Drawing in the children's center - free lesson notes on fine arts. Drawing lesson on the theme “Fairytale houses” in the senior group

It’s quite difficult to say what a kindergarten teacher should do more of today: the development of children or paperwork. If he is going to conduct an open one, then he cannot do without a detailed outline plan. Moreover, this is required by law, and not by the whim of the authorities.


In order for you to better understand what a plan outline should be, let's look at a real situation. For example, the next lesson is on the topic “Winter”. And not simple, but open. So, in any case, you will have to make a plan so as not to make a mistake in front of your parents.

To begin, you will need to write down two points:

  1. Type of activity. Here you must indicate in what manner the lesson will be conducted: summarizing knowledge, consolidating it, or perhaps learning new material.
  2. Objectives of the lesson. Tell us in general terms what you want to achieve during open event. In our case, variations like: creating collective and individual drawings on the theme “Winter” are suitable.

By making these two points, you give yourself a basis for thinking. Based on them, you can think through the future course of the lesson. However, this is just the beginning of the drawing lesson notes.


We've figured out the practical goals you want to achieve. Next, set the empirical goals you want to accomplish with children. Federal State Educational Standards and FGT insist that the development of preschool children should be comprehensive and versatile. Based on this, three areas of tasks can be distinguished:

  1. Educational. Indicate what you want your students to learn during the lesson. What practical skills must be acquired or reinforced: consolidation artistic skills and technician, improving the quality of self-analysis and criticism of other people's work, the ability to independently select the materials necessary for the work.
  2. Educational. What character traits would you like to instill in your child through this activity? Suitable for our topic careful attitude to the wild.
  3. Developmental. It may seem that this is the same as in the first point. But if there you indicated practical skills, then here it is better to focus on mental ones. Show that you are committed to developing in children an interest in the environment and nature, artistic flair, initiative and imagination.

Thus, you will form the “third pillar” on which the entire learning process and your future drawing lesson notes will rest.

Preliminary work

Since the open drawing class in senior group Usually held at the end of quarters or the year, here you will have to indicate all the material covered that could be related to the topic under consideration.

What can we use in our case? Let's make a list of materials to study to make it easier to draw in the older group on the theme "Winter".

  1. Reading fairy tales "The Snow Maiden" and "12 Months".
  2. Examination and discussion of photographs and paintings of winter landscapes.
  3. Study of the properties of water and its states of aggregation.
  4. Conversations about the peculiarities of animal life in winter. Change of color, hibernation.
  5. Animal sketches using geometric shapes.

Only by providing children with the necessary knowledge can you conduct an open drawing lesson in the older group.

Progress of the lesson

From this moment on, the most ambiguous and variable part of your outline begins. You need to plan in advance what you will say, and most importantly, what the children will answer. This is your main task. In order to prevent events from developing that could get out of control, you need to analyze the entire future lesson and make a plan.

  1. Greetings.
  2. Dialogue with children.
  3. Teamwork.
  4. Physical exercise.
  5. Individual creativity.
  6. Summing up and analyzing the work.

Remember, you need to describe in detail what will happen during the lesson. For example:

Hello children! Today a snowman came to visit us! And it's already summer outside! Let's help him cool down and draw (by drawing with crayons on the board, the children make a joint composition).

In this vein, you need to think through the entire lesson. An open drawing lesson in an older group must be planned and conducted very precisely, because the older the children are, the more unexpected questions may arise to which the teacher must have an answer.

Used materials

We have already found out what children need to know before doing something like this. open lesson. But that's not all. The teacher also needs to prepare and bring all the necessary materials. Or ask the children to prepare some equipment themselves. To avoid forgetting anything, make a list and include it in your plan as well.

