3 versions of the origin of man. Scientific theory of human origins

Officially, there are two main theories of human origins - the religious one, according to which God created us in his own image and likeness, and the Darwinian theory, which suggests that we descended from apes. However, in lately both hypotheses are increasingly being questioned, since, according to many, they do not stand up to criticism. But if the divine will and monkeys did not take part in our appearance, then why and thanks to what do we still exist? Skeptics, dreamers, adherents of alternative history, and even some scientists have their own opinions on this matter.


Alien version - one of the oldest alternative versions, with many variations to suit every taste, ranging from “they created us to relieve their endless boredom” and ending with “we are a defective version of the higher intelligence.” In addition, there is an assumption that aliens made an emergency landing on Earth, and we are only their descendants. But in general, all the variations boil down to the fact that man is the fruit of the labor of some extraterrestrial civilization.

The Matrix and the like. Here everything is even more interesting. Some - obviously not without the influence of the film of the same name - suggest that our world is not real. Others believe that all existing physical reality, including our body, is just a kind of “playground” created by us to obtain additional life experience and skills. In fact, we are either disembodied energy entities, or we simply look completely different.

aquatic theory, according to some sources, proposed by biologist Alistair Hardy. The theory is based on Darwin's hypothesis, but the difference between humans and other primates is in this case is justified by the fact that one of our ancestors was a hydropithecus (amphibian monkey), who led an aquatic lifestyle.

Descendants of bats. It is said that once upon a time there lived on Earth creatures that combined the features of humans and birds, similar to the harpies from ancient myths. How exactly they evolved into humans is unknown. Let us note here that there are recorded eyewitness accounts claiming that half-humans, half-birds still exist.

Androgynes. Exists An ancient Greek legend about how the gods originally created a race of people who had both male and female characteristics. But these creatures were too strong and encroached on the power of the gods. Then Zeus decided to cut the androgynes in two to weaken them. According to legend, we are now doomed to spend our entire lives looking for our “soul mate,” which, by the way, is not far from the truth.

Giant people. The idea that our ancestors were giants has been expressed for a long time. There is a legend according to which angels used to descend to earth, take human daughters, and from such connections a tribe of giants appeared. Well, over time, their descendants shredded and became similar to modern man.

Unusual Finds

– Several decades ago, the Belgian scientist Friedrich Meissner unearthed human skulls topped with horns in the Gobi Desert. At first he was accused of forgery, but during research no traces of adhesions were found between the horns and the skull.

– At the excavations of the Khasaot burial ground in Kislovodsk, a strange elongated skull was found. Similar skulls have been discovered many times around the world. It is assumed that the shape of such heads was artificially changed. But for what? No answer yet.

– Among the seals belonging to the Sumerian civilization, images of flying objects, bird people, and even solar system. Latest topics more surprising, because telescopes were invented relatively recently!


In connection with the end of the Mayan civilization calendar on December 21, 2012, the version about Nibiru or planet X, the tenth planet of our solar system, has now become very widespread. The planet's orbit is so elongated that the period of its orbit around the sun is 3600 years. And on it, the mythical aliens Anunaki are supposed to fly to us, who will either destroy our civilization or help us move on.

Well, the veracity of at least one of all theories will be finally clear after December 21, 2012. We are waiting.

Nana Blagoveshchenskaya

- the subject of study of both the natural sciences (natural sciences) and the spiritual sciences (humanitarian and social knowledge). There is a continuous dialogue between the natural and human sciences on the problem of man, the exchange of information, theoretical models, methods, etc.

Currently, science has established the idea that - a biosocial being that combines biological and social components. It should also be taken into account that not only humans have a social form of existence, but also many animals.

From the point of view of modern science, it is more accurate to separate the biological predetermination of human existence and his (actually human) essence. The science called sociobiology. This science in the study of man is at the intersection of natural science and humanities.

Thus, we can definitely say that the problem of man is interdisciplinary in nature, and the modern natural scientific view of man is complex knowledge obtained within the framework of various disciplines. A holistic view of man, his essence and nature is also impossible without the use of data from humanitarian and social knowledge and philosophy.

The emergence of scientific anthropology. The theory of human origins from anthropoid apes

Anthropology- the science of human origin and evolution. Anthropogenesis— the evolutionary process of human formation. The main questions of anthropology are questions about the place and time of the appearance of man, the main stages of his evolution, driving forces and factors, the relationship between anthropogenesis and sociogenesis.

Initial submission about the origin of man and society already reflected in ancient mythologies. Later, various versions of the religious view of human origins appeared.

For example, in Christianity it is believed that the first man Adam was created by God from dust, and the first woman Eve was created from Adam’s rib. Regardless of the specific version, the essence of the religious answer to the question of the origin of man remains the same: man is the creation of God, and the specific questions that accompany and constitute the creative, divine act are a mystery.

However, already in ancient philosophy the idea of ​​the natural origin of man appears. But ancient ideas about the origin of man were speculative and sometimes simply fantastic, being not so much the result of a generalization of objective data as the product of the sophisticated imagination of ancient philosophers.

Anthropology developed rapidly in the second half of the 19th century. after creation by Charles Darwin theories of evolution.

The German biologist Haeckel hypothesized the existence in the past of a species intermediate between apes and humans, which he called Pithecanthropus(ape-man). He also suggested that the ancestors of humans were not modern monkeys, but Dryopithecus(ancient monkeys). From them, one line of evolution went to chimpanzees and gorillas, the other to humans. Twenty million years ago, under the influence of cold weather, the jungle retreated, and one of the branches of Dryopithecus had to leave the trees and switch to upright walking. Their remains were found in India.

In 1960, the English archaeologist L. Leakey found “homo habilis” in East Africa, whose age is 2 million years. The brain volume was 670 cm3. In the same layers, tools were found made from split river pebbles, sharpened with several chips. Later, the remains of creatures of the same type, 5.5 million years old, were discovered in Kenya.

After this, the opinion became stronger that it was in East Africa in the Quaternary period of the Cenozoic era that the separation of man and ape took place. It was then that the evolutionary lines of humans and chimpanzees diverged.

Modern data from molecular biology allow us to establish that humans and modern chimpanzees have 91% similar genes, humans and gibbons have 76%, and humans and macaques have 66%. In genetic terms, the chimpanzee is considered the closest living ape to humans. However, the study morphological features indicates that the greatest similarity between humans and gorilla is 385. Next comes chimpanzee - 369, orangutan - 359 and gibbon - 117.

Apes are more similar to humans than to lower apes, however, since the lower and higher apes had common ancestors, similarities are still found between them, whereas when comparing lower apes to humans, there is no similarity.

