Oksana Fandera beauty secrets. Oksana Fandera: “I want to learn something new about myself. Although most do the opposite

“Odessa is a place that attracts people like me. If you were born in water, you are subconsciously drawn to water, you just feel good there. I feel good in Odessa, says Oksana Fandera about her " small homeland" And new role in the film by Alexander Gordon "Brothel Lights".

Odessa in everyone's mind Soviet man has always been a “special place”, a little unreal and not at all Soviet. This city, like the people born here, does not accept vanity and exists according to its own laws, which can only be understood by abandoning the usual logic and surrendering to chance. “Odessa does not tolerate what you offer her - she must give everything herself. And it’s up to you to accept or wait for the next offer,” Oksana talks about her homeland with a sparkle in her eyes. “This is a cool city, it looks like a person, like a slightly angry, proud woman who exists completely outside of logic.” You can't argue with that. It is all the more interesting to watch a movie about Odessa, filmed according to the script by Odessa resident Harry Gordon, his son Alexander Gordon, with Odessa resident Oksana Fandera in the role of the mistress of a small seaside brothel. Too much Odessa? That’s right, the city in this story about spiritual search and torment is not just a background, but a full-fledged hero-accomplice, non-fictional and at the same time fantasy world, the image of which most of us have formed from grandmother’s memories, funny jokes and noisy black and white Soviet films. “Sasha, when he conceived this story, when he filmed it, kept talking about a certain Sovietness,” says Oksana. “Not for a second, neither in the editing, nor in the credits, did he ever go beyond the idea of ​​what Soviet cinema is.” However, the point here is not only in skillful stylization; the perception of the picture is dictated by the same Odessa texture - bright, flashy and extremely reliable. A representative of a completely different generation, Gordon managed to create an absolutely realistic world - his Odessa is not a product of the modern idea of ​​it, it is truly recreated the way people of the older generation remember it.

But with all the attention to detail, with all the desire for historical truth, in one aspect the creators of the film nevertheless moved away from the realities of those years. In Harry Gordon's script, the main character was a woman “in the body,” which, in fact, was what an Odessa woman of her occupation and age should have been like in the 50s of the last century. The director searched for an actress for the role of Lyuba’s mother for a long time and painfully; he did not seriously consider Fandera, considering her “too glamorous,” but having met her on the advice of film expert Lyubov Arkus, he made the decision almost immediately. Gordon Sr. was against it; he saw his character completely differently and tried his best to dissuade his son from making a mistaken decision. “I really wanted to please Harry Borisovich, who looked at me with pity, as my late grandfather looked at me when I was very thin as a child,” Oksana laughs. “I really wanted to please him somehow.” Not because he wrote this story and I don’t look the way he wants, I just wanted these two wonderful men there was no stumbling block in my face. “The situation was defused at the costume fitting, where Gordon Jr. brought his father. Oksana, trying to achieve “compliance,” tormented the clueless costume designer with requests to “add thickness” and “increase the body” (i.e., the butt). At some point, Gordon Sr. could not stand it and burst out laughing: “I, Sasha, seem to understand why you took her.” As a result, work grew into a great friendship. “It’s always nice to say the phrase “I was loved,” says Oksana. - IN in this case it was an amazing act of accepting me for who I am."

Despite her Odessa origin, the actress prepared for the external attributes of the role (in particular, the dialect) no less carefully than for its psychological aspects. I arrived home before filming began, talked to people, looked for accents, manner of speech, emotions. I talked mainly with older people, trying to find the intonations inherent in the time depicted in the film. I recorded my interlocutors on a voice recorder and analyzed what I heard. “I demanded to introduce me to a prostitute, she read the entire script to me - from beginning to end. That's the one I didn't get close to, she speaks simply brilliantly. How is that heartbeat, all words are filled with incredible meaning. I, of course, did not have the task of copying it, I just needed to be saturated with the time that it carries within itself. Because in 1957 she felt very good “...

