The origin of the word gopnik. Reflection in musical culture. Other distinctive features

In the 1990s it seemed that “ Gopniks" will soon take over, if not the whole world, then at least one sixth of the land. "Gopniks" ruled the roost in all 11 time zones of Russia. Gopniks - or Russian men, who adopted the style of the gopniks, surged into all spheres of life, from “business”, where they played the role of sixes, to politics, where they formed the core of resistance to Western influence...

Gopnik(gop. ras. normal guy; goper, gopar, gop, gopota, punks, gopson; in post-revolutionary Petrograd - a resident of the City Dormitory of the Proletariat (the current Oktyabrskaya Hotel), according to contemporaries, everyone wore red socks and were identified by them, and it came from there) - a lower multicellular, a bastard from the criminal world, but in fact - a punk, a petty street criminal and a redneck larva, an example of one of the types of street animals (cats, dogs, gopniks, etc), whose main hobby is doing push-ups with passers-by and cell phones, well and of course, fuck up emo and others. In the West, gopniks call themselves hooligans.

The appearance of Gopniks is not difficult for our readers: these are Russian guys of the “don’t put your finger in your mouth” type with pimply skin and dull faces, which reflect only one thought: “I’ll give it to you!”

"These guys are more comfortable squatting than standing. But, most importantly, they are the last males on planet Earth who can wear leather gangster caps from the 1920s with style - everyone else in such caps looks like only fagots from drama school rehearsing some musical,” the newspaper writes.

Gopniks are cool because there is no place for self-irony in their world. They are very "authentic". Proof of this is their fantastically adventurous tastes: a mixture of bad taste, menace and garish third world chic.

Even the fact that Gopniks like to blast techno at full blast, sing shitty karaoke songs in cheap cafes with color music, or wear cheap pointy leather boots to match their 1920s ragtime-style pillbox caps cannot take away their status as the most dangerous. scum in the world.

History of the word, Gopnik culture

About the word: there are few terms that one hundred percent correspond to the designated object. "Gop" sounds angry, stupid and funny, but not so funny that you dare to laugh in the face of a gopnik. The word "Gopnik" is based on the abbreviation: "State hostel of the proletariat." Add to "G.O.P." suffix "nick" - and new biological species ready.

Gopniks appeared after the revolution. The first gopniks came to Petrograd in the 1920s in search of work. By origin, they were peasants or completely landless scum.

The species "common gopnik" even had its own specific habitat - Ligovsky Prospekt, building 10. Actually, this is a hotel, now called "Oktyabrskaya", and the gopniks, in their own way, turned it into a collectivist gangster club, writes the publication.

Since they were outsiders in their villages, often children from single-parent families, and many already had petty crimes on their record, if not something worse, indigenous people Petrograd, and then Leningrad, were disgusted with Gopniks.

They went down in legends as thugs and lucky ones, whom even the Soviet system could not break. They had their own code of honor, they lived by their own rules, they had their own tattoos on their fingers, their own fashions. They represented something like a caste of “thieves in law” in the world of delinquent “hooligans”.

Later, the meaning of the word changed, and the expression “gopnik” meant any dubious type with a shaved head, wearing a thick leather jacket, stupid leather boots and a pillbox cap.

1990s - the rise of Gopniks

In the 1990s, it seemed that Gopniks would soon take over, if not the whole world, then at least one-sixth of the land. "Gopniks ruled the roost in all 11 time zones of Russia. "Gopniks - or Russian men who adopted the Gopnik style - surged into all spheres of life, from "business", where they played the role of sixes, to politics, where, as deputies from the LDPR, they formed the core of resistance to Western influence"

Some gopniks exchanged leather jackets and sweatshirts for brown blazers from Hugo Boss, but could not resist complementing this splendor with shiny mules: gold chains on their hands and necks, fancy watches and so on. The Gopnik culture in the 90s was accompanied by techno music. However, the 1990s turned out to be not so much the rise of the Gopnik Nation as the Beginning of its End.

Have Gopniks survived to this day?

To explore the culture modern gopniks, the newspaper's correspondents went to Lyubertsy - a city that in the 1990s was known as the capital of Gopniks. Criminality was as common there as tracksuits and sunflower seeds.

Imagine the surprise of the journalists when they could not find any gopniks there. Then the representatives of the newspaper decided to go to one of the most sinister areas of Moscow, Brateevo, but they didn’t find any gopniks there either.

What happened to the Gopniks? Most sources agree that two factors contributed to their extinction. First: in the 1980s and 1990s, hard drugs and weapons suddenly became widely available.

Their introduction into such a fearless and primitive culture as the Gopnik culture meant that in one decade almost half of the individuals left for another world.

"The second reason has more to do with changes in the environment. The advent of Western bourgeois values ​​and cultural preferences, as well as the beginning of a period of external stability, growth and sobriety under Putin, means that Gopnik's 70-year reign as the king of the rebel world has suddenly come to an end: Russians of all social strata quickly came to hate the dork aesthetics of Gopniks"

Nothing speaks more eloquently about the tragic disappearance of Gopnik from the face of the earth than the fact that Shnur from the Leningrad group, a big fan of Gopnik culture, is going to open a “Gopnik Museum” in his native St. Petersburg.

Shnur's group romanticizes the Gopniks to a middle-class audience that has finally come to appreciate them, albeit in a semi-ironic spirit that would not have been possible if the Gopniks had not disappeared. Even the original cradle of Gopniks - house 10 on Ligovsky Prospekt - today is nothing more than a three-star hotel.

Anatomy of a Gopnik

A pillbox cap is a key element of a Gopnik's outfit. Leather ones are for serious murders, stripes are for all sorts of trifles like rape in the country.

Ears - usually stick out more than normal homo sapiens, thanks to fights, as well as the inevitable haircut to zero.

Shashlik - Gopniks (like all Russians) believe that meat tastes best when it is roasted on a stick over a fire.

Sweatpants still remain the most ergodynamic for squatting.

Shoes - Gopniks prefer a) pointed leather boots or b) slippers, but as they assimilate culturally, they sometimes wear sneakers.

Glass - everyone knows that vodka tastes best when it is served warm in a glass. plastic cups. It is very important that several midges float on its surface.

Jacket - if he had a bumper sticker, it would say "Don't think Leather Jacket I have".

Forehead - convex frontal lobes inherited from distant ancestors - people.

