The best and simplest diets. Fast diets and their features. Homemade diet for weight loss

A simple diet for weight loss uses the following rule: eat in moderation. By following the diet in question, you don’t have to strictly reduce the amount of foods you consume, except for those that contribute to weight gain.

Let's take a closer look at the main principles of a simple diet:

  • It is advisable to consume food not in 3 doses, but in 4 with a break of at least 3 hours;
  • Portions should be small; the body will absorb this amount of food better.

When your body weight begins to decrease, you can introduce eating after 6 pm. It is advisable to consume foods with fats so that body weight does not gain again.

The diet in question does not recommend consuming sour cream and mayonnaise before bed. If you can’t remove them from your diet, then it is advisable to include these products in your breakfast menu. Dinner should contain low-calorie food. During the day, consume up to 2 kilograms of plant foods.

In a week, body weight will decrease by 3–5 kg if the menu contains only vegetables and.

Simple menu for weight loss for a week

Day Eating Sample menu
Monday Breakfast coffee, slice of cheese
Lunch Red Apple
Dinner hard-boiled egg, 120 g lean meat, fried without oil
Afternoon snack kefir, nuts
Dinner 130 g chicken meat, pickled tomatoes
Tuesday Breakfast tea, 2 ranetki
Lunch Ryazhenka
Dinner 300 g ham, cabbage salad
Afternoon snack pear
Dinner sliced ​​vegetables with sunflower oil
Wednesday Breakfast 2 hard-boiled eggs, tomato
Lunch grated carrots dressed with yogurt
Dinner mashed potatoes, cucumber
Afternoon snack banana
Dinner turkey fillet, glass of juice
Thursday Breakfast a jar of low-fat yogurt, tea
Lunch grapefruit
Dinner boiled fish with vegetables
Afternoon snack kefir
Dinner 130 g lean veal
Friday Breakfast 150 g natural cottage cheese, herbal tea
Lunch pomegranate
Dinner chicken breast or boiled beef
Afternoon snack Ryazhenka
Dinner vegetable stew stewed with sunflower oil
Saturday Breakfast omelet or scrambled eggs, coffee
Lunch 2 tangerines
Dinner soup made from lean meat or fish with herbs, without potatoes and cereals
Afternoon snack cup low-fat yogurt
Dinner 250 g trout or other fish, baked in foil, chopped vegetables with sunflower oil
Sunday Breakfast 3 eggs in a bag with bread, herbal tea
Lunch Red Apple
Dinner stewed zucchini with cabbage
Afternoon snack kefir
Dinner 130 g boiled beef

What can you do on a diet?

Requires a certain diet. A number of foods are allowed to be consumed on a simple diet:

  • Eggs. Eggs are nutritious due to the large amount of protein, and at the same time they are not too high in calories. The yolk of eggs contains fat, so you should not overuse eggs, or eat the white without the yolk;
  • Beans and corn. Due to their protein and fiber content, these products partially replace meat and poultry;
  • Carrot. Thanks to the vitamins and minerals, a couple of these vegetables a day will give the body the necessary amount;
  • When consumed, the fiber contained in the product cleanses the intestines and helps you lose weight;
  • Bell pepper. It is a low-calorie product and at the same time provides the body with carotene and vitamin C. The body spends a lot of energy digesting pepper, which helps with weight loss;
  • Contains few calories, the fiber contained stimulates the secretion of bile and accelerates the breakdown of fat deposits.

What you can't do on a diet

There are products whose dangers are not thought about. And they should be removed from the diet when losing weight:

  • Fried foods. Due to the fat they contain, these dishes contribute to rapid weight gain rather than weight loss;
  • Rich soups. These dishes involve the active work of the stomach to secrete juice. As a result, the food will soon be digested and the feeling of hunger will return;
  • Pickled foods. The acetic acid in these foods also stimulates a strong secretion of gastric juice, which will quickly lead to feelings of hunger;
  • Spicy dishes. Warming up the body from the inside, which occurs when eating such dishes, leads to accelerated blood circulation and increased appetite, which is undesirable when losing weight;
  • Vegetables after heat treatment. Heat treatment destroys vitamins and nutrients in them. And when frying, on the contrary, they gain fat;
  • Sweet soda. The sugar and caffeine in these drinks will ruin all your attempts to lose weight;
  • Chips and crackers. Fats, carbohydrates, flavors, dyes and zero nutrients;
  • Baked goods and rich creams. High-calorie foods with a lot of sugar. When losing weight, you will have to forget about these products.