In addition to Fandera, the film features many wonderful actors, including representatives of the “old” school - we are, of course, talking about Ada Rogovtseva and Bogdan Stupka. “Working with them was interesting and different, completely different,” says Oksana. - From the very beginning, Ada Nikolaevna communicated with me quite strictly, and it seemed to me that this was her personal, personal attitude towards me. Then we “met” her again, when the film had already come out, and it turned out that she was an incredibly warm person who treated me with sympathy, there were several episodes when she proved her love to me. It was pleasant and unexpected, because it seemed to me that she was such a strict, dry woman, and she, apparently, in this way “gave a gap” between us in order to more accurately feel her character... “Perhaps Rogovtseva initially built relationships in this way, following your role? "Maybe. I’m just an emotional person, I never mix work and life, and, of course, I immediately read this as a personal attitude towards me, as behavior that has nothing to do with work... With Bogdan Silvestrovich it’s a completely different story. This bright, emotional, temperamental man, after half an hour, started talking to the entire set, flirting, courting, and charming all the women. He brought a lot to the role, did things that weren't part of the story, but did them beautifully and charmingly."

The same nice words Oksana also finds Alexei Levinsky, a magnificent theater actor and director, who had never acted in a movie before “Brothel Lights.” “He really made an exception for Gordon... I thought, frankly, that this was some kind of coquetry, an exaggeration, but he really had never acted in films before, never at all. He read scripts and refused, then he stopped reading scripts and immediately refused. Sasha convinced him. It was interesting. “Between Levinsky’s hero and Gordon, by the way, it’s easy to notice the similarities, at least externally. Was this character the on-screen embodiment of the director’s personality, how close is he to Gordon? “The same as for women,” Oksana answers without a doubt. - I think there is some kind of duality in this, this is the same person who has both this perception and another perception. That is, they are really one and the same creature. I think so, perhaps Sasha would have said it completely differently.”

Surprisingly, as a result of communication with Oksana, a completely different image of Alexander Gordon is drawn, diametrically opposed to the existing image of a harsh, sharp-tongued and not very friendly TV presenter. “For me, this film is all the more valuable because I really fell in love with Sasha. For the first time, he allowed himself to undo the “zipper” he was fastened with, which had grown directly into his skin. All the pros, all the cons, naivety, romanticism, sentimentality of the picture - it’s all Sasha. This whole movie is him. This is not his idea of ​​beauty, this is himself. And this is surprising, because his television image does not fit in with this picture. “Oksana, as it turns out, did not know Gordon before filming, but this did not stop her from “considering” the man whom she now speaks of with such sincerity and warmth . “I belong to a different type of people, I am unsuggestible by anyone and anything, the evaluation criterion for me is only my own curiosity,” the actress recalls meeting Gordon. - Sasha was surprisingly gentle from the very beginning, he made me laugh, I was laughing 15 minutes after the meeting. I internally told him “yes” after he asked me if I had seen his first film... Usually directors ask if the answer is important to them. I carefully said “no”, I really didn’t see him... He replied: “That’s what I advise you... It’s good to watch him in bed. You wash your face, brush your teeth, go to bed and turn on a movie. It’s very good to fall asleep under.” My gratitude knew no bounds. I realized that I would work with him, absolutely, in this story, in the next, it doesn’t matter. After the film, I said that if he ever has any proposal for me, I will agree without reading the script.”

At the end of the conversation, I could not resist asking about “Kinotavr” - to everyone’s surprise, the Sochi jury did not award Oksana the prize for the best female role, limiting himself to a diploma with the wording “For the combination of beauty and talent.” To the actress’s credit, it should be noted that this “problem” doesn’t bother Oksana much. “I don’t really care much about the things that usually bother other people, really. I don’t know how to explain this, and I don’t understand how to argue it either. This is also connected with love... If you put me before a choice: in complete silence, with polite applause, to receive a significant cinematic prize or not to receive anything, but to feel, to see with my own eyes that you are accepted and loved - this is more important.... Although, to be honest, I don’t care about that either. I really don’t care at all... “But what does it matter?”, I’m trying to get to the bottom of it. “I only love those moments when I stop recognizing myself. This is confirmed by Nice words people I respect. It can literally last three seconds, that's enough for me. I am focused on the process, Anatoly Aleksandrovich Vasiliev, an absolute master and genius, raised us in such a way that we are not ready and do not know how to receive praise. I have no compartment in my head that controls this, no file that controls my own reaction to yours. This is the ability to give, but the inability to receive. It’s more natural for me when somewhere on the sidelines they pat me on the shoulder, or hug me, or say “thank you very much” for this or that work. I don't need to sparkle for large quantity people, I don’t know how to do this, I don’t have the opportunity to express it..."

