What to do for renal colic at home. An attack of renal colic. Causes of renal colic

If you have an attack of renal colic, the reaction should be immediate. An attack of renal colic causes sharp, acute pain that cannot be tolerated.

IN best case scenario someone close to you will be next to you, or just a person who can help. Ideally, they should know how to act in the event of renal colic. In these cases, help will be immediate and effective.

In this article you will learn how to quickly get rid of an attack, as well as how to reduce its likelihood.

Attack of renal colic

The most characteristic symptom of kidney and ureteral stones is an attack of acute pain -. The cause of renal colic is the sudden cessation of urine flow caused by blockage of the upper urinary tract by a stone.

Violation of the outflow of urine leads to overflow of the pelvis with urine, an increase in intrapelvic pressure, which in turn causes irritation of the receptors of the sensory nerves of the hilum and the fibrous membrane of the kidney. The pain increases due to impaired microcirculation in the kidney and developing hypoxia of the renal tissue and the nerve endings of the plexuses innervating the kidney.

An attack of renal colic caused by a stone occurs suddenly, more often during or after physical exertion, walking, shaking, or drinking copious amounts of fluid.

Sharp pain appears in the lumbar region and hypochondrium, often spreading to the entire corresponding half of the abdomen. Patients constantly change position, often moan and even scream.

This characteristic behavior of the patient often makes it possible to establish a diagnosis “at a distance.” The pain sometimes continues for several hours or even days, periodically subsiding. Acute pain is followed by nausea, vomiting, and sometimes frequent painful urination.

Some patients experience reflex intestinal paresis, stool retention, and muscle tension in the anterior abdominal wall.

Disorders from the gastrointestinal tract in renal colic are explained by irritation of the posterior parietal peritoneum adjacent to the anterior surface of the fatty capsule of the kidney, and connections between the nerve plexuses of the kidney and abdominal organs.

With renal colic, oliguria may be observed, associated both with a decrease in kidney function, blocked by a stone, and with increased fluid loss due to vomiting. Renal colic is also accompanied by weakness, dry mouth, headache, chills and other general symptoms.

First aid for renal colic

  1. Give him analgesics and try to keep him as calm as possible;
  2. An effective help is the use of heat. Apply a warm heating pad to the patient's lumbar area, and if possible, prepare a warm or even slightly hot bath. It is the hot bath that relaxes the muscles of the ureter and renal pelvis and has a pain-relieving effect.
  3. If the patient has heart problems, thermal assistance will only worsen the situation.
  4. Prepare tea for the sick person;
  5. Turn on your favorite movie or favorite music. Relaxation is one of the methods to combat renal colic.
  6. Measure body temperature and blood pressure.
  7. Call a doctor.

First aid for renal colic is to ensure complete rest for the patient and provide free space. Patients usually rush around in a fit of pain and cannot find a place for themselves, so it is important to create comfortable conditions for them.

If the patient is allowed baths, you can try placing him in hot water. Please note that the water must be very hot. Exception: if there is pain in the right kidney.

It is important not to take narcotic painkillers, even if the attack is driving you crazy. Emergency care provided by doctors will be more appropriate, since they have all the drugs that can reduce pain if necessary. We must not forget that pain in the left side of the kidney can also be dangerous if the patient is a woman.

The female appendages are located on both sides; the spasms that an ovarian cyst can cause if it bursts and causes rupture of the organ are identical to renal colic. If you know that you have an ovarian cyst or some other formation in the body, you must immediately tell the ambulance team about it.

If the pain can be tolerated until doctors arrive, then it is better to do without painkillers to make it easier to carry out a preliminary diagnosis.

Particular attention should be paid if the woman is pregnant. Treatment of renal colic in pregnant women can only be carried out upon admission to the nearest dispensary.

Kidney colic in pregnant women is very similar to contractions, so it is important not to hesitate and immediately call specialists. Do not forget to immediately say that the patient is pregnant and how long she is pregnant, then the team will arrive faster due to a possible threat to the lives of the mother and baby.

Drugs for the treatment of kidney stones

During treatment, it is advisable to administer all drugs intramuscularly, and not in the form of tablets. The effectiveness increases several times, the effect of the drug itself occurs faster. In addition, this disease is sometimes accompanied by other symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting. In this case, you can administer an antiemetic to the patient, for example, Cerucal.

