How to cook beef tongue so that it... Beef tongue: the most delicious recipes

Many people don't know how to cook properly beef tongue, so I decided to show how I do it. The main question is the question of time, how long to cook the tongue. If the beef tongue weighs about 1 kg, then 2 hours of cooking will be enough for it to be ready, and if the weight of the tongue is more than 1 kg, then 3 hours of cooking will be needed for the tongue to be soft. In this case, the light should be as small as possible so that the broth is transparent; cloudy broth looks ugly and unpleasant. It is also important to keep in mind that overcooking the tongue is unacceptable, this will negatively affect its quality, the tongue will turn out to be too soft and will fall apart. Many housewives use the broth after boiling the tongue to prepare various soups; personally, I don’t use this broth anywhere. Boiled tongue is an excellent snack; you can cook with it delicious salads, make great sandwiches.

*I would like to note that photographing the process of tongue cooking is not very photogenic, so please take this factor into account.


To prepare boiled beef tongue you will need:

beef tongue - 1.3 kg;

carrots - 1 pc.;

onion - 1 pc.;

bay leaf- 1 piece;

water - 3-4 fingers above tongue level;

salt, black peppercorns - to taste.

Cooking steps

Boil beef tongue for 3 hours.

Cool the cleaned tongue and then you can cut it into thin slices and serve. Grated horseradish with sour cream is perfect as an excellent seasoning for boiled beef tongue.

Bon appetit!

If you decide to cook beef tongue at home, but don’t know how to do it and what to cook with it, then this article will help you. We will share secrets and tell you how the best chefs the world advises to cook your tongue correctly.

Boiled beef tongue is delicious and dietary dish

Properly cooked tongue is a truly versatile product. It can act as an independent dish, but chefs do not miss the opportunity to make many tasty and nutritious dishes from it. Now we will tell you how, according to experts, beef tongue is cooked and what dishes can be prepared from it.

Experienced chefs recommend soaking the beef tongue first, and only then start peeling the skin. Cleaning the tongue is quite simple: as soon as the meat has softened after soaking, you need to scrape the surface with a knife to remove coarse fibers. Finally, the offal is washed under running water.

Cooking beef tongue largely depends on a properly selected pan: during the cooking process, the meat increases significantly in volume, so it is necessary to take dishes with large sides.

You can prepare this delicious dish either on a regular stove or using modern kitchen appliances. In this case, it is important to know how long the housewife should cook the tongue until it is ready:

  • In a pressure cooker, the cooked offal will be ready in an hour.
  • In the slow cooker, set it to the “Stew” mode for six hours.
  • You can use a double boiler and cook the beef tongue for about three hours.

Detailed recipe for boiled product

If you are preparing boiled beef tongue for the first time, and you want to do it right, use the instructions. It describes step by step the rules for preparing this delicious dish:

1. Take the washed and peeled tongue and cut it in half. After that, put it in a saucepan and put it on the stove.

2. It is necessary to bring the water to a boil, be sure to remove the foam. Reduce the heat to medium and cook the product for a quarter of an hour.

3. Now you need to remove the meat from the broth, rinse it, and pour the liquid from the pan. The dishes must be washed, pour clean cold water and put on the fire to boil. Place the meat in boiling water and continue cooking. Salt to taste.

5. How long it will take to completely cook the tongue can only be said approximately. The product is prepared according to the principle: the longer the better - at least 2.5 hours, without closing the lid completely. Half an hour after cooking, add peeled onions and carrots to the broth, and at the end - bay leaf.

You need to cook the tongue with roots and spices for 3.5-4 hours

Now we bring the product to readiness. To check the meat, use a fork. If cutlery easily pierces the skin, which means it’s time to remove the product and put it in cold water. After 5–10 minutes, you can remove the product from the water.

If you do not want to immediately prepare the first or second course from the tongue, then cut into pieces and wrap in food foil. Culinary experts advise storing the product in the refrigerator in this form: this way it remains fresh and soft for two to four days. Some housewives also use the broth obtained as a result of cooking to prepare soup.

Popular and delicious dishes

So, you were able to properly clean the beef tongue and cook it as written in the instructions. What can you do with the offal now? This dietary product invaluable in terms of culinary experiments. It is useful for children, pregnant women, and anemic patients. We offer several interesting options use of language in cooking.