  1. Photographs and paintings depicting winter.
  2. Multimedia equipment as needed. You can limit yourself to a projector and show slides instead of paperwork with pictures. Music player and recordings. For example, "The Seasons" by Vivaldi.
  3. Children will need art supplies. Pencils, paints, crayons. Album.
  4. Specify what drawing technique will be used. The older group has a wide choice in this aspect - pointillism (dots), plasticineography, blotography, fingers, scratching.
  5. You might want to create an applique. Then you will need other materials - glue, cotton wool, and so on.

This point is very important. If you miss something important, the activity can completely go down the drain. In addition, please indicate which methodological manuals you were preparing for the lesson. It doesn't matter whether you did it or not. Just for reporting purposes, so that your superiors cannot find fault with you that you are conducting training that is not up to standards.


The topic “Winter” that we have considered is not always well suited for open classes. No matter how you strive to develop children's imagination, there are more “convenient” topics for drawing classes in the older group. A wide variety of options may be suitable.

  • "Firework". To practice drawing with a poke.
  • "Forest". Allows you to get to know animals and plants better.
  • "My family". Drawing a person is much more difficult. This topic is well suited for practicing complex patterns.
  • Drawing in an unconventional style. Teach children to draw pictures using improvised means. For example, if there is no watercolor, but there is an iron and wax (encaustic).
  • "Rules traffic". Will allow children to better understand the need to comply with them.


Lesson summary on the topic"Funny boa constrictor Gosha» .

(senior group)

Target: continue contribute:

The development of such mental processes How: attention, memory, thinking,

Development of imagination, creative abilities;

Development of perception, spatial orientation, sensorimotor coordination of children;

Development of independence, arbitrariness of behavior;

Educational objectives:

Teach children to carefully apply pencil strokes

Strengthen children's knowledge about technology drawing.

Developmental tasks:

Develop creative imagination, persistent interest in drawing.

Develop color perception and sense of composition.

Improve fine motor skills arms and hands.

Develop shaping abilities.

Educational tasks:

To cultivate an aesthetic attitude to the image through the image of flowers.

Cultivate a sense of beauty.


White paper A4 size, a simple pencil, colored pencils, squares of colored paper 5x5 cm, glue stick.

Progress of the lesson:

TEACHER. Once upon a time there lived a pencil in a cardboard box. For my short life he never moved from his place, but only lay and dreamed.

And then one day his most cherished wish began to come true.

When Alena was helping her mother clean out the closet, she saw a box, took it, opened it, and the pencil speaks:

Don't stop me from dreaming, girl!

“Stop lying around doing nothing,” says Alena, “let’s better play.”

“But I don’t know how to play, I only know how to dream,” the pencil answered her.

It's okay, I'll teach you.

Alena took a pencil and started paint. And the pencil immediately saw that he was very talented and... let's see what happens?

(The teacher draws a circle on the sheet of paper)

TEACHER. Children, what figure is this?


TEACHER. What can be round?

CHILDREN. Sun, ball, watermelon...

TEACHER. Well done. But this is not the sun, not a ball, not a watermelon.

(A winding line is drawn from the circle on the sheet)

TEACHER. Now, what do you think it is?

CHILDREN. Ball on a string...

TEACHER. Fine. Our pencil has not finished its drawing yet, let's look further.

(On the sheet we draw in parallel "body boa constrictor» )

TEACHER. What is before us now?

CHILDREN. The road to the lake...

TEACHER. What a great fellow you are. But the pencil is not yet completed the picture, he draws eyes...

(Finishing the eyes)

TEACHER. Who does our drawing remind you of?

CHILDREN. A snake, a worm...

TEACHER. It's great how smart you are - this is boa, his name is Gosha. Let's draw his mouth (draw) What is Gosha's mood?

CHILDREN. Joyful, cheerful...

TEACHER. And so that Gosha is always in good mood, we will give him a multi-colored umbrella. After all, you probably know that snakes do not like the cold; they even crawl onto stumps and warm stones to bask in the sun. (glue pre-prepared cones, creating "umbrella").

So, now our Gosha will always smile at everyone and lift everyone’s spirits. Let’s draw a similar Gosha, and in the evening we’ll give moms and dads a good mood.