Oksana Fandera practically does not act in the theater, and in films she prefers unknown directors commercial offers. About the actress’s new film, the choice of films and acting on stage - in Oksana’s interview for Buro 24/7 Ukraine.

Buro 24/7: What projects are you currently involved in?

Oksana Fandera: Now I’m finishing filming Nana Dzhoradze’s film. This is a New Year's story with Marat Basharov, Chonishvili, Khodchenkova. I hope it turns out to be a good romantic comedy.

B: By what principle do you choose the films you star in?

O.F.: According to the principle of the heartbeat: if it starts beating faster, I say: “This is mine.”

B: What attracted you to your two latest films"The Nightingale the Robber" and "City Spies"?

O.F.: "City Spies" is an interesting story. With Dima Cherkasov, who was going to shoot this 12-episode television film, we worked on the film “Valley of Roses” and became very good friends. I tried to explain to him that I didn’t want to marry television. I'm dubious about television projects, because I’m not sure that perfectionists will work there. This is more common in cinema, but it is very important to me that people believe in what they are doing and are passionate about it, and not just go to work. But Dima convinced me and turned out to be right, because the film crew I was part of was simply amazing, and it was a pleasure to work with them. Although it’s a little scary, to be honest, this is my first serial film and my heroine has a completely different character. It seems to me that the audience usually expects me to be a suffering rich person or an unhappy woman in love - one way or another, some kind of sadness of the victim is definitely present in me. In this case, I’m breaking away from expectations and playing a brazen young lady with a gun, and I’m terribly interested in how people will appreciate it.

B: Will you agree to star in the series again?

O.F.: It is very difficult for me to answer this question. There must be a trinity: a director with sparkling eyes, a script that will captivate me, and the proposal of a new image with which I would not be familiar. So that I don’t use the role that people are used to, because I’m simply getting bored of constantly suffering.

B: Why do you rarely play in the theater? Don't like the stage?

O.F.:Kirill Serebrennikov and I released the play “The Idiot” at the end of May, which is performing with surprising success for me. I did not expect such a result, since it was clean water experiment. It seems to me that this is a kind of obedience, because I am quite wild man. Besides, I don't like academic theater: I have a very specific school of Anatoly Vasiliev, which involves analysis, searching for meaning and working with philosophical texts. And Serebrennikov knew about this. But the very figure of the director and the fact that he bought the script for “The Idiot” by Lars von Trier and staged it on stage made me change my mind. It’s difficult for me on stage because it’s dogma, it’s impossible to play. And even if it is possible, you do not have the right to this, because the conditions of existence in this performance oblige you to live the entire story in which you find yourself. But it's not easy for me because I play Karina, (Caron - main character at Trier) with not the most happy fate, which is difficult to perform on stage.

B: Name your favorite directors.

O.F.: I have three favorite directors, I can’t name two yet, and the third is Kirill Serebrennikov. He was a professional discovery for me several years ago, and since last year he has also been a human discovery as an amazingly kind man. I play with his students who graduated from the Moscow Art Theater, and I don’t know whether he selected them in his image or likeness or made them into such people in four years, but these children are very different from all the other students. There is not an ounce of acting in them, no show-off, no wild eyes, no desire to act in order to earn money - they are completely different. And the company I found myself in more than outweighs my difficulty in being on stage.

B: You come from Ukraine, from Odessa, was it difficult to take on the role of an Odessa woman, and even the owner of a brothel in the film “Brothel Lights”?

O.F.: It was not difficult for me, this role was a gift. I asked director Sasha Gordon for the opportunity to come to Odessa a week before the start of filming the film, and all this time I communicated with real native Odessa residents who speak in a way that they no longer speak in Odessa - they have a different melody of the language, semantic and intonation accents. A week later, I was completely ready to disperse my semi-childish Odessa speech apparatus and live the life of Lyuba’s mother.

B: As a child, did you hear that real Odessa speech around you?

O.F.: In my childhood there was more of this speech than now - people did not say “sho”, but “what”, not “gekali”, but pronounced a hard g, and thus were immediately divided into the center, the Odessa intelligentsia and people from Peresyp or Moldovan women. These are the nuances that I, Sasha Gordon, and his dad Harry Borisovich, who wrote the story that became the script for the film, know. Nowadays there are very few people who talk in such a way in Odessa that I turn around. But the sense of humor remains unchanged, even though people survive. This is a city of contrasts.

