Essay “My pedagogical philosophy. Essay by a speech therapist teacher "Teacher in the Modern World!"

Essay "I am a teacher"

Author: Agafonova Irina Anatolyevna, speech therapist teacher
Place of work: MKS(K)OU boarding school of type V No. 13, Izhevsk
Job description: I bring to your attention an essay-reasoning on the topic “I am a teacher.” The material will be useful for teachers, class teachers, teachers of boarding schools, high school students, students of pedagogical universities.

Essay “I am a teacher”

"No conqueror can change the essence of the masses, no statesman... But a teacher can do more than conquerors and heads of state. Teachers can create a new imagination and liberate hidden forces humanity."
N. Roerich

What is the role of a teacher in the modern world? I often think about this question.
We live in a rapidly developing world that dictates its own rules of conduct. Find yourself in it - the most difficult task. Modern young man provided huge amount opportunities to use one’s own strengths and skills. Helping him decide, make the right choice, find his life’s work, this is probably the teacher’s mission. To help find the truth, and not present it “on a silver platter.” “Teach not thoughts, but to think,” said Immanuel Kant. I think this is very true. Schools should teach children to think creatively, not force them to memorize facts that are easy to find and copy from various sources.
Modern modernization of education is aimed at personal orientation of the content of education and its renewal, individualization of learning.
One of the areas of student-centered learning is project activities schoolchildren, where a necessary condition is working in a team. Working in a team, in a team, requires a person to be able to express his thoughts, convey his ideas to everyone.
I work at a speech school as a speech therapist, “teach words,” and work with children who have severe speech impairments. Children come to me who speak poorly, with general underdevelopment speeches having a medical diagnosis associated with organic damage to the central nervous system who have impaired all components of speech activity: pronunciation, phonemic, lexical and grammatical. Vocabulary these children have very little. When, during the initial speech examination, it turns out that a chair has not four legs, but four “legs,” or a sofa has not a seat, but a “tummy,” I understand that a huge amount of work lies ahead for teachers, medical specialists, parents and the child himself on the way to the ability to correctly express one’s thoughts, and learning to work in a team. My task is, little by little, step by step, to go through the difficult path from making sounds to independent, detailed statements, to prepare students for mastering school educational programs. And what joy there is, how a child’s eyes glow with happiness when we manage to “start the engine,” learn to pronounce sounds correctly, not confuse them in words, and construct sentences correctly! A child “grows wings” when he can express his opinion, say what he thought and dreamed about. And the thought warms me: “I, too, am involved in the fact that Andryusha “growled,” and Tanya already writes without errors and moved to a public school.” These are the first steps towards working in a team.
How did I get into teaching? Probably no coincidence. I liked playing with my younger sister, studying with her, learning letters, reading books at night - these were my first teaching experiences and, I must say, very successful: my sister began to read fluently early. I was very proud of her achievements. All yours school years I knew exactly what I would be when I grew up. But I wanted to become a teacher and after school I entered a pedagogical school in the preschool department. The years of study flew by in a flash. I especially liked teaching practice and close communication with children. Working in kindergarten, I saw how difficult it is for children with speech disorders. They were withdrawn, unsure of themselves, irritable, touchy, as a result of which they had difficulties communicating with others. These children could not fully express their desires, explain, ask, or establish contacts with their peers. I really wanted to help such children, so it was quite natural for me to enter the pedagogical institute at the Faculty of Speech Therapy, specializing as a teacher-speech therapist.
Teacher, instructor, pedagogue, mentor, educator, guru, tutor... No matter what representatives of the teaching profession are called, the mission entrusted to them - to raise a worthy citizen capable of socializing in society and benefiting their homeland - is very, very difficult.
When I came to school, I was very proud of myself, because I am a guide to the world of knowledge. I wanted to work, create, instill in my students faith in themselves, faith in people and teach them to speak, speak and speak... But at the same time I asked myself the question: can I cope with such a huge responsibility entrusted to me?
I work with “special” children. Such children have less compensatory capabilities to adapt to to the outside world, and here my task is to liberate the child, help him accept himself as he is, feel unique, significant in a group, team, society.
A student comes to me for a speech therapy session. He should not feel any internal resistance, he should understand that he needs it. I need to win the child over, to make him see me as a person who wants to help him. One day I brought out three for myself simple rules:
