My left palm itches on Friday. Why your right palm itches - folk signs. Palms are red and itchy

Since ancient times, people have believed in various signs, since they were not sufficiently aware of many natural phenomena. In the world of scientific progress, many superstitions still remain relevant. Signs of an itchy left hand are interpreted differently: some believe that this is a harbinger of imminent cash receipts, others are confident in upcoming important meetings.

Why is my left palm itching?

There are several common superstitions that determine the cause of itching on the left hand. The most important of these foretells that this condition occurs before significant profits. There are several well-known rituals aimed at attracting cash. You don’t need to have any special practical skills, the main thing is to believe in the effectiveness of the ritual and focus on the result.

If your left hand begins to itch, imagine in your mind the process of receiving money. Imagine holding them in your left hand. Once there is enough imaginary money there, clench your fist tightly and kiss it. This simple gesture is said to ensure the ritual is completed. Next, hide your fist in your pocket and do not scratch it.

To attract money when your left hand itches, you can use another ritual. As soon as you feel your palm itching, scratch it vigorously and kiss it. Then gently slap your palm on your forehead three times and hide it in your pocket. Say the words “To the money - there it will be,” while believing in the end result. If everything is done correctly, you can expect financial improvements.

There is another ritual in which you must take any coin or bill with an itchy hand and put it in your wallet. Of course, it is preferable to take large bill, but these are not always in plain sight. When you put a coin or bill in your wallet, imagine the amount you want to receive.

There is a completely opposite sign, according to which itching of the left hand occurs on the eve of a major loss of money. On this day you will have to borrow to a loved one a large sum money or pay off old debts. Give bills with your left hand and accept them with your right. This will help you deal with your debts effectively and make a profit quickly.

Another superstition says that itching of the left hand indicates a change in the weather. That is, as soon as you feel the urge to scratch your left palm, a clear day may give way to clouds and heavy rain, and vice versa. Most often, this condition is associated with rapid rain. If your hand itches for a long time, then the bad weather will drag on.

The left palm sometimes itches before meeting a loved one. Expect there to be a lot of hugs and kisses soon. If you are still single, you may meet a related person with whom you want to start a relationship.

Signs by day of the week

Often interpretations of the itching of the left hand are associated with a certain day of the week. We suggest you focus on the following signs by day of the week:


On Monday, itching of the left hand foreshadows an imminent receipt of money. However, it is too early to rejoice - they will leave as unexpectedly as they appeared. Perhaps you will buy a gift for a loved one or yourself, or make a major purchase (for example, equipment).

Men: You'll probably find money in places you didn't expect, like in an old jacket or briefcase. Your boss may reward you with a nice bonus.

Women: You can also receive an unexpected bonus or cash gift, or win the lottery. Get something new, spend the amount on yourself - you will be in a good mood from the purchase for a long time.


On Tuesday, scratching your palm promises the return of old debts. You should receive the money on the same day.

Men: Feeling the itch, know that your friend will finally pay off his debt that you once provided to him. It is best not to save this money and spend it on yourself by making a gift for your family or relatives. Thanks to this action, the money supply will naturally attract you and in the near future your capital will increase.

Women: Do you feel like you don’t have enough money for a long-planned purchase or implementation of plans? Don’t worry, the itching of your left palm will attract the return of all debts and you will be able to make your goals come true.


On Wednesday, if your left palm is itchy, start scratching it, then you will definitely get financial profit. Moreover, this could be either a well-deserved bonus at work or simply a found wallet. However, it is better not to spend the money you find on yourself, otherwise you will get into trouble. It’s better to use it to buy a gift for someone or give it to a charity.

Men: This day will be difficult for you emotionally, but a financial gift will lift your spirits. You can spend it on buying little things for yourself or decorating your home.

Women: On Wednesday you will receive unexpected money that is best spent not on yourself. You will receive moral satisfaction, do a good job and will not be disappointed by an unsuccessful purchase or a low-quality item.


On Thursday, itching of the left palm also indicates quick money, but it is likely to cause a quarrel in the family. Try not to conflict over minor disagreements. Otherwise there will be a serious quarrel long time you can't escape. Reconciliation will not come soon enough.

