Morphological features of the word royal. See also in other dictionaries

Found morphological analyzes of "royal" - 2

Option No. 1 “royal” - Adjective

  • Part of speech:
  • Morphological characteristics:
    • Initial form: royal
    • Constant signs:
    • Variable signs: plural, nominative case
  • Word forms:

Option No. 2 “royal” - Adjective

  • Part of speech:
    Part of speech of the word royal - Adjective
  • Morphological characteristics:
    • Initial form: royal
    • Constant signs: inanimate
    • Variable signs: plural, accusative case
  • Syntactic role of the word “royal” in a sentence: depends on the context of the sentence.
  • Word forms: royal royal royal royal royal royal royal royal

Morphological analysis of the word “royal”

Full morphological analysis of the word "royal": Part of speech, initial form, morphological characteristics and word forms.

The direction of the science of language, where the word is studied as a part of speech, is called morphology. Do morphological analysis- means to characterize a word as a part of speech: to give a description of its semantic meaning, grammatical properties and the role that the word plays in the corresponding sentence.

Morphological analysis of the word "royal" compiled according to the dictionary.

There may be several morphological analyzes of this word, since the same word in Russian is often found as various parts speech. Therefore, choose the analysis of exactly the part of speech that is indicated in your task. Good luck in your studies!

See also in other dictionaries:

The composition of the word royal: root in the word, suffix, prefix and ending.... Morphemic analysis of the word royal by composition

Decline the word royal according to singular and plural cases.... Declension of the word royal by case

1. glory. initial form: glory. part of speech: singular noun, feminine, nominative case, inanimate. 2. n. f-messenger ch.r.-noun. them. p, pl. h, masculine, animate. 3. he - 2nd person, unit. number. 4. n.f.-tell. ch.r.-verb in personal form. 3rd person, plural h, imperfect view.present time. 5. I (full name) was late for school family circumstances. (date, painting)

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1. The athlete was wearing a warm sweater, knitted from pure wool.

2. The outside of the hut was whitewashed with slaked lime.

3. A freight train with platforms loaded with sand was slowly passing by the station.

4. The table was covered with a homespun tablecloth.

5. There was a multitude of all kinds of people, invited and uninvited.

6. Potatoes fried in melted butter were served as a side dish.

7. A horse shod on all four legs does not stumble.

8. Models of new suits, cut and sewn by experienced craftsmen, were demonstrated.

9. The papers are yellowed, like money - still intact, scratched, smeared, cross-smeared.

10. Part of the journey had to be done on unpaved roads.

11. Vitamins are found mainly in raw, uncooked vegetables.

12. There was little firewood in that war winter; we lived in unheated rooms.

13. In some places the track of an abandoned, untrodden road could be seen from under the snow.

14. On the way to Moscow, for his own amusement, he humbled unridden horses.

15. The fishermen ate fish soup and potatoes baked in ash.

16. Among the other paintings at the exhibition, several painted in watercolor stood out.

17. Fresh and frozen meat is available for sale.

18. I have seeded bread, but your baker strives to bake it with bran.

Reply posted by: Guest

a kind person to everyone, but if he did a good deed to someone undeservedly, but unfairly towards another, then this is not really kindness. an example would be a classroom situation. students, some work to do it themselves, while others copy from a neighbor. the one who let it be written off seems to be doing a good deed for his friend. but in doing so he acts unfairly towards others, as he does himself. because everyone must do the work on equal terms. for centuries people have been trying to understand and describe what is love, but love You can’t describe it - this is a property of the human soul, and people are so different. and kindness? Is it possible to describe kindness? maybe try? where to start? from how a good person behaves. a kind person never gets angry. Well, so what, after all, anger can be hidden deep, so deep that it is impossible to understand from external manifestations whether a kind person is good or whether he disguises his anger well. a good person cannot experience hatred. but you can hate silently, with a smile on your face. it depends on how much a person knows about his emotions. a kind person is always ready to come, but even this can be done out of self-interest. so what is kindness? a simple question that is not so easy to answer

1. Independent parts of speech:

  • nouns (see morphological norms of nouns);
  • Verbs:
    • participles;
    • participles;
  • adjectives;
  • numerals;
  • pronouns;
  • adverbs;

2. Functional parts of speech:

  • prepositions;
  • unions;
  • particles;

3. Interjections.

The following do not fall into any of the classifications (according to the morphological system) of the Russian language:

  • the words yes and no, if they act as an independent sentence.
  • introductory words: so, by the way, total, as a separate sentence, as well as a number of other words.

