved one, and if fried, it speaks of long-awaited happiness.

Why dream of feeding a crocodile, crocodile meat, swimming away, crying, taming, black, 2 crocodiles

If you dream of feeding him from your hands, you can actually find mutual language with any person. Its meat symbolizes the achievement of your goals, but not without difficulties.

Swimming with him or swimming away from him will be an opportunity to avoid trouble.

A crying crocodile means that someone you know will deceive you, and a tamed one allows you to negotiate with anyone who might prevent you from achieving your goal. Playing with him is a quick solution to pressing problems.

If it is black, one of your friends or relatives will have a serious illness, and several crocodiles will say that the problems are aggravated by new and more significant ones.

Why do you dream of crocodiles in water? This is by no means an idle question for those who have encountered similar vision. IN in a general sense dreams involving this animal foreshadow the occurrence of some unpleasant situation. But in order to solve a dream without errors, you need to take into account its other details.

Why do you dream of a big crocodile in the water?

An alligator of gigantic size, lurking in the water and frozen almost without movement, in a dream is a symbol of intrigues being woven against you. Do you have several ill-wishers or one, but occupying high position. Perhaps you really annoyed your boss with something, so now you should expect unpleasant surprises at work. However, if you do not experience unpleasant emotions or despair at the sight of an animal, then it is likely that the dream speaks of some favorable changes in your life. If a crocodile in the water opens its mouth and strives to get out onto land, it means that direct “military action” will soon begin against you, you should get ready.

Why do you dream of small crocodiles in the water?

A dream in which you see many small crocodiles just hatched from eggs should be considered a harbinger of good luck. If they are bright green and you can see seeing them in your apartment in a dream means that unexpected wealth will soon fall on you. This sign is especially good for people who own their own.

Why do you dream that a crocodile attacks in the water?

If you are wondering why you dream that a crocodile bites in the water, remember how this skirmish ended. If the bite results in injury with a lot of blood, you will be betrayed close person and this will cause you big trouble. If everything went well and you were not injured, it means that minor everyday troubles await you, which you can easily overcome.

The dream book defines many things that we see in our dreams as signals of a hidden and completely unexpected threat.

Incidents that happen in reality often relate to financial situation or social connections. Therefore, it is recommended to find out in advance what a crocodile means in a dream.

This dream book defines big crocodile in the water as a deceiver. If you dreamed of such a symbol, then some friends may soon lose confidence in themselves, and enemies will completely lose fear. Try to rely only on your own strength.

Many reptiles in a dream mean that each individual individual is a nuisance or an enemy. The dream book says that in this situation there is no need to rely on outside help or luck.

Occasionally a large number of crocodiles symbolize problems that accumulate like a ball of snow. Also, several alligators can identify a strong environment. Don't forget who exactly you are dealing with.

In the dream book you can also find a positive definition of such dreams: it says that the desire to feel romance will force you to abandon your comfort zone.

Dreams of a woman

The Wanderer's Big Dream Book claims that if a woman had such a dream, then in reality she will meet a very attractive, but rather dangerous man. In addition, this can also serve as a sign for the fair sex to be more selective in dating in the future.

From whom can we expect trouble?

Special signs of a predator often indicate the object itself, which poses a potential danger. The dream book can help you with this:

  • A large alligator can serve as a symbol of your leader, whom it is better not to encounter for now.
  • Someone close to you will become as dangerous to you as this toothy predator.
  • Often a large lizard is seen before meeting some authoritative person.
  • If you saw a tiny crocodile in a dream, do not underestimate your competitors.

If a reptile unexpectedly jumps out of an ambush in a dream, then, according to the dream book, the enemies will soon begin open action. A person who sees a manifestation of aggression on the part of a lizard, in reality, faces unfounded reproaches and slander. When you dream that a crocodile suddenly starts to bite, get ready for some humiliating and evil jokes from the outside loving people. If in a dream you saw that a caiman was trying to attack, then you can achieve something solely on your own.

If an alligator in a dream bites another lizard, then real life They are trying to drag you into some third-party conflict situation. Neutrality is strongly recommended. Aesop's interpreter determines why one may dream of a crocodile in a river with clean water. It says that soon you will find out who your close friends really are. However, this is not the only possible explanation of the dream by this dream book:

  • If the predator hid in a transparent and clean lagoon, then you can determine its strength.
  • If you saw muddy water in which crocodiles swim, healers and healers recommend making some kind of concession in reality in order to achieve their main goal.
  • Accustom a reptile and hand feed it in a dream- you will be able to establish contact with a person who was unpleasant to you before. However, the relationship between you will be short-lived, since you will have neither the desire nor the strength to forgive him for his meanness towards you.
  • Observe a predator that torments its prey, - in life you will be faced with an ungodly act and will not have any opportunity to influence the circumstances.
  • Crying crocodile in a dream means that someone from your close circle will deceive you. Take a closer look at your friends.