Men: Be low-key at work to avoid conflicts: You are likely to argue with your colleagues over misallocated responsibilities or poorly done work. Try not to bear it Bad mood on your relatives, otherwise you will not avoid a long quarrel.

Women: Waiting for you long-awaited meeting, which your friends may interfere with. If this happens, the meeting will end in a big quarrel. When you feel the itch, try to prioritize and understand who is truly dear to you.


On Friday, this event means a quick find of money. Experts in this field advise spending the money right away. If you keep them for a long time, you risk getting into trouble or simply losing them.

Men: Friday will be difficult for you emotionally and physically. If you receive unexpected money, spend it wisely. In this case, you will be lucky financially in the future.

Women: Once you receive the money, spend it for your pleasure. On this day, luck will be on your side. Buy whatever your heart desires - there will be no unsuccessful purchases on Friday.


Saturday foretells an increase in your income. Most likely, good news is expected at work: an increase in salary or a rise in salary career ladder.

Men: Itching portends a quick career advancement or a very successful deal that will bring you bonuses and substantial bonuses. We advise you to loudly celebrate positive news so that luck continues to be on your side.

Women: If you are in lately spent all your energy on work, stayed late and risked your personal life for it, be ready to finally receive well-deserved bonuses from your superiors. Be sure to note your salary increase so that good luck will accompany you in the future.


If your hand itches on Sunday, it means that in the near future you will receive a pleasant gift. It is also likely that you will get lucky in the lottery. Some interpret this sign as a quick meeting with close friends.

Men: This day will be good for you in all respects. If you have itching left palm, expect to receive a valuable gift that will help you fulfill a dream or long-standing goal. Try not to rejoice or boast too much - luck is very fickle!

Women: You should receive a very pleasant and long-awaited gift that the sea will bring you positive emotions. In addition, it promises to be fateful.

Signs by time of day

It will be useful to talk about the signs associated with the time when your palm itched. If you felt this in the morning, then good news will await you this week. They are most often related to work, in rare cases they are related to personal life.

When you feel a slight itch during the day, at lunchtime, get ready to receive uninvited guests. They can arrive either on the same day or within two to three days.

They say that if your hand starts to itch in the evening, this means special omens. It is likely that changes are coming your way. You will have to change something in your life, but these changes should not be superficial at all. Analyze your work and personal life, make plans for the future and think about what you want to change. If you are not satisfied with the pay at work, it’s time to change your job or even your profession!

How to properly scratch your left palm?

In order for a well-known sign to come true, try to follow some rules. Precise execution of all manipulations will allow you to attract success into your life and increase material well-being.

  • Always try to scratch your palm towards you.
  • It is not necessary to scratch your left arm with your right hand. You can do this with coins or a wallet, then this will help to quickly improve your financial well-being. If you scratch your itchy palm with furniture, it means that you will soon purchase new interior items, and if you scratch your itchy palm with furniture, then you will soon get new clothes.
  • Never scratch your palm on an empty wallet, or one that contains very little money. Although, according to other superstitions, if you scratch on an empty wallet, it means you are hinting to fate that you lack financial resources. So you must decide for yourself which of these signs you trust more.
  • If you want to try your luck in the lottery, scratch your left palm just before filling out the lottery ticket.

Other signs about itching of the left palm

In addition to the superstitions described above, there are other signs that are associated with itching of the left hand. For example, if your left side is particularly itchy, you will have to worry about problems that will be associated with the gift given to you. If you do not want to deal with the problems associated with the gift you received, you will have to refuse any alms in the near future. Be careful, because the person who gives you an unexpected gift will not do it from the bottom of his heart. He will have ambiguous intentions, so be on your guard.

If you feel itching on the back and outside of your hand at the same time, the money that will come to you in the near future will not be from the heart. The evil intentions of this person will bring you a lot of grief in the near future.

If you feel itching only on your right hand, you will soon have a pleasant romantic acquaintance or meeting with friends whom you have not seen for a long time. Other interpretations of signs indicate that you will soon receive a long-awaited profit.

