Svetlana Loboda: biography, personal life. The childhood of Svetlana Loboda. What is Svetlana Loboda's real hair color?

    Svetlana Loboda - Ukrainian, singer, ex-soloist Via Gra group. Now she performs solo, one of her hits is the song and video 40 degrees. In 2014, she separated from her common-law husband Andrei Tsar, with whom they had been for several years and they have a child together, a child.

    I remember how Svetlana Loboda was part of famous group VIA Gra. But she didn’t last long in the group, preferring a solo career. I’ve been to her concerts several times, I really liked Sveta herself and the ballet, which adds drive to the performances. Height approximately 174cm, weight 52kg.

    Svetlana Loboda- Ukrainian singer, songwriter, designer of her own clothing line, ex-soloist of the group Viagra, People's Artist of Ukraine, participant in the Eurovision Song Contest 2009. Svetlana is very creative person takes her work seriously and always produces a high-quality product, she is not one of the fly-by-night singers. Svetlana’s works are always original and have their own special style.

    Now Svetlana Loboda is 32 years old, she is raising a little daughter herself. She was in a civil marriage with her daughter’s father, choreographer Andrei Tsar, but the relationship between the two creative people didn't work out.

    The singer's height is 172 centimeters, she is quite thin, and weighs about 50 kilograms.

    IN this moment Svetlana Loboda performs under the name LOBODA.

    Even before Viagra, she was in show business, somewhere on backing vocals, it seems, or in a dance group. She lived in Kyiv, received 100 bucks a month, despite the fact that she rented an apartment for 200 (her words)

    By the way, her lips are definitely fake, I saw her relatives (mother and sister) and, it seems, even photos of children. They all have thin lips.

    Svetlana Loboda - famous Ukrainian and Russian singer. Recently she has been a television presenter. She became famous thanks to her participation in the Via Gra group. Svetlana is also a designer, she has her own clothing line called F*ck n macho. She is an Honored Artist of Ukraine.

    As a child, I went to music school and then entered the pop and circus school in the vocal department. At this time, Svetlana begins to sing in the Cappuccino group. Then Svetlana leaves the group, begins performing solo in nightclubs, and works in a musical. She then founded her own group called Ketch.

    Her next stage creative career- this is the ViaGra group. Svetlana was not in the group for long, but she became popular and took up solo career. She sang such hits as 40 degrees, I will forget you.

    In 2009, Svetlana Loboda represented Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest, where she took 12th place.

    At the moment, the singer is not married, she has a daughter, Evangelina.

    The girl whose name is Svetlana Loboda is best known as a singer. In 2004, for not very long, she was one of the participants in a musical group called ViaGra. Besides musical career She is also a clothing designer and has her own clothing brand.

    She herself comes from Kyiv and therefore she has the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine, which she has had since 2013.

    Svetlana is 174cm tall and weighs about 50kg.

    Svetlana Sergeevna Loboda is a Ukrainian singer, actress, TV presenter.

    She performed at Eurovision 2009 for Ukraine.

    Stage name LOBODA.

    Albums: Not macho, Anti-crisis girl, You won't forget.

    Films with her participation: Criminal Woman, Sorochinskaya Fair (musical).

    Height -174 centimeters, weight 51-52 kilograms.

    Svetlana Loboda was born October 18, 1982 in Kyiv, was not long a soloist of the group VIA Gra, represented Ukraine at the Eurovision Song Contest.

    Now she is engaged in a solo career, enjoys photography, and she is also a designer of her own clothing brand.

    She has a daughter, Evangelina, and also common law husband Andrey Tsar, who works for her as a choreographer.

The outrageous singer Svetlana Loboda, whose biography has been associated with music since childhood, is one of the most bright stars stages in the post-Soviet space. She was a member of many groups, made a wonderful solo career, and later became involved in producing and design activities, without leaving the stage.

Childhood and youth

In 1982 (October 18), Svetlana Loboda was born in one of the maternity hospitals in Kyiv, whose biography is full of various events. From an early age the girl had a talent for music. Her parents sent her to a music school for piano class. A few years later, Sveta mastered the art of vocal and conducting. First concerts future star arranged at home for the holidays.

