In a dream, you wear old shoes. Choosing rainbow shoes in a dream. Various actions with shoes

Why did you dream about Shoes (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

The symbolism of the interpretations of what shoes mean in a dream correlates with events that have already occurred or a train of thought that took place the day before.

  • You have bought or are going to buy another pair of shoes, or maybe you just thought that it would not be a shame to wear beautiful shoes to a party, and comfortable sneakers will help you cover long distances. In any case, this wardrobe element serves as a kind of harbinger of a series of minor troubles in the family, changes in the love front, or a long-awaited trip. Such stories affect both work and personal life.
  • Seeing a new pair of shoes being selected or tried on symbolizes a pleasant meeting and hints at imminent intimacy.
  • If in a dream you take off your shoes with relief, get ready for a change of place, for a business trip.
  • Why dream of trying on shoes - get ready for changes in your life. You are already tired of the usual way of things, and you are determined to change something.
  • Trying on beautiful shoes in a store for a girl means the appearance of a loved one.
  • Why dream of trying on shoes for a long time, going through many pairs - you will have relationships with several people at the same time.

Why did you dream about pairs of shoes (Psychiatric dream book)

In a psycho-emotional interpretation, a person who had a dream about shoes in any form seems to be looking at his own life path from the outside and trying to navigate which path he will have to move on next.

  • If the shoes in the dream were old, unkempt or torn, this is a complete failure of new beginnings.
  • Why dream of new and fashionable shoes - calm down: your mood will rise, and bad thoughts will pass by.
  • Shoes or boots that rub calluses symbolize your unpleasant experience of encountering the impudence of others or an unwanted company that you cannot get rid of no matter how much you want. A sadder alternative is the death of a loved one.

Why do you dream about Shoes (Romantic dream book)

  • As for women in any social status, and for men, seeing a beautiful pair of shoes, the right size and feeling maximum comfort is a good sign: this is a sign of a warm relationship with a loved one.
  • Boots symbolize marriage or falling in love, and their appearance and feel when worn usually correlate with the circumstances of life together.
  • If you dreamed about worn, old or torn shoes, this is an omen of an unhappy marriage, and boots that fit just right promise that your chosen one will never leave you.
  • Have you seen how you take off your shoes? This symbolizes the risk of losing a loved one due to tension in the family or the appearance of a rival.
  • A flying heel on a shoe, according to the dream book, is a less scary vision, but foreshadows a serious quarrel, the consequences of which can be corrected.

Shoes according to Maly Velesov's dream book

  • See old shoes- to trouble, need, new - to joy.
  • Having difficulty putting on shoes in a dream means good health.
  • I dreamed that my shoes were too tight - family troubles.
  • Losing shoes and not finding them means the death of a husband, divorce.
  • Buying shoes in a dream means improving business, making a new acquaintance.
  • Repairing shoes in a dream means getting ready for the journey, joy.
  • Seeing a torn off sole of a shoe in a dream means loss, misfortune, death in relatives.

The meaning of a dream about Shoes (Collection of interpretations of Zhou Gong)

  • Someone puts on your shoes - your wife is cheating, you are having an affair.
  • If you buy shoes or boots, it indicates happiness for servants and subordinates.
  • Seeing that you are losing your shoes indicates the possible departure or escape of servants or subordinates.
  • Taking off your shoes and untying your belt indicates an unhappy event, failure.
  • Shoes that are torn or spoiled indicate illness of the wife, children or grandchildren, or close relatives.
  • Why dream of wearing cloth, hemp sandals - indicates success and good luck in business. You receive a new title, an honorary title - indicates the birth of noble offspring.
  • According to the dream book, to see in a dream that you are asking someone for shoes portends help and support.
  • You take off your wooden shoes, bulky, uncomfortable shoes - the danger will soon pass.

Shoes - what do you dream about in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

  • In a dream, seeing the shine of new patent leather shoes in a dream is a warning that all that glitters is not gold. A project worthy of your attention new job or a business that is interesting and promising at first glance may turn out to be completely unpromising and even unprofitable.
  • Seeing new shoes is a sign of joy, old shoes are a sign of trouble or need.
  • According to the dream book, if you see or wear moccasins in your dream, you will have to run, be it sporting events or recreation.
  • You wore a wooden pair of shoes - means that thanks to your frugality you will achieve wealth.
  • Why does a girl dream of shiny shoes - the dream may foretell an acquaintance with a very rich, but stupid person.
  • Seeing women's shoes means the road, happiness in love, quick but short-lived success.
  • Losing shoes in a dream means an obstacle.
  • Dreaming of buying shoes means improving the state of your affairs in another city.
  • Cleaning shoes in a dream means a good neighbor will appear.