Only love for children and faith in them will bring the desired results;
The activity will be successful if it is interesting for the child;
The student should feel comfortable and comfortable in class.
When I take a lesson to a little person, cut off from home, who lives in a boarding school for a whole week without parental care, I must behave like a mother, do not skimp on attention, kind word, affection, warmth, cordiality. A child will definitely open up if he feels a sincere and kind attitude towards himself. And even if there is not much time allotted for the lesson, I will definitely listen to him, console him, rejoice at his successes, and give advice. And there is no doubt that he gained knowledge in my lesson, because he, Olezhka the “lazy man,” tells me that he no longer confuses the sounds S and Sh, because he invented and wrote down many words with these letters, proudly showing his notebook with homework.
In group classes with younger schoolchildren, I return to childhood. How wonderful it is to relive the intricacies of Russian folk tales, to hear children explain why they like this or that character. Good children's stories relieve anxiety and build confidence in children. Experiencing together with the heroes of fairy tales, the child learns to rejoice or empathize, learns kindness, and understands that evil is always punishable. This is how children learn to be kinder to each other, more forgiving, and to help those who are in trouble and need help. Folk tale conveys in an accessible form to the consciousness of younger schoolchildren the common features of all nations moral values, fosters a love for people, animals and nature.
When high school students come to me seeking self-affirmation, I often hear from them questions that do not have a clear answer. Yes... the children have grown up, the old ones are left behind good fairy tales... Unfortunately, in our difficult times, when everything is measured by material wealth, most children highly value social values, such as a fast and successful career, business, wealth, and well-being. And such moral values ​​as honor, dignity, decency, conscience, pity, mercy receive a much lower rating...
“But it’s not all bad,” I tell myself. I work with wonderful people- teachers with a capital T. There are no random, indifferent people among them. I often see how former graduates come to their home school to see former class teachers, teachers, educators and talk with them. And no amount of money in the world can buy this warm, trusting attitude and gratitude!
With high school students there is always something to discuss, something to think about, something to argue about. For example, the incident that recently happened to Ilya. He helped the grandmother cross the road. It would seem like the most ordinary situation, but his grandmother’s reaction surprised and upset him. She offered Ilyusha money and, tearing up, said: “Thank you, I thought there were no kind people left.”
How cruel our modern world is... Unselfishness, kindness, conscience... We have something to think about with our children. I try to encourage them to independently search for an answer, teach them to argue their thoughts, prove, listen to the opinions of others and not be afraid to change their own.
Working with children, I understood the meaning of Michel Montaigne's statement: “In order to teach another, it takes more intelligence than to learn on your own.” I agree with this statement, so I try to improve myself: I get acquainted with new discoveries in correctional pedagogy; I use new innovative technologies (ICT, Internet resources); I expand and modernize the means of correctional and speech therapy work. Professor V.M. Lizinsky is right: “A teacher is a person who studies all his life, only in this case does he acquire the right to teach.”
I return again and again to the question: “What is the role of a teacher in the modern world?” From the position of a person, a teacher, a speech therapist, a student’s mother, I understand that teaching, upbringing, and making the child aware of the need to acquire knowledge is, of course, an integral part of all pedagogy. But in today’s world, when we are increasingly faced with misunderstanding, indifference, hatred and bitterness of people towards each other, I believe that the primary mission of a teacher should be to educate moral and moral qualities in children.
And who, if not the school and not us, teachers, will instill kindness and faith in goodness in children? In my opinion, this world lacks kindness, and above all, the teacher should not remain indifferent to this problem.
My profession has its own specifics of work. Children with disabilities and severe speech impairments. How difficult it is sometimes. Corrective work is very difficult and slow. But not only my students learn, together with them I myself learn endurance, kindness, patience, responsiveness, and understanding. The main thing I have is patience, optimism and love for children. Desired result It won’t be soon, but gradually, in small steps, day after day, we are diligently moving towards it. And how nice it is to see the successes of children achieved through persistent, painstaking work, to hear words of gratitude from parents, to inspire students who come to me for practice. I am a speech therapist teacher. I say these words with a feeling of pride, I help people become happier!

