What genre is not folklore? Genres of Russian folklore. Everyday and ritual poetry. Oral folk art, folklore genres

Folklore, translated from in English, means " folk wisdom, folk knowledge"was first introduced by the English scientist W.J. Toms in 1846. At first, this term covered the entire spiritual (beliefs, dances, music, wood carving, etc.), and sometimes the material (housing, clothing) culture of the people. Since the beginning of the 20th century. the term is also used in a narrower, more specific meaning: oral folk art.

Folklore is an art forming over many centuries and changing over time.

Only all 3 of these factors, present AT THE SAME TIME, are a sign of folklore and distinguish it from literature.

Syncretism is the unity and indivisibility of various types of art, characteristic of the early stages of its development. Artistic creativity is not separated from other types of activity and, together with them, is directly included in practical life. Syncretism is an undeveloped state of early traditional folklore. Oldest species verbal art arose in the process of the formation of human speech in the Upper Paleolithic era. Verbal creativity in ancient times it was closely connected with human labor activity and reflected religious, mythical, historical ideas, as well as the beginnings of scientific knowledge. Ritual actions through which primitive sought to influence the forces of nature, fate, were accompanied by words: spells, conspiracies were pronounced, various requests or threats were addressed to the forces of nature. The art of words was closely connected with other types of primitive art - music, dance, decorative art. In science this is called “primitive syncretism.” Traces of it are still visible in folklore.

The Russian scientist A.N. Veselovsky believed that the origins of poetry lie in folk ritual. Primitive poetry, according to his concept, was originally a choir song accompanied by dancing and pantomime. The role of the word at first was insignificant and entirely subordinated to rhythm and facial expressions. The text was improvised according to the performance until it acquired a traditional character.

As humanity accumulated more and more significant life experience that needed to be passed on to subsequent generations, the role of verbal information increased. Isolation of verbal creativity into an independent art form - the most important step in the prehistory of folklore.

Types of folklore: Epic (legends, fairy tales, traditions, epics - genres) Lyric-epic genre (transitional) - romance

Lyrics (songs, ditties); Drama (folklore theater)

Types of folklore: Archaic - folklore develops among peoples at the primitive stage of development. There is no written language yet; culture is oral. The folklore of people with mythological thinking covers the entire culture of the ethnic group. Classical - folklore develops in the era when states are formed, writing and literature emerge. Here artistic fiction is formed, a genre system is formed. Modern - post-folklore, which developed in Russia after the abolition of serfdom. His element is the city. Epic songs, fairy tales and traditional lyrical songs are being replaced by songs of a new formation, ditties, and anecdotes.

Folklore (according to V.E. Gusev) – verbal – musical – choreographic – dramatic part of folk art (spiritual component folk culture) – not material art. Materially expressed (DPI) – folk art.

Folklore is a syncretic and synthetic art, because combines various types of arts.

Signs of folklore: Orality (not only the form of dissemination, but the form in which it has the greatest aesthetic impact); Impersonality (the work has an author, but is not identified); Collectivity (as an aesthetic category. The quality of the project accepted by the team corresponds to folk tradition. Collectivity = tradition + improvisation); Traditionality (works are inserted on the basis of traditions); Variability ( different variants in different territories); Improvisation; Nationality (aesthetic category, expression of ideals, interests, aspirations of the people).

Tradition is stable patterns, artistic techniques and means used by a community of people for many generations and passed on from generation to generation. Tradition is understood as the most general principles of creativity, and in folklore - a set of stable plot forms, types, heroes, and poetic forms.

Folklore genres:

The folklore genre is a set of works united by a common poetic system, everyday use, forms of performance and musical structure. (V.Ya. Propp) Genre is a unit of classification of folklore

Ph-r is divided into genera (epic, lyric, drama), genera - into types (eg, songs, fairy tales, etc.), and types into genres. If the method of existence of works is used as the basis for the classification, then the genre will be divided into ritual and non-ritual.

The epic reproduces reality in narrative form in the form of objective pictures. Divided into: Songs (poems)

Epics; historical songs; ballads; spiritual poems; Prose; Fairytale prose; Animal Tales; Fairy tales; Jokes

Novels; Non-fairy prose; Legends; Legends; Bylichki (demonological stories).

In epic folklore genres, the main artistic feature is the plot. It is built on a conflict, which is based on the hero's clash with supernatural or real opponents. The plot can be both simple and complex, the events can be perceived as both real and fictional, and the content can be related to the past, present and future.

