Detailed interpretation of dreams about pencils. Why do you dream about a pencil?

In a dream, a pencil symbolizes the desire for new knowledge and creativity, and doing an honorable job. Why dream of sharpening a pencil whose lead has become dull or broken? Interpreters of dreams where you have to sharpen a pencil give different meaning. To understand the meaning of the dreamed vision, the sleeper needs to look into several dream books.

What if you dream about sharpening a pencil?

The man who had to fix a pencil in a dream real life may encounter difficulties at work. Felomen's dream book is trying to warn us about this. It will be possible to avoid trouble if the dreamer begins to be flexible in professional communication and refrain from hasty conclusions when controversial situations arise. In the process of making any decision, he needs to remember that in addition to his point of view, there are also the opinions of his colleagues. Taking them into account, the dreamer will be able to find a solution that will satisfy all members of the work team.

Why dream of sharpening a pencil according to Miller’s dream book? If the dreamer himself repaired this writing instrument, then in reality he will be able to overcome all obstacles in achieving his goal. See how a pencil sharpens stranger, is a warning sign. He warns that the secret, carefully kept by the sleeping person, will soon become available to a large number of people.

In the Muslim dream book, a pencil is an incredibly favorable sign. The interpreter is convinced that dreams in which a person performed any actions with a pencil (wrote, drew, sharpened, bought, etc.) promise him the receipt of valuable and necessary information that can change his life for the better.

When interpreting dreams in which a person had to sharpen a pencil, it will be interesting to consider the point of view of S. Freud. According to this scandalous psychologist, mending a pencil in night dreams indicates that in reality the dreamer does not hesitate to masturbate in order to satisfy his sexual needs. However, he does not refuse traditional sex with representatives of the opposite sex.

How to understand a dream in which a sleeping person has sharpened a pencil lead? Dream interpreters Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima are sure that the dream testifies to the dreamer’s strong memory and tenacious gaze. If you dreamed of a sharpened pencil, then in reality the sleeper needs to remember the event that happened to him in last days. It is possible that he forgot to fulfill a promise to someone or did not attach importance to information that was important to him. Before it's too late, we need to correct the situation.

What does it portend?

Why dream of fixing a pencil and then breaking it? Hasse's dream book considers a dream with such a storyline as an omen of the dreamer's personal failure, his failure to fulfill his cherished desire. Did you dream of sharpening a red pencil? It will be possible to please a person to whom the sleeping person is not indifferent only if he tries hard.

The dream book from A to Z promises a person who happened to fix a pencil in a dream, happy events in the family. But General dream book gives a different meaning to a dream with such a plot. The interpreter is convinced that the person fixing the pencil will in the coming days pass on false information to his enemy. If someone else sharpened the pencil in a dream, then a false message to the ill-wisher, at the request of the sleeping person, will be sent by his relative.

The compilers of the virtual interpreter are confident that a person who repaired a pencil in his night dreams will have to do it in reality important choice. The dream book recommends taking your time, since the fate of many people will depend on the dreamer’s decision.

The most favorable interpretation of the dream in which I had to sharpen a pencil is given to us by Rommel’s dream book. In it, the process of repairing this writing and drawing instrument is personified with receiving good news and a bright future. I would like to believe that this interpretation is the most correct.

pencil - Seeing a pencil in a dream means a suitable one. Your occupation. If a girl writes in a dream with a pencil, it promises her happy marriage, excluding the case when she erases what she has written, then she will be disappointed in her loved one., Miller’s Dream Book

pencil - Seeing a pencil in a dream means that your current occupation meets your spiritual needs, which cannot be said about the material side. Writing something in pencil means a thirst for knowledge. A dull, worn-out pencil indicates upcoming difficulties in drawing up an important document. Sharpening a pencil in a dream foreshadows joyful events in the family. Drawing with pencils means receiving important news about an absent friend in reality. Buying pencils in a set foretells a happy marriage for a young girl. Erase what you wrote in pencil - you will be disappointed in your loved one. A red pencil means that you are facing large financial expenses. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

