Diets general information. Diet: pros and cons

The Atkins diet is suitable for people who prefer a structured diet. Below are a few reasons why it may be beneficial:

  • Rich diet. Some people like the fact that the diet allows them to eat different foods. For example, many men prefer it because there is no need to exclude hearty dishes such as burgers and steaks from the diet.
  • Learn to eat healthy carbohydrates. The Atkins diet excludes refined carbohydrates such as baked goods (pie, white bread etc.), and supports the consumption of healthy ones, especially on late stages programs. Thus, the differences between healthy and harmful carbohydrates are determined.
  • No calorie counting. Hate counting calories? Then this diet is what you need. To lose weight, only carbohydrates are counted and you don't have to worry about calories. In addition, by following the program, it becomes possible to determine the ideal level of consumption.
  • Significant weight loss. Many people have lost a lot of weight on this diet, and some have lost up to 36 kg. During the first stage, called induction, rapid weight loss is common, which helps boost confidence and motivation.
  • Improved health. Despite high content fat in the diet, some people report improvements in their blood cholesterol levels. In addition, there is a greater chance of reducing sugar absorption, leading to improved health.
  • Food availability. For those who don't like to cook for themselves, many markets and discount stores have a variety of eateries and other establishments that offer these items.
  • Widespread means of information about the nutrition system. Much of the information you need to follow a weight loss program can be found online. A food list and other guides are provided on their website. There is even more information on other online sources and in bookstores.

Disadvantages of the diet

While some people enjoy the benefits of dieting, others struggle to stick to a strict diet. Disadvantages that may have a negative impact on following the program:

  • Reduce activity. Most people significantly reduce their carbohydrate intake before starting to lose weight, which often leads to fatigue.
  • Limited consumption of fruits and grain products. Fruit lovers find it difficult to follow the Atkins diet because their intake is limited in the early stages, but eventually they can be included in the diet.
  • Too strict for most people. Low carb diets such as this can be very challenging for some as they require significant changes initially. Such people should stick to a diet that starts with small changes.
  • Refusal of usual products. Eating low-carb foods on the Atkins diet means giving up many common and popular foods (chips, bread and pasta). Since these products are everywhere around people, sticking to a plan becomes harder.
  • Possible food abuse. Some diets, being overly strict, lead to the opposite effect. In some cases, restrictions cause overeating, feelings of guilt and weight gain.
  • Discomfort. As a result of dietary changes, some people on the Atkins diet experienced constipation, halitosis, and sometimes dehydration.
  • Counting carbs can be tedious. There's no need to count calories, but for some, counting carbs is just as difficult and tedious, especially when eating out.
  • Possible return to previous weight. Those who return to eating carbohydrates typically regain the weight they lost during the diet, and maybe even more.

The Atkins diet helps many people, but not everyone. The listed pros and cons will allow you to determine whether this power system is suitable for each specific case. It's also worth comparing it with other popular diets to see how different ways losing weight can affect your life. However, do not forget that you do not need to pay to create a weight loss plan; you just need to count calories yourself or reduce portion sizes. If you are unsure which diet is most suitable, you should seek advice from a nutritionist or your doctor.

It all started more than 10 years ago, when two restaurateurs organized the Nordic Cuisine Symposium in Copenhagen and called on chefs and food producers to sign a manifesto on the New Nordic Diet to “promote” local culinary traditions. Unexpectedly, the manifesto was supported at the government level by several northern countries, and soon the diet became very popular. It is based on: vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs - from 500 g per day (valuable sources of antioxidants), rapeseed oil and seafood (rich in Omega-3 fatty acids), cereals (25% of the daily diet) with slowly digested fiber, which helps curb appetite for a long time. But it is recommended to limit meat (chicken and venison are a priority) and fatty dairy products.


The Scandinavian diet not only helps you lose weight, but is also good for your overall health. Finnish scientists have proven: sea ​​fish(cod, herring, mackerel, salmon, trout), fresh vegetables, berries and black bread serve as an excellent prevention of type II diabetes, heart and vascular diseases. And these products, by the way, are the basis of the “Scandinavian diet”.

