Love compatibility between Cancer and Capricorn. How harmonious is the compatibility of a Capricorn man and a Cancer woman? Union in love relationships and family life.

He is Capricorn She is a Cancer

When a Cancer girl thinks about the future, she has three D's on her mind. She has three dreams and makes wishes for each one opportunity. Gradually dreams turn into goals. The order can be any, but the meaning remains the same:

house - children - money children - money - house money - house - children house - money - children children - house - money money - children - house.

Here are all six options. Her needs are a little different than her goals, and those are the three Cs. Their order is unchanged, but they are all equally necessary for happiness:

compassion - calm - stability. Do you know what is so attractive about a “moon” girl? Although she expects three “Cs” from every acquaintance, although she always has three “Ds” in her head, she really wants to make her man truly happy. And she can be the most sympathetic and tender, the most faithful and reliable of women. When she is at her best, when she is loyal and, moreover, patient, best friend for a Capricorn man you really can't find one. The Taurus woman is also patient, but she finds it difficult to adapt. The Gemini woman is adaptable, but not very patient. But the “moon” lady has both in her character, and this is worthy of admiration. When it comes to devotion, many women are devoted to their loved ones, but not to the same extent as she is. A lover of home, Capricorn will be happy to see what family means to her. Since Capricorn rules the Jews, and Cancer women often exhibit the “Jewish mom” type (regardless of whether they have children), this can be seen as powerful magnetic forces that initially attract them to each other.

There is always something helpless in a Cancer woman, and Capricorn feels this like no other. This woman needs strong man someone to lean on, someone who could brush aside all her worries and fears and who would generously allow her to cry on his shoulder from time to time. But she is not as helpless as she seems. I repeat, Cancer is the Cardinal sign of leadership. The Moon woman will try to gently, unobtrusively, remaining in the background, still influence the man with whom she is in love. If she is not in love, she can show great ambition and will do anything to reach the top. Of course, every Cancer woman secretly looks for reliability in a man. Capricorn is exactly like that. He is as ambitious as she is and knows how to achieve success. As a matter of fact, he is almost an example of everything that she dreamed of, but which she was unable to achieve because she was too vulnerable. On the other hand, in her he will discover all those “lunar” qualities that he secretly would like to call his own, but he will not be able to do so, because he is not sensitive enough. Consequently, almost from the first moment of their meeting, they will unmistakably have a high opinion of each other, and this is one of the strongest foundations of love.

The Capricorn man is often conservative and almost always strives to be in charge. The Cancer woman does not mind the first one, since she herself is quite conservative. As for the second, she will not endure it in anything but love. When she is in love, she allows him to have wishful thinking, but gradually she can forget that she is just playing a role and accept the position of a subordinate, which is not bad at all! After all, if there is a man who is capable of both leadership and tenderness at the same time, then it is him. So usually everything turns out in the most favorable way (though, if in the horoscope of the Crab girl there is no Moon or Ascendant in the Fire sign). Typically this man does not approve of the "open marriage" theory. In these matters he is conservative, although sometimes he pretends that this is not the case. He is deeply convinced that a woman’s place is at home. Even if he allows his wife to work, it will only be until they have children. If he is a typical Capricorn, then he believes that a mother's place is with her children, at least while they are small. He will also not like any too loose handling of money. Even if his “moon” lady earns money herself, he will still want to manage the money in order to prevent wastefulness.

Of course, she is as careful with the dollar as he is (unless her Moon or Ascendant is in Aries, Leo or Gemini - then she may have minor nervous breakdowns due to feelings of guilt about spending money). He will explain to her how much money needs to be set aside from their total income and which investment of capital will be the most profitable. Since he belongs to the element of Earth, he probably believes that real estate or land is the safest investment with a future perspective.

He will like her attitude towards things. Capricorn firmly believes that everything in the world can be found practical application and you should not throw away anything that is good for anything. If she is a typical Cancer, she will readily agree with this philosophy.

The Cancer woman will adapt more easily than many others to the self-absorption of the Capricorn man, to his habit of taking care of business and acting prudently. But it will be difficult for her to understand why he doesn’t like change so much, because she is ruled by the fickle Moon, she so needs a change of events and impressions! Convincing him that their lives would be richer if they did not sit in one place for too long and did not always adhere to the same ideas will be quite difficult. This man, no matter how hard he tries, will never be able to completely get rid of the restrictions of Saturn that affect his character. Somewhere inside even the seemingly extroverted Capricorn, a serious old man Saturn still sits... The shadow of conservatism in some Goats may fade to pastel colors, but will never completely disappear. Yes, he can be loving. Gentle. Soft. Delicate. Capricious and funny. Whatever. And yet it is ruled by Saturn, and there is no escape from this.