Children draw boa constrictor, paint it, glue cones, forming "umbrella".

In the process of creating a drawing, the teacher conducts physical minute:

Poems about a snake

Once walking through the forest, (walking in place)

I picked mushrooms for future use, (simulate collecting in a basket)

Suddenly crawls out of the grass (make wave-like movements with the body)

I'm wearing a funny lace!

“Why aren’t you watching your step?” (lean forward)

He says, confusing me!

"Who are you?" I ask strictly (we spread our hands)

"You do not know? I am a snake!

I was already scared (hides face in hands)

Suddenly it became very scary

But the lace just laughed (turn around yourself)

And crawled around me.

“The benefits from me are enormous, (we draw wide circle hands)

I'm not harmful at all (we shake our fingers)

And I call myself very modestly - (pat ourselves on the head)

Common boa constrictor!

At the end classes The teacher offers to look at each other’s drawings, ask each other questions about the boa constrictors.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of educational activities for visual activities (modeling) for children 4–5 years old “Boa constrictor” Abstract of a visual activity (modeling) for children 4-5 years old “Boa constrictor” Purpose: To consolidate the ability to roll out a long sausage from plasticine.

Summary of the GZhel patterns drawing lesson in the senior group. Goal: - continue to introduce children to Gzhel painting. Tasks:.

Summary of a lesson on non-traditional drawing in the senior group “Dandelions”. Lesson notes on unconventional drawing in the senior group "Dandelions". Program content: Develop drawing skills using.

Summary of a lesson on unconventional drawing in the senior group “Dandelions” Objectives: To develop drawing skills using non-traditional techniques “Drawing with crumpled paper”, “hard brush”. Strengthen children's knowledge.

Summary of a lesson in the senior group on drawing “Painting about summer” using an unconventional drawing technique (printing with palms) Purpose: To teach.

Summary of a drawing lesson (non-traditional technique) “Travel to the country of Risovandia” for children preparatory group.

Teacher of the 1st qualification category: Kokunina Tamara Aleksandrovna.

Goal: development of children's creative abilities; strengthening the ability to draw with different in unconventional ways.


To develop children’s drawing skills in unconventional ways; implementation of independent creative activity.


Development of creative thinking and imagination when creating a drawing using an unconventional method. Develop fine motor skills of the hands, imagination, the ability to navigate on a plane, develop artistic skills and abilities, artistic taste. Develop conversation skills.


Cultivate interest and love for unconventional drawing techniques, accuracy in working with gouache with unconventional materials.

Preliminary work:

Consideration of didactic illustrative material "Flowers";

Introducing children to non-traditional drawing techniques.

Materials and equipment: A-size album sheets - 4 for each child; jars of water - sippy cups; gouache different color; candle; 2 brushes – thick and thin (narrow and wide); cotton swabs, wet wipes; wide plates, laptop, screen, projector.

Visual material: chest, potato stencil, slide show, letter.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Introductory part:

Calm music sounds, the teacher and the children enter the music room and stop.

Educator: Hello guys!

Children: Hello!

Then the teacher invites the children to stand in a circle, hold hands, smile at each other and create a good mood.


All the children gathered in a circle,

You are my friend and I am your friend!

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other!

Children act in accordance with the text.

Educator: Well done guys, now come closer to me, I’ll tell you something now. Today, when I entered the group, the wind suddenly opened the window and a letter flew in. Here it is (the teacher shows the letter to the children). Now let’s open it and read who it’s from...

Children: Yes.

Educator: And you, listen carefully.

The teacher opens the letter, and Master Pencil appears on the screen. A sound letter sounds with the voice of the Master - Pencil. The children are listening.

“Hello my little artists. I am Master - Pencil, I invite you to a fairyland « Risovandia» . You will find a lot of interesting things there. We live in it - good wizards, fidgets - brushes - are running along our streets, pencils are proudly pacing. We think that you are interested in visiting our country. Your good wizards"

Educator: I wonder what kind of country this is « Risovandia» ? Why is it called that?