Treatment of renal colic in a hospital setting is aimed at eliminating muscle spasm and restoring the natural passage of urine. Research helps to quickly and accurately determine the cause that became the primary source of colic.

In any case, you need to understand that renal colic is only a symptom and more often it is a sign of blockage of the urinary tract. Obstruction is an extremely dangerous phenomenon, in which it is important to eliminate the cause of blockage as quickly as possible with the help of precise treatment.

Otherwise, the patient’s condition will immediately worsen due to an increase in the level of intoxication in the body. Moreover, there are many diseases that manifest themselves in a similar way. Peritonitis is one of the most dangerous diseases; it requires immediate surgical intervention to avoid mortality.

It is useful to know that the mortality rate in such cases is high only due to the short-sightedness of the patient himself and his relatives. Bleeding in the abdominal cavity develops quickly, and then it becomes difficult to save life. Therefore, even if you are sure that you can cope with colic on your own, do not hesitate to visit your treating urologist.

Painkillers for kidney pain - which ones to take?

Analgesics should be used with extreme caution. What is the purpose of analgesics (painkillers)? The fact is that they are able to weaken and eliminate the feeling of pain.

Painkillers are divided into two groups: non-narcotic and narcotic. The latter are powerful pain relievers, which are usually used for malignant tumors, injuries, myocardial infarction, surgical interventions and other diseases that cause unbearable pain.

It is impossible not to notice that narcotic analgesics have their own serious drawbacks, which cause concern among doctors. Such drugs have a particularly strong effect on the central nervous system, causing a person to experience a feeling of euphoria.

Moreover, with frequent (repeated) use, drug dependence (psychological and physical) occurs. If you have a physical addiction, consequences such as constant anxiety, “breaking” pain in the body, and withdrawal are possible.

Only if the pain is truly excruciating and is caused by a serious illness, the use of narcotic painkillers is allowed. Drugs belonging to this group: omnopom, morphine, fentanyl, codeine, estocin, promedol.

Painkillers for kidney pain , which belong to the non-narcotic group are divided into: anti-inflammatory drugs (non-steroidal) and analgesics-antipyretics. The latter have antipyretic and analgesic effects.

You can use them in the form of paracetamol and analgin. In addition, such medications as tempalgin, pentalgin, baralgin, benalgin, etc. also contain analgin. Particularly well-known drugs are Efferalgan, Nurofen, Panadol.

To the group of anti-inflammatory drugs that reduce body temperature, reduce pain and suppress inflammation (non-infectious, aseptic). Diclofenac sodium is a very common drug from this group. This group also includes acetylsalicylic acid, coficil, brufen, citramon, chlotazol, askofen, indomethacin.

If you have excruciating pain in the kidneys, forget about the advertisement “a unique remedy for everything in the world.” Go to the doctor, get examined and be healthy!

Symptoms of renal colic

During an objective general clinical examination of a patient with renal colic, pronounced pain in the area of ​​the corresponding hypochondrium, tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall in this area, and a sharply positive Pasternatsky sign are noted.

Palpation of the kidney area and tapping of the lumbar region to identify Pasternatsky's symptom should be done with extreme caution in case of renal colic so as not to cause a persistent increase in pain.

With a stone in the ureter, palpation sometimes reveals the greatest pain not in the kidney area, but in the underlying parts of the abdomen, in the projection of the part of the ureter where the stone is located.

An attack of renal colic may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature and an increase in blood leukocytosis, which is caused by pyelovenous and pyelotubular reflux.

Renal colic caused by a small stone usually ends with its spontaneous passage. If the stone does not pass, renal colic may recur.

In children, renal colic is less common than in adults, which is due to the presence in them of a high percentage of small stones, which easily descend into the bladder through relatively wide ureters. The pain is characterized by its moderate intensity and short duration.

Often these pains are localized in the navel area and are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and high body temperature. Children early age cannot clearly indicate pain point.