Morphological analysis of a noun

  • initial form in nominative case, singular (with the exception of nouns used only in the plural: scissors, etc.);
  • proper or common noun;
  • animate or inanimate;
  • gender (m,f, avg.);
  • number (singular, plural);
  • declination;
  • case;
  • syntactic role in a sentence.

Plan for morphological analysis of a noun

"The baby drinks milk."

Baby (answers the question who?) – noun;

  • initial form - baby;
  • constant morphological features: animate, common noun, concrete, male, 1st declension;
  • inconsistent morphological features: nominative case, singular;
  • when parsing a sentence, it plays the role of subject.

Morphological analysis of the word “milk” (answers the question of whom? What?).

  • initial form – milk;
  • constant morphological characteristics of the word: neuter, inanimate, real, common noun, II declension;
  • variable morphological features: accusative case, singular;
  • direct object in the sentence.

Here is another example of how to make a morphological analysis of a noun, based on a literary source:

"Two ladies ran up to Luzhin and helped him get up. He began to knock the dust off his coat with his palm. (example from: “Luzhin’s Defense”, Vladimir Nabokov)."

Ladies (who?) - noun;

  • initial form - queen;
  • constant morphological features: common noun, animate, concrete, female, I declension;
  • fickle morphological characteristics of the noun: singular, genitive case;
  • syntactic role: part of the subject.

Luzhin (to whom?) - noun;

  • initial form - Luzhin;
  • faithful morphological characteristics of the word: proper name, animate, concrete, masculine, mixed declension;
  • inconsistent morphological features of the noun: singular, dative case;

Palm (with what?) - noun;

  • initial shape - palm;
  • constant morphological features: feminine, inanimate, common noun, concrete, first declension;
  • inconsistent morpho. signs: singular, instrumental case;
  • syntactic role in context: addition.

Dust (what?) - noun;

  • initial form - dust;
  • main morphological features: common noun, real, feminine, singular, animate not characterized, III declension (noun with zero ending);
  • fickle morphological characteristics of the word: accusative case;
  • syntactic role: addition.

(c) Coat (Why?) - noun;

  • the initial form is a coat;
  • constant correct morphological characteristics of the word: inanimate, common noun, specific, neuter, indeclinable;
  • morphological features are inconsistent: the number cannot be determined from the context, genitive case;
  • syntactic role as a member of a sentence: addition.

Morphological analysis of the adjective

The adjective is significant part speech. Answers the questions Which? Which? Which? Which? and characterizes the characteristics or qualities of an object. Table of morphological features of the adjective name:

  • initial form in the nominative case, singular, masculine;
  • constant morphological features of adjectives:
    • rank according to the value:
      • - quality (warm, silent);
      • - relative (yesterday, reading);
      • - possessive (hare, mother);
    • degree of comparison (for quality ones, for which this feature is constant);
    • full / short form(for quality ones, for which this sign is constant);
  • inconsistent morphological features of the adjective:
    • qualitative adjectives vary according to the degree of comparison (in comparative degrees the simple form, in superlative degrees - complex): beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful;
    • full or short form (qualitative adjectives only);
    • gender marker (singular only);
    • number (agrees with the noun);
    • case (agrees with the noun);
  • syntactic role in a sentence: an adjective can be a definition or part of a compound nominal predicate.

Plan for morphological analysis of the adjective

Example sentence:

The full moon rose over the city.

Full (what?) – adjective;

  • initial form – full;
  • constant morphological features of the adjective: qualitative, full form;
  • inconsistent morphological characteristics: in a positive (zero) degree of comparison, feminine (consistent with the noun), nominative case;
  • according to syntactic analysis - a minor member of the sentence, serves as a definition.

Here is another whole literary passage and morphological analysis of the adjective, with examples:

The girl was beautiful: slender, thin, blue eyes, like two amazing sapphires, looking into your soul.

Beautiful (what?) - adjective;

  • initial form - beautiful (in this meaning);
  • constant morphological norms: qualitative, brief;
  • inconstant signs: positive degree of comparison, singular, feminine;

Slender (what?) - adjective;

  • initial form - slender;
  • constant morphological characteristics: qualitative, complete;
  • inconsistent morphological characteristics of the word: full, positive degree of comparison, singular, feminine, nominative case;
  • syntactic role in a sentence: part of the predicate.

Thin (what?) - adjective;

  • initial form - thin;
  • morphological constant characteristics: qualitative, complete;
  • inconsistent morphological characteristics of the adjective: positive degree of comparison, singular, feminine, nominative case;
  • syntactic role: part of the predicate.

Blue (what?) - adjective;

  • initial form - blue;
  • table of constant morphological features of the adjective name: qualitative;
  • inconsistent morphological characteristics: full, positive degree of comparison, plural, nominative case;
  • syntactic role: definition.