How to avoid becoming a victim of gopniks - instructions

“Once there was an incident at about 7 pm... My friend and I took a bottle of tonic and were standing around drinking civilly near the store, then suddenly one of the locals came up and extended his hand to say hello (like everyone else usually does).

There were the usual questions: who are they, where are they from, on what occasion are you drinking, then eight more different people showed up age groups, everyone started asking questions, who was good at what, some about money, some about cell phones, some about concepts (some about life)..."

Something similar has happened to almost everyone at least once. They take a person in pincers and begin to trick him - first for a conversation, then for a cigarette, then for a “call”, and in the end – for money. For many, this causes fear and confusion. What to do in such situations? How to behave when meeting with “gopniks”?

Their weapon is our fear

Our fear is that we do not know the rules by which “that” world operates. But we certainly respect them. Because these are the rules of the strong - concepts. We obviously accept them, but we do not know their principles and norms. This is where the dog is buried. We accept the rules of the game without knowing them.

Naturally, a more or less “slapped up” freak, even with a meager income, knowing a couple of “tricks”, will beat you in no time. Because you agreed to play by his rules. And a person who voluntarily agreed to play by rules that he does not know is called a sucker.

Who are Gopniks

The word probably comes from the famous "gop-stop" - which in Fen means robbery or robbery.
Gopniks are not exactly criminals. They walk a fine line - first they “run into” the victim with a “bazaar” and probe. Moreover, this is done without a direct threat of violence - from the outside it will seem that the gopnik is all politeness, and you, on the contrary, are a nervous, unbalanced, or even completely aggressive type.

As a result of such a hit, the victim, as a rule, gives up his property himself - usually small money, mobile phones, watches.
Everything is often on the verge of a “joke”, a conversation “in terms of concepts”, so then during a showdown you can always say - he gave it to me himself. This is often confirmed by the victim herself.

If you are in the “cop”, then the officer begins to get nervous, or even go berserk, and, in the end, tries to get rid of you. There are no legal grounds. If there is a showdown among the lads, then you get the status of a sucker. And getting it from a sucker is a sacred thing for a gopnik. He's a kid, you're a sucker. Conceptually, he's right. The conversation is over.

How to answer questions like: “Hey, come here!”

This is a test for the Sucker suit. The sucker will certainly look back and hasten to approach.

Let's say you made a mistake, i.e. stopped and turned around, in a word, expressed some interest. But they didn’t come.
- Hey, come here, I said!
Answers like “come here yourself” are not suitable unless you are a boxing champion.
You're standing.
They come up to you. Scary.
- Don’t you hear? (frostbitten, swollen...)
Don't pay attention, freeze, like, further:

We're not suckers

Let’s say your “conversation” did not begin with a direct provocation like the one described above. In this case, usually the gopnik will extend his hand to you when he meets you and greet you like a boy. This obliges you to be moderately polite and answer the first questions. Which is what he is trying to achieve.

This is one of the main tricks of a gopnik - after such a gesture “ good will“He gets the right to “fairly” be indignant that you, for example, do not want to communicate with him. Plus, he immediately creates an alibi for himself - “I approached him like a boy, they shook him with his claws. Was it like that!?” - “Well, yes...” - “And people over there saw it. And then he started to show off for me...” Ten points in favor of the gop.

We break it off at the very beginning. It is very difficult to withstand - the look and the hand extended to you. The stencils of politeness are driven deep into us. The hand reaches out on its own. Let's hold on. Let's look it in the face. We smile.

Who are you?

The most common question asked to candidates for suckers. You don’t need to answer it, otherwise you’ll get hooked.
Important! If you are the wrong guy, that is, a sucker, then you will certainly shake the gop’s hand without even knowing who is in front of you. In prison they don’t shake hands, for example, but prison rules are sacred to a Gopnik.

Remember that during the conversation you will be asked questions in such a way that it is impossible to answer them. “Why are you walking here?”, “Why are you smiling?”

Yours the main task like a true sucker - DO NOT stay within HIS rules, DO NOT break off the gopnik using his own methods. Better try to appeal to universal morality and quote the Constitution, and then you are guaranteed to return home with a broken nose and emptied pockets.

If this option does not suit you, and you want to know how to emerge victorious from the game, then read on.

Hitting the market

If they obviously didn’t come to beat you, then what follows is part two - “a hit at the market.” In any case, if you are not yet lying on the asphalt and people are talking to you, then everything is in order.
- Who are you?
-Who are you? Where are you from?
- Let me see your phone number (do you have money? On what occasion are we drinking?)
- I do not know you.
Go (stand) further.
If this doesn't work (most likely it doesn't) and the questions continue, you need to go on the offensive:

The best defense is attack

The universal answer is that it always works:
- For what purpose are you interested?

It is important to understand and remember the main thing - in order to attack you, you need a reason. Aggression without a reason is lawlessness. They are waiting for a reason from you. As long as you don't give it, you're safe.

Under no circumstances make the slightest concession - do not answer anything. NOT ONE QUESTION, even a completely innocent one.

As soon as you answer something, even the most neutral one, and want to interrupt the conversation later, the aggressor has the “moral right” to accuse you of disrespect for himself. You “supported” the conversation, and then refuse to continue. Ugly.

Of course, you won't get a direct answer to your question. Lots of options further development:
- What, a bastard with the boys? (Are you being rude? Don't you respect me? I don't understand...)

Don't "go to the market"

You can't go off topic. Under no circumstances answer questions like “I respect you, but...”, “I’m not being rude, but...”. Your “but” will be immediately regarded as weakness; only suckers respond that way. This will be followed by the phrase “What are you making excuses for? Do you feel what?

This is 100% a trick - it doesn’t matter what you answer or just remain silent, everything will be turned as an attempt to either make excuses or be rude.

“I’m not making excuses,” look at yourself from the outside, you understand that it just sounds stupid.
- Justify it.
- Why should I justify?
- Because you are making excuses.
- Yes, I’m not making excuses!
- What are you doing now?
- I... well... fuck you! I do not want to talk to you.
- Oh, you’re also a rude...

Let's break the situation

What, it's a waste of time to splurge with normal boys? is a likely response to your counterattack. Remember - no “no”, “no”, and especially “but”.
-You didn't answer my question.
- And you are on mine.
— Are you going to run into chaos?
-Are you accusing me of something?
- Answer my question. Do I have the right to ask?