If both hands itch at the same time, any event associated with this omen (salary increase, financial well-being, romantic date) will be doubled. If this interpretation is unsuccessful, she will also become twice as strong.

As an example, if you expect bad news, it will come twice as quickly, or will be twice as bad as originally expected. Conversely, the sign of increased finances will be twice as successful and will come earlier.

Some signs about hands are not at all related to itching. For example, if a knife falls out of your hands, a man will soon visit your house; if you drop a fork, then expect a representative of the fair sex to appear. There is also an addition to this superstition. If you dropped a fork, it means a woman who comes to your house will throw a tantrum and swear at you, and if you drop a spoon, it means you will meet a woman with good intentions.

Other signs are related to finger pricking. For example, if you prick yourself while embroidering or knitting, it means that at that moment your loved one remembered you. The close spiritual connection established between people who love each other has an impact on both of them every day. Because when a young man thinks about his girlfriend. She feels a slight itch and is distracted from her activities. That's why she often pricks her finger.

In other cases, hand itching occurs due to infectious diseases or fungus, so pay attention special attention this phenomenon. It’s your decision to trust signs, but predictions and superstitions have long been proven to be right. Sometimes itching is the cause of rapid deterioration of health and colds. Drink tea with lemon and take a hot bath - it certainly won't hurt.

In the past, interpretation of various signs was not only a favorite pastime, but also an interesting pastime. Even today, many people want to know what will happen to them in the near future. Moreover, such “ bad habit“Both older people and young people suffer. Which of us, as a student, did not take out our record book through the window, trying to attract good luck before the upcoming exam?

There are many signs associated with hands. One can especially often find an interpretation that the palm suddenly begins to itch. Many people associate this with sudden financial success: debt repayment, salary increase, winning the lottery. Of course, everyone has the right to decide for themselves whether to believe it or not.

What does it mean if your left palm itches?

  • Gambling people they are simply confident that if their hand suddenly itches, then good luck will accompany them that day. You can safely go to a casino or other gambling establishment. However, we need to remind readers that this is still a sign and should not be taken as a constant
  • Superstitious people believe that if a sudden itch appears near the thumb, then a sudden profit can be expected very soon. But, if you don’t want to wait, then you can bring the moment closer by kissing the suddenly itchy place
  • Some people went further and, to enhance the effect of this sign, grab their wallet as quickly as possible with the hand that itches

Why is the back of my left hand itching?

Let's move on to the back of the hand. If a person scratches this part of his palm without thinking, he may make some kind of loud discovery. This sign is associated with the name of the great Russian chemist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev.

He often scratched the back of his left hand while thinking about the next task. Most likely it just calmed him down. But admirers of his talent made an interesting sign out of this habit of the famous scientist.

If your child, like Mendeleev, often scratches the back of his hand, then most likely he has a deductive mindset
  • A person with a highly developed logical thinking can become a lawyer, a writer or a representative of other professions where, above all, a “living” mind is valued
  • There is one more sign regarding the sudden itching of the palm of the left hand. If this happens to two people at the same time in a company, then most likely they are close friends
  • There is also a negative interpretation of this sign. Our ancestors believed that thieves and people who are prone to appropriating other people's property have an itchy palm

Why does the edge of my left palm itch?

People who believe in the mystical beginning of our lives believe that itching in the rib of the left palm means an imminent separation from a loved one. The negative aspect of this sign is that it will not be possible to prevent such a separation. This is beyond the power of a human being.

Why does your left palm itch on Monday?

If your palm itches on the first day of the week, it means that you can easily find money. But they can also be easily lost. Therefore, you need to be especially careful on Monday. Especially for people who handle money as part of their job or people who are naturally absent-minded.

Why does your left palm itch on Tuesday?

If an itch suddenly appears in your left palm on Tuesday, then there is a high probability that your old debt will soon be repaid. Very often such a debt may even be forgotten by you.

Why is your left palm itching on Wednesday?

If on Wednesday you found money or received a sudden financial gift, and at the same time your left palm itched, then you need to get rid of the money. It is best to give them to charity.

Why is your left palm itching on Thursday?

