Oral folk art is a source of age-old wisdom. Folklore genres. Examples of folklore genres

Types of small genres of folklore


Lullaby- one of the oldest genres of folklore, as evidenced by the fact that it retains elements of a talismanic conspiracy. People believed that a person is surrounded by mysterious hostile forces, and if a child sees something bad and scary in a dream, then in reality it will not happen again. That is why you can find the “little gray wolf” and other frightening characters in the lullaby. Later, lullabies lost their magical elements and acquired meaning good wishes for the future. So, a lullaby is a song used to lull a child to sleep. Since the song was accompanied by the measured swaying of the child, rhythm is very important in it.


Pestushka(from the word nurture, that is, to nurse, groom) - a short poetic chant of nannies and mothers, with which they accompany the actions of a child that he performs at the very beginning of his life. For example, when the child wakes up, the mother strokes and caresses him, saying:

Stretchers, stretchers,
Across the fat girl
And in the hands of the veil,
And in the mouth there is a talk,
And in the head there is reason.

When a child begins to learn to walk, they say:

Big feet
Walked along the road:
Top, top, top,
Top, top, top.
Little feet
Running along the path:
Top, top, top, top,
Top, top, top, top!

Nursery rhyme

Nursery rhyme- an element of pedagogy, a song-sentence that accompanies playing with a child’s fingers, arms and legs. Nursery rhymes, like pesters, accompany the development of children. Small rhymes and songs allow you to encourage the child to take action in a playful way, while simultaneously performing a massage, physical exercise, stimulating motor reflexes. In this genre children's folklore there are incentives to play out the plot with your fingers ( finger games or Ladushki), hands, facial expressions. Nursery rhymes help instill in a child the skills of hygiene, order, and develop fine motor skills And emotional sphere.



Option 1
Magpie Crow, (running finger over palm)
Magpie Crow,
I gave it to the kids.
(curls fingers)
Gave this one
Gave this one
Gave this one
Gave this one
But she didn’t give it to this:
- Why didn’t you cut wood?
- Why didn’t you carry water?

Option 2(features in the cartoon “The Little Mouse Song”):
Magpie Crow
Cooked porridge
She fed the babies:
Gave this one
Gave this one
Gave this one
But she didn’t give it to this.

"Okay" (clap hands on stressed syllables)

Okay, okay, where have you been? By Grandma!
What did you eat? Porridge!
What did you drink? Mash!
Butter porridge!
Sweet mash!
(Grandma is kind!)
We drank, ate, wow...
Shuuu!!! (Home) Let's fly!
They sat on their heads! ("Ladushki" sang)
We sat down and sat down,
Then we flew home!!!


joke(from bayat, that is, to tell) - a poetic, short, funny story that a mother tells her child, for example:

Owl, owl, owl,
Big head,
She was sitting on a stake,
I looked to the side,
Turned his head.


They teach something.

The road is a spoon for dinner.
Don't go into the forest to be afraid of the wolf.
Birds of a feather flock together.
You can't pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
Fear has big eyes.
The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.
A rolling stone gathers no moss.
There is no need for treasure if there is harmony in the family.
Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends.
An old friend is better than two new ones.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
If I had known where you would fall, I would have laid out straws.
You make a soft bed, but sleep hard.
The Motherland is your mother, know how to stand up for her.
Seven do not wait for one.
If you chase two hares, you won't catch either.
The bee is small, but it also works.
Bread is the head of everything.
Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.


There were special songs for the games. Games could be:

  • kissing. As a rule, these games were played at parties and get-togethers (usually ending with a kiss between a young guy and a girl);
  • ritual. Such games were characteristic of some kind of ritual, holiday. For example, Maslenitsa festivities (typical fun: removing a prize from the top of a pole, tug of war, competitions for dexterity, strength);
  • seasonal. Particularly common among children, especially in winter. We played the so-called “Warmers”: the leader shows some movements, and everyone else repeats. Or the traditional “collar” and “stream”.

An example of a kissing game:


The drake chased the duck,
The young man was driving sulfur,
Go home, Ducky,
Go home, Gray,
Duck has seven children,
And the eighth Drake,
And the ninth itself,
Kiss me once!

In this game, the "Duck" stood in the center of the circle, and the "Drake" outside, and played like a game of "cat and mouse". At the same time, those standing in the round dance tried not to let the “drake” into the circle.