B: How do you like working with your husband Philip Yankovsky?

O.F.: Working with Philip is not easy, you need to surprise, and this is quite difficult. We know each other very well, and it is important for me to meet his expectations. Philip did not invite me to his films; I was offered by the producer for all three films: “On the Move”, “Stone Head” and “State Councillor”, and as a result I passed the audition and was approved along with everyone else. In the case of “State Councilor,” I heard rumors that I might be offered the role of Julie, which was brilliantly played by Masha Mironova, but I was not interested in this - I don’t want to play a cocotte. At the same time, I knew what Needle should be like, and I got this role, despite the fact that Philip saw a completely different, very famous actress, which turned out to have some discrepancies in pairing with Kostya Khabensky.

B: Have you ever had an idea to make a family movie with children Lisa and Ivan?

O.F.: Family movies - no. Although the children followed in their parents’ footsteps: Vanya graduated from GITIS, Zhenovach’s workshop, and is already rehearsing Bulgakov on stage, and Lisa is a second-year student at the Moscow Art Theater.

I buttoned up my soul

Oksana Fandera gained fame in the 80s when she became a prize-winner of the first Moscow Beauty beauty contest in the USSR. Perhaps thanks to this, she successfully married Philip Yankovsky, actor, director, son of the famous Oleg Yankovsky.

Oksana starred a lot in her husband’s films (“On the Move,” “State Councilor,” “Stone Head”), and recently Russian viewers were able to watch the film “About Love,” where Fandera’s partner was Fyodor Bondarchuk.

I won’t argue with my husband’s mistress

- Oksana, in the new film “About Love” you played a glamorous woman who is unhappy in her marriage to a millionaire deputy. Are you tired of glamor yourself?

I agreed to this role only because I wanted to “pull” the real thing through the glamorous story, through the outer shell. love drama. It seems to me that there is no big difference where this drama develops - in Verona, Los Angeles or Odessa. It doesn't matter how much money you have. If you have a lot of them, you don’t love in any other way, you don’t sort things out in some more noble way...

- The rich and the poor punch each other in the face equally, is that what you want to say?

If you remove the external attributes and leave only the content, these quarrels are no different. It doesn’t matter where you are from, where you grew up, how old you are, whether you have children or not... If you love a person, and he does not reciprocate, he fools you, offended young ladies always and everywhere react the same way, because they are in great pain . My heroine is offended by her husband, and for her this is more important than any diamonds...

- If, as in the film “About Love,” your husband Philip Yankovsky cheated on you, what would you do?

In my family life- a different relationship, and I, of course, would have acted differently than my heroine Lada. I don't have that kind of courage or wildness. I can't break glasses and would hardly enter into a discussion with my husband's mistress. It would be easier for me - due to my gypsy origin - to turn around and leave without explaining anything at all.

- Do you agree that all men by nature are such that they are ready to cheat on their wives at the first opportunity?

How can I tell you... Many women have encountered the fact that most men are polygamous. There are wise women who say: this is everyone’s personal matter. There are those who categorically do not accept betrayal. A similar thing happened to us, to our friends, who hung on the phone and cried for two hours: “I can’t believe that he really slept with my friend and his secretary!” My opinion is that the purer and more spiritual a person is, the more correct his attitude towards betrayal. This does not mean that a woman should forgive everything, close her eyes, pretend not to notice anything. But if every person, man or woman, tries to find the reason within themselves, well, just at least start with this, then there is a chance to avoid hasty decisions and save the family.

Sometimes I challenge society

- In your family you are raising two children - son Ivan, who studies at GITIS, and 15-year-old daughter Lisa...

Yes, Vanya entered his second year this year and is studying at the directing and acting department. I saw one of his directorial theatrical works and was pleasantly surprised. He's capable, I'm happy with him. Lisa comprehends the world. I teach her to appreciate, love and understand not only herself, but also the people around her. And not only her close circle, but any person... There was a case when Lisa could not accept one of her teachers. A conflict was brewing, but we managed to remove it, since the daughter was able, after our long conversations, to look at the teacher from the other side and somehow justify his actions.

- You are originally from Odessa. How, in your opinion, are residents of Odessa fundamentally different from Muscovites?

When I arrived in Moscow, it seemed to me that I had arrived on another planet. I myself looked strange with my Odessa temperament, openness and desire to communicate. In Moscow I had to button up my soul and tame my southern ardor. We had a free, courtyard-street Odessa childhood... in a good way words. There was a huge group of us, we climbed through the vineyards, early in the morning we ran away to the sea secretly from our parents. Everyone is friendly and cheerful. Southern people are different from metropolitan people. Maybe because they are closer to the sea, to nature. In general, I really miss the sea in Moscow. I feel very comfortable in Odessa, I try to go there every year, and the sea there seems to me the best.

- Oksana, you still differ from many of our actresses precisely in your sincerity and openness!

Yes, I guess sometimes I “challenge society” with my appearance and behavior. The ease, sociability, and openness that are characteristic of me are not always adequately assessed from the outside. Maybe that's why I was assigned different romance novels. But if I’m interested in a person, the last thing I think about is how to act in public... In general, I’m a risk-taker in life, and many people often use restrictions. For example, they say: “No, I can’t do this!” Try it! And you will definitely succeed. But alas... This really torments me, because I’m interested in people who are developing and not standing still, from whom I can learn something. I don’t make friends just so that I have someone to sit with, chat with, or keep quiet. Often in communication with a person there comes a moment when everything is given and everything is received. Then you can turn around and leave. But in fact, I quickly come to the rescue. And I also get pleasure from the fact that a person feels good next to me. This extends to everyone I interact with. The closest to me in spirit literary character do you know who? Mowgli. And I define people precisely according to the principle - whether he is of my blood or not!

Sorry, I’m a little late...” Oksana Fandera sits down at the table, laying out the essentials on it: car keys, a phone, a pack of cigarettes. “I just got back from filming, give me a couple of minutes, okay?” She hides her face in her hands, mercilessly ruffling her hair with her fingers. And suddenly she becomes almost miniature: it always seemed to me that she was somehow larger and, in any case, taller. While I, with the ingenuity inherent in men, come to the conclusion that in my life I have only seen Fandera in heels, and the cinema and television screen always work like magnifying glasses, she straightens up and takes her hands away from her face. Thin, impeccably defined, almost dry and almost too correct - if not for his lively and laughing brown eyes. Then she sits comfortably on the restaurant sofa with her feet up (confirming my brilliant guess about heels, that is, the lack of them!) and smiles: “Well, I’m ready.”

Psychologies: You can very rarely be found at crowded social events. Oksana, do you generally like people?

Hmm... Yes, I do. They can sometimes interfere or irritate, but behind each of them there is... love. Every person is loved by someone, you know? Man, woman, children, parents. You just need to be able to discern this love behind every person.

Is the film you are currently filming about love by any chance?


Oh no! (Laughs.) I'm filming a movie about spies. This is my first such experience. 12 episodes, but there is hope that it will be a quality movie. Not a series, but a multi-part television series Feature Film. I like director Dmitry Cherkasov, I already worked with him in the film “Valley of Roses.” He responds well to my suggestions.

Is this important to you? They say many directors don't like this.


I don’t know, it seems to me that if I were the directors, I would be happy about this. After all, creativity is better than performance. This is what I like about my profession. I like to bring paper stories to life and turn them into flat 3D. Like in childhood - when you read a book and bring its characters to life in your imagination.

But, you must admit, film adaptations are rarely successful.


I agree. Everyone represents heroes in their own way. But I’m not talking about film adaptations, I’m talking about cinema in general. There is a fictional character in the script. And my task is to make him alive. And by the way, I still love film adaptations - precisely because I know how difficult it is. I always wonder how the director and actors will cope with what they come up with. And sometimes it works! For example, I really like the English series “Sherlock Holmes” with Benedict Cumberbatch. I think this is just an outstanding adaptation. Of course, there can be no better than Livanov's Sherlock Holmes, but this fresh look, this ability to so flawlessly introduce stories from a hundred years ago or even more ago into our time is an amazing job. And wonderful actors, of course.

Of the film adaptations with your participation, which one do you like? Probably "Board Lights"?


Yes, I have a special relationship with this film, I love it very much. And not only the film itself, but everything connected with it. Although it’s interesting: when director Alexander Gordon was first asked to try me for the role, he, who had been trying to find an actress for two years, waved his hands: “No, no, she’s very glamorous!” But in general, to be honest, I still haven’t seen the whole film, to the end. And not only him - this happens with almost all my films.



Maybe I'm afraid. An actor never knows what will happen as a result. He knows the plot, he knows the story, he can hit some of his notes during filming. But it is absolutely not a fact that it will be preserved in the editing, that the director will play on this note. But in fact, this is not even the main thing. I’m just a person of process, not of result; what’s important to me is what’s happening now. The rest is no longer interesting.

Do you know yourself well?


Perhaps... But I would be curious to learn something about myself from the outside: from someone who would carefully watch me, listen to what I say, watch my gestures - and then tell me who I am and why.

Have you ever thought about turning, for example, to psychoanalysis for this purpose?


I would definitely apply, but I don’t consider this attitude to life a problem. On the contrary, I like it. Wait, I think I found it keyword! How great it is to give an interview to a psychological magazine: you learn something new about yourself! (Laughs.) So, the key word is “ambition.” It seems that I don’t have them at all, I don’t understand what they are. It would be interesting to know: how do people live with them? How do they feel? I probably could have figured this out if I had been offered the role of a career woman. Then, having immersed myself in this role headlong, I would have learned everything. But so far I have not been offered such a role. And I don’t understand what, by and large, we should strive for. A lot of money, a lot of fame? And what? Well, here we are sitting in a good restaurant. And we can, if we want, order all the dishes that are on the menu. And probably, if we try, we will be able to eat at least some of it, at least the most delicious ones. Let's try the rest. But then we will still get up and leave! Do you understand what I'm talking about?


  • 1964 Born in Odessa.
  • 1979 Starred in cameo role in the TV movie "The Adventures of Electronics".
  • 1984 After graduating from school, she entered GITIS, but did not pass the competition.
  • 1987 Took part in the country's first beauty contest "Moscow Beauty".
  • 1988 Starred in the film "Morning Highway". In the same year, she married Philip Yankovsky and received an invitation from Anatoly Vasiliev to his course at GITIS.
  • 2011 For her role in the film “Brothel Lights” she received special diploma jury of the Kinotavr festival, nominated for the Golden Eagle and Nika awards.

Seems to be yes. If you were ambitious, you would act many times more, you would not leave the TV screen and the pages of gossip columns...


Regarding gossip columns: it’s not about ambition. I'm just bored at all these events. Philip (Yankovsky, the actress’s husband. - Ed.) and I don’t go to premieres for this very reason. Well, if only very close friends and really ask for support. But usually if we are waiting for a film, we go the day after the premiere.

That is, you do not have an internal need to appear in a new dress or take a good pose in front of the lenses...


No! Just understand correctly: I recognize the right of others to feel and behave differently. My irony is precisely in relation to myself, to the way I perceive all this. And you're right about filming. I’ve already talked about this in various interviews, although I didn’t think about ambitions. There are several points on which I check myself. If I’m scared, if I don’t know how to play a role, if the heroine is very far from the real me, then such a project has a very good chance of hearing my “yes”. And more often than not, these turn out to be original, not very commercial projects. It's more interesting for me.

You are beautiful, successful woman, you have a wonderful family, you live in abundance. Perhaps many will be tempted to assume that you can simply afford it - to do only what you want, to play only those roles that are interesting...


Do you know what I will answer? That I live the way you described precisely because I perceive life the way I described. If a person is forced to constantly struggle and make his way, then perhaps he is busy with something other than his own business? Or suffers from those same too-big ambitions? I believe that each of us is endowed with our own talent - this is my simply reinforced concrete belief. And talent needs to be realized. To discover within ourselves the opportunity to create, no matter what we do: creativity in any activity is possible. Otherwise, there will be no money, and we will not become happy. That's how I see it, that's what I believe. After all, if there is no money, then there is no money for some reason? And perhaps this is just a test, a sign that it’s time to stop thrashing around and fighting. closed door, and instead sit down in front of open window and think: what do I really want? And one more thing: if a person is angry, if it seems to him that he is the only one so unhappy, and everyone around him is happy, then it will not get better. So it only attracts negativity.

Have there been any situations in your life when you still had to fight, gritting your teeth, to overcome something?