True, in this case you will have to quarrel with a loved one.

Why does your left palm itch on Friday?

Suddenly your palm itched on Friday? Watch your step, maybe someone will drop a wallet or a large banknote. The probability of finding money on this day is very high.

Why is your left palm itching on Saturday?

Itching in the left palm on Saturday means an increase in salary. Just which financial department is open on Saturday?

Why does your left palm itch on Sunday?

If your left palm itches on Sunday, then you will soon receive a luxurious gift. At least this is what the sign says. So invite your friends to visit you. Especially the most financially wealthy of them. Perhaps you will indeed receive something very valuable and expensive.

Kate. Our ancestors treated their hands very seriously and with care. They have a special power. With our hands we create beautiful works of art that are delicious culinary dishes and do most of the work. At these moments it passes through your hands huge amount energy. This is why so many signs and superstitions are associated with hands. It is believed that the energy passing through the hands can warn us about something. Personally, I always heed such warnings.

Andrey. And I suddenly remembered the phrase: “My fists were itching.” That's where the energy really is. But it needs to be put in the right direction. Especially if it is negative. By the way, nervous tension and stress can also result in itching on the palm. And this itch is unlikely to hint at quick profit. Rather, you need to see a doctor. But, this is purely my opinion.

Video. Why is your left palm itching?

Signs and beliefs

Signs and beliefs in

In the modern world, logic and technology seem to be relics of the past. Scientific explanations have been found for almost all “amazing” and “magical” phenomena. But people continue to talk and believe. For almost every occasion in your life there is a grandmother's sign. It's impossible to explain. Is it possible that our ancestors had a better sense of the world around us, to which we at the moment deaf. Therefore, it is not advisable to ignore the wills of ancestors. Of course, you shouldn’t believe all the absurdity, because signs often contradict each other, but it’s worth noting something for yourself.

Why is my left palm itching?

Everyone probably remembers the joke about the hedgehog and the bear! “Bear, why is your left palm itching? And the right one? What about the ear? “If only you could wash yourself, hedgehog,” the bear then replied. However, everyone can remember at least once when their left palm begins to itch terribly, and most importantly, for no reason.

And, if you ask why she is itching, most, without hesitation, will answer: “For money!” However, answering the question of why the left palm is itching, we have to remember that some sources indicate that the hand is always itching for money: the right one is to receive, the left one is to give. Although this sign has few supporters for obvious reasons. In other books about omens it is said that if your left palm itches, then you will have money soon. Perhaps this is one of the most effective and not unreasonable signs. It’s worth going to some forum on the topic, and you will immediately find many people who have never been let down by this superstition.

How to attract money

There are quite a few simple rituals which can be carried out directly at the workplace. For example, if your left palm suddenly itches, then be sure to scratch it with movements towards you, as if attracting money.

Or put your hand in your pocket and scratch it on the fabric. You can also check the sign with a ritual for the waxing moon. Run after the young moon, showing him a coin, stick out your tongue. In about two weeks, maybe a little more, you will notice that your left palm is itching, and a little later the profit will appear. But even if it didn't come true, good mood after the ceremony you are guaranteed. Another interesting way attracting profit: if your left palm itches, scratch it with your right hand, and then kiss it three times.

Does it promise me much? left hand?

But if your left palm itches, you shouldn’t immediately fall into dreams of untold riches. No source indicates the amount of money received. This may turn out to be a very modest amount that you won’t even pay attention to.

Signs are signs, but you also need to go to the doctors

Doctors often laugh at such superstition, because the human body is a very complex system. Itching can be caused by many biological and chemical processes, although not always indicating the presence of an allergic reaction. And if your left hand itches too often, and profits still do not appear, you should consult a doctor. Signs and superstitions are very fragile things. Often the result depends only on how much you believe. And if you so wish, the left hand will always warn you about the approach of money. The main thing is to give her instructions, and your intuition will not let you down. Remember: “Everyone will be rewarded according to his faith.”

