Dream interpretation of small crocodiles in the water a lot. Why do you dream about a crocodile according to Miller’s dream book? Crocodiles candy lollipops pig wind in a dream

Crocodiles themselves look very intimidating, unpleasant and make a person feel dangerous. Therefore, if you see such a creature in a dream, it is unlikely that anyone will have any positive emotions and you will be in a joyful mood for the whole day. But in fact, if a sleeper sees a crocodile in the water, then this sign can be regarded as both good and bad.

Cases when you shouldn’t worry about a crocodile in the water in your dream

  1. If you dreamed of a rather small crocodile calmly swimming in the water, then the person will soon be promised a good increase in money. The more reptiles, the higher the reward.
  2. Dead reptiles are also considered good sign. All enemies, enemies and traitors got what they deserved, and will finally leave your life alone. Problems and difficulties will remain aside, and amazing success awaits you in your career.
  3. Feeding a reptile in water means that you are only delaying the onset of trouble for a while. This can be regarded as a positive sign, because it allows you to prepare in time for unexpected surprises.
  4. Being in the water next to a crocodile that does not attack, but swims calmly, shows that a person needs advice. It is worth listening to the opinions of your boss, parents and close friends, because the “good crocodile” personifies intelligence and wisdom.

Cases when a dream about a swimming crocodile should concern you

  1. When a crocodile attacks, you will have a serious clash with some person. Most likely, it will be a close friend who used you for his own selfish purposes.
  2. Seeing a reptile when it is just preparing to attack means the sleeper will soon face hypocrisy, deception, dishonesty and betrayal. Not the most favorable situation, especially considering that most often such qualities are endowed with people who are devoted to you.
  3. You have every chance of being ruled influential person, if you dreamed of a crocodile that is in the water and in dense thickets. In other words, this dream shows that you are not the master of the current situation.

We hope that information about why you dream of a crocodile in the water will push you to take the necessary actions. In such dreams, you should carefully reconsider your surroundings. Perhaps among your close people there will be exactly that traitor who will cause a lot of problems in the future.

Why do you dream of crocodiles in water? This is by no means an idle question for those who have encountered similar vision. IN in a general sense dreams involving this animal foreshadow the occurrence of some unpleasant situation. But in order to solve a dream without errors, you need to take into account its other details.

Why do you dream of a big crocodile in the water?

An alligator of gigantic size, lurking in the water and frozen almost without movement, in a dream is a symbol of intrigues being woven against you. Do you have several ill-wishers or one, but occupying high position. Perhaps you really annoyed your boss with something, so now you should expect unpleasant surprises at work. However, if you do not experience unpleasant emotions or despair at the sight of an animal, then it is likely that the dream speaks of some favorable changes in your life. If a crocodile in the water opens its mouth and strives to get out onto land, it means that direct “military action” will soon begin against you, you should get ready.

Why do you dream of small crocodiles in the water?

A dream in which you see many small crocodiles just hatched from eggs should be considered a harbinger of good luck. If they are bright green and you can see seeing them in your apartment in a dream means that unexpected wealth will soon fall on you. This sign is especially good for people who own their own.

Why do you dream that a crocodile attacks in the water?

If you are wondering why you dream that a crocodile bites in the water, remember how this skirmish ended. If the bite results in injury with a lot of blood, you will be betrayed close person and this will cause you big trouble. If everything went well and you were not injured, it means that minor everyday troubles await you, which you can easily overcome.

interpretation of sleep crocodile in water

Seeing an unpleasant animal - a crocodile - in a dream, also in water, may mean that in the near future your closest people - friends or relatives - will deceive you.

Why do you dream about a crocodile in the water?

It is believed that seeing a crocodile in the water in a dream is nothing more than a warning of danger, a threat.

crocodile in the water according to the dream book

It is possible that a crocodile seen in the water means a rich and faithful groom for the girl in the future.

A dream - a crocodile in water - may mean that perhaps your friends or loved ones have a negative attitude towards you, hiding it in every possible way. It can also mean your great desire to find easy career paths.

crocodile in water in a dream what is it for

If you saw a crocodile in the water in a dream, it is possible that dangers are coming for you. better times, You may become addicted to someone.

crocodile in water in a dream

A crocodile in the water is a good sign for unmarried girls, it is likely that a wealthy guy who is in love with you will appear on the horizon.

crocodile in water in a dream what is it for

A crocodile in the water is always a bad omen; it means the presence of an enemy or ill-wisher, and the strength of the enemy will depend on the size of the crocodile seen in the dream.

Why do you dream about a crocodile in the water?

A crocodile in the water is a symbol of the dreamer’s intractability, his stubbornness. If you see such a dream, then you should submit to your enemy, otherwise there may be unpleasant consequences for you.