IN lately When talking with children over four years old, I often come across the fact that the child finds it difficult to talk about himself (compose a story from own experience), not to mention a series of pictures or a plot picture. During the conversation, I ask the little interlocutor the question “What fairy tales do you know?” It’s rare to hear titles of works in response. fiction(3-4 people out of 20), and the second question, “Does your mother read fairy tales to you?”, as a rule, children answer “No.”

It’s a pity that parents don’t think about how simple and in an accessible way You can improve not only the child’s speech, but also help form a psychological base. It's no secret how interesting and fascinating fairy world for a growing person.

Every child is a dreamer and inventor. First of all, the fairy tale is close to him in its events. The fact is that it is very easy and simple for a child to imagine himself as a hero of what is happening in a fairy tale.
The fairy tale shows and tells how people lived before, what they wore, ate, and what life was like. Archaisms ( outdated words) help to understand the era of that time; thanks to fairy tales, we begin to acquaint the child with the history of our state.

In addition, children, listening to fairy tales, understand what is happening without knowing the meaning of many words. This is possible thanks to the intonation of the reader: accelerating the pace of reading, increasing the volume indicates that something terrible is happening, some kind of struggle is going on, a calm voice, a slow pace of speech - symbolizes that everything ended well.

The speech of storytellers is expressive and multicolored. The storyteller plays with words, the beauty of the native word, the correct construction of sentences, for example, “neither to say in a fairy tale, nor to describe with a pen” is one of the reasons why listening to fairy tales is very useful. The child learns the meaning of many words, understands them, which means his conceptual vocabulary accumulates. After this, he begins to use these words in his speech, thanks to which his speech becomes lively, competent, and expressive. Any interlocutor is pleased to communicate with such a child, and the child is doubly pleased because he can easily select the right words expresses his thoughts correctly.

While listening to a fairy tale, you cannot remain indifferent to what is happening. The listener and reader develop a feeling of empathy for the hero, the child begins to root for the hero, and very often he has a desire to help. In addition, children become dreamers and come up with their own plan on how to help a person or animal in trouble.

Thanks to the fairy tale, children begin to develop a sense of rhythm. We all know the fairy tale “Turnip”. Listen to how you pronounce the lines from this work. Like a poem: lowering, raising intonation, a certain rhythm, set from the very beginning of the fairy tale.

It should be noted that fairy tales contribute to the development of the psychological basis of speech. Thanks to them, the child develops memory (ask your children to remember the sequence of events), speech develops (the child, when telling a fairy tale, uses the words that were in the fairy tale itself, tries to correctly reproduce the sequence of words in sentences), attention develops (you need to be attentive while listening to a fairy tale and while telling it, since when reproducing a fairy tale it is necessary to preserve the author's sequence), the imagination develops (the child not only uses the material of the fairy tale, but also makes his own changes).

So, what was said earlier allows us to prove that reading fairy tales has a beneficial effect on the development of every child.

The child develops the correct emotional base, develops speech, perception, thinking, memory, imagination, in addition, he learns the history of Russia: the life of people who lived before.

It is necessary for parents to introduce a child to a fairy tale, because a fairy tale is important and necessary for a harmoniously developing personality: it also forms emotions (empathy, not rudeness and callousness - which is now clearly expressed in our reality: in computer games, in comics, in modern cartoons) , this is an expansion and enrichment of the dictionary beautiful words, which are found in our rich language, is the improvement of coherent speech and psychological processes.

It is very sad that parents, due to their employment, due to financial difficulties, do not help their children understand and comprehend all the beauty surrounding reality, and then, when the child has already formed as a person who is not emotional, rude, callous, and has difficulty expressing himself (both orally and in writing), they try to change something, but it is (usually) too late.

