Popular writers of our time. Contemporary writers you should definitely read

Modern Russian writers continue to create their excellent works in the present century. They work in various genres Each of them has an individual and unique style. Some are familiar to many devoted readers from their writings. Some names are well known to everyone, as they are extremely popular and promoted. However, there are also modern Russian writers about whom you will learn for the first time. But this does not mean at all that their creations are worse. The fact is that in order to highlight true masterpieces, a certain amount of time must pass.

Modern Russian writers of the 21st century. List

Poets, playwrights, prose writers, science fiction writers, publicists, etc. continue to work fruitfully in the current century and add to the works of great Russian literature. This:

  • Alexander Bushkov.
  • Alexander Zholkovsky.
  • Alexandra Marinina.
  • Alexander Olshansky.
  • Alex Orlov.
  • Alexander Rosenbaum.
  • Alexander Rudazov.
  • Alexey Kalugin.
  • Alina Vitukhnovskaya.
  • Anna and Sergei Litvinov.
  • Anatoly Salutsky.
  • Andrey Dashkov.
  • Andrey Kivinov.
  • Andrey Plekhanov.
  • Boris Akunin.
  • Boris Karlov.
  • Boris Strugatsky.
  • Valery Ganichev.
  • Vasilina Orlova.
  • Vera Vorontsova.
  • Vera Ivanova.
  • Victor Pelevin.
  • Vladimir Vishnevsky.
  • Vladimir Voinovich.
  • Vladimir Gandelsman.
  • Vladimir Karpov.
  • Vladislav Krapivin.
  • Vyacheslav Rybakov.
  • Vladimir Sorokin.
  • Daria Dontsova.
  • Dina Rubina.
  • Dmitry Yemets.
  • Dmitry Suslin.
  • Igor Volgin.
  • Igor Guberman.
  • Igor Lapin.
  • Leonid Kaganov.
  • Leonid Kostomarov.
  • Lyubov Zakharchenko.
  • Maria Arbatova.
  • Maria Semenova.
  • Mikhail Weller.
  • Mikhail Zhvanetsky.
  • Mikhail Zadornov.
  • Mikhail Kukulevich.
  • Mikhail Makovetsky.
  • Nick Perumov.
  • Nikolai Romanetsky.
  • Nikolai Romanov.
  • Oksana Robski.
  • Oleg Mityaev.
  • Oleg Pavlov.
  • Olga Stepnova.
  • Sergei Magomet.
  • Tatiana Stepanova.
  • Tatiana Ustinova.
  • Eduard Radzinsky.
  • Eduard Uspensky.
  • Yuri Mineralov.
  • Yunna Moritz.
  • Yulia Shilova.

Writers of Moscow

Modern writers (Russian) never cease to amaze with their interesting works. Separately, we should highlight the writers of Moscow and the Moscow region who are members of various unions.

Their writings are excellent. Only a certain time must pass in order to highlight real masterpieces. After all, time is the harshest critic that cannot be bribed with anything.

Let's highlight the most popular ones.

Poets: Avelina Abareli, Pyotr Akaemov, Evgeny Antoshkin, Vladimir Boyarinov, Evgenia Bragantseva, Anatoly Vetrov, Andrey Voznesensky, Alexander Zhukov, Olga Zhuravleva, Igor Irtenev, Rimma Kazakova, Elena Kanunova, Konstantin Koledin, Evgeny Medvedev, Mikhail Mikhalkov, Grigory Osipov and many others.

Playwrights: Maria Arbatova, Elena Isaeva and others.

Prose writers: Eduard Alekseev, Igor Bludilin, Evgeny Buzni, Genrikh Gatsura, Andrey Dubovoy, Egor Ivanov, Eduard Klygul, Yuri Konoplyannikov, Vladimir Krupin, Irina Lobko-Lobanovskaya and others.

Satirists: Zadornov.

Modern Russian writers of Moscow and the Moscow region have created: wonderful works for children, large number poetry, prose, fables, detective stories, fiction, humorous stories and much more.

First among the best

Tatyana Ustinova, Daria Dontsova, Yulia Shilova are modern writers (Russian), whose works are loved and read with great pleasure.