2 Paleo diet

The creators of the "diet" caveman"believe: modern people eat too much, which makes you gain weight, so your diet should focus on nutrition primitive people. The basis of the menu is meat, fish, seafood, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, herbs. That is, what our ancestors could get by hunting or fishing. But a “taboo” is established on salt, sugar, vegetable oil, dairy products, grains, legumes, potatoes and some other vegetables (they were not cultivated then), as well as various “masterpieces of modern industry” stuffed with additives and preservatives.


On the one hand, supporters of the paleo movement put unhealthy sweets, fast food, canned food, and alcohol on the “black list.” But at the same time, healthy foods are prohibited, for example, cereals (provide us with energy) or kefir and cottage cheese (suppliers of calcium to the body). It is no coincidence that “cave eating” often ends up as an “outsider” in ratings of healthy diets.

3 Mayo Clinic Diet

The diet consists of two stages. The first one is “Losing weight”: lasts 2 weeks and helps to get rid of bad eating habits (estimated weight loss - up to 3–5 kg). IN the second stage - “Fixing”: you will continue to lose weight (up to 0.5 kg per week) by sticking to the new healthy principles nutrition.
The diet is based on a food pyramid, which is based on vegetables and fruits. You can eat as many of them as you like. Minimum - 3-4 servings per day (one serving - 60 kcal or about 150-200 g).

Next come the main source of energy (cereals, whole grain bread, oatmeal without peeling, unpolished rice, wholemeal pasta). Then proteins (lean meat, fish, eggs, low-fat dairy products, legumes) and fats ( vegetable oils and nuts).

Finally, at the peak - The higher the food group is located in the pyramid, the less of these products should be in the diet, sweets are especially strictly controlled - no more than 75 kcal per day. If you have an active lifestyle, you can easily afford about 1800–2000 kcal per day. If the goal is to lose weight, you will have to limit the menu to 1200–1600 kcal.


The diet is balanced according to the main indicators (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), therefore it deservedly receives high positions in the ratings of healthy diets. The main thing is to correctly calculate the caloric content of the diet and the optimal amount of physical activity.

4 Atkins Diet

It was developed by cardiologist Robert Atkins back in 1972, becoming a real revolution in nutrition. The doctor argued: to lose weight, you need to limit carbohydrates and rely on proteins. In addition, it is recommended to reduce vegetables in the diet, and you can eat any fatty foods (meat, eggs, fatty dairy products) as much as you like. The creator of the diet himself explained this paradox this way: in the absence of carbohydrates, the hated folds of fat will begin to melt literally before our eyes.


At the beginning of the diet, weight actually drops quickly. But like all low-carb diets, this system has drawbacks. An unbalanced diet and an abundance of fatty foods can cause many side effects: from dizziness to metabolic disorders. And excessive consumption of meat (especially red) significantly increases the risk of cancer.

5 Dukan Diet

After Kate Middleton said goodbye to extra pounds on the eve of her wedding thanks to this diet, this diet gained incredible popularity. Its essence is simple: out of 100 foods, 25 are prohibited, and 75 are allowed (the diet consists of 4 stages):

  1. "Attack": You should only eat lean protein foods that suppress your appetite.
  2. "Cruise": alternating protein and protein-vegetable days, while the list of products is strictly limited.
  3. "Pinning": the diet is expanding and even sometimes high-calorie foods are allowed.
  4. "Stabilization": The menu is the same as at the previous stage, but once a week you still need to have a protein day.


Followers of the diet admit that in just 5–7 days “Ataki” they lose up to 5 kg. Further - even more! But many nutritionists are wary of Dukan’s “development”, believing that such a nutritional system is not balanced and cannot be considered healthy. Large quantity Protein foods significantly increase the load on the kidneys and liver, and also increase the risk of developing many health problems, such as atherosclerosis or urolithiasis.