Causes of renal colic

Renal colic is caused by acute retention of urine outflow from the renal pelvis and calyx. Swelled kidney tissues provoke venous stagnation, impaired blood circulation in the kidney tissues. Swelling of the kidney due to venous stagnation stretches the fibrous capsule.

The fibrous capsule has little extensibility and contains many pain receptors. Swelling of the kidney causes pressure on these receptors, which provokes severe pain.

The cause of an acute disturbance of blood flow in the tissues of the kidney may be a condition in which an obstruction to the normal outflow of urine occurs.

This could be a stone that has moved in the ureter and clogged the lumen of the organ, a clot of pus or mucus, blood due to kidney diseases, the formation and rapid growth of a tumor blocking the ureter, diseases of neighboring pelvic organs that form an inflammatory infiltrate, compressing the ureter.

The most common cause of renal colic is urolithiasis, blockage of the lumen of the ureter with a stone.

But in any case, if renal colic occurs, you need to consult a doctor, even in cases where the pain symptoms quickly went away on their own: renal colic can signal dangerous diseases that need to be treated immediately - cancerous and benign tumors of the ureter and kidney.

When stones form in the kidney and renal colic occurs due to kidney stones, a pain symptom first occurs, and then when urinating, an admixture of blood is detected in the urine.

With renal colic, caused by the formation of a dense blood clot that has blocked the ureter, first an admixture of blood is detected in the patient’s urine for some time, and then an attack of renal colic develops.

With tuberculosis of the kidney, the ureter can become clogged with a purulent plug.

If your abdominal muscles are weak, use a bandage, put it on before getting out of bed in the morning, the bandage will support your kidneys.

Young fashionistas should also remember that if they have brought themselves to the point of hypertension, the only solution can be surgery - “hammocks” are cut out of the lumbar muscle, in which the kidneys will lie, but even then the torment will not end - stagnation of urine in the kidneys leads to urolithiasis and the occurrence of new colic.

We strongly advise girls to seriously think about what is more important to them – health or imaginary beauty, which will disappear as soon as problems arise in the body. Renal colic will appear again, the reasons for which are that something is blocking the flow of urine - a bend in the ureter, a blood clot or a stone stuck in the ducts.

When renal colic appears, the symptoms that foreshadow it are simple - unpleasant distension in the hypochondrium. Then pain arises - the second in severity after toothache. Nausea and vomiting may also occur.

With frequent urges, urination occurs in small portions, literally drop by drop. At the same time, the sick person rushes about, sometimes rolling on the floor, without comprehending his actions - the body is trying to displace the obstacle that interferes with the flow of urine. This causes the patient’s relatives to panic, and the stress for the whole family will only increase.

If your kidneys hurt on the right

Emergency care for renal colic can only be expressed in taking antispasmodics such as no-shpa: give the patient 4 tablets at once or give an injection; under the influence of the antispasmodic, the walls of the ureter relax, and accumulated urine can leak into the resulting duct. Do not give painkillers under any circumstances!!!

The cause of colic, especially on the right side, can be a blockage of the bile duct or appendicitis, so unqualified help for renal colic, as relatives think, can blur the picture of the disease and mean causing harm to the patient, sometimes irreparable.

You should call an ambulance, and only in the hospital will they be able to determine the exact cause of colic and relieve pain. If renal colic occurs, first aid consists of drip administration of a large dose of antispasmodics and analgesics, under the influence of which the ureter will open.

Moreover, if the stone turns the “right” side, it can come out, but it can also clog the duct again and appear in a few hours, or even days. That is why the patient is observed in the hospital for at least three days, that is, the time that is enough for the kidney to restore its activity.

Has its own characteristics renal colic during pregnancy– here the cause may be an exacerbation of pyelonephritis or urolithiasis, pain is concentrated on the right, with a return to the hips and genitals. Pregnant women should consult a doctor immediately to avoid premature birth.

All this is important if colic occurs with right side.

If your kidneys hurt on the left

If you feel that renal colic has occurred on the left side, treatment, or rather, symptom relief, can be done at home. In addition to application medicines, if renal colic occurs, alternative treatment will become no less effective, we repeat - if the colic is on the left, where there is neither a gallbladder nor an appendix.

