Advantages of a pig farming project. Pig farm business plan. Possible profitability of the pig business

Many roads are now open for aspiring entrepreneurs to create own business Nowadays it’s easier than ever before. Most often, young businessmen choose the agro-industrial direction. This also includes pig breeding as a business. Profitability, business plan, reviews from experienced and successful entrepreneurs in this field - we will look at all this today.

What does it represent?

You can understand the success and demand by assessing the amount of pork consumed by Russians in one year - it is about two million tons.

The creation of a pig farm is only encouraged, because the policy is to reduce foreign products and promote domestic ones. It is also worth noting that due to the large reduction in imported pork, there is somewhat of a shortage on the shelves. That is why it is worth quickly joining this area.


  1. Quite short time intervals in which piglets have time to grow up for slaughter.
  2. Finished products, that is, pork, allows you to fully pay for yourself, leaving virtually no unsaleable waste behind (5% per 100 kilos).
  3. To create a medium-sized working farm, it will not take a lot of money.
  4. Standard sows are capable of producing 10-12 new piglets in one cycle.

The above tells us that building your own new business Raising pigs for slaughter is really profitable, especially if you carefully and carefully approach the organization of the business plan and work planning.

What is needed to implement the project?

Many experienced owners of this business They advise beginners not to try to jump in over their head, but start a small farm for 10-20 animals to begin with. The project can even begin at your dacha or on your personal plot, and without registration.

Official registration will be needed in the future as the business expands to work directly with stores and large companies. By law, a farmer has the right to sell surplus personal produce. You will not have to pay tax on the sale of goods. What you really need is:

  • an area sufficient for building a pigsty and walking pigs in a fenced pen;
  • the pigsty and pen itself;
  • piglets;
  • stern;
  • starting capital.

Setting up a future pigsty

The initial organization of pig farming requires searching for a land area of ​​150 square meters for 10 heads. About a third of the area will be occupied by the pigsty itself.

Any barn or abandoned building would be perfect for such a room. If nothing like this is available, you will have to start construction. You should have at your disposal:

  1. Concrete floor.
  2. Divided in two square meters pork sections.
  3. Partitions reinforced with wood or plywood between these sections.
  4. Heat-resistant coating of walls and ceilings.
  5. Special “baths” in the floor for more convenient removal of manure and other waste from the pig farm.
  6. High-quality ventilation.
  7. Lighting.

It is worth taking care of good bedding for pigs. As materials you can take, for example, straw or sawdust. Don’t forget about special feeders and drinkers, which, by the way, must be sealed like a sippy cup, so that water and food do not contaminate the floor, creating quite a lot of dampness.

Choosing the best breed for breeding

Basically, in industrial pig farming there are three categories of breeding pigs:

  • Universal - suitable for both meat and lard. Quite meaty and extremely popular. The most famous and purchased representatives of such pig breeds are Mangalitsa, Korean and Chinese.
  • Meat-bacon – white pigs with a long body and pronounced ham and loin areas. Most often purchased: Viet-bellied Vietnamese, Duroc and Donskaya Myasnaya.
  • Meat ones are black and have a rather variegated color and low fertility. Specifically intended for meat. The most purchased: Ukrainian Stepnaya and Mirgorodskaya.

We buy young animals correctly

The number of purchased heads depends on your capabilities. The optimal ratio is a boar and 8 sows per 150 piglets. In this case, when organizing a business plan for a pig farm, for example, for 100 piglets, it is worth buying one boar and 6 sows. At the same time, mini-slaughterhouses with a much smaller number of heads are also effective.

Small production also has the right to life, but if possible it is worth starting with at least a hundred heads. When choosing the pigs themselves, do not hesitate to ask the owners questions, inspect the young animals and travel to several different farms in search of the best option.

It is important to find out about the pedigree, and in several generations at once, because this protects you from possible problems associated with closely related mating or mixing of different breeds. In addition, it is worth assessing the productivity of the parents, because it is from them that qualities such as high fertility and good health, which is clearly reflected in profitability.

Don’t rush into making a choice, because it is the purchase of young animals that determines how much the investment in your pig breeding business will pay off, how high the sales will be, and whether you will lose money. IN lately Beginners buy Vietnamese and other Asian pigs, because they are better suited for producing high-quality pork and bacon. They should be described as:

  1. Highly fertile (in case of sows).
  2. Extremely productive in terms of meat availability.
  3. Great for making bacon.
  4. They have an extremely positive reputation both among other farmers and meat customers.
  5. Really well resistant to various kinds of diseases.