Lyrics - lyrics poetically depict the inner, state of mind person, his subjective experiences

Songs of Ditties; Lamentations; Dramatic genres of folklore have a spectacular and playful nature, and convey the attitude to reality in the play action; Ritual games; Dramatic games; Late theatrical genres; Theater of live actors; Puppet show; Rayok;

According to the method of existence of works, folklore is divided into: Ritual; Ritual calendar; Ritual family; Non-ritual.

In addition, there are small genres of folklore: paremias; Proverbs and sayings; Puzzles

As well as such types as children's folklore (lullabies, teasers, horror stories, chants, etc.), folklore of workers (songs, ditties, prose), folklore of the Second World War (ditties, front department, rear, driven into occupation, Victory, etc.)

Each folklore genre has its own circle of heroes, its own plots and stylistic devices, however, all folklore genres in their natural existence are interconnected and form a system. In this system, outdated f.zh. are destroyed. and on their basis new ones are born.

Folklore researchers: V.N. Tatishchev (18th century), Slavophiles P.V. Kirievsky, N.M. Yazykov, V.I. Dahl et al.; 1850-60s: F.I. Buslaev, A.N. Afanasyev, A.N. Veselovsky, V.F. Miller; beginning of the Soviet era: B.M. and Yu.M. Sokolovs, D.K. Zelenin, M.K. Azadovsky, N.P. Andreev. Second floor. 20 in: V.I. Chicherov, V.Ya. Propp, N.N. Veletskaya, V.K. Sokolova, L.N. Vinogradova, I.E. Karpukhin, V.P. Anikin, E.V. Pomerantseva, E.M. Meletinsky, V.A. Bakhtin, V.E. Gusev, A.F. Nekrylova, B.N. Putilov, etc.

Oral folk art is the richest heritage of every country. Folklore existed even before the emergence writing, this is not literature, but a masterpiece of the art of oral literature. The genera of folklore creativity were formed in the pre-literary period of art on the basis of ceremonial and ritual actions. The first attempts to comprehend literary genera date back to the era of antiquity.

Types of folklore creativity

Folklore is represented by three genera:

1. Epic literature. This genus is represented in prose and poetry. Russian folklore genres epic kind represented by epics, historical songs, fairy tales, tales, legends, parables, fables, proverbs and sayings.

2. Lyric literature. At the heart of everything lyrical works thoughts and feelings are present lyrical hero. Examples of folklore genres of the lyrical direction are represented by ritual, lullabies, love songs, ditties, bayat, haivka, Easter and Kupala songs. In addition, there is a separate block - “Folklore lyrics”, which includes literary songs and romances.

3. Dramatic literature. This is a type of literature that combines epic and lyrical methods of depiction. The basis of a dramatic work is a conflict, the content of which is revealed through the acting of the actors. Dramatic works have a dynamic plot. Folklore genres dramatic kind are represented by family ritual, calendar songs, and folk dramas.

Individual works may contain features of lyrical and epic literature, therefore, a mixed gender is distinguished - lyric-epic, which in turn is divided into:

Works with heroic characters, lyric-epic content (epic, duma, historical song).

Non-heroic works (ballad, chronicle song).

There is also folklore for children (lullaby, nursery rhyme, comfort, pestushka, fairy tale).

Genres of folklore

Folklore genres of folk art are represented in two directions:

1. Ritual works of UNT.

Performed during the rituals:

Calendar (carols, Maslenitsa activities, freckles, Trinity songs);

Family and household (birth of a child, wedding celebrations, celebration of national holidays);

Occasional works - came in the form of spells, counting rhymes, chants.

2. Non-ritual works of UNT.

This section includes several subgroups:

Drama (folklore) - nativity scenes, religious works, theater "Petrushki".

Poetry (folklore) - epics, lyrical, historical and spiritual songs, ballads, ditties.

Prose (folklore) in turn is divided into fairy-tale and non-fairy-tale. The first includes tales about magic, animals, everyday and cumulative tales, and the second is associated with famous heroes and heroes of Rus' who fought witches (Baba Yaga) and other demonological creatures. Also included in non-fairy tale prose are tales, legends, and mythological stories.

Speech folklore is represented by proverbs, sayings, chants, riddles, and tongue twisters.

Folklore genres carry their own individual plot and meaning.

Images of military battles, exploits of heroes and folk heroes observed in epics, vivid events of the past, everyday life and memories of heroes from the past can be found in historical songs.