Dreams involving animals happen quite often, but often in the realm of dreams people see horses, dogs, cats, etc. Exotics are present in dreams much less often, however, such animals also end up there to give some kind of sign or useful advice .

A crocodile seen in a dream is a symbol of people in whom the dreamer has confidence. Therefore, a crocodile bite means deception or betrayal of loved ones. This animal also often represents enemies. Such dreams are interpreted as harbingers of tense circumstances that can have a detrimental effect on the psyche or health.

Therefore, it is necessary to listen to all these warnings and try to change the real state of affairs.

Attention, TODAY only!

Why do you dream of a crocodile is a question that is of keen interest to those people to whom this reptile appeared in a dream. In many dream books, a crocodile is associated with a cunning rival, an insidious and ruthless enemy. The plot of the dream and its details will help you understand what this animal promises.

In the interpretation of dreams, the crocodile represents hypocrisy, pretense, anger and cruelty. A dream dreamed by a man and a woman may have different interpretations. A woman who sees a reptile in a dream most likely lacks power and luxury. If the alligator was very large, this promises a serious conflict with a close friend. For a man, a dream means that an enemy has appeared in his environment, acting on the sly. Dream books claim that in most cases the reptile warns of impending trouble or danger.

Video “Why do you dream about a crocodile”

This video talks about the interpretation of a dream in which a crocodile was seen.

According to Loff

David Loff agrees that the crocodile represents rivalry and enemies. In his opinion, one must judge the danger of an enemy based on the size of the dreamed predator. If a person was able to see the eyes of an alligator, the dream can be interpreted as a warning about real ill-wishers in life. Successful outcome dream events foretell unexpected success or financial profit.

According to Vanga

According to Vanga’s dream book, the image of an alligator can be interpreted as something dangerous and insidious. Seeing familiar people in contact with a predator in a dream means that they are in danger of trouble.

According to Miller

Gustave Miller believed that the reptile is a symbol of resentment and betrayal. Anyone who dreams of a crocodile should be more attentive to their social circle. People whom the sleeper considers close can deliver an unexpected stab in the back.

By Denise Lynn

Seeing an alligator in a dream means a hidden formidable force that exerts Negative influence for the life of the sleeper. Denise Lynn warns: someone from the immediate environment may use the information they have to the detriment of the sleeper.


Sigmund Freud associates the image of a crocodile with the symbol of the male genital organ. The behavior of the reptile determines the interpretation of the dream: a calm alligator that does not attack a person speaks of formed sexual relations; an aggressive crocodile symbolizes the insatiable sexual desire of the sleeper, his unfulfilled fantasies, and a penchant for sadomasochism.

Aesop's dream book warns the sleeper about the cunning of his close friends and possible betrayal on their part.

Nostradamus believed that the reptile represented an unexpected danger. Its scale and threat are determined by the size of the animal: the larger and more aggressive it is, the more unpleasant the coming changes.

A similar interpretation is offered by the Muslim dream book: the crocodile, as a symbol of the enemy, the more dangerous it is, the larger it is.

Hasse's dream book warns the sleeper about an unkind immediate environment. You should take a close look at people who seem to be close friends. If in a dream there is a fight with a reptile in which the predator is struck, the sleeper is waiting for quick success in business.


If a reptile attacks in a dream, this foreshadows problems that will arise. When a crocodile bites a sleeping person, it means that someone close to you will do a spontaneous act. Seeing a bite wound on yourself is a sign of betrayal in love relationships. Running away from an attacking alligator is interpreted as an attempt to get out of a difficult situation.

If you managed to escape, the problems will soon and successfully be resolved. Seeing a predator hunting another animal foreshadows difficult circumstances for the dreamer, rigid boundaries from which it will not be easy to get out. A dream in which an alligator is resting on land means that in real life the dreamer chose not the best way towards achieving the goal.


The appearance of a crocodile in the house promises trouble within the family, meeting a person who will try to disrupt internal harmony. One of the sleeper’s ill-wishers wants to destroy him family well-being. A dream that appears to a man foreshadows the betrayal of a close friend. A woman who sees a reptile at home in a dream is envied by those around her in life. You can expect a stab in the back even from your friends, so you should take a closer look at your surroundings. If a reptile chases the dreamer on land, this indicates impending problems.