Avoid having two boars or a boar and a pig in the same section. The organization of a pigsty also requires that the sow and piglets be kept completely separate from others. In addition, there are certain rules for feeding pigs.

It is important to understand that you cannot save on food here. Create a balanced diet so that the animal gains weight but feels good. And the quality of food plays an important role in this, also affecting the taste and texture of meat.

Pig feed is divided into three categories, and they try to combine the first two with each other. The third is used extremely rarely, and six months before the heads are sent for slaughter, these feeds are completely excluded from the diet. Actually, the different categories include:

  • First: grains like wheat and rye, legumes, peas, carrots, beets.
  • Second: various grasses like clover and alfalfa.
  • Third: a variety of vegetables, including potatoes and corn, as well as buckwheat and millet.

Advice: to increase meat growth, add more green food to the finished diet; to increase the concentration of fat, begin to add more potatoes, root vegetables and barley.

We recruit the necessary personnel

Personally, you can calmly deal with issues related to documentation, finances and contacts with suppliers and customers, trusting experienced people. You will need:

  1. It is unlikely that a veterinarian who has not previously worked with animals is able to monitor their health. This person will be able to guarantee the health of piglets for sale to buyers, the quality of meat for customers and excellent business conditions on the farm for various inspections. Regularly hiring a veterinarian is much cheaper than losing even part of the farm.
  2. Livestock specialist - this person will independently deal with equipment for slaughter and production of meat for sale. One technician is critical to being productive in production, and he or she has a better understanding of technology than you do.
  3. Workers - it is quite possible to run a small farm on your own, cleaning up after the pigs, adding feed and water to them, and filling the pigsty with sawdust. But as the project expands, more hands are required. General laborers will also help with packaging products and monitoring animal activities. Most often, an average farm has two workers.

Here you can download the finished one for free as an example.

Cost calculation

Let us take as an example an average farm with 130 heads, the owner of which does not have his own plot and employs his own staff of workers. In this case, it is not difficult to create a table of project costs:

Expense line Amount of costs, thousand rubles.
1 Rent a plot 120
2 Pig sty renovation 25
3 Purchase of equipment 500
4 Purchase of young animals and pigs 320
5 Public utilities 20
6 Paperwork 10
7 Wages of workers, technicians and veterinarians 130
8 Purchase of feed 25
9 Unforeseen expenses 10
Total: 1170

As a result, a business from scratch with capital investments amounts to more than a million rubles. Focus on this amount and do not forget that the table also contains monthly costs such as rent, purchasing feed, paying utilities and paying salaries.

After one six-month cycle, 125 pigs will be sold or slaughtered for meat, while the remaining five will be needed for further breeding. IN in this case from the sale of pigs for meat, the owner will receive approximately 3,100 thousand rubles, if the price per kilo is at the moment is 250 rubles.

With calculations of six-month monthly costs, the profit from the sale is about 1,500 rubles, which will already cover the opening costs. Thus, the profitability is approximately six months.

Video: a farmer's experience in raising pigs.

Today, the farming business is actively expanding and gaining popularity. When properly organized, the business brings a stable income and has great development prospects. At the moment there is no business in this area yet great competition. The only thing that can deter businessmen from investing is a long wait for profit. But from the experience of successful farmers, one can understand that the costs of developing such a business are justified. The main thing that is necessary is to have skills and professional knowledge in the field agriculture.

Pig farm as a business

Pig farming is generally quite profitable business, since high-quality meat on the market is always in demand and has a high markup. The simplicity of the technological processes of such a business attracts entrepreneurs. The whole point is to raise animals and sell them.

At the stage of creating a business such as a pig farm, a plan for selling meat must be thought out in advance. It all depends on the scale of the enterprise. If you plan to create a small farm for raising pigs, then you can sell the finished product yourself. In the case of large production, it is necessary to find a place of sale, large distributors in advance, regularly pay taxes and provide a large package of documents to obtain permits. The advantage of such a business is that you can start your business with just a few pigs and constantly increase momentum.

Pig farms and complexes can generate income not only from the main products (meat and lard), but also from the sale of blood, skins, etc. For broader development, you can create a smokehouse. Smoked products have a longer shelf life and good demand among consumers.

Basic rules when starting a pig farm:

  • find a market for purchasing feed;
  • calculate the costs of starting a business and maintaining a pig farm;
  • calculate all possible risks and ways to solve problems;
  • involve veterinarians or livestock specialists in the case.

Profitability of farming business

Pigs are common in agriculture and extremely practical animals in the farming business. There are several arguments in favor of starting this type of entrepreneurship:

  1. The piglets grow quickly. Within six months, the weight of the livestock increases to a hundredweight.
  2. A sow produces 10-14 piglets at a time. In a year you can get 20-30 pieces. livestock (but a cow has only one calf per year).
  3. A pig uses feed much more efficiently (assimilates about 30%), while, for example, chickens absorb only 20% of the feed.

Necessary documents for opening a business

At the initial stage, most businessmen have a question: “How to open pig farms and complexes, what documents need to be drawn up?” Making money from pigs is a difficult and responsible business, where you need to have a full package of permitting documents on hand for your activities.

First, you need to decide in which area the pig farm will be located, since it is in this area that communication with officials will take place. The location of the future farm must be agreed upon with the district administration. To prove to officials the seriousness of your intentions, you must have in your hands ready business plan. In most cases, the administration has a positive attitude towards the formation of new jobs. To do this, the authorities can register a land plot for business, help in obtaining public investment, as well as assist with document registration.

If the volume of pig production is small, you can register your business as a personal subsidiary plot (LPH). In case of large livestock production, it is necessary to open an individual enterprise, and you will also need to pay a single agricultural tax. To open such a business, you must contact the following authorities: Rospotrebnadzor, fire and veterinary control, SES.

Farm organization

The organization of pig farming must be approached very seriously. Experts in this field argue that profitability depends on the following factors:

  • living conditions for animals;
  • proper feeding;
  • breeds of piglets.

Such a business can be organized on your own land plot, where the minimum land area can be 50 acres. The site should be located away from residential buildings so as not to interfere with local residents. In addition to the pigsty, you will need a granary and a workshop.

Equipment and premises

After receiving all necessary documents for permission to conduct business, the second step in creating a business will be the design of pig farms. This could be an old building that will need to be renovated and equipped as a pig farm. A pig farm built from scratch will cost much more.

If you plan to organize a farm for 100 or more pigs, you will need to hire workers who will care for the livestock. Therefore, when drawing up a plan, it is necessary to allocate premises for office, production and laboratories. To accommodate 300 animals you will need approximately 5000 m².

The room must be clean, bright, draft-free and fully comply with sanitary standards. Also, much attention is paid to the installation of specialized equipment. Purchasing the latest equipment and automated feed distribution on pig farms will help create appropriate conditions for the livestock. This will help keep costs to a minimum in the future.

Most pig farms in Russia use equipment that is over 20 years old (equipment that is out of working condition). This leads to wasted feed, increased disease in animals, etc. If the pig farm is fully automated, this will reduce the risk of disease in the livestock and increase the income of the enterprise.

Necessary equipment for a pig farm

Pig farm mechanization is essential to building a successful pig business. Without technology and tools, you won’t be able to work in this business for long. You need to have a hammer, crowbar, drill, nails, etc. on hand. Other necessary equipment for purchase includes:

  • grain crusher;
  • drinking bowls, feeders;
  • truck.

Choosing a pig breed for a farm

Today there are about a hundred breeds of pigs of varying productivity, so when choosing a herd you need to think through everything carefully and do right choice. Professionals who have been farming pigs for many years recommend purchasing approximately 400 piglets and pigs to start with. Before buying, it is better to visit several farms, see the conditions in which the herd lives, and study the pedigree.

Most farmers today stop at breeding Vietnamese pigs. Features of this breed:

  • multiple births of pigs;
  • high business profitability;
  • resistance of livestock to diseases;
  • bacon performance direction;
  • The breed is in great demand.

If suitable conditions are created (room for spacious walking and a warm room), Vietnamese pigs can bring good income to the enterprise. Due to their good adaptability and many advantages, Siberian, Northern and Large White pigs are popular among farmers.

Feeding and breeding of piglets

In order for the enterprise to generate income and quickly become profitable, it is necessary to think in advance about reducing the cost of feed for the herd. Only feed mixtures balanced for each age will lead to constant profit and prosperity of the business.

To work with sows and newly born piglets, you need to hire responsible, knowledgeable staff. You also need to involve a veterinarian. Only qualified specialists with experience in the field of pig farming will be able to help avoid mistakes when breeding pigs and properly caring for the sow during pregnancy and childbirth. All these conditions will help reduce the risk of herd mortality.

Farm employees

Because this type business needs professionals, it is extremely important to hire people who understand the field of agriculture. Helpers must know the specifics of caring for piglets. Also, a veterinarian must work in the pigsty. This will help preserve the livestock and avoid problems in case of infection or infestation. This activity will require an accountant, manager and operator of pig breeding complexes and mechanized farms.

Pig farm business plan

When basing your business on pigs, you need to draw up a business plan. The following is an approximate calculation for 10 goals. In a year you can get about 40 heads of young animals. First you need to rent an old farm and carry out renovations. Hire a veterinarian and a helper. Primary expenses include:

  • registration of an enterprise - about 12 thousand;
  • farm repair - approximately 120 thousand;
  • purchase of pigs - 240 thousand;
  • purchase of equipment and other costs - 118 thousand.

The total amount of initial investments will be about 490 thousand rubles.

Current expenses:

  • feeding - 540 thousand;
  • rent - 660 thousand per year;
  • salary to employees - 420 thousand;
  • veterinary examinations - 55 thousand;
  • payment of taxes - 150 thousand.

Every year, investments in the business will amount to about 1 million 825 thousand rubles. It takes a year for the piglets to gain the required weight (120 kilograms). The result will be 84 kg of clean meat from each individual. The total income after the sale of meat will be about 2 million 352 thousand rubles per year ( real indicators may be much higher). Consequently, the profit will be about 527 thousand rubles per year, which will make it possible to recoup the investment in just a few seasons.

The specialists who managed to succeed in organizing a home mini-farm have gained extensive experience in the farming business. Some tips from successful entrepreneurs:

  • It is better to focus on two sources of income: the sale of young animals and lard, meat;
  • You should buy only purebred piglets;
  • It is advisable to purchase livestock not from one breeder, but from several (to avoid degeneration);
  • dense pigs need to be fed to the maximum in order to receive income earlier;
  • The profitability of a pig farm (we discussed a typical project above) is about 25-30%.

Farm in the Stavropol Territory

A pig-breeding farm in the Stavropol Territory called “Guard” became the first enterprise within the framework of the national project “Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex”. Today it is one of the leading livestock farms in the city of Stavropol and is the most promising farm.

The first stage of the pig farm was commissioned in September 2006. Her plans included fattening 80 thousand pigs annually. More than 600 million rubles were invested in the complex itself.

After the commissioning of the second stage, the productive force of society with limited liability“Guard” amounted to about 400 thousand heads per year. The total investment amounted to four billion rubles.

The pig farm employs domestic and foreign experts in this field. Using laboratory tests, the safety of Gvardiya products was confirmed.

In September 2010, the limited liability company "Gvardiya" put into operation a meat processing plant, which today is the largest meat processing plant in the North Caucasus Federal District. The slaughtering capacity is one hundred eighty pigs per hour and four hundred thousand pigs per year. This will allow the production of up to 45 thousand tons of pork.

Today the company produces products for primary meat processing and cutting - semi-finished small-piece and large-piece products, half carcasses. In the future, they plan to produce highly processed meat products with high added value.

Victor Kalinin

Pig farmer with 12 years of experience

Articles written

Owners of private households rarely perceive raising pigs at home as a business and fatten piglets for themselves. Meanwhile, you can draw up a business plan for breeding pigs, open your own farm and earn considerable income. During the period of import substitution in the country, local producers are supported by the state; the demand for meat does not fall even in a crisis, but it seems difficult process consists only of raising and subsequently selling livestock.

Having decided to open your own business in the field of pig farming, draw up a concept for the enterprise. Write down the requirements for pig breed, premises, equipment and personnel, make a list of materials for construction and calculate costs. Determine the number of heads and the composition of the complex - what workshops and premises are needed. This will create a plan according to the points of which the implementation of the business can begin. For a business to pay off, it is not enough to purchase one hundred pigs - the minimum number to ensure profitability is 150 animals.

Documentation and registration

First of all, determine where the farm will be located and contact the management of the territory - the head of the district or the administration of the rural settlement. Present them with a business plan and verbally agree on the possibility of construction. Interested aspiring entrepreneur with ready-made calculations can easily get permission. When the go-ahead is received, start collecting certificates and registering the business.

Small-scale production - 50 heads or less - does not need to be registered. It is enough to register a plot of land in a private household plot and obtain a license for breeding.

Possible forms of a large enterprise:

  • Individual entrepreneur - for registration you will need an application form P21001, copies of your passport, a receipt for payment of 800 rubles. state fees;
  • LLC - you will need an application P11001, a decision of the founder (if it is opened by one person) or minutes of the meeting (if it is opened by 2 people) on the establishment of the LLC, the charter of the company and an order for the selection of a director.

To register, contact your local tax office. Registration of the company and obtaining permits from Rospotrebnadzor, veterinary control, SES and fire service will be ensured successful business and trust of suppliers and buyers. Apply for a license and permits from authorities after construction - service employees must check the farm premises and assess its compliance with technical standards. First, you can contact them with a question - what documents regulate construction, and what the farm should look like.

Breed selection

Having decided on the location where the pigsty will be located, choose the breed of pigs. All pigs can be classified into three categories:

  • meat and greasy - these include large white, Pietrain, barbecue, Murom breeds;
  • bacon and meat - prolific, with an elongated body and powerful sides; breeds – Landrace, Duroc, Don, Vietnamese pot-bellied;
  • bacon and meat of lesser fertility - Ukrainian speckled, Mirgorod breeds.

The optimal number of livestock is 300 pigs, 1 boar per 10 sows. You can buy piglets from entrepreneurs who are already doing business with pigs. Purchase young individuals from several breeders to avoid genetic diseases from inbreeding. You can meet breeders at agricultural exhibitions and forums.

Breed selection criteria:

  • direction of productivity;
  • immunity;
  • popularity of the breed among buyers;
  • meat yield;
  • the ability of pigs to adapt to weather and housing conditions.

What should a high-quality pig be like, with the purchase of which you can start a pig breeding business:

  • strong and healthy;
  • weighing 16 kg (two months);
  • with clear eyes and a pink spot;
  • with clear skin and shiny stubble;
  • mobile, actively grabbing food.

Pork is the most purchased type of meat. This is one of the main reasons why novice farmers prefer breeding pigs. In addition, the process of caring for these animals is less labor-intensive and costly than for cattle. This is relevant for just developing businesses, as well as for those who work alone.

General characteristics of the business

As statistics show, consumption pork meat in Russia is 2 million tons annually. Consequently, there is a demand for these meat products. Moreover, due to the current situation in foreign market, imported meat has become a rare product, so the need for domestic supplies has increased. Conclusion: pig breeding is promising.

Pig farming is the raising and breeding of several heads of pigs for the purpose of obtaining and selling a product. On initial stages business acquires suckling piglets, which they fatten and take proper care of. As soon as the artiodactyls gain the required weight (usually 100 kg or more), they are sent for slaughter, receiving meat, offal and lard. Several pigs are left to produce offspring.

Advantages and disadvantages of pig farming

Pig farming as a business has its pros and cons.


  • short period of raising animals - from six months to 9 months;
  • high productivity: from a hundred kilogram pork carcass the output is 55% meat and 35% fat;
  • high and rapid fertility: at one time the sow produces offspring of 10-15 piglets, and the gestation period lasts 3.5 months;
  • omnivorousness of pigs: these domestic animals are one of the few that are able to eat everything that is offered to them;
  • constant high demand for finished products.


  • caring for pigs is a labor-intensive and difficult process, which involves both cleaning the animals themselves and cleaning the pigsty, carried out once every 4-5 days;
  • newborn piglets, a farrowed sow and a female preparing for this process are subject to special careful care and observation and must be kept separately from other individuals;
  • a significant investment that will be required to start a business. He will tell you more about where to get money for business development;
  • Pigs, more than other domestic animals, are susceptible to infection with infectious diseases, which can reduce the number of livestock in a few days, so it is necessary to comply with sanitary standards for keeping animals, as well as to carry out vaccinations on time.

Approximate starting capital

Opening a pig breeding requires certain initial investments, which, when successful development business will pay off in short terms(six months to a year). Next, we present an approximate initial cost, taking into account that the entrepreneur already has a plot of land:

Thus, to start developing a livestock business, you will need to invest 120-130 thousand rubles.

Profitability, payback

In the livestock industry, pig breeding is the most profitable business. According to statistics, it is from this business that the owners have 20%, while poultry farming brings 15-17%, and cattle breeding - no more than 10%.

But before you start counting, you need to open a business, having previously assessed the profitability of the future enterprise. To do this, a detailed calculation of the initial investment and possible production costs is carried out. In addition, it is necessary to take into account all types of products that will be obtained from pig farming: meat, lard, manure.

What is included in the concept of initial costs:

  • purchase or lease of land;
  • construction of pigsties;
  • acquisition necessary equipment;
  • acquisition of the first individuals for further breeding.

It is not uncommon for a beginning pig breeder to already have his own plot of land, even if not for industrial scale. In this case, the maximum costs will be spent on the construction of barns and pens for pigs, as well as their equipment.

Production costs are as follows:

  • feed, medicines for animals;
  • payment for electricity, fuel, water;
  • salaries for working personnel;
  • costs for transport supplies;
  • other small expenses.

At this point, the most expensive item is the purchase of pig feed, since it will need to be purchased constantly and in considerable quantities. It is also worth setting the wages for workers, which vary depending on the region.

You can make an approximate calculation of profit: if 1 kg of pork costs an average of 300 rubles, then one adult pig weighing more than 100 kg will bring a profit of 25,000-27,000 rubles. If we take as a basis the percentage of profitability from the business of 20%, then the net income from one animal will be 4000-5000 rubles.

What breeds of pigs should you raise?

There are just over 100 breeds of pigs in the world. They all differ in color, size and maximum weight gained. It is customary to divide all representatives of these artiodactyls into 4 groups of production significance:

  • meat;
  • sebaceous;
  • meat and greasy

Meat, or bacon, breeds are represented by several varieties, but for Russian regions the most suitable are:

  • Don;
  • Kemerovo;
  • Urzhumskaya;
  • large black.

Such pigs quickly gain weight of more than 250 kg, build up a lot of meat, have good frost resistance and immunity, and are less demanding in their maintenance.

If a novice entrepreneur prefers to raise pigs for lard, then he should choose the following breeds:

  • Ukrainian steppe;
  • Mirgorodskaya;
  • Mangalitsa;
  • black large.

Representatives of sebaceous species can be distinguished by characteristic external features:

  • large dimensions;
  • in a well-fed adult animal, the girth of the sternum is equal to or greater than the length of the body;
  • the head is large, the jaw is massive;
  • curled ears hanging over the eyes;
  • the neck is poorly defined: the head smoothly flows into the body;
  • pigs' legs are short but massive;
  • the skin is lined with long, thick and soft bristles.

Bacon breeds that are also suitable for business development in Russia:

  • white meat;
  • meat Duroc;
  • Estonian bacon;
  • Landrace;
  • Pietrain;
  • Tamworth.

The universal (meat-producing) breed is the most suitable for home breeding of pigs. The whole point is that from these animals it is possible to obtain and sell sufficient quantities of meat and lard, and lard is formed in fully formed individuals. Its layer is small, the consistency is soft and delicate.

The most popular universal breeds are:

  • white large;
  • Breitovskaya;
  • Siberian northern.

To breed pigs, it is necessary to provide decent care for the animals, otherwise the business will not bring profit. To do this you will need:

  • Regular feeding of balanced food. If pigs are bred at home not for themselves, but for sale, then for active and rapid growth they need to be fed not only with food waste and plant products, but also with balanced feed, which will have to be purchased from the manufacturer. In addition, animals need constant access to clean water.
  • Good pigsties, which should be spacious, clean, insulated and draft-free. Also, pigsties should have separate pens for young piglets and sows.
  • To develop profitable business, animals must be cared for by hired specialists: veterinarians, livestock specialists and agronomists.


For the decent development of domestic pig farming, as well as to facilitate animal care, you will need some equipment for small enterprises:

  • automated feeders that independently control the number and time of serving portions;
  • organic waste disposal systems;
  • ventilation ducts and installations for premises with a number of pigs exceeding 10;
  • systems that regulate and maintain optimal temperature conditions.


Since pig breeding is designed for profit, it is necessary to constantly replenish the number of pigs. This requires mating of sows with males. Animals are ready for the breeding process already in the first six months of life, but experts recommend not allowing males to approach females earlier than after 10 months.

If the female is not ready for farrowing, this is fraught with the following consequences:

  • death of offspring and sow;
  • health problems in piglets and females;
  • an increase in excess fat or underweight in the offspring.

The sow needs to be prepared for mating: wait until she is 10 months old, and fattened to a large size.

The process of mating a male and female must take place in a separate pen. Also, a separate place will be required when the sow farrows. In anticipation of the birth of piglets, the place must be cleaned and disinfected, the necessary instruments for childbirth must be prepared, and the presence of a veterinarian is also necessary.

Prevention and treatment of diseases

Pigs are susceptible to diseases that often lead to their death. To prevent a decrease in the number of individuals, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures:

  • surveillance external condition and behavior of individuals;
  • control over the feeding process;
  • regular rectal temperature measurement;
  • regular cleaning of artiodactyl premises.

As for the treatment of infectious diseases, in some cases it is not carried out - the infected animal is simply killed. Some types of diseases are treated with antibiotics, serums, and vaccinations.

Watch the video about personal experience breeding pigs for sale, features of their keeping and feeding, potential benefits:

Legal registration of a pig breeding business

Domestic pig farming carried out for profit must be legal and legally registered. To do this, you will need to prepare a package of documents, which you can collect yourself or with the help of a specialist.

First you will need to register if the number of heads exceeds the 100 mark. If farming more modest than the indicated figure, then you can set up a simple household plot.

For individual entrepreneurs When registering a business, you will need to indicate the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities with the number “01.46.11,” which stands for “raising pigs for meat.”

Breeding pigs is a labor-intensive process, which, with the proper approach, will begin to generate a profit worthy of home entrepreneurship within a couple of years. When mastering pig farming, it is possible to grow from a small farm into an industrial enterprise that brings even greater income.

Pig breeding is the most progressive branch in livestock farming, the benefits from which are growing every year. Pig farming is carried out by large industrial farms, but the industry is open, and anyone who has sufficient funds can start raising pigs. The main thing you will need is a good business plan for breeding pigs, an example of which is given below.

The following points must be included in a business plan for breeding pigs:

1.Pigsty – its rent, purchase, construction:

Equipment for pigsty,

Heating methods,


Removal of liquid and solid manure,

Maintaining air temperature

Serving food;

2. Purchase of piglets, number of sows and boars, breed of pigs;

4. Pasture;

5. Farm personnel, necessary documents, requirements for this type of pig farms;

6. Possible risks.

Points 1 to 4 relate to the production part of the plan, point 5 concerns the financial side of the issue.

Production part


Having decided to raise pigs, you need to take care of a suitable pigsty in advance, which is why the pigsty is given the main place in the business plan. Currently, there are no problems with the construction of a pigsty, but given limited financial resources, construction is not possible. best option, the ideal solution would be to rent a pigsty, so your business plan should include funds in advance to pay regular rent, the amount of which depends on the condition of the premises. Basically, the rental price is not that high, since there are not so many people willing to rent a pigsty. Also included in the list of expenses is equipment for a pigsty:

1. Heating and ventilation devices;

2.System for automatic distribution of food and water, removal of manure.

It should be remembered that there are two ways to place pigs in a pigsty - group and individual. The choice of method depends on the goals that the manufacturer sets for itself. Thus, for the production of pigs exclusively for meat and lard, special placement is not required, so the costs of installing additional partitions and building places will be reduced in this case.

Sows, boars, young piglets and fattening pigs should be kept separately in the pigsty; to accommodate one sow an area of ​​more than 4 meters is required, the same applies to boars. Pigs for fattening can be kept together in numbers from 10 to 200 pieces. The number of young piglets in one enclosure should not exceed 20. You should think about placement in advance, and even draw up a diagram of it on paper, which will allow you to avoid possible losses of animals if there are a large number of them in one place. Small piglets, for example, can suffocate or injure themselves if suddenly startled.

Funds should be included in the plan for the removal of slurry and solid manure; removal should be done regularly several times a week. You can make good money on manure by concluding a contract with agricultural enterprises to fertilize fields with manure.

Ventilation is an important part of the plan, so purchasing ventilation equipment, or providing natural ventilation by creating open window niches, is necessary. A novice pig breeder should know that the air in the pigsty must be dry and clean. In winter, air humidity should not be more than 70-75%. Excessive humidity levels will negatively affect the health and production value of pigs. Poor ventilation will cause animals to get sick more often and eat poorly. When allocating funds for ventilation, it is important to remember that animals do not tolerate drafts and cold well, so ventilation should be constantly adjusted depending on the weather conditions outside.

Purchase of piglets, number of pigs at the initial stage of business development

Begin large production experts recommend starting with a small number of pigs, with a total number of 350 pigs, of which 10 boars and about 150 sows should be allocated, the rest can be used for fattening. All this should be included in the business plan; in addition, the business plan should contain not only the number of pigs, but also their breed, which will be determined by the following information:

The most profitable breed for breeding on large and small farms is the white large sow. In a year, one sow gives birth to 10 piglets, which quickly reach a weight of 120 kilograms. On large farms it is also profitable to breed Siberian and Landrace pigs.

All pigs, regardless of breed, are classified as follows:

2. Meat-saling;


4.Meat and bacon;


For business, it is most profitable to purchase meat and bacon breeds of pigs; the fat content in them is also sufficient, but there is a noticeable increase in the amount of meat.

When developing a business plan, you should include piglet suppliers in it, and it is necessary to take into account that buying a large number of piglets from one supplier is not enough to maintain the purity and quality of the breed, so the search for reliable producers should be one of the main places in planning.


A special niche in the costs of raising pigs is allocated to the purchase and preparation of feed. Here you should know that there are two types of food - dry and liquid. For a total of 350 pigs, you will need about 35 tons of grain per year, several hundred kilograms of feed additives, as well as feed mixtures and liquid feed for young piglets and sows. When using liquid feed, problems may arise with sanitary services and veterinary control services, whose responsibility is to constantly check the condition of animals, as well as the conditions of their detention. As feed, it is most profitable to purchase large quantities of mixed feed, corn, barley and feed flour. To get rid of unnecessary expenses, it is necessary to add into the plan a certain amount necessary for the purchase of containers for storing feed, which will save the feed from rotting, mold and pests.


An important point of the business plan is the allocation of space for pasture, which means the allocation of funds for the construction of fencing and protective structures. The size of the pasture should be one of the first things to be included in the plan. You can use wire or wood as a fence; you should not create high iron fences that prevent air penetration. Wooden fence will be the cheapest and most beneficial for grazing fencing for pigs. At the same time, it is important to allocate several workers to walk around and inspect the fence daily for undermining and damage.

Financial part


The success of the pig farming business depends not so much on the amount of money spent, equipment purchased and the number of purebred pigs, but on the correct organization of labor service personnel. A work organization that is considered correct is one in which there is an appropriate arrangement of workers, tasks and ultimate goals are clearly set, there is a material interest, and measures of responsibility for dishonest attitude towards one’s duties are defined. It is important to take into account the fact that the quality of labor and, accordingly, the profitability of the enterprise depends, first of all, on the wages of farm personnel. It is wages that are the main component of the financial part of the plan.

In order to properly organize work on a farm of 350 pigs, the following number of workers is needed:

1. Livestock specialists – 1-3 people;

2. Veterinarians – 1 person;

3. Pig breeders – 4-5 people;

4. General workers – 2-3 people.

In total, the farm staff can reach 12 people; it is for them that wages should be calculated; it is also necessary to calculate the payment of vacation pay, sick leave and other possible unplanned expenses.

In order to achieve a high degree of profitability, production should be put on stream, that is, the pace and rhythm of work should be set. This can be done with the correct allocation of time for performing work on insemination of queens, castration, farrowing, raising piglets, as well as time for preparing the premises for receiving new livestock. Regularly every other day throughout the year, groups of pigs should be delivered for slaughter, replacing them with already grown piglets. In addition, it is important to form a herd of pigs of approximately the same age, which farm workers must monitor.

Monitoring the operation of ventilation, heating systems, feed distribution and manure removal - all this is the responsibility of the maintenance staff. Veterinarians must conduct regular inspections of livestock, vaccinations and anti-worm medications; funds for such procedures should also be included in the business plan.

Counting expenses

Let's summarize some results by giving the approximate cost of maintaining a farm:

Rent – ​​100-500 thousand rubles;

Equipment -500 thousand rubles;

Salary – 500 thousand rubles;

Feed – 100 thousand rubles;

Total – 1.6 million rubles per year. An entrepreneur who plans to raise pigs on his own farm should have this initial capital.

Receiving income

The pig farm, which contains about 350 pigs, will begin to pay for itself only after the third farrowing. Thus, there will be enough time to find buyers, and you can earn income not only from the sale of meat and lard, but also from the sale of young piglets. Finding buyers is no less important a component of a business plan than organizing production. In the first few years, income will be an order of magnitude lower than expenses, approximately 1 million rubles per year with expenses of 1.6 million, but after 2.5-3 years the enterprise will begin to generate income.

Possible risks

Any production is associated with risks; in pig farming, the main and main risk factors are the mass death of pigs as a result of the emerging pandemic, which cannot always be stopped in time, as well as the simple closure of the farm by the relevant authorities. Fires, theft, inability to sell products - all this significantly reduces the positive aspects of production. That is why the first thing you need to do is insure your property and animals. But there is no insurance against farm closure; the only thing that can be done is to carefully study the list of requirements that must be observed on any farm:

1. The farm should be located at the maximum distance from residential premises and populated areas;

2. Waste from production should not end up in wastewater;

3.The farm area must be limited and fenced.

You can find out about the documents required to open a farm from the local administration; obtaining permission will largely be facilitated by a good business plan, which can be easily drawn up based on the above.