Stories about the actions of the heroes Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich are epic. The folklore genre of the fairy tale tells about the actions of Ivan the Tsarevich, Ivan the Fool, Vasilisa the Beautiful and Baba Yaga. Family songs are always represented by characters such as mother-in-law, wifey, hubby.

Literature and folklore

Folklore differs from literature unique system construction of works. Its characteristic difference from literature is that the genres of folklore works have starters, beginnings, sayings, retardations, and trinity. Also significant differences style compositions there will be the use of epithet, tautology, parallelism, hyperbole, synecdoche.

Just as in oral folk art (ONT), folklore genres in literature are represented by three genera. This is epic, lyric, drama.

Distinctive features of literature and CNT

Large works of literature, represented by novels, short stories, novellas, are written in calm, measured tones. This allows the reader, without interrupting the reading process, to analyze the plot and draw appropriate conclusions. Folklore contains a saying, a beginning, a saying and a chorus. The technique of tautology is the basic principle of storytelling. Hyperbole, exaggeration, synecdoche and parallelism are also very popular. Such figurative actions are not allowed in literature all over the world.

Small folklore genres as a separate block of CNT works

This system includes mainly works for children. The relevance of these genres continues to this day, because every person gets acquainted with this literature even before he begins to speak.

The lullaby became one of the first works of folklore. The presence of partial conspiracies and amulets is direct evidence of this fact. Many believed that otherworldly forces act around a person; if a child sees something bad in a dream, it will never happen again in reality. This is probably why the lullaby about the “little gray top” is popular even today.

Another genre is nursery rhyme. To understand what exactly such works are, we can equate it to a sentence song or a song with simultaneous actions. This genre promotes the development fine motor skills and emotional health of the child, the key point is considered to be the plots with the play of fingers “Magpie-Crow”, “Ladushki”.

All of the above small folklore genres are necessary for every person. Thanks to them, children learn for the first time what is good and what is bad, and are taught order and hygiene.

Folklore of nationalities

An interesting fact is that different nationalities, in their culture, traditions and customs, have common points of contact in folklore. There are so-called universal desires, thanks to which songs, rituals, legends, and parables appear. Many peoples hold celebrations and chanting to obtain a rich harvest.

From the above it becomes obvious that different peoples often turn out to be close in many spheres of life, and folklore unites customs and traditions into a single structure of folk art.

Folklore, by its nature, content and purpose, is a deeply democratic, truly folk art. He is distinguished not only by his ideological depth, but also by his high artistic qualities. Folk poetry is distinguished by its peculiar artistic system visual arts and genres.

What are genres of Russian folklore?

One of the types of ancient creativity was labor songs with their simplest commands, shouts, signals given as work progresses.

Calendar folklore originally came from the urgent practical goals of people. It was associated with ideas about the annual agricultural cycle and variable natural conditions. People sought to know the future, so they resorted to fortune telling and talked about the future based on signs.

This also explained wedding folklore. It is permeated with the thought of the safety of the family and clan, and is designed for the goodwill of the highest patrons.

Individual elements have also been preserved from antiquity children's folklore, which changed later under the influence of aesthetic and pedagogical functions.

Among the oldest genres - funeral lamentations. With the advent of universal conscription, mourning arose for those being drafted into service—recruitment lamentations.

Genres non-ritual folklore also developed under the influence of syncretism. It includes small folklore genres ( proverbs): proverbs, fables, signs and sayings. They contained human judgments about the way of life, about work, about higher natural forces, and statements about human affairs. “This is a vast area of ​​moral assessments and judgments, how to live, how to raise children, how to honor ancestors, thoughts about the need to follow precepts and examples, these are everyday rules of behavior... In a word, the functionality of proverbs covers almost all ideological areas.” 9

Genres of oral prose include legends, tales, tales, legends. These are stories and incidents from life that tell about a person’s meeting with characters of Russian demonology - sorcerers, witches, mermaids, etc. This also includes stories about saints, shrines and miracles - about the communication of a person who has accepted the Christian faith with forces of a higher order .

Genres song epic: epics, historical songs, military songs, spiritual songs and poems.

Gradually, folklore moves away from everyday functions and acquires elements of artistry. The role of the artistic principle in it increases. As a result of historical evolution, folklore became poetic in its main and fundamental qualities, having reworked the traditions of all previous states of folklore. 10

Artistic creativity is embodied in all forms fairy tales: tales about animals, magic, everyday.