Title: Essay by a kindergarten teacher-speech therapist “A fairy tale in a child’s world”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Certification teaching staff Preschool educational institution, Essay, Kindergarten

Position: speech therapist teacher
Place of work: MBDOU – kindergarten No. 546
Location: Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region

Patience and creativity
Perseverance and victory -
Here are the main steps
In the work of a speech therapist.
All Nadi, Vani, Viti
We must speak
And it depends on me -
To be it or not to be it.

I always looked at my mother with delight. Teachers with a capital T. I watched with bated breath as she masterfully taught the lesson. With us students, she was not just a teacher, she was an interlocutor for us. We didn't just have history lessons. These were lessons in discussions, reasoning, and travel into the past. We talked, argued, found general solution or disagreed with each other, and, unbeknownst to us, studied new things and repeated what we had learned. I always wanted to become like her. But at the same time, I dreamed of something more! I didn’t just want to teach! I wanted to bring such benefit to people that would be compared to saving lives!!! When I entered medical college, I realized that medicine was not my thing after all.

One day I overheard a conversation that influenced my future fate. They were talking about the mother and her already quite big baby, most likely already a schoolboy. “Well, how can you not understand that it’s not “L”, but “R”! FISH, CANCER! TRACTOR!” - my mother almost shouted in despair - “They will give you bad marks at school if you don’t learn to say this letter!” I will never forget the eyes of this boy. There was so much despair in them! Lack of understanding of what they want from him. So much fear for these terrible future twos! “But you can help and save lives in another way!” I realized. How could I not have realized earlier that my calling was completely different! It was with these thoughts that I ended up in our KSPU named after. V.P. Astafieva, at the Faculty of Special Pedagogy. Truly, we do not choose fate, fate chooses us. Now my mother and I are colleagues.

My professional activity speech therapy teacher began on August 18, 2011. Were coming to an end summer holidays, and the school stood waiting for the children. I remember the day when I first crossed the threshold of school. It was as if I had been transported back in time. In that happy and unforgettable time, when everything was easy and simple, when my mother was sitting in the next office, always ready to help; at a time when I was the happiest in the world! Feelings came flooding back from the memories! And that's when I realized - I did it right choice. After all, the children’s future is in my hands, and it depends on me what it will be like when they grow up.

Now I'm a teacher! Every day, walking through the corridors of the school, I catch the glances of my students. My guys... They are so similar and at the same time they are all so different... There are so many of them! My good ones! For the sake of their joyful smile and shining eyes, I will stop at nothing. They, my guys, give me strength and ideas for new discoveries in the land of knowledge.

A speech therapist... What kind of specialist is this? “Logos” translated from Greek means “word”. The second part of the word “speech therapist” “paideo” - translated from Greek means to teach, educate. Learn the right words and correct speech. And this is my main professional task. A speech therapist is a necessary and important specialist! This is a “doctor” of speech! Doctor of the soul! A teacher on whom the future of some children depends. In my own words, I would say that a speech therapist is a doctor who teaches or a teacher who heals. This profession requires knowledge both from the field of medicine and pedagogy. It is impossible to teach a child to pronounce sounds and words without knowledge of a medical diagnosis and its complications; without knowing the anatomical structure of the organs of articulation.

I imagine my speech therapy work as a large iceberg, where defects in sound pronunciation are just its small tip, visible to everyone. And there, under the water, something more is hidden. Scary. Invisible to anyone except a specialist. Problems such as: writing, reading, impairment fine motor skills and others! And these problems entail even more terrible consequences - self-doubt, isolation, shyness. All this affects not only successful schooling, but also all further socialization of the child in the future. That is why my profession was not chosen in vain. Indeed, the future of children may depend on my quality work. Will they be able to write beautifully and without errors, speak clearly, and construct their statements. Maybe one of them will be a doctor, a TV presenter. Or maybe, like me, he will become a speech therapist.