6 TLC diet

The name of the diet stands for “Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes”. Her goal is to reduce fat and cholesterol intake and increase vegetable content in the diet. The program includes three parts: diet, physical activity(minimum 30 minutes per day) and weight control. The daily ration is calculated at the rate of 1200 to 2500 kcal, depending on the tasks. First of all, you will have to eliminate trans fats (margarine) and limit saturated fats to 7% daily menu. Recommended intake: eggs - no more than 2 per week, fish and meat - no more than 150 g per day, dairy products - 2-3 servings per day (but low-fat or low-fat). In this case, the emphasis is on healthy fiber. Vegetables, fruits, bran, buckwheat, oatmeal, soybeans, and legumes are rich in it.


TLC was developed by the US National Institutes of Health and approved by the American Heart Association. It's no coincidence that she's in the top 5 best diets as the simplest and most effective. However, this is not even a diet, but a set of rules for healthy image life, which, by the way, helps you lose up to 3–5 kilograms in a month!

It was published in 1972 in the USA. In 1985, its author, Dr. Atkins, was recognized in his country as “person of the year.” 28 years later, after his death, fans learned that he weighed 117 kg with a height of 180 cm and had serious heart problems.

The principle of the Atkins diet. Atkins calls the first 2 weeks the “reduction phase.” At this time, you need to reduce carbohydrates to 20 g per day (for comparison: one apple contains 15 g of carbohydrates). The body begins to receive energy not from the usual carbohydrates, but from fats and partly proteins, as a result of which a person rapidly loses weight (minus 5-10 kg in the first two weeks is quite realistic!). Later, you can introduce from 30 to 100 g of carbohydrates per day (we remind you: official medicine believes that 300-400 g of these macronutrients are required for normal life).

What can you eat? Unlimited - any meat, poultry, and the fattier it is. So much the better, because fat is our main “fuel”. Eggs and seafood are also welcome. The only vegetables allowed are leafy greens, cucumbers, cabbage and different types onions, along with mushrooms and olives. And here are the fruits. Porridge, pasta, bread are prohibited.

Pros of the Atkins Diet

  • Rapid weight loss.
  • Meat is a filling food, so after 2-3 days, when the craving for sweets passes, the feeling of hunger practically does not arise.
  • Unlike other diets, it preserves muscle mass.

Cons of the Atkins Diet

  • Too much fat and protein with a lack of carbohydrates is unnatural for the human body. It's the same as pouring diesel fuel into a car running on 95 gasoline. You can drive for a while, but what will happen to the car later?
  • It has been proven that such a diet can provoke diabetes mellitus, kidney and gall bladder stones, problems with the heart, thyroid gland, immunity and bone tissue, and for women also the inability to conceive a child.
  • Headaches, nausea, constipation, bad smell from the mouth, depression, loss of a sense of humor - this is what ruins life during a diet.

Final Atkins Diet Rating: 3

Eating according to Montignac

French nutritionist Michel Montignac published his first book in 1987 and has been successfully developing his ideas ever since.

Montignac's principle of nutrition Monsieur Michel Montignac creatively reworked the idea of ​​product compatibility. You should only avoid refined sugar (unrefined, i.e. brown, can be eaten), wheat flour, white rice and corn, as well as from sweet carbonated drinks. There are no restrictions for unrefined cereals, grain bread, durum wheat pasta, fruits and other carbohydrate foods. But they should not be consumed with fats, because they promote the release of insulin, which causes fats to accumulate. That is, in one meal you can combine either proteins or fats, or proteins or carbohydrates. It is advisable to eat fruits separately, half an hour before any other meal - this way they are better digested.

The principle of the Kremlin diet. Same as Atkins, but you get to play: 1 g of carbohydrates equals 1 point. There is a long list at your service: what product is worth how many points. You can eat up to 40 glasses a day if you need to lose weight, and as many as 60 just to maintain weight.

Pros of the Kremlin diet

  • Scoring is easier than understanding fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
  • The weight is really coming off.
  • There is no feeling of hunger.