The most common sign about hands is that palms itch either for money or for handshakes. Is everything extremely simple? It turns out not. It is not known what was the reason for this - the keen observation of our ancestors or their irrepressible imagination - but our ancestors left us almost a treatise on itchy palms. Are you aware, for example, that the day of the week and time of day can completely change the nature of the prediction?

Why does your palm itch?

First of all, make sure that you have not been bitten by some inconspicuous insect, have not been struck by a sudden attack of allergies, and your skin does not suffer from dryness or fungus. Even a harmful woman who yells at you in line at the clinic can cause mild stress, which after some time will result in itching in your hands. You forgot to think about the boor, but the upturned nervous system remembers and worries! But if everything is in order with your health, and your nerves are strong as steel, folk signs will come in handy.


There is still no unity among esotericists regarding which hand is considered giving and which is receiving. The ancient Slavs had one opinion on this matter, Orthodox Rus'- another, and some believe that the matter lies in a person’s belonging to one gender or another. They say that men should accept gifts with their right hand, women with their left, and everyone will be happy. But on one point most traditions are unanimous: right side is more often considered an energy storage device, so...

To avoid mistakes, give gifts with both hands and with all your heart

  • Tingling in your right palm means that emotions that have been pent up for too long are seething inside you and require release. Delve into yourself and remember if not so long ago you were offended by a person to whom you still cannot forgive? If there is no offender, a tense situation or an unpleasant decision that you were forced to make under the pressure of circumstances can serve as a source of negativity. Do you recognize yourself? Then it is necessary to get rid of excess energy as soon as possible, otherwise sooner or later they will break through, if not outwardly with a colossal scandal, then inwardly with nervous exhaustion. Sports, dancing or a cool roller coaster, on which you can squeal to your heart's content without risking being branded as hysterical, will cope with this task perfectly.
  • Tickling in the palm of your hand can also mean that you will soon have to take important decision, capable of turning life around in a different direction. Most likely, the time for this is long overdue. You are literally itching to take your destiny into your own hands and start acting! By the way, spiritual practitioners of the East believe that itching in the right palm indicates that a person has accumulated enough strength to overcome any obstacles and accomplish his plans.
  • The right hand is used to greeting people, so at times it itches, anticipating a handshake from a person dear to its owner. Once upon a time, people strongly believed in this, perhaps for good reason.

Still more often right hand predicts a meeting

If it itches a lot on a certain day

To be sure that not a single detail is missed, let's look at more detailed interpretation signs for the days of the week. Each of them makes its own adjustments to the prediction:

  • If right palm I started itching on Monday, expect a date, but not necessarily a love one. Most likely, it will be insignificant, but it will allow you to spend time for your own pleasure: a neighbor will pop in for tea, colleagues will invite you to lunch in a cafe, a friend will remind you that you have not visited her for a long time.
  • On Tuesday, the hand is aimed at shaking hands with an old friend who has already begun to fade from your memory. There will be an opportunity to refresh both friendships and memories.
  • Wednesday – finally a romantic date! It’s not surprising that her palm itches: she can’t wait to touch someone who might turn out to be “the one.”
  • Thursday. If you already have a soulmate, but are currently absent, do not be sad. The separation is coming to an end, and the beloved (or beloved) will soon be around again.
  • Friday is the time for “ex”. Someone once touched your heart, but the relationship didn't work out? Today there will be a reason to tell yourself “everything is for the better!” and look at the object of your passion with completely different eyes. Surely this was not your man.
  • Saturday is a day of flirtation and non-binding adventures. Make friends, have fun, turn heads! The right hand promises to bring you down interesting people, if you don’t have too much at the party and don’t get into trouble.
  • Why did the itching appear on Sunday? It promises a meeting with someone influential and rich. Ladies have a chance to make a good match, and men have the chance to enlist the patronage of a serious person, with whose help they will be able to overcome long-standing problems in business.

In the evening or in the morning

What about the time of day?

If tickling under your skin haunts you in the morning, even before the sun sets, signs promise a new acquaintance. If the itching began in the evening, changes associated with business sphere. For example, news of a promotion will come. Or that your project is recognized as the best, and you, as a developer, are entitled to a large bonus and a business trip to Paris to exchange experiences.

Is the left always itching for money?