Simple steps- lie in a bathtub filled with as hot water as you can stand. The spasms will subside. But it would not be superfluous to take no-shpa, baralgin by injection or orally, you can take cystenal or rautex (10 drops per piece of sugar).

If renal colic occurs, first aid will provide temporary relief. When the pain goes away, a visit to the urologist is mandatory! If colic cannot be relieved within a day or two, the temperature rises on the third day, because under the pressure of urine the kidney calyces rupture and pustules appear; timely hospitalization is important here. A

Antibiotics should not be taken! The microbes will be killed, but toxins will remain that are not excreted in the urine, enter the blood, and the consequences can be bacteremic shock.

Only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis!

Making a diagnosis yourself is very risky. Appendicitis, inflammation of the appendages, perforated ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, intestinal obstruction, pancreatitis and thrombosis of the mesenteric vessels (intestinal infarction) can be confused with renal colic.

Diet for renal colic

It is important to remember that the diet for renal colic excludes salty, smoked, broths, liver dishes, legumes and sausages, chocolate and cocoa, and strong tea. Vegetable soups and boiled vegetables, cereals, vegetable and fruit salads are shown.

1. How to treat renal colic

2. Medicines for renal colic

3. Nutrition for renal colic

1.How to treat renal colic

Before starting first aid, you need to be 100% sure that the patient has renal colic, that is, know the main symptoms of renal colic.

Colic can begin in almost every person, regardless of where he is and what he does (more often in those who have stones). The most basic symptom is acute pain; a person walks around trying to find a comfortable position, but the pain does not go away. If the pain is from stones in the renal pelvis, then it radiates above the lower back, vomiting and nausea are not uncommon. Severe pain when urinating, sometimes a person is unable to go to the toilet. Another very characteristic symptom is elevated body temperature (only in this case there is a possibility of infection).

Now you can begin first aid. The first step is to relieve spasms; for this, use drugs from the home medicine cabinet (No-shpa, Baralgin); if there are no drugs, you can put a warm heating pad on your lower back, or get into a warm bath. Before the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to write down (so as not to forget) all the medications that the patient took for colic.

In the symptoms (above), I wrote that sometimes it is elevated with renal colic; in this case, it is not advisable to use a heating pad or a warm bath, since these actions can only accelerate the development of the infection. It’s better to just wait for the doctor and do nothing.

2.Medicines for renal colic

You can use them at home only to relieve spasms and pain (you need to study the instructions carefully), if the pain is constant, consult a doctor.



3.Nutrition for renal colic

When treating renal colic, doctors prescribe a special diet in which they reduce the intake of carbohydrates and fats in the diet (reduce the energy value in the patient’s diet). The patient is prohibited from eating heavy foods. Here is a small list of such products:

Coffee, chocolate, dough products (bread, pancakes), eggs, salty, sour, mushrooms, meat, smoked products (sausage, canned food, fish), legumes.

As you can see, the diet is quite strict and it will be difficult for a person to follow it. When preparing a diet, I also take into account the patient’s diseases (diabetes, etc.). If the patient strictly adheres to the diet, this will reduce the risk of recurrent colic by 75% (approximately). Try to drink 3-4 liters of water a day - this will both treat and prevent kidney stones and renal colic (especially in summer).

Do you know anything else about treatment or medications for renal colic? Write in the comments, let other readers know about it. =)


Renal colic itself is not a separate disease. They are a consequence of any disease of the genitourinary system caused by a change in the natural functioning of the kidneys.

Renal colic is most often caused by urolithiasis. This occurs when a kidney stone enters the ureteral opening. In this case, overstretching of the calyx and pelvis in the kidney occurs, which causes an attack of acute pain.

With renal colic, the attack of pain is cramping in nature, begins in the lower back, then radiates to the thigh, and then moves to the perineum and genitals and, moreover, very much pesters and torments the person. That is why help for renal colic should be provided immediately in order to at least slightly alleviate the general condition of the patient and provide him with proper treatment subsequently.

Distinctive symptoms of renal colic

A person far from medicine can easily confuse renal colic with some other disease accompanied by an attack of pain, such as appendicitis or another gastrointestinal disease. Let's see how renal colic differs; its symptoms will be as follows:

Very often, attacks of pain in the kidneys can be accompanied by an increase or decrease in pain over a long period of time.