Please note - just “inquire”. “Ask” has a double meaning on a hairdryer - they ask someone for something that will immediately be regarded as an assault - “I have the right to ask.” - "What? Ask me? For what? Justify." That's it, it's a dead end again, you're in a bag.

— I’m interested for myself.
“I’m interested for myself” is a standard phrase-answer to the question “for what purpose are you interested?” Everything is fine. As soon as you heard something like that, the enemy wavered - you forced the “right guy” to justify himself. Now the main thing is not to go too far.

- I do not know you.
Under no circumstances should you continue this phrase: “and I’m not going to talk to you,” “why should I answer you,” “it’s none of your business.” Only stupidly neutral phrases. As long as you haven't given a formal casus belli, you're in a better position.

Hold position

The cycle can be repeated in different variations. You simply hold on to your position, the meaning of which is that whoever started the conversation must justify the reason.

In fact, there is ONE reason, and you must remember it - to provoke you and gain the moral right to attack, insult, humiliate, hit, rob. But, naturally, the “right guy” will never voice it, because then he himself admits to being a lawless person.

And this is no longer according to the concept - the right guys don’t cause chaos. Those. you are asking a question that he cannot answer, but, according to his own rules, he is obliged to. In chess, this is called a “fork” - we attack two pieces with one piece. The only choice the opponent has is which piece to lose.

Let's not bend

Do not comply with minor requests under any circumstances - by any standards, you can demand to state the reason first or qualify this as a direct attack. What you should say directly.

-Give me a glass.
We are silent, we smile. We are waiting for accusations...

- Are you screwed, or what?
and go on a counterattack.
- Do you want to run into me?
“I’m asking you like a normal guy.”
You earned a point, it pays off. And in front of everyone he calls you “ normal guy" One more point.
- Ahh. I'm sorry, i do not understand. On the.

A draw on a foreign field is a victory

If you don’t want to be defeated, then the gopu has only one thing left:

1. or start beating you, which puts him in the category of offenders from the point of view of the law or into the category of lawless people from the point of view of concepts. He doesn’t need this, because the gop just wants to rise at the expense of your humiliation.

2. or “admit” that the goal was different - to get to know each other, communicate, spend time together. That is, to avoid defeat. That's what was required. A draw on a foreign field suits us quite well.

“Fork” - he already chooses only between which option of defeat to accept. Most likely he is not a fool.
- Don't know me? Well, let's get acquainted.
You can shake paws.

Don't get carried away with winning

If you feel a fracture, then you may well give him the opportunity to rehabilitate himself in your eyes and the eyes of the boys. This is what needs to be done - otherwise the feeling of defeat will most likely lead to a new wave of aggression, which cannot be stopped by the market.

How to become a victim

Everyone's normal desire normal person is to avoid street collisions. Although in some cases they are inevitable, more often than not people become victims of bullshit due to ignorance of the basic rules of “that” world.

So, what do you need to do to ensure that you are definitely beaten: Or, at worst, you are simply cheated out of money. Let's list the main mistakes:

Make excuses.
Anwser the questions.
Break into “high” tones.
Don't demand an answer to your question.
Mutter something inarticulate.
Exceed the permissible collision dose.
Fulfill requests: “let me light a cigarette (call, look at the phone number)”

Verification passed

If you don’t make a mistake, and your “opponent” doesn’t leave the battlefield himself, then you may well find new friends, or even better kents.

And if a turning point has already occurred, then maybe you shouldn’t give up on further developments - it’s quite likely that you will be offered to drink beer together and have some fun.

This often happens - if you pass the “toddler” test, you become not only an equal, but also a respected equal. In the crowds of gopniks there are usually one or two “real” boys, the rest are clingy. The leader always knows this and, in general, he is not interested in them - they are his own pathetic copies.

Therefore, quite honestly and sincerely, they may want you as a friend. The choice is yours. If not, then no. They patted each other on the shoulder, and even hugged each other like brothers. The market is over, it's over.

The last and most important rule

The last and most important rule is not to turn around. Either don’t start at all, or, once you start, don’t give up.

Remember Russian fairy tales - don’t turn around. Whoever turns around loses.

Of course, this is just an outline; your creativity will always be needed. Fear will make its own adjustments, but, nevertheless, it is possible to remember this.

Lurkmore interpretation:
Gopniks- the lowest multicellular, a freak from the criminal world, a petty street criminal, an example of one of the types of street animals along with cats and dogs, whose main activity is squeezing lava and cell phones from passers-by, petty theft and fraud, and, of course, his favorite hobby - beating suckers.

"Gop-stop" - which in Fen means robbery or robbery, i.e. open possession of material assets. Robbery - with weapons, robbery - without.

Interpretation according to Wikipedia:
Gopniks(also - gopy, gopari, collectively - gopota, gopoten, gopyo) is a slang word in the Russian language, a derogatory designation for representatives of the urban stratum of youth close to the criminal world or with criminal behavioral traits, often coming from dysfunctional families. The term is widely used in Russia and the countries of the former USSR.

So, how to behave when meeting with “gopniks”?

Rabbits and boa constrictors: Their weapon is our fear.
Our fear is because we do not know the rules by which “that” world operates. But we certainly respect them. Because these are the rules of the strong - concepts. We respect the world of the strong, the world of thieves and authorities. But direct access there is closed; the full set of concepts is not accessible to a mere mortal. We obviously accept them, but we do not know their principles and norms. This is where the dog is buried. We accept the rules of the game without knowing them. Naturally, a more or less “blamed” freak, even with a measly income, knowing a couple of “tricks”, will beat you in no time. Because you agreed to play by his rules. And a person who voluntarily agreed to play by rules that he does not know is called a sucker.

Who are Gopniks?
The word, as it should be understood, comes from the famous “gop-stop” - which in Fen means robbery or robbery, i.e. open possession of material assets. Robbery - with weapons, robbery - without.

Gopniks are not exactly criminals. They walk a fine line - at first they “run into” the victim with a “bazaar”, probe him, cause fear and confusion. Moreover, this is done without a direct threat of violence - from the outside it will seem that the gopnik is all politeness, and you, on the contrary, are a nervous, unbalanced, or even completely aggressive type. As a result of such a hit, the victim, as a rule, gives up his property himself - usually small money, mobile phones, watches. Although this is not the main thing for a gopnik - he may not take anything from you. It is important for him to feel his superiority. Make you afraid of him.

Everything is often on the verge of a “joke”, a conversation “in terms of concepts”, so then during a showdown you can always say - he gave it to me himself. This is often confirmed by the victim herself:

Well, yes, I gave it to them myself...
- Why?
- I don’t know...
- Did they threaten you? They said that they would beat you and take you away?
- No, they didn’t threaten. Well there... well, they said who he is in life...
- Then why did you give it to them?
- Don't know...

If you are in the police, then the officer begins to get nervous, or even go berserk, and, in the end, tries to get rid of you. There are no legal grounds. If there is a showdown among the lads, then you get the status of a sucker. And getting it from a sucker is a sacred thing for a gopnik. He's a kid, you're a sucker. Conceptually, he's right. The conversation is over.

How to answer questions like: “Hey, come here!”
This is a direct invitation to war - i.e. the war is already underway. Psychological. The main thing is not to be afraid and not to rush to approach, even if you are clearly inferior in strength. Although you shouldn’t openly demonstrate your coolness. Whoever starts must justify his actions. Therefore, if you are only being probed in this way, then you need to take the “conversation” in a different direction.

So, depending on the situation, you stop or turn around, in a word, express some interest. Don't come.

Hey, come here, I said!

Answers like “come here yourself” are not suitable, as you understand, unless you are a boxing champion.
You're standing.

They come up to you. Scary.

Don't you hear? (frostbitten, swollen...)

Don't pay attention, freeze, like, further:

Can I help you?

We're not suckers
If your “conversation” did not begin with a direct provocation like the one described above, then usually the gopnik will extend his hand to you when he meets and greet you like a kid. This obliges you to be moderately polite and answer the first questions. Which is what he is trying to achieve. This is one of the main tricks of a gopnik - after such a gesture of “good will” he gets the right to “fairly” be indignant that you, for example, do not want to communicate with him. Plus, he immediately creates an alibi for himself - “I approached him like a boy, shook him with his claws. Was it like that!?” - “Well, yes...” - “And people saw it. And then he started building a show-off for me...”. 1:0 in favor of the gop.

We break it off at the very beginning. It is very difficult to withstand - the look and the hand extended to you. The stencils of politeness are driven deep into us. The hand reaches out on its own. Let's hold on. Let's look it in the face. We smile.

I know that this is difficult, especially if your opponent is clearly stronger than you or there is a crowd behind him. But you HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO THIS. A good guy will not shake hands with the first person he meets without first knowing who is in front of him. In prison they don’t shake hands at all, for example - and prison rules are sacred to a Gopnik. And you don't have to press the first paw you see. “Or maybe you’re not a kid at all - who knows,” you hint. But you are hinting that he has no right to accuse you of anything. And besides, suspicions creep in that you know the rules of the game.

Your main task is to remain within the framework of HIS rules, to break off the gopnik using his own methods - you should not appeal to universal morality and quote the Constitution. This is the trump card of the gopnik, that he imposes his rules on you and forces you to play by them on his field. So that's what we do - we play the proposed game with a serious look.

Hitting the market
If they obviously didn’t come to beat you, then what follows is part two - “a hit at the market.” In any case, if you are not yet lying on the asphalt and people are talking to you, then everything is in order. In reality, if they are not afraid of you, then at least they are afraid of you.

Who are you, where are you from?
-...let me see the phone number.
-...have money?
-...on what occasion do we drink?
-...who are you in life?

Freezing.(May be skipped)
So. You MUST smile and say:

If this doesn’t work (most likely it doesn’t) and the questions continue and the intonation intensifies, then you need to go on the offensive:

The best defense is attack.
The universal answer - it always works:

For what purpose are you interested?

It is important to understand and remember the main thing - in order to attack you, you need a reason. Aggression without a reason is lawlessness. They are waiting for a reason from you. As long as you don't give it, you're safe.

Under no circumstances make the slightest concession - do not answer anything. NOT ONE QUESTION, even a completely innocent one. As soon as you answer something, even the most neutral, but to the essence of the question, and want to interrupt the conversation later, the aggressor has the “moral right” to accuse you of disrespect for himself, i.e. get this very right to take tough action. You “supported” the conversation, and then refuse to continue. Not pretty.

Of course, you won't get a direct answer to your question. Lots of options for further development:

What, it’s a waste of time to splurge with the boys?
- Are you being rude?
- You do not respect me?
- I didn't understand...

Never make excuses
In all cases, you need to “stupidly” continue your topic. Under no circumstances, again (see above), answer questions - “I respect you, but...”, “I’m not being rude, but...”. Your “but” will be immediately regarded as weakness. If the following phrase follows: “Why are you making excuses? Do you feel something behind you?” or something similar, then you will have nothing to answer it with. This is 100% a trick - it doesn’t matter what you answer or just remain silent, everything will be turned as an attempt to either make excuses or be rude.

I’m not making excuses - look at yourself from the outside, you understand that it just sounds stupid. But speak up nonetheless.
- Justify it.
- Why should I justify?
- Because you're making excuses.
- I’m not making excuses!
- What are you doing now?
- I... well... fuck you! I do not want to talk to you.
- Oh, you're also a rude...

Let's break the situation.
- What, it’s a waste of time to splurge with normal(!) boys? - this is a likely response to your counterattack.

Remember - no “no”, “no”, and especially “but”.

You didn't answer my question.

It doesn't hurt to keep smiling.

And you are on mine.
- Are you going to run into chaos?
-Are you accusing me of something?
- Answer my question. Do I have the right to ask?

Please note - just “inquire”. “Ask” has a double meaning on a hairdryer - they ask someone for something that will immediately be regarded as an assault - “I have the right to ask.” - “What? Ask me? For what? Justify.” That's it, it's a dead end again, you're in a bag.

I'm interested in myself.

“I’m interested for myself” is a stock phrase-answer to the question “for what purpose are you interested?” Everything is fine. As soon as you heard something like that, the enemy wavered - you forced the “right guy” to justify himself. Now the main thing is not to go too far.

I do not know you.

Under no circumstances should you continue this phrase: “and I’m not going to talk to you,” “why should I answer you,” “it’s none of your business.” Only stupidly neutral phrases. As long as you haven't given a formal casus belli, you're in a better position.