Interpretation of Shoes from the Wanderer's Dream Dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

  • Why do you dream about shoes in general - the road, new things to do.
  • Old shoes in a dream mean old affairs or relationships.
  • I dreamed of taking off my shoes - a change in activities, feelings for someone.
  • In a dream, your shoes rub - inappropriate things to do, difficulties in contact with other people.
  • Torn or broken shoes in a dream - trouble; divorce; illnesses of loved ones.
  • Unusual, original shoes are a strange situation; bobble.

The meaning of the dream about Boots ( Persian dream book Hubayshi Tiflisi)

  • Why do you dream about rubber shoes (galoshes) - the dream means a maid or servant, as well as small property.
  • Dreaming of old, shabby, completely worn-out shoes is a sign of joy.
  • Seeing new shoes, according to the dream book, is a sign of sadness.

Have you seen shoes in a dream and want to know what the dream promises? Dream Interpretations offer different interpretations- depending on the type and condition of the shoes you dreamed of, as well as your actions in the dream.

Medieval dream book

Why do you dream about shoes: new ones - the dream promises wealth; if you put them on, you will be cheerful and rich; old, torn - warns of deception and losses; wearing it means serious difficulties in life.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

I dreamed about shoes - your problem has a solution; saw someone else’s shoes - you should listen to authoritative opinion.

Wearing new shoes- to good luck, luck, cash receipts, new love; saw many pairs of shoes in the store - you have to maintain relationships with several people or choose a path from several paths; saw or put on worn, torn shoes - to problems in life.

Esoteric dream book

New shoes portend good luck; worn, dirty shoes- to trouble; repairing shoes - the problems will be resolved, but you need to work hard.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Trying on shoes in a dream promises changes in life; for a girl - meeting her lover; long fitting - to several close relationships at the same time.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

I dreamed about shoes - the dream book promises a journey; new - a sign of help, new enterprises and relationships; old - stuck in previous affairs or relationships; tight - a symbol of difficulties in communication, unsuitable activities for you; torn - to troubles, divorce, illnesses of relatives; non-standard, unsuitable for the occasion - to mistakes and ending up in strange situations or unusual places.

Taking off your shoes in a dream means changing your occupation or attitude towards someone.

Losing shoes on one foot means serious doubts about the need to continue the business you started or communicate with someone.

Ukrainian dream book

Shoes in a dream - to the road or travel; new - to a meeting or deception; torn - to death in the family; with a fallen sole - to trouble, loss.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Shoes in a dream are a symbol of marriage; old, worn - to an unhappy marriage; comfortable, suitable in size - for a long marriage; with a broken heel - to disputes with your lover; lost a shoe or shoe from one foot - there is a threat of divorce.

Erotic dream book

Seeing new, beautiful shoes in a dream is a reflection of well-being in your intimate life; old, dirty, torn - a symbol of problems in sexual relations or gossip about your reputation.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Buying shoes in a dream means looking for a new job; sale - to the return of a long-forgotten old acquaintance.

Seeing the purchase or sale of shoes means a change of job for someone around you.

Wearing new shoes in a dream means quickly changing jobs; old - to a major failure.

Throwing away your shoes is a warning about a scandal at work.

Modern dream book

IN modern dream book shoes mean you will hit the road; clean - the road will be successful, you will overcome it easily, in good mood; dirty - difficult, you will conflict, need and yearn; new is a harbinger of joy; old - a warning about future troubles and need; female - to the road, happy love, quick but short-lived luck.

Wearing shoes means a successful business trip; wear sports shoes - you will have to walk or run a lot to bring your plans to life; wearing wooden shoes - to achieve prosperity through frugality; wearing slippers in the house means complete freedom and confidence, on the street - because of your relaxation and inattention, you can get into an awkward situation; wearing unfashionable, but comfortable and durable shoes means a quick and effective solution to problems in the simplest way.

Why dream of trying on shoes: you have been given a worthy offer, accept it without a doubt.

Shoes are tight - a dream warns of interference with your plans, take safety measures; too big - don’t spread yourself thin, focus on the most important things, otherwise you won’t complete any of your undertakings; on one leg - you have a one-sided view of problems, change your perspective; unpaired - you need a reliable companion, otherwise it will be difficult to bring your plans to life.