Causes of renal colic

Renal colic appears during the following processes in the body:

If any of the factors mentioned above are present, renal colic can additionally provoke actions such as:

  • fast movement;
  • lifting heavy objects;
  • prolonged physical activity;
  • heredity;
  • small amount of fluid consumed;
  • unhealthy diet with a predominance of salty and spicy foods;
  • prolonged elevated body temperature.

Urolithiasis most often provokes renal colic. Urolithiasis can affect not only the kidney itself, but also other organs of the genitourinary system. With this disease, stones can be located in the kidneys themselves, in the bladder and its parts. This varied location is due to the fact that stones can move through the canals of the genitourinary system using urine flow. There are very frequent cases when these stones come out on their own, and relief comes. Passing a stone does not mean that urolithiasis has passed. Treatment in such cases can be stopped only after a complete examination by a urologist.

Inflammation in the genitourinary system is caused by diseases such as, for example, pyelonephritis in chronic or acute form. In this case, renal colic is caused by the presence of epithelium and mucus in the urine, and an increased content of leukocytes. Treatment of such a disease of the genitourinary system may include painkillers, which are undesirable in the event of a painful attack with urolithiasis.

If all sorts of tumor and tuberculosis processes occur in the kidney, then urinary retention occurs by blocking the urinary canals with blood clots and necrotic tissue.

Gynecological diseases that cause an attack of colic in the kidneys include fibroids and uterine fibrosis. An increase in connective tissue after suffering from such diseases causes adhesions, which, in turn, lead to renal colic.

The rest are less common, but still deliver less problems. But regardless of the causes of colic and the treatment prescribed by the doctor, first aid for renal colic should be provided as quickly as possible.

First emergency first aid for an attack of pain due to renal colic

If your actions do not produce results, call an ambulance

If renal colic has begun, first aid to the patient can be provided with painkillers, but only necessarily such as antispasmodics. This will initially reduce the painful sensation, and it will be possible to proceed to other, more effective methods.

What to do with renal colic, how is emergency care provided?

You can relieve renal colic at home if you give No-shpa injections to sick people. If you have No-spa in tablets, you can give several at once. But a faster relief effect will occur if you offer the patient antispasmodics with a stronger analgesic effect, such as Baralgin, Drotaverine, Tempalgin. After antispasmodics have reduced the pain, you need to call an ambulance. Timely and correctly provided first aid for renal colic can significantly alleviate the general condition of the patient, which causes him unbearable suffering, until the ambulance arrives.

You should immediately call an ambulance and send the patient for treatment to a hospital under 24-hour medical supervision in the following cases:

  1. If antispasmodics do not reduce the attack of renal colic.
  2. The presence of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.
  3. If colic affects both kidneys at the same time.
  4. If renal colic occurs in a patient with one kidney.
  5. The process of urination is disrupted.
  6. A high temperature rose, and frequent and causeless bouts of vomiting began.

In the case where renal colic occurs suddenly in a completely healthy person, it is better not to give any painkillers until the doctors arrive, since the pain may not be in the kidneys, but may be caused by some other disease. Taking medications may deprive the doctor of the opportunity to make a correct diagnosis and determine the location of the source of pain in the body.

In the event of renal colic in a person who is susceptible to such attacks and in whom the attack occurs again, you can safely begin to provide assistance with improvised means. It is important to remember that all measures taken are aimed at eliminating pain and stabilizing the patient’s condition.

How to relieve renal colic at home

The most important point First aid involves warming the patient and the source of pain. For these activities, a heating pad is used, which is applied to the sore spot for approximately 15 minutes. Fill the bathtub with hot water at the maximum temperature that a person with an attack of colic in the kidney can withstand, and sit the patient in it for 20-30 minutes. At the same time, it is observed drinking regime with a daily fluid volume of at least 2.5 liters. After this, the person is provided with a complete state of peace. The patient should avoid sudden movements so as not to cause a recurrence of an attack of pain in the kidneys.