We stop smiling and show with all our appearance that the conversation is over.

Hold position
The cycle can be repeated in different variations. You simply hold on to your position, the meaning of which is that WHO STARTED THE CONVERSATION SHOULD JUSTIFY THE REASON.

In fact, there is ONE reason, and you must remember it - TO PROVOKE YOU AND GET THE MORAL RIGHT to attack, insult, humiliate, hit, take away. But, naturally, the “right guy” will never voice it, because then he himself admits to being a lawless person. And this is no longer common sense - the right guys don’t cause chaos. Those. you are asking a question that he cannot answer, but, according to his own rules, he is obliged to. In chess this is called a “fork” - we attack two pieces with one piece. The only choice the opponent has is which piece to lose.

The point is that it is impossible to admit that the purpose of the tackle was to run him over, as you understand. Gopnik must comply with the laws of thieves' diplomacy and remain within the limits of the law. To remain silent or to leave essentially means to tacitly admit that everything was exactly as it was. And this means lowering yourself in the eyes of your comrades and your own.

This is your clear victory. But no one wants to be defeated, even though such a turn of events is quite likely. Admitting defeat, of course, can be compensated by insults or promises to “see you again” - this is the last attempt to provoke you. We just remain silent.

Don't bend
Do not comply with minor requests under any circumstances - by any standards, you can demand to state the reason first or qualify this as a direct attack. What you should say directly.

Give me a glass.

We are silent, we smile. We are waiting for accusations...

Are you screwed, or what?

And we go on a counterattack.

Checking for a sucker's suit? (or: - Do you want to run into me?)
- I’m asking you like a normal guy.

You earned a point, it pays off. And in front of everyone he calls you a “normal kid.” One more point.

Ahh. I'm sorry, i do not understand. On the.

A draw on a foreign field is a victory.
If you don’t want to be defeated, then the gopu has only one thing left -

1. or start beating you, which puts him in the category of offenders from the point of view of the law or into the category of lawless people from the point of view of concepts. He doesn’t need this, because the gop just wants to rise at the expense of your humiliation.

2. or “admit” that the goal was different - to get to know each other, communicate, spend time together. That is, to avoid defeat. That's what was required. A draw on a foreign field suits us quite well.

“Fork” - he already chooses only between which option of defeat to accept. Most likely he is not a fool.

Don't know me? Well, let's get acquainted.

You can shake paws.

Don't get carried away with winning
If you feel a fracture, then you may well give him the opportunity to rehabilitate himself in your eyes and the eyes of the boys. This is what needs to be done - otherwise the feeling of defeat will most likely lead to a new wave of aggression, which cannot be stopped by the market.

After the acquaintance, however, cycles of the same answers and questions may again follow, and the acquaintance itself was only a trick - you just need to be vigilant and in no case relax. No matter how many such cycles there are, your task is one - not to provide a reason. I repeat - this means:

Don't make excuses.
Don't answer questions.
Don't comply with requests
Do not break into “high” tones - remain polite and calm.
Continue to demand an answer to your question.
Ask “uncomfortable” questions.

Let's smile
Notice - we smile. It is important. This confuses and makes the attacker nervous. This makes him wary and act cautiously - “why is he crushing his face? Maybe he knows what? And he’s acting like a fool...”

If you meet complete scumbags, then you won’t have to talk for long. But in reality, such instances are extremely rare - this is a mental pathology. Almost every person has a taboo against unjustified aggression. Those. You always need a reason, no matter how funny or far-fetched. Concepts speak about the same thing.

Even if you suffer, then, firstly, maintain your dignity, respect in the face of your friends and yourself. And even enemies, which means a lot in the future. And, secondly, both the law and concepts are on your side, and you may well demand satisfaction by gaining strength, for example, in the form of support from friends. You are no longer a loser, but a warrior who has just lost a battle, but not the entire war.

There are two possible strategic mistakes here:
- fear will take over and you will give up, starting to mutter something inarticulate and willingly give away everything that is “asked” of you.
- you will feel like you are on a horse and decide to build on your success by exceeding the permissible dose of hitting - most likely, in this case you will be beaten.

Verification passed
If you don’t make mistakes, and your “opponent” doesn’t leave the battlefield himself, then you may well find new friends, or even better kents.

And if a turning point has already occurred, then maybe you shouldn’t give up on further developments - it’s quite likely that you will be offered to drink beer together and have some fun.

It’s not for nothing that this person approached you. Nothing happens by chance in the world.

This often happens - if you pass the test for "toddishness", you become not only an equal, but also a respected equal. In crowds of gopniks there are usually one or two “real” boys, the rest are sticky. The leader always knows this and, in general, he is not interested in them - they are his own pathetic copies.

Therefore, quite honestly and sincerely, they may want you as a friend.

The choice is yours. If not, then no. They patted each other on the shoulder, and even hugged each other like brothers. The market is over, it's over.

The last and most important rule
Even if you're scared, remember these simple rules, and do not back down from them. Because the last and most important rule is not to turn around. Either don’t start at all, or, once you start, don’t give up.

Remember Russian fairy tales - don't turn around. Whoever turns back loses.

Of course, this is just an outline; your creativity will always be needed. Fear will make its own adjustments, but, nevertheless, it is possible to REMEMBER.

Vitaly Lozovsky.
A view from prison.

There are a great many subcultures in our society. Each of them has its own specific characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, and behavior. Today we will talk about gopniks.

The term itself comes from the slang word “gop”, which means “kick, jump”. Russian language dictionaries say that a gopnik is a street robber, a hooligan.

Gopniks, they are also gopas, gopota, gopori - the designation of some representatives of the youth. They are close to the criminal world, sometimes with traits of criminal behavior. Most often these people come from low-income families. They have a low level of education. According to statistics, Gopniks study or have graduated from vocational schools and technical schools. But you can also find them in schools.

Most often you can meet gopniks at entrances and stalls. A particularly favorite place is the benches in the yard. Here they discuss various topics, for example, who has the coolest car or the details of the latest fight. Communication is emotional, there is a lot of obscene language. Often communication takes place accompanied by chanson playing mobile phone. Gopniks love to squat. They often drink beer from plastic cups and nibble on sunflower seeds.

How do Gopniks dress?