T. Ustinova was born on April 21, 1968. He treats his tall height with humor. She said that in kindergarten she was teased as "Herculesine". There were certain difficulties in this regard at school and institute. Mom read a lot as a child, which instilled in Tatyana a love of literature. It was very difficult for her at the institute, since physics was very difficult. But I managed to finish my studies, I helped future husband. I got on television completely by accident. Got a job as a secretary. But seven months later it went up career ladder. Tatyana Ustinova was a translator and worked in the presidential administration Russian Federation. After the change of power, she returned to television. However, I was also fired from this job. After that, she wrote her first novel, “Personal Angel,” which was immediately published. They returned to work. Things were looking up. She gave birth to two sons.

Outstanding satirists

Everyone is very familiar with Mikhail Zhvanetsky and Mikhail Zadornov - modern Russian writers, masters of the humorous genre. Their works are very interesting and funny. Performances by comedians are always expected; tickets to their concerts are sold out immediately. Each of them has their own image. The witty Mikhail Zhvanetsky always goes on stage with a briefcase. The public loves him very much. His jokes are often quoted because they are incredibly funny. At the Arkady Raikin Theater, great success began with Zhvanetsky. Everyone said: “as Raikin said.” But their union fell apart over time. The performer and the author, the artist and the writer, had different paths. Zhvanetsky brought with him a new literary genre, which was at first mistaken for ancient. Some are surprised why “a man without a voice and acting ability goes on stage”? However, not everyone understands that in this way the writer publishes his works, and not just performs his miniatures. And in this sense, pop music as a genre has nothing to do with it. Zhvanetsky, despite the misunderstanding on the part of some people, remains a great writer of his era.


Below are Russian writers. Three interesting historical adventure stories are included in Boris Akunin’s book “History Russian state. The Fiery Finger". This is an amazing book that every reader will enjoy. An exciting plot, bright characters, incredible adventures. All this is perceived in one breath. “Love for Three Zuckerbrins” by Victor Pelevin makes you think about the world and human life. He puts at the forefront questions that concern many people who are able and eager to think and think. His interpretation of existence corresponds to the spirit of modernity. Here myth and the tricks of creatives, reality and virtuality are closely intertwined. Pavel Sanaev's book "Bury Me Behind the Plinth" was nominated for the Booker Prize. She made a real splash on the book market. This magnificent publication occupies a place of honor in modern Russian literature. This is a true masterpiece modern prose. Easy and interesting to read. Some chapters are full of humor, while others move you to tears.

Best Novels

Modern novels by Russian writers captivate with a new and surprising plot and make you empathize with the main characters. IN historical novel“Abode” by Zakhar Prilepin touches on the important and at the same time sore subject of the Solovetsky special purpose camps. In the writer’s book, that complex and heavy atmosphere is deeply felt. Whoever she didn't kill, she made stronger. The author created his novel based on archival documentation. He skillfully inserts monstrous historical facts into the artistic outline of the essay. Many works of modern Russian writers are worthy examples, excellent creations. This is the novel “Darkness Falls on the Old Steps” by Alexander Chudakov. It was recognized as the best Russian novel by the decision of the jury of the Russian Booker competition. Many readers decided that this essay was autobiographical. The thoughts and feelings of the characters are so authentic. However, this is an image of genuine Russia in a difficult period of time. The book combines humor and incredible sadness; lyrical episodes smoothly flow into epic ones.


Modern Russian writers of the 21st century are another page in the history of Russian literature.

Daria Dontsova, Tatyana Ustinova, Yulia Shilova, Boris Akunin, Victor Pelevin, Pavel Sanaev, Alexander Chudakov and many others won the hearts of readers throughout the country with their works. Their novels and stories have already become real bestsellers.

Modern Russian literature is books from the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The culture and art of our day is usually called the postmodern era. The number of Russian postmodernist authors included many talented writers. We have prepared a selection of eight significant names of modern Russian and, in many ways, world literature.

