Battle of Stalingrad. heroic defenders of the “house of Pavlov”. Houses of Stalingrad that became legends: the war wiped them off the face of the earth, but the memory lives on

On Lenin Square, the leader still shows the direction of a bright future.
The monument was opened in 1960, on the 90th anniversary of Lenin’s birth. The pedestal is a stylized armored car turret. Until 1934, the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker stood on this site.

3. The arch behind the monument looks good

4. Mass grave soldiers of the 13th Guards Rifle Division and the 10th Division of the NKVD Troops

5. The stand on the right encourages education.

6. Gerhardt's Mill. Sometimes it is confused with the legendary Pavlov's house.

Pavlov's house is located on the other side of the street, practically nothing remains of it. That red wall is him.

Let's return to the mill. She certainly looks strong. You can immediately imagine what the city looked like after the fighting.
This is the second version of the mill, built in 1908. The first one burned down in a fire.

In fact, there was a whole complex here: in addition to the steam mill, there was a fish-smoking mill, an oil mill, bakery shops and warehouses.
9. It’s very good that it was preserved in this form.

In 1911, 78 workers worked here. During construction, a new product was used - a reinforced concrete frame and brick wall cladding. This was the first such building in the city. This is probably why the building survived the battles.

11. At the top you can still see the remains of the sign.

The mill operated until September 1942, when it was hit by a landmine.
12. The walls are reinforced with iron ties

13. Bullet marks?

14. You can’t get inside, but you can see what’s there and how.

15. But the teenagers seemed to be scratching something on the walls there.


17. In front of the mill – a small copy of the “Children’s Round Dance” fountain, 2013.

18. A pipe left over from our own boiler room.



21. In front of the mill and the museum there is an exhibition of equipment and weapons.

22. The development around the museum and the mill is typically Stalinist-post-war.




The battle for Pavlov's house is one of the brightest pages not only in the history of the defense of Stalingrad, but also of the entire Great Patriotic War. A handful of fighters repelled the fierce attacks of the German army, preventing the Nazis from reaching the Volga. There are still questions in this episode that researchers cannot yet give definitive answers to.

Who led the defense?

At the end of September 1942, a group of soldiers of the 13th Guards Division, led by Sergeant Yakov Pavlov, captured a four-story house on January 9th Square. A few days later, reinforcements arrived there - a machine-gun platoon under the command of Senior Lieutenant Ivan Afanasyev. The defenders of the house repelled the enemy's onslaught for 58 days and nights and left there only with the beginning of the counter-offensive of the Red Army.

There is an opinion that almost all these days the defense of the house was led not by Pavlov, but by Afanasyev. The first led the defense for the first few days until Afanasyev’s unit arrived at the house as reinforcements. After this, the officer, as a senior in rank, took command.

This is confirmed by military reports, letters and memoirs of participants in the events. For example, Kamalzhan Tursunov - until recently the last surviving defender of the house. In one of his interviews, he stated that it was not Pavlov who led the defense. Afanasyev, due to his modesty, after the war deliberately relegated himself to the background.

With a fight or not?

It is also not completely clear whether Pavlov’s group knocked the Germans out of the house in battle or whether the scouts entered an empty building. In his memoirs, Yakov Pavlov recalled that his soldiers were combing the entrances and noticed the enemy in one of the apartments. As a result of the fleeting battle, the enemy detachment was destroyed.

However, in post-war memoirs, battalion commander Alexey Zhukov, who followed the operation to seize the house, refuted Pavlov’s words. According to him, the scouts entered an empty building. The chapter adheres to the same version public organization“Children of military Stalingrad” Zinaida Selezneva.

There is an opinion that Ivan Afanasyev also mentioned the empty building in the original version of his memoirs. However, at the request of the censors, who forbade the destruction of an already established legend, the senior lieutenant was forced to confirm Pavlov’s words that there were Germans in the building.

How many defenders?

Also, there is still no exact answer to the question of how many people defended the fortress house. IN different sources the number mentioned is from 24 to 31. Volgograd journalist, poet and publicist Yuri Besedin in his book “A Shard in the Heart” said that the garrison totaled 29 people.

Other figures were given by Ivan Afanasyev. In his memoirs, he claimed that in just almost two months, 24 Red Army soldiers took part in the battle for the house.

However, the lieutenant himself in his memoirs mentions two cowards who wanted to desert, but were caught and shot by the defenders of the house. Afanasiev did not include the faint-hearted fighters among the defenders of the house on January 9 Square.

In addition, among the defenders, Afanasyev did not mention those who were not constantly in the house, but were periodically there during the battle. There were two of them: sniper Anatoly Chekhov and sanitary instructor Maria Ulyanova, who, if necessary, also took up arms.

"Lost" nationalities?

The defense of the house was held by people of many nationalities - Russians, Ukrainians, Georgians, Kazakhs and others. In Soviet historiography, the figure of nine nationalities was fixed. However, it is now being questioned.