I try to be for children not just a teacher, but a person who can be trusted, who will never let you down, who will never leave you, who will definitely teach you to speak correctly and correctly. I try to find something special in every child that he can be proud of. Reveal all his potential capabilities, which in the future will certainly lead him to the desired success. Teach your child the correct beautiful speech, to teach in a fun and enthusiastic way, to give the opportunity to believe in oneself, to understand that any child is talented and successful, this, in my opinion, is my main task as a speech therapist. After all, there is sun in every person! Just let it glow! In my classes, I’m not just a teacher - I’m an actress, screenwriter, and sorceress who can take you by the hand into a fairy tale, into magic. Each lesson is something unique and memorable. It makes me very happy when kids ask me for lessons again and again. For me this is beyond all praise. But I feel even greater joy from going to their lesson.

I have been working at school for three years now and not once have I doubted the choice I made. School is the place where I want to work and help children. To date, I am very proud of the results I have achieved, although there are not many of them. And I'm not going to stop there. Of course, I, like other young professionals, have difficulties that I have encountered on my professional path. But the teaching experience and time that comes every year puts everything in its place. I am slowly getting into the learning process. And today I am already a teacher, and not yesterday’s student. And I'm working. I'm creating. Trying. And behind the work you love, all pressing problems fade into the background and become unnoticeable, secondary. The most memorable moments in my work are the children whom I help overcome speech problems, and the friendly, grateful words of their parents.

And one day one student told me: “Thank you for the lesson!” This was beyond all praise! This was recognition of me as a teacher. What I experienced at that moment cannot be described in words. I realized that I was going in the right direction! As a child, I dreamed of connecting my destiny with medicine, but doesn’t a speech therapist help a child recover? My work makes me feel like a magician - giving joy and hope to children and their parents, a kind of “recovery”. I am still a young teacher, but now “teacher” for me is not a profession, it is a way of life.

Essay “Teacher in the modern world!”

Bredikhina Natalya Sergeevna

Teacher - defectologist - speech therapist

KSU "OSHI No. 1 for children with ODD" Shakhtinsk

I am a speech therapist. And for me it sounds proud!

Probably, like most little girls in childhood, I loved to heal and teach. Even in kindergarten, looking at my mother, who was my teacher, I really wanted to be “like her,” to work with children. I went to school with my grandmother and watched, watched her, how she taught children and gave them knowledge of the Russian language and literature. They were the ones who became examples, role models and helped me determine my future path. Each person has a certain “mission” in this world. My “mission” is to be a teacher. I am a third generation educator. I was also once taught that it was the love for children that was instilled in me by my grandmother and mother. Hundreds of times I have heard the same phrase: “It’s not enough to learn to be a teacher, you need to love children!” Without love there will be no good results. You need to go to work with desire, as if you were going to a holiday...” Once upon a time these phrases were far away for me, and I did not understand it. How can you devote yourself entirely to children? What about family, home? Mom and grandmother managed to do everything. Now that twenty years have passed, I understand the full meaning of what was said.

In 1990, I entered the Karaganda Pedagogical Institute, majoring in oligophrenopedagogue and speech therapist. As I studied, I realized more and more that I had made the right choice. Currently I work at the KSU “Comprehensive secondary boarding school for children with special developmental abilities.” This has its own specifics of work. Children with different diagnoses, and some with difficult destinies. Sometimes it’s not easy, correctional work is very difficult and slow. But not only my students learn, I myself learn with them - endurance, patience, understanding, responsiveness, kindness, tolerance. I always give a lot to my children, but I also receive a lot from them. Knowing well the age and individual characteristics every child, I know how to put myself in his place, understand his inner state. This helps me prepare for and conduct classes. If various situations arise during classes, I adjust the course of the lesson directly during the lesson. Therefore, I believe that a real teacher is one who is able to descend from the heights of his knowledge to the student’s ignorance and make the ascent together with him. Patience and optimism are two of the most important components in working with special children. The desired result will not come soon, but bit by bit, day by day we are moving towards it. And how nice it is to see the result of daily, painstaking work. When something works, the child “growled”, “hissed” or learned to pronounce compound word, this little man is happy and proud of himself, glad of his little victory. It is these small victories that my work, the work of a speech therapist, consists of.