In love, it can be different: openly erotic and sensual, soft and gentle. If his Sun and Venus are under the strong malefic influence of the fifth and eighth houses, he will indulge in numerous experiments. But we are still talking about a typical Capricorn, and he will not look for adventures outside the home, and he is characterized by constancy. She also wants a reliable, long-term relationship, even if the path to it turns out to be long and not always easy. One thing is certain: this woman will give their love a special charm. Capricorn is capable of deep and powerful expressions of passion, but may lack sensual imagination or vibrant ecstasy. The “Moon” lady will decorate their intimacy with these new qualities for him, and he will be touchingly grateful to her for her enlightenment. His strength, loyalty and reliability of his love will allow her to trust him without fear of resentment, misunderstanding or inconstancy. He can give her the emotional security she needs, and she will give him subtlety and romance, and after some time, when they get to know each other better, they will be connected by a reliable, strong and ringing thread of earthly love, like a string.

I know a Cancer woman who separated from her Capricorn husband. They had many problems, mostly minor ones. They had too little desire to understand each other and too much selfishness. Capricorn men are sometimes very selfish and know how to use people without paying attention to their feelings. It was simply unbearable for her when he forgot about his love for her for a long time, after the most insignificant quarrel he simply became stone and did not respond to any attempts at tenderness that she bashfully made. And she turned away, crying quietly, and never showed it to him. She recently told me bitterly: "I've always felt so sorry for myself, but since we broke up, I've been thinking a lot. Now I understand him more, and I feel so sorry for him..."

She finally found the magic key to his heart. Now, if only she uses him, if she goes to him with her understanding, they will become closer than ever before. When the Moon woman stops feeling sorry for herself and instead thinks more about her Capricorn lover, she will see all the depth and splendor, all the power of his emotions - and his inability to open up. She needs to help him do this, because there is no love stronger and more beautiful than the love of Capricorn, who is waiting at the top to bestow upon the one who has the courage and patience to walk this path. This is a difficult climb, with many rocky ledges... But only there, at the top, do you understand what happiness is. Saturn tests harshly, but always rewards.

This union can become a good foundation for a long-term faithful relationship. The Cancer man and the Capricorn woman are very similar in their beliefs and worldview, since they feel each other perfectly when apart. Partners have similar spiritual abilities and mentality. This couple is compatible due to their personality traits. The Capricorn woman concentrates her efforts on creating something tangible.

The Cancer man is highly sensitive and expansive, full of whims and dreams. In such a union, they will not only be faithful partners, but will also make their time together joyful and colorful.

The Cancer man and Capricorn woman are ready to enjoy learning something new from each other. A partner is a storehouse of feelings and sensations for a Capricorn woman; next to him she will become relaxed. A Cancer man can learn determination and determination from his partner. Both partners strive for comfort and security, thanks to their inherent ambition. Cancer man and Capricorn woman complement each other perfectly. Companions clearly accept their roles in everyone's life. The Capricorn woman is tough, decisive and fair by nature, capable of praising and teaching a lesson.

A Cancer man feels comfortable with such a partner; he likes the role of a follower. The Cancer man is possessive by nature, protecting his companion from the opposite sex. A jealous Capricorn woman is overly hostile and can harm her rival. This couple has similar views on relationships; they are both not predisposed to betrayal and intrigue. The partner values ​​the transparency of the relationship and does not allow herself to fall into any cravings.

A Cancer man and a Capricorn woman will create a strong and resilient family that will delight both of them for a long time. The Cancer man is gentle, naive and romantic. It is these qualities of a partner that will attract a companion. The Capricorn woman's attitude towards her partner will be strict and maternal. The Cancer man will not like the pressure from his partner, and disagreements may arise on this basis.

If a Capricorn woman learns to manage her partner carefully, he will not pay attention to her moral teachings. The Capricorn woman is a homebody by nature and she enjoys surrounding her family and friends with coziness and comfort. The Cancer man will like this, because he is a great family man. The partner will be happy, his internal state will become stable due to the practicality of planning the future by his wife.

A marriage formed on the comfort and coziness of partners will be excellent. The appearance of children in the marriage of a Cancer man and a Capricorn woman will strengthen their relationship even more. The Capricorn woman will be a wonderful mother who will express everything best quality so that her baby can be proud of her. The Capricorn woman will take trust and respect as the basis for raising a child. She will be greatly appreciated if the child listens to her instructions and follows them. A Cancer man will complement his wife in raising a child and will be a responsible and correct father.