Salad with potatoes and champignons

A classic salad can be prepared from beef tongue on an ordinary day or used to decorate a holiday table. Now let's look at the recipe with photos. These instructions with photographs will help you do everything correctly.

Your family will love this tasty and satisfying salad.

For the snack you will need:

  • Boiled beef tongue for cutting (150-200 g).
  • Potatoes 2 pcs. (it is better if it is boiled in its jacket).
  • 2 eggs.
  • Lots of pickled cucumbers (at least 6 pieces).
  • Polka dots.
  • 100 g marinated champignons.
  • 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise.
  • A small amount of dill.

Cut the meat into thin slices.

Turn potatoes, cucumbers, eggs into small cubes. Add peas.

The champignons need to be cut into slices.

You can combine the ingredients and season the salad with sauce or mayonnaise.

If you want to receive dietary option, it is not necessary to follow the original recipe. You can make small changes - for example, instead of a rich sauce, use sour cream as a dressing. Decorate the dish with dill on top.

Dish “For the New Year”

To add variety to the holiday table, you can try another recipe with tongue. This is a salad that is served warm. For it you need to take:

  • 0.5 kg of boiled tongue (cooked according to the classic recipe).
  • 0.5 kg of fresh champignons.
  • 200 ml cream 10%.
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • 1 onion.
  • 1 carrot.
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
  • Salt.

This dish can be served either cold or hot.

It is necessary to prepare the meat product in advance (it’s good if you boiled it a couple of hours in advance - so that the offal remains slightly warm). After cooling it, cut it into cubes and begin processing the remaining ingredients. Mushrooms must be washed, dried, and cut into slices.

Place a frying pan on the stove with vegetable oil, and while it is heating up, peel and finely chop the onion. Grate the peeled carrots on a medium grater. After frying the onions and carrots, add champignons to them and bring until golden brown. Pour the cream into the bowl while continuing to simmer the mushrooms and onions.

After 20 minutes you can connect everything. Decorate the top of the dish with chopped parsley. The dish can be brought to the table. It will be tasty and satisfying, so guests will probably want to know the recipe.

Dietary method of preparation

Do you want to fuss with the product as little as possible and get a dietary dish? Great – then try baking it in the oven. First we make boiled meat. After that we take the following ingredients:

  • 4 tbsp. l. sour cream for sauce.
  • 2 tbsp. l. mustard / mustard sauce.
  • 3 onions.
  • 1 peeled carrot.
  • Bay leaf, salt, spices to taste.

Beef tongue dishes are suitable for any feast

Boiled meat should be cut into pieces. Grind the onion separately and add it to the tongue. Now comes the turn of your favorite seasonings - you can use any. Leave the food to marinate a little, preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

Place foil on a baking sheet and begin laying pieces of boiled meat on it in layers. Lubricate each layer with sauce made from sour cream and mustard. Place the beef tongue in the oven for 10–15 minutes. During cooking, an appetizing smell will spread through the kitchen, so immediately after cooking is completed, everyone in the family will probably immediately start eating this dish.

Video about how to cook beef tongue:

Every housewife tries to diversify the menu for her family and surprise her guests. original dish, show off your cooking skills. The recipe for boiled beef tongue is often used in the kitchens of professional chefs, and is also accessible to novice housewives. A well-prepared product will make it possible to make the simplest dish refined and tasty.

There are many recipes on how to cook tongue correctly, the main thing that unites them is this standard form preparation and a number of technological features of preparation. So, before starting the cooking process, the tongue must be thoroughly washed, carefully brushed, and the remaining fat cut off from the bottom. Remove sublingual muscle tissue and bone, if any.

After this, the product must be soaked in a salty solution for 30 minutes to cleanse the meat of any remaining blood and mucus. Then rinse under running water again and put in a pan for further cooking. It is also important to know how long to cook beef tongue. Here the time depends on the weight of the product and pre-treatment. A well-washed and cleaned offal weighing up to a kilogram will cook faster - from 2 to 3 hours.

Recipe for boiled beef tongue weighing 1 kg 500 g.