Strange thing, I don't remember. Maybe my memory is so helpful that it erases these moments like an eraser... But it seems to me not. Perhaps I’m just not one of those who moves boulders out of the way, but one of those who flows around them like a stream. I didn’t get into acting at the time. And she said to herself: that means there’s no need. If necessary, it will come. And the profession really came on its own. First - filming, and then an offer from director Anatoly Vasilyev, who invited me to his course at GITIS. And I never dreamed of getting married successfully. She fell in love with Philip and left. Somehow it turns out that my home-grown philosophy works.

Did you come to this philosophy on your own or did your parents also contribute to it?


You know, I'm in my father's last time I saw it when I was 14 years old, and before that, it seems, at three years old. So his contribution is more likely genes. And mom... Mom trusted me. Maybe because I behaved in such a way that she felt that she could trust me. But she never controlled me. She brought me to a certain age, made sure that I knew how to use a fork and knife, that I knew how to behave, read a certain number of books - and... Of course, she understood that there were some character traits that could help me in life. interfere, but she was very delicate. She gave me freedom, and I decided for myself. She got a job as a secretary at the Zaitsev Fashion House at the age of 16, lying that I was already 17, and decided to participate in a beauty contest. She applied for acting and didn’t get in. Your way, everything is fine.

Did your children receive the same degree of freedom? Is it their decision to become actors?


Yes, Ivan entered the RATI several years ago, and Lisa this year entered the Moscow Art Theater School. Of course, it's their decision. It’s just clear that in an acting family there is a greater chance that the child will become an actor - or at least try to become one. Is it any different in a family of doctors or journalists? Children grow up in this atmosphere. And if they think it suits them, then they should try it. The only thing I told first Vanya, and then Liza: I’m not in the way. But I’m not helping either. Lisa passed the competition into all theater universities where she applied. I chose the Moscow Art Theater. Well, now I'll see how everything works out for her.

When your son entered, you were prepared that if he failed, he would go into the army - did you talk about this in one of your interviews?


Yes, I did and I can confirm. This is also your own path. I wanted to enroll and knew what would happen if I didn’t enroll. Why interfere? To be completely honest, it would probably be difficult for me. And if everything had turned out that way, but at that moment there was a war going on somewhere in Afghanistan or Chechnya, I would have called all my friends and acquaintances and done everything to prevent him from being sent there. But just going to serve - no, I wouldn’t interfere with that. Perhaps this childhood is still playing in me, but it seems to me: if you feel open and confident, it is unlikely that anything very bad can happen to you. You can call this my stupid naivety, but it seems to me that what we fear happens to us. Fear is the same magnet as hatred, as well as envy.

Aren't you still afraid of something?


I'm afraid of flying on airplanes. And you have no idea how much I suffer from this. But it’s interesting: when my children fly, I am absolutely calm. This fear program of mine only applies to me. I realized a long time ago: if you are afraid of something, the worst thing is to transfer your fear to another person. And one more thing: with all my fear, if something, God forbid, happens to one of my friends, if someone urgently needs help, I sit down and fly without hesitation.


Why do your children get it from you?


I get it if I feel that they are wasting their time and happily wasting it. That’s when... I don’t see myself from the outside, but apparently I have a very characteristic look. Because the reaction immediately follows: “Okay, calm down, what should I do? Let’s go read a book, right?” Yes, read, listen, think - anything, just don’t be “stupid”! You can't stop developing. There is no need to be afraid to stumble or take a wrong turn. Standing still is the worst thing. Well, sometimes I used to get it for money reasons, and I really struggled with it. Now I have already won, I hope, but there were battles. I remember Vanya and dad returned home one day. They bought Vanya a bunch of clothes in a very expensive store. And Vanya was probably twelve years old. I looked at the things, looked at the price tags. And she asked: “Did you still have the receipt?” - "Yes". - “That’s good, now go and take everything back.” This is important, very important to understand, especially for a teenager: it’s not your clothes that make you stand out and deserve respect.

And how did your husband react to this?


Philip? He grinned and said to Vanya: “Oh! What did I tell you? Go".

Oksana Fandera looks great and young for her age. This attracts the attention of not only men, but also women who want to know the secrets of her youth. A special eating style allows her to look slim and young, own secrets, rules. You can't rely on good genetics. Oksana’s father is half gypsy, her mother is Jewish. Representatives of these nationalities are not distinguished by their youthfulness.

Oksana is a sought-after theater and film actress. It’s not easy for her to find time for her health in a busy schedule of rehearsals, tours, performances, and filming. But the result is impressive. This photo proves that the actress does not look her biological age.

Nutrition, lifestyle, eating habits - all this helps to maintain your figure. This is not affected by the birth of children (Oksana and her husband have a son and daughter). and feeding, the figure is restored under the same rules.

Oksana Fandera’s figure seems to acquire more feminine fluidity and charm over the years. In 1988, she had every chance of winning the first beauty contest of the USSR “Moscow Beauty”. She received second place only because she was not a native Muscovite. With a height of 171 cm, Oksana weighs on average 62 kg, her weight never exceeded 65 kg. Waist size 54 cm – These are excellent indicators for her age.


Oksana claims that she never adhered to certain diets, but always followed the principle of moderation. He allows himself to eat everything, but not much. Sometimes the actress drinks high-quality alcoholic drinks with lowest content calories.

The actress always tries to add to her menu:

  • Fresh vegetables;
  • Berries;
  • Lean varieties of fish, meat;
  • Porridge;
  • Greenery;
  • Fruits;
  • Seafood;
  • Green tea.

Oksana is sure that three meals a day should not be canceled even for the sake of a slim figure. Snacks are a must. But they should also be useful. To do this, instead of baking and sweets, the famous artist recommends snacking on fruits.

Once a week you need to have a fasting day. The diet should consist of fruits. Such days should be regular, then a noticeable positive result will be obtained.


The actress does not go to the gym, so her slim figure is not the result of hard training. She admits that she does not like forced sports. She evaluates herself as a person of mood. If she wants to this moment lie on the sofa, then she will do so. But Oksana does not forget about the benefits physical exercise. Since childhood, she dreamed of becoming an actress; for this profession she needs to stay in shape. IN free time does at home to maintain a toned figure from the book “The Eye of Revival”. She talks about the amazing results of these activities.


Oksana Fandera assures that she does not use special cosmetics to maintain her skin in a healthy, toned state. She believes that everything comes from within. In her opinion, age is in a person’s soul. If she is young, then her appearance will not age either.

Beauty secrets from Oksana Fandera are contained in a few words - harmony and self-confidence. She believes that men don't care what kind of figure or appearance women have. They will be attracted to the positive energy she emits. But only self-confident ladies have such energy, within whom there is complete harmony.

Oksana also believes that the secret of her youth is not the use of ultra-modern cosmetics, but the ability to “live here and now” - this allows you not to waste energy on unnecessary experiences that are meaningless, often negative. You need to enjoy today, not think about age, the past time. Perhaps such advice has a scientific basis. After all, the result of their implementation is the positive experience of Oksana Fandera, her beauty, slimness, youth in her mature years.


Correction with the help of a plastic surgeon is carried out by many representatives of the theater and cinema - these are features of the profession when it is necessary to maintain facial features and figure shapes in order. Oksana Fandera has a naturally beautiful appearance. She has a sense of proportion, which allows her to make improvements, but it is difficult to guess about them.

Oksana performed correction of the upper lip. This change is accomplished through plastic surgery or a cosmetic procedure. Which option to choose is decided by the surgeon, based on the objectives, individual characteristics clients. The upper lip has received a pleasant swelling, the contour has become more distinct and expressive. The actress has become even more attractive.

When comparing photographs, you can notice a change in bust volume. This operation is very popular among the fair sex, especially since after two children the shape of the breasts could have changed for the worse.

The press wrote that Oksana’s husband, Phillip Yankovsky, was the initiator of such a surgical intervention, since he especially monitors appearance wives. In any case, for the actress this Plastic surgery has benefited her, her figure is beautiful, she is fit, slim, and looks young. In addition to plastic surgery, this is helped by a sense of taste and style.

Oksana considers the ability to dress stylishly important for a woman. She follows fashion news and pays a lot of attention to all trends. In clothes he prefers slight negligence. Not liking regularity, calculated colors and styles in your wardrobe. She doesn't like perfection in clothes. But the element of chance fully reflects her character, gives the image incompleteness, understatement, which gives her youth and beauty.


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