  1. Father - Sergei Vasilyevich (an aircraft factory employee).
  2. Mom - Natalya Vasilievna (worked in an energy company).
  3. Grandmother - Lyudmila (opera singer).
  4. Grandfather - Vasily ( former employee KGB).
  5. Younger sister Ksenia.

Having received a good initial music education, Svetlana Loboda (Sveta’s biography as a professional singer began with the group “Cappuccino”) submits documents to the Variety and Circus Academy for the vocal department.

First steps on the stage

Participate in music group The singer became “Cappuccino” already in the initial year of a pop-vocal university. The team at that time was extremely popular in the singer’s homeland and had a lot of fans. However, the team soon falls into a creative crisis and stops touring.

Svetlana Loboda, whose biography confirms that she is an active person and thirsty for development, decides to leave the group. But this turned out to be not so easy to do due to the contract, which had not yet expired. Then the singer makes an original decision. She radically changes her image, comes up with the pseudonym Alicia Horn and, secretly from the producers, performs in nightclubs in the capital and country. This brings her not only precious stage experience, but also material bonuses. In 2003, the young artist auditioned for a role in the first Ukrainian-produced musical “Equator,” which subsequently became a wild success with audiences. She gets one of the main roles.

Project "Equator": before and after

Svetlana Loboda, a biography whose personal life is closely intertwined with show business, recalls that period as a period of life without prejudice and tension. Although the salary was ridiculous, it didn’t really upset anyone. The musical gradually fades into oblivion, after which the original project is closed.

Even during the era of the existence of “Equator”, the song and video clip “Black Angel” were released. Simultaneously with her work in the musical, the singer becomes a producer and soloist of the Ketch group, which she herself assembled. Her new team performs in popular clubs, and Sveta not only performs as a soloist, but also comes up with stage characters and selects the repertoire.

The era of "VIA Gra"

The charming singer Svetlana Loboda, whose biography says that the singer’s career was developing rapidly, in 2004 heard that a casting was being held in one of the cinemas to replace a member of the group “VIA Gra”. Thanks to her bright appearance, excellent vocal abilities and choreography, Sveta beats out more than five hundred applicants and becomes the soloist of a popular group.

The singer's debut performance as part of " VIA Gra"took place on the stage of the Russian concert" Star Factory from Igor Krutoy." The bold video for the song “Biology” remained the most erotic for a long time music video. In just a few days, the entire repertoire of the group, more than twenty songs, was rewritten. Then began endless rehearsal routines, tours, recordings and performances at concerts.

Leaving the team

Svetlana Loboda, photo, whose biography is presented in the article, continues to perform as a member of VIA Gra, constantly making plans for a solo career. She is contractually prohibited from improvising on concert programs, get married and become pregnant. The producers are very unhappy that the singer actively communicates with the press and becomes too noticeable a person.

After filming the New Year's musical parody “Sorochinskaya Fair”, the artist decides to leave the group, citing the fact that she wants to come up with something new herself, and not work for other people. This character trait was inherent in her since childhood. Sveta stated that she wants to write songs, actively develop, and engage in creativity to the fullest. From this period the individual ascent of the artist begins.

Start of a solo project

How did Svetlana Loboda start her solo career? Biography, personal life, photos only confirm the singer’s success. However, initially, after leaving the group, gossips predicted failures and setbacks. But her relatives and friends who believed in the artist’s success turned out to be right.

Sveta turns to her friend, excellent musician and arranger Taras Demchuk. Together they record the first song for the “solo album”. This dynamic and beautiful composition is called “Black and White Winter”. The video version of the song is being shot by famous video director Alan Badoev. Subsequently, the video received the status of the most shocking and erotic music video of 2004 in Ukraine. The video is also shown on Russian music channels. This is followed by the song “I will forget you” in a more lyrical performance. The video for it won first position in Portugal (category - “Foreign music videos”). At this point, Svetlana moves into the category of solo performers.

Project development

Svetlana Loboda, whose biography, height, weight, figure and expression has captivated millions of men, will soon release the controversial video “Black Angel”, in which her colleague Nadya Meikher (Granovskaya), an ex-member of VIA Gra, stars. For the sake of statistics, it is worth noting that Sveta’s height is 172 cm, and her weight is within 50 kg. Along with curvaceous and beautiful face this becomes a lethal “weapon” not only on stage, but also in real life.

At the same time, Sveta became the face of the Mac Coffee brand, starring in an advertisement where her humorous composition “Mishka is an ugly boy” is heard. In 2006, the artist hosted the music program “Showmania”, and a year later she became the co-host of the “Miss CIS” project. In addition, the singer opens her own tourism company. In the fall of 2007, a video work for the lyrical song “Happiness” was released. During the same period, Loboda organized an exhibition of his own photographs, which are dedicated to a trip to a beautiful and mysterious India. Proceeds from the event go to help orphans and children with cancer.

Own clothing brand

At the beginning of 2008, another video work called “Not Macho” was released. For filming, the singer herself creates an original T-shirt, which later became business card own clothing line. As the artist herself says, this idea arose spontaneously, but the result was a high-quality youth brand.

Six months later, Sveta is directing and preparing the script for a video for the song “For What?” The video was shot with funds received from the sale of the brand's launch collection F*ck The Macho. In early autumn 2008, the singer became the official representative of the Ax Jet brand. And seven months later she starred in an advertising campaign for the popular shoe company Beaver Boots. On her birthday Svetlana receives national award“Olympus” and an award in the “Original Stylistics” section for creative searches and the creation of an individual, unique image.

European competition scene

In 2009, the composition Be My Valentine, presented by Svetlana for the Ukrainian qualifying round of Eurovision 2009, wins the final, which gives the right to participate in the Eurovision contest. As the singer stated, participation in this event is very important for her. However, she wants to change the format, transforming it not into monotonous boring performances, but into a bright, interesting show. The artist is confident that a close-knit team of like-minded people will help her with this.

The video clip for the single Be My Valentine was recognized by the European media as the best among all Eurovision 2009 competition analogues. Taking into account the scale of the event, the singer initiates the creation of a social action against domestic violence, which attracts the attention of the general public to social problems. Patricia Kaas joins this project. In the Eurovision 2009 final, Loboda took twelfth position. In the summer of the same year, the artist organized a tour called “Anti-Crisis Girl” (in honor of the album of the same name) in European and post-Soviet countries.

Svetlana Loboda: biography, personal life, children, photo

The singer does not like to flaunt her personal life. It is known that Sveta had an affair with the Spaniard Enrique Lopez, presenter Gennady Popenko, producers M. Yasinsky and A. Shirkov. The latter even caused scandals involving bandits when he learned that Loboda was leaving him.

There were rumors about a relationship between Svetlana and Max Barskikh, but the singer categorically denies this information. At the end of 2009, the artist began an affair with Freedom ballet dancer Andrei Tsarev. For several months, the couple tried to keep their relationship secret, but they were constantly seen together at parties. In 2010, Loboda publicly announced her relationship with Tsarev. As a result, Andrei became the singer’s common-law spouse. On April 9, 2011, the young couple had a daughter, who was named Evangelina. Unfortunately, the union turned out to be weak, and in October 2014 the couple separated.

Svetlana Loboda, biography, personal life, whose children were kept out of the public domain for a long time, her daughter showed her daughter in public for the first time in the fall of 2015.


Now the singer performs under the new brand LOBODA. He continues to write and perform songs, shoot videos, and engage in commercial and production activities. One of her last songs and videos was the beautiful composition “Your Eyes.” Considering what creative potential for the performer, we can say that the most interesting things are yet to come.

At least they should be at least 1.2 meters. Nowadays, if girls get on big stage, then, at least with external data, everything should be fine with them (oh vocal abilities let's keep silent delicately, because good voice– has long been far from being the main prerequisite for stardom). And often it’s impossible to take your eyes off the artists who are cooking in the kitchen of show business - they all have cute little faces, and almost everyone has the parameters of a model. Reviewing the list of Ukrainian performers and trying to choose from them a dozen beauties with the most seductive legs is quite a task! But still…

Svetlana Loboda

Thin as a reed, Sveta has extremely slender, toned legs! And Alan Badoev constantly tries to emphasize them - in most of his videos, Loboda is dressed in tight leggings, skirts, or, at worst, trousers. Sveta is constantly involved in sports and has not missed a single lesson!

Leg length – 1.20 cm
Height – 172 cm
Weight – 48 kg
Bust size – 3

Group "Alibi"

The girls from the Alibi group have always been modest. But when girls put on short skirts, men literally fall at their feet! Alina and Anya are actively involved in sports, and in the evenings they even do exercises for their legs.


Leg length – 1.10 cm
Height – 1.73 cm
Weight – 56 kg
Bust size – 3

Leg length – 95 cm.
Height – 1.64 cm.
Weight – 48 kg
Breast size – 2.5

Group "non-Angels"

“Non-Angels” have no wings, but they have slender legs, to which more than one has sung an ode men's magazine.

At the end of the working day, Vika applies a mask with mineral clay and plant extracts to her legs. But Slava loves to go to SPA-salons. Her favorite activity there is wrapping her feet in rose water. According to the young lady, her legs are excellent even without procedures. “My heels are always pink, like a baby’s!” – said Slava.


Leg length – 1.10 cm
Height – 1.71 cm
Weight – 53 kg
Bust size – 2


Leg length – 1.12 cm
Height – 1.73 cm
Weight – 50 kg
Bust size – 2


It is impossible not to mention Ruslana - if the artist’s breasts are not as perfect as Astafieva’s, then the star’s legs are even okay. Ruslana’s legs helped her “break” Eurovision. Actually, thanks to these legs, she returned from Eurovision as a winner.

Leg length – 85 cm
Height – 1.64
Weight – 56
Bust size – 2

Ani Lorak

Singer Ani Lorak can turn any man's head! Despite the fact that the singer short stature, her legs do not go unnoticed. There is no doubt that it was the actress’s sexy legs that did not leave her Turkish gentleman, Murat, indifferent.

Leg length – 78
Height – 1.62 cm
Weight – 47 kg
Bust size – 2

Irina Bilyk

Few women have the rare gift of always being desired. Irina has always been and will be charming singer With perfect figure and seductive legs!

Leg length – 97 cm
Height – 1.70
Weight – 50 kg
Bust size – 2

Nadezhda Meikher

Recently, the singer returned to the ranks of Via Gra and immediately showed off her legs.

Leg length – 93 cm
Height – 170
Weight – 60 kg
Bust size – 4

Olga Gorbacheva

Ukrainian ex-TV presenter and now lead singer of the group “Arctic” Olga Gorbacheva knows a lot about a good figure. The girl does not exhaust herself with diets, but constantly plays sports so that her already slender legs are always in shape.

Leg length – 113 cm
Height – 173 cm
Weight – 50 kg
Breast size – 1.5

Vera Brezhneva

Recently, the cool, bright blonde Vera Brezhneva starred in feature film"Love in big city", in which she demonstrated that better legs not in the world! In one of bed scenes Vera showed without hesitation what her long, one might say, perfect legs are capable of.

Leg length – 1.10 cm
Height –172
Weight – 47 kg
Breast size – 2.5

Dasha Astafyeva

This recently risen star flashed her naked body wherever she could. Well, God didn’t hurt me with my beauty - my bust is huge, my legs are slender, if I also had a voice, it would be absolutely perfect... “I love resting with my legs up! It is very useful. I also apply a special scrub made from olive oil with sea ​​salt. A the best remedy for beautiful legs - a massage done by a man!” – Dasha once said.

Leg length – 1.11 cm
Height – 174 cm
Weight – 55 kg
Breast size – 3.5

13 parameters of leg beauty

1. When at rest, the front (“front”) of the knee should be shaped like a child’s face with bangs, cheeks, and dimples for the eyes and chin.

2. The area under the knee should be as thin as the ankle. In any case, get closer to these sizes.

3. The ideal ankle should be thin, but not skinny.

4. There should be no protruding parts on the side of the knee.

5. The back side of the knee should have a depression. Experts believe that this is one of the most beautiful places on the female body.

6. The calf muscles should not be overdeveloped so as not to disturb the contours of the leg.

7. The Achilles tendon should be thin and have proper grooves on both sides. It forms the back of the leg.

8. The heel should be visible, not too protruding, but round in shape.

9. The thigh should become thinner at the top.

11. The profile of the thigh should protrude slightly forward and gradually deepen towards the knee. It should be shaped like a spindle.

12. The knee should be at the same distance from the top and bottom of the leg, that is, exactly halfway between top part hips and feet.

13. The ideal leg should have a concave, elongated and thin foot. Toes should lie freely next to each other and not be deformed by unsuitable shoes.

For your information

The criteria for young women of normal physique are as follows:

1. With a height of 161-165 cm, weight should be 54-55 kg, leg length 84-86 cm, thigh circumference 56-57 cm, shin circumference 34-35 cm.

2. With a height of 166-170 cm, weight 55-56 kg, leg length

90-92 cm, thigh circumference 57-58 cm, shin circumference 35-36 cm.

3. With a height of 171-175 cm, weight 60-61 kg, leg length 91-94 cm, thigh circumference 58-59 cm, shin circumference 37-38 cm.

What is the height and weight of singer Nina Shatskaya?

We did not find any information about the height and weight of singer Nina Shatskaya, so we will find out approximate data by comparing photographs with people whose height and weight are known to us.

In the photo on the right is Nina Shatskaya, shod in 9cm heels and next to her stands Andrei Derzhavin with a height of 179cm and shoes adding 2cm. In total, it turns out that Nina Shatskaya, shod in 9cm heels, is higher than 181cm by about 2-3cm. Accordingly, from 184cm we subtract 9cm and we get Nina Shatskaya’s approximate height of 175 cm. Externally, Nina Shatskaya’s weight looks 70-75 kg

Nina Shatskaya's height is 175cm

Weight Nina Shatskaya 70-75kg

What is Irina Nizina's height and weight?

Irina Nizina is famous Russian actress theater and cinema, winner of the “Seagull” and “Moscow Debuts” awards. The actress’s greatest fame came from such film works as New life detective Gurov and Lawyer. On the Internet, the actress is credited with a height of 174 cm and a weight of 65 kg.

Nobody knows for sure how reliable and accurate the height and weight of Irina Nizina are.

Irina Nizina's height is 174cm

Irina Nizina's weight is 65 kg

What is Nadezhda Obolentseva's height and weight?

Nadezhda Obolentseva was born in Moscow on July 24, 1983 and became best known as a socialite.

There is no information about the height and weight of Nadezhda Obolentseva, so we will roughly estimate the celebrity’s parameters.

In the photo, Nadezhda Obolentseva and Svetlana Bondarchuk are 177 cm tall. Based on the photo, it follows that Nadezhda Obolentseva’s height is about 174-175 cm, and her weight is 59 kg

Nadezhda Obolentseva's height is 174-175cm

Weight Nadezhda Obolentseva 59kg

What is Tatyana Denisova's height and weight?

Tatyana Denisova was born on February 11, 1981 in the Kaliningrad region of the RSFSR. She became best known as Ukrainian choreographer, founder and leader dance group"JB ballet" in Germany; one of the permanent jury members and choreographer of the Ukrainian television project “Everybody Dance!” , as well as a mentor and choreographer of the Russian show project “Dancing”.

On the Internet famous choreographer a height of 166 cm and a weight of 58 kg are attributed. Nobody knows in reality whether these declared parameters correspond to real data

Tatiana Denisova's height is 166cm

Tatyana Denisova's weight is 58 kg

How tall and weight is Anton Makarsky?

Anton Makarsky was born on November 26, 1975 in the city of Penza. The actor gained the greatest popularity and fame thanks to his roles in films such as Smersh, Poor Nastya, as well as numerous roles in theater and cinema.

On the Internet famous actor a height of 177-178 cm and a weight of 79 kg are attributed. No one knows how reliable and accurate the stated data is

Anton Makarsky's height is 177-178cm

Anton Makarsky's weight is 79 kg

What is the height and weight of Sergei Kucherov?

Sergey Kucherov was born on August 22, 1989 in the city of Magnitogorsk. He achieved the greatest fame thanks to his sporting successes in the field of bodybuilding and the TV project Dom2

On the Internet, Sergei Kucherov is credited with a height of 178-179 cm and a weight of 88 kg. Whether these stated parameters correspond to reality and reality, no one knows for sure

Sergei Kucherov's height is 178-179cm

Sergei Kucherov's weight is 88-90kg

Svetlana Sergeevna Loboda – singer, designer, ex-soloist of “VIA Gra” (May-September 2004). She represented Ukraine at Eurovision 2009, where she took 12th place with the song “Be My Valentine!”

Svetlana Loboda's childhood

Svetlana Loboda was born in Kyiv on October 18, 1982. Already in the maternity ward of the Kyiv maternity hospital, it became clear that the girl would become a singer. When the newborn screamed for the first time, her mother said: “He’ll be like a grandma...”. And Svetlana’s grandmother was in the past a soloist of the Kyiv opera house. A woman left the stage for her beloved man, who forced her to choose between her career and family.

“Let the child scream and develop his ligaments,” Svetina’s grandmother said, smiling. “Look, she will succeed in what I did not succeed.” By the way, Svetlana’s parents recalled that as a child little Loboda constantly screamed, and after she learned to speak, she began to sing without stopping.

Svetlana Loboda went to study vocals at a music school. At the same time, the girl studied conducting and playing the piano. When continuous study began to tire, and her fingers ached from constantly playing the keyboard, our heroine forgot about musical notation and ran away from class. However, her grandmother returned her to school with the words: “We are not given to know our future, but I see for sure that your future is connected with music.”

Gradually, Svetlana Loboda believed in her artistic future and began making her own stage costumes. After music school the girl went to the Kyiv Variety and Circus Academy, to the department of pop and jazz vocals. Studying at the academy was easy for Svetlana. There were no complaints from the teachers about the talented student. In her first year, Loboda decided it was time to start independent life and go to work.

The girl began singing as part of the Cappuccino group. The group toured Ukraine, presenting listeners mainly a jazz repertoire. The group did not disdain anything and performed both in small clubs and in large casinos. At the same time, Loboda had her first fans, and Svetlana gained a reputation as an original and strong vocalist. However, such work, although it was monetary, exhausted the singer and did not bring any moral satisfaction. The girl saw no prospects for creativity and left the group.

The beginning of a solo career. Svetlana Loboda in VIA Gre

Even while working at Cappuccino, Svetlana Loboda decided to confuse her fans. With her classmates, she recorded a solo program with Brazilian motifs. The girl developed the image of an incognito singer and performed in dark glasses under the pseudonym Alicia Gorn. After several concerts, the girl disappeared from the stage as suddenly as she had appeared. The project was financially successful, but Loboda quickly became bored.

After the adventure, Svetlana passed the casting and gets into the first Ukrainian musical called “Equator”. The girl got it the main role. The project was large-scale - expensive scenery, special effects and spectacular video.

After the premiere, Loboda was talked about in Ukraine as rising star. However, the musical did not pay off, as a result of which the troupe was disbanded. Loboda again had to start almost from scratch. Then the artist created the group “Ketch”, in just three days she came up with the concept of the project, composed a repertoire and sewed stage costumes. The group performed in Kyiv clubs; at one of the concerts, Loboda was noticed by the producer of the VIA Gra group, Konstantin Meladze.