The simplest diets for quick weight loss

Fast and simple diets for weight loss at home consist of a sharp restriction of nutrition and include one or two products allowed for consumption.

Pumpkin diet

The pumpkin diet is considered a diet of... simple products and lasts 12 days and allows you to lose up to 6 kg. It is easily tolerated, as it represents a variety of dishes, but it has contraindications. It is prohibited for women to use it breastfeeding and pregnancy, people with a history of chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

The secret of the diet is that you need to make dishes from pumpkin pulp. They must be boiled or steamed. In addition, you should use minimal amount salt, oil and spices.

Combine pumpkin with vegetables, but the main ingredient is pumpkin. It can be made into puree soups, porridges, and salads.

It is also possible to use ordinary juice, preferably freshly squeezed, and pumpkin seeds, which make it possible to have a good time in the evenings watching programs. Physical overload and consumption daily norm water also leads to better results.

Quick kefir diet

Diet means throughout the day. You should drink only 1.5 liters of kefir per day and the same amount of ordinary boiled water. It is forbidden to eat anything else.

It should be emphasized that this diet has a clearly expressed laxative effect, for this reason it should be practiced only when you can afford to spend the whole day at home.

You should not “sit” on a kefir diet for more than 3 days. Since during it a powerful cleansing of the body occurs: waste products, toxins, excess salt and moisture are removed (due to which, directly, weight loss occurs). But already on the 3rd – 4th day, simultaneously with harmful substances, the necessary elements begin to be removed from the body, which can cause a deterioration in well-being.

If you feel severe pain in the lower abdomen, lightheadedness or migraine, it makes sense to refrain from such a diet and switch to a normal diet. But you should switch carefully, increasing the calorie content of food over time.

Buckwheat diet

This is the simplest and most effective diet for losing weight for a week. Buckwheat is one of the most dietary foods, has a low calorie content and does not cause allergies, for this reason it can be consumed by all interested parties.

In just 7 days you can lose 5 kg. Only buckwheat is allowed to be eaten. At the same time, it can be prepared using various methods; it is important that it does not contain fats and salts.

Buckwheat can be consumed in any quantity. assist in removing salt from the body, which retains excess moisture. And the low nutritional value of buckwheat forces the body to expend much more energy per day than it acquires, which is why fat reserves are burned.

This is one of the simplest diets that is most harmless to health.

Its advantages are:

  • Due to the unique qualities of cereals, the diet makes it possible not only to lose weight by 6-12 kilograms, but also to detoxify the body in a short period of time; improve the functioning of the digestive system; increase metabolic rate; carry out the prevention of cardiovascular and other diseases;
  • The buckwheat diet does not require virtually any special culinary skills. Since the method of preparing buckwheat porridge is as simple as possible;
  • The diet in question is not expensive for the budget, since all costs without exception will fit into the price of buckwheat.

When analyzing the buckwheat diet for the purpose of losing weight, it is advisable to focus on its disadvantages and methods of overcoming them:

  • If you follow a diet too quickly and reduce your usual amount of food intake, constipation is likely to occur. In order to avoid such a problem, the porridge should be made watery. If this strategy is not suitable, you need to dilute the diet with vegetables or kefir;
  • In certain cases, impotence may be due to a sudden loss of water from the body, which is determined by the salt-free composition of the diet. In order to prevent the condition, you should drink a glass of water in the morning, and, as in the case of constipation, prepare porridge that is more watery.

The rules for quitting the buckwheat diet are easy:

  • do not overeat;
  • consume buckwheat porridge at least once a day;
  • give preference to bland food;
  • Products should be introduced into the menu over time, for example, on the 1st day, an egg and any vegetable, on the 2nd - fish, and so on;
  • It is advisable to carry out fasting periods once a week;
  • and there is certainly no need to organize a “belly celebration” on the first day after completing the diet.

Dish recipes

In all recipes we fry in sunflower oil and use a sugar substitute.

Pumpkin pancakes:

  • 200 g peeled pumpkin;
  • Sugar substitute, at your discretion;
  • 1 pc – chicken egg;
  • 30 g flour (rice)

Preparation: chop the pumpkin, beat the egg and pour flour into the pumpkin with a sugar substitute, mix and fry in a hot frying pan until golden brown.

Brown rice with pumpkin

  • Brown rice 50 g;
  • Pumpkins 150 g;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • Matsoni (natural yogurt) ½ cup;
  • Nuts (walnuts), raisins and sugar (substitute) - at your discretion.