Calls- one of the types of invocation songs pagan origin. They reflect the interests and ideas of peasants about the economy and family. For example, the spell of a rich harvest runs through all the calendar songs; For themselves, children and adults asked for health, happiness, and wealth.

Calls are an appeal to the sun, rainbow, rain and other natural phenomena, as well as to animals and especially often to birds, which were considered the harbingers of spring. Moreover, the forces of nature were revered as living: they make requests for spring, wish for its speedy arrival, and complain about winter.

Larks, larks!
Come and visit us
Bring us a warm summer,
Take the cold winter away from us.
Us Cold winter got bored
My hands and feet were frozen.

Counting book

Counting book- a short rhyme, a form of drawing lots to determine who leads the game. A counting table is an element of the game that helps establish agreement and respect for the accepted rules. Rhythm is very important in organizing a counting rhyme.

Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,
Aty-baty, to the market.
Atty-batty, what did you buy?
Aty-baty, samovar.
How much does it cost?
Aty-baty, three rubles
Aty-baty, what is he like?
Aty-baty, golden.
Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,
Aty-baty, to the market.
Atty-batty, what did you buy?
Aty-baty, samovar.
How much does it cost?
Aty-baty, three rubles.
Aty-baty, who's coming out?
Aty-baty, it's me!


Patter- a phrase built on a combination of sounds that makes it difficult to quickly pronounce words. Tongue twisters are also called “pure twisters” because they contribute and can be used to develop diction. Tongue twisters can be both rhymed and non-rhymed.

Greek rode across the river.
He sees a Greek: there is a cancer in the river,
He stuck the Greek's hand into the river -
Cancer for the hand of a Greek - DAC!

The bull was blunt-lipped, the bull was blunt-lipped, the bull's white lip was dull.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.


Mystery, like a proverb, is a short figurative definition of an object or phenomenon, but unlike a proverb, it gives this definition in an allegorical, deliberately obscure form. As a rule, in a riddle one object is described through another based on similar features: “The pear is hanging - you can’t eat it” (lamp). A riddle can also be a simple description of an object, for example: “Two ends, two rings, and a nail in the middle” (scissors). This and folk pastime, and a test of ingenuity and ingenuity.

The role of riddles and jokes was also played by inverted fables, which for adults appear as absurdities, but for children - funny stories about something that does not happen, for example:

From behind the forest, from behind the mountains, Grandfather Egor is coming. He is on a gray cart, on a creaking horse, belted with an axe, a belt tucked into his belt, boots wide open, a zipun on his bare feet.

General history

Oral folk art(folklore) existed even in the pre-literate era. Works of folklore (riddles, tongue twisters, fables, etc.) were transmitted orally. They memorized them by ear. This contributed to the emergence different options the same folklore work.

Oral folk art is a reflection of the life, way of life, and beliefs of ancient people. Works of folk art accompany a person from birth. They contribute to the formation and development of the child.


  • Irina Gurina. Useful poems and fairy tales for all cases of disobedience

see also


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  • Uranium(VI)-diuranium(V) oxide
  • Inclination (rotation)

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Small genres of folklore- These are small works. Some researchers define them as children's folklore, since such works enter a person's life very early, long before mastering speech.

Read more about each of them.


Pestushka- comes from the Russian word “to nurture”, that is, to nurse, groom, cherish. This is a very short chant of nannies and mothers in poetic form, as they accompany the child’s actions that he performs at the very beginning of life.

For example, when a child learns to walk, he is told:

Big feet

Walked along the road:

Top, Top, Top,

Top, Top, Top.

Little feet

Running along the path:

Top, Top, Top,

Top, Top, Top.

Nursery rhyme

The next genre is nursery rhyme.

Nursery rhyme- this is an element of pedagogy, a song-sentence that necessarily accompanies playing with the child’s fingers, arms and legs. Nursery rhymes, like pesters, are designed to develop the child. Such genres of folklore are presented in their own game form: They are designed to awaken the child to action. On the one hand, this is massage, on the other, physical exercise. This genre of children's folklore provides incentives to play out the plot using fingers, palms, hands and facial expressions. Nursery rhymes help a child instill hygiene and order skills, develop fine motor skills and the emotional sphere. The most famous of them: Ladushki, Soroka.

“Ladushki” (clapping hands on stressed syllables)

Okay, okay, where have you been? By Grandma!