  1. Victor Pelevin – This is an author mysterious to the media and the public, who wrote the cult novels “Generation P”, “Chapaev and Emptiness”, “Omon Ra” and others. He has been awarded many literary awards, including Big Book, National Bestseller and Little Booker. The pen of a classic of modern prose paints surreal pictures art world, where post-perestroika space is combined with mythological space, forming a new chaotic super-reality.
  2. Zakhar Prilepin - author of modern military prose and representative of neorealism, contributing to the establishment of a new type of hero in Russian literature. Prilepin's character comes from the writer's autobiography. He is a brutal boy, an outcast with many contradictions, one of which is most often the search for God. The author is a laureate of such literary awards as the Russian Government Prize in the field of culture, “Big Book”, “Super-Natsbest”, as well as a member Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.
  3. Lyudmila Ulitskaya - representative of women's modern Russian prose. The first woman whose novel was nominated for the Russian Booker Award. Ulitskaya’s books, which focus on family, children’s and Christian issues, have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.
  4. Tatiana Tolstaya - writer, whose name was included in the list of “100 most influential women Russia", won the hearts of readers with a special in a narrative manner, replete with the author’s comparisons and metaphors. Tolstaya actively uses the mythical and poetic tradition. The main character of her works is “ little man“, a sick person, a fool - always faces harsh reality and reveals his own “I”, exposing the existing contradictions in himself and in the world. Business card Tolstoy’s novel “Kys”, written in the original dystopian genre of our generation.
  5. Alexey Ivanov - author of a number of books about the Ural land, such as “The Heart of Parma”, “Cherdyn-Princess of the Mountains”, “The Geographer Drank the Globe Away”, who turned his work into a sociocultural phenomenon. The promotion of Ivanov’s works influenced the formation of a unique brand Perm region and for the development of tourism in it: the ethno-cultural festival “Heart of Parma” appeared, the documentary film “The Backbone of Russia” with Leonid Parfenov was shot, as well as the familiar feature film based on Ivanov’s book “The Geographer Drank the Globe Away.”
  6. Lyudmila Petrushevskaya. The work of this writer is considered as a complex phenomenon in Russian literature. As a continuer of the traditions of A.P. Chekhov, Petrushevskaya writes in the genre a short story accessible to every reader. However, her author's style is characterized by the fusion of many genre and thematic components, which is also characteristic of writers of the postmodern era.
  7. Vladimir Sorokin - one of the brightest representatives of the Sots Art movement in Russian literature. Sorokin’s works are scandalously naturalistic, physiological, ridiculing and parodying the Soviet and post-Soviet system and its leaders. The language of Sorokin’s text arouses interest among both researchers and readers. Incredibly complex structures, filled with references, allusions, metaphors, combined with naturalism, require reader effort in order to get through the externally ugly and disgusting narrative to the meaning intended by the author.
  8. Mikhail Shishkin. Characteristic features of Shishkin’s work are fragmentation and polyphony of the chronotope. His works are built on the principle of a patchwork quilt, where all parts are sewn with a single thread. The author makes the interaction of his characters possible, despite temporal and spatial boundaries. The specificity of the writer’s prose is attractive because he himself never manages to indicate the place of action, because “it happens always and everywhere.”

Do you think your favorite author should be on this list? Suggest your options in the comments!

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Publications in the Literature section

Top 5 modern writers important to know

About 100 thousand new books are published in Russia every year, and dozens of previously unknown authors appear. How to choose what to read? "Culture.RF" talks about modern authors who recent years became winners of the largest Russian literary awards, whose books top bookstore sales rankings for months. Critics view them favorably and speak flatly about them famous writers, but the main thing is that their books became important events V cultural life countries.

Evgeniy Vodolazkin

Novels “Laurel”, “Aviator”, collection of novels and short stories “A Completely Different Time”

Evgeny Vodolazkin. Photo: godliteratury.ru

Evgeny Vodolazkin. "Laurel". LLC "AST Publishing House" 2012

Evgeny Vodolazkin. "Aviator". LLC "AST Publishing House" 2016

Professor of ancient Russian literature, researcher Pushkin House in St. Petersburg, a student of Dmitry Likhachev, a real St. Petersburg intellectual - this is how Evgeny Vodolazkin was introduced at lectures, conferences, and meetings a few years ago. Now he is not only one of the most promising authors of modern Russian literature, but also one of the most famous - you won’t see his books in a rare store, Vodolazkin’s name is among the leaders in requests in libraries.