The left palm is concerned about material values

The left palm tends to rustle banknotes and weigh gifts, both material and spiritual. There is no need to accuse her of being too commercial; after all, the palm cares about your well-being. It is not surprising that itching in the left hand predicts:

  • Profit. A win, a find, a large order... Anything can become the source of your financial well-being.
  • Career growth. Higher position means more money.
  • Unplanned expenses. If the left hand rejoices at profits, then it is also sad about losses. Or you'll lose a large amount, either a pickpocket will take advantage of your wallet, or buy something useful, but clearly beyond your means.

On Thursdays, Fridays and other days of the week

Depending on whether it is Monday or Wednesday, the signs are distributed as follows:

  • Did scabies appear on Monday? Get a significant amount without lifting a finger, but waste every penny on nonsense. Or you'll spend more than you received!
  • On Tuesday, an old debt will be put into an itchy palm.
  • Wednesday is a controversial day. On the one hand, you can get money, on the other hand, it will not bring you any good. The best solution is to give away all your windfall to those who need it more than you.
  • On Thursday, tickling suggests that money is rushing into your hands, but it is leading to problems with your family. You will quarrel and remain guilty.
  • On Friday, look around so as not to miss a valuable gift that fate will literally throw at your feet.
  • On Saturday, the sign predicts an honestly earned salary increase...
  • And on Sunday - just a nice gift. By the way, it’s very significant; the left palm won’t worry about the cockerel on sticks.

The surest sign that a pleasant crunch of new bills will soon be heard in your pocket is considered to be a morning itch in your hand. If an unusual sensation made itself known in the evening, and even in big company, take a quick look around - is any of your friends scratching their left palm at this moment? The belief says that this person is your best friend and kindred spirit. Or one day it will become one if you put effort into it.

The ancient Sumerians tried not to deal with a person who had the habit of scratching his left arm, considering him a liar and a thief. But the Sumerians have sunk into the past, and today's experts human souls and neural connections they say: this is a direct sign of a penchant for analysis and logic. If you notice that the child keeps running his fingers over his left palm - firmly believe that you are raising a young Sherlock Holmes or Einstein. Naturally, the will of parental pride should be given only after a visit to the dermatologist, you never know...

Both hands: what does this folk sign mean?

Two palms - double happiness

As for scabies in two palms, our ancestors did not leave us the same comprehensive interpretations as for each one separately. But there is no reason to be upset about this. Experts say: if any palm predicts something bad, the sign will immediately be neutralized by its happier friend. And good predictions in both hands will instantly double and come true.

If the edge of your palm is scratched

If together with inside the hand scratches the edge of the palm and its back, be careful! Someone is going to give you a gift, but not with good intentions. If your right palm itches, most likely they will try to bribe you with something small in order to get a larger favor in return, or they will offer a bribe. If the left one itches, the person is not in the mood to demand something in return, but his gift is still not from the heart. Perhaps there is an ill-wisher lurking among your classmates who chipped in last night for a gift on your birthday?

Why are there differences by gender?

In the old days, there were no businesswomen either in Rus' or in Europe. For many centuries, making money remained an exclusively male prerogative, and girls almost universally wondered about marriage. This is understandable - the whole life depended on whether the ring would shine on the finger, and who exactly would put it on! It seems that this is where the sign originated:

  • The girl’s left palm begins to itch before her boyfriend asks her to marry her. If there is no lover yet, at least after such a sign you should meet a handsome stranger with whom it is not a sin to exchange phone numbers.
  • For a man, the same sign predicts good luck in negotiations and a profitable deal.

How to neutralize a bad omen

Repeat: “Came, gone, forgot about me!”