What did you eat? Porridge!

What did you drink? Mash!

Butter porridge!

Sweet mash!

(Grandma is kind!)

We drank, ate, wow...

Shuuu!!! (Home) Let's fly!

They sat on their heads! ("Ladushki" sang)


Magpie-crow (running finger over palm)

Magpie Crow,

I gave it to the kids.

(curls fingers)

Gave this one

Gave this one

Gave this one

Gave this one

But she didn’t give it to this:

Why didn't you cut wood?

Why didn't you carry water?


joke(from the word bayat - that is, to tell) - a poetic, short, funny story that a mother tells her child,

For example

Owl, owl, owl,

Big head,

She was sitting on a stake,

I looked to the side,

Turned his head.


Proverbs- small forms of folk poetry, clothed in short sayings, carrying a generalized thought, conclusion, allegory with a didactic bias.

Bread is the head of everything.

You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Seven do not wait for one.

A well-fed man is no friend to a hungry man.


There were special songs for the games.

Games could be:


As a rule, these games were played at parties and get-togethers (usually ending with a kiss young guy and girls).


Such songs were characteristic of some ritual or holiday. An example would be Maslenitsa festivities (typical fun: removing a prize from the top of a pole, tug of war, competition for dexterity and strength).


Such games are especially common among children, especially in winter. For example, the game “Warmers”. The leader shows the movements, and the others repeat. There were the same games as “trickle” or “collar”.

An example of a kissing game:


The drake chased the duck,

The young man was driving sulfur,

Go home, Ducky,

Go home, Gray,

You have seven children,

And the eighth Drake,

And the ninth itself,

Kiss me once!


The next type of small genre of folklore is nicknames. One of the types of invocation songs. Such songs are of pagan origin. They reflect the peasant way of life. For example, the spell of a rich harvest runs through all the songs. For themselves, children and adults asked for health, happiness and wealth. It is also an appeal to the rainbow, sun and rain, and other natural phenomena. They often turned to animals and birds. Birds were considered harbingers of spring. The forces of nature were revered as living. Usually they made requests for spring, wishing for its speedy arrival, warmth and sun, and complaining about winter.

Larks, larks!

Come and visit us

Bring us a warm summer,

Take the cold winter away from us.

We are bored with the cold winter,

My hands and feet were frozen.

Counting books

As a child, before starting any game, you and I would settle accounts. Counting rhymes helped us with this. Counting tables are one of the forms of drawing lots, a small rhyme with the help of which the leader is determined. A counting book is a very important element that helps children avoid quarrels and establish agreement and respect for accepted rules. Rhythm is very important in organizing counting rhymes.

Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,

Aty-baty, to the market.

Atty-batty, what did you buy?

Aty-baty, samovar.

How much does it cost?

Aty-baty, three rubles

Aty-baty, what is he like?

Aty-baty, golden.

Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,

Aty-baty, to the market.

Atty-batty, what did you buy?

Aty-baty, samovar.

How much does it cost?

Aty-baty, three rubles.

Aty-baty, who's coming out?

Aty-baty, it's me!

Tongue Twisters

A phrase built on a combination of sounds that makes it difficult to pronounce words. Tongue twisters are also called pure twisters. Very often they are used to develop diction and speech. Tongue twisters can be rhymed or non-rhymed.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.


The role of riddles cannot be overestimated. Riddles make children think and look for associations. As a rule, in a riddle one object is described through another based on the similarity of features:

“The pear is hanging - you can’t eat it.”

A riddle can also be a simple description of an object, for example, “Two ends, two rings, and in the middle there are carnations.” The riddle combines features of folk fun, a test of ingenuity, and quick wits.

Oral folk art also existed in the pre-literate era. Works of folklore were transmitted orally. They were usually remembered by ear. Small genres of folklore accompany us from birth; they contribute to the development of the child.

Tales where main character- a wizard, involving magical animals or objects, - this is, for example, “Finist Yasen Sokol”, “Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf", "By pike command"Plants and natural phenomena that have their own magic are found in almost every fairy tale - talking apple trees, rivers and the wind, trying to hide the main character from pursuit, to save him from death.

Folklore prose is the key to Russian demonology

The second layer of folklore prose is non-fairy tale. It is represented by stories or incidents from life telling about human contacts with representatives of otherworldly forces - witches, devils, kikimoras, spirits, and so on.