The prepared meat is placed in a pan, poured cold water and boil over medium heat until foam appears. After removing it, continue cooking for another 1.5 hours. Then drain the broth and pour clean water. Bring it to a boil, lower the tongue and continue the cooking process. Here, the amount of liquid in which the tongue will be boiled is of no small importance; it should be neither too little nor too much. Just enough to completely cover the meat, allowing for evaporation.

Read also: beef tongue - recipe


  • for soaking - 2 tbsp. spoons of salt per 2 liters of water;
  • for taste - 1 carrot, 1 onion;
  • for aroma - 2 bay leaves, allspice 8 peas;
  • add salt half an hour before cooking.

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To enhance the smell, you can use ginger, parsley, celery, and garlic. Cook the tongue over low heat for 4 hours. After time has elapsed ready language transfer to a bowl with cold water, remove the shell, and cut into pieces.

When cooking the tongue, you need to take into account its increase in volume, so for convenience it is better to take a deep pan with a wide bottom.

Tongue in a slow cooker according to a classic recipe

Often, to save time and speed up the process of preparing a delicious dish, program-controlled kitchen electrical appliances are used. Tongue cooked in a slow cooker turns out just as tasty and soft as on the stove.

After washing the offal under running water, it is placed in the bowl of an electric saucepan, along with the peeled vegetables, everything is filled with cold water and closed with a lid. Using the “quenching” button, you set the time range, usually 3 hours. The “start” command is given.


  • beef tongue – 900g;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • bay leaf and other spices to taste.

Depending on the weight of the tongue, the cooking time can increase to half an hour. Spices and salt are added approximately 15 minutes before the end of cooking. Upon completion of the thermal process, the product is removed, cooled for 3 minutes in cold water, then gently peeled while slightly hot. Before serving, the tongue is cut into pieces. For garnish use mashed potatoes and green peas.

Steamed beef tongue

Simple and effortless steaming of tongue is very popular not only among professional chefs, but also among young housewives. The product takes about an hour to prepare. Cooking a dish in a double boiler begins with preparing the necessary products.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • beef tongue – 700g;
  • lemon – 1 piece;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • hard cheese;
  • spices, salt.

Before starting the process, the tongue is thoroughly washed and cleaned of dirt. Then it is cut into small portions, which are sprinkled with spices, salt, chopped garlic, and sprinkled with lemon juice. The pieces are wrapped in foil and placed on a special rack, which is inserted into the multicooker pan. Here, it is important to know that spices scattered on foil enhance the taste and aroma of meat.

By adding water to level 8 for 30 minutes, the product is subjected to heat treatment. After time has elapsed, the finished pieces of tongue are carefully removed and peeled using a knife. To add a piquant taste, the pieces are sprinkled with grated cheese, wrapped in foil and steamed for 5 minutes. The tongue, retaining maximum nutrients, turns out juicy and aromatic.

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Exquisite gourmet meat is used not only as a separate dish for appetizers, but for preparing various aspic dishes.

A simple salad with boiled beef tongue can become a “signature” treat for any housewife.

To prepare you will need:

  • boiled beef tongue – 500g;
  • boiled potatoes – 300g;
  • pickled cucumbers – 2 pcs;
  • one apple;
  • hard cheese – 50g.

Beef tongue, potatoes, cucumbers must be cut into thin slices. Grate the apple on a coarse grater. Place the prepared foods in a salad bowl. Then add 2 chopped celery stalks, 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, 1 tsp. honey, white pepper and salt to taste. Mix everything well, sprinkle grated cheese on top of the salad. Garnish with finely chopped onion.

Beef tongue stew

With ready-boiled tongue you can quickly prepare delicious stew, stewed in the oven. To do this, you need to cut 600g of boiled offal into strips, one carrot, 4 pcs. potato, head onions. All ingredients are placed in layers in a pot, filled with broth in which the tongue was cooked and placed in the oven for 30 minutes. Ready dish poured into plates, sprinkled with herbs.

Beef tongue appetizer

A light meal ideal for both holiday menu, and for everyday life.

To prepare you will need:

  • boiled beef tongue – 600g;
  • mushrooms – 100g;
  • sour cream – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • prunes - 2 berries;
  • two walnuts;
  • onions – 1 pc.

Remove the skin from the boiled tongue and leave it to cool in the broth. Chop the onion and fry in olive oil until transparent, then add boiled mushrooms to the frying, season with sour cream and simmer a little.

Prunes with walnuts chop and mix with mushrooms. Then add black pepper and salt to taste. The tongue is cut into small portions and placed on a plate. The mushroom mixture is laid out on pieces of meat and decorated with parsley or dill. The snack can be eaten both warm and cold.

Delicious tongue pate

Boiled, peeled tongue weighing 700 g is finely crumbled and placed in a mixer cup. Finely chopped eggs (3 pieces), butter (70g), two sprigs of parsley, black pepper, and salt are also placed there. The ingredients are whipped into a homogeneous mass, turning into puree. The finished mixture is transferred to a sealed container and placed in the cold to harden. The pate has a delicate consistency and is served in special molds with green peas or marjoram leaves.

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Cooking beef tongue is not at all difficult. If desired, it is available to absolutely every home cook. Using the advice of professionals, you can learn how to cook tender, melt-in-your-mouth meat with minimal time.

  • It is advisable to cook fresh beef tongue immediately so as not to lose its usefulness and taste.
  • Rushing and lack of pre-processing will make the meat tasteless and tough.
  • To make the tongue soft and tender, and the broth rich and tasty, it is recommended to add salt at the end of cooking.
  • The delicacy product will turn out more juicy if it is immersed immediately in boiling water or, after peeling, placed in broth for 10 minutes.
  • The degree of readiness of the offal is determined with a knife or fork. A properly welded tongue is easily pierced.
  • The tongue should only be cooked over low heat to make it soft.
  • It is necessary to monitor the broth in the slow cooker every 40 minutes. If it evaporates too much, add water.
  • The cooked product for slicing is best stored in the refrigerator, wrapped in foil.

Beef tongue is considered one of the most delicious delicacies in the world. festive table. It is not always possible to enjoy a tasty offal - its cost on the market goes through the roof, and one head of cattle yields about 1 kilogram. Due to the fact that the delicacy is a rare guest on the family table, many housewives do not know how to cook it. How long to cook beef tongue, what dishes can be prepared from it, how to clean it - questions that are answered by experienced chefs.

The tongue consists of muscle fibers that do not have a bit excess fat, bad cholesterol, so it is used as food for children as a dietary treat.

The special taste will be at home as a cold appetizer, aspic, as an ingredient in meat salad, the broth can be used as a base for soup or puree.

A properly prepared delicacy will become signature dish buffet table.

Cooking time

Beef tongue consists of dense muscle mass, which is difficult to cook. There are several opinions on how long it takes to cook offal. Some believe that it takes at least 4 hours to cook the meat until cooked. Others cook the dish in 30-40 minutes. How long does it really take to cook beef tongue?

In reality, the offal may differ depending on how old the animal was. Old cows produce a denser tongue that cooks poorly and remains tough if not cooked enough. Calf tongues cook quickly, are soft, tender, and easy to clean. The most delicious and suitable for cooking are offal from one-year-old calves.

If beef tongue appears on the housewife’s table, the first thing to do is defrost it and rinse it well. It is not advisable to cook an undefrosted product - it will cook unevenly and remain tough inside.

The optimal time for cooking is 2-2.5 hours. During this time, even the toughest meat will be thoroughly cooked.

How to cook beef tongue

The procedure for preparing the offal is as follows:

The boiled beef tongue must be removed from the broth, cooled under running cold water for a few seconds and peeled off the skin covering it. top part. It is not suitable for food, as it is very tough with small hard growths. The skin comes off easily, just cut it slightly and pick it up with a knife. By pulling the edge, carefully remove all the skin.

Dishes from the tongue

The prepared tongue can be used for slicing, aspic, and as a meat base for salads. From the broth you can cook aromatic soup, stew, and make puree. How many delicious dishes can it be prepared from tongue, and what great benefits does the offal bring to the human body?

First of all, this is a dietary dish, as it does not contain fat, and therefore cholesterol. The offal contains a lot of iron, it is a pure protein that quickly restores strength, performance, and affects memory and thinking.

It is useful for people with physical loss of strength, postoperative patients, growing children's bodies, and women after childbirth.

The simplest dish that will decorate a festive feast is aspic. So, the recipe:

Experienced housewives feel with their hearts how long to cook a beef delicacy. According to the rules of culinary art, the minimum cooking time for tongue is 1.5-2 hours.