This type of creativity is also represented in riddles.

To early species artistic creativity include ballads.

Lyrical songs they also carry artistic function. They are performed outside of rituals. The content and form of lyrical songs are associated with the expression of the experiences and feelings of the performers.

Towards the artistic song folklore the newest formation modern researchers attribute romances And ditties.

Children's folklore has its own system of genres, correlated with age characteristics children. It has artistic and pedagogical functions. It is dominated by gaming principles.

The artistic spectacular theatrical basis contains folklore spectacles and folklore theater . It is presented in a wide variety of genres and types ( games, dressing up, nativity scene, playgrounds, puppet shows etc.).

A separate type of artistic representation is formed by the so-called fair folklore. It arose from fair performances, shouts of traders, farce barkers, joke speech, jokes and folk sayings.

At the intersection of long-standing traditions of folklore and trends new culture the genre has developed joke.

A detailed account of individual folklore genres will be made in subsequent sections of the manual.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Modern literature has its origin and one of its predecessors was the folklore genre.

Even before the invention of printing, works of folk art were passed on by word of mouth.

Let's take a look today at what folklore is in the modern sense, what functions it performs, who studies it and how, and by what signs it can be distinguished folklore works and, of course, let's look at examples of such works in Russian creativity.

Folklore is our genetics

The term “folklore” (from the English folk-lore “folk wisdom”) appeared in Europe at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries. In Russia it began to be actively used in the 30s of the 19th century.

He generalized ideas about literary and musical works(songs, dances) created by a group of unknown authors from the people over several tens (or hundreds) of years in the distant historical past.

Until the twentieth century, folklore also called works of decorative, applied and architectural creativity.

Simply put, folklore is oral folk art. Currently, the concept is actively used in the musical and literary sense.

We are interested in the latter, and it is important to note that it is the first source of the emergence of fiction. Its second source is spiritual literature created in such cultural centers, like monasteries, influenced the people’s worldview with a cementing moral principle.

Folklore opened the floodgates of everyday colloquial speech, sources of verbal imagery and fairy-tale fantasy.

Genres of folklore

Works of oral folk art are usually divided into three varieties:

  1. Lyrical;
  2. Epic;
  3. Dramatic.

As in fiction, epic, and are represented by traditional genres for each of the genera. Lyrical songs reveal hidden themes of folk life.

The following types are distinguished:

  1. historical;
  2. love;
  3. wedding;
  4. funeral;
  5. labor;
  6. road (drivers);
  7. robbers;
  8. comic.

Epic genres- , fairy tale, fairy tale, true story, fable, bylichka, byvalshchina.

Small genres folklore - a saying, a tongue twister, a riddle, a joke - are also elements of an epic.

To present folklore dramatic works, you need to see the people's fair theater"raek". The texts for him were written in a special verse - raeshnik. Christmas mysteries, farcical comedies, cartoons, everyday sketches - all this is folk drama.

Features of folklore works

Having carefully read the definition, we can identify several important features of folklore:

it's our genetics. If a people disappears from the face of the Earth, its culture can be “pieced together” with the help of fairy tales, legends, proverbs, and songs.

Russian folklore

Works of Russian literary folklore are studied from the first stages schools. These are Russians folk tales, proverbs, riddles. Older children get acquainted with epics about Russian heroes.

In high school schools study folklore sources of works classical literature: stories and poems by A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, N. V. Gogol. Not knowing folk stories and characters, which in some sense have become the alphabet of national imagery, cannot be fully understood the diverse world of national culture.

Many people think that apart from “Chicken Ryaba”, “Kolobok” and “Turnip” the Russian people have nothing to tell. This is wrong. Open the collection fairy tales- exciting reading is guaranteed!

In a moment of lyrical melancholy, leaf through the collection folk songs, or better yet, listen to them with musical accompaniment. What is sung about in them concerns everyone, touches the most secret strings, causes both smiles and tears. This is ours sounding life, ours, who knows that everything in the world is repeatable.

What is the meaning of folklore works

Folk art is always functional, it does not appear out of nowhere and always has a clear goal. Scientists suggest share works of folklore for the following types:

  1. Ritual;
  2. Non-ritual.

The first type describes the repetition of ritual actions that are significant for many generations life events. Ritual folklore is divided into family and calendar. The first concerns milestones. family life: matchmaking and weddings, birth of children, death of relatives. It is widely represented by wedding and funeral songs, lamentations, and incantations.