What was the reason for the appearance of a person in a particular place? In East Africa, uranium outcrops have been noted and increased radiation has been recorded, which, as genetically proven, causes mutations. Thus, here evolutionary changes could occur at a faster pace.

The emerging species, physically weaker than those around it, had to, in order to survive, begin to make tools and lead a social way of life. All this contributed to the emergence of the mind - a powerful tool for a naturally weak creature that did not have sufficient natural defense organs.

“Homo habilis” (“southern ape”) is classified as an australopithecus, the remains of which were first found in Africa in 1924. The brain volume of the australopithecus did not exceed the brain volume of apes, but, apparently, this was enough to create tools.

In 1891, the remains of Pithecanthropus, predicted by Haeckel, were discovered on the island of Java. Creatures that lived 0.5 million years ago had a height of more than 150 cm, a brain volume of approximately 900 cm 3. They already used knives, drills, and hand axes.

In the 1920s it was found in China Sinanthropus(“Chinese man”) with a brain volume close to that of Pithecanthropus. He used fire and vessels, but did not yet have speech.

In 1856, the remains of a creature that lived 150-40 thousand years ago were discovered in Germany, called Neanderthal. He had a brain volume comparable to the brain of a modern person, a sloping forehead, brow ridges, and a low cranium. The Neanderthal lived in caves and hunted mammoths. Neanderthals buried their dead relatives, which was noted for the first time.

Finally, in the Cro-Magnon cave in France in 1868, the remains of a creature (called the Cro-Magnon man) were found, similar in appearance and skull volume (up to 1600 cm ") to a modern man with a height of 180 cm. His age was determined - from 40 to 15 thousand years. This is - a reasonable person. During the same era, racial differences emerged. Isolated groups developed special characteristics - light skin in whites, etc.

So, the line of human evolution is built as follows: “homo habilis” (Australopithecus), “homo erectus” (Pithecanthropus and Sinanthropus), “Neanderthal man”, “homo sapiens” (Cro-Magnon).

After Cro-Magnon man did not change genetically, while his social evolution continued.

Anthropologists of the early 21st century. claim that a person modern type originated more than 100 thousand years ago in East Africa. This hypothesis was called "Noah's Ark" because, according to the Bible, all races and peoples descended from the three sons of Noah - Shem, Ham and Jophet.

According to this version, Pithecanthropus, Sinanthropus and Neanderthal are not the ancestors of modern man, but various groups hominids (humanoid creatures) displaced by Homo erectus from East Africa. Genetic studies support this hypothesis, but they are considered unreliable by some anthropologists and paleontologists.

An alternative view of multiregional human evolution argues that only archaic humans arose in East Africa, while modern humans arose where they live now. Man left Africa at least 1 million years ago. This hypothesis is based on the pathological similarities between modern humans and distant ancestors who lived in the same places.

It is impossible to say yet which of these hypotheses is correct, since the fossil record is incomplete, and intermediate species are still in in full are not known. It is impossible to detect the point at which biogenesis gave way to anthropogenesis; for a long time, biological and social factors acted in parallel. Despite numerous archaeological and paleontological data, the picture of anthropogenesis remains still incomplete; many intermediate links between humans and ancient apes remain unknown. Difficulties also arise because the process of anthropogenesis was not linear.

The evolution of not only humans, but all living things, is carried out through the gradual emergence of lateral branches, many of which disappear almost immediately, others lead to the side, and only one line ultimately leads to the emergence of Homo sapiens. Graphically, hominid evolution can be represented as a tree with many branches, some of them long dead, others still alive.

Undoubtedly, scientific ideas about anthropogenesis will not only be replenished, but, possibly, will change significantly.

The hypothesis of the origin of people from proto-man (Homo pre-Sapiens)

Ten unanswered questions

The theory of the origin of people from apes in natural science in general counts installed. However, for example, the prudent Charles Darwin did not use the phrase “man descended from apes.” In his book "The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection"(1859) this formulation does not exist. Even after 12 years in special work "The Descent of Man and Sexual Selection"“He writes only about evolution in general, without touching on the “intermediate link” at all.

Darwinists declared the origin of man from apes in 1863 Focht, Huxley And Haeckel. It was Haeckel who spoke about the “missing link” between the higher primates and man, meaning the described Linnaeus“troglodyte man,” called by Haeckel “an ape-man deprived of speech.”

At the same time, this approach to the history of the emergence of man has raised and continues to raise many questions that remain unanswered to this day. The entire human musculoskeletal system, his overly large and inflexible legs, and weak arms are clearly not suitable for fast climbing and jumping through trees.

Two foot prints in fossilized volcanic ash (Tanzania), dating back to 3.5 million years ago, prove that the straightened bipedal walking predates labor by millions of years. Labor led to the improvement of upright walking, but upright walking is a prerequisite for freeing the forelimbs for labor. Why did the monkey ancestors, having descended from the trees, choose such a strange method of movement, although the four-legged movement is easier, faster and is used by all modern monkeys?

Why did the forelimbs of people become so shortened and weakened, although strong arms give clear advantages in hunting and work, especially with primitive tools?

Why didn’t living chimpanzees or extinct australopithecines go to work, although they had been around for millions of years? semi erect, ate meat and often used sticks and bones? Consequently, it was not labor that created man (as Engels believed), but labor and speech.

If human ancestors were hunters ( famous painting“The hunt of ancient “people” for mammoth”) and ate meat, then why did they jaws and teeth were weak for raw meat, and the intestines relative to the body were almost twice as long as those of carnivores? Moreover, the jaws were reduced in the earliest erect walking animals (prezinjanthropes), although they did not know fire and could not soften food on it. What then did human ancestors eat?

Why did a person's body hair disappear? Although the nights in South-East Africa are very cool and all the monkeys living there retain their fur.

How did animals, the ancestors of people, with the slowness of movement and the absence of tools, except for pathetic sticks and stones, escape from predators?

Why reasonable people are (wars) killing each other en masse?

Why did man spread all over the Earth?

So many secrets in the reconstruction of the original form of man indicate that in There is some major gap in the modern theory of anthropogenesis.

All of the above and many other questions about the origins of man were given convincing answers by the hypothesis put forward in the 1970s by the Soviet researcher, Professor B.F. Porshnev.

Who are we?

Thirty-five million years ago, a group separated from ancient insectivorous mammals primary animals(Fig. 4.1), from which between ten and seven million years ago it was formed ancestral trunk of African apes(gibbon, gorilla).

Between seven and six million years ago, the ancestral trunk common to African apes split into two parts: the hominoid lineage (troglodytid family) and the pongid lineage (higher ancient anthropoid apes: bonobos, chimpanzees).