Prepare the porridge: Boil the rice, while simmering the peeled and chopped pumpkin in the oven. After the pumpkin is ready, grind it into puree, you can grate it.

Place pumpkin and sugar into the finished rice, mix and decorate with raisins and nuts. All is ready!

Oyster mushrooms (mushrooms) in sour cream:

  • 500 g mushrooms;
  • 3 pieces of medium onions;
  • 3 pieces of small carrots;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • ½ cup mayonnaise;
  • ½ cup sour cream;
  • 2 tablespoons of water.

Process: wash the oyster mushrooms, cut them and throw them into a frying pan with sunflower oil and fry. We fried mushrooms + onions + carrots and fried them some more.

Prepare the sauce: put the garlic through a garlic press, mix with sour cream and mayonnaise and water, mix until smooth.

Add salt and pepper to the mixture in a frying pan and pour in the sauce. After that, put everything on the stove and simmer for another 15 minutes. All is ready!


  • 1 piece fresh carrots;
  • 2 pieces of celery (stems);
  • 1 pc apple (green);
  • Low-fat yogurt;
  • Rosemary;
  • Lemon

Chop the celery and sprinkle it with lemon juice (if the apple is sour, you don’t need lemon). Three apples and carrots, mix with celery and season with yogurt and rosemary. Leave in the cold for 20 minutes and the salad is ready.

Broccoli fritters


  • Shred cabbage finely 400 g;
  • Grind the bread into crumbs (1 piece);
  • 2 pcs raw eggs;
  • Dutch cheese (50 g) finely grated.

Mix everything, either in one mass in the form or in portions like pancakes on a baking sheet and in the oven.


In any case, most diets are contraindicated for people with diseases of the pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, and kidneys. Diets are also undesirable for teenagers because of the threat of depriving the growing body of what it needs. building material. It is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers to lose weight; this can affect the health of the child who has not received a number of required nutrients.

All women at all times have been haunted by the question - how to lose weight quickly and effectively? Do they exist in reality? effective diets For fast weight loss, or is this just a myth invented by dietary supplement manufacturers? Meanwhile, there are moments in life (and quite a few) when you urgently need to fit into your favorite shorts or instantly transform yourself before the most important celebration in your life... Are there diets for this case? Definitely yes! These are the most effective diets for quick weight loss...

The list of effective diets for quick weight loss is quite extensive, and choosing the best one is not easy. When choosing, it is important to take into account the characteristics of your body and personal eating habits.

How to lose weight quickly: the most effective and fastest diets

When choosing diets for quick weight loss, follow these rules:

  • 1 Choose the diet whose main product is available to you, because most fast and effective diets are mono-diets that are built on one component;
  • 2 You must like the foods in your effective diet, otherwise dieting will be akin to torture;
  • 3 For a more comfortable and faster weight loss, choose a diet in which all dishes are easy to prepare, so that you spend less time in the kitchen and are not tempted to eat.
  • all kinds;
  • various variations;
  • this or that celebrity diet, for example, the Hollywood diet or;
  • popular these days (as well as its variations - low-carbohydrate diet);
  • , which Lately has firmly established itself as one of the most effective diets for those who are not inclined to wait long for visible results.

10 most effective diets for quick weight loss

  • 1 is popular among overseas stars, it lasts two weeks, during which you can lose weight by an average of 7 kilograms. In it, you need to monitor the amount of sugar, salt and fat in your diet, and completely remove bread.
  • 2 is considered very effective: in 7 days you can lose up to 5 kilograms. The menu is designed so that the dishes are tasty and do not contain fat, except in small quantities.
  • 3 can give good results in losing weight up to 8 kilograms in two weeks. It is based on the consumption of seafood, but all dishes should be prepared without salt.
  • 4 The Brazilian diet is based on vegetables, fruits and vegetable soups. In seven days you can lose up to 4 kilograms.
  • 5 Interval diet or three-day diet. It lasts 9 days but is divided into three stages of three days where you eat rice, potatoes and vegetables. During this time you can only drink clean water. You can lose up to 7-9 kilograms on it, but you need to be careful and monitor your health.
  • 6 usually lasts one or two weeks, during which you can lose 4 or 8 kilograms respectively. There is a very important point here: buckwheat diet for quick weight loss does not at all mean that you are preparing all kinds of gastronomic pickles based on boiled buckwheat. No! In this case, buckwheat cannot be boiled or stewed - the grain is steamed with boiling water in advance and left to “steam” for 3-4 hours, and then consumed without adding any other products or spices..
  • 7 is based on various soups, including puree soup. The main thing is that this soup is not made from potatoes or legumes and does not contain butter and spices; bread should also be excluded. Just a little bit of salt is allowed. Duration – 7 days, weight loss up to 4 kilograms.
  • 8 for a period of 3 days, you can lose weight by 3, sometimes 5 kilograms. The diet is considered difficult, since you eat only one egg and 300g of cottage cheese per day, do not have dinner and drink only water.
  • 9 and you can lose 4-5 kilograms on it. Every day you drink one and a half liters of low-fat kefir.
  • 10 will ensure rapid weight loss, but it is not easy to maintain. Freshly squeezed juice from oranges, grapefruits and lemons should be drunk three times a day. The rest of the time, drink water. Usually the diet lasts up to 3 days, and you can lose up to 3 kilograms.