pencil - See or write - you will receive a higher education., Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

red pencil- Have cash costs., Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

pencil is an interesting and profitable activity., Dream Interpretation of Miss Hasse

pencil - If you dreamed about a pencil, you have chosen the right occupation. If a girl dreams that she is writing with a pencil, then she has a happy marriage ahead. But if in a dream she erases what she has written, she will be disappointed in her beloved. Dream Interpretation of Maria Kanovskaya

box as described - Seeing in a dream a box or drawer with nothing inside is a sign of disappointment. If there is something practical and useful in the box, a surprise awaits you in reality, which will be presented to you by a person who is not indifferent to your inner beauty. The box of an unfinished house portends a lack of funds to complete the work started. A laundry box means you will soon receive bad news. Receive a box of chocolates as a gift - in real life, a man who is not your type will show attention to you. If you yourself give someone a box of chocolates, then your intentions will not come true due to the dissimilarity of interests with your business partners. A box of paints or pencils seen in a dream in reality foretells profit and wealth. To see some very small box - you will find modest family happiness in a small but cozy apartment. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

red by description - The color red in a dream means that you will be honored by being invited to a large and elegant celebration. A rich, bright red color, called purple, means that your lofty plans will not come true. Red color of moderate, calm or pale tones portends happiness in love. Red paints are a sign of good luck and fortune, red pencils are a sign of spending money and purchasing real estate. Seeing a blood-red moon in a dream is a harbinger of family discord and quarrels with a loved one. The color red in a letter foretells separation due to suspicion and jealousy, but your reasonable behavior can save the situation. Seeing red-hot iron in a dream means that you are dearly loved in your own family and valued by your friends for your cheerful and cheerful character. Dealing with red pepper in a dream is a harbinger that fate will send you a thrifty and economic companion in your married life. Red caviar in your dream is a sign of future misfortunes and sorrows. Buying, picking and eating red grapes in a dream means that in reality you will receive reproaches from your family and reprimands from your superiors. Drinking red wine - such a dream speaks of a fun walk coming soon. Making jam and compotes from red berries is good for your health. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

core as described - If you slip on a core of an apple or pear, you will lose the trust of people who are friendly towards you. Throwing a stub at someone means harming yourself with excessive talkativeness. Eating a core - your attempts to lose weight will be unsuccessful if you do not show willpower by moderating your appetite. Seeing an old dried stub means your lot will be unenviable, and your life will be sad and meager. A pencil stub portends a lonely old age in hopeless need and deprivation. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

write according to description - If in a dream you write some kind of note with a pencil, this portends being engaged in a hopeless task. Write in ink or ink - you will overcome any opposition and take a leading position in your field. If you write with a ballpoint pen, in reality you will avoid punishment by proving your innocence; if with a felt-tip pen, it means the illness of one of your family members. Writing on paper in a dream foreshadows an offensive failure in the near future, but you should not despair, because this will immediately be followed by a streak of complete luck. A dream in which you write with chalk on the asphalt or a wall is a sign of parting with a person dear to you. Writing slogans on banners - in reality, you will be mistakenly accused of an evil deed; writing on mourning ribbons - such a dream means your determination to take the most radical measures in order to satisfy your thirst for revenge. A dream in which you write a book means getting rid of debts and financial difficulties. Writing a letter is a warning to be careful in your statements so as not to harm yourself with your language. Writing an address on an envelope or postcard means that in reality you will have good luck in business and love; if you write a congratulatory address, it means that you will be haunted by illness and constant bad luck in everything. Writing in a dream with your left hand or with illegible handwriting means experiences from an unexpected exciting meeting. If you cannot make out what you have written, this means that failures and annoying mistakes await you. Melnikov's Dream Interpretation

scribble according to description - Scribble in a dream with a pencil or pen - to disappointment in your beloved person., Family dream book

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A pencil is one of the simplest, but still popular writing tools.

Majority famous dream books interpret what pencils mean in dreams from the point of view of its symbol - knowledge, creativity and new achievements.

What does it portend?

According to one interpretation, a pencil in a dream is a sign that new discoveries and events will soon await the dreamer. For creative people, this object in night dreams indicates creative inspiration and the emergence of new masterpieces. And since with a pencil you can not only write, but also erase what you have written, dream books also consider it as a symbol of freedom and self-expression: you yourself can create your own destiny and well-being.

  • Seeing a pencil in a dream is a profitable activity in which your mental abilities. The completed work will bring you pleasure;
  • Writing with a pencil means finding something you love;
  • Sharpening pencils is a harbinger of joy. Perhaps a pleasant event or news awaits you;
  • A broken or dull pencil is a serious consequence that can arise as a result of a little thing you ignore. Try to remember recent events, there is still a chance to fix everything;
  • A pencil with a sharpened tip is a symbol of strong memory and intelligence. Remember an event that happened to you recently: by comprehending it, you can understand a lot;
  • Sharpening a pencil in a dream is a good omen. This is a sign that you will be able to overcome all difficulties that arise along the way.

Do you dream about pencils that are broken? The dream predicts personal failures, but do not despair: move forward no matter what, your determination will help you overcome all problems.

Pencils in women's and men's dreams

Visions of this kind, dreamed by a man or woman, may have completely different interpretations. If we talk about why a girl dreams of a pencil, then dream books give a simple interpretation on this matter: new discoveries await her soon. For a woman, a cosmetic pencil in a dream can be an indication that it’s time for her to take care of her appearance, start going on dates.

  • To line your eyes or eyebrows with a pencil - your openness and sexual energy will help you make new acquaintances;
  • Painting your lips with a pencil is a signal that women want to love and be loved;
  • Buying colored pencils means a happy marriage.

For married woman this object, seen in a dream, may mean betrayal of a beloved spouse. A scandal in such a situation will not lead to anything good: you need to gather your strength, put yourself in order and have a heart-to-heart talk with your husband. Drawing with a pencil is a sign that the woman will soon have to make a decision that will change her whole life. Also, such a vision may indicate that the dreamer is endowed with the talent of an artist. If a man dreams of pencils, this may mean that the dreamer will soon have an excellent chance to carry out long-standing plans that previously seemed impossible. This time your efforts will definitely turn out to be successful. Seeing a pencil for a man in a dream is a sign of confidence. Such a dream should give him the impetus for decisive action.

Pencil in a dream - interpretation of Freud

Freud considered the pencil, like any other oblong object, as the personification of the phallus. Therefore, the psychologist interpreted all dreams associated with him from the point of view of the sexual sphere.

  • Losing a pencil is a symbol of impotence or betrayal;
  • Several pencils are an indication that the dreamer has a second sexual partner. Either his significant other has already found a replacement for him;
  • A man puts a pencil in his pocket - a desire to have group sex. If a woman does this, it means she is waiting for her partner;
  • Dropping a pencil has different meanings for men and women. For representatives of the stronger sex - loss of sexual attraction to a partner, and for girls - refusal of sexual contacts;
  • Sharpening a pencil is a craving for self-satisfaction, but at the same time you do not refuse classic sex;
  • Asking someone for a pencil is an offer to establish sexual contacts;
  • Giving someone your pencil in a dream means suspecting your sexual partner of cheating.

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Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about the Pencil in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about a pencil in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what does the Pencil mean?

Pencils can be plain or colored. Special significance in dreams there is a red pencil, which is usually associated with marks and important marks, as well as a simple one. If you dreamed that you were writing with a simple pencil, then this is a sign that you will find something to your liking. For a young person similar dream may talk about an imminent marriage, unless she erases what she wrote in a dream.

But a red pencil in a dream may indicate something that you should definitely remember. He may also say that you will learn an important lesson that will add to your experience. Pencils of other colors can represent your interest in making your life brighter and more interesting; for more details, if you dream about a Pencil, see below.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about Pencil, interpretation of sleep:

Means sending or receiving a message; the point of a pencil - to get to the heart of the matter; the point of a pencil directed into a hole can mean a sexual symbol, this is how this dream in which a Pencil is dreamed is interpreted.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

The right choice of occupation is a profitable business. For a girl to write with a pencil - to marriage, to erase what is written - to disappointment, a quarrel with a loved one; for details, if you dream about a Pencil, see below.

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about a pencil in a dream?

A favorable sign foreshadowing pleasant activities. A young woman's dream, in which she writes with a pencil, promises a successful marriage. If she erases what she has written, she will be disappointed in her lover.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about a Pencil according to the dream book?

If you dreamed about a pencil, you have chosen the right occupation. If a girl dreamed that she was writing with a pencil, then she had a happy marriage ahead. But if in a dream she erases what she has written, she will be disappointed in her beloved.

You saw a Pencil in a dream - If you dreamed about using a pencil, get ready for the fact that your offspring will violate discipline at school and you will be called to the principal.

Spring Dream Interpreter

To receive news, letters, telegrams.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream of a Pencil for a woman:

You are worried about problems related to official documents. Perhaps you filled out the paperwork incorrectly, forgot to pay taxes on time, did not pay the bill, drafted the contract incorrectly, etc. To dream of a pencil foretells artists success and recognition of their works. To everyone else - a warning against slander

Why does a woman dream about a pencil (according to the dream book of Natalya Stepanova)

When a woman dreams of a pencil, it predicts that she will soon find a suitable occupation for herself. Perhaps the work you are currently doing does not suit you, and you are in active search whatever suits your personality better. Writing in a dream with a pencil is a happy omen for an unmarried woman. It suggests that a successful marriage awaits her. But if in a dream you see yourself erasing what you wrote in pencil with an eraser, this is a sad sign warning that you will be disappointed in your significant other or in your beloved man.

Pencil - what do you dream about in a dream (Dream Book of the 21st century)

In a dream, you write something with a pencil on a piece of paper; unfortunately, this is not a very good sign for you. The dream warns that your hopes will be in vain; what you constantly think about will not come true. And no one is to blame for this, unfortunately, fate is just not on your side. Sharpening a pencil, repairing it in some way is a happy prediction of some joyful events that await you.

Interpretation of Pencils from the Wanderer's Dream Dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

In most cases, a pencil is a symbol of creativity - literary or artistic. Therefore, when you dream of a pencil, it predicts that you will soon find yourself in some creative activity. Maybe you will start painting or discover your talent as a writer? Who knows what awaits you worldwide fame? But when the dreamer is a woman, the pencil warns her that her current boyfriend is not worthy of her. You should not waste your time on him or place any hopes on him.

Why do you dream about a Pencil in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

Seeing a pencil - a dream often indicates that, for some reason, you are not satisfied with your current line of work. But very soon you will be able to find a more suitable and interesting activity that will fully suit you. If you dream about a pencil unmarried girl, he is a good sign, predicting her a quick and happy marriage. But if you saw yourself writing something with a pencil and then erasing it with an eraser, unfortunately, the dream warns that you will soon learn something about your loved one that will cause you deep disappointment. You will discover him from a new, unsightly side and decide to break off the relationship.

The meaning of a dream about Pencils (Modern dream book)

As a rule, if you see a pencil in a dream, it means good sign. He predicts that very soon you will take up a new, not only interesting, but also profitable business that will help significantly strengthen your financial situation. Often the pencil you dream about turns out to be a symbol creative work. You will unexpectedly discover the talent of a writer or artist.

Why did you dream about a pencil according to spiritual sources (Biblical dream book of Azar)

According to spiritual sources, seeing a pencil is a sign of doing something new, interesting and profitable. In most cases, if you dream of a pencil, it symbolizes creativity in man. The dream may suggest that you should try your hand at creativity. Maybe the talent of a writer or artist is sleeping within you, and you just haven’t been able to awaken it yet? But - not necessarily. Most importantly, you will soon find an activity that will fully suit your personal inclinations, and this will significantly strengthen your financial situation.

Why do you dream about an image (according to Miss Hasse’s dream book)

Seeing a pencil or writing something with a pencil - obviously, you will soon realize that you lack existing knowledge and decide to get a higher education. And this is a positive sign that predicts that you will be able to find something to do. Which will fully correspond to your true inclinations. If you dream of a pencil, it means that the business you have to do will turn out to be not only financially profitable, but also very interesting.

Why do you dream and how to interpret the Pencil according to the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon Canaanite)

In a dream you see a pencil or write something with it, often this dream predicts that you will receive higher education. If you see a lot of pencils at once, this symbolizes an interesting and profitable business that you have to do. Often a pencil in a dream turns out to be a symbol of creativity: it is possible that you will begin to write poetry, books or paintings. An unexpectedly awakened talent will help you find material well-being.

How to understand the dream in which you saw Stylus (interpretation by Nancy Wagaiman)

If you see a pencil or pencils, an interesting and at the same time profitable activity awaits you. Writing with a pencil means finding out the news. Sometimes - hope for something. Breaking a pencil means losing hope or unexpectedly being separated from someone. To erase what is written is to forget love. If a woman dreamed that someone gave her a pencil, in reality she should avoid contact with this person. Repairing or sharpening a pencil is a sign of joy. Writing with a very thick pencil means success...

Seeing a Pencil, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

Pencil - Sharpening it in a dream means that you have a responsibility. Making notes in pencil means news. Seeing him next to you in a dream means that you should not forget about your promise. Writing something in pencil and then erasing it is a sign of disappointment and memories of a happy past. Colored pencils in a dream are a sign of daydreaming and idle pastime..

The meaning of a dream about drawing supplies (European dream book)

If in a dream you dream of a pencil or pencils, in most cases it turns out to be a favorable sign, predicting that you will soon find some new and very pleasant business or profession for yourself. You will begin to do what you have dreamed of all your life, but have so far, for unknown reasons, put off. The pencil indicates that a favorable moment for you will finally come. When a young woman sees a dream in which she writes with a pencil, this often predicts a quick and happy marriage for her. Except for those cases when in a dream she erases with an eraser what she had written before. The dream turns out to be a sad prediction of disappointment in a loved one.

Why do you dream about a pencil according to signs (Slavic dream book)

Pencil - good luck in love. 5th house of the horoscope.

Why do you dream about a Pencil (dream book of Catherine the Great)

Pencil - You dream of a pencil - this dream seems to confirm that you have chosen the right path in life; you are doing exactly the thing in which you are most capable of succeeding. It’s as if you are drawing or writing with a pencil - having completed your official duties, you will completely surrender to your favorite activity - to which your soul is drawn; perhaps we are talking about a hobby. A girl dreams that she is writing with a sharply sharpened pencil - this girl’s dream of getting married successfully will come true; girlfriends at the wedding will look at handsome groom, and it will be bitter for them. It’s as if you are erasing what you wrote with a pencil - in reality, you will be disappointed in your loved one; but this disappointment will not be a reason for a breakup. You sharpen a pencil in a dream - the future is preparing some joy for you; share it with your loved ones.

The meaning of the dream image (according to Artemidorus of Daldian)

I dreamed of a Pencil - Writing something with a pencil means making a mistake in choosing the means to achieve the goal.

If you see a Pencil, what is it for? (interpretation by psychologist E. Erikson)

Pencil is an activity to relieve boredom. Two pencils - boredom for two. A lot of pencils means a boring time spent in company.

Meet Pencil in a dream (the solution according to the dream book of the healer Akulina)

I dreamed about a Pencil - Moral (but not material) satisfaction from work. Imagine that everything you draw with a pencil immediately materializes, becomes three-dimensional and real. Draw any positive symbol. For example, a car, a barge, a house.