Amazing (what?) - adjective;

  • initial form - amazing;
  • constant characteristics of morphology: relative, expressive;
  • inconsistent morphological features: plural, genitive case;
  • syntactic role in a sentence: part of the circumstance.

Morphological features of the verb

According to the morphology of the Russian language, a verb is an independent part of speech. It can denote an action (to walk), a property (to limp), an attitude (to be equal), a state (to rejoice), a sign (to turn white, to show off) of an object. Verbs answer the question what to do? what to do? what is he doing? what did you do? or what will it do? Different groups Verbal word forms have heterogeneous morphological characteristics and grammatical features.

Morphological forms of verbs:

  • the initial form of the verb is the infinitive. It is also called the indefinite or unchangeable form of the verb. There are no variable morphological features;
  • conjugated (personal and impersonal) forms;
  • inconjugated forms: participles and participles.

Morphological analysis of the verb

  • initial form - infinitive;
  • constant morphological features of the verb:
    • transitivity:
      • transitive (used with accusative case nouns without a preposition);
      • intransitive (not used with a noun in the accusative case without a preposition);
    • repayment:
      • returnable (there is -sya, -sya);
      • irrevocable (no -sya, -sya);
      • imperfect (what to do?);
      • perfect (what to do?);
    • conjugation:
      • I conjugation (do-eat, do-e, do-eat, do-e, do-ut/ut);
      • II conjugation (sto-ish, sto-it, sto-im, sto-ite, sto-yat/at);
      • mixed verbs (want, run);
  • inconsistent morphological features of the verb:
    • mood:
      • indicative: what did you do? What did you do? what is he doing? what will he do?;
      • conditional: what would you do? what would you do?;
      • imperative: do!;
    • time (in the indicative mood: past/present/future);
    • person (in the present/future tense, indicative and imperative: 1st person: I/we, 2nd person: you/you, 3rd person: he/they);
    • gender (past tense, singular, indicative and conditional);
    • number;
  • syntactic role in a sentence. The infinitive can be any part of the sentence:
    • predicate: To be a holiday today;
    • subject: Learning is always useful;
    • addition: All the guests asked her to dance;
    • definition: He had an irresistible desire to eat;
    • circumstance: I went out for a walk.

Morphological analysis of verb example

To understand the scheme, let’s conduct a written analysis of the morphology of the verb using the example of a sentence:

God somehow sent a piece of cheese to the crow... (fable, I. Krylov)

Sent (what did you do?) - part of speech verb;

  • initial form - send;
  • constant morphological features: perfective aspect, transitional, 1st conjugation;
  • inconsistent morphological characteristics of the verb: indicative mood, past tense, masculine, singular;

Next online sample morphological analysis verb in a sentence:

What silence, listen.

Listen (what do you do?) - verb;

  • initial form - listen;
  • morphological constant features: perfective aspect, intransitive, reflexive, 1st conjugation;
  • inconsistent morphological characteristics of the word: imperative mood, plural, 2nd person;
  • syntactic role in a sentence: predicate.

Plan for morphological analysis of verbs online for free, based on an example from a whole paragraph:

He needs to be warned.

No need, let him know next time how to break the rules.

What are the rules?

Wait, I'll tell you later. Has entered! (“Golden Calf”, I. Ilf)

Caution (what to do?) - verb;

  • initial form - warn;
  • morphological features of the verb are constant: perfective, transitive, irrevocative, 1st conjugation;
  • inconsistent morphology of part of speech: infinitive;
  • syntactic function in a sentence: component predicate.

Let him know (what is he doing?) - verb part of speech;

  • initial form - know;
  • inconsistent verb morphology: imperative, singular, 3rd person;
  • syntactic role in a sentence: predicate.

Violate (what to do?) - the word is a verb;

  • initial form - violate;
  • constant morphological features: imperfect form, irrevocable, transitional, 1st conjugation;
  • inconstant features of the verb: infinitive (initial form);
  • syntactic role in context: part of the predicate.

Wait (what will you do?) - part of speech verb;

  • initial form - wait;
  • constant morphological features: perfective aspect, irrevocable, transitional, 1st conjugation;
  • inconsistent morphological characteristics of the verb: imperative mood, plural, 2nd person;
  • syntactic role in a sentence: predicate.

Entered (what did you do?) - verb;

  • initial form - enter;
  • constant morphological features: perfective aspect, irreversible, intransitive, 1st conjugation;
  • inconsistent morphological characteristics of the verb: past tense, indicative mood, singular, masculine;
  • syntactic role in a sentence: predicate.