In 2012, he literally burst into literature with the novel “Laurel.” Already next year, the novel receives two of the most significant domestic awards - “Big Book” and “ Yasnaya Polyana", within two years it becomes popular abroad. Today “Lavr” has been translated into 23 languages. Latest news There was news of the purchase of the rights to a full-length film adaptation of the novel. Everything that both the discerning critic and the reader expected came together in the book - good story about a medieval healer, rich language, its own special style, mixed with the interweaving of several (historical) plots.

This is not the author’s first novel; before that he published “The Rape of Europe” (2005), “Soloviev and Larionov” (2009). In addition, Evgeny Vodolazkin is the compiler of several books about Likhachev: “Dmitry Likhachev and his era” (2002), as well as a collection of memoirs about life on the Solovetsky Islands at different times historical periods“A Piece of Land Surrounded by Sky” (2010) Following in the footsteps of “Lavra,” a collection of early stories and short stories, “A Completely Different Time,” was published in 2013.

After the first success, “everyone began to wait for the second “Laurel” - as the author himself said more than once. But an experienced philologist and literature connoisseur, Evgeny Vodolazkin knew that “a second “Laurel” cannot be written,” so the second novel was based on the events of the 1917 revolution - and its consequences. The literary premiere in the spring of 2016 was published under the title “Aviator”, and the drawing for the cover of the book was made by the artist Mikhail Shemyakin. Even before the book was published, a fragment of the text was written across the country as part of an educational project “ Total dictation" From the day of its release until the end of 2016, the book was in the top sales of the largest stores, received favorable reviews in the press and, as a result, received the “Big Book” award. Today the author is working on a new novel, which will be dedicated to the era of the second half of the last century.

Guzel Yakhina

Novel “Zuleikha opens her eyes”, short stories

Guzel Yakhina. Photo: readly.ru

Guzel Yakhina. “Zuleikha opens her eyes.” LLC "AST Publishing House" 2015

Guzel Yakhina. Photo: godliteratury.ru

Another bright, unexpected literary debut. First, a young writer from Kazan, Guzel Yakhina, wrote the script “Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes” - the story of the dispossession of Kazakh Tatars in the 1930s. Not finding the opportunity to realize it in cinema, she created a novel of the same name - but it was never published, even the capital’s “thick” magazines did not take it. The text was first published in the Novosibirsk magazine “Siberian Lights”. Meanwhile, the manuscript ended up in the hands of Lyudmila Ulitskaya, she liked the book, and she recommended the novel to her publishing house.

“The novel has the main quality of real literature - it goes straight to the heart. A story about fate main character, a Tatar peasant woman from the time of dispossession, breathes such authenticity, reliability and charm, which are not so often found in last decades in the huge stream of modern prose",- Lyudmila Ulitskaya will later write in the preface to the book.

The literary fate of the novel is somewhat similar to the fate of Vodolazkin’s “Lavr”. In 2015, “Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes” also received the “Big Book” and “Yasnaya Polyana” awards, was translated into two dozen languages, received huge amount grateful reviews from readers and remains in the top sales for a long time. After literary success The Rossiya-1 TV channel volunteered to film the book in the form of an 8-episode film. Guzel Yakhina dreams that main role Chulpan Khamatova, also born in Kazan, played in the series.

Valery Zalotukha

Novel “Candle”, collection “My Father, the Miner”

Valery Zalotukha. Photo: kino-teatr.ru

Valery Zalotukha. "Candle". Volume 1. Publishing house "Time". 2014

Valery Zalotukha. "Candle". Volume 2. Publishing house "Time". 2014

Until 2015, the name of Valery Zalotukha was known rather in the world of cinema - he was the screenwriter of Khotinenko’s films “Makarov”, “Muslim”, “Roy”, “72 Meters”, and later directed documentaries. What about literature? In 2000, the story “The Last Communist”, published in Novy Mir, was included in the final list of the Russian Booker. After this, the name Zalotukha disappears from the literary horizon for 14 years, twelve of which are spent creating the two-volume, almost 1,700-page novel “The Candle.” The book turned out to be a rare occurrence V modern literature against the backdrop of “fast” prose, when works are written quickly and, when printed, are placed in a coat pocket. The theme is “the dashing 90s,” but without references to history, which is also rare for prose of recent years.