Lending your shoes means rivals or rivals will appear.

Repairing shoes is a pleasure; change - to life changes; clean - to improve affairs and relationships.

Losing shoes in a dream means difficulties and obstacles in carrying out your plans, delays in business; Damage to shoes - to the disruption of plans due to insufficient preparation for possible obstacles.

Also interesting: why do you dream?

Shoes are a common item in every person’s life. But in the world of dreams, it is precisely the simplest and most common things for us that carry important signs, by solving which we can warn further development events and even change your destiny.

If the next morning a dream about a pair of women’s shoes raises bewilderment and a lot of questions, you should remember the details of what you saw at night and turn to the most authoritative dream books for interpretation.

The meaning of the vision in this dream book will depend on the appearance and color of the shoes, as well as on the actions that are performed with them. So, Brand new shoes or sandals symbolize success, while a dirty and shabby pair symbolizes an unsuccessful period in life.

White shoes portend changes and promise acquaintance with interesting man For unmarried girl, red - meeting with true love. A pink pair of shoes indicates the presence of misconceptions about something.

A dream about the process of choosing or trying on shoes foreshadows profit in any endeavor. Repairing or cleaning shoes speaks of success in any business in which a lot of effort and labor will be invested.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to the famous fortuneteller, women's shoes are a symbol of the path and new horizons. Also, a dreaming couple can warn of minor troubles.

New shoes or sandals predict a meeting with a man and a passionate night for a single girl, while for a married lady they predict imminent betrayal.

Wearing shoes that are too narrow indicates a desire to stop communicating with other people. If your shoes end up rubbing a callus, you should be prepared to experience someone’s excessive importunity and impudence.

The dream in which shoes are taken off has two interpretations. On the one hand, such a vision foreshadows a quick trip, a change of place of residence or work. On the other hand, it speaks of the loss of a friend.

Freud's interpretation

According to Sigmund Freud's dream book, women's shoes in a dream symbolize the fair sex and her sexual preferences.

Trying on shoes that fit all parameters indicates satisfaction with your intimate life. If the couple was new, this is an indication of a change in sexual partner, the relationship with whom will depend on how successful the purchase turns out to be. If you don’t like the shoes or are too small, your intimate life will not work out, but the search for a partner will continue. Too much large size shoes speaks of doubts about one’s own attractiveness.

A large number of women's shoes in a dream foreshadows a new romance. Dirty couple warns about diseases of the genital organs.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

According to Nostradamus's dream book, women's shoes in a dream symbolize marriage. An important point during interpretation there will be the state of the couple seen.

If the shoes in the dream were old and worn, the marriage will be unhappy.

Shoes that fit well on the foot and look great portend a long and happy life. family life. A broken or flying heel indicates serious disagreements with your other half. Losing one shoe foreshadows divorce.

Meanings of sleep in modern dream books

Modern interpreters special attention pay appearance shoes, as well as the sensations that the dreamer experienced when wearing them. Yes, fashionable beautiful couple speaks of the respect and admiration of others. For a man, this vision also portends honor and recognition.

  • Elegant patent leather shoes promise a financially profitable trip. If the opportunity arises to go on a business trip, you should definitely agree. This trip will open up new opportunities and perspectives.
  • High heels symbolize respect and recognition. Worn down heels on shoes predict imminent changes. Conflicts are also possible, the resolution of which will require a lot of effort. A broken heel will indicate a really serious disagreement.
  • A dream in which shoes pressed or rubbed can be called negative. This is an indication of the presence around large quantity arrogant people who should not be led. If another girl wore the shoes in a dream, in reality we should expect the appearance of rivals towards whom a strong feeling of jealousy will be experienced.

The main semantic emphasis in your dream was on boots or shoes? Want to know what this predicts? Let's figure out what shoes mean in dreams.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about shoes?

The dream book interprets shoes seen in a dream in different ways. It is important to pay attention to what kind of shoes they were and what you did with them.

  • Symbolic dream book. According to this dream book, dreaming about shoes means just a symbol of life and path. You may have a road trip coming up soon.
  • Velesov's dream book. Such a dream indicates a journey, long journey, and how well everything goes can be determined by the appearance of the shoes you see.
  • Erotic dream book. In this version, the shoes symbolize sex life. Therefore, if the shoes in a dream were in good condition, clean or completely new, it means that there are no problems in intimate terms and are not expected.
  • Vanga's dream book. The great fortuneteller associates this vision with minor troubles and troubles that may soon arise.
  • Dream book of Tsvetkov. According to Tsvetkov, shoes are change. Perhaps you will move to a new place of residence, change your apartment or city. If the shoes were bright, then you can expect a very pleasant acquaintance.