Why do you dream about a crocodile in the water?

A crocodile living in water can mean not only danger, stress and conflicts, but also warn against slander and accidents.

crocodile in water in a dream what is it for

IN Ancient Egypt It was believed that crocodiles were possessed by the dead. If they are in the water, it is a sign of hypocrisy on the part of loved ones.

crocodile in water in a dream

If you dream of a pond filled with a large number of crocodiles, this is nothing more than betrayal, moreover, on the part of those whom you completely trusted. It is possible that you will be put on the extreme side in some situation.

Why do you dream about a crocodile in the water?

Seeing a crocodile in the water in a dream is a sign of lurking enemies who are waiting for the right moment to attack you. If a crocodile eats in the water, you will witness a vile and disgusting act, but you will not be able to intervene to prevent it, and if several crocodiles fight, you will see a terrible quarrel.

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a Crocodile in water in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw it in a dream this symbol. Try it!

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    I see in a dream that I am standing on the balcony, and below is a reserve with deer and horses and a lake with crocodiles. Suddenly I see a ladder appear out of nowhere and a little girl is going down it... I shout to her that there are crocodiles there and ask her to come back, but she swam down the river...

    The whole street is covered in water, like a flood. A huge crocodile swims along it, chases people and devours them. I see him from afar and although I know that he won’t touch me, at first I also run away. And then I start helping some children escape from him at altitude.

    Good afternoon, Tatyana! On the night from Saturday to Sunday, I had a dream in which my colleagues and I were walking near a large pond in which there were many huge crocodiles (or alligators, I don’t understand :-)) The largest one was aggressive and tried to grab me. The whole group of us ran away and hid in some building that looked like furniture store. Soon my friend, with whom we are in a quarrel, and who is also my work colleague, came running, she had a daughter in her arms, I asked: was she (the daughter) bitten or was she just scared. Having received no answer, she began to call the Rescue Service by phone. I can’t understand whether the dream has any meaning or is it just a wild fantasy? I would be grateful if you can help me figure it out. Thanks in advance!

    Hello. I had a dream today. I'm on a high suspension bridge. It seems like with my husband. I look to the left. There are crocodiles quietly basking on dry land. I see one swimming towards us. The husband expects this and seems to be amused. The crocodiles begin to attack us, and my husband is expecting this, I move to the side and they are thrown through the openings across the bridge and the crocodiles disappear. I look to the right, towards the other side of the bridge, still with fear. And there is clean, calm water. And a beautiful multi-colored stingray appears in it. It seems as if a person is floating underneath him, either attached or like a shadow. It was very beautiful.

    The dream is very clear and colorful! Cliff, beautiful and green all around. Yellow sand underfoot. Jump headfirst into the water, clean and soft water envelops the body. Yellow trousers and white shirt. I’m swimming underwater and I’m comfortable, two crocodiles appear, but I don’t seem to see them and I’m not afraid! One swam above me (male individual) and the second next to me under the water (female individual). The island, I had to sail it, closer to the shore I felt the danger of these individuals! I started fussing and crawled to the shore on my knees, I heard teeth chattering somewhere nearby, I got up and left without looking back, in dry clothes. View from the outside: crocodile husband. wanted to bite his legs, but a huge hippopotamus crawled out of nowhere from under the crocodile’s belly and knocked him over on his back, the second crocodile wives. She began to swim faster towards me, but the rhinoceros stopped her by hooking her on her horn and knocking her over on her back. What is this?

    Good afternoon At first I dreamed of snakes lying in groups on the ground, but then they began to multiply and were everywhere wherever I left them (they were calm), but then some kind of flood happened and crocodiles appeared, I began to swim somewhere (although not I can swim) the crocodiles swam in front and then one by one disappeared under the water

    Hello. I dreamed of a pond near my house. I approached him and suddenly I saw someone emerge, it turned out to be my husband. And then 3 crocodiles approached him from three sides, I got scared and started screaming. ask to come ashore. He stood up to his full height (naked?) They were climbing towards him, I looked around, and large crocodiles were walking towards the pond from all directions………………….. I woke up in horror.