Cons of the Kremlin diet

  • The products are “graded” in such a way that the most common ones are those that contain a lot of animal protein and fat with a minimum of carbohydrates. Thus, the same Atkins diet, profile view. Accordingly, all the negative consequences are the same.

Final score of the Kremlin diet: 3

Japanese salt-free diet

The Japanese diet was invented several decades ago by nutritionists to treat obesity. It has nothing to do with the traditional Japanese diet - 300-400 g of rice per day plus seafood.

The principle of the Japanese diet. All dishes are prepared and eaten without salt, boiled or steamed. Fried and baked foods are excluded. Meat – 10 g per day. In this form you can eat no more than 200 g of rye or wheat bread per day (ideally it should not contain salt). Consume soups, lean meat and fish, green vegetables, berries, lactic acid products, eggs and beans unlimitedly, but potatoes, carrots, beets - no more than 1 per day. It is recommended to drink tea or coffee. In addition to salt and pickles, cereals, pasta, pastries, sugar, sweet fruits, spices, hot and sour foods are completely excluded. This is how you are supposed to spend 20 days.

Pros of the Japanese diet

  • You can lose up to 5 kg in a week.
  • Salt retains water, so if it is eliminated it will go away. excess liquid, swelling will go away.

Cons of the Japanese diet

  • Be careful: under the same name there is another diet - a protein diet, like Atkins and the “Kremlin”. It doesn't just limit. And completely excludes bread and berries. Potatoes, carrots, beets, which can have a bad effect on your health and appearance!

Final rating of the Japanese diet: 8

Chocolate diet

Chocolate diet invented in Spain in the 1990s.

The principle of the chocolate diet. During the day – 5 cups instant coffee without sugar and skim milk and 80 g of dark chocolate. You lose 1-3 extra kg per day. It is not recommended to stay on this diet for more than a week.

Pros of the chocolate diet

  • It really is possible to lose weight.

Cons of the chocolate diet

  • Like any mono-diet, such nutrition deprives you of many essential substances.
  • The weight comes off not so much due to excess fat, how much is due to water loss, because coffee is very dehydrating.
  • Coffee and chocolate raise blood pressure, so the diet can be seriously harmful for hypertensive patients.

Final score for the chocolate diet: 1

Rimma Moysenko:"There is no ideal diet for everyone"

The most popular diets

Atkins diet

The favorite nutritionist of Hollywood stars, Robert Atkins, has developed a diet that involves a complete abstinence from carbohydrates.


The Atkins diet really helps you lose weight in a short time, without starving, because you can easily consume proteins and fats. The body is very quickly saturated with meat and gives a boost of energy for long time. In addition, the use of a protein diet helps maintain muscle mass. However, the first and second phases of the diet can be tolerated for no more than 10 days. Next, the diet must be expanded to include carbohydrates.



Any mono-diet is very easy to use - you don’t need to prepare anything, just bring 1.5 liters of kefir or apples to work, and the result will be noticeable the very next day.

It should be borne in mind that you can be on mono-diets for no more than 3 days; the optimal period is still one day.


Separate food

It is based on the idea of ​​compatibility and incompatibility food products. It is not recommended to mix more than two or three products at the same time.


With separate meals, food is digested quickly enough, which eliminates the presence of rotting or fermentation processes. This significantly reduces intoxication of the body as a whole. When switching to separate meals, your well-being significantly improves, which is important both for those who are overweight and for those who have chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract.

When switching to the system separate power supply weight is lost confidently and reliably (moreover, if you constantly follow the principles of this diet, the new weight can be maintained for many years), complexion and skin quality improve. Intestinal motility also improves, there is no constipation, which is important for the category of people with impaired gastrointestinal motility.


Critics are convinced that separate meals are an artificial disruption of normal digestion. Indeed, throughout the entire history of human existence, biological species people have learned to eat mixed foods, and our digestive system is perfectly adjusted by nature itself.

Calorie counting

One of the most recognized ways to lose weight. It is necessary to establish a certain norm of calories your body receives daily - this indicator may vary depending on individual characteristics.