Modern society requires teachers to demonstrate an active life and professional position. I consider the main indicator of professional skill to be the ability to understand the cause of the phenomenon that the teacher encountered. This involves conducting a qualitative analysis of the situation. Thus, behind professional skill lies the ability to work with a specific child. And also the ability to approach any situation is not standard. The professional reputation of a teacher of correctional and developmental education largely depends on his activity in achieving the maximum possible level development of a child with special educational needs and his integration in everyday life.

In order to constantly be on top, I devote a lot of time to improving the level of my professional skills. That's why I'm learning new things. methodological literature, I attend seminars, methodological associations, actively use ICT, study material from pedagogical portals, online subject communities, and study speech therapy sites. Considering current trends V information world, I study innovative technologies, modify, modify them and introduce individual significant elements from them into my work.

I believe it's in progress correctional work, pedagogical and social significance maintaining and strengthening children's health. Health-saving educational technologies are the most significant among all known technologies in terms of the degree of influence on children's health. They help me at different stages of speech correction work. Initially, I use phonetic logo training “We play, we move - we develop” as a system of classes and preparatory exercises for the development of articulatory, general and fine motor skills, prosody, auditory and visual perception, auditory attention and memory in children. Children really like it various types self-massage: head, ears, face, neck, hands and fingers; traditional and non-traditional forms of articulatory gymnastics (bioenergoplasty, finger and tongue theater, fairy tales from the life of the tongue, sets of exercises for developing articulation of sounds). In addition, in my work I use such health-saving technologies as:

* Su-Jok therapy technology;

* technology breathing exercises(Gygong);

* technology of kinesiological movements (A. Sirotyuk);

* technology of changing body position (V. Bazarny). At the main stage of speech therapy work, I use the method of su-jok therapy. The use of su-jok massagers - massage balls and massage rings in combination with exercises for correcting sound pronunciation and developing lexical and grammatical categories, all this helps to increase the physical and mental performance of children, creates a functional basis for a relatively quick transition to more high level sensory development and the opportunity for optimal targeted speech work with each child.

Information technology helps me to be “on the same wavelength” with the child and create different communication situations. Specialized speech therapy computer program “Games for Tigers”, computer games under the topic: “Learning to speak correctly”, “Lessons from Aunt Owl”, presentations prepared by me on the production, automation and differentiation of sounds, contribute to the solution of correctional and developmental tasks that correspond to the individual capabilities of each child with special educational needs. Thus, individual plan correctional and developmental work with the child is based on the comprehensive inclusion of computer and speech therapy technologies. Experience in using specialized speech therapy computer programs and presentations has shown that the use of new information technology in speech therapy work can significantly reduce the time for the formation and development of language and speech means, communication skills, higher mental functions in children.

For effective correctional and speech therapy work, I consciously include parents in joint work. Their active participation in the correctional and developmental educational process can significantly increase the efficiency of correctional work and create a unified space speech development child. I build partnerships with parents, because parents are the customers. educational services teachers - speech therapists and my first assistants in correctional and developmental work. I keep notebooks for relationships with parents, which allows parents to know every week what topic the child is studying, what he should know about this topic and helps them consolidate what they have learned. educational material V working together with a child, performing articulatory gymnastics to produce and automate sounds, reflective and independent pronunciation of pure phrases and conducting “Speech exercises”. When building interaction with parents, I am guided by this principle and motto: “A parent is not a guest, but a full member of the boarding school team!” I always take into account the opinions of other teachers, educators, educational psychologists, therapists, and consult with them, if necessary, I consult with them. The child, parents, teachers, psychologist, doctors and I are a team! The team must work in unity with each other. And we have one goal: to make every child happy, helping him learn to speak, communicate, and enjoy every day.