The novel was first noticed not by readers, but by fellow writers. It was they who immediately discerned in Valery Zalotukha’s multi-page tome an attempt to create a great Russian novel. That classic novel that the reader remembers from the books of Rasputin, Solzhenitsyn, Astafiev...

“I’m afraid that all of Zalotukha’s previous film scripts and literary merits will fade in front of the novel “Candle” and he will be remembered as the author of these two massive volumes...- Dmitry Bykov says about the book. - “Svechka” is a novel about a good Russian person, which is practically not the case now. This is yet another Russian ordeal. But the charm of this hero is such that everything that happens to him evokes our deepest sympathy.”.

The task that the author sets himself - to write a full-length book about the era of the 1990s - aroused keen interest among critics and the public. The result was that the novel was awarded the Big Book Prize. Unfortunately, the author himself was unable to receive the prize - a few weeks before the presentation of “Candles” Valery Zalotukha died.

In 2016, the Vremya publishing house posthumously published the book “My Father, a Miner,” which included all the author’s prose written before “Candle.” The collection includes the stories “The Last Communist”, “The Great March for the Liberation of India”, “Makarov”, as well as short stories. These works have not been published in print for many years. The collection seemed to return them to the general reader, presenting the author as a talented storyteller and master short story. A collection of scripts by Valery Zalotukha is being prepared for publication.

Alisa Ganieva

The story “Salaam to you, Dalgat”; novels “Holiday Mountain”, “Bride and Groom”

Alisa Ganieva. Photo: wikimedia.org

Alisa Ganieva. “Salaam to you, Dalgat!” LLC "AST Publishing House" 2010

Alisa Ganieva. "Holiday Mountain" LLC "AST Publishing House" 2012

In 2010, Alisa Ganieva made a bright debut with the story “Salaam to you, Dalgat!” The book received the “Debut” youth award in the “Large Prose” category and received favorable reviews from critics and readers. By nationality - Avar, a graduate of the Literary Institute named after. Gorky, Alisa Ganieva discovered in modern Russian literature (which is important - youth) the theme of the culture of the Caucasus, or more precisely, of her native Dagestan. The author talks about the peculiarities of traditions and temperament, and most importantly - about the Europeanization of Dagestan, tries to understand how the Caucasian republics are joining the new, 21st century, what difficulties they face, what innovations they adapt to, and what they reject. Sergey Belyakov. "Gumilev's son Gumilev." LLC "AST Publishing House" 2013

Sergey Belyakov. "Mazepa's Shadow" LLC "AST Publishing House" 2016

The name of a historian by training, literary editor Sergei Belyakov first sounded loudly in 2013. Then, for his research in the non-fiction genre “Gumilyov, the son of Gumilyov,” he was awarded the “Big Book” prize. “Gumilyov, son of Gumilyov” is a fascinating biography of the famous orientalist historian, the son of two great poets of the Silver Age - Anna Akhmatova and Nikolai Gumilyov, - symbolically intertwined with the history of the twentieth century. Sergei Belyakov’s second book was a work at the intersection of literature and history, “Mazepa’s Shadow.”

This is not the first time that non-fiction writers have emerged as leaders. So, back in 2005, Dmitry Bykov received the “Big Book” award for his biography of Boris Pasternak, and the 2016 winner Leonid Yuzefovich wrote a book in the same genre about Civil War. Last year's awarding of the Nobel Prize in Literature to Svetlana Alexievich, who works in the genre of documentary prose, only strengthened the position of this genre in the literary ranks.

Write material about modern Russian writers, it was really difficult. I thought for a long time how to determine whether an author is the best or not and what determines a writer as the best? In the end, I realized that this is not the number of awards or the frequency of mentions on the Internet, but the opinion of readers. And the only way to get a truly up-to-date list is to ask people.

That's exactly what I did. Based on the survey results, I compiled this list. Of course, I could not collect all the authors here, but highlighted only the 5 most frequently mentioned. Anything to add? Feel free to write in the comments!

Tatiana Tolstaya

It would take a very long time to list the types of activities and credentials of Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstoy. What is definitely worth knowing is that you and I were lucky to become contemporaries of a person who was included in the rating of “The 100 Most Influential Women of Russia.”