Among the great variety of diets, there are the fastest and most effective express diets that are designed specifically for rapid weight loss. They last up to 5 days. At this time, the amount of food is greatly reduced and dinner is completely absent. These can also be mono-diets, which are based on one product. For example, kefir, juice, or a certain fruit. An express diet menu might look like this:

  • breakfast: egg, unsweetened tea;
  • second breakfast until 12 noon: low-fat cottage cheese with kefir;
  • dinner: steamed fish (about 150g) with vegetable salad, seasoned with lemon juice, but without oil;
  • dinner: unsweetened tea.

There is also such a form of the fastest and most effective diet for rapid weight loss as. During a three-day fasting period, you can lose up to 4 kilograms.

2 effective diets for a week: try, but don’t mix!

As a diet for quick weight loss, you can try an effective one - for a week you will eat only potatoes, boiled in their jackets without adding spices. You can lose 2-3 kilograms with this diet.

There is also another one, which is also considered very, very effective. It also lasts up to 7 days, you can lose weight by an average of 3 kilograms. Daily diet consists of two bananas and milk in the amount of 3 glasses.

Both of these diets are quite effective for losing weight and reducing volume, but in reality it is quite difficult to follow them - after all, no matter how much you love boiled potatoes without a hint of spices or salt, or bananas, eating these foods for 7 days in a row will seem to few people “ a holiday of the belly."

An example of an effective diet for quick weight loss

It is believed that one of the most effective diets for rapid weight loss is the so-called “”. In three days on such a diet you can lose up to 5 kilograms, depending on your weight. The menu is as follows:

  • breakfast: egg in a bag;
  • after 3 hours: 150g low-fat cottage cheese, unsweetened tea;
  • after another 3 hours: repeat the meal with cottage cheese and tea;

A couple of main rules of this diet: only three meals, no more, all with an interval of three hours. And secondly, during the diet you need to drink as much pure still water as possible.

This diet is very similar to a low-carbohydrate diet, or rather, it is a stricter version of it, since in the “mannequin diet” there are no carbohydrates in the diet, and the amount of protein is also reduced. An easier version of a low-carb diet, which is also considered the fastest and most effective, looks like this:

  • breakfast: 30g low-fat hard cheese, a slice of rye bread, unsweetened green tea;
  • dinner: boiled beans, a piece of rye bread, 200g low-fat cottage cheese, unsweetened tea;
  • dinner: 100g steamed chicken breast, 1 cucumber and 1 tomato, unsweetened green tea.

The wide variety of diets makes it difficult to choose the fastest and most effective method for losing weight. Often, nutritionists advise choosing not one specific diet, but a series of one-day (sometimes three-day) mono-rations. According to this principle, for example, they were built. But before you go on any fastest and best diet, you need to consult a doctor about contraindications. It is also important to remember that exiting any diet should be smooth, otherwise all the lost kilograms will return very quickly.

You may find our list of effective diets not comprehensive enough. Then it makes sense for you to add to it the most tender, satisfying and easily portable and, to some extent, even beneficial for the body. Now you definitely have plenty to choose from! And don’t forget to add it to your diet - it will not only invigorate and speed up metabolism, but also make any diet much more effective.

However, you should strictly remember - even if you were able to choose an effective diet for weight loss, and stayed on it just long enough to achieve desired result, this does not guarantee your final victory over extra pounds. It is extremely important to maintain the achieved weight!

And for this purpose the system of correct balanced nutrition, excluding the consumption of semi-finished products and fast food, sweet soda, flour products, etc. Weight is considered stable if it does not experience sudden changes within 6-7 months.

And finally, do not forget that no diet, even the most effective one for weight loss, will give you such strong and stable weight control as healthy image life, proper eating habits (and not addictions!) and moderate food consumption.