We can say that Loboda prophesied her entry into VIA Gro for herself. While still studying at the academy, the girl made a bet with her friends that she would sing in a sexy group. The bet was a luxury red convertible. However, the condition was this: she had to stay in the group for at least six months. When the singer found out that a casting was going on in one of the clubs in Kyiv to participate in a trio, she realized that she already had at least the wheels from her cherished car in her pocket. The girl beat out more than five hundred applicants in the selection process and in May 2004 became a member of the popular trio. Her colleagues in the group were Vera Brezhneva and Nadezhda Granovskaya.

“VIA Gra” - “Biology” (taught by Svetlana Loboda, 2004)

The girl characterized her work in the group with one phrase: “ Big car For big money" Within a week, the group rewrote the entire repertoire of 21 songs to suit Svetlana. A series of tours, rehearsals, recordings and more tours followed. Every concert is sold out and a wild success. However, the girl noticed that her friends in the group gave their all at concerts, fell asleep in the hotel, barely reaching the bed, and realized that she, a newcomer, still had a lot of strength, and soon they would disappear, and she would not be able to become one from the cogs of this huge machine. Svetlana continued to tour, but increasingly thought about a solo career.

As Svetlana Loboda herself stated, she was forbidden to improvise at concerts, and her personal life was also limited. The producers were unhappy with her communication with journalists and excessive activity at concerts. In their opinion, she was too noticeable and overshadowed the other members of the sexy trio. However, Svetlana continued to do what she considered necessary. Soon she, along with other girls from VIA Gra, ended up filming a New Year’s musical film called “Sorochinskaya Fair”, playing one of the main roles. After this, Loboda had a difficult conversation with the producers and very soon the girl left the team.

Svetlana Loboda. Not macho

By the way, Svetlana Loboda never won the red convertible. Svetlana Loboda stayed in the group for less than five months. However, she soon had a Mercedes Brabus at her disposal. The girl chose this particular car because she liked the “erotic growl of the engine.”

As one of the reasons why the contract with VIA Groy was terminated, Svetlana said that she was “an incredibly individual person” and wanted to be not part of the group, but an independent singer Svetlana Loboda.

Svetlana Loboda after VIA Gra. LOBODA

Outside the group, Svetlana Loboda plunged headlong into solo swimming and began to conquer Moscow clubs. In 2004, she shot her first solo video, “Black and White Winter.” The girl was actively invited to television, for example, she hosted the musical TV show “Showmania” on the New Channel, and in 2007 she began hosting the program “Miss CIS”.

In 2009 she represented Ukraine at music competition Eurovision with the song “Be My Valentine!” (anti-crisis girl).” However, she only took 12th place, since the jury considered her song “unformatted”. Critics also rated her efforts extremely low, noting that such a song “could only have been written by Ruslana with a hangover.”

Eurovision 2009: Svetlana Loboda – “Be My Valentine!”

The following year, the singer decided to radically change her image and registered the LOBODA brand. Under this name she continued her solo career, which developed very rapidly.

LOBODA – “40 degrees” (2012)

Loboda performed at Alla Pugacheva’s “Christmas Meetings”, recorded a song for the Euro 2012 football championship, collaborated with vocal teachers and choreographers from the USA, and was a coach on the show “The Voice. Children". In 2014, her single “City Under Ban” was awarded the “Song of the Year” award.

In 2016, Svetlana Loboda released new song- "Your eyes".

LOBODA – “Your eyes” (2016)

In addition, the singer was nominated for the Ru.TV award in two categories (“Best Song” and “Away Video”). Alas, pop singer Alekseev and rapper Mot “stole” Svetlana’s victory. However, Svetlana Loboda is full of enthusiasm and new creative ideas and will undoubtedly delight its fans more than once.

Personal life of Svetlana Loboda

Svetlana Loboda prefers not to advertise the details of her personal life. It is known that she lived in a civil marriage with choreographer Andrei Tsar. On April 11, 2011, the couple had a daughter, Evangelina. By the way, Svetlana successfully hid her pregnancy, as well as her relationship with Andrei, for a long time.