Firstly, counting calories in itself accustoms you to reasonable restrictions and makes it possible to be more picky in your food intake. It is the acquisition of healthy eating habits that is the basis of slimness. Secondly, counting calories allows a person, when looking for information about the energy content of a product, to read labels, pay attention to the composition, avoiding monosodium glutamate and multiple E-components. Third, calorie counting is truly one of the most effective ways lose weight.


Nutrition based on calorie counting does not take into account either the mode of eating, or the volume of food per meal, or the composition balanced in proteins, fats, vitamins, microelements, etc. Conventionally, foods may be low-calorie and have a high glycemic index, and therefore not suitable : low-calorie, but “empty” of proteins and vitamins; low in calories, but spicy or too salty, increasing appetite and reducing kidney function and disrupting various types metabolism.

IN modern world When almost every person dreams of being perfect in appearance, the topic of diets is especially relevant. Probably almost every woman has “got on a diet” at least once in her life, trying to lose a few kilograms. Some people succeeded in this, but others, on the contrary, tried to lose weight more than once or twice without achieving success. desired result. And it turns out that they are unsuccessful attempts did not bring any benefit to the body, but, on the contrary, harmed it. So why, when we say the word diet, we only mean diets for weight loss. After all, there are others - therapeutic diets, diets against stress, diets for weight gain.

One of the sages said: “We are what we eat and drink. " It’s hard to disagree with these words, because within a few minutes after being born, the child demands food. From this moment on, a person receives everything necessary for the body with food. So, it turns out that our health depends on how much and what we eat. A healthy person is most often quite inattentive to what he eats. Having fallen ill, people rush to search for the latest imported drugs, and forget about such a reliable and constantly effective remedy as food.

“The harm from popular diets is obvious,” say famous nutritionists. Is this really true? Or is there still a benefit to diets, and what is a “diet”? We will try to find an answer to this question in our work.


When the topic was chosen, we decided to find out for ourselves what a diet is, because some talk about therapeutic diets, while others talk about diets for weight loss. We turned to various sources and found out that: in medicine there is a section DIETOLOGY - studying the principles of correct, rational nutrition a healthy and sick person, various diets and methods of treating various diseases and pathological conditions by changing the diet, that is, using diet. It has two directions: 1) a therapeutic diet and 2) an “aesthetic” diet.

In the first case, diet is the therapeutic diet of a sick person, which is one of the important methods of treatment for many diseases, and for such as mild diabetes mellitus, nutritional obesity is the only one. In therapeutic nutrition, not only the correct selection of products is important, but also adherence to culinary processing technology, frequency and timing of meals.

All health care and health resort institutions use a numbered diet system developed by the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS), approved by the Ministry of Health. The most common diets are: N 1,2,5,7,8,10,15. .

“Aesthetic” diets are aimed at correcting a person’s figure. The world is experiencing a boom in all kinds of diets. In pursuit of perfect figure women do not think about the fact that this can harm their health. Endless dieting can weaken the body and even cause the opposite result. Losing weight is truly difficult and difficult. Even more difficult by resetting extra pounds, stay at this weight. The survey results confirm these words. .

There are many popular diets for losing weight, but these diets have not stood the test of time and clinical trials, so you should not rely on them. Moreover, almost all “fashionable diets”, as it turns out, conflict with modern dietetics. Here is a list of these diets: buckwheat, kefir, Kremlin, Japanese, vegetable, blood type diet, Montignac diet.

Which one is better to use? Or maybe you shouldn’t exhaust yourself with diets? It may be worth adjusting your regular diet according to the ideas proper nutrition? After all, the result can surpass even that given by conventional diets.


Proper nutrition and diets are not the same thing. Well-known nutritionists talk a lot about the dangers of diets and recommend proper, healthy, balanced nutrition. So, why are diets dangerous? Diets are dangerous because most diets are practically starvation. But what diet should you choose? After all, there are countless diets in the world that promise to work wonders for your figures. We collected a variety of diets for weight loss and tried to organize, classify and identify their pros and cons. Thus, we have identified the following groups of diets for weight loss:

Mono-diets. Mono-diets include diets, the essence of which is the consumption of only one or two foods. Here are some currently popular mono-diets: apple, kefir, rice, chocolate, buckwheat, cabbage, banana, potato.