It should be noted that all these creatures came to modern times in unconscious images from the depths of centuries and have pre-Christian pagan origin.

The category of non-fairy tale prose folklore also includes stories about shrines, miracles and the saints who perform them - the theme of communication is revealed here higher powers and a person who came to the Christian faith.

Prosaic examples of folklore belonging to the non-fairy tale layer are quite diverse - these are legends, tales, tales, and stories about dreams.

Modern Russian folklore

It consists of two layers that coexist and periodically flow into each other.

The first layer consists folk traditions and beliefs transferred to modern realities. They are sayings, religious and daily rituals, and signs that are still relevant today. Examples of Russian folklore characteristic of modern life, can be observed both in everyday life (positioning a broom with the broom up to attract material wealth) and on holidays. Ritual holiday folklore elements include carols performed at Christmas time.

The second layer of modern urban folklore is much younger and represents a belief in man-made scientific theories, designed according to human beliefs and fears.

Contemporary urban folklore

He acts as an egregor collective images fears and beliefs of people living in cities dates back to the period of industrialization, when harsh living conditions and technological progress were superimposed on the ancient layer of old Russian beliefs.

Examples of folklore reflecting modern Russian realities are mostly focused on several types of human fears. Most often these are songs, rituals and gestures intended to evoke otherworldly forces (“ Queen of Spades"gnomes, etc.): ghosts, spirits of various historical figures, as well as for the manifestation of Divine Providence and various entities.

Certain elements of folklore creativity are included in scientifically oriented theories of an industrial nature.

Examples of urban folklore used in modern legends, have filled the Internet - these are stories about stations and metro lines that are closed to the public, about abandoned bunkers and various unfinished buildings with accompanying stories about mysterious rooms, devices and living beings.

Literary folklore - from chronicles to modern times

Russian literature, replete with folklore elements, is divided into two layers: that which has come down to us from the period of the 12th-16th centuries, which is the basis for the construction of any later symbolic images; created from the 17th to the 19th centuries, using these images in its plots. Accordingly, examples of folklore in literature are found in the works of both periods. Let's look at the most famous of them below.

Examples of folklore in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” consist mainly in metaphorical comparisons of the main characters with pagan gods, for example, Boyan is called the grandson of Veles, the princes are called the grandchildren of Dazhdbog, and the winds are called Stribozh’s grandchildren. The author’s address to the Great Horse is also recorded.

IN modern literature folklore elements are used by the main characters in the process of their daily life.

Examples of folklore in the poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” come from the area of ​​small and lyrical folklore, including sayings, ditties, sayings (“praise the grass in a haystack, and the master in a coffin”), an appeal to folk signs(chapter “Peasant Woman”, where Matryona’s fellow villagers see the reason for the crop failure in the fact that she “...put on a clean shirt at Christmas...”), as well as insertions into the text of Russian folk songs (“Corvee”, “Hungry”) and use of sacred digital symbols (seven men, seven eagle owls).

Small folklore genres

There is a type of small folklore works, entering a person’s life from birth. These are small genres of folklore, examples of which can be observed in the communication between mother and child. Thus, in pestushki (tunes of poetic form), nursery rhymes (songs-sayings using gestures of the child’s fingers and toes), jokes, chants, counting rhymes, tongue twisters and riddles, the necessary rhythm of body movement is set and simple story lines are conveyed.

The first folklore genres in human life

Lullabies and pesters have ancient origin. They are part of the so-called maternal poetry, which enters the life of a child from the moment of his birth.

Pestushki are rhythmic short sentences accompanying the activities of mother and newborn. In them, rhythm is important along with the content.

The lullaby with its text and melody is aimed at achieving a state of sleep by the child and does not require the use of any musical instrument. This genre always contains elements of a talisman that protects the newborn from hostile forces.

Small genres of folklore, examples of which are given above, are the most ancient layer of folk art.

These are small folklore works. In some works there is a definition children's folklore, because such folk works enter a person’s life very early, long before mastering speech.

Pestushka(from the word nurture, that is, to nurse, groom) - a short poetic chant of nannies and mothers, with which they accompany the actions of a child that he performs at the very beginning of his life. For example, when the child wakes up, the mother strokes and caresses him, saying:

Stretchers, stretchers,
Across the fat girl
And in the hands of the veil,
And in the mouth there is a talk,
And in the head there is reason.