    Gray creeping mud from the mountain, everything around is in a gray slurry of mud. But I’m not in it myself, I’m dry, and a huge crocodile crawled right past me from behind, all smeared with that gray mud, I turned over my left shoulder and was numb with fear. And just as quickly it let go, because he was moving away. I ran to my beloved man to tell him about what I saw. Then I saw his sister and her friend, they settled down to live next to us. A couple of kittens are also briefly present in the dream. Sleep from Thursday to Friday.

    in a dream there is a large green crocodile in clear water attacked and tried to bite, I was on some kind of hill and each time I kicked him in the face, after which he either swam away or disappeared

    In a dream, I was a guy, and there was a girl with me, we were sailing on the ocean, I was swimming and she was swimming against me, then she saw golden green spots under the nakeds and asked what it was, I said nothing terrible, don’t be afraid, swam further we swam to the shore, climbed onto the roof and a small dragon flew towards us, after that we saw crocodiles crawling out

    A dark green crocodile swam along the river. The house will be kind gray wolf, who was sitting behind a chair and we drove the cat away from him so that the wolf wouldn’t eat him. The wolf was not aggressive and we decided to leave it to live on a chain in the yard. A man had a dream

    I was in the room.
    In the middle of the room there was some kind of pond with dark, muddy water. To get out of the room I had to go through this pond. There was a crocodile there, I jumped on his back and strangled him with my bare hands. It was quite easy. And after that he went under water, and I went to the exit.
    This dream was repeated 2-3 times and each time I managed to kill the crocodile.
    The crocodile was larger than me in size.

    I swam in the sea or in a large body of water. At first the water was clean and clear. My friend and I were alone. Then there were a lot of people, and the water became cloudy and dirty. I started diving. And at the bottom I saw a lot of crocodiles swimming. They swam calmly. But I surfaced and began to scream, warning people of the danger. My friend and I swam to the shore. And then a huge muzzle of a crocodile with big eyes and a huge mouth appeared in front of me. But somehow I wasn’t afraid. I confidently swam to the shore. And I woke up. But it was creepy. Then I woke up.

    Somewhere in Africa. Beautiful sunset. Virgin nature. A river flows through the forest thicket pure water, the purity of the river amazed me. The width of the river is medium-sized, maybe 25 meters. I float along this river from one bank to the other. The whole river is infested with crocodiles, different sizes. The color of the crocodiles was also surprising - emerald. So I was swimming along the river and pushing small crocodiles away from me, it seemed like the crocodiles were not aggressive, but I understood their danger. At some point it flashed in my head that this river was not the Limpopo. He never crossed the river and woke up.

    I see a dream in which I am in a house or a trading house, it looks like something like this. In one room there is water in them, there are crocodiles in the middle, and at the edges there is like a sofa, well, something similar, I moved from one end to the other across the path, I look back and at that moment I see the heads of crocodiles looking at me, and I think I should close the edges so that they are not visible or do not cause harm, well, something like this.

    I come to the beach, the water is clean, I walk along the shore and want to swim, when suddenly a crocodile emerges from an island of algae that came from nowhere. I press myself against the wall behind me. He can’t reach me and other crocodiles begin to surface. they jump out of the water and fall into the water again, as if they were playing, one girl was grabbed and dragged under the seaweed, but they couldn’t reach me. Then they left, and one was left waiting, I want to return to the place where I started, but I can’t go to the left because the wall behind me is in the way, I can fall into the water. I remained standing there, waiting for something, looking at the crocodile and he at me. What was surprising was that they were jumping like tailed tadpoles, the water was clean and remained clear and there was no panic fear, so I felt a little uncomfortable with surprise, besides, the crocodiles were small (young) except for one. who is a little larger than the others and persistently waits, does not hide. The fear disappeared completely and I thought about what I should do with it and woke up.

    Good afternoon. From Monday to Tuesday I had a dream: I’m in a reservoir (river), the water is not clear, I’m sitting on some structure, there are a lot of crocodiles around me, they can’t reach me. After some time, they disappear somewhere, and I successfully swim to the shore. Please tell me what this means. I think all morning.

    The river near the house where I was born. I don't remember what kind of water. There are 2 huge multi-colored turtles swimming in it, very beautiful. A large yellow crocodile swims up to them and plucks pieces from the shell (the shell of turtles is like a mosaic of stones). Right here is big snake light color. We look at them from the shore and understand that it is time for us to leave. Otherwise they might attack us. We go uphill into the forest.

The crocodile is a symbol of treachery and gluttony, cruel betrayal and cold-blooded deception. In a dream, this animal can be associated either with the actions of a specific person or be a reflection of a certain situation in your life. Therefore, it is important to know why such a predator dreams.

I dreamed about a crocodile

In any case, seeing a crocodile in your night dreams is an unfavorable sign. First of all, it foreshadows betrayal and deceit of loved ones. But at the same time, such a dream is a warning, so everything can be changed if real life react in a timely manner. After having a dream, you need to analyze the events that are happening around you and take a closer look at the people around you.

Since the crocodile is a natural creature, this means that each person in the subconscious can have his own attitude towards him. Therefore, if the dream did not cause you negative emotions, after waking up, then you simply should not pay attention to it.

Also, a crocodile in a dream can symbolize your boss at work and indicate that he is exerting strong psychological pressure. Also, such a dream can emphasize the fact that in reality you are under pressure from your parents. Such dependence does not allow you to make independent decisions, and you do not have the opportunity to build your own life line.

