How long does it take to bake a pork knuckle? How to cook pork knuckle tasty and juicy

Step 1: Prepare the pork.

To begin, rinse the pork knuckle thoroughly under cold running water, then dry it with kitchen paper towels. If necessary, you can groom it over a gas burner that is on to remove any remaining hair, if any. Then place the knuckle on a cutting board and, using a sharp knife, make a cut in the skin along the bone. The incision must be made so deep so that the bone is visible afterwards. Then this same bone needs to be cut out and carefully removed, try to do this in such a way that there is no meat left on the bone.

Step 2: Rub the shank with spices and wrap it tightly.

Now unwrap the knuckle, wipe it inside with salt, ground pepper and seasonings for meat. Peel the garlic, rinse under running water and pass through a garlic press. Also rub the inside of the shank with chopped garlic. Then brush the meat inside and out with mayonnaise. On the outside, it is also worth salting, peppering and sprinkling the shank with seasonings. In order to wrap the shank tightly so that it does not unravel during cooking, you must use a strong thread. To do this, roll the shank well, and then wrap it with thread and secure it with secure knots. In this condition leave the shank for 2-3 hours so that it is thoroughly marinated and soaked in spices. It is advisable to even place it in the refrigerator for this time in a closed container.

Step 3: Wrap the shank in foil and place it on a baking sheet.

After this time, remove the knuckle from the refrigerator. Cut the foil for 2 strips and lay them crosswise. Place the previously prepared pork knuckle in the center of the resulting cross. Sprinkle the product on top vegetable oil, or coat with pork fat. Then tightly wrap the shank with foil and place the product on a baking sheet, previously lightly filled with water (this way, the shank will also be steamed).

Step 4: Bake the pork knuckle in the oven.

Preheat the oven up to 200 degrees, then place a baking sheet with meat in it and cook it. This will require about 60-80 minutes. About 10 minutes before it is fully cooked, open the oven and carefully unfold the foil so as not to burn yourself. In this case, it is best to use oven mitts. This will help the product brown and have an appetizing crust.

Step 5: Serve the knuckle baked in the oven with garlic and spices.

As soon as the shank is browned on top, remove the baking sheet from the oven and cool the shank. Then cut it into portions and arrange it beautifully on a serving plate. In fact, ready-made pork knuckle can be safely consumed both cold and hot. This dish can be served either on its own or with a side dish. Enjoy your meal!

- - As a side dish for the knuckle, you can serve vegetables (fresh, in a salad, as a stew or grilled), rice, potatoes, as well as any cereals that you like.

- - The sauce for the knuckle can be either a spicy version or a neutral one: with a creamy or cheesy taste. It all depends on your individual preferences. Even sour cream and mustard in pure form Perfect for toning up a dish.

- If desired, you can wrap any chopped greens in the shank: dill, parsley, cilantro. This will enrich its taste and significantly decorate its cut. — In addition, you can stuff the shank with any products of your choice and taste. Any culinary experiments and fantasies are welcome here.

You should approach the choice of meat for baking wisely. The front leg would be ideal for preparing jellied meat, but we plan to prepare juicy, flavorful meat. Therefore, we opt for the fleshy hind leg.

When choosing a shank, carefully inspect it: the meat should be quite dense without any darkening, there should not be too many layers of fat, and the skin must be light color. The smell also plays an important role - fresh shanks have a rather pleasant, slightly sweet smell.

Advice. To make the baked meat juicy and soft, do a small test when choosing a leg in the store - lightly press on the shank. The meat should spring back a little. Then the perfect dish is guaranteed to you.

Before proceeding with the main preparations, the shank must undergo certain preliminary preparation:

  1. Lightly burn the leg over the fire (although it is usually sold already processed, bristles and dirt may still remain on the skin).
  2. Carefully scrape the skin with a knife and wash under running water.
  3. Dry with a paper towel, removing excess moisture.

Now you can start preparing the dish. Go!

Bake the shank in foil (sleeve)

Every country has its own national recipe cooking pork knuckle. And everyone is good in their own way. We will focus on the classic recipe with minimum set products that will help highlight the rich taste of the dish and enhance its appetizing aroma.

Cabbage goes well with pork knuckle as a side dish.

So, in order to prepare a delicious shank in foil we will need:

  • pork knuckle - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • mustard;
  • spices for pork;
  • salt.

Advice. Pork knuckle is a rather fatty and heavy dish. Therefore, people with various gastric diseases need to treat it with caution and not get carried away too much.

Prepare the marinade: mix chopped garlic, mustard, salt, spices. Take the pre-treated shin and carefully spread the resulting mixture. Let it simmer for 1.5-2 hours.

Preheat the oven to 180-200 degrees, wrap tightly with foil (place in a baking sleeve) and send to cook for 1.5-2 hours. The meat turns out juicy and tender.

The dish is served both hot and cold. You can use mustard and horseradish as sauces for serving with meat.

Cooking pork shin in the oven

If you are a fan of aromatic crust, then you can use this recipe without using foil (sleeves). Here the cooking process is somewhat different from the first one - the meat must first be boiled. But first things first.

To prepare the shank in the oven we will need: pork shank (1-1.5 kg), onions and carrots (a couple of medium-sized pieces), allspice and black pepper, bay leaf, a few tablespoons of honey and soy sauce (optional), steamed garlic cloves, salt (to taste).

Pork leg in the oven

Place the pre-processed pork leg in a deep pan and fill it with water (the leg should be completely covered with water). Place over medium heat and gradually bring to a boil, periodically skimming off the foam. Now you can add peeled carrots, ground spices, onions (make small cuts on them), and salt well. Cook over low heat for about an hour, possibly up to an hour and a half (the cooking time will depend on the size of the drumstick and how soft you would like the finished meat to be).

Advice. To give the meat a gamey taste, try adding juniper berries and marjoram to the water during cooking.

Remove the cooked shank from the broth and let it cool slightly. To ensure that the meat remains juicy during baking and at the same time releases subcutaneous fat, we make shallow cross-shaped cuts with a sharp knife. We do not touch meat under any circumstances.

Mix honey, chopped garlic and soy sauce into a homogeneous mixture and grease the shank with it (use 2/3 of the mixture). Place the meat in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. After 20 minutes, when the skin has set a little, the temperature can be slightly reduced so that the meat begins to crust. Periodically, do not forget to baste the meat with rendered fat and juices.

Advice. If you don't like crispy pork skin, don't discard it before cooking. It is thanks to her that the meat retains its juiciness.

15 minutes before the end of cooking, brush the meat with the remaining mixture of honey and garlic. soy sauce. The baking time is about 35-40 minutes, depending on the quality of the oven and the size of the meat.

As a side dish for cooked meat Stewed sauerkraut, boiled potatoes, young corn on the cob, boiled rice with vegetables are perfect, you can also add mustard sauce or traditional horseradish with sour cream. It all depends on your taste preferences.

As an experiment, try using part of the boiled shank as an excellent additional dish on your table. Remove the boiled leg from the broth and leave it to cool for a while. We make a neat longitudinal cut and remove the bone. We unfold the meat, making a layer out of it, stuff it with garlic and add seasonings to make it more aromatic. Roll into a tight roll and wrap cling film. After a couple of hours, take it out of the refrigerator and you can serve it.

So we have prepared a simple, nutritious and incredibly tasty dish. Do you have these recipes in your culinary collection? No? Then be sure to try cooking them. We wish you culinary success and bon appetit!

Pork knuckle recipe: video

Pork knuckle baked in the oven is amazingly different delicate taste. This is achieved thanks to a special cooking technology, when the meat is completely saturated with its own fat and spices. Any housewife can pamper her household with such a product; the main thing is to have a suitable recipe on hand.

The best raw material for the dish is the back of the leg, which is located above the knee. In addition, the animal must be no older than 2 years.

A simple option for beginners

Often, inexperienced cooks feel intimidated before preparing a new dish. Advice from good friends or step by step recipes. Let's consider one of the simplest options.

To prepare pork knuckle baked in the oven, first collect the necessary set of products:

  • meat;
  • large onion;
  • salt.

For getting excellent taste, the boiled leg is dried and then burned using a gas burner. This gives it a slight smoky flavor, which is the highlight of this dish.

Serve pork knuckle baked in the oven along with potatoes or stewed cabbage.

Fragrant meat with garlic

Fans of spicy food prefer to cook knuckle baked in the oven with various seasonings that are on hand. Most often it is pepper, garlic or. Even if you take just one ingredient, you will get an excellent dish. To prepare it you will need the following components:

  • pork knuckle;
  • black pepper in powder form;
  • a set of spices for meat;
  • vegetable oil;
  • mayonnaise;
  • garlic;
  • salt.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a dish:

At the dinner table, pork knuckle in foil, baked in the oven, served with potatoes or rice.
It's important to season it tomato sauce, mustard and fresh herbs.

An excellent dish with notes of ancient Prague

Those who were lucky enough to visit the ancient part of the capital of the Czech Republic know firsthand what delicacies they prepare for tourists. I would especially like to mention the baked “Boar's Knee”. Its aroma and juiciness cannot be confused with anything else, but you can prepare something similar at home. In principle, this is the most ordinary knuckle in beer, baked in the oven. To prepare it, take a simple set of ingredients:

  • beer (preferably dark);
  • pork (knuckle);
  • carrot;
  • garlic;
  • laurel leaves;
  • carnation;
  • pepper;
  • caraway;
  • mustard in the form of grains (French);
  • coriander;
  • salt.

The secret of cooking consists of such simple operations. First, the meat is thoroughly washed and any remaining bristles are removed. Next, they cut it into small pieces, after which they put it in a saucepan, fill it with beer and put it on the fire.

When the meat boils, remove the foam as it appears. Then celery, garlic cloves, bay and spices are added to the broth.
Cook for at least 2 hours, stirring occasionally. At the same time prepare the sauce: dissolve 1 tablespoon of honey in a small amount of broth. Then add mustard, coriander, cumin. Mix everything thoroughly.

Remove the boiled pork from the pan to allow it to dry and cool slightly. After this, put it on a baking sheet, pour it generously with sauce and send it to a preheated oven.

To make the meat juicy, every 30 minutes, it is poured with beer broth and spicy sauce.

The knuckle prepared according to this recipe, baked in the oven, is decorated with herbs. Serve as a main dish with mashed potatoes, buckwheat or rice porridge. You can emphasize its taste with dry wine or vodka.

Let's consider another option for preparing this dish using beer.

List of ingredients:

  • pork knuckle;
  • several onions;
  • carrot;
  • beer for marinade;
  • spices;
  • laurel;
  • chili sauce;
  • salt.

It was noticed that step-by-step recipes for shanks baked in the oven with photos help beginners easily create masterpieces with their own hands.

The cooking process consists of simple steps:

Appetizing pork knuckle baked in a sleeve

Please your household delicious dish every housewife wants. And you don’t have to wait for a holiday to do this. Appetizing juicy meat with a golden crispy crust is sure to please adults and children who gather for a family meal. We are talking about oven-baked pork knuckle in a sleeve. The dish uses simple ingredients:

  • pork (knuckle);
  • several cloves of garlic;
  • mustard;
  • turmeric;
  • soy sauce;
  • different types;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt.

Traditional cooking method:

Check the readiness of the pork using a sharp knife. If clear liquid leaks out of the meat during the puncture, it’s time to turn off the oven.

Video recipe for Czech knuckle

Pork knuckle with vegetables

Many will agree that meat goes wonderfully with vegetables. Even in winter, enterprising cooks use them frozen. A dish is prepared from the following products:

  • small-sized knuckle;
  • carrot;
  • broccoli;
  • pumpkin;
  • spices;
  • salt;
  • vegetable fat.

The cooking option consists of simple operations. First of all, the meat is rubbed with seasonings mixed with salt. Wrap in a sheet of foil and place on a baking sheet. To properly bake a knuckle in the oven in foil, it is heated to a temperature of 200 degrees, and only then the meat is placed.

After 2 hours, remove the pan from the oven, cut the foil and put it back on the fire. When a crust forms, after about 15 minutes, the meat is taken out again, but now vegetables are laid out around it. Bake for another 20 minutes. Ready dish It is better to serve while it is warm, otherwise it will lose its exquisite taste and aroma.

Video recipe for pork knuckle Bovar style

Pork knuckle is a traditional dish for European cuisine: it is popular in the Czech Republic, where it is served with dark beer, it is prepared in Germany, where pork is replaced by boar, and of course it cannot be ignored in Russia. The dish is prepared very quickly, requires a minimum of ingredients and can be combined with almost any side dish, which allows you to make it the center of a festive or everyday table.

Recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya

Most classic recipe pork knuckle in the oven, where there is nothing superfluous, and which everyone can modify to their taste, this is a recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya. In addition, if you follow this scheme, the dish cooks unusually quickly, and can be an ideal choice when you need to short time collect on the table. Your direct participation is estimated at 25-30 minutes, and the total cooking time will be 2 hours.


  1. Pork knuckle – 1 pc.
  2. Olive oil – 35 ml
  3. Ground pepper – ½ tsp.
  4. Salt - a pinch
  5. Bay leaf– 8 pcs.
  6. Garlic cloves – 3 pcs.
  7. New potatoes – 6-8 pcs.
  8. Cherry tomatoes for decoration – 3-4 pcs.


  • At the starting stage, a mixture for rubbing meat is prepared: bay leaves and salt are ground in a wooden or ceramic mortar, garlic cloves passed through a press or crushed are squeezed into it, and olive oil is poured on top. All components need to be set aside for 5-10 minutes so that they give each other their taste and smell.
  • The pork knuckle needs to be held in cold water 15-20 minutes, then transfer to a paper towel, make shallow cuts crosswise on it, and fill them with the infused spicy dressing. Then, from these cuts, the dressing needs to be stretched over the entire shank, carefully rubbing the seasonings into the meat. Sprinkle it with ground black pepper on top.
  • In an oven preheated to 220 degrees (with convection) or up to 250 degrees (without convection), place a grill on the middle level, where the pork knuckle is laid out. You need to place a baking tray under the grill - the fat that melts from the skin will drain into it. In 10 minutes. the temperature must be lowered to 140 degrees (with convection) or to 160 degrees (without convection), and continue to bake the meat for another 1 hour.
  • While the shank is baking, water is brought to a boil in a deep saucepan, which should be salted, and washed but not peeled potatoes are placed in it. Boil at a power slightly above average, with the lid moved, until half cooked: this takes about 20-25 minutes, after which the potatoes are cut into quarters and the skins are removed.
  • The prepared potatoes are laid out on a baking sheet that has collected the fat from the shanks. If you want a less heavy dish, you can change the baking sheet to a clean one, add a little water into it, and then place the potatoes there. Together, the potatoes and shanks will bake for another 25-30 minutes. at the same temperature.

It is recommended to serve the pork knuckle according to Yulia Vysotskaya’s recipe on a common platter, with cherry tomatoes cut into halves and herbs. If you wish, you can divide the potatoes not into quarters, but into thick (0.8-1 cm) medallion plates and season them with your favorite seasonings.

Pork knuckle baked in the oven without cooking: recipe with photo

The pork knuckle does not have to be cooked whole and served on a common platter: portioned large pieces they look no worse, and they can be designed much more interesting. All that remains is to come up with a worthy side dish for the resulting dish.


  1. Pork knuckle – 2 pcs.
  2. Carrots – 2-3 pcs.
  3. Garlic – 2 pcs.
  4. Onions – 2 pcs.
  5. Salt - a pinch
  6. Ground red pepper – 1 tsp.
  7. Mustard – 2 tbsp.


  • The meat is soaked in cold water, especially if it was frozen: the shank should be soft and amenable to being divided into portions. Using a wide, sharp knife, you need to cut it into 1.5-2 cm slices to make a kind of “medallions”, after which they are laid out on a plastic grid to drain off the water.

  • Garlic is cut into small and thin circles, onion into half rings. The carrots are washed, peeled and rubbed through a grater to make a paste. You need to mix chopped garlic and mustard into it.

  • The meat is rubbed with salt and pepper, each piece closer to the bone is filled with the mixture obtained earlier from carrots, garlic and mustard. Parts of the pork knuckle are laid out in a glass form, onion half rings are distributed between them and over them. Bake the pork knuckle at a temperature of 150 degrees (with convection) or 170 degrees (without convection) for 1 hour 20 minutes, after which it must be transferred to a wire rack and increase the oven temperature to 190 degrees (with convection). Or you can set the grill mode. Bringing the pork knuckle to readiness will occur within 15-20 minutes.

The number of garlic cloves can be varied at your discretion, just as the mustard can be replaced with soy sauce or honey. For those who like spicier and less spicy foods, red pepper is replaced with turmeric and basil.

Bake aromatic and juicy shank in foil

If you have enough time to fully marinate the meat, as well as boil it, you can resort to a more complex recipe for cooking pork knuckle in the oven. According to this scheme, the meat turns out to be very tender and juicy, and if a crispy crust is needed, it is always easy to create through the grill mode.


  1. Pork knuckle – 1 pc.
  2. Salt - a pinch
  3. Nutmeg 1 ½ tsp.
  4. Ginger root – 1 pc.
  5. Honey – 3 tbsp.
  6. Soy sauce – 1 tbsp.
  7. Onions – 2 pcs.
  8. Celery root – 1 pc.


  • Pour salt into a pan of boiling water, add peeled but not chopped onions and whole celery root. Vegetables need to be boiled for 10-12 minutes before adding the washed pork knuckle. The burner power is reduced to minimum, the pan is covered with a lid, and the meat is cooked for 80-90 minutes.
  • When the shank reaches a state of semi-preparedness, it is taken out and transferred to a deep bowl. In a separate container, mix ground or chopped ginger root, liquid honey, soy sauce and nutmeg. Rub the pork knuckle with this mixture, after which it is put in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.
  • The pickled shank is wrapped in foil and placed on a baking sheet or in a deep container, which is placed in an oven preheated to 170 degrees. Make sure that the seam on the foil is at the top: after 50 minutes. Once baking begins, the foil will need to be opened to brown the meat a little. Total time Baking a pork knuckle in foil takes 70-80 minutes, but this depends on the power of your oven.

If you want to add a Czech twist to the recipe, replace the soy sauce with dark beer to marinate the shanks. And also pour in 20-30 ml of beer every 30 minutes. from the beginning of baking the dish. As for the side dish, boiled potatoes, sauerkraut or a simple vegetable salad are ideal for pork knuckle.

Fans of pork meat dishes know that most often this part of the meat, such as the shank, is used to prepare broth and jellied meat. But these are not the only dishes in which pork knuckle can be used. If you bake the shank in the oven, you can end up with a great dish with juicy meat. An appetizing baked pork knuckle in foil in the oven is also an excellent delicious snack for a festive feast. You can also use baked pork knuckle to prepare main courses, dinner or sandwiches.

Taste Info Meat main courses


  • Pork knuckle – 1 pc.;
  • Honey – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Olive oil – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Ground red pepper - to taste;
  • Bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
  • Garlic – 5 cloves;
  • Lemon juice – 3 tbsp. l.

How to cook pork knuckle in foil in the oven

For cooking meat dish choose a larger pork knuckle. First of all, rinse the meaty pork knuckle very thoroughly under running water. Using a knife, scrape the surface of the shank so that there are no hairs or burrs left on it. If there are remnants of bristles on the knuckle, then the piece of meat must be scorched using a lighter or gas torch. After this procedure, rinse the shank thoroughly again.

For your next culinary procedure, take the sharpest knife. You need to remove the bone from the knuckle. To do this, cut the shank along the skin, carefully, slowly, remove the bone. Try not to damage the skin, because it plays a very important role in revealing the taste and richness of pork dishes.

Peel the garlic cloves and then chop them. Place the boned shank (skin side down) on the surface of a cutting board. Season the meat part of the shank with salt, black and red pepper. Distribute the garlic pieces over the surface. In addition to the spices indicated in the recipe, you can use any other seasonings, for example, herbs or special spice sets for meat.

Roll the spiced shank into a roll shape and tie it with a strong thread. You need to pull the roll tightly enough so that your finger has difficulty getting under the thread.

Set the knuckle aside. Start preparing the marinade. Place the honey in a small bowl (it should be liquid). Pour olive oil and lemon juice into the honey. Add spices to taste. Mix the ingredients for the marinade well.

Spread a large piece of foil on your work surface. Place the shank on the foil. It is advisable to take fairly thick foil; if your foil is thin, fold it in 2 layers to avoid burning the meat. Lubricate it with the prepared marinade. Place bay leaves on the shank.

Wrap the shank in foil (2-3 layers). Place the shank in foil into a baking dish. Place the shank in a preheated oven for 2-2.5 hours. Set the temperature to 180 degrees.

Free the finished shank from the foil. Let the baked pork knuckle cool.

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Remove the string and bay leaves from the completely cooled shanks. Cut the shank into portions and serve. You can serve the finished shank with a side dish, with any sauce that suits your taste, or simply eat the juicy and flavorful meat.

The baked shank with honey in the oven is ready. Bon appetit!