Upright, bipedal, two-armed, but dumb troglodytids were not yet people, but they were no longer monkeys.

If we unbiasedly ask the question about the distinctive features of man, given by the experience of history, and which cannot be extended to animals, then there are only two such features.

  • Humans are the only species within which large-scale, rationally inexplicable, mutual killing is systematically practiced.
  • Humans are the only species capable of absurdity, and logic and syntax, practical and theoretical thinking are its deabsurdization.

The animal’s body behaves in any, even artificially created, situation from a physiological point of view absolutely correctly - it gives a picture of a nervous breakdown, to construct the absurdity of it nervous system not capable.

Rice. 4.1. Variant of the diagram of the process of anthropogenesis: A - hominid line; B - hominoid line; B - pongid line; G - ancestral trunk of African monkeys; 1 - fossil gibbon; 2 - ancient gorilla

In the troglodytid family, three genera are clearly distinguished: Australopithecus, Archaeoanthropus and Paleoanthropus (see Fig. 4.1). The lowest form, australopithecines, is very similar in volume and structure of the brain, in head morphology, to anthropic monkeys, but radically differs from them in upright posture.

The highest form of upright paleoanthropes is extremely similar to humans in the structure of the body, skull, and brain.

Troglodytids, starting with Australopithecines and ending with paleoanthropids, could only find and master the bones and corpses of animals that died and were killed by predators. But this was also very challenging task. Neither teeth nor nails, nor the muscles of mastication and the digestive apparatus, were adapted to such a “labor occupation.” Only a skill that went back to the instinct of breaking nuts, shellfish, and reptiles with stones, which manifests itself everywhere in the phylogeny of monkeys, helped them master the bone and brain and pierce the thick skin. This was a purely biological adaptation to a fundamentally new way of feeding - necrophagy.

Troglodytids not only did not kill large animals, but also had a strong instinct not to kill under any circumstances, otherwise their fragile biological niche in the biocenosis would have been destroyed.

The erect walking great apes-breakers must have also been porters, since they either had to carry stones to the location of the meat food, or carry the food to the stones. Therefore, troglodytids were upright: the upper limbs had to be freed from the function of swinging (in the trees) to perform the function of carrying. So "tools of labor" in the Lower and Middle Paleolithic were means of cutting up the remains of large animals and absolutely nothing more. There are three large stages in this process.

First stage- at the level of australopithecines. Time of the richest fauna of killer predators. And Australopithecines, apparently, did not even use the abundant reserves of meat left by powerful predators, but only bone and brain marrow, which only required dismembering and breaking bones. To do this, it was enough to use ordinary stones, which is why fossil australopithecines did not leave “tools of their labor”; they did not yet need this skill.

The bone marrow of herbivores makes up about 5% of their mass, so the same deceased ancient elephant had 200-300 kg of this highly nutritious substance, plus the brain weighed the same. There were practically no contenders for this protein-rich food, with the exception of rodents and insects.

In the second stage A deep crisis of the predatory fauna emerged, marked by the complete extinction of killer predators. Consequently, Australopithecines were also doomed to extinction. Only one branch of trigloditids survived the crisis and gave a completely updated picture of ecology and morphology - the archaeoanthropes. The role of collectors and accumulators of relatively fresh corpses was played by widely branched rivers. All reliably localized Lower Paleolithic sites are located near river bends, ancient shallows and rifts, etc. - natural traps for carcasses floating and dragging along the bottom. The task of the archaeoanthropes was to pierce their skins and cut the ligaments with stones in the form of axes (Fig. 4.2).

Rice. 4.2. “Tools of labor” of archaeoanthropes

Thus, at this stage, eating not only brains, but also meat developed, probably in competition with feathered predators, vultures.

Third stage characterized by the onset of a crisis due to the growth of the fauna of the so-called cave predators (cave lions, bears). Rivers began to account for a small part of the total mass of dying herbivores. The genus of archaeoanthropes was thereby doomed to extinction. And again, only one branch emerged from the crisis morphologically and ecologically renewed - the paleoanthropes (troglodytes). Their sources of meat food can no longer be described unambiguously. Their stones are increasingly adapted for cutting and cutting meat of animals and fish damaged by predators, although their still attracts brain extraction. This genus is already able to spread out in search of food, but they still did not hunt anyone.

However, this third stage also comes to an end along with the next zigzag of fluctuations of fauna and flora in the late Pleistocene.

In the Quaternary period of the Cenozoic era (Pleistocene), cooling occurred (Fig. 4.3), which led to glaciation of a large part of the Earth. Arrived ice age with the spread of ice over a significant part of even the Southern Hemisphere. Many species of woody plants died. There was an intensive evolution of mammals with a change in fauna and extinction of species. New biogeocenoses forming at the end of the Middle Pleistocene replaced the upright carnivorous higher primates, despite all their sophisticated adaptability

Rice. 4.3. Pleistocene landscape

For these amazing animals, which developed so quickly and are now doomed to extinction, nature left only a very narrow exit. It consisted in violating the very, previously saving, principle of “thou shalt not kill,” which constituted the deepest basis, the hidden secret of their existence in various forms of symbiosis with animals. The first condition for their unhindered access to the remains of dead meat was that the living and even dying animals should not be afraid of them.

The solution to the biological paradox was that instinct did not forbid them to kill members of their own species, i.e. it was possible to use part of its population (eating fellow animals) as a self-reproducing source of food.

All the signs of cannibalism among troglodytes that are known to anthropology directly indicate the posthumous consumption of the cranial and bone marrow, probably the entire corpse of creatures similar to themselves. This trend still could not solve the food problem: a species that feeds on itself has no prospects. Therefore, a completely new phenomenon arose - the embryonic splitting of the species itself on the basis of specialization of a special passive, eaten part of the population, which, however, then very actively buds off into special kind, in order to become, in the end, a special family.

Thus, a new species split off from the previous species relatively quickly and violently, becoming its ecological opposite.

If paleoanthropes (troglodytes) did not kill anyone except their own kind, then these others (new species Homopre- Sapiens- emerging humans (see Fig. 4.1) represented an inversion: as they turned into hunters, they did not kill precisely paleoanthropes. At first they differed from other troglodytes only in that they did not kill these other troglodytes. However, much later, having separated from the troglodytes, they not only killed the latter, like any other animals, as “non-humans,” but also killed their own kind, i.e. others Homopre- Sapiens.

There is no need to talk about the opening of fire at all - it appeared (when the stones hit) against the will and consciousness of the troglodytes and caused them great inconvenience (smoldering of the litter of the troglodytes' lair). What was required of them was a “discovery” of a different kind: how to make sure that fire did not arise at all.