The principle of operation of most diets is based on constant monitoring of the calorie content of foods, their selection for each meal, and the method of preparing dishes. All this requires a significant investment of time, Money and, of course, moral efforts. Therefore, many people are looking for the simplest diet to lose weight.

Just a diet from Tim Ferriss

American writer, speaker and, as he is called in the world, productivity guru, Tim Ferriss proposed the basic principles proper nutrition. Such a simple and effective diet allows you to lose weight without weighing portions of food, counting calories and other burdensome actions. The basic rules of nutrition according to Tim Ferriss are as follows.

2. One of the main rules of this simple diet is to exclude “white” carbohydrates from the diet, first of all flour products and sugar. These products include bread, desserts, pasta, rice, potatoes, and cereals. Side dishes from prohibited foods should be replaced with vegetables. It is recommended to eat meat, fish, chicken.

3. The next principle of this simple diet is to control the consumption of liquid calories. It is prohibited to consume carbonated and sweet drinks, juices, and milk due to their calorie content. But it is perfectly acceptable to drink two glasses of red wine every day.

4. Oddly enough, but the author of the diet urges you to stop eating large amounts of fruit. First of all, you should exclude from your diet those fruits that are sold in stores and markets. They are oversaturated with different chemicals, and at the same time contain a small amount of vitamins. If you have a strong desire to eat any fruit, it is better to choose one whose quality there is no doubt about.

5. Diet break. Even the simplest diet can cause low energy or depression. To prevent this from happening, you need to arrange a day once a week when you can eat what you want. But, of course, within reasonable limits.

Weight loss for the lazy

There is a fairly simple and effective diet, which is also called the diet for the lazy. This is a way to lose weight with water.

This water diet attracts attention for its accessibility. It does not require you to give up your favorite but harmful foods and does not provide for any prohibitions.

So, the basic principles of the simplest diet for weight loss are as follows:

  • there are no restrictions in the choice of products;
  • Do not drink during meals and for two hours after it;
  • 20 minutes before starting a meal, you need to drink two glasses of water.

Two hours after eating, you can drink your favorite green tea with a slice of lemon, or coffee without sugar. But definitely without any food (candy, cookies).

Before any snack (candy, apple), you need to drink a glass of water.

The daily volume of liquid should not be more than 2-2.5 liters. If at first it is difficult to drink two glasses of water before each meal, you can start with one glass.

According to reviews, such a simple diet makes it possible to lose up to 8-10 kg in the first two weeks. Its operating principle is quite simple. Drinking water before meals brings a feeling of fullness to the stomach and a feeling of satiety. Therefore, fewer calories are consumed during meals. In addition, thanks to the large amount of fluid you drink, the metabolism in the body improves.

The main condition of this simple diet is that the water you drink must be clean, still.

Another quite simple diet is quite popular.

Its essence is that you can only consume one product per day. In this case, the amount of food eaten is controlled only by appetite.

You should definitely drink tea or a decoction of rose hips. In addition, you can drink mineral water, some tea or coffee without sugar.

The menu for such a simple and effective diet is as follows:

  • 1 day – eat only boiled eggs;
  • Day 2 – only boiled fish;
  • Day 3 – only cottage cheese, to which you can add a little honey;
  • Day 4 – only boiled chicken;
  • Day 5 – only jacket potatoes;
  • Day 6 – only boiled beef;
  • Day 7 – only vegetables, except potatoes;
  • Day 8 – only fruits, except grapes and bananas;
  • Day 9 – only kefir;
  • Day 10 – only rosehip decoction.

Variations in the sequence from days 1 to 7 are allowed. But days 8-10 cannot be changed. It is on these days that the main weight loss occurs.

Natural way to lose weight

Many people have achieved weight loss with absolutely no abuse of their body. And for this they follow the simplest diet - the principles of healthy eating. Compliance with these principles helps to consolidate the habit of eating healthy foods that are healthy for the body. And, as a result, a person’s weight not only normalizes, but also their well-being and health significantly improves.

Many women believe that there is no diet that would really help get rid of the hated weight. Luckily for you, this is not the case. But this is only a short-term effect that will help transform your figure for some event, but if you want to achieve permanent results, then you will have to keep yourself within limits for a long time. If you are wondering how to do this, this article will tell you how to lose weight quickly.

There is a large number various options diets for weight loss. Most of them are long in duration, but at the same time they are also safe and with such weight loss options it is easier to keep yourself within the required limits, and for a long time. However, there are also those that are short in duration from 2 to 7 days, with a result of 1 or 8 kg.

How to choose the right diet

It is based on the principle of limiting the diet to a minimum, i.e. the diet may include two, or better yet, one food product that will be allowed for consumption. In order to lose weight urgently, choose a diet that includes those foods that are available to you and that you love, so that your weight loss does not become torture for you.

Forcing yourself will not help you, but will only speed up your diet failure. Another important aspect is the psychological attitude. You must believe in your capabilities, that you can do it. Otherwise, you will soon give up this idea, or if it continues, the first signs of depression and insomnia will soon appear.

As for dietary products... Mostly, they are selected that do not require long preparation, so that while cooking you suddenly do not want to eat something tasty. The less time you spend at the stove, the less you will be tempted, looking at what will harm you.

Below we will present the simplest and most effective weight loss diets that will help you become irresistible in such a short time.

Diet based on kefir

The simplest one is kefir. Because it is lightweight and effective, this moment it is very common. The idea is to consume 1% kefir throughout the day. The quantity is directly proportional to water, i.e. about one and a half liters. Do not take the rest of the food so that the digestion process in the stomach does not take too long.

You also need to remember that this diet option has a laxative effect, so you need to use it on days when you will be at home all day.
However, even this simplest diet has its drawback, namely a strict limit on the number of days - no more than 3-4 days. Since in addition to the excreted toxins and water - which, as a result, causes weight loss - after this period, beneficial substances also begin to be excreted, which can affect your health.

In case of possible pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness or migraines, it is better to stop following such a diet, otherwise it can lead to bad consequences. But you need to switch from the kefir diet carefully, gradually increasing the number of calories in your diet.


The simplest diet for weight loss is kefir-cucumber. This is one of many variations of regular kefir, only with some modifications. In addition to kefir and water (about one and a half liters), it is also necessary to consume 1.5 kg of fresh cucumbers. All components of such a diet are divided into even parts and can be eaten in various friend from each other time.

However, this diet has the same disadvantage as the previous one - a pronounced laxative effect. At such times, closely monitor changes in your health, otherwise this mode nutrition can only bring complications, and not the expected effect of weight loss. The duration of the diet is up to 5-6 days, but no more, and at the same time allows you to lose 7 hated kg of weight.


The simplest diet for quick weight loss and, as a result, everyone’s favorite diet is buckwheat. Buckwheat itself is a dietary product that is low in calories and does not cause negative reactions from the body, which is why almost everyone who wants to change uses it.

The results can be stunning - approximately 5 kg. You only need to eat buckwheat and that’s it. You can cook it different ways, the bottom line is that it should not contain the fats that you are trying to get rid of (i.e. butter and vegetable oil prohibited), as well as salt.

There are no restrictions on use. This simplest diet works according to the following algorithm: buckwheat is able to remove salts, which help delay the removal of unnecessary water from the body. A low calorie content helps not to gain excess weight, but at the same time satisfies hunger.

For top models

You probably asked yourself: “How do the beauties of the world have such a slender figure?” The answer is obvious: the most strict diets. Let's consider one of them.

The duration is only 3 days, but the result is worth it - from 3 to 5 kg, and your entire daily diet will be one chicken egg (boiled) and 300 g of low-fat cottage cheese. The essence of this diet lies in the time of consumption, i.e. all this must be eaten before five in the evening, and there is no dinner at all, and if you get hungry, you can drink warm water with the possible addition of lemon juice.

With freshly squeezed juices

The diet itself is the simplest, but at the same time effective, which makes it one of the most common. Drinking freshly squeezed juices for 3 days, but the difficulty is that you need to drink only citrus juices and cannot dilute with water or add sugar.

Juices must be freshly prepared; they cannot be made in advance. You can use oranges, grapefruits or lemons as a base. Drink 200-250 ml at a time three times a day, and if you want to eat something, you can drink non-carbonated mineral or regular water.


This is the simplest homemade diet, based on soups and requiring adherence to the regime for 7 days. The result will be manifested in a weight loss of 4-5 kg. Throughout the week, only vegetable soups are eaten in unlimited quantities, so you will not be hungry.

Basic principles of making soups:

  1. Don't take potatoes because large quantity starch.
  2. No meat additions for making broths.
  3. Do not take oil under any circumstances, you will get rid of it.
  4. It’s better not to use salt at all, and if you can’t, then use it only in small quantities.

It turns out that such soups are very easily digestible by the stomach, since the soup is a liquid without aggravating additions.