According to Tatyana Tolstoy herself, she began writing after undergoing eye surgery. Then she had to lie blindfolded for a whole month, and this was the starting point, because it was impossible to read. Then Tatyana began to come up with plots for her first stories.

The very first story “They sat on the golden porch...”, published in the magazine, brought fame to the writer and was recognized as one of the best literary debuts of the 1980s. Subsequently, she wrote about 20 more stories and became a member of the USSR Writers' Union.

Today Tatyana Tolstaya is a laureate of prestigious awards in the field of culture, her bibliography includes more than 20 novels and collections of stories and, it seems to me, she will not stop there.

Where to start:

It is better to get acquainted with the work of Tatyana Tolstoy in order, then you will be able to trace the entire path of development of the wonderful author. When you pick up the collection of stories “They Sat on the Golden Porch...” you will immediately understand whether this is “your” author. If you want to immediately dive into amazing world her novels, read “Kys”.

Zakhar Prilepin

This author can safely be called a phenomenon of modern Russian literature. Starting with stories about Chechen war, in which he himself participated, Prilepin became a master of the realistic novel, laying the foundation for modern Russian military prose.


Even before the institute, Zakhar Prilepin was taken into the army, after which he studied at a police school and served in the riot police. At the same time, the future writer studied at the Faculty of Philology of NSU. Lobachevsky, but even before graduating from the institute he was sent to Chechnya. Upon his return, Prilepin completed his studies and left the service, getting a job as a journalist.

The author's first works were published in newspapers and magazines and quickly became popular. In 2014 he was included in the list of one hundred people of the year according to the Russian Reporter magazine. Today Zakhar Prilepin is one of the most discussed and controversial writers And public figures. His participation in the conflict in Ukraine and support for the Crimean events caused a sharp reaction in society. Awarded “For demonstrated courage” with the Cross of Donbass Volunteers.

Where to start:

If you want to smoothly get acquainted not only with Prilepin the author, but also with Prilepin the person, it is better to start with the novel about Chechnya “Pathologies” and the collection of short stories “Boots Full of Hot Vodka”. If you want to immediately understand the full power of Prilepin’s style and get acquainted with the strongest prose of his bibliography to date, start with the full-length novel “The Abode”.

Victor Pelevin

An author who does not tolerate half measures - either you love him or you don’t. Pelevin’s work cannot be perceived selectively, singling out favorite and least favorite books. But no one can deny the influence of Pelevin’s work on modern Russian literature.


The main motives of Pelevin’s creativity can be traced already in his first steps in literature. While studying at the institute, he, together with his institute friend Victor Kulle, founded a publishing house, the first work of which was 3 volumes of the mystic Castaneda. Subsequently, Pelevin began working as a journalist and prepared publications on Eastern mysticism. At the same time, the first story “The Sorcerer Ignat and the People” was published.

Fame came to Victor two years after the release of the collection “Blue Lantern”, which was awarded a number of literary awards.

Where to start:

There is an opinion that one should gradually dive into Pelevin’s work, starting with his early novels and short stories, for example, “Yellow Arrow” and “The Recluse and the Six-Fingered.” If you start reading some of the major novels, you risk forever joining the side of those who do not consider Pelevin a good author.

Dina Rubina

Another female author who writes far from women's literature. However, her prose is strikingly different from other authors on this list. In the case of Dina Rubina, we are dealing with deeply philosophical and measured prose about people, life and love.


Dina Rubina began writing stories as a child. The story “Restless Nature” was published in the magazine “Youth” in 1971, when the writer was only 17 years old. Fame came to her in 1977, after the publication of the story “When Will It Snow?..”. Since then, Rubina’s works have received 8 film adaptations, her books are translated into different languages world, and the writer herself has been awarded several prestigious literary awards.

Where to start:

Dina Rubina does not change her style over time, so you can start getting acquainted with her work from any book. It doesn't matter if it's one of the best stories– “The camera zooms in!..” or the first novel “Here comes the Messiah!”, in any case, you will enjoy reading it.