During the fight against the fire, it was also discovered beneficial properties: from fireplaces, fire in a coal pit, to a pit - a stove and a lamp.

In addition, the use of fire contributed to the loss of hair by troglodytids, this very mysterious phenomenon. This method of thermoregulation is almost unique among mammals. However, the combination of such environmental factors as collecting bones in the midday heat (during the rest of real predators) and exposure to the heat of fire pits (coal pits) led to this method of heat exchange, effective only in conditions of sunshine and constant contact with the heat of fire. The hair on the head was preserved, probably as protection from exposure to sunlight in the midday heat (see above).

Where are we going?

It's time to discard all the nonsense that litters the problem of becoming Homo sapiens. It is a scientific inconsistency to think that all individuals of an ancestral species turned into humans. It is even more senseless to think that they stopped being born since some became human through evolution.

As for the person ( Homosapiens), then it appeared (see Fig. 4.1) only 35-40 thousand years ago. Human history is a blast! The impetus for the explosion was the rapid divergence of two types - Trog- lodites And Homopre- Sapiens, rapidly moving away from each other to different levels of organization of matter - biological and social. Only extremely tense ecological relationships between both diverging species can explain such an unusual speed of budding of a new, progressive species. Consequently, we have before us the product of the action of some special mechanism of selection, the opposite of Darwinian, “natural”.

The “mystery of man” is fully included in the inexhaustibly complex topic of the divergence of paleoanthropes and Homopre- Sapiens. Translated into chronology, the length of this interval is only 15-25 thousand years, and this is where the whole mystery of divergence that gave birth to people fits.

Having made a pathological transition to predatory behavior in relation to his own species, the paleoanthropus - the aggressor - introduced fear of “his neighbor” into the hominid world. Fixed genetically, this fear has become innate (and now a 5-7 month old child experiences fear when a stranger approaches).

Only a very few, selected by paleoanthropes (troglodytes) for their “big foreheads,” could survive and become one of those adults whose descendants later split off from the paleoanthropes, forming isolated populations of tributaries of these paleoanthropes. However, in the end they were still destroyed, but this was already done Homopre- Sapiens. This aromorphosis was a fairly local phenomenon: according to modern genetic studies of human hemoglobin, it turned out that all of humanity is the descendants of only 600-1000 ancestral male individuals.

There is one more very specific fact: the settlement of early Homo Sapiens throughout almost the entire habitable territory of the Earth, including America, Australia, and Oceania. They did not feel “crowded” in the economic sense; they undoubtedly felt cramped in the sense of the difficulty of existing with their own kind. They also fled from the neighborhood with those populations Homopre- Sapiens, who themselves did not fight against these factors, but shifted their burdens onto part of their own and surrounding populations.

Finally, the globe ceased to be open to free movement, and its surface was covered with a system of mutually isolated cells, using their own language(the help of misunderstanding) as a means of protection from other people's behavior and aggressive aspirations. And yet this mutual avoidance was too late a means to thus protect against interbreeding with troglodytes - adelphophages(fratricides). Consequently, Homo sapiens failed to “leave honestly” from the animal world, “without getting dirty.”

Exactly species heterogeneity makes the life of humanity (part of which are infiltrated troglodytes) so unstable and fraught with the most dire consequences.

Predatory hominoids today are the so-called “powers that be.” And their unreasonable rule brought all life on Earth to the brink of death. However, the path to salvation is in the hands of Man himself.

C article: Hypotheses of human origin.

Where are we from? From God from the Creator?
When was a spark breathed into our soul?
Or maybe the appearance of our face
Aliens from the sky dared to transmit?
What if, at the beginning of life, there was contact
Squirrel and fields – just a revolution?
Or Darwin was right when he published the treatise,
What is it all about evolution?
Of course it's very interesting to know
Where do we come from, from heaven or from earth?
But the main thing is to understand,
That we are all brothers by blood!

V.Yu. Kucharina

The origin of man on our planet is the subject of centuries-old discussions, in which more than one generation of humanity has participated, and as a result, there are many hypotheses about the origin of man. Which hypothesis has the right to exist? Which one is the most convincing?

1. Religious hypothesis ()

Views based on the fact that man was created by God or gods arose much earlier than the materialistic theories of the spontaneous generation of life and the evolution of anthropoid ancestors into humans. In various philosophical and theological teachings of antiquity, the act of human creation was attributed to various deities.

For example, according to Mesopotamian myths, the gods under the leadership of Marduk killed their former rulers Abzu and his wife Tiamat, the blood of Abzu was mixed with clay, and from this clay the first man arose. Hindus had their own views on the creation of the world and man in it. According to their ideas, the world was ruled by a triumvirate - Shiva, Krishna and Vishnu, who laid the foundation for humanity. The ancient Incas, Aztecs, Dagons, Scandinavians had their own versions, which basically coincided: man is a creation of the Supreme Intelligence or simply God.

This theory states that man was created by God, gods or divine power out of nothing or from some non-biological material. The best known biblical version is that God created the world in seven days, and the first people - Adam and Eve - were created from clay. This version has more ancient Egyptian roots and a number of analogues in the myths of other peoples.
The myths about the transformation of animals into people and the birth of the first people by gods can also be considered a variety of the theory of creation.

Of course, the most ardent followers of this theory are religious communities. Based on the sacred texts of antiquity (Bible, Koran, etc.), followers of all world religions are recognized this version the only possible one. This theory appeared in Islam, but became widespread in Christianity. All world religions gravitate toward the version of God the creator, but his appearance may change depending on the religious branch.
Orthodox theology considers the creation hypothesis to be self-evident. However, various evidence has been put forward for this hypothesis, the most important of which is the similarity of myths and legends different nations narrating the creation of man.

Modern theology uses the latest scientific data to prove the creation hypothesis, which, however, for the most part do not contradict evolutionary theory.
Since the end of the last century, the theory of evolution has dominated throughout the world, but several decades ago, new scientific discoveries made many scientists doubt the possibility of the evolutionary mechanism. In addition, if the evolutionary theory has at least some explanation for the process of the emergence of living matter, then the mechanisms of the emergence of the Universe simply remain outside the scope of this theory, while religion provides comprehensive answers to many controversial issues. For the most part, creationism is based on the Bible, which provides a fairly clear diagram of the emergence of the world around us. Many people believe that creationism is a hypothesis that relies solely on faith in its development. However, creationism is precisely a science based on scientific methodology and the results of scientific experiments. This misconception arises, first of all, from a very superficial acquaintance with the theory of creation, as well as from a firmly established preconceived attitude towards this scientific movement. As a result, many people are much more favorable towards completely unscientific theories not confirmed by practical observations and experiments, such as, for example, the fantastic “paleovisit theory”, which allows for the possibility of artificial creation of the known Universe by “external civilizations”.