Worth it separately children's folklore with his lullabies, nursery rhymes, petes.

Non-ritual folklore is associated with the calendar circle of peasant life: the change of seasons and economic activity hard worker-farmer. Each event of the cycle is accompanied by special songs: carols, chants, smells, etc.

Non-ritual genres include epics, fairy tales, ditties, riddles, proverbs, and sayings.

Studying folklore

You see how important folklore is! That is why it was necessary to create a separate scientific discipline to study it. It's called folkloristics. Along with ethnography, this science explores the life of ordinary people.

Ethnographers are engaged in describing dwellings, clothing, dishes, food, rituals, discovering objects material culture, A folklorists do the same when studying artistic expression.

Their goal is to trace how the types and genres of artistic creativity changed, how new plots and motifs appeared, what social and psychological phenomena were reflected in certain works.

Outstanding domestic scientists I. M. Snegirev, I. P. Sakharov, F. I. Buslavev, A. N. Veselovsky, P. N. Rybnikov, V. Ya. Propp and many others became the first collectors of folklore works.

Under their editorship, collections of proverbs and tales were published, recorded by them on expeditions around the country. By obtaining ancient examples of folk art, folklorists give readers a rich world of our sounding past.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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This is folk art, covering all cultural levels of society. People's lives, their views, ideals, moral principles - all this is reflected both in artistic folklore(dance, music, literature) and material (clothing, kitchenware, home).

Back in 1935, the great Russian writer Maxim Gorky, speaking at the First Congress of Writers of the USSR, accurately described folklore and its significance in public life: "...the most profound heroes exist in folklore, oral creativity people. Svyatogor and Mikula Selyaninovich, Vasilisa the Wise, the ironic Ivanushka the fool who never loses heart, Petrushka, who always conquers everyone. These images were created by folklore and they are an inseparable part of the life and culture of our society."

Folklore (“folk knowledge”) is a separate scientific discipline, on which research is carried out, abstracts are created, dissertations are written. In Russian literature of the 19th century, the terms “folk poetry” and “folk literature” were widely used.

Oral folk art, folklore genres

Songs, fairy tales, legends, epics - this is far from full list. Oral folk art is a vast layer of Russian culture that has been formed over the centuries. The genres of folklore are divided into two main directions - non-ritual and ritual.

  • Calendar - Maslenitsa songs, Christmas carols, vesnyankas and other examples of folk song creativity.
  • Family folklore - wedding songs, lamentations, lullabies, family stories.
  • Occasional - spells, counting rhymes, incantations, chants.

Non-ritual folklore includes four groups:

1. Folk drama - religious, nativity scene, Parsley theater.

2. Folk poetry - ballads, epics, spiritual poems, lyrical songs, ditties, children's songs and poems.

3. Folklore prose is divided into fairy-tale and non-fairytale. The first includes fairy tales about animals, everyday ones (for example, the story of Kolobok). Non-fairy tale prose is stories from life telling about human encounters with images of Russian demonology - mermaids and merman, sorcerers and witches, ghouls and ghouls. This subcategory also includes stories about shrines and miracles of the Christian faith, about higher powers. Forms of non-fairy tale prose:

  • legends;
  • mythological stories;
  • epics;
  • dream books;
  • legends;

4. Oral folklore: tongue twisters, well wishes, nicknames, proverbs, curses, riddles, teasers, sayings.

The genres listed here are considered the main ones.

in literature

These are poetic works and prose - epics, fairy tales, legends. A bunch of literary forms They also belong to folklore, which reflects three main directions: dramatic, lyrical and epic. Of course, the genres of folklore in literature are not limited to this; there are many more of them, but the categories listed are a kind of empirics that have been developed over the years.

Dramatic images

Dramatic folk art includes folk dramas in the shape of fairy tales with unfavorable developments and a happy ending. Any legend in which there is a struggle between good and evil can be dramatic. The characters defeat each other with varying degrees of success, but in the end good triumphs.

Genres of folklore in literature. Epic component

Russian folklore (epic) is based on historical songs with extensive themes, when guslars can spend hours telling stories about life in Rus' under quiet strings. This is a genuine folk art passed down from generation to generation. In addition to literary folklore from musical accompaniment There is oral folk art, legends and epics, traditions and tales.

Epic art is usually closely intertwined with dramatic genre because all the adventures epic heroes Russian lands are in one way or another connected with battles and exploits for the glory of justice. The main representatives of epic folklore are Russian heroes, among whom Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich, as well as the imperturbable Alyosha Popovich, stand out.