When a child begins to learn to walk, they say:

Big feet
Walked along the road:
Top, top, top,
Top, top, top.
Little feet
Running along the path:
Top, top, top, top,
Top, top, top, top!

Nursery rhyme - an element of pedagogy, a song-sentence that accompanies playing with a child’s fingers, arms and legs. Nursery rhymes, like pesters, accompany the development of children. Small rhymes and songs allow you to encourage the child to take action while simultaneously performing massage, physical exercises, and stimulating motor reflexes. This genre of children's folklore provides incentives to play out the plot using fingers (finger games or Ladushki), hands, and facial expressions. Nursery rhymes help instill in a child hygiene and order skills, develop fine motor skills and the emotional sphere .



Magpie Crow, (running finger over palm)
Magpie Crow,
I gave it to the kids.
(curls fingers)
Gave this one
Gave this one
Gave this one
Gave this one
But she didn’t give it to this:
- Why didn’t you cut wood?
- Why didn’t you carry water?

« » (clap hands on stressed syllables)

Okay, okay, where have you been? By Grandma!
What did you eat? Porridge!
What did you drink? Mash!
Butter porridge!
Sweet mash!
(Grandma is kind!)
We drank, ate, wow...
Shuuu!!! (Home) Let's fly!
They sat on their heads! (“Ladushki” sang)
We sat down and sat down,
Then we flew home!!!

joke(from bayat, that is, to tell) - a poetic, short, funny story that a mother tells her child, for example:

Owl, owl, owl,
Big head,
She was sitting on a stake,
I looked to the side,
Turned his head.

They teach something.

The road is a spoon for dinner.
If you're afraid of the wolf, don't go into the forest.
Birds of a feather flock together.
You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
Fear has big eyes.
The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.
A rolling stone gathers no moss.
There is no need for treasure if there is harmony in the family.
Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends.
An old friend is better than two new ones.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
If I had known where you would fall, I would have laid out straws.
You make a soft bed, but sleep hard.
The Motherland is your mother, know how to stand up for her.
Seven do not wait for one.
If you chase two hares, you won't catch either.
The bee is small, but it also works.
Bread is the head of everything.
Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

    kissing. As a rule, these games were played at parties and get-togethers (usually ending with a kiss between a young guy and a girl);

    ritual. Such games were characteristic of some kind of ritual, holiday. For example, Maslenitsa festivities (typical fun: removing a prize from the top of a pole, tug of war, competitions for dexterity, strength);

    seasonal . Particularly common among children, especially in winter. We played the so-called “Warmers”: the leader shows some movements, and everyone else repeats. Either traditional “collars” and “ ».

An example of a kissing game:

The drake chased the duck,
The young man was driving sulfur,
Go home, Ducky,
Go home, Gray,
Duck has seven children,
And the eighth Drake,
And the ninth itself,
Kiss me once!

In this game, the “Duck” stood in the center of the circle, and the “Drake” outside, and played similar to the game “ " At the same time, those standing in the round dance tried not to let the “drake” into the circle.

Calls- one of the types of invocation songs of pagan origin. They reflect the interests and ideas of peasants about the economy and family. For example, the spell of a rich harvest runs through all the calendar songs; For themselves, children and adults asked for health, happiness, and wealth.

Calls are an appeal to the sun, rainbow, rain and other natural phenomena, as well as to animals and especially often to birds, which were considered the harbingers of spring. Moreover, the forces of nature were revered as living: they make requests for spring, wish for its speedy arrival, and complain about winter.

Larks, larks!
Come and visit us
Bring us a warm summer,
Take the cold winter away from us.
We're tired of the cold winter,
My hands and feet were frozen.

Counting book- a short rhyme, a form of drawing lots to determine who leads the game. A counting table is an element of the game that helps establish agreement and respect for the accepted rules. Rhythm is very important in organizing a counting rhyme.

Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,
Aty-baty, to the market.
Atty-batty, what did you buy?
Aty-baty, samovar.
How much does it cost?
Aty-baty, three rubles
Aty-baty, what is he like?
Aty-baty, golden.
Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,
Aty-baty, to the market.
Atty-batty, what did you buy?
Aty-baty, samovar.
How much does it cost?
Aty-baty, three rubles.
Aty-baty, who's coming out?
Aty-baty, it's me!