Often, creationists themselves add fuel to the fire, putting faith on a par with scientific facts. This gives many people the impression that they are dealing more with philosophy or religion than with science.

The main goal of creationism is to promote human knowledge of the surrounding world using scientific methods and use this knowledge to solve the practical needs of humanity.
Creationism, like any other science, has its own philosophy. The philosophy of creationism is the philosophy of the Bible. And this greatly increases the value of creationism for humanity, which has already seen from its own example how important the philosophy of science is for preventing the rash consequences of its development. The field of research aimed at finding scientific evidence for this version is called “scientific creationism.” Modern creationists seek to confirm the texts of the Bible with accurate calculations. In particular, they prove that Noah's ark could accommodate all the “creatures in pairs.”

Example: In particular, they prove that Noah’s ark could accommodate all “creatures in pairs” - given that fish and other aquatic animals do not need a place in the ark, and the rest of the vertebrate animals are about 20 thousand species. If you multiply this number by two (a male and a female were taken into the ark), you get approximately 40 thousand animals. A medium-sized sheep transport van can accommodate 240 animals. This means that 146 such vans would be needed. And an ark 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high would accommodate 522 such wagons. This means that there was a place for all the animals and there would still be room left - for food and people. Moreover, God, according to Thomas Heinz from the Institute for Creation Research, would probably have thought of taking small and young animals so that they would take up less space and reproduce more actively.

Now you have 2 minutes to fill out the appropriate line in the individual form.

2. Evolutionary hypothesis.

Evolutionary theory received rapid development in the second half of the 19th century. after creation by Charles Darwin theories of evolution. It is the most common in the modern scientific community. The evolutionary hypothesis suggests that man descended from higher primates - humanoid creatures through gradual modification under the influence external factors and natural selection.

Scientists believe that the ancestors of humans were not modern monkeys, but Dryopithecus(ancient monkeys). From them, one line of evolution went to chimpanzees and gorillas, the other to humans.

Twenty million years ago, under the influence of cold weather, the jungle retreated, and one of the branches of Dryopithecus had to leave the trees and move on to life on earth. The relationship of Dryopithecus with humans was established based on a study of the structure of its jaw and teeth, discovered in 1856 in France. Scientists believe that Dryopithecus gave rise to a new branch of anthropoids: a Vstralopithecus.


Australopithecus- lived 6 million years ago. Used as tools (stones, sticks). They were as tall as a chimpanzee and weighed about 50 kg, their brain volume reached 500 cm 3 - according to this feature, Australopithecus is closer to humans than any of the fossil and modern monkeys.

Homo habilis, Homo erectus

Australopithecus gave rise to a more progressive form, called Homo habilis, Homo erectus - Homo habilis, Homo erectus. They lived about 3 million years ago, knew how to make stone tools, hunted, and used fire. Teeth human type, phalanges of fingers are flattened, brain volume is 600 cm3.


N Yeanderthals appeared 150 thousand years ago, they were widely settled throughout Europe. Africa. Western and South Asia. Neanderthals made a variety of stone tools, used fire, and rough clothing. Their brain volume increased to 1400 cm3. The structural features of the lower jaw show that they had rudimentary speech. They lived in groups of 50-100 individuals and during the advance of glaciers they used caves, driving wild animals out of them.


Neanderthals were replaced by modern people - Cro-Magnons- or neoanthropes. They appeared about 50 thousand years ago (their bone remains were found in 1868 in France). Cro-Magnons form the only genus Homo species Sapiens - Homo sapiens. Their ape-like features were completely smoothed out, there was a characteristic chin protuberance on the lower jaw, indicating their ability to articulate speech, and in the art of making various tools from stone, bone and horn, the Cro-Magnons went far ahead compared to the Neanderthals.

They tamed animals and began to master agriculture, which allowed them to get rid of hunger and obtain a variety of food. Unlike their predecessors, the evolution of Cro-Magnons took place under the great influence of social factors (team cohesion, mutual support, improvement labor activity, more high level thinking). Today, scientists consider Cro-Magnons to be the direct ancestors of humans.

Modern molecular biology data allow us to establish that humans and modern chimpanzees have 91% similar genes, humans and gibbons have 76%, and humans and macaques have 66%. In genetic terms, the chimpanzee is considered the closest living ape to humans. However, a study of morphological characteristics indicates that humans have the greatest similarity with a gorilla - 385. Next comes the chimpanzee - 369, the orangutan - 359 and the gibbon - 117.

Graphically, hominid evolution can be represented as a tree with many branches, some of them long dead, others still alive.

Undoubtedly, scientific ideas about anthropogenesis will not only be replenished, but, possibly, will change significantly.

3. Space hypothesis (hypothesis of extraterrestrial intervention)

According to this hypothesis, the appearance of people on Earth is in one way or another connected with the activities of other civilizations. In the simplest version, people are direct descendants of aliens who landed on Earth in prehistoric times.

More complex options:

    interbreeding of aliens with human ancestors;

    the creation of Homo sapiens using genetic engineering methods;

    the creation of the first people in a homuncular way;

    control of the evolutionary development of earthly life by the forces of extraterrestrial superintelligence;

    evolutionary development of earthly life and intelligence according to a program originally laid down by extraterrestrial superintelligence.

At the turn of the 50s and 60s, the topic of paleovisit received a real chance to be included in the sphere of normal scientific research. On the one hand, during this period there was a genuine revolution in the perception of the entire issue of extraterrestrial civilizations. Radio astronomy and communications technology had reached such a level of development by that time that it became clear: radio communication between humanity and its supposed “brothers in mind” from nearby star systems is already feasible today. Listening to space began in search of meaningful signals, articles and monographs about extraterrestrial civilizations and methods of contact with them poured in, in a word, the question of alien intelligence, which had hitherto seemed somewhat abstract, finally became the subject of practical concerns of science.

On the other hand, the entry of mankind into the space age had a profound impact on scientific thought, and indeed on the entire society. The conquest of near-Earth space, the rapid progress of astronautics, its boundless prospects - all this, among other things, created a solid basis for the assumption that more developed civilizations of the Galaxy could have long ago begun interstellar expeditions.

The first developer of the paleovisit hypothesis was the scientist Agreste. Having expressed the idea of ​​the possibility of repeated visits to the Earth by messengers from other worlds, the scientist called for a search for relevant evidence in myths, legends, written monuments and material culture. He drew attention to a number of facts relating mainly to the Middle East and neighboring regions: biblical texts about the coming of celestial beings to Earth, a giant stone terrace erected in Baalbek (Lebanon) by no one knows who and for what purpose, a drawing of an “astronaut” on the rocks Tassilien-Adjera (North Africa), etc. However, the theory did not receive the proper response in scientific world. There were other attempts to return to it, but they all rested on the stereotypes of conservative science and the impossibility of presenting substantiated evidence.