Hiding from a crocodile means successfully solving difficulties. A dream in which a crocodile splashes in water is interpreted depending on the details: dirty, muddy water is a harbinger of uncertainty and discomfort in life; clear water means that now the sleeper is in a difficult situation, but soon this will be safely resolved. If a predator splashes in blood, the dreamer is in danger of betrayal. A crocodile calmly walking on the sand means that opponents will not be able to harm, the sleeping person’s positions are firm, he holds tightly to his beliefs.

Dead reptile

A large dead predator promises the dreamer a carefree and joyful life. If a person wants to catch a crocodile in a dream, in real life this portends him wealth. Killing a reptile in a dream means victory over enemies and rivals, achieving your goal. Eating crocodile meat in a dream means a generous reward for work done. In real life, the dreamer will receive recognition and respect from others. Possibly promotion career ladder. Holding reptile meat in your hands means power. If the dish turns out to be tasteless and bitter, it means that it will not be possible to stay at the top of success, and soon competitors will leave the dreamer “with nothing.”


Seeing many small crocodiles in a dream means problems and difficulties that will not be difficult to cope with. Little crocodile, located next to an adult, foreshadows unexpectedly appeared serious troubles that can reveal the person sleeping not with the best side. Crocodile eggs threaten in real life with strong emotional stress. Situations that may cause stress should be avoided. A white crocodile appearing in a dream means that a difficult situation will be resolved in favor of the sleeper. He will be able to reconcile with old enemies and competitors.

A reptile laying eggs portends an unexpectedly large profit. The green alligator is interpreted as correct solution, which the sleeper does not dare to accept. To see a crocodile mercilessly tormenting its prey is to witness a scene of cruelty and betrayal of a friend. A reptile received as a gift warns the dreamer about communicating with a two-faced and hypocritical person. A reptile in a zoo means an adventurous, but successfully ending adventure. Seeing the eyes of a crocodile in a dream means that the dreamer is underestimating the seriousness of the current situation.

A crocodile in a dream is interpreted by most dream books as something cunning, insidious and hostile. Often the reptile symbolizes the strength and power of an opponent, whom the dreamer underestimates in real life.

Also, a crocodile appearing in a dream can be a harbinger of misunderstanding and rejection on the part of close friends and relatives. Details and circumstances of night dreams will help determine true meaning one dream or another.

It would seem that this is the most ridiculous dream that could have been dreamed. But what did fate want to tell us? Why do you dream of crocodiles in the water?

Crocodiles and other similar animals do not evoke tenderness and joy. Understand the dream now important task, because a dream can say a lot, because the crocodile symbolizes strength and wisdom.

Interpretation from dream books

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Have you seen crocodile eyes from the water? You have committed a frivolous act, for which there may be punishment. Be careful.

A large crocodile in the water marks the enemy. You urgently need to identify the ill-wisher, since betrayal is just around the corner.

If the reptile behaves aggressively, attacks or bites you, then expect betrayal in the future, which you will remember for a long time.

Miller's Dream Book

An unpleasant-looking crocodile in a pond is a sign of deception. Be attentive to your relatives, friends, and the rest of your environment.

Vanga's Dream Book

A crocodile appeared in a dream to warn you of danger.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

If you see a crocodile in the water, then expect cash replenishment. For unmarried women, a dream can mean a rich betrothed who will be faithful and honest.

Freud's Dream Book

A crocodile sitting in the water symbolizes the negative attitude of your family and friends towards you. They hide it, so you should be wary. Freud also said that a dream can reflect your desire and hope to find light work or money.

Dream book of the 21st century

The dream occurs before a dark streak in life. Most likely, you will depend on someone.

Women's dream book

The crocodile speaks of deceit. You should be wary of your surroundings. Don't be honest with anyone.

Gypsy dream book

Did you see a crocodile? Expect persecution and misfortune from all enemies.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

For unmarried girls, a dream with a crocodile in the water promises a wealthy and faithful guy.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

The crocodile is a symbol of your stubbornness and isolation. The dream encourages you to submit to the enemy in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Chinese dream book

Seeing a reptile in water symbolizes danger, stress, quarrels and accidents.

Family dream book

Did you see a pond with crocodiles? You will be betrayed. Those in whom you were confident will turn out to be traitors.