  • If your palms predict what you want to avoid - a meeting with your ex, a gift from a spiteful critic, problems that will come for money - wash your hands ice water from the tap and let them dry naturally. Until this happens, don’t clench your fingers into a fist! You will take the prediction for yourself, whether you like it or not.
  • If you want your left hand to serve only for good, scratch it towards you - from the tips of your fingers to your wrist. It is believed that you will point the money in the right direction, after which it will begin to flow into your wallet.
  • There is another way to show wealth the way. Imagine a large bill in your palm, clench your fingers into a fist and put it in your pocket. And so that in future no money is transferred in it, and say loudly: “To profit!” It would be even better to hold a real bill in your hand at this moment, the higher the denomination, the better. If, as luck would have it, you end up wearing clothes without pockets, stick your palm under your armpit. Same thing!
  • Some people advise putting your fingers clasped into a fist behind your back...
  • Others - kiss the palm and touch the top of the head with it...
  • The third is to rub the itchy place on any red thing with the saying “Rub on the red so that it is not in vain.” What people have come up with to keep money to themselves!

If you don’t have much in your wallet yet and your palms are itchy, you can try the power for yourself folk legends. Or bring out your own sign! But don’t forget about the main thing: severe itching portends not only a large sum and warm company, but also treatment for dermatitis. Get excited about ideas folk wisdom confidently, so as not to squander “your hard-earned money” on doctors.

It will be accepted by the people a lot. Over the centuries, they have proven their validity and truthfulness by the fact that they have survived to this day. Sometimes the left hand itches, warning of something important, so do not neglect this sign

There are two options for interpreting signs, and the first of them is not very pleasant in some cases. If the right palm may itch for pleasant meetings, then the left one speaks of completely the opposite - of an imminent separation. Find out more about why your right hand itches, and don’t confuse these two signs.

Of course, parting is a natural phenomenon, but sometimes you really don’t want to say goodbye to those closest to you. Therefore, in order for you to meet again sooner, and in order not to lose contact with the person, they do the following ritual.

Open your palm and spread your fingers (hold your hand back side down). Blow on it as hard as you can and say: “The path is long and distant, but not hand in hand. But just as two hands see each other, so we will soon come together again. Fly like the wind, easily, but don’t forget me. Just as I clench my fingers into a fist, I will shake your hand again.”. At this moment, clench your hand into a fist, turn it upside down and shake it up and down three times, last time sharply unclenching his fingers.

The second interpretation of this sign says: the left palm itches for money. This is how your body tells you that soon your wallet will get pleasantly fatter thanks to an advance, a promotion or salary, and maybe you will be repaid a debt that you have long forgotten about.

In order for the sign to work for sure, some even perform the following small ritual. They kiss the palm three times, then blow and quickly take out a coin. You need to turn it over in your hand and say three times, “What will happen, will happen,” and then put the coin in your pocket and carry it with you until the long-awaited payday comes to you.

When a sign acts exactly the opposite

Some people notice that they have money sign it works quite the opposite. That is, if their left palm itches, they often have to borrow something or unexpectedly buy something expensive. This happens for some reason.

Maybe you are left-handed (it doesn’t matter whether you are retrained or not), and then the signs associated with your hands work exactly the opposite for you, because they are written for the active hand. If not, then this is due either to your habit of giving money with your left hand, or to the fact that you literally “tear it from your heart.” Therefore, watch yourself: everything has its own patterns and explanations. And so that a bad omen does not take away a lot of your financial resources, try to get a strong money talisman.

Why does my left hand itch?

Interpretation of this sign does not give the best forecasts. It is very likely that you will soon have health problems. Most likely it will be a cold or runny nose. But it’s always better to play it safe and take preventive measures in time, or at least dress warmer. After all, this is always better than treatment.

To avoid this sign, go into the bathroom and turn on cold water. Place your hand under it and hold it under water for as long as you can. Next, switch to hot water. It shouldn't be comfortably warm, but it shouldn't be so warm that you end up with a burn.

After making these contrast baths, say: “Cold and warmth - everything passed by. Disease, bypass me. When it’s hot, cool it down, when it’s cold, insulate it, don’t cause any harm. So be it". Rub your hand with a towel and follow the basic rules: dress for the weather and pay the necessary attention to your problems with your body.

People have a lot of superstitions associated with the body's reaction. For example, there are beliefs that your ears begin to “burn” when someone remembers you. Don't forget the wisdom of your ancestors and press the buttons and

23.08.2016 01:10

There are several gifts that, according to popular belief, should not be given. They all carry negative energy, which...