Educator: Guys, do you want to become little wizards and create miracles?


Educator: Then let's close our eyes and say magic spell:

“Top - top Clap - clap,

Turn around yourself

Turn into a little wizard."

Sounds magical music, the lights go out. When the light turns on, magic caps appear.

Educator: Look what we got?


Educator: Come on, we'll put them on.

Children put on magic caps, and so does the teacher.

Educator: So we turned into wizards, and I invite you to go to magical land Risovandia. You are ready?


A picture of a closed door appears on the screen.

Educator: To get to the magical country of Risovandia, you need to open this door. And the keys to this door are your magic fingers, let's play with them.

Finger gymnastics

There's a lock on the door (rhythmic locking of fingers)

Who could open it?

Pulled (arms stretch to the sides)

Twisted (circular movements of fingers away from you)

They knocked (the bases of the palms knock against each other)

And they opened (open fingers).

Educator: Look, it doesn’t open, let’s try again.

Children repeat finger gymnastics again.

Educator: Look, the door has opened.

2. Main part:

A slide appears on the screen with an open door, behind which the children see a non-colored meadow of flowers.

A slide of a clearing of flowers, not colored, appears on the screen.

Educator: Look, we find ourselves in an enchanted meadow, isn’t it beautiful, sad, white? Let's help the clearing become bright, fabulous, truly magical. Shall we color it?


The teacher invites the children to come to the table where they are gouache paints, sheets of A - 4 size paper, candles, brushes, jars of water - sippy cups, napkins.

Educator: And in order for the clearing to become bright and truly magical, I invite you to come to the table, on this table we have everything to perform a miracle. You need to take a sheet of paper, draw flowers, grass, various bugs on it with a candle and cover the entire sheet with paint (drawings appeardrawn with a candle) .

The teacher shows the children how to do this.

Educator: Now, try it.

Children take sheets of paper, draw on them with a candle and cover the entire sheet with paint.

Educator: Tell us what you found in the clearing?

Children's answers: Flowers.

Educator: What are they?

A clearing of flowers appears on the screen, but in color.

Educator: Look, our clearing has been disenchanted, and flowers, butterflies and the sun have appeared on it. It's time for us to move on, let's get up and go.

Physical exercise.

Along the path, along the path

Let's gallop on the right leg (jumps on the right leg)

And along the same path

Let's gallop on the right leg (jumps on the right leg)

Let's run along the path

We'll run to the lawn (running in place)

On the lawn, on the lawn

We'll jump like bunnies (jumping in place on both legs)

Stop. Let's rest a little

And we'll go on foot again (walking in place).

A picture of a chest appears on the screen.

Educator: Look, what is this?


Educator: That's right, children, this is - magic chest. Do you want to open it?


Educator: Let's see what's there.

The teacher opens the chest, is surprised and takes out seals made from potatoes.

Educator: And this potato is extraordinary, you can draw with it. And I even know that you can draw using potatoes. I suggest making cards for your friends.

Look in the clearing, funny people have prepared jobs for you. Let's sit down at the tables and create miracles. We take a magic object, dip it in paint of any color you like, and make an imprint on a sheet of paper, and now you can try it yourself. Now let’s make a postcard, take it cotton swab, dip it in paint and you can draw on the edge of the postcard wavy lines, or point, zigzags, whatever you like. These are the magical gifts we got, let me help you deliver them. And it's time for us to return. Let's stand in a circle and cast a magic spell and go back to kindergarten and become ordinary kids.

The music sounds magical, the children and the teacher cast a magic spell.


"Top - top Clap - clap

Turn around yourself

And turn into kids."

3. Final part:

Educator: So we returned to kindergarten.

Educator: Guys, where have we been? What did we do there? What did you like best? What do you remember? Tell me, did you like our trip? (if yes, then clap, if not, then stomp).

The Master Pencil appears on the screen.

Master - pencil: And I enjoyed traveling with you so much that I want to reward you for your excellent knowledge and skills with the highest award from the fairy-tale country of Risovandia - magical coloring books (or magic brushes). Everyone thanks a lot!

Educator: Guys, let's thank the Pencil Master for such wonderful gifts.

Children: Thank you.

Educator: Well, this is where our journey and activity has come to an end. Well done guys, everyone tried their best, even if something didn’t work out.

Drawing in the senior group, depending on the kindergarten program, can follow a standard or non-standard path. That is, traditionally a child learns to draw with pencils (simple, wax), paints

And in creative circles children use different techniques(spraying, blotography with threads and tubes, drawing with soap bubbles, pokes, fingers, palms, candles, leaves, “wet” drawing, airbrushing, scratching, monotype, print) and mixing materials (for example, crayons with watercolors). Nowadays many modern teachers state kindergartens are trying to diversify their classes

Preliminary work on visual arts

Drawing in the senior group is aimed at consolidating and detailing previously acquired knowledge. Children can draw the shapes of geometric figures (circle, cylinder, triangle, square, rectangle) and convey them through images of vegetables, animals, people, birds. In senior preschool age it is necessary to more detail the transmitted image, focusing on its features.

For example, a child freely depicts his family. Then you need to suggest that dad is taller than mom, who is taller than the children, and their youngest is a preschooler. In addition, you need to help with the proportions of the body: the torso is divided into two parts, the elbows should end where the “belt” is. The face should also be harmonious and correct.

In order for children to better understand the signs, proportions, and properties of the objects depicted, the teacher works every day to develop their perception of the world around them. Without this, not a single drawing can be done (senior group). Kindergarten provides required material for classes, and teachers and parents should broaden the horizons of children.

Visual skills of a senior preschooler

Teachers, together with the children, study weather phenomena on the street, examine objects, and in a group consolidate the acquired knowledge through modeling, appliqué, cutting out shapes and figures, and tracing patterns. As soon as the children remember all the signs, they try to draw themselves.

Then an analysis of the errors in the resulting drawings is carried out. Based on this, one or another drawing technique is selected. For example, you need to circle the dots, numbers, or complete a symmetrically depicted picture in the cells. Children must learn to arrange all objects harmoniously in space and convey realistic images on a sheet of paper.

In addition, drawing in the older group should develop a sense of color, aesthetic taste. Various techniques help with this. For example, children make from splashes, convey through leaf prints, brush marks. They can draw with soap bubbles (mix shampoo with paints), a candle, and then paint over the background with watercolors. All this contributes to the development of creative abilities, imagination, and broadening the horizons of older preschoolers.

Drawing vegetables

It is easier for a child to master drawing vegetables. In the older group, the lesson is arranged in increasing complexity:

  • children study the shape and appearance of vegetables in pictures, visual aids, real objects (feel, speak);
  • preschoolers draw a geometric shape;
  • correct the appearance of the vegetable;
  • outline the main lines, bulges and other small elements with a pencil;
  • color with paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, markers.

For example, a cucumber resembles an oval shape. Next, one end of the oval is lengthened and narrowed. Then, at the other end, draw the tail of the vegetable, mark “pimples” and groove lines on the body. The cucumber is then colored, showing the dark and light shades of the peel.

Or take, for example, carrots. A triangle is drawn. Then one side of it is rounded, the boundaries of the vegetable are made smoother. Next are the leaves and roots. Then the carrots are painted.

As soon as the older group has mastered drawing vegetables, children move on to drawing still lifes. First, this is drawing linear visual objects, then vegetables on a plate or other utensils. The most difficult level is an image of objects from memory. To do this, before class, discuss the specifics appearance vegetable/vegetables, after which the children begin to complete the task (immediately with paints).

Drawing animals

Older preschoolers already know how to portray animals, but more often they are fabulous, animated (in dresses and suits, walk on two legs, eat with their paws). The teacher’s task is to achieve a realistic transfer of the image. For this visual activity runs in parallel with applications, modeling, reading, and getting to know the outside world.

To begin with, children study the structural features of the body, then try to find common properties with already familiar shapes (for example, a round head, an oval body, triangular ears). In addition to the similarities, attention is focused on existing discrepancies, the tilt of objects, and their spatial position.

Let's look at drawing animals in the older group using the example of a hedgehog, a sheep and a puppy. To draw a hedgehog in a clearing, you need to do the following:

  • find the center of the sheet where the animal will be located;
  • draw an oval (body);
  • on one edge outline a nose in the shape of a carrot;
  • draw a round eye, nose, oval legs, mouth, needles with sticks;
  • outline the grass, the sun, the clouds;
  • Then you paint with paints, taking into account color transitions.

Image of a sheep, puppy

  • draw a circle (torso);
  • determine the tilt of the head;
  • outline an oval (head);
  • outline the body in a zigzag, creating curls;
  • draw eyes on the head;
  • outline four legs with sticks;
  • draw the “feet” of the paws, the nose with dots, the pupils of the eyes, the ears;
  • decorate.

The most difficult stage is considered to be detailed drawing in the senior group. Here :

  • draw an oval body, a round head, taking into account the tilt;
  • draw a circle (muzzle) in the middle, mark the neck, paws with rectangular strokes and ovals (feet) with lines;
  • Schematically determine the symmetry of the muzzle, outlining the position of the eyes, nose, draw the ears;
  • draw eyes, mouth;
  • instead of circles on the paws, draw fingers, add a tail;
  • erase extra lines, mark the direction of the fur.

Such complex classes are carried out with children individually, in drawing classes.

Drawing "Mushrooms" in the senior group

Children often depict mushrooms with a vertical and horizontal oval. They especially like to decorate the fly agaric. It can be depicted with a convex oval or triangular cap. To draw a fly agaric with an oval hat, you need to determine its location on the sheet of paper and mark an ellipsoidal oval with a vertical stick. Next, draw the leg of the fly agaric.

Divide the ellipse diagonally: draw circles on top of the hat, and below, on the leg, a white collar. This way you can draw large and small mushrooms in the clearing. To get a triangular hat, make the top of the fly agaric into a mound. Under the hat, draw an oval outline of the inner layers. For such a “curly” mushroom, draw a thickened leg at the bottom. This is a simple drawing.

Mushrooms in the older group can be depicted more naturally. To do this, do the following:

More often than not, mushrooms grow in the rain. How to draw it realistically, without “sticks”, we will consider further.

Drawing "It's Raining"

The older group is already identifying the characteristics of rain (mushroom, blind, torrential, autumn, summer). The teacher just needs to focus on the fact that the drops are depicted in one direction. First, children draw clouds with raindrops, then they depict people with an umbrella, last stage preschoolers pretend to see rain “on the other side of the window.”

What to pay attention to when depicting rain clouds.

  • If the clouds are nearby, then depict the rain as elongated drops different sizes, but in one direction. The drops start from the middle of the cloud, and not from the edge. The bottom and top of the clouds are darker in color than the foreground.
  • If the clouds are far away, then shade the background under them with a pencil, forming a continuous shower stream. Then use strokes to identify individual raindrops.

This is a simple drawing (" It's raining"). The older group is quite capable of depicting “natural” weather phenomena. The following rules will help with this.

  1. You always depict rain on a dark background, regardless of whether you draw with paints, pencils, pastels, or oils.
  2. Draw the rain lines parallel to each other.
  3. You convey bright drops through the pressure of an eraser, a candle, different colors or a special bristled fan brush.

If you need to depict rain as a natural phenomenon, then you draw a landscape, and after some time apply drops of light paint on top of it with continuous inclined strokes. If you make drops with an eraser, first draw directions with the wide side, and then with a sharp corner, using strong pressure, create a highlight of the drops.