Patter - a phrase built on a combination of sounds that makes it difficult to quickly pronounce words. Tongue twisters are also called “ ”, as they promote and can be used to develop diction. Tongue twisters can be both rhymed and non-rhymed.

Greek rode across the river.
He sees a Greek: there is a cancer in the river,
He stuck the Greek's hand into the river -
Cancer for the hand of a Greek - DAC!

The bull was blunt-lipped, the bull was blunt-lipped, the bull's white lip was dull.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

Mystery, like a proverb, is a short figurative definition of an object or phenomenon, but unlike a proverb, it gives this definition in an allegorical, deliberately obscure form. As a rule, in a riddle one object is described through another based on similar features: “The pear is hanging - you can’t eat it” (lamp). A riddle can also be a simple description of an object, for example: “Two ends, two rings, and a nail in the middle” (scissors). This is both a folk pastime and a test of ingenuity and intelligence.

The role of riddles and jokes was also played by inverted fables, which for adults appear as absurdities, but for children - funny stories about what does not happen, for example:

From behind the forest, from behind the mountains, Grandfather Egor is coming. He is on a gray cart, on a creaking horse, belted with an axe, a belt tucked into his belt, boots wide open, a zipun on his bare feet.
In preschool pedagogy, there are many methods and techniques for influencing children, the choice of which depends on the specific situation. Sometimes educators, when becoming acquainted with advanced pedagogical experience (in print, while watching open classes, games) discover new techniques for managing and designing play areas and mechanically transfer them into their work, without receiving desired result. Methodical techniques bring results in cases where the teacher applies them systematically, takes into account the general trends in the mental development of children, the patterns of the activity being formed, if the teacher knows and feels each child well. A person’s acquaintance with works of art, with the best examples of oral folk art, should begin from the first years of his life, since the period of early and preschool childhood is the defining stage in development human personality. The age of up to five years is the richest in a child’s ability to quickly and greedily learn about the world around him, to absorb great amount impressions. It is during this period that children, with amazing speed and activity, begin to adopt the norms of behavior of those around them, and most importantly - to master the means human communication- by speech. The youngest children are first introduced to works of oral folk art. The brilliant creator of language and the greatest teacher - the people created such works artistic word who guide the child through all stages of emotional and moral development. A child’s acquaintance with oral folk art should begin with songs and nursery rhymes.

Folklore. Genres of folklore

Folklore (from English folk - people, lore - wisdom) - oral folk art. Folklore arose before the advent of writing. Its most important feature is that folklore is the art of the spoken word. This is what distinguishes it from literature and other forms of art. Another important one distinguishing feature folklore – collective creativity. It arose as mass creativity and expressed the ideas of a primitive community and clan, and not of an individual.

In folklore, as in literature, there are three types of works: epic, lyrical and dramatic. At the same time, epic genres have poetic and prose forms (in literature epic kind presented only prose works: story, story, novel, etc.). Literary genres and folklore genres differ in composition. In Russian folklore epic genres include epics, historical songs, fairy tales, traditions, legends, tales, proverbs, sayings. Lyrical folklore genres include rituals, lullabies, family and love songs, lamentations, and ditties. TO dramatic genres relate folk dramas. Many folklore genres have entered literature: song, fairy tale, legend (for example, Pushkin's fairy tales, Koltsov's songs, Gorky's legends).

Genres of folklore each have their own content: epics depict the military feats of heroes, historical songs - events and heroes of the past, family songs describe household side life. Each genre has its own heroes: in epics there are heroes Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, in fairy tales - Ivan Tsarevich, Ivan the Fool, Vasilisa the Beautiful, Baba Yaga, in family songs - wife, husband, mother-in-law.

Folklore also differs from literature in its special system. expressive means. For example, the composition (construction) of folklore works is characterized by the presence of such elements as a chorus, an opening, a saying, a slowdown in action (retardation), a trinity of events; for style - constant epithets, tautologies (repetitions), parallelisms, hyperboles (exaggerations), etc.

Folklore different nations has a lot in common in genres, artistic means, plots, types of heroes, etc. This is explained by the fact that folklore as a type of folk art reflects the general patterns of social development of peoples. General Features in the folklore of different peoples can arise due to the proximity of culture and life or long-term economic, political and cultural ties. The similarity of historical development, geographical proximity, movements of peoples, etc. also play a big role.

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Folklore. Genres of folklore