In recent decades, the paleovisit hypothesis has experienced a rebirth. Every year the number of its supporters and followers is growing, and scientific research gives scientists the right to speak more and more confidently about the existence of an extraterrestrial highly developed civilization that created our world. Some ancient tribes claim to have descended from aliens who passed on their knowledge to them and visited Earth several times. This cannot be denied, since inexplicable discoveries in the field of mythology and archeology baffle conservative science, but all these mysteries of world history make sense in the context of the existence of an extraterrestrial presence. This and rock paintings, depicting unknown creatures, and complex structures resting in the thickness of the earth or on its surface. And who knows, maybe the mysterious Stonehenge, sending secret signals into outer space, is an information module thanks to which extraterrestrial intelligence monitors the lives of its creations.

Today, many different hypotheses of human origins are widespread in the world.

But only one thing is clear and obvious, that none of the existing hypotheses of the origin of man is strictly proven. Ultimately, the selection criterion for each individual is belief in one or another hypothesis.

People have always sought to find out how they appeared, where they originated human race. Not knowing the answer to their question, they made guesses and composed legends. The myth of human origins exists in almost all religious beliefs.

But it was not only religion that tried to find the answer to this eternal question. As science developed, it also joined the search for truth. But within the framework of this article, emphasis will be placed on theories of human origin based precisely on religious beliefs and mythology.

In Ancient Greece

Greek mythology is known all over the world, so it is with it that the article begins to consider the myths that explain the origin of the world and man. According to the mythology of this people, in the beginning there was Chaos.

Gods emerged from it: Chronos, personifying time, Gaia - earth, Eros - the embodiment of love, Tartarus and Erebus - the abyss and darkness, respectively. The last deity born from Chaos was the goddess Nyukta, who symbolized the night.

Over time, these omnipotent creatures give birth to other gods and take over the world. Later they settled on the top of Mount Olympus, which from now on became their home.

The Greek myth about the origin of man is one of the most famous, as it is studied in the school curriculum.

Ancient Egypt

The Nile Valley civilization is one of the earliest, so their mythology is also very old. Of course, their religious beliefs also included a myth about the origin of people.

Here we can draw an analogy with those already mentioned above Greek myths. The Egyptians believed that in the beginning there was Chaos, in which Infinity, Darkness, Nothingness and Oblivion reigned. These forces were very strong and sought to destroy everything, but in contrast to them the Great Eight acted, of which 4 had a male appearance with the heads of frogs, and the other 4 had a female appearance with snake heads.

Subsequently, the destructive forces of Chaos were overcome, and the world was created.

Indian beliefs

In Hinduism there are at least 5 versions of the origin of the world and man. According to the first version, the world arose from the sound of Om produced by Shiva's drum.

According to the second myth, the world and man emerged from an “egg” (brahmanda) that came from outer space. In the third version there was “primary heat” that gave birth to the world.

The fourth myth sounds rather bloodthirsty: the first man, whose name was Purushi, sacrificed parts of his body to himself. The rest of the people emerged from them.

The latest version says that the world and man owe their origin to the breath of the god Maha-Vishnu. With every breath he takes, Brahmandas (universes) appear in which the Brahmas live.


In this religion there is no myth as such about the origin of people and the world. The dominant idea here is the constant rebirth of the universe, which appears from the very beginning. This process is called the wheel of Samsara. Depending on the karma that a living being has, in the next life he can be reborn into a more highly developed one. For example, a person who has led a righteous life will either be a human again, a demigod, or even a god in his next life.

Someone who has bad karma may not become a human at all, but may be born as an animal or a plant, or even an inanimate being. This is a kind of punishment for the fact that he lived a “bad” life.

There is no explanation in Buddhism about the very appearance of man and the whole world.

Viking beliefs

Scandinavian myths about the origin of man are not as well known to modern people as the Greek or Egyptian ones, but they are no less interesting. They believed that the universe emerged from the void (Ginugaga), and the rest of the material world arose from the torso of a bisexual giant named Ymir.

This giant was raised by the sacred cow Audhumla. The stones that she licked to get salt became the basis for the appearance of gods, including the main god of Scandinavian mythology, Odin.

Odin and his two brothers Vili and Ve killed Ymir, from whose body they created our world and man.

Ancient Slavic beliefs

As with most ancient polytheistic religions, Slavic mythology in the beginning there was also Chaos. And in it lived the Mother of darkness and infinity, whose name was Sva. She once wanted a child for herself and created her son Svarog from a fiery embryo, and from the umbilical cord the serpent Fert was born, who became her son’s friend.

Sva, in order to please Svarog, took off the old skin from the snake, waved her hands and created all living things from it. Man was created in the same way, but a soul was put into his body.


It is the first monotheistic religion in the world, from which Christianity and Islam originate. Therefore, in all three faiths, the myth about the origin of people and the world is similar.

Jews believe that the world was created by God. However, there are some discrepancies. Thus, some believe that the sky was created from the radiance of his clothes, the earth from the snow under his throne, which he threw into the water.

Others believe that God wove several threads together: he used two (fire and snow) to create his world, and two more (fire and water) went to create the sky. Later, man was created.


This religion is dominated by the idea of ​​creating the world from “nothing.” God created the entire world using his own power. It took him 6 days to create the world, and on the seventh he rested.

In this myth, which explains the origin of the world and man, people appeared at the very end. Man was created by God in his own image and likeness, therefore people are the “highest” beings on Earth.

And, of course, everyone knows about the first man Adam, who was created from clay. Then God made a woman from his rib.


Despite the fact that Muslim doctrine takes its roots from Judaism, where God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh, in Islam this myth is interpreted somewhat differently.

There is no rest for Allah, he created the whole world and all living things in six days, but fatigue did not touch him at all.

Scientific theories of human origins

Today it is generally accepted that humans emerged through a long biological process of evolution. Darwin's theory states that humans evolved from higher primates, so humans and apes had a common ancestor in ancient times.

Of course, in science there are also different hypotheses regarding the appearance of the world and people. For example, some scientists put forward a version according to which man is the result of a merger of primates and aliens who visited the Earth in ancient times.

Today even bolder hypotheses have begun to appear. For example, there is a theory according to which our world is a virtual program, and everything that surrounds us, including the people themselves, is part of a computer game or program used by more developed beings.

However, such bold ideas without proper factual and experimental confirmation are not much different from myths about the origin of people.