You depict people in the pouring rain in a similar way. But attention is paid not only to the direction of the rain, the shape of the drops, but also to puddles and the force of the splashes. This is taught to preschoolers individual lessons on drawing.

Drawing autumn

October is the month of autumn competitions. The teacher needs to reinforce the weather properties with the children through drawing (“Autumn”). The older group compares all the autumn months, finds similarities and differences, and remembers color transitions. The simplest task is when children depict a lonely tree. To do this, first determine its location and mark the trunk and branches with a “slingshot”.

Then small ticks are also schematically applied on the branches. Using paint, the thickness of the trunk and branches is “increased”. On top of the branches, foliage is depicted in different colors (red, orange, yellow). Now all that remains is to draw the lawn, sky, clouds, sun and shadow from the tree.

Autumn can be depicted by drawing leaf fall. Here children consolidate their knowledge about trees. The easiest option is to depict autumn with prints (this method is most preferred by the older group).

Drawing: theme "Autumn"

  • Collect different leaves from trees.
  • Distribute them on a sheet of paper.
  • Next, take a piece of paper, spread it generously on the underside of red, yellow, orange paint(coat the veins especially carefully).
  • Place the piece of paper with the painted reverse side on the album sheet and press it with your palm.
  • Do this work with other sheets, choosing a different color.
  • Now the leaves are no longer needed. You draw the prints with a brush and paints. Please note that the veins of the leaf act as the trunk and branches of the tree.

You can draw tree trunks with branches, and put leaf dots with your fingers. Preschoolers of any age love this too. For the competition, many children, showing their imagination, draw an image of autumn with woman's face and leaves instead of hair. This is how knowledge about proportions is consolidated human face, leaves, trees and autumn colors.

Drawing birds

Drawing a bird in the older group follows the same plan as the lesson on depicting animals. First, all details are compared with geometric shapes, attention is focused on movement, head tilt, and location on the landscape sheet. Here is an example (drawing a peacock):

  • draw an oval body;
  • a round head on top;
  • the neck goes from the head along an oval;
  • draw triangular wings on the body;
  • add paws with three fingers to the oval;
  • on the head you draw round eyes and a triangular beak;
  • from one wing to the other, outline a loose tail, similar to daisy petals;
  • color it

Drawing in the older group allows you to depict birds from different sides, in action. This is what the profile of a rooster looks like. You start working from the head. Draw a circle, mark the eye, a triangular beak with a transverse line, an oval beard and a comb of three petals.

From the head, draw a neck with a collar similar to the shape of a flared skirt. From it you continue the concave body, which together with the neck resembles a crescent. Next, draw a tail of eight feathers: the first long, raised up, four feathers starting from the end of the body, the last short, extending to a third of the body and hanging down.

On the body, a wing is drawn with a line, legs with four fingers and spurs. On the wing, sharp horizontal arcs indicate feathers, and vertical lines indicate long feathers. The claws are drawn on the fingers in small arcs.

How to write a summary of visual arts

The drawing notes in the senior group are written according to the following plan.

  • Topic of the lesson. Usually taken from the program.
  • Target. Three to five tasks for this lesson are prescribed, which involve acquiring new knowledge and consolidating existing skills.
  • Material. The instrumentation is indicated, right down to the last brush. What techniques will be used, what equipment will be needed.
  • Progress of the lesson. The theoretical part begins with preliminary work on the topic. Yes, he can come and visit fairy tale character who needs to be drawn or who needs to be helped to depict something. Through poems, stories, looking at paintings, visual material the necessary properties of the object to be drawn are identified. Then, in practice, children complete the task, and at the end of the lesson, conclusions are drawn about the knowledge gained.

Nowadays in kindergartens classes are called “direct educational activities"(NOD). Drawing in the older group did not change its essence. Also applicable didactic games, game techniques, various techniques in order to make children want to draw the desired object or phenomenon.