Boiled beef tongue is a very tasty and popular dish that not many people know how to cook, so in this article we will try to figure out how long and how to cook beef tongue so that it is soft, juicy and cleans well after cooking.

How long does it take to cook beef tongue?

The cooking time for beef tongue, both in a saucepan and in special kitchen appliances, is quite long and takes place in several stages. Let's take a closer look at how long to cook beef tongue in various ways:

  • How long to cook beef tongue in a saucepan? The beef tongue must be cooked in a saucepan for 2-4 hours after the water boils (cooking time depends on the size of the tongue and the age of the cow).
  • How long to cook beef tongue in a slow cooker? In a slow cooker, beef tongue should be cooked for an average of 2.5-3 hours in the “Stew” mode.
  • How long does it take to cook beef tongue in a pressure cooker? In a pressure cooker, beef tongue can be cooked in 30-45 minutes.

Having found out how long it takes to cook beef tongue until tender, we will next consider the process of cooking it in a saucepan and slow cooker.

How to prepare beef tongue for cooking?

Before cooking, beef tongue must be soaked for 30 minutes in cold water to make it easier to clean from dirt.

Next, the tongue is thoroughly washed several times under running cold water, carefully cleaning it from various contaminants that may be on its surface. You can also use a clean brush when cleaning to make cleaning easier and more convenient. After these procedures, beef tongue can be boiled in a saucepan (multi-cooker, pressure cooker).

How to cook beef tongue in a saucepan?

The most common way to cook beef tongue is to boil it in a saucepan. Let's take a closer look at how to deliciously cook beef tongue in a pan:

  • Cleaned and washed beef tongue must be placed in large saucepan(we choose the size of the pan taking into account that the tongue increases slightly in size during cooking), pour cold water so that it completely covers it.
  • On big fire bring the water in the pan to a boil and cook the tongue over medium heat for 15-20 minutes, after which we drain all the water from the pan and add new water (it is advisable to boil it in advance required quantity water).
  • Add one peeled whole onion and carrot to the pan so that the broth and the beef tongue itself are tastier and more aromatic, and after boiling the water in the pan again, cook the tongue over low heat (the water should not boil too much) for an average of 2-2.5 hours. The pan must be covered with a lid.
  • Half an hour before the end of cooking, add salt to taste to the water (on average 0.5-1 teaspoon) and spices (bay leaf, black and allspice).
  • At the end of cooking the beef tongue, check it for readiness (just pierce it with a knife, if the meat is soft and clear liquid comes out of the tongue, then it is ready). If the tongue is not cooked enough, you need to cook it for another 30 minutes, then check again for readiness.
  • The cooked beef tongue must be immediately transferred from boiling water to a container with cold (ice) water and kept in it for several minutes so that it can then be easily cleaned of the skin (film).
  • Cut the peeled tongue into pieces and serve.

Important: it is always better to clean boiled beef tongue immediately after cooking, since it can be cleaned well after a temperature change (after moving from boiling water to cold water).

How to properly cook beef tongue in a slow cooker?

Boiling beef tongue in a slow cooker is easier than in a saucepan, since you will need less action and the cost of personal time. Let's take a step-by-step look at how to cook beef tongue in a slow cooker:

  • First, thoroughly clean the tongue (description at the beginning of the article), then cut it into several parts (if it is large in size) and place it in the multicooker bowl.
  • Next, add a whole peeled onion, carrots, salt and spices (bay leaf, black pepper) to the multicooker and fill it all with cold water so that it completely covers the tongue and is a few centimeters higher.
  • We set the “Stew” mode, set the timer for 2.5-3 hours (depending on the size of the tongue) and turn on the multicooker.
  • At the end of cooking, after the sound signal, we check the cooked beef tongue for readiness (by piercing it with a knife, if it is soft and a clear liquid comes out of it, it means it is ready). If the tongue is not ready, let it cook for another 30 minutes in the same mode; if it is already cooked, put it in a container with cold water for a few minutes, after which we immediately peel off the thick skin.

Note: the cooking time for beef tongue is almost the same as in a saucepan, but during cooking there is no need to change the water and monitor it, which greatly simplifies the process of cooking it.