Crocodile attack

A fairly common dream plot is a crocodile attack. In real life, this will be reflected in an open quarrel with a person whom you trust infinitely. Of course, such a situation will not be pleasant, but it will lead to the fact that betrayal and the person who uses you for selfish purposes will disappear from your life. You should assume that it is fate itself that protects you from insincere people.

Run away from a crocodile in a dream

When you see yourself in a dream running away from a crocodile, then in real life your reputation may suffer from an absurd accident. Be very careful about what you say and what you do in reality. Any careless words you say during this period can be interpreted by ill-wishers in their own way, and perceived incorrectly by others.

Lots of crocodiles

A very pressing question is why many crocodiles dream. The interpretation of such a dream depends entirely on the behavior of the reptiles. If they lie calmly in the water or are in natural conditions, without threatening you in a dream, then such a dream does not bode well. Most likely, it indicates that you need to listen to the opinions of close relatives or authoritative people. They will help you make the right decision in the future.

Being surrounded by crocodiles

But if you see a plot in which you are surrounded by a large number of crocodiles, then such a dream indicates that in real life you are under pressure from all sides. If reptiles in a dream do not have a natural color and behave aggressively towards you, then troubles await you not only at work, but also in your personal life.

Crocodiles in the water - dream book

If you see a large number of crocodiles in the water, then in real life you should expect an unpleasant incident. It won’t hurt to pay attention to your health in the future and take care of proper rest.

Why do little crocodiles dream?

To others a common question is why little crocodiles dream. If you see a dream in which baby crocodile eggs hatch, then this is an auspicious dream. It portends cash receipts. And the more crocodiles you see in your dreams, the more money you will receive soon. This dream is especially favorable for people whose activities are related to financial business.

Breeding by crocodile

If you see yourself in a dream on a farm where you breed crocodiles, you see cubs in large quantities, then this indicates that in reality you are determined to do everything possible and impossible to achieve your goal and make a profit.

A small crocodile seen in a dream indicates that in life you will encounter an unpleasant but minor deception.

Miller's Dream Book

Some dream books provide interpretations of various scenes with crocodiles. In Miller's dream book there is an interpretation of a dream in which you travel on the back of a crocodile. This means that you will have serious difficulties in your life, which you will try to cope with on your own and very successfully. But if you accidentally step on the back of a reptile, this means that a dangerous trap awaits you in life. Therefore, for some time after such a dream, you should rely only on yourself; you cannot trust even your closest friends.

Vanga's Dream Book

According to Vanga’s dream book, catching a crocodile in a dream and catching it means winning in real life over a strong, cunning and resourceful opponent. And if you see in a dream a reptile kept in a zoo, then this symbolizes your inner desire to dominate others.

Crocodile in the house

If you dreamed of a crocodile in your house, then this warns that someone is encroaching on your family happiness. After such a dream, you need to take a close look at the people who enter your home, since one of them may become a cause of discord in the future.

Crocodile fights - interpretation of sleep

Crocodile fights seen in a dream are not a very good omen. This means that in real life you will witness a violent conflict and it may very well happen between your close friends. In order not to harm yourself or aggravate the situation, it is important to hold back and not interfere with ongoing events.

Crocodile image

If you see in a dream not a living crocodile, but its image, then such a dream emphasizes the fact that in your environment there is a hidden enemy who is masquerading as a friend and will soon reveal himself. Perhaps he will try to drag you into a risky event. Be careful in reality and if you discover danger, then try to distance yourself from the insincere person as soon as possible.

Dead crocodile

In accordance with the interpretation of Miller's dream book, a dead crocodile seen in a dream symbolizes your victory over your ill-wishers and emphasizes the past danger. And if a reptile’s head lies in front of you in a dream, then this indicates that in real life a period of calm has begun and nothing threatens you.

In a dream, feed a crocodile

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, if you feed a crocodile from your hands in a dream, this means that in real life you are behaving very frivolously.

Tame a reptile

If you were able to tame a predator in a dream, then you will be able to get along with your enemy. But you should not relax, as the peace between you will not last long.

Why do you dream about hunting a predator?

But if you hunt a predator, then in reality you will find great wealth. But at the same time, Miller’s dream book contains a warning that wealth will be lost soon if you acquired it dishonestly. If you managed to defeat a crocodile in a fight and kill it, then in real life you will defeat evil and peace will come to your soul. Since the crocodile in all world cultures is a symbol of danger, it is always better to be wary of a dream with a reptile. In most cases, in such a dream, your subconscious wants to convey certain information to you. The closer you see crocodiles to yourself in a dream, the more serious the danger that threatens you in real life.