Any informal culture can be distinguished by its appearance. Gopniks also have their own distinctive features. Here are some of them:

  • sneakers counterfeited by famous brands such as Adidas, Reebok, Puma;
  • tights-type sweatpants, usually with one or two stripes along the seams;
  • a leather jacket, usually open, or a tracksuit jacket;
  • an eight-piece cap, a baseball cap or a black winter hat (popularly “Chechen”).

Gopniks have a very short haircut, sometimes leaving a small bang. It’s interesting how the Gopniks wear their hats. It is put on the top of the head. In this case, the hat should not cover the ears, but, on the contrary, rest on them from behind.

In general, these people dress in a very specific way. Complete incompatibility and extreme cheapness of clothing are the main criteria for a Gopnik’s wardrobe.

How to deal with gopniks

If you meet a company on the street that matches the above description, then you need to follow a number of rules:

  • Try to pass by without turning around;
  • You should move quickly, along a broken path (through courtyards, for example);
  • Staying close to passers-by will make it appear that you are not alone;
  • Avoid dark, deserted places;
  • Try not to start a dialogue with them.

If you do start a conversation with a gopnik, then you need to know how to talk to him.

How to talk to gopniks

The conversation usually takes place on their initiative. They may ask you for a cigarette, ask you to make a phone call, or ask where you are going and why. One can only guess about their intentions. However, the consequences are often unpleasant. Gopniks are aggressive people. Therefore, it is important to understand how to communicate with gopniks. Here are tips for dialogue with gopniks:

  • smile, kindness is always useful;
  • It is advisable not to answer questions, and if you have to, then speak briefly and to the point;
  • do not comply with any requests;
  • remain polite and calm;
  • Don’t speak in terms or fancy words.

Many people are interested in the question of how to deal with gopniks. The fact that there are more and more such people is an indicator of the level of development of the state. Naturally, there is no point in physically destroying them. After all, if you attack Gopniks in a crowd, you can make enemies for yourself. Therefore, the fight against gopniks is a rhetorical question. But don't forget about your safety. You need to keep yourself physical fitness. If you do not know any type of martial arts, then classes in gym once or twice a week will help you stay in good physical shape. In addition, strength and endurance will increase. It is also useful to know street self-defense techniques. They are easy to find on the Internet and practice with a friend.

And if you are attracted by the romance of hooliganism, simplicity of speech and thoughts, and like cheap sportswear and chanson? How to become a gopnik?

It's very easy to become a Gopnik. We go to the market and buy the clothes mentioned above. Download compositions of modern thieves to your phone. We get dressed and go to the nearest yard. We approach any company of gopniks. They will definitely take you for one of their own.

So, I hope now you will know who the gopniks are. Be careful!

And much more.
Exile magazine decided to write an article about them
The website translated this article
Shall we honor?

For several months now, our foreign readers have been pestering us with the question: “Who are the gopniks?” They have vague ideas about the appearance of gopniks thanks to our Face Control section: they say, these are Russian guys of the “don’t put your finger in your mouth” type with pimply skin and stupid faces, which reflect only one thought: “I’m screwing you!” These guys are more comfortable squatting than standing. But, most importantly, these are the last males on planet Earth who manage to wear leather gangster caps from the 1920s in style - everyone else in such caps only looks like fagots from drama school rehearsing some kind of musical.

Gopniks are cool because there is no place for self-irony in their world. Whatever, you can’t take away their “authenticity”. In an era when “authenticity” is the most valuable and rare quality, Gopniks occupy the top rung of the hierarchy of coolness in the world. Proof of the authenticity of the gopniks is their fantastically courageous tastes: a mixture of bad taste, menace and the loud chic inherent in the “third world”, the impudence of which even the most avant-garde-avant-garde of Western “advanced people” would never dream of - in their bourgeois white hands it will instantly turn harmless kitsch. Even the fact that Gopniks like to blast techno at full blast, sing shitty karaoke songs in cheap cafes with color music, or wear cheap pointy leather boots to match their 1920s ragtime-style pillbox caps cannot take away their status as the most dangerous. scum from among the white population of the whole world.

But the story of Russia's gopniks is not a straightforward hymn to a form of authentic cool that the bourgeoisie has not yet discovered. On the contrary, this is a tragedy worthy in its scale great literature. Like Faulkner's Old South or Tolstoy's fading landed gentry, Russia's gopniks are the heroes of a tragic tale of a dying breed of people who were once so proud of themselves.

Charles Portis notes that when a guidebook refers to a people as “proud,” it is usually a euphemism for “more beasts than men.” As for the gopniks, they really hardly reach people, and this is precisely their obscene charm. Take the word “gopnik” itself: there are few terms that one hundred percent correspond to the object being designated. "Gop" sounds angry, stupid and funny, but not so funny that you dare to laugh in the face of a gopnik. This word is also fun for a private trip - when you are safely barricaded in your car, the windows are up, the doors are locked, your foot is on the gas pedal, and your children and wife are screaming in horror: “Just don’t stop at red!”

How and when did the Gopnik culture arise?

The word "gopnik" was not a witty invention of the poet. At its core, as at the core of many other wonderful Russian words, is the abbreviation: “State hostel of the proletariat.” Add to "G.O.P." the suffix “nick” – and the new biological species is ready.

And he was born, according to the legends, after the Bolshevik revolution. According to the most reliable sources that we have (and this is the opinion of the vocalist of the Leningrad group Shnur), gopniks came to Petrograd in the 1920s in search of work. By origin, they were peasants or completely landless scum. They spilled out of trains in droves and, with luck, found refuge in newly rebuilt hostels, where they became the first local ghetto gangstas of Soviet Russia.

The species "common gopnik" even had its own specific habitat - Ligovsky Prospekt, building 10. Actually, this is a hotel, now called "Oktyabrskaya", which the Soviet authorities made a hostel for visiting proletarians, and the gopniks, in their own way, turned into a collectivist gangster club. Since they were outsiders in their villages, often children from single-parent families, and many already had petty crimes on their record, if not something worse, the indigenous population of Petrograd, and then Leningrad, treated the gopniks with disgust. They went down in legends as thugs and lucky ones, whom even the Soviet system could not break. They had their own code of honor, they lived by their own rules, they had their own tattoos on their fingers, their own fashions. They represented something like a caste of “thieves in law” in the world of delinquent “hooligans”.