Drug treatment of renal colic outside medical institution carried out using the following antispasmodics:

A drug such as papaverine is used in the form of suppositories, which are placed in the anus to relieve the spasm that causes a painful attack. Antispasmodics such as platifillin, baralgin, no-spa, in a therapeutic proportion with a solution of glucose and novocaine, are administered to the patient using an intravenous drip. Platiphylline, atropine and a mixture of analgin with pipolfen and platiphylline are introduced into the patient's body intramuscularly. Diclofenac preparations can be used both in the form of suppositories and in the form of tablets. It is possible to use analgin and no-shpa in tablets.

After achieving positive results in eliminating colic in the kidneys, the activity of the genitourinary system is restored. In this case, a therapeutic diet is followed and medications or special medicinal herbal preparations are used.

Method of treating urolithiasis with folk remedies

Very good results with urolithiasis for removing salts, sand and stones from the kidneys are achieved by simple folk remedies. The most common of these is treatment by drinking herbal infusions having a diuretic effect. These herbs include the following plants:

You can apply lotions from such mixtures to the sore area.

Renal colic is a severe attack of pain in the lumbar region caused by a sharp disruption of the outflow of urine from the kidney and impaired blood circulation in it. Pain occurs as a result of overstretching of the renal pelvis under the pressure of non-flowing urine.

Symptoms of Renal Colic:

An attack of renal colic most often begins suddenly after a bumpy ride or physical stress, but can also occur in a state of complete rest (at night). Patients complain of severe paroxysmal pain in the lumbar region, radiating to the groin, genitals, and thigh. The pain is cutting in nature and periodically worsens. Patients behave restlessly, rushing about in bed in search of a pain-relieving position. The pain is accompanied by an increased urge to urinate and pain in the urethra. Gross hematuria is often found in urine, and microhematuria is often found. Complaints of nausea and vomiting and repeated urge to defecate are common. Due to severe pain, a state of shock may develop (pale face, cold sweat, weak and rapid pulse). The intensity of renal colic depends on the factor that caused it and the condition nervous system patient. Some of these signs may be erased or even absent.

The frequency of identifying individual symptoms and changes in laboratory parameters in renal colic is as follows:

   1. Pain syndrome - 100%:
            1.pain in the lumbar region - 93%;
            2. pain in the abdominal area - 7%.
   2. Positive symptom of tapping on the XII rib - 87.8%:
            1.strongly positive - 65.3%;
            2. weakly positive - 22.5%.
   3.Pain in the lumbar region without irradiation - 18%.
   4.Pain with typical irradiation - 36%.
   5.Pain with atypical irradiation - 46%:
            1.into the abdominal cavity - 39%;
            2.in the chest cavity and shoulder - 7%.
   6.Dysuria - 45.4%.
   7. Nausea - 56%.
   8. Vomiting - 41%.
   9. Increase in blood pressure by 10-30-50 mm Hg. - 92.6%, increase in temporal blood pressure - 80%.
   10. Increase in body temperature to 38 ° C (within 2 - 3 days) - 38%.
   11. Hematuria - 23%, in the presence of stones in the ureters - 41%.
   12. Leukocyturia - 40.2%.
   13.Leukocytosis 7×109/l - 14×10e/l - 47%.
   14. Increase in ESR (up to 20-50 mm/h).
   15.Increased level of urea in the blood - 17.8%.

Causes of Renal Colic:

Renal colic can be caused by:

   1.an acute mechanical obstacle that disrupts the passage of urine;
   2.inflammatory process in the collecting system;
   3. hemodynamic disorders in the kidney, causing ischemia, arterial and venous hypertension, thromboembolic processes in the renal vessels;
   4.allergic reactive phenomena in the mucous membrane of the upper urinary tract;
   5.spastic phenomena in the upper urinary tract, occurring reflexively with cholecystitis, appendicitis, myocardial infarction, during the menstrual cycle, etc.

The causes of renal colic can be: (in 57.5% of patients), disorders of mineral metabolism (in 14.5%), (in 12%), (in 10%), (in 2%), developmental anomalies (in 3, 5%), tumors of the kidneys and pelvis (in 1.5%), post-radiation strictures of the ureters (in 1%), diseases of the prostate gland (in 2%), periureteritis (in 0.5%), genitourinary system, tumor invasion of the bladder ureteric orifice, leukemia. The cause of renal colic often cannot be determined (up to 38% of cases).