Modern researchers claim that Pavlov's house was defended by representatives of 11 nations. Among others, Kalmyk Garya Khokholov and Abkhazian Alexey Sugba were in the house. It is believed that Soviet censorship removed the names of these fighters from the list of defenders of the house. Khokholov fell out of favor as a representative of the deported Kalmyk people. And Sukba, according to some information, was captured after Stalingrad and went over to the side of the Vlasovites.

Why did Pavlov become a hero?

Yakov Pavlov was awarded the title Hero for the defense of the house named after him. Soviet Union. Why Pavlov, and not Yakov Afanasyev, who, as many claim, was the real leader of the defense?

In his book “A Shard of the Heart,” Volgograd journalist and publicist Yuri Besedin noted that Pavlov was chosen for the role of the hero because propaganda preferred the image of a soldier rather than an officer. The political situation allegedly also intervened: the sergeant was a party member, while the senior lieutenant was non-party.

The battle for Pavlov's house is one of the brightest pages not only in the history of the defense of Stalingrad, but also of the entire Great Patriotic War. A handful of fighters repelled the fierce attacks of the German army, preventing the Nazis from reaching the Volga. There are still questions in this episode that researchers cannot yet give definitive answers to.

Who led the defense?

At the end of September 1942, a group of soldiers of the 13th Guards Division, led by Sergeant Yakov Pavlov, captured a four-story house on January 9th Square. A few days later, reinforcements arrived there - a machine-gun platoon under the command of Senior Lieutenant Ivan Afanasyev. The defenders of the house repelled the enemy's onslaught for 58 days and nights and left there only with the beginning of the counter-offensive of the Red Army.

There is an opinion that almost all these days the defense of the house was led not by Pavlov, but by Afanasyev. The first led the defense for the first few days until Afanasyev’s unit arrived at the house as reinforcements. After this, the officer, as a senior in rank, took command.

This is confirmed by military reports, letters and memoirs of participants in the events. For example, Kamalzhan Tursunov - until recently the last surviving defender of the house. In one of his interviews, he stated that it was not Pavlov who led the defense. Afanasyev, due to his modesty, after the war deliberately relegated himself to the background.

With a fight or not?

It is also not completely clear whether Pavlov’s group knocked the Germans out of the house in battle or whether the scouts entered an empty building. In his memoirs, Yakov Pavlov recalled that his soldiers were combing the entrances and noticed the enemy in one of the apartments. As a result of the fleeting battle, the enemy detachment was destroyed.

However, in post-war memoirs, battalion commander Alexey Zhukov, who followed the operation to seize the house, refuted Pavlov’s words. According to him, the scouts entered an empty building. The head of the public organization “Children of Wartime Stalingrad” Zinaida Selezneva adheres to the same version.

There is an opinion that Ivan Afanasyev also mentioned the empty building in the original version of his memoirs. However, at the request of the censors, who forbade the destruction of an already established legend, the senior lieutenant was forced to confirm Pavlov’s words that there were Germans in the building.

How many defenders?

Also, there is still no exact answer to the question of how many people defended the fortress house. Various sources mention a figure from 24 to 31. Volgograd journalist, poet and publicist Yuri Besedin in his book “A Shard in the Heart” said that the garrison totaled 29 people.

Other figures were given by Ivan Afanasyev. In his memoirs, he claimed that in just almost two months, 24 Red Army soldiers took part in the battle for the house.

However, the lieutenant himself in his memoirs mentions two cowards who wanted to desert, but were caught and shot by the defenders of the house. Afanasiev did not include the faint-hearted fighters among the defenders of the house on January 9 Square.

In addition, among the defenders, Afanasyev did not mention those who were not constantly in the house, but were periodically there during the battle. There were two of them: sniper Anatoly Chekhov and sanitary instructor Maria Ulyanova, who, if necessary, also took up arms.

"Lost" nationalities?

The defense of the house was held by people of many nationalities - Russians, Ukrainians, Georgians, Kazakhs and others. In Soviet historiography, the figure of nine nationalities was fixed. However, it is now being questioned.

Modern researchers claim that Pavlov's house was defended by representatives of 11 nations. Among others, Kalmyk Garya Khokholov and Abkhazian Alexey Sugba were in the house. It is believed that Soviet censorship removed the names of these fighters from the list of defenders of the house. Khokholov fell out of favor as a representative of the deported Kalmyk people. And Sukba, according to some information, was captured after Stalingrad and went over to the side of the Vlasovites.

Why did Pavlov become a hero?

Yakov Pavlov was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union for the defense of the house named after him. Why Pavlov, and not Yakov Afanasyev, who, as many claim, was the real leader of the defense?

In his book “A Shard of the Heart,” Volgograd journalist and publicist Yuri Besedin noted that Pavlov was chosen for the role of the hero because propaganda preferred the image of a soldier rather than an officer. The political situation allegedly also intervened: the sergeant was a party member, while the senior lieutenant was non-party.

February 28th, 2018 , 12:00 pm

If you find yourself in Volgograd, then you definitely need to visit three places: Mamaev kurgan, Paulus Bