“Test drive” for potential participants in the “Beauty for a Million” project. Beauty in a million: the true story of one participant Beauty in a million program

The coordinators of the “Beauty for a Million” project invited 6 girls to show that you can be beautiful without plastic surgery. A unique beauty marathon took place with the support of boutique studio stylists Mano beauty studio, who invited each participant in the competition to try on new image by changing your hairstyle and doing professional make-up.

Let's see together what came of it!


So, the first in the “queue” for transformation was 22-year-old Anna. She was prompted to apply for participation in the project by the rapid changes in her appearance that occurred as a result of losing weight. Just imagine that just a few months ago Anya weighed 115 kg!

Of course, the disappearance of such an impressive mass did not pass without a trace. Now the girl is very complex that her breasts have literally evaporated along with the fat, and there is also a lot of excess skin left. It is simply impossible to restore your body without plastic surgery!

Anya also talked about her long-standing problem: it turns out that the girl broke her nose several times, and now she needs rhinoplasty. But this delicate nuance will soon become a thing of the past, since Anna won the “Ideal Profile” competition held by the site and New Face Clinic, and now she will receive free rhinoplasty.

The first step to new appearance Anya did, becoming a participant. The stylists at Mano studio offered her a look that she never expected, but was very happy to see. If you had heard how Anechka exclaimed when she examined the “new” herself in the reflection of the mirror!


Tatiana- another participant in the beauty campaign. She is convinced that her appearance is the main obstacle in building relationships with men. Dreaming of a family and having children, the girl desperately asks for help from specialists.

Moreover, she does not dream of the appearance of celebrities. On the contrary, for her the ideal of beauty and femininity is, who participated in the fourth season of the “Beauty for a Million” project.

Mano stylists seemed to have heard Tatyana’s thoughts and gave her the makeup she was thinking about. The main emphasis was placed on the eyes, while the lips and skin were done in a soft, natural palette. Tanya adopted some of the “tricks” for herself, despite the fact that in the final photo shoot she decided to show all her shortcomings.


Vera 23 years old. She really wants to participate in the project, although she doesn’t have much interest in expressed problems with appearance. According to the girl, now she is not satisfied with the shape and size of her nose, as well as the shape of her ears. In addition to this, she would like to work on the aesthetics of her smile.

At the Mano salon, the girl was offered an image that emphasized her youth and freshness. Light makeup with clear lines, airy flowing curls - all this is youthfully sweet and touching.


Young mother and housewife Anastasia has been following the Million Dollar Beauty project for a long time. She even struck up a “pen pal” with season three participant Natalia. Perhaps it was this acquaintance that prompted Nastya to send her profile.

Her complaints about her appearance are not limited to just her breasts, which have lost their shape after childbirth. Anastasia considers it more important to remove the scar on her shoulder, received from falling off a bicycle at the age of 11. Laser resurfacing failed to correct this deficiency; now the girl is relying on plastic surgeons. Additionally, she expects that the project experts will help her restore her lost tooth.

Anastasia agreed to participate in the Mano beauty campaign without hesitation. Of course! This is a great reason to escape from the abyss of household chores. But the girl didn’t guess right with the image. It seemed to her that the professionals would stop at light makeup, but they decided otherwise and tried on the image of a “femme fatale” on the young mother.


For Valentines participation in the project is also cherished dream. At 27 years old, she has a very pleasant appearance, and one cannot say that she has any flaws.
But women evaluate themselves more critically. Therefore, Valya is committed to the project to restore the shape and volume of the breasts lost after the birth of the child, as well as to perform blepharoplasty to rejuvenate the look.

Valentina monitors all events within the project, even started her own page on the site, and was one of the first to do so. And when I found out about the beauty experiment, I decided to try my luck here too.

At the Mano studio, Valentina was offered an image that, as she admitted, she would never have decided to create. Most of all, she was surprised at how the masters managed to “tame” her unruly hair, giving it incredible shine and making it so smooth!

A simple Muscovite repeated the story of Cinderella. An experienced team of specialists acted as magicians - thanks to their efforts, 35-year-old Natalya was transformed beyond recognition. The “Million Dollar Beauty” project from “Cleo” helped her make her dream come true.

Natalya heads the legal department in a reputable metropolitan company and is raising her teenage son alone. In order to experience real female happiness, which all representatives of the fair sex, without exception, dream of, she decided to radically decide her life. Here's how it happened:

To transform herself, Natalya worked hard on herself for six months. Of course, not without the help of professionals. So, all this time she was accompanied by psychologist Yulia Sviyash. “The fragile image of a “student girl” was also difficult to reconcile with the serious position she occupies. But in fact this success turned out to be main problem Natalia. She is quite attractive in appearance, men like her, but because of her success in her career, she tries to downplay her role in the relationship and makes herself look weaker than she really is,” the expert said about her first acquaintance with her ward.

As you know, all problems are in the head. To get in the mood for a positive wave, Natalya attended a bachata lesson, a popular Latin American dance.

The next stage is the most serious - plastic surgery on the chest. Doctors selected teardrop-shaped implants that were as natural in shape as possible for Natalia. The operation lasted only 40 minutes. After mammoplasty, the new breasts began to look absolutely natural.

It is known that the main weapon beautiful woman- a radiant smile. Therefore, the next “stop” on the path to a charming appearance was dental office. Natalya had her teeth cleaned and her enamel was lightened several shades. Upon completion of the procedures, some Hollywood stars would envy the heroine’s smile!

A correctly shaped nose is also an important point. An experienced rhinoplasty specialist corrected the shape of Natalya’s nose and corrected the position of the nasal septum, which was necessary for medical indications. After the operation, the girl began to breathe deeply in every sense.

Then an experienced doctor got down to business. Millimeter by millimeter, she brought the skin damaged by smoking back to life. A series of cosmetic procedures gave a stunning result - wrinkles and circles under the eyes disappeared, the face became young and fresh.

“Million Dollar Beauty” is a unique project “Cleo”, in which every woman can take part. Among huge amount It’s really very difficult to choose contenders; each future heroine has her own destiny, her own experiences. Therefore, it is really difficult for the project team.

But, guided by objective factors, we were able to finally determine who will participate in the new season of the “Million Dollar Beauty” beauty project. We are glad to introduce our charming heroine Natalya!

Greetings everyone! My name is Natalya Goncharova. Yes, yes, almost like Pushkin, but only with a different fate. I am 42 years old, I was born in Moscow. She graduated from the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University, but never went to work in her specialty. She managed to be married twice, but these unions did not bring children. I spent a lot of time implementing projects in various industries and immersed myself in building a career. At some point, looking back, I realized with horror that I had completely forgotten about myself and my own life. But most of it is already behind us, time goes by, my biological clock is mercilessly running forward, and my body is unable to resist it.

A few years ago, she very zealously defended the position of only natural attractiveness, completely rejecting both anti-aging procedures and plastic surgery. I did not particularly accept the radical change in appearance. All this was alien to me, and I remember very well how, in the circle of friends and acquaintances, we discussed plastic surgery of this or that socialite. But “never say never!”

IN last year I thought a lot about the fact that it was still interesting to try. There has been some kind of rethinking. My interest is also fueled by the fact that I am dating a man who is much younger than me. Therefore, when I found out about the “Cleo” project, almost without hesitation I filled out the form and pressed the treasured “send” button.

From that moment on, the most exciting thing began - the waiting. I tried not to think about losing, I kept only one thought in my head that I would definitely be chosen, out of hundreds of willing women they would call me!

Thoughts, thoughts... And suddenly it turns out that they are really material. I don’t remember what day it was, and it doesn’t matter! The main thing is that I finally received the cherished offer to participate in the “Million Dollar Beauty” project. This was my chance, and I didn’t dare miss it. Once again I was convinced that miracles do happen in this life. And here I am in the project!

My acquaintance with the “Cleo” team took place precisely in the first days of September. The communication left an indelible impression: I literally felt an unprecedented wave of positivity, determination and sincere love for the work of the employees of this unique project.

I am sure that with the help of the Cleo team I will be able to radically change my life, as they say, start with clean slate. Such professionals inspire confidence and healthy optimism. I am happy to put myself in their hands and I know that right now, at this second, the trajectory of my destiny is changing in better side!

    How old do you think Natalya looks?

Leave a request to participate in the project
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On NTV there is a grandiose provocative show “Secret for a Million”!

In this project, celebrities will be able to win 1.5 million rubles by parting with the most secret secrets from their past. The star agent provocateur will be Lera Kudryavtseva.

The presenter will ask the heroes tricky questions, each of which is related to their real life and has its own cost. What was the name of your labor teacher? What dress did you wear on your first date? Why am I offended at you? ex-wife? And with whom did you spend the night in a hotel on the Cote d'Azur? The more revelations, the greater the winnings!

Heroes of the program can use the right of veto only once. Which artist will be so brave that he will reach the end and answer the most piquant question worth 1 million rubles?

If you think that the participants will be able to fool the blonde Kudryavtseva, then you are mistaken: her agents will pull out the dustiest skeletons from the artists' lockers. On the set of the “Secret to a Million” show, players will see those whom they dreamed of meeting years later, and those whom they would like to forget about forever... And all this in order to tell the truth about the star guest.

In the show “Secret to a Million” everything secret will become clear!

All funds won from the project will be sent to charitable foundations.

Watch the live broadcast and all episodes of the program on NTV.Ru and in applications for