Over time, when the specific fashion, slang and worldview of gopniks spread among the lower classes of the country's population, the meaning of the word changed. Now the expression “gopnik” meant not a tough country guy from the building where the Oktyabrskaya Hotel was later located, but any dubious type with a shaved head, wearing a thick leather jacket, stupid leather boots and an immortal pillbox cap. The same could be said of any guy who squats in the yard, dressed in a tracksuit and slippers, sipping Zhigulevskoye from his throat and husking sunflower seeds, and sometimes yelling at his wife to shut up, because she has no worries no - just know that you take the child for a walk in a used Turkish stroller, which he stole from someone else's house...

In the 1990s, it seemed that Gopniks would soon take over, if not the entire world, then at least one-sixth of the land on our planet. Gopniks ruled the roost in all of Russia's famed 11 time zones—from the lobby of the now-demolished Intourist Hotel just a couple of hundred meters from Red Square to the commercial-kiosk-lined embankment in Vladivostok and everywhere in between. Gopniks - or Russian men who adopted the Gopnik style - surged into all spheres of life, from business, where they played the role of sixes and cannon fodder, to politics, where, as deputies from the LDPR, they formed the core of the resistance to Western influence.

The whole nation became gopniks: shaved heads, stern faces that read: “I trampled the zone!” and an extraordinary gift for choosing the most tasteless clothes, no matter how much they cost. Some swapped leather jackets and tracksuits for brown Hugo Boss blazers. But they could not resist the temptation to complement all this with shiny mugs: gold chains on their hands and necks, fancy watches, which, for all their authenticity, glittered with gold so much that they seemed more like a penny Vietnamese counterfeit. The most remarkable thing is that the 1990s were echoed by the perfect gopnik soundtrack: shitty techno, thundering non-stop from every restaurant, every shawarma kiosk, from every Lada or stolen Mercedes, from every hotel room, adapted for "office". No matter where you went in Russia in the 1990s, there was simply no escape from bad techno.

But no one realized then, and even today only a few realize, that the 1990s were not so much the rise of the Gopnik Nation as the Beginning of its End.

Last weekend we decided to organize a Gopnik Safari - a field anthropological expedition to introduce you, eXile readers, to the world of Gopniks. We asked our Russian friends where the best places to go to observe Gopniks in their natural habitat. The advice was very different: “Yes, there are plenty of them everywhere!”, “Go to any Russian city at random!”, “You don’t even need to leave Moscow: get out of the metro at any station outside ring line, and they will find you themselves."

The most interesting answer was given by our journalist Vika Brook, who once wrote the Generation Elitny column for us: “Hit off to Velikie Luki. “Big Heads of Luka.” It’s like all my relatives live there - my aunt works at a textile factory, her my husband is an alcoholic, my cousin Maxim is a security guard, my other cousin Alexey is also a security guard, at a bank, and my cousin Natasha - she is divorcing her husband, he is a scoundrel and a slacker, my uncle Alexander - he sells Chinese shoes at the market, and his son Alexander - he serves in the army, and his second son Eduard - it is generally unclear what he does. In general, I don’t give a damn about Gopniks - all my relatives are Gopniks.”

Alas, Bolshie Golovki Luka is located in the Pskov region, and we needed something closer. Among the cities of the Moscow region, none can compete in terms of gloomy reputation with Lyubertsy, a working-class suburb in the south of Moscow just on the other side of the Moscow Ring Road. In the 1990s, Lyubertsy was known as the capital of Gopniks. Criminality was as common there as tracksuits and sunflower seeds. One girl, born and raised in Lyubertsy, and in the early 1990s moved to Moscow, told us: “All the guys I knew there were gopniks. If you go there, you’ll probably see them everywhere, but I can’t say for sure.” “I haven’t been there since.” When we asked if she could call one of her childhood friends, she said: “I can’t. Almost everyone died, some from drugs, some were shot, some were stabbed to death. The rest got out of there and changed their place of residence, as I. I don’t know anyone else there.”

Early on Saturday evening we went to Lyubertsy by taxi. It was hot outside, hotter than usual at this time of year. We reasoned this way: although some of the gopniks are probably relaxing near some depression where toxic industrial waste splashes (referred to locally as a “beach” or “lake”), we will see enough individuals squatting at kiosks and in courtyards for our anthropological aspirations to come true. But we made an unexpected discovery. We drove slowly through the center of Lyubertsy, expecting to see, if not fresh corpses - material for our Death Porn column - then at least blood stains, indicating recent events of this type. But in reality, the city turned out to be... uh... let someone hit us in the face with a wet fish for what we are about to say, but the city turned out to be... uh... quite... still pleasant, in the spirit of a family idyll. Shady streets, lots of greenery, clean sidewalks, strolling couples and families. On one segment of one of central streets we counted at least four Japanese restaurants, as well as several standard restaurants of the Rosinter and Torgovie Tsentri chains, divided into cages for hamsters.

True, in Lyubertsy there were fewer mega-expensive foreign cars, but there were plenty of inexpensive ones. Even the Lada cars were neat and clean. We came across only one Lada with tuning in the style of a “disco car” - with flashing red lights. If America has Rice Rockets, then this Gopnik Nation must have its own Shawarma Shuttles. However, we noticed a single Shawarma Shuttle in a whole sea of ​​bourgeois cars. There was no point in walking around Lyubertsy. If we want to find Gopniks, then we must think like Gopniks. Where will they go? To the park! And not just to the park, but to that place in the park where plastic garden furniture is arranged around a kiosk spewing raucous 1990s techno. This is, in the language of the Gopniks, a “cafe”. Hm...

Let's not drag out our story. We found the park. And a "kafe" with plastic garden furniture too. We took some beer. We sat down. And we will fall through the ground if we saw at least one gopnik around us during the entire time we were chilling there. Actually, the kafe was very civilized: techno wasn’t loud, the beer was cold, the visitors didn’t pry into other people’s business – and there were even a couple of indie goths among them. At first we began to complain at the top of our voices, sad that we were left without material. But then disappointment began to turn into anxiety. What happened to the Gopniks? Maybe they all went somewhere for the weekend? Or is the weather too hot for them? Or did they leave Lyubertsy for better places?

We decided to leave the civilized "kafe" and walk through the park, among a sad collection of rusty Soviet-era children's attractions, which lacked only a sign: "If you wish to have an abortion, although all deadlines have passed, put the child in a chair on this attraction, move away , give us five rubles and we will do the rest." In the park we noticed a group of topless men playing tricks at the horizontal bar. But, coming closer, they realized that these were not Gopniks at all, but Caucasians, “black-assed”, the diametric opposite of Gopniks. After wandering around Lyubertsy for several hours, we finally gave up. If there are no gopniks here, where can we look for them, motherfucker?

Then we chose one of the most sinister districts of Moscow, Brateevo, whose very name is synonymous with the concept of “gopnik”. This is one of the remote areas where every square inch of land is lined with 17-story white panel houses - huge, nightmarish, built from dirty white concrete slabs. When you approach Brateevo along the Moscow Ring Road, it seems that the panel houses are stuck there so closely and chaotically that it is unclear how you can squeeze between them at all - the sun probably doesn’t shine here and all the vegetation has withered. But, alas, not all that glitters is gold.

And again, armed with beer and heading into the very shit, we found ourselves face to face with someone much worse than brigades of squatting gopniks - among hordes of people who had nothing in common with gopniks. And again families, baby carriages, nice cars, teenagers dressed in the new fashion - sort of goths of pop bottling, beautiful girls walking dogs. In fact, Brateevo became so cosmopolitan that, although we deliberately spoke loudly in English, no one paid any attention to us. Even the stray dogs ignored us. All that remains is to look into the local billiard room. If there is anywhere to look for Gopniks - at least one fragment of antiquity - then only there. Well, guess three times who we didn’t find there.

If you follow the Russian blogosphere, it will seem to you that gopniks are so omnipresent in Russia that they are about to multiply beyond all limits, pour across borders and take over China. Everywhere you look, on sites they mock Russian gopniks or ridicule them so zealously that it already turns into glorification. We should have known in advance, based on our Western experience, what happens whenever advanced people discover some "authentic" lower class subculture. Consider that the subculture is dead, died, gone to dust. Actually, this is the meaning of our article: we want not only to introduce the world to Gopnik, but at the same time to inform about him, Gopnik, tragic death. Because as soon as something so cool comes into fashion, expect disaster.

What happened to the Gopniks? Most sources agree that two factors contributed to their extinction. First: in the 1980s and 1990s, hard drugs and weapons suddenly became widely available. Their introduction into such a fearless and primitive culture as the Gopnik culture meant that in one decade almost half of the individuals left for another world.

The second reason is more related to changes in habitat. The advent of Western bourgeois values ​​and cultural preferences, and the beginning of a period of external stability, growth and sobriety under Putin, meant that the Gopnik's 70-year reign as the king of the rebel world came to an abrupt end: Russians of all social classes quickly came to hate the Gopnik's loutish aesthetic. The Russians were ashamed of the gopniks and looked at them with disgust, and only a year or two ago, when it was too late, they realized that the gopniks were a great national wealth, a “Russian idea” in human form, the only ones who did not stoop to showing off.

Once upon a time, young Russian "cool" people romanticized gopniks, but now they take their cues from rappers (preferably white ones). Neopatriots Putin era they also no longer need Gopniks, although Gopniks have always been the most ardent Russian patriots. In the Putin era, patriotic young people look more European, dress more European, listen to music in European and even American style. The only vestige of the Gopnik gene is that even the most quasi-Western-looking young Russian guy (or young Russian girl) carries in his heart the classic Gopnik worldview: blind chauvinism, anti-Americanism, hatred of dark-skinned people and, of course, a penchant for Gopnik antics on flights." Aeroflot", where even the richest and most well-traveled Russian turns on recessive gopnik genes, forcing him (her) to dress up in a tracksuit and slippers, sip Moskovsky cognac, sing songs loudly and lean over the neighbors' chairs - if not fall on the neighbors themselves .

But just as the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex turned into a pigeon through evolution, right before our eyes the rapid degradation of Gopnik is taking place, his transformation into a creature that can only be called “a skinny guy with a runny coke, who appears to everyone as a brand manager, and in fact, he works at the Euroset kiosk, where he managed to pocket enough money to buy a used Nissan Almera, which he loves more than anything in the world.”

Nothing speaks more eloquently about the tragic disappearance of Gopnik from the face of the earth than the fact that Shnur from the Leningrad group, a big fan of Gopnik culture, is going to open a “Gopnik Museum” in his native St. Petersburg. Shnur's group romanticizes the Gopniks to a middle-class audience that has finally come to appreciate them, albeit in a semi-ironic spirit that would not have been possible if the Gopniks had not disappeared. Even the original cradle of Gopniks - building 10 on Ligovsky Prospekt - today is nothing more than a three-star hotel, where a night in the cheapest room costs $100.

As in the case of Faulkner's Old South and Tolstoy's dying noble landowners, we glorify and mourn the Russian gopniks only today, when it is already too late, and they can only be for us aesthetic objects, symbols of a bygone era that was much purer than ours, not suffered from complex irony and deeply secondary cool, an era where there was no dull office life, which is increasingly dragging Russians into the Putin era.

What do politicians say about Gopniks?

Oleg Lavrov, head of the Moscow branch of the LDPR:

“We believe that Gopniks are the most powerful political force in Russia. People laugh at us, call us a party of marginalized people: Gopniks, thieves, tramps and drunkards. But, you see, these are all people whose interests no one else represents. We created our points at railway stations, and at one time we had a million members. When we nominated Malyshkin as a presidential candidate in the 2004 elections, people were shocked. Well, yes, he is, of course, not an intellectual, but the gopniks will vote for him.”

Anatomy of a Gopnik

A pillbox cap is a key element of a Gopnik’s outfit. Leather ones are for serious murders, stripes are for all sorts of trifles like rape in the country.

Ears - usually protrude more than those of ordinary homo sapiens, thanks to fights, as well as the inevitable haircut to zero.

Shashlik - Gopniks (like all Russians) believe that meat tastes best when it is roasted on a stick over a fire.

Sweatpants still remain the most ergodynamic for squatting.

Shoes - Gopniks prefer a) pointed leather boots or b) slippers, but as they assimilate culturally, they sometimes wear sneakers.

Glass - everyone knows that vodka tastes best when it is served warm in plastic cups. It is very important that several midges float on its surface.

Jacket - If he had a bumper sticker, it would say "Don't think I have a leather jacket."

Forehead - convex frontal lobes are inherited from distant ancestors - humans.