Stanislav Yarushin and Nastasya Samburskaya are looking for housing again! Favorites. Stanislav Yarushin spoke about bed scenes with Anastasia Samburskaya. Have you ever had such roles when you wanted to merge

On the eve of the next season of the series "Univer", which will be released on screens across the country on October 12, the leading actors Nastasya Samburskaya (Kristina Sokolovskaya) And Stanislav Yarushin (Anton Martynov) gave an interview to a correspondent for the AiF-Prikamye website.

What interesting things will happen in the new season, whether new characters will appear, and how love affairs will develop - read the answers to these questions in our material.

AiF-Prikamye: - Where do you find the strength and inspiration to love your hero for eight years (this is how many years “Univer” is turning this year - author’s note)?

Nastasya Samburskaya: - I get my inspiration at the end of every month when I get my salary (laughs).

Stanislav Yarushin: - I can no longer imagine myself without Univer. There are several stages in my life: ten years of playing KVN, now a separate page has begun. This series has become so familiar to me that you feel an endless surge of energy.

- What, in your opinion, is the secret of Univer’s popularity? Brilliant script or eternal theme?

Stanislav Yarushin: - The genius of the project lies in the well-coordinated team - from the cleaner to general director. Everyone does their job well, which is why the series is a huge success.

Our other goal is to defeat Santa Barbara!

- What can viewers expect in the new season?

Stanislav Yarushin: - We filmed this season back in the spring and don’t even remember what happens there (laughs). Anton and Christina will start looking for separate housing, this will be a real adventure for the guys. Some people like one large apartment, others - a smaller one; conflicts, quarrels, disputes. Nightmare!

Nastasya Samburskaya: - Eventually we will be able to move. But then other misfortunes arose - ghosts and other piquant problems appeared. In general, there are a lot of interesting things. And Valya will become a hipster! Take a look, you won't regret it!

- Will there be new characters?

Stanislav Yarushin: - No! The role in the series will only expand Ekaterina Molokhovskaya (Vari, daughter of Zuev), whom Michael is dating. There will be no other heroes. Now there is no time for new characters - too difficult relationships between Kristina and Anton, Masha and Valya, Yana and Gopnik Ivanovich.

- What interesting things happened in your life in the past? lately?

Nastasya Samburskaya: - I recently bought myself an apartment and am renovating it. In addition, I participate in various television projects, and recently I was lucky enough to star in full-length film in the role of a heroine engaged in freestyle wrestling.

Stanislav Yarushin: - I’m just getting back from summer vacation - my family lived in Crimea for three months, I had to bounce between filming and vacation.

Last season, Anton Martynov decided to “be encoded”. Will we see the oligarch's drunken son again? And how do you manage to play a drunk so believably?

Stanislav Yarushin: - I want to assure viewers that Anton will definitely “decode” in the new season. After all, in fact, it wouldn’t be very interesting if he was always in the loop, right?

How do I manage to play drunk? These are years of training! Let's say there is some scene with a tipsy Anton. I immediately remember myself in a similar situation, my friends, and build my acting on this. It's simple.

- Stanislav, you are a fan of the Traktor hockey club. Do you go on trips with your team?

Stanislav Yarushin: - Unfortunately, I almost never go on trips with the team - I don’t have that much free time. You have to spend so much effort and money on loving your club.

Who do you think is a fan of the TV series “Univer”? And what would you wish to the viewers before the start of the new season?

Stanislav Yarushin: - I would like the adult viewers of the season to keep their children away from their screens. Still, our series is on the verge of a foul!

Starts on Monday, October 12 new season series "Univer" on TNT channel. The sitcom has been running for eight years, and its popularity has not waned thanks to its sincere and life-like humor. One of the main characters, long-loved by viewers Kristina Sokolova, is played by Nastasya Samburskaya. The actress several times found herself in the ranking of the hundred most sexy women Russia according to MAXIM magazine. Before the release of the new season of “Univer,” Nastasya told why she pranks her subscribers on Instagram, how she eats to stay in perfect shape, and why I’m ready to sleep on the floor.

“I’m tired of struggling with a mop”

According to the plot in the new season of “Univer”, Samburskaya’s heroine Kristina, together with Anton, played by Stas Yarushin, decide to move from the hostel to their own housing. Nastasya’s screen move practically coincided with the real one.

“This season, Christina and Anton will constantly move,” Nastasya said. “They are trying to find an apartment that would suit both of them, which, of course, is why they will constantly quarrel. Several times they will change their choice - one thing does not suit them, then another. But difficulties are difficulties, and in fact my heroine has long since passed the age when you consider it normal to live with six people in a three-room apartment. She works, she is a self-sufficient girl, and if I were her, I would have moved long ago. Even without Anton. So the question of moving suggested itself.

— How is the renovation of your real apartment going?

— I recently bought an apartment in the center, but have not moved yet; I live in a rented apartment in the Garden Ring area. It’s important for me not to spend a lot of time traveling, and when you live in the center, you can the right place it takes 15 - 20 minutes to get there. My new apartment overlooking the third transport ring is in a terrible building, you can’t open the windows because you can’t breathe. But inside the apartment is very nice, it’s cozy. I chose a loft design. I don’t have a bed yet, but I really want to move; it’s no longer possible to live in a rented one. I'd rather sleep on the floor.

— Nastasya, do you like to make your home cozy?

— I hired a housewife when I started earning normal money. Tired of struggling with a mop. It happens that I don’t show up at home for a week or only spend the night because I come back late from work, I want to sleep, and then there are still unwashed dishes. Creative people It’s also difficult to take care of everyday life.

— Do you often get recognized on the street?

“It happens that you can’t even eat in peace.” Recently I pulled my hood over myself, went into a cafe, and grabbed some food. And then a comment comes on Instagram: “Bon appetit.” I understand what the girls sitting next to me write. Or messages like this come: “I saw you coming out of my entrance,” and I was on crutches at that moment.

It’s hard to get used to situations when something happened to you that makes you want to hang yourself, but you need to smile.

Although I wanted fame, the profession has disadvantages - anyone can come up to you and start talking.

— What other projects can you be seen in?

— You can see me in super dramatic and super comedic roles in the plays “Formalin” and “Almost the City.” Stas Yarushin, my colleague at Univer, really liked the dramatic play “Formalin”, he says that I am completely different there. If necessary, I can cry in 30 seconds.

“When I’m bored, I play pranks on my fans”

— You often play pranks on your Instagram followers. Do you like fooling your fans?

- I think it's very funny. I can write that I had breast surgery. And once I wrote: “Guys, you said that I look bad for my age, so I’m doing a circular facelift,” and in fact I was sitting at the cosmetologist having my eyebrows tinted. I like to see how people comment. Most people understand that this is a joke.

— Which prank do you remember most?

— At the supermarket, we warned the cashier that I was going to scream, and we would film it for the radio. I went up to the checkout and threw a tantrum: “What kind of rotten stuff did you give me? Do you even know who I am?!” I posted the video and captioned it “ star fever" Some subscribers lamented why I did this to the poor saleswoman. And this is just a joke. But I arrange such pranks only when there is time. I recently got a leg injury, sat there, was bored and started making jokes.

— You often joke about plastic surgery. Would you decide to have “beauty injections” yourself?

— I'm not against plastic surgery. But I don't need it yet. Cosmetologists say that the earlier you start working on your face, the less problems will be in old age. I don't think there is anything special about injections. Still different. Some people already need Botox at 30, while others still look okay.

— How do you keep yourself in good shape?

— I go in for sports every other day. I do an arm day, then a rest day, and the next day I pay attention to the leg muscles. I think that there is no point in exercising every day, because the body becomes strong, but this does not affect the muscle definition in any way. Physical activity depend on desired result. If you need to lose weight, you need cardio, and to tone your muscles, you need to lift weights. You also need to worry about diets and monitor the amount of protein consumed. In general, this should be a way of life; one or two activities will not change anything. I noticed the first results only after six months. Everyone talks about some kind of motivation. But can't a fat ass be motivation? What other motivation should there be? Boy? So you won’t meet the man of your dreams with a fat butt. If you want to be in good shape, go exercise. There is no other way.

— What qualities do you value in men?

“It’s important to me that he is beautiful.” But don’t be stupid, otherwise such relationships won’t last long. I want my man to combine intelligence and beauty, so that we have beautiful children. I have a rather complex character. I can’t yet meet a man who is willing to tolerate him.

Watch the new season of the series “Univer” from Monday to Thursday at 20:00 on TNT-Guberniya!

On the eve of the premiere of the new season of the sitcom “Univer” on TNT, actors Nastasya Samburskaya and Stanislav Yarushin spoke about the events that will unfold in the dorm this time, as well as about their future projects.

- What is the secret of the success of the series “Univer”, which has been airing on TNT for 8 years now?

Stas: The genius of the project is in the team - from the cleaner to the general producer. Apparently everyone is doing their job correctly, which is why the series is a success. We also set a goal to defeat Santa Barbara (laughs). I can’t imagine my life without Univer yet. Sooner or later it will end, but for now I can say that this is a separate page in my life. Dear project!

Nastasya: We haven't tuned in to the student wave for a long time now. Kristina and Martynov, for example, have little connection with Univer. The actors fell into character, and off we went. We are no longer talking about the institute here. There is simply a brand and characters loved by the viewer.

- How will the Univer heroes surprise viewers in the new season?

Stas: Anton and Christina are moving to new apartment. They decide to leave the hostel and live a full adult life. Naturally, the situations there are different. Anton likes one apartment, Christina another. Various conflicts arise on this basis. We have our own “Dom-2”.

Nastasya: In the end, they finally moved, but something was wrong there again! Either there are some kind of spirits in the apartment, then their money is missing... When everything is fine with them, no one is interested in this couple!

Stas: There are no new characters, as such. There's no time for them now. In the foreground are the relationships between the characters. Michael is trying to deal with his new passion - Zuev's daughter, Valentin will become a hipster, and Semakina continues her relationship with Gopnik in a humorous style.

Nastasya: I really like this couple. Kostya Shelyagin (Gopnik Ivanov in the series - editor's note) is a very good artist and person! Intelligent, sweet guy, not like on the screen!

- Nastasya, do you do yoga, like your Christina?

Nastasya: I was sitting in the corridor. It was the beginning of the project, the director passed by and asked: “Can you sit in the lotus?” I answer: “I can.” In fact, I thought I could. “Okay, your heroine will do yoga.” We start filming, I sat down and... wrong. He came up and twisted me according to the rules. Then I had nothing to do, and I started going to group classes.

Stas: I remember we had a scene that was difficult in terms of text. The director put Nastya in some position. And by the fifth take it was already hard for her. Keshchyan had the same situation when he decided to film a scene with a barbell in his hand. By the fifth take he was tired!

Nastasya: I stopped doing yoga a long time ago, but my heroine was still planted in a lotus. I work out in the gym with a barbell, and it would be nice if something like that was written in the script.

Stas: Nastasya has been doing fitness for a year now. She's making great progress.

Nastasya: An online fitness school invited me to become the face of their company, and now you can work out with me at home or in the gym.

- Stas, is it true that your daughter starred in “Univer”?

Stas: She's still little! She is 3.5 years old, and she starred completely by accident. I had one scene, I went to rehearsal " Ice Age", dropped by the set of the series and took his daughter with him. The director invited me to go out with my daughter! Then my mother, who was in Crimea with her grandchildren, called me and told me what my daughter had done. I myself am embarrassed when people recognize me, and I always wear a baseball cap and glasses. The daughter had seen enough of all this and walked around the children's room wearing glasses. She says: “I starred in Univer and I don’t want people to recognize me!”

What do you wish for the viewers of the series “Univer”?

Stas: I wish adult viewers of the new season to keep children away from the screen. We say 16+. When children 7-10 years old approach us, it’s scary. At this age you can’t watch “Univer”.

Nastasya: It’s better to keep your child busy - send him to the sections. This will come in handy! Reveal the talents of children from an early age. If a child bends, send him to gymnastics. If he loves ice, take him to figure skating or hockey. The main thing is that a person is busy with something!

Stas: And don’t make a commercial project out of your child. Make children healthy and happy.

Watch the new season of the sitcom “Univer” from Monday to Thursday at 20:00 on TNT!

For 8 years now, TNT has been airing the country's most successful sitcom, Univer, with great success. During this time you can get two higher education and pass sixteen sessions! Today, the actors of the series have millions of fans, and their characters have long been considered full members of thousands of families throughout Russia. Viewers don’t just watch “Univer” - they get angry at Martynov along with Kristina, confess their love to Masha Belova along with Budeyko, get out of sticky situations with Michael, and scold Ivanovich with Yana Semakina.

In connection with all of the above, for the first time in 8 years, we decided to get into the kitchen of a sitcom and find out who writes new episodes of “Univer” and how, how they managed to create such catchy characters, how much time and labor one 20-minute episode costs... and In general, how is it possible: to write one series for 8 years so that everyone still laughs at your gags?

The central theme of the new episodes will be Anton and Christina moving into their own love nest. But it turns out that it’s not so easy to twist it, even if all the expenses are covered by the oligarch dad Lev Andreich. After all, some people are closer to the quiet and green residential areas of the Moscow Ring Road, while others prefer the lights of the capital’s center.

Stanislav Yarushin, performer of the role of Anton Martynov: “Why did Anton and Christina move into their own apartment? Because they were tired of living in a dorm. Everything is simple here. They wanted a little privacy that they couldn’t find next to others. Anton will ask his father for money: from him, as usual, for zero. He argues that he has now matured, become wiser, doesn’t drink, works – and if so, then it’s time for him to start a family. And his father will reluctantly but support him.

With all this, Anton will not abandon his comrades, without whom he can no longer live. Will constantly come to the dorm. They have been with Michael for a long time best friends. And now there is also Valya, whom he constantly teases in a kind way.”

Nastasya Samburskaya, performer of the role of Kristina Sokolovskaya: “This season, Christina and Anton will be constantly moving. They are trying to find an apartment that would suit both of them - which, of course, is why they will constantly quarrel. Several times they will change their choice - one thing does not suit them, then another. But difficulties are difficulties, and in fact my heroine has long since passed the age when you consider it normal to live with six people in a three-room apartment. She works, she is a self-sufficient girl, and if I were her, I would have moved long ago. Even without Anton. So the question of moving asked itself – how long is it possible?!”