The intimate side of life for a Cancer man and a Capricorn woman will be ambiguous. A Capricorn woman should not show her dominance over a Cancer man, as coldness may set in in the relationship. Partners need to learn to adapt to each other, then they will be able to tune in to the only wave in a physical relationship. A Cancer man in a physical connection with his chosen one feels magnetism, receiving genuine bliss from the possession of this beautiful woman. By exchanging a sensual flow, they will be able to gain vigor and increase strength.

A business union between a Cancer man and a Capricorn woman is considered successful if the basis for work is the equality of partners. In work, both partners think alike, so their results will be fruitful. The Capricorn woman works regardless of her mood, and the Cancer man’s performance depends on his emotional experiences. Their qualities of character help in their common cause: the Capricorn woman has extraordinary intelligence and instinct, and the Cancer man has tolerance and logical actions.

Pros of the union of a Cancer man and a Capricorn woman:

- partners realize weaknesses in their relationships and work to improve them.
- the partner has loyalty and devotion.
— in a family, the Capricorn woman is not only a faithful spouse, but also a reliable rear in difficult times.
- Cancer man appreciates family traditions and values, he is a good husband and father.

Disadvantages of the union of a Cancer man and a Capricorn woman:

- both partners are characterized by self-centeredness.
— a Cancer man may be offended by statements and criticism addressed to him by his partner.
- both equally need attention and care, but the partner does not admit this.
- Excessive sensitivity and a storm of emotions from a partner are not to the liking of the Capricorn woman.
- partners do not have the patience to listen and understand the meaning of each person’s promises.
- the companion does not have the sufficient warmth and sensitivity that the partner needs.

The union of a Cancer man and a Capricorn woman will be quite successful if the partners make some efforts to strengthen their relationship. The Cancer man wants to see his partner a little weak and trusting, so that he has the opportunity to express protection and prove his love for her. The Capricorn woman wants to see in her chosen one greater determination and a real vision of the world.

A Capricorn woman needs to mentor her husband and support him in making decisions in order to develop a sense of responsibility in him. Partners should learn to make concessions and seek compromises to avoid disagreements. Such a union will become a school of life for partners. The Cancer man will learn prudence and responsibility in this relationship, and the Capricorn woman will gain sensitivity and warmth. With a little effort, this couple will create a strong and long-lasting family, full of trust and love.

This union can be a good basis for a long-term, reliable relationship. Capricorn and Cancer are very similar in their principles and worldview, so they feel each other well at a distance, and at the moment of their first meeting, mutual attraction begins to act.

Few of them Zodiac circle can boast of such similarity spiritual qualities and the mentality that Cancer and Capricorn have. However compatibility of the signs Capricorn and Cancer It is also based on the fact that each of them has their own characteristics, which makes them interesting together. Cancer is highly sensitive and emotional. Fantasies and dreams are an integral part of the life of this sign. Capricorn directs all his efforts to creating something material. For him, the principle of life is constant action. Thus, Capricorn and Cancer become not only reliable allies, but are also able to make each other’s time more rich and vibrant.

The compatibility of the signs Capricorn and Cancer is characterized by the fact that each partner is happy to learn something new from the other. Cancer for Capricorn is a storehouse of emotions and feelings; next to Cancer, he becomes more spontaneous, remembering that there are so many simple joys in life. It would be a good idea for Cancer to learn from Capricorn responsibility and the desire to achieve a goal.

The main thing in the life of Cancer is the desire for security and comfort, and Capricorn, thanks to his irrepressible ambition, helps his partner in this.

The compatibility of Capricorn and Cancer when it comes to money is very positive. Everyone strives to accumulate; the love of thoughtless spending is alien to them. Together they are able to create a luxurious nest, ensuring a comfortable future for themselves and their children.

Another feature of Cancer and Capricorn that contributes to the creation of a strong union is their tendency to reflect. Cancers are often overcome by bouts of nostalgia, and Capricorn, when making a responsible decision, will definitely analyze past victories and defeats.
Another feature that determines the positive compatibility of the signs Capricorn and Cancer is the reverence of family ties. Cancer, like no other, is attached to his mother. Without waiting for happiness in a union with the opposite sex, a representative of this zodiac sign can find solace under his mother’s wing. Capricorn honors both parents and especially respects those relatives who are the source of pride for the whole family. For these partners, creating a family home is the meaning of their whole life. Without this, both will wither away, not feeling the soil under their feet.

Sexual compatibility between Capricorn and Cancer

The intimate relationship between Capricorn and Cancer can crack if Capricorn is too demanding of his timid and vulnerable partner. Therefore, both have to adapt to each other, constantly find a compromise. However, it’s worth it: if the partners manage to tune in to the same wavelength sexual relations, Capricorn will receive a world of refined pleasure as a reward, and Cancer will be thrilled with a sense of security next to such a strong and self-confident partner.

Compatibility: Cancer man - Capricorn woman

In this ratio, Capricorn and Cancer can create a completely harmonious union. Each of them is created for the role that will be assigned to him in this marriage. It is common for a Cancer man to take care of the well-being and strengthening of the financial situation of his family, and for a Capricorn woman to warm her husband with the warmth of the hearth. Perhaps the wife will have to guide her husband a little, help him in making decisions, but this will not harm the self-esteem of the dreamy Cancer, but, on the contrary, will develop in him a sense of responsibility for his wife and children. A Cancer man and a Capricorn woman will become a reliable support for each other and will be able to create a strong family, full of love and mutual understanding.

Compatibility: Capricorn man - Cancer woman

Compatibility of the signs Capricorn and Cancer in combination: he is Capricorn, she is Cancer - this is an ideal opportunity for each partner to get what they want.

The Cancer woman for Capricorn is the only one who corresponds to his ideas about a real woman. She is modest, sensual and at the same time becomes truly loving wife and a good mother. For a man who quite successfully realizes himself in business sphere, persistently achieving her goals, such a woman will become a reliable rear, ensuring construction cozy nest and skillfully managing household chores. Capricorn for a Cancer woman is the most best option to bring your ideas about happy family. She is under powerful protection and is financially secure with her husband. At the same time, she has a good opportunity to realize her desire to be an ideal housewife and devoted wife.

Among the negative aspects of such an alliance are some callousness of Capricorn and excessive vulnerability of Cancer. To achieve peace and harmony in these relationships, a woman needs to control her emotions a little, making allowances for her partner’s materiality, and not be offended by him over trifles. Capricorn will often have to remember that his chosen one is like a child in her whims and mood swings.

Business compatibility between Cancer and Capricorn

Compatibility of Capricorn and Cancer in business can only be based on equality. Then the partners will be able to achieve truly serious heights. They think alike, so their work will be coordinated and fruitful. This union is characterized by significant stability; Capricorn and Cancer are able to work in the same team for many years. However, if one of them manages to advance along career ladder, this partnership will be doomed. Having received power, one of the partners will try to show his superiority, and the other, in turn, will immediately try to free himself from the pressure of his former ally; a break in the relationship will follow.


Psychological compatibility of Cancer men and Capricorn women in relationships

This combination combines two cardinal sign having compatible elements (Cancer - Water, and Capricorn - Earth). It is easy to imagine their relationship in the form of the following archetypes: Cancers - mothers who provide a positive emotional background; Capricorns are fathers who deal with issues of material well-being. Both tend to show concern for others, only in various fields. From childhood, Cancer men took responsibility for maintaining a normal psychological climate in their family, that is, they played the role of a mother. Capricorn women had to protect themselves from childhood and grow up early in order to help their family and not be a burden.

Capricorn women are traditionalists who believe in the usual order of things, in a world order determined once and for all, and in life values. Cancer men are sentimental subjects, idealizing their wonderful past and preferring home cooking (even if they had neither). When these two meet, they both develop a mutual sense of security and respect as they are able to immediately recognize each other's characteristics. Unlike other cardinal signs (Libra and Aries), they readily join forces to create a family.

Sexual compatibility between Cancer men and Capricorn women

Attraction to each other between them arises almost instantly, since each is able to satisfy the needs of their partner. The intensity and duration of their passion can be assessed as a ten on a ten-point scale. A couple consisting of zodiac “parents” is sure to have serious intentions. When these two come together, they strive to be efficient in everything, and reproduction is certainly also the purpose of their connection.

Cancer man and Capricorn woman perceive intimate relationships as something more than just sexual pleasures. Both parties pay increased attention to the love caresses of their partner and listen to his wishes. Cancer men feel safe in the arms of Capricorn. At the same time, Capricorn women understand that they can afford frank statements. Both have an exceptional passion for each other, so it is not surprising that their sexual appetites are fully satisfied. This circumstance is the key to the future success of their union.