Also, we must not forget about this, although this is mentioned in any diet. During one day, 2 liters of water should be consumed. We must not forget that you should not drink it immediately after eating soup, this will stretch your stomach, therefore, hunger will come to you faster, and your metabolism itself will also slow down, which is not in your interests.

No carbohydrates

The simplest diet at home is low-carbohydrate. It is in our top because it is effective and retains the results you have achieved for a long time, since its action is based not on the removal of toxins and water, but on the breakdown of fats. Accordingly, this is much better, since in the first case, useful substances are almost always removed.

The duration of the diet is three days, but you can lose 2-3 kg. However, there is one point that must be followed - undergo active training in the gym. The menu is described below:

  1. Breakfast. One hard-boiled egg.
  2. Dinner. 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese and tea without sugar to reduce carbohydrates.
  3. Afternoon snack. This is done in the same way as lunch.
  4. Dinner. There is none at all, and if you are hungry, drink warm water.

This diet is the simplest, but for some it will seem very difficult and cruel, and few will be able to cope with it, so there is another alternative.

The next diet lasts longer - from 7 to 14 days, but is less difficult.
Her menu is not varied and consists of:

  1. Breakfast. One slice of rye (not white) bread, green tea without sugar and perhaps also the use of hard cheeses so that they have as little fat as possible.
  2. Dinner. All the same Rye bread, beans and cottage cheese. All this can be washed down with tea.
  3. Dinner. Here, one might say, there will be a feast. Chicken breast using as little oil as possible, and a tomato or cucumber as a snack. It is not forbidden, if you want, to drink tea after all this.

This diet is the simplest, without any complications.


This is the simplest diet for the lazy, which lasts up to 12 days, and with its help you can lose 6 kg excess weight. This diet has no contraindications, which makes the diet one of the first places in popularity.

The point is to eat dishes made from pumpkin pulp. In this case, cooking should be done by steaming. Or the pumpkin should be boiled so that all substances that may be deposited are removed during heat treatment. Salt is used to a minimum, as is oil. You can also combine other vegetables with pumpkin, but the percentage of pumpkin should be 80%.

You can cook from it various dishes: soups, purees, cereals, etc. You can also make freshly squeezed juice and seeds, which will be pleasant to sip in front of the TV.

We must not forget that there should be no more than three meals, but up to two snacks. You can also exercise while on this diet, as this will speed up your metabolism.

The pumpkin diet is the simplest, which makes it very common.


You can list diets for a long time, but you must choose one thing for yourself and persistently work towards this goal, never stopping. If you stop the process halfway, there will be no result, and you will only harm your body.

Good luck in improving your body and don’t forget that you should never give up, and if you suddenly realize that you may not be able to cope, then ask a friend for support.

Every woman knows what a diet is. In pursuit of the figure of her dreams, a woman is ready to work, deny herself many things, lose weight, get rid of kilograms and centimeters from her waist. Then rejoice at the result, but after time the weight returns. And again struggle and again deprivation. And why? The answer is very simple - an incorrectly selected diet and diet.

Diets for weight loss great amount. There is no point in trying each one on yourself, because it is a health risk.

The simplest and most effective diets for weight loss

A diet is a diet whose main goal is weight loss. And also this type of nutrition is the most practical way to maintain a normal figure, weight and health. Sure, everyone is interested in diets that work quickly and easily. Today, countless diets have been developed. A person who wants to lose weight is faced with the question - what diet to choose?

  • Losing weight should not only be fast, but also healthy. The body should not feel stressed when losing excess weight. Indeed, with a decrease in food consumption, the amount of vitamins supplied with food also decreases.
  • Focus on your willpower. If you can't stand it strict diet, then don’t choose it and don’t injure yourself. Give preference to a less harsh and gentle regime.
  • All diets are based on calorie counting. You should definitely eat at least 1200 calories every day. This is the average indicator necessary to maintain normal functioning of the body.

If you find it difficult to make a choice on your own between different diets, then you can contact a specialist - a nutritionist - for recommendations. He will professionally select a diet for you based on your individual characteristics.

It is worth paying attention to way out of the diet. If you suddenly change your diet from dietary to regular, you can be one hundred percent sure that the lost pounds will return. Therefore, to prevent this from happening, the exit must be gradual.

Kefir diet

The kefir diet is very simple, but nevertheless effective. Kefir diet quite strict. But it is also considered one of the fastest in the world. The kefir diet is a strict way to lose weight, so you are allowed to adhere to it no more than three days contract. The essence of this diet is that all meals consist of kefir. All the usual dishes that a person ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner should be replaced with kefir.