Lyudmila Ulitskaya

Rounding out our list is another woman who has been awarded 16 literary prizes around the world, including the Austrian State Prize for European literature and Russian Booker. By the way, Ulitskaya became the first female laureate of this prize.


Lyudmila Ulitskaya became famous thanks to two films based on her scripts - “Liberty Sisters” and “A Woman for All”. After this, the story “Sonechka” was recognized as the best translated book of the year in France and received the prestigious Medici Prize.

Lyudmila's bibliography includes more than 20 publications, and 9 films have been made based on her scripts. Today Ulitskaya takes an active civic position. She established a fund to support humanitarian initiatives and is a member of the board of trustees of the hospice fund.

Where to start:

The easiest way to understand and feel the prose of Lyudmila Ulitskaya is after reading the novel “The Kukotsky Case.” It was he who was awarded the Russian Booker Prize in 2001, as well as the Italian Penne Prize in 2006.

Modern writers also write books that critics recognize, if not as masterpieces of literature, then as very good and interesting works worthy of their popularity. Let's talk about some of these authors.

Contemporary foreign writers

Modern writers and their works are not only Janusz Wisniewski or the Twilight saga. We have chosen the TOP 5 internationally recognized foreign authors, whose popularity truly corresponds to the content of their work.

Haruki Murakami is one of the famous writers modernity, as well as a Japanese translator. Murakami's books often describe the modern tragedy of all humanity - loneliness. Themes of love and death, time and memory, the nature of evil, journeys into the unknown, and changes in traditional Japanese society are also addressed in the works.

A feature of Murakami’s work is an interesting mixture of styles in his works, where he uses elements of detective fiction, dystopia, and even science fiction.

You can start your acquaintance with the work of Haruki Murakami with the novel “Wonderland without Brakes and the End of the World.” It contains two storylines, the connection between which is not immediately apparent. This is a book about immortality, about consciousness and subconsciousness, perhaps the most enigmatic and mysterious among the writer’s books, which, nevertheless, can be read in one sitting.

The best modern writers cannot do without this name on their list, because Stephen King is a truly remarkable figure in the field of literature. It was Stephen who was dubbed the King of Horror, because in his genre he is truly considered the best of the best. The name of King is known all over the world, his books always sell successfully, and films based on his works are chosen among the best by both Runet users and foreigners (“The Shawshank Redemption”, “ Green Mile"and others).

He began writing in this genre as a teenager. The characters in the works are ordinary people, with which, however, out-of-the-ordinary and chilling stories begin to happen. Although not everyone knows that Stephen King writes not only in the horror style - the author also writes westerns and historical fiction.

Choose best book King’s is, perhaps, impossible, but one of the most famous (in particular, thanks to the popular film adaptation with Jack Nicholson, which King himself was not very happy with) can be called “The Shining.”

The novel tells the story of a writer who got a job as a watchman for the winter at the remote Overlook mountain hotel and came there with his family - his wife and little son. The boy's psychic abilities help him understand that the hotel is inhabited by ghosts, and terrifying things are happening in it, but even more terrible is how it affects its inhabitants and what kind of monster it can turn even a loving father into.

About ten years ago, no one had even heard of such a writer as Dan Brown, but now this name is thundering throughout the world. Having released the book “The Da Vinci Code”, the writer hardly imagined that such a resounding success would await him.

Dan Brown was born into the family of a mathematics professor and a musician, and since childhood he loved to solve riddles, solve puzzles and assemble puzzles. Years later, this inclination, as well as his interest in religion and philosophy, allowed him to begin a writing career, and subsequently create one of the most published and popular books in the world.

In fact main character“The Da Vinci Code,” Robert Langdon, already appeared in the novel “Angels and Demons,” written by Brown in 2000, but the circulation was not large enough and did not attract public attention to the writer’s person.

The abundance of secret messages, mystical codes and signs instantly attracted readers all over the world, even though the Church began to protest against this novel, and critics began to notice inaccuracies. The excitement after the publication of The Da Vinci Code could be compared, perhaps, only with the release of JK Rowling's books about Harry Potter.

After the release of The Da Vinci Code, they even began to talk about the emergence of a new genre - an intellectual detective story. Latest published on at the moment Brown's book "Inferno" logically continues the story begun in the author's previous novels.