Genres of folklore, examples of which can be given endlessly, are built on heroes fighting monsters. Sometimes a hero is helped by an inanimate object that has fabulous powers. This could be a treasure sword that cuts off dragon heads in one fell swoop.

Epic tales tell about colorful characters - Baba Yaga, who lives in a hut on chicken legs, Vasilisa the Beautiful, Ivan Tsarevich, who is nowhere without Gray wolf, and even about Ivan the Fool - happy with an open Russian soul.

Lyrical form

This folklore genre includes works of folk art that are mostly ritual: love songs, lullabies, funny ditties and lamentations. Much depends on intonation. Even sentences, spells, bells and whistles with the aim of bewitching a loved one, and those can sometimes be classified as folklore lyrics.

Folklore and authorship

Works of a fabulous literary genre(author's) often cannot be formally classified as folklore, such as, for example, Ershov's "The Tale of the Little Humpbacked Horse" or Bazhov's tale "The Mistress of the Copper Mountain" due to their being written by a certain writer. However, these stories have their own folklore source, were told somewhere and by someone in one form or another, and then transferred by the writer into book form.

Genres of folklore, examples of which are well-known, popular and recognizable, do not need clarification. The reader can easily figure out which of the authors came up with their own plot and who borrowed it from the past. It’s another matter when genres of folklore, examples of which are familiar to most readers, are challenged by someone. In this case, specialists must understand and draw competent conclusions.

Controversial art forms

There are examples when fairy tales modern authors by its structure it literally asks to be folklore, but at the same time it is known that the plot does not have sources from the depths of folk art, but was invented by the author himself from beginning to end. For example, the work “Three in Prostokvashino”. There is a folklore outline - the postman Pechkin alone is worth something. And the story itself is fabulous in essence. However, if authorship is determined, then folklore affiliation can only be conditional. Although many authors believe that differences are not necessary, art is art, regardless of form. Which genres of folklore coincide with literary canons can be determined by a number of characteristics.

The difference between folklore works and literary works

Literary works, such as a novel, short story, story, essay, are distinguished by their measured, unhurried narration. The reader gets the opportunity to analyze what he read on the go, while delving into the idea of ​​the plot. Folklore works are more impulsive, moreover, they contain only their inherent elements, such as a talker or a chorus. Often the narrator slows down the action for greater effect, using duality or trinity of the narrative. In folklore, open tautology is widely used, sometimes even accentuated. Parallelisms and exaggerations are common. All these techniques are organic for folklore works, although they are completely unacceptable in ordinary literature.

Different peoples, incompatible in their mentality, are often united by factors of a folklore nature. Folk art contains universal motives, such as the common desire for everyone to reap a good harvest. Both the Chinese and the Portuguese think about this, although they live on different ends of the continent. The population of many countries is united by the desire for a peaceful existence. Since people everywhere are the same by nature, their folklore is not much different, if you do not keep in mind the external signs.

The geographical proximity of different nationalities contributes to rapprochement, and this process also begins with folklore. First of all, cultural ties are established, and only after the spiritual unification of the two peoples do politicians come to the fore.

Small genres of Russian folklore

Small folklore works are usually intended for children. The child does not perceive a long story or fairy tale, but listens with pleasure to the story about the Little Gray Top, who can grab a barrel. In the process of raising children, small genres of Russian folklore appeared. Each work of this form contains a special grain of meaning, which, as the narrative progresses, turns into either a moral or a small moral lesson.

However, most small forms folklore genre- these are speeches, songs, and jokes that are useful for a child’s development. There are 5 genres of folklore that are successfully used in raising children:

  • A lullaby is the oldest way to lull a child to sleep. Usually the melodic melody is accompanied by rocking of the cradle or crib, so it is important to find a rhythm when singing.
  • Pestushki - simple rhymes, melodious wishes, affectionate parting words, soothing lamentations for a newly awakened child.
  • Nursery rhymes are recitative songs that accompany playing with the baby’s arms and legs. They promote the development of the child, encourage him to act in an unobtrusive playful way.
  • Jokes are short stories, often in verse, funny and sonorous, which mothers tell their children every day. Growing children need to be told jokes in accordance with their age so that children understand every word.
  • Counting books are small rhymes that are good for developing a child’s arithmetic abilities. They are a mandatory part of collective children's games when lots need to be drawn.