In conclusion

This article examined various options for the origin of man: myths and religions, versions and hypotheses based on scientific research. Today no one can say with 100% certainty what actually happened. Therefore, each person is free to choose which theory to believe in.

The modern scientific world is inclined towards the Darwinian theory, since it has the largest and best evidence base, although it also has some inaccuracies and shortcomings.

Be that as it may, people strive to get to the bottom of the truth, so more and more new hypotheses, evidence appear, experiments and observations are carried out. Perhaps in the future it will be possible to find the only correct answer.

Abstract on the topic:

"Basic hypotheses of human origins."

Subject: “The concept of modern natural science.”

Completed by a second year student

Ivanova Yu.V.

Moscow, 2010

1. Introduction……………………………………………………. 3

2. Theories of anthropogenesis:

2.1. Theory of evolution…………………………………….. 3

2.2. Theory of creation (creationism) …………………….. 5

2.3. Paleovisit theory ………………………………….. 7

2.4. Theory of spatial anomalies……………….. 9

3. Conclusion …………………………………………………………… 11

4. Bibliography…………………………………………… 12


Every person, as soon as he began to realize himself as an individual, was visited by the question “where did we come from?” Although the question sounds very simple, there is no single answer to it. Nevertheless, this problem - the problem of the emergence and development of man - is dealt with by a number of sciences. In particular, in the science of anthropology, there is even such a concept as anthropogenesis, that is, the historical and evolutionary formation of the physical type of a person. Other aspects of human origins are studied by philosophy, theology, history, and paleontology. Theories concerning the origin of life on Earth are varied and far from reliable. The most common theories of the origin of life on Earth are the following:

Evolutionary theory;

Theory of creation (creationism);

External intervention theory;

Theory of spatial anomalies.

Theory of evolution.

Evolutionary theory suggests that humans evolved from higher primates - apes - through gradual modification under the influence of external factors and natural selection.

The evolutionary theory of anthropogenesis has an extensive range of diverse evidence - paleontological, archaeological, biological, genetic, cultural, psychological and others. However, much of this evidence can be interpreted ambiguously, allowing opponents of evolutionary theory to challenge it.

According to this theory, the following main stages of human evolution take place:

The time of successive existence of human anthropoid ancestors (Australopithecus);

Existence ancient people: Pithecanthropa;

The stage of Neanderthal, that is, ancient man;

Development modern people(neoanthropes).

In 1739, the Swedish naturalist Carl Linnaeus, in his Systema Naturae, classified humans - Homo sapiens - as one of the primates. Since then, there has been no doubt among scientists that this is precisely the place of man in the zoological system, which covers all living forms with uniform classification relations based mainly on the features of the anatomical structure. In this system, primates form one of the orders within the class of mammals and are divided into two suborders: prosimians and higher primates. The latter include monkeys, apes and humans. Primates have many common specific signs that distinguish them from other mammals.

However, the theory of evolution became widespread thanks to the research of the English scientist Charles Darwin. His theory of natural selection was a real breakthrough; the arguments given by Darwin and his followers led to the fact that the theory of evolution became widespread in the scientific world and the evolution of man from the animal world became the main theory of anthropogenesis.

Today in the world among ordinary people there are many who consider themselves convinced adherents of evolutionary anthropogenesis, but, despite large number his admirers, there is a colossal number of scientists and ordinary people who recognize the theory as untenable and present compelling, undeniable arguments against the evolutionary view of the world. An authoritative part of scientists perceives evolutionary theory as nothing other than mythology, based more on philosophical fabrications than on scientific data. Thanks to this, in the modern scientific world, ongoing discussions continue about the causes of the emergence of the world and man, which sometimes even result in mutual hostility. However, the theory of evolution still exists and is the most serious and valid.

Theory of creation (creationism).

This theory states that man was created by God, gods or divine power out of nothing or from some non-biological material. The best known biblical version is that God created the world in seven days, and the first people - Adam and Eve - were created from clay. This version has more ancient Egyptian roots and a number of analogues in the myths of other peoples.

Of course, the most ardent followers of this theory are religious communities. Based on the sacred texts of antiquity (the Bible, the Koran, etc.), followers of all world religions recognize this version as the only possible one. This theory appeared in Islam, but became widespread in Christianity. All world religions gravitate toward the version of God the creator, but his appearance may change depending on the religious branch.

Orthodox theology considers the theory of creation to be self-evident. However, various evidence has been put forward for this theory, the most important of which is the similarity of myths and legends of different peoples telling about the creation of man.

Modern theology uses the latest scientific data to prove the theory of creation, which, however, for the most part do not contradict the theory of evolution.

Some currents of modern theology bring creationism closer to evolutionary theory, believing that man evolved from apes through gradual modification, but not as a result of natural selection, but by the will of God or in accordance with a divine program.

Creationism is thought of as God's Creation. However, at present, some view it as the result of the activities of a highly developed civilization creating various shapes life and observing their development.

Since the end of the last century, the theory of evolution has dominated throughout the world, but several decades ago new scientific discoveries made many scientists doubt the possibility of the evolutionary mechanism. In addition, if the evolutionary theory has at least some explanation for the process of the emergence of living matter, then the mechanisms of the emergence of the Universe simply remain outside the scope of this theory, while religion provides comprehensive answers to many controversial issues. For the most part, creationism is based on the Bible, which provides a fairly clear diagram of the emergence of the world around us. Many people believe that creationism is a theory that relies solely on faith in its development. However, creationism is precisely a science based on scientific methodology and the results of scientific experiments. This misconception arises primarily from a very superficial acquaintance with the theory of creation, as well as from a firmly established preconceived attitude towards this scientific movement. As a result of this, many people have a much more favorable attitude towards completely unscientific theories not confirmed by practical observations and experiments, such as, for example, the fantastic “paleovisit theory”, which allows for the possibility of artificial creation of the known Universe by “external civilizations”.

Often, creationists themselves add fuel to the fire, putting faith on a par with scientific facts. This gives many people the impression that they are dealing more with philosophy or religion than with science.

Creationism does not solve the problems of a narrow, highly specialized field scientific knowledge. Each separate science that studies its part of the world around us is organically part of the scientific apparatus of creationism, and the facts it obtains form a holistic picture of creation doctrine.

The main goal of creationism is to promote human knowledge of the surrounding world using scientific methods and use this knowledge to solve the practical needs of mankind.

Creationism, like any other science, has its own philosophy. The philosophy of creationism is the philosophy of the Bible. And this greatly increases the value of creationism for humanity, which has already seen from its own example how important the philosophy of science is for preventing the rash consequences of its development.

Creationism is by far the most consistent and consistent theory of the origin of the world around us. And it is its consistency with numerous scientific facts from a wide variety of scientific disciplines that makes it the most promising platform for further development human cognition.

The theory of external intervention (paleovisit).

According to this theory, the appearance of people on Earth is in one way or another connected with the activities of other civilizations. The term paleovisit itself means a visit to Earth by extraterrestrial civilizations. In its simplest form, TVV considers humans to be direct descendants of aliens who landed on Earth in prehistoric times.

More complex TVV options involve:

a) crossing of aliens with the ancestors of people;

b) the creation of Homo sapiens using genetic engineering methods;

c) control of the evolutionary development of earthly life by the forces of extraterrestrial superintelligence;

d) the evolutionary development of earthly life and intelligence according to a program originally laid down by extraterrestrial superintelligence.

At the turn of the 50s and 60s, the topic of paleovisit received a real chance to be included in the sphere of normal scientific research.

On the one hand, during this period there was a genuine revolution in the perception of the entire issue of extraterrestrial civilizations. Radio astronomy and communications technology had reached such a level of development by that time that it became clear: radio communication between humanity and its supposed “brothers in mind” from nearby star systems is already feasible today. Listening to space began in search of meaningful signals, articles and monographs about extraterrestrial civilizations and methods of contact with them poured in, in a word, the question of alien intelligence, which had hitherto seemed somewhat abstract, finally became the subject of practical concerns of science.

On the other hand, the entry of mankind into the space age had a profound impact on scientific thought, and indeed on the entire society. The conquest of near-Earth space, the rapid progress of astronautics, its boundless prospects - all this, among other things, created a solid basis for the assumption that more developed civilizations of the Galaxy could have long ago begun interstellar expeditions.

The first developer of the paleovisit theory was M.M. Agreste. Having expressed the idea of ​​the possibility of repeated visits to the Earth by messengers from other worlds, the scientist called for a search for relevant evidence in myths, legends, written monuments and material culture. He drew attention to a number of facts relating mainly to the Middle East and neighboring regions: biblical texts about the coming of celestial beings to Earth, a giant stone terrace erected in Baalbek (Lebanon) by no one knows who and for what purpose, a drawing of an “astronaut” on the rocks Tassilien-Adjera (North Africa), etc. However, the theory did not receive the proper response in the scientific world. There were other attempts to return to it, but they all rested on the stereotypes of conservative science and the impossibility of presenting substantiated evidence.

In recent decades, the paleovisit theory has experienced a rebirth. Every year the number of its supporters and followers is growing, and scientific research gives scientists the right to speak more and more confidently about the existence of an extraterrestrial highly developed civilization that created our world. Some ancient tribes claim to have descended from aliens who passed on their knowledge to them and visited Earth several times. This cannot be denied, since inexplicable discoveries in the field of mythology and archeology baffle conservative science, but all these mysteries of world history make sense in the context of the existence of an extraterrestrial presence. These are cave paintings depicting unknown creatures, and complex structures resting in the thickness of the earth or on its surface... And who knows, maybe the mysterious Stonehenge, sending secret signals into outer space, is an information module, thanks to which extraterrestrial intelligence monitors the lives of its creations.

Theory of spatial anomalies.

Followers of this theory interpret anthropogenesis as an element of the development of a stable spatial anomaly - a humanoid triad, which is usually understood as substances, the fusion and interaction of which led to the emergence of humanity. These substances form the “Matter - Energy - Aura” chain, characteristic of many planets of the Earthly Universe and its analogues in parallel spaces. This theory considers matter and energy not as natural elements of the universe, but as spatial anomalies: ideal space contains neither matter nor energy and consists of proto-particles that are in an equilibrium state; a violation of this balance leads to the emergence of elementary particles that are in energetic interaction with each other. Aura is an information element of the universe. It is capable of influencing matter and energy, but it itself depends on them, that is, there is also interaction here. It is more like a computer, storing and processing information and calculating the plan for the development of the material world several steps ahead.

However, followers of the theory of spatial anomalies believe that the development of human civilization, and perhaps other civilizations of the universe, makes the aura more and more similar to the Universal Mind and even to a deity, whose capabilities increase as the mind develops and spreads in the Universe.

TPA assumes that the “Matter-Energy-Aura” system strives for constant expansion and complication structural organization, and Aura, as a controlling element of the system, strives to create intelligence.

In this regard, the mind is an absolutely priceless thing. After all, it allows you to transfer the existence of mother and energy to new level, where there is directed creation: the manufacture of objects that do not exist in nature, and the use of energy that nature stores in a latent state or wastes.

Aura is not a god, and she cannot miraculously create a sentient being. It can only in the process of complex interactions bring to life such factors that can subsequently lead to the emergence of intelligence.

TPA explains this by the fact that in its desire to complicate life forms, Aura calculates the prospects of each species several steps ahead. It allows highly specialized and therefore unpromising species to become extinct. And species that have a future pushes them to change in a given direction.

Probably, Aura has an energy or material potential that allows it to make changes to genetic structures and cause specified mutations. There are proposals that life is caused not only by biochemical processes, but also by special wave phenomena at the subatomic level. It is possible that these very phenomena are the material echo of the aura - and perhaps the aura itself.

TPA suggests that in humanoid universes on most habitable planets, the biosphere develops along the same path, programmed at the Aura level.

Given favorable conditions, this path leads to the emergence of an earthly type of mind.

In general, the interpretation of anthropogenesis in TPA does not have significant differences with evolutionary theory. However, TPA recognizes the existence of a certain program for the development of life and intelligence, which, along with random factors, controls evolution.


The origin of life is one of the most mysterious questions, a comprehensive answer to which is unlikely to ever be obtained. Many hypotheses and even theories about the origin of life, explaining various aspects of this phenomenon, are so far unable to overcome the essential circumstance - experimentally confirm the fact of the appearance of life. Modern science has no direct evidence of how and where life originated. There are only logical constructions and indirect evidence obtained through model experiments, and data in the field of paleontology, geology, astronomy and other sciences.

That is why the question of the origin of man remains unsolved, allowing numerous theories to emerge. None of them have yet taken over, becoming united, and perhaps this will never happen.


1. Ya. Ya. Roginsky, M. G. Levin. Anthropology. M.: graduate School, 1978.- 357 p.

2. M.Kh. Nesturkh. Origin of Man, 2nd ed., M., 1970

3. V.V. Bunak. Theories of anthropogenesis. - M., 1978.

4. A.I. Oparin. Origin of life. - M.: Mir, 1969.

5. M.G. Levin. Life story - M.: Mir, 1977

6. http://www.help-rus-student.ru/