The volume of kefir consumed is unlimited.

Buckwheat diet

The buckwheat diet is a simple mono-diet. Average person per week gets rid of five kilograms. Buckwheat consists of complex carbohydrates, which saturate the body for a long time and dulls the feeling of hunger. Perfectly cleanses the body and eliminates waste and toxins. Additionally, buckwheat has a beneficial effect on the skin.

The buckwheat diet is simple, as it consists of only two foods. The menu is easy enough to remember, and the dishes do not require complex preparation.

Basic rules of the buckwheat diet:

  • Buckwheat is washed in the evening and poured with boiling water. In the morning excess liquid merges. Buckwheat is ready to eat.
  • The amount of buckwheat consumed is unlimited. However, adding spices to it is prohibited. Salt is possible, but in small quantities.
  • Drinks allowed are tea and coffee without sugar. Buckwheat porridge can be washed down with kefir. The volume of clean drinking water you drink must be at least three liters.
  • Eating fruit is acceptable. About half a kilogram per day.
  • In addition to kefir, you can drink low-calorie yogurt. No more than 200 ml when lazy.
  • The last meal should be four hours before bedtime. But if you are haunted by a feeling of hunger, then it is permissible to drink a glass of kefir, which should be diluted half with water.
  • The maximum buckwheat diet can last two weeks. Afterwards you definitely need to take a break.

So, the main foods on the diet are buckwheat and kefir. All other permitted products can be consumed in the most minimal quantities.

Separate food

Separate meals cannot be considered a diet, but it is still a very simple way to lose weight.

Based on the name of this diet, it becomes clear that you will have to eat food separately, but combining one with the other. You can eat almost any food. The main rule separate power supply- in one meal, eat only foods that are allowed to be combined, or wait two hours between meals.

Features of separate power supply:

  • Do not combine into one meal different kinds proteins.
  • It is strictly forbidden to combine fats and proteins.
  • Proteins do not combine with sour fruits.
  • Exists separate category products that are allowed to be consumed exclusively separately from the rest. These include milk, watermelon, melon, pear, tomatoes and so on.
  • A table has been created for separate nutrition, which adherents of separate nutrition are guided by when creating their diet. The table is easy to use and widely available on the Internet.

Effective weight loss at home using soups

The soup diet is very simple meal plan for a week. On average, people lose about five kilograms on this diet. The amount of food consumed is not limited, but only vegetable soups are allowed.

Soups should be prepared according to certain rules:

  • Potatoes are not added to vegetable soups.
  • No meat products are used in the preparation of the broth.
  • Do not add oil.
  • Avoid salt. If this is not possible, then reduce its consumption to a minimum.

This diet is very easily tolerated by the body, as the soup fills the stomach and immediately satisfies hunger.

During the diet, be sure to drink two liters of water a day, and you should not drink it immediately after eating soup. Drinking water immediately after eating slows down metabolism and leads to an increase in the size of the stomach. That is, the walls of the stomach are stretched and next time you will need larger volume food.

The diet got its name due to the fact that it is very popular among Hollywood stars. On average, after this simple diet, a person loses seven kilograms. The food is based on seafood. In this case, you will have to give up such foods as bread, sugar, salt. On the Hollywood diet, the intake of fats and carbohydrates is carefully controlled. It is actively necessary to use foods rich in bacon - fish, eggs, white meat. Vegetables will have to be chosen from lowest content carbohydrates.

The main rules of the Hollywood diet:

  • Complete refusal of a rich breakfast. In the morning, a cup of coffee/tea or half a grapefruit is acceptable.
  • Cook food only by steaming, baking or boiling.
  • Eat often, but not much. That is, there should be at least six meals a day.
  • Drink plenty of fluids (the minimum daily intake is two liters of clean drinking water).

Simple and effective diets after pregnancy at home

A woman after pregnancy and childbirth is required to adhere to a diet, even if she has no problems with her figure. Breastfeeding mothers should choose a simple diet that will have a positive effect on both the child and the woman. After childbirth, the young mother has to carefully monitor her health.

Nutrition rules for women after pregnancy at home:

  • Cooking methods - steaming, stewing, boiling, baking.
  • Sweet and flour products are completely excluded from the diet.
  • Meals are frequent, portions are small in size.
  • Last meal three hours before going to bed.
  • The meat consumed should be lean.
  • Select products depending on their vitamin content. Avoid eating empty calories that provide no benefit.
  • Remove smoked, hot, spicy foods.