Most recently, the young American author in the genre of Young-adult fiction (books for young people), John Green, has shone among contemporary writers.

In 2006 he won literary prize entitled The Michael L. Printz Award for his first novel, Looking for Alaska, and the most last book Green's The Fault in Our Stars became a number one bestseller in the United States. This novel and another, " Paper cities"was filmed in Hollywood, and Greene acted as a guest screenwriter for both films.

The best-selling novel The Fault in Our Stars tells the story of Hazel, a sixteen-year-old girl who was long ago diagnosed with thyroid cancer. She attends a support group with the same sick guys, and at one of the sessions she meets a new guy named Augustus. They fall in love, but what awaits them next? Read this book if you want to know why teenagers choose to read it, why it captivated thousands of readers and brought John Green such fame.

Winner of the Somerset Maugham Collection Prize short stories"First Love, Last Anointing" and six-time Booker Prize nominee, one of best writers of his generation, and at the same time one of the most controversial.

Known primarily as a novelist and author short stories McEwan also wrote three television plays published under the title Imitation, a children's book, the libretto for Or Shall We Die?, the screenplay for the film The Ploughman's Lunch, and the successful film adaptation of Timothy Meaux's novella Sweet and Sour.

McEwan's work is focused on the theme of human misunderstanding, man's inability to sympathize, empathy, unwillingness to put himself in someone else's place and feel responsible for the suffering of another.

McEwan's most famous book is Atonement, written in 2001, which tells the story of how the slightest misunderstanding can lead to tragic consequences. The popularization of the novel was facilitated by a fairly accurate film adaptation in 2007 starring Keira Knightley and James McAvoy.

Modern Russian writers

It is worth mentioning Russian literature - there are also modern Russian writers whose works should please those who like to read. Here are a few of them.

Victor Pelevin

Modern writers in Russia they are now multiplying like mushrooms after rain, but for many years now, Viktor Pelevin has been at the top of honor. During my creative activity he was awarded numerous prizes, and French Magazine recognized Pelevin as one of the thousand most influential cultural figures in the world.

The popularity of Pelevin’s work is great even abroad, and almost all of his works have been translated into the main languages ​​of the world.

Combining reality, unreality and deep philosophy in his works, Pelevin, who is fond of Eastern mysticism, managed to interest the general public, especially young people, in his phantasmagoric creativity. He often uses stories from mythology in his books.

You can start getting acquainted with Pelevin with one of his most famous works - “Generation “P””. Few people have managed to portray it so well modern society consumers, the power of advertising and the cult of objects, when the first and most important thing with which people strive to surround themselves is things.

Boris Akunin

The real name of this writer, literary critic and Japanese scholar is Grigory Chkhartishvili. And although the author’s works have often been criticized by art historians and philologists, Boris Akunin’s popularity in the domestic literary arena is very great.

Akunin's works have been translated into 35 other languages, and some of them have even been filmed, some of which can ultimately be called one of the best modern Russian films.

The most famous books This writer includes books from the series “The Adventures of Erast Fandorin”, written in the style of a historical detective story. From the very beginning, it will be difficult not to be captivated by the decisive, brave and intelligent protagonist, not to mention the adventures that await him further.

Under this bright pseudonym hides the artist and philologist Svetlana Martynchik (and at first it was a tandem of Svetlana as the author of the texts with the artist Igor Stepin, who is the author of many ideas). The writer’s first series of books was published back in 1996, but the identity of the author was kept secret until 2001.

Initially, readers were often attracted by the pseudonym and mysterious person the writer, and subsequently the content itself was invariably captivating. Original book plots, amazing realism fantasy worlds, the curious author's philosophy and the special writing style of Max Frei add more and more people to the army of devoted admirers of the writer every year.

The first and still biggest success for Max Fry was a cycle of eleven books, combined common name"Labyrinths of Exo", which tells the adventures of the author's alter ego - Sir Max - in parallel world. These books have been translated into English, German, Spanish, Czech, Lithuanian and Swedish.

If you want to unwind, lift your spirits and plunge into a completely new magical world, then try to pick up these books - and you are guaranteed an easy, enjoyable reading.

Find out which modern children's writers children and teenagers will like in the following video: