Border guard with a dog coloring book. Postcard for dad “Border guard with a dog. Music therapy for children with autism Juliet Alvin

Svetlana Kopylova

“The winds blow in February, the chimneys howl loudly.

Light drifting snow rushes along the ground like a snake.

Rising, flights of planes rush into the distance -

This February celebrates the army's birth. "

The holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day" is approaching, and as always with the children we draw portraits of dads, prepare for the matinee, write stories about what our dads are strong, brave, how much they can do. And of course, we are preparing gifts for those closest and dearest to us. This year we decided to do it with the children cards for dads. Selected from the military branches border troops.

For work we will need colored cardboard, a glue stick, scissors, colored pencils, blanks with an outline dogs and border guard, strips of green paper 10 by 1.5 cm, red 1 by 8 cm, rectangles white 3 by 8 cm, inscription "Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day."

Cut along the contour border guard

color with colored pencils.

Then fold a sheet of cardboard in half and glue it border guard for palms and shoes.

In the upper left corner we paste the inscription “Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day”, in the upper right corner there is a painted Russian flag.

Coloring dog and paste next to border guard, draw a leash, stick it on the other side border post.

Our gift is ready.

Happy holiday, dears dads!

Publications on the topic:

Notes on drawing in the senior group “Border guard with a dog” Types of children's activities: playful, productive, communicative, cognitive-research, perception of fiction.

Modeling in preparatory group. Game situation "Border guard with a dog" Program content. Strengthen the ability to sculpt human figures.

Postcard for dad for “Defender of the Fatherland Day” For work we will need the following materials and tools; Scissors, glue stick, glue.

Good time of day! Dear visitors to the site, I would like to offer you a master class on making a postcard for dad on the 23rd.

Goal: To develop children's creative abilities; cultivate love and respect for adults, a sense of patriotism. Objectives: learn to make a boat.

The materials you need are the simplest: paper (green, yellow, red, white colors) scissors PVA glue ruler pencil). Postcard 23.

Subject : “Border guard with a dog”

Target : Exercise in depicting humans and animals, in conveying characteristic features, the relative size of the figure and its parts. Learn to place an image on a sheet of paper. Strengthen the techniques of drawing and coloring drawings with pencils (colored wax crayons)

Materials and equipment : paintings depicting various types of troops; album sheets, a simple pencil, colored wax crayons; display board.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, let's remember what holiday is celebrated in February? (Defender of the Fatherland Day). Who are the defenders and from whom should you defend your homeland? (Defenders are military men who protect the borders of our Motherland from enemies.)

There are many types of troops, look at the pictures. (Consideration didactic material on the topic "Our Army")

Look at the uniform of the military, what kind of bearing they have. They stand guard, vigilantly guarding the borders. The soldiers' faces are stern and strict. Border guards are helped in their service by loyal friends - dogs with an excellent sense of smell and hearing.

I suggest you play the game D/I “Fold the picture "(puzzles of different types of troops)

Who would like to draw a border guard with a dog?

Children go to the tables.

Teacher's explanation:

1. First we will make a sketch - we will draw with a simple pencil.

2. Draw a horizontal line (ground)

3. Draw a large rectangle. We divide it with a horizontal line - this is a military belt.

4. Draw a vertical line in the middle of the rectangle - the human legs.

5. On top of the rectangle, in the middle, draw a small rectangle - the neck.

6. Draw a circle on the neck – the head. On his head is a cap in the form of an inverted trapezoid.

7. From the shoulders down to the waist, draw two more small rectangles - arms.

8. Outline the person’s face, his strict facial expressions.

9. Below we draw the boots.

10. We decorate the entire form with closed lines of irregular shape. (camouflage). The border guard is ready.

Next we draw a dog: head (circle), body (large oval), paws, tail, ears, eyes.

Now all that remains is to disguise our border guard from enemy eyes. Color the drawing with colored crayons.

Result: So our border guard is ready with his faithful friend - a service dog.

I suggest you remember the song “Good Soldiers”.



Summary of the drawing lesson “Border guard with a dog.”

Subject : “Border guard with a dog”

Target : Exercise in depicting humans and animals, in conveying characteristic features, the relative size of the figure and its parts. Learn to place an image on a sheet of paper. Strengthen the techniques of drawing and coloring drawings with pencils (colored wax crayons)

Materials and equipment: paintings depicting various types of troops; album sheets, a simple pencil, colored wax crayons; display board.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, let's remember what holiday is celebrated in February? (Defender of the Fatherland Day). Who are the defenders and from whom should you defend your homeland? (Defenders are military men who protect the borders of our Motherland from enemies.)

There are many types of troops, look at the pictures. (Consideration of didactic material on the topic “Our Army”)

Look at the uniform of the military, what kind of bearing they have. They stand guard, vigilantly guarding the borders. The soldiers' faces are stern and strict. Border guards are helped in their service by loyal friends - dogs with an excellent sense of smell and hearing.

I suggest you play the gameD/I “Fold the picture"(puzzles of different types of troops)

Who would like to draw a border guard with a dog?

Children go to the tables.

Teacher's explanation:

  1. First we will make a sketch - we will draw with a simple pencil.
  2. Draw a horizontal line (ground)
  3. Draw a large rectangle. We divide it with a horizontal line - this is a military belt.
  4. Draw a vertical line in the middle of the rectangle - the human legs.
  5. On top of the rectangle, in the middle, draw a small rectangle - the neck.
  6. On the neck we draw a circle – the head. On his head is a cap in the form of an inverted trapezoid.
  7. From the shoulders down to the waist, draw two more small rectangles - arms.
  8. We outline the person’s face, his strict facial expressions.
  9. Below we draw the shoes.
  10. We decorate the entire shape with closed, irregular lines. (camouflage). The border guard is ready.

Next we draw a dog: head (circle), body (large oval), paws, tail, ears, eyes.

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