Pros: mono-diets allow you to achieve noticeable weight loss in short term: 2-4 kilograms in a few days.

The downside of any mono-diet is that the body will not receive enough of certain vital substances, vitamins, and microelements. After its completion, excess weight can return just as quickly. Therefore, the period of use of any mono-diet should be strictly limited (usually 3-5 days).

Low-fat diets. The basis of this category of diets is a serious restriction of fat consumption, usually up to 30-50 grams per day. The most common low-fat diets are Dr. Ornish's diet and Mikhail Ginzburg's impulse diet.

Plus: the body uses up accumulated fat, resulting in weight loss.

Minus: with a long-term restriction of fat consumption in the body, a deficiency of essential fatty polyunsaturated acids, which the human body does not produce, may occur. In addition, fat-soluble vitamins (groups A, D, E, K) are not absorbed by the body. You can prevent this problem by regularly eating fish or taking fish oil.

Low carbohydrate diets. Low-carb diets are based on the saying: “Sugar is white death.” It is sugar, or more precisely, carbohydrates belonging to this category, that are considered the main culprits in the appearance of excess weight. The basis for the development of low-carbohydrate diets is the generally accepted theory that excess carbohydrates not consumed by the body are converted into fats, which are stored in reserve. Such diets include: the Kremlin diet, the Montignac diet, the French diet, and the protein diet.

Pros: if the consumed carbohydrates are not enough for current energy expenditure, the body begins to burn fat reserves.

Cons: Low-carb diets rarely produce quick results. In this case, manifestations of hypoglycemia (lack of blood sugar) are quite possible - weakness, fainting, drowsiness, decreased performance, constant feeling of hunger.

Low-calorie diets. Main principle low calorie diets- This is a serious restriction of the total calorie intake of the diet. Low-calorie diets include diets in which calorie intake does not exceed 1500 kilocalories per day for women and 2200 for men. The products in these diets can be used in a variety of ways. Here are some of the most popular diets: Larisa Dolina's diet, English diet, vegetable diet.

Pros: restricting caloric intake leads to the consumption of fat reserves, due to which weight loss occurs.

Cons: The duration of most low-calorie diets is no more than 14 days. This is explained by the fact that after this period the body adapts to a new diet, switches to a more “economical” mode of operation and stops burning fat reserves. During such a diet, a deficiency of vitamins, microelements and other vital substances often occurs. And after stopping the diet, the lost weight comes back in excess.

Separate meals. The author (Dr. Shelton) states that most foods are normally absorbed by the body only when consumed separately. For example, protein foods (meat, fish, eggs, etc.) are not combined with carbohydrate foods (bread, cereals, etc.), because the body secretes different juices to digest them.

Pros: Having to eat proteins, fats and carbohydrates separately leads to more fractional meals, and this helps achieve temporary weight loss.

Cons: the human body has become accustomed to mixed foods over thousands of years. And it produces a sufficient amount necessary enzymes so that proteins and carbohydrates entering the stomach at the same time are perfectly absorbed. The main harm from separate nutrition is a disruption of the microflora of the digestive systems and indigestion.

Diet according to blood type. The diet is based on what humanity has different groups blood appeared gradually, and people at that time ate differently. Hence the conclusion: people with the first, oldest, blood group are adapted to assimilate meat foods, those of the second group should eat plant foods, the third - dairy products, and the fourth, the youngest, can eat everything. If you break this rule, the antibodies will fight against substances foreign to them, which will lead to poor absorption of food and all sorts of diseases. The author is physician Peter D'Adamo.

Pros: a blood test done to determine your group can reveal various abnormalities in you, which will help with timely treatment. In addition, any restriction in food, exclusion of fried, smoked, fatty foods (and this is a requirement for all blood groups) leads to weight loss and improved metabolism.