I often remember the words of Ya.A. Comenius: “Our profession is the best, like no other under the sun.” I agree with the statement that a teacher is not a profession, it is a calling, a mission. For me, my work is not only a service, it is the meaning of life. I don't work at a boarding school, I "live" there. You cannot end the lesson by closing the office; It is impossible to forget about your students when you return home. Every day and every hour I think about them. My goal: to introduce children to all the diversity expressive means speech, help them learn to control the organs of speech and also speak beautifully, correctly, clearly and write without mistakes, in addition, teach them to love life, understand what happiness is, help them find their way. Therefore, somehow gradually with experience, my Code of Conduct developed:

1. Create a situation of success good mood and positive relationships.

2. Always prepare for classes as if it were the first time, in order to enjoy the process of communication and the process of creating something new.

3. Be open and sincere, be able to admit your mistakes.

4. Know how to learn from students and thank them for communication.

5. You can find a way out of any situation if you do not consider it as a problem.

Am I lucky with my choice of profession? I am sure: if children are happy to come to my classes, then I am doing everything right. I'm happy to see the fruits of my labor; I know what my students will choose different roads in life, and they will definitely need a beautiful competent speech. Working with children is interesting, each child is unique and inimitable in its manifestation and personal development. I want to help every child with speech disorders. What a satisfaction and pleasure it is when you see that your work produces good results. It’s especially nice when not only I, but also my parents see these results. Every day, when I work with children, I give them a piece of my heart, warming them with the warmth of my soul.

I like my profession because it gives me the opportunity to immerse myself daily in the wonderful world of childhood and allows me, to some extent, to feel like a child.

To the question: “What do you do?” I proudly answer: “I am a speech therapist teacher!” Only the profession of a speech therapist teacher harmoniously combines the wisdom of pedagogy, the insight of psychology and, of course, the compassion of medicine. I know it, I can do it and I do it!

Without hesitation I answer -

Love for children"

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Reflections on the topic “I am a speech therapist teacher” are a reason to look at your profession from the outside, to try to comprehend its importance for yourself and its significance for other people. In my case, the profession chose me. From a teacher to a speech therapist. To teach a child correct, beautiful speech, to teach in a fun and enthusiastic way, to give the opportunity to believe in oneself, to understand that any child is talented and successful - this, in my opinion, is the main task of a creative teacher.

Kindergarten is an island of joy, where every child is unique and inimitable, where the world of goodness, the world of health is as important as the world of knowledge.

Why do I love my profession? For the fact that she gives me the opportunity to come into contact with the world of childhood every day, for the uniqueness and unpredictability of every day. Giving children a piece of my heart, the heat of my soul, I admit with a feeling of deep satisfaction: “I’m in the right place.” All my knowledge, all my experience, all my spiritual strength is for them. Every time I feel an incredible sense of joy for the children’s successes, I am convinced that the chosen profession is important, necessary, necessary!

I love my job. It gives me the opportunity to help children learn to pronounce the sounds of their native speech correctly. Every day, coming into contact with the world of childhood, I make a contribution to the future of children. This gives prospects for successful learning to read, write, and in life in general, because beautiful, clear speech is the most important condition comprehensive development of children preschool age, which is the purpose of my work.

A speech therapist teacher must certainly be passionate and have something special of his own in his soul. This is probably why my students are pleased with their success and study with interest. This means that I am not just a carrier and transmitter of information, but also a creator of an emotional mood. I start all my activities with a smile, and there is no greater joy for me than to see children’s eyes wide open, to realize that the biggest and most significant thing is. The first success, and then many victories, inspire the child and contribute to strong desire achieve good results. From the student’s interest, I stretch a thread-path to his abilities to learn and discover new things.

Speech therapy work in kindergarten involves the unity of theory, play, theater and psychology. Of course, it takes a lot of patience, perseverance, sincere passion, enormous dedication, compassion and love for each child to hear the result.

Every day my little friends sit with me in front of the mirror to learn how to speak correctly. Lack of self-confidence and complexes make children withdraw. How scary it is for a child: “What if I don’t succeed? “Here in the foreground: help, caress, sympathize. A speech therapy session is not only a school for teaching and raising a child, but also a kind look, gentle speech, and the charm of a teacher who instills in them confidence that everything will work out. A speech therapist teacher must be able to pronounce any word, phrase, sentence in such a way that the child wants to speak beautifully and correctly.

When creating conditions for mastering speech, I do not forget about the attractive surrounding environment, each object in which carries a semantic load, aesthetic pleasure and always a secret or riddle. This is the only way to captivate, interest and invite a child to dialogue. At every lesson I try to maintain a friendly atmosphere so that the children feel free and comfortable. For this purpose there is a specially equipped office, more like a room in which there is no place for strict style. Everything in it: walls, curtains, toys, furniture is imbued with the warmth and comfort of a homely, “friendly” world, where the child does not feel constrained or squeezed.

The joy of cooperation with parents, the creation of an atmosphere of mutual understanding among like-minded people, emotional involvement with each other - all this is necessary for the favorable development of the child’s personality. Speech therapy classes for mothers and fathers are no less important than for children. Being active participants, they are “recharged” with energy and gain knowledge about how to emotionally communicate with a child. When building interaction with parents, I am guided by the principle: “A parent is not a guest, but a full member of the kindergarten team.”

I think many will agree with me that the most important thing in pedagogical activity– the personality of the teacher, his human qualities, because a callous, rude teacher will not be able to achieve good results. And, on the contrary, a kind and attentive person educates with his very presence.

Active search for ways to solve creative problems: a constant process of improving traditional forms, optimizing the methods and content of speech correction work, searching for new, variable forms of organizing speech therapy support for preschoolers. These aspects of modern preschool education is also in my activities.

Undoubtedly, success in work depends on professional knowledge, awareness of domestic and foreign achievements of sciences related to speech therapy, on creative activity and initiative. Optimism, patience and determination - these qualities help me improve my profession as a teacher-speech therapist.

My work allows me to feel like a magician - to give children and their parents a kind of “recovery.” And every teacher will understand me: we live in our students. A speech therapist must love his job. I believe this is the main and fundamental condition for successful activities. In my opinion, in the hands of a speech therapist, the most valuable asset is children, their development and prospects. For a child with speech impairments, great value has a specialist to whom he will go. The speech therapist expands his communication capabilities, he is a kind of guide little man into the diverse world of human relationships. My work to overcome speech disorders instills in the child confidence in his own abilities and contributes to the development of his cognitive abilities. By expanding the boundaries of communication, both among peers and with adults, the child becomes more emotional, inquisitive and responsive. His views on the world and his relationships with others change. He becomes more open to establishing contacts with other people, more receptive to new knowledge, and feels like a full-fledged person. When communicating with children, I try to be open; I know how to put myself in the child’s place and understand his inner state.

The basis of my teaching activity is an individual approach to each child. Yes, they are all different, each of them is unique, each of them has its own palette of moods and emotions. The main components of my pedagogical philosophy are faith in the child, acceptance and understanding of his amazing soul, his actions, his expectations, as well as the satisfaction of one of his most important needs - the need for love and approval. I sincerely believe that if in communication with a child we are full of love, understanding and respect, then he, imitating us, will take this best and carry it further. I don’t count the number of children I helped, but believe me, it’s nice to hear from the children: “Ekaterina Anatolyevna! Take me to class! “Their joyful greeting and warm hugs make me forget about everything, awaken in me the strength and desire to do everything to make this bright light, this love not only never disappeared, but was kindled and became stronger and brighter. Difficulties, failures, disappointments recede when I see the sparkle in the eyes of my students. I'm ready to move mountains, throw away what's mine Bad mood and go forward. Every day I enjoy the process of work, I devote myself to my favorite work with all my soul, I dedicate it free time. The most memorable moments in my work are the children whom I help overcome speech problems, and the friendly, grateful words of their parents.

Seeing the result of the work, the emotions of the children, I realized that a teacher-speech therapist is the best profession for me and my favorite!