Business compatibility between Cancer man and Capricorn woman

Cancer and Capricorn can work together successfully as a team. But, as a rule, it is better if they are on the same level. Once one occupies a higher position and gains power, conflicts can begin. However, their compatibility is stable, and as business partners they rarely break up.

What a Cancer man needs to know about a Capricorn woman

Capricorns are decisive and can easily build a protective wall around themselves if they feel hurt or decide that they are being manipulated. At the same time, they are very possessive of what they own, including you, Cancer man. They expect constant self-control from you and, if something happens, they will immediately point out to you what they consider unreasonable expenses or inappropriate emotions. Regardless of whether they are right, Capricorn women can persist in their opinions and turn into ice without achieving what they want. At worst, encouraged by impunity, they are capable of reaching an extreme degree of dominance bordering on cruelty. Remember to confront them forcefully if necessary. Sometimes it's only language which they understand.

These signs are in many ways opposite to each other, and therefore contradictory relationships develop between them. compatibility shows that this figure is 70%.

Capricorn is purposeful, ambitious, and devotes a lot of time to his career. He is emotional, but at the same time closed and reserved. Cancer sometimes lacks his attention. Both signs are selfish. If they want their family to be strong, they will have to learn to make concessions to each other.
At the same time, they have a lot in common. Family ties are important to both material well-being. They have complete harmony in the financial sphere. Both prefer to save money rather than spend it on trifles. Living together may seem boring, but emotional Cancer will appreciate the stability of a partner.

Indicates that there is a strong erotic attraction between Capricorn and Cancer. Their love affair can bring them both happiness and great disappointment.

They will have to learn to find compromises with each other. They will be able to learn new things from their partner.

Capricorn will discover a world of refined pleasures that he had never even suspected before. Cancer will feel protected and will be able to relax.

Compatibility of Cancer woman and Capricorn man

These signs share common goals and the same worldview. Both value comfort; family is more important to them than friends, adventures and careers. They value consistency; stability is important to them. Both partners strive to achieve financial success, but they go about it in different ways.

When they meet, they will appreciate positive qualities each other. There is mutual understanding between them, perhaps a romance will arise that will end in a happy marriage.

Possesses strong character, he is ambitious and strives to achieve success. He is conservative, has an authoritative character, is responsible, and obligatory. You can rely on him.

Sensitive, mysterious, emotional. She loves to cook and take care of children, which appeals to the Capricorn man. This is exactly what he represents the ideal woman. She is shy, temperamental, and will become a loving mother and devoted wife. Peace is important to her.

The Capricorn man is able to create conditions that allow her to take care of the house and not worry about the future. The Cancer woman is loyal, knows how to appreciate help and in return takes care of her man. Will keep the fire in the family hearth and provide a reliable rear.

Although the Cancer woman also has a strong character, she will yield leadership functions to him. But she is not so conservative, she requires small changes in everyday life, new impressions that will be difficult for him to accept.

If a Capricorn man shows signs of attention, a Cancer woman can be sure of the seriousness of his intentions. He is not prone to frivolity and strives to create a family. He does not show the ardor of his feelings, it is difficult for him to open his soul.

But over time, the Cancer woman will become convinced that the Capricorn man is a gentle and faithful man. His feelings are deep, he truly loves her, but it is difficult for him to show it. If men of fire and air signs easily make empty promises, then Capricorn finds it difficult to express even the emotions that he actually experiences.

He is attentive, caring and devoted to his chosen one. The union is hampered by the vulnerability of the Cancer woman and the emotional closeness of the Capricorn man. She will have to take into account his restraint and not frighten him with her hysteria.

Compatibility of Capricorn woman and Cancer man

Relationships and Capricorn women are exactly that example when opposites converge. Both partners have a strong character and refuse to compromise. The Capricorn woman is inconspicuous in her youth, but the older she gets, the better she looks. She will gain confidence in her abilities and learn to present herself correctly.

The Cancer man is conservative and inclined to create a patriarchal family. He is goal-oriented and strives to achieve high position in society. The Cancer man is attached to his mother, which his wife will have to take into account. He loves when people take care of him. in many ways corresponds to the ideal of his life partner, but she lacks warmth and tenderness.

But he likes her loyalty, devotion and affection for her family. The Capricorn woman does not understand his sudden mood swings; she has emotional stability.

The Capricorn woman is practical, wise and ambitious. It looks impressive, has good taste, although somewhat conservative. To those around her she seems snow queen, but deep in her soul she has tenderness and love. If a Capricorn woman falls in love, then she is capable of making sacrifices for the sake of her family. But sometimes her critical remarks and outward coldness make the Cancer man doubt himself.