Cons: Most scientists do not see any connection between blood groups and the diet of our ancestors. After all, before entering the blood, any food protein is broken down into amino acids, and no antibodies can figure out where these amino acids come from.

Diets using food supplements. Pros: Temporary weight loss does occur when taking dietary supplements. But this happens due to the fact that supplements, which must be washed down with water, “swell” in the stomach and cause a feeling of fullness, which replaces two full meals.

Cons: The body quickly eliminates nutritional supplements and begins to crave real food. The positive effect of this “elixir” has not been confirmed by any independent laboratory in the world.

After studying information from various sources, we came to the conclusion that not a single aesthetic diet is a complete diet and can be harmful to the body. So what should an overweight person do, or someone who would like to constantly maintain their weight?

In the literature, along with various proposed diets (Appendix No. 3), we constantly encountered such a concept as rational nutrition. We were interested in this information, and we dwelled on this in detail.


Rational nutrition, as it turns out, is one of the most excellent healing agents. 60% of respondents also say this. The name comes from the Latin “Rationalis” - smart. This is a physiologically complete diet for healthy people, which is varied and balanced in all components. With food, our body must receive a sufficient amount of necessary substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements, minerals. Sufficient, but not excessive and in the right proportions. Rational nutrition is compliance with basic principles.

The first principle of rational nutrition is that the energy value must correspond to the energy expenditure of the body. Unfortunately, in practice this principle is often violated. Due to the excessive consumption of energy-intensive foods (bread, potatoes, animal fats, sugar, etc.), the energy value of daily rations often exceeds human energy costs.

The second principle of rational nutrition is that nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins and other active components) must be in a certain ratio. The energy value of protein is 12%, fat - 30%, carbohydrates -58% of a person’s daily energy requirement.

The third principle is maintaining an optimal diet. By diet we mean regularity, frequency and alternation of meals. Diet also varies depending on age and physical activity.

The fourth principle is the creation of optimal conditions for human absorption of food. For better absorption, food must be of a certain volume, temperature, beautifully presented, and stimulating the appetite.

When choosing a diet, you need to make sure that it contains the entire spectrum of essential (necessary) nutrients. The Food Pyramid will help with this (Appendix No. 4). The food pyramid is a visual set of products for every day; it allows you to choose from a huge variety of products those that are included in the concept of a healthy and rational diet.

The pyramid highlights five main food groups that contain the nutrients needed for balanced nutrition. It is necessary to include only fresh foods in the menu, avoid prepared foods that only require heating. It has less nutrients than home-cooked food.


As a result of researching various diets, it became clear to us that the most fashionable diets are not always the healthiest.

Without taking into account the capabilities of our body, we choose popular diet for weight loss to get maximum effect. As a result, the body becomes so weakened, not receiving enough necessary nutrients (vitamins, minerals, trace elements, etc.), which often leads to disruption of the body's metabolic processes, exacerbation of chronic diseases and we break off the diet or resort to the help of doctors and therapeutic diets. The harm from such use of fashionable aesthetic diets is obvious. And therapeutic diets, on the contrary, meet all the canons of rational nutrition, which means they serve as a source of beauty and health.

CONCLUSION: The information that we received as a result of the study did not confirm the hypothesis we put forward.

Therefore we believe:

Don't exhaust yourself with diets. You just need to adjust your regular diet in accordance with the ideas of proper nutrition. After all, diet translated from Greek language means "way of life".

It is important to choose a nutrition system that you can stick to for a long time. In our opinion, such a safe system is Rational Nutrition.

If you decide to go on a weight loss diet, you should remember:

Rapid weight loss causes stress, which encourages the body to accumulate reserves at the first opportunity.

It is important to remember that the normal rhythm of weight loss for a healthy adult is from 500 g to 1 kg per week.

Combining healthy, nutritious foods with physical activity will help prevent weight gain.

And in conclusion important advice from nutritionists and geneticists: go on a diet that you can stick to for the rest of your life.