Lots of shoes

If you saw a lot of shoes in a dream, you need to more accurately determine which type predominated in them and where they were located.

  • A lot of dirty, torn shoes, and even without a pair, cannot communicate anything good - these are problems, quarrels, worries, perhaps even legal proceedings.
  • Many pairs of shoes in the store indicate that soon you will have to make a decision that will most likely turn out to be correct.
  • A woman who has such a dream can count on love and happiness in her personal life. Regardless of whether she already has a soulmate or not.
  • This promises attention from women to the stronger sex. There will be many fans, but among them you will need to choose just one.

When going for a walk or running errands, we first of all think about what to wear on our feet. Dream books answer the question of why new shoes are dreamed of quite logically: for unplanned trips and trips.

What kind of shoes did you dream about?

Updating this wardrobe item foreshadows events in the dreamer’s life that will entail some significant changes. Buying new shoes in a dream, according to one of the dream books, will give the sleeper many pleasant moments associated with an unexpected trip or hike. For men and women, such a dream can have different meaning, which is definitely worth taking into account when interpreting night vision. So, for example, businessmen should expect improvements in business, which will happen with the help of new patrons. For young men, a new pair of shoes symbolizes connections with the opposite sex. By the way, they will be of an exclusively intimate nature if in a dream a young man saw an elegant pair of women’s shoes.

  • New shoes, shoes or boots - success and happiness in love and business;
  • Women's shoes (shoes, boots or pumps) - you are attractive to everyone without exception;
  • Men's boots are a strong and reliable success. Nothing will stop you from reaching the top and gaining a foothold there;
  • A lot of shoes - great love. The dream promises a rapid whirlpool love adventures and experiences, whirlwind romance with elements of romance;
  • Dirty and ugly shoes are a bad conscience and danger.

For the girl who saw the shelves with a huge amount beautiful and new shoes on them, the dream book promises the appearance of proposals for pastime. Interpreters advise choosing from a huge variety of tempting invitations, choosing the one that your lover offers. In this case, joint leisure with a high probability can end in a marriage proposal.

Trying on shoes in a dream

Actions performed in a dream can sometimes radically change the picture of interpretation. Dream books interpret trying on new shoes in different ways. If the shoes look too extravagant and absolutely do not match the outfit and the place, then in reality you should expect ridiculous troubles and a strange coincidence of circumstances.

Trying on one shoe and just can’t find a pair to go with it? Don't hesitate: you are welcome difficult choice regarding life path. If the new thing turns out to be too small for you or you feel that the shoes do not fit well on your feet, then you should not start any business in real life, since they all risk ending in failure due to misunderstanding on the part of others.

  • Wearing boots made from wood is a symbol of frugality and the ability to think ahead. This will help you achieve great success in your business;
  • Trying on new shoes for a girl means the appearance of a new lover;
  • Trying on shoes made of fabric material means success in any endeavor.

If you clearly remember that you bought an expensive pair of shoes in a dream, it means that in reality you will soon become rich through an inheritance or winning the lottery.

Dreaming about shoes: Miller's interpretation

IN this dream book There are several interpretations of what new shoes mean in dreams. So, its author, Gustav Miller, believed that the shoes that another person put on are very bad sign. For those who are in romantic relationships, such a dream predicts the appearance of a third person, to whom the other half will show sympathy.

  • Trying on new shoes in a dream means a successful business or a salary increase;
  • Losing a new thing means a break in the marriage and loneliness;
  • Shoes were stolen - a loss that can be made up for in another matter;
  • Walking in uncomfortable shoes means becoming an object of ridicule in reality;
  • Shoes with untied laces mean deprivation and problems.

New shoes in Freud's dream book

Freud believed that any shoe accessory (shoes, boots, etc.) symbolizes a woman or female genital organs. If the shoes you wore in a dream turned out to fit you and are very comfortable, it means that in reality there are no problems in your sex life, you are quite happy with what you have. Shoes bought in a dream are tight and cause discomfort - a sign that you want to change your sexual partner. If the shoes turn out to be too big, you probably doubt your sexual attractiveness in reality. Drying wet shoes for both women and men is a symbol of fear of an unplanned pregnancy. And buying a new pair of shoes indicates the dreamer’s desire for new love affairs.