In the kidney on the affected side, intrapelvic hypertension develops up to 150 mm water column. at a norm of 15 mm water column, fornixes are damaged. Fornical refluxes appear, which cause extravasation of urine beyond the pyelocaliceal system into the renal sinus and perinephric tissue. In the future, this leads to pedunculitis, sclerosis of fatty tissue at the gate of the kidney, vein. In addition, spasm of the kidney vessels and its ischemia, venous and lymphatic stasis in it occur, glomerular filtration and effective renal plasma flow decrease. In the contralateral kidney, glomerular filtration and effective renal plasma flow also decrease, and diuresis is inhibited.

Treatment of Renal Colic:

It is unacceptable to start treatment at home if there is a high body temperature in doubtful cases. You can only introduce antispasmodics. In the hospital, antispasmodics are prescribed (most often no-shpu, atropine sulfate, platiphylline hydrotartrate, papaverine hydrochloride, halidor, spasmoverine, spasmolitin, aminophylline, etc.), painkillers (baralgin, maxigan, trigan E, tramadol, analgin, fentanyl, novocaine, droperidol , promedol, etc.), various lytic mixtures that are administered intramuscularly, and in severe cases, intravenously. Thermal procedures are widely used - a heating pad, a bag of sand, sitz baths (water temperature 38 - 39 ° C, 15-20 minutes), lying baths without covering the heart area with water (water temperature 37 - 38 ° C, 15 - 20 minutes). Thermal procedures are contraindicated for elderly people, those with cardiovascular insufficiency, macro- or microhematuria, or tumors of any location. Less commonly used are novocaine blockades (spermatic cord, perinephric, intrapelvic, intradermal, etc.). Acupuncture and electropuncture have become widespread. If these measures are ineffective, catheterization of the ureter or internal stenting with a catheter-stent is used. In the presence of small stones in the ureter, various physiotherapeutic treatment methods are widely used (diadynamic currents, ultrasound therapy, sound stimulation, vibration therapy). If conservative therapy fails, surgical treatment must be resorted to. Indications for urgent surgery are:

   1.renal colic with the development of acute purulent;
   3.renal colic with a single kidney;
   4.presence of a large obstructing stone.

Renal colic is characterized by very intense pain that is difficult to tolerate and cannot be alleviated by changing body position. This condition requires emergency care, and the first thing to do is relieve the excruciating pain. How you can relieve pain from renal colic, we will consider further.

Pain relief for renal colic

Naturally, the first thing to do if you have symptoms of renal colic (dull, sharp or bursting pain, nausea, vomiting, false urge to defecate and urinate, etc.) is to call an ambulance. However, before her arrival, everyone should possible ways alleviate the patient’s condition, otherwise he may develop. To do this, you can use the following recommendations.

Thermal impact

Since in most cases the cause of colic is blockage of the ureter with a stone, it is possible to relieve its spasm, slightly expand it and facilitate the passage of the stone using thermal procedures. If there are no contraindications, and there is an opportunity, the patient should take a warm bath (up to 40 °C) for 10-15 minutes.

Another option is to apply a heating pad (a bottle of warm water, a warm scarf, etc.) to the lumbar area. However, it is worth considering that heating can only be used if you are completely sure that the cause of the pain is renal colic.

Use of antispasmodics

As for pain-relieving injections and tablets for renal colic, only antispasmodic drugs are allowed to be used at home. These could be medications based on drotaverine, papaverine, platyphylline, atropine, the permissible dosage of which is indicated in the instructions. This technique allows you to relax the muscles of the ureter and allow the accumulated urine to escape. In this case, of course, a faster effect can be achieved by using the drug in the form injections. It is not advisable to take analgesics before a medical examination, since this may deprive the doctor of the opportunity to make a correct diagnosis and not miss the development of complications.


Further treatment tactics are largely determined by the cause of the attack. As a rule, the patient is required to be hospitalized in a hospital where diagnostics will be carried out, as well as at least three days of observation due to the possibility of a recurrent attack. In most cases, drug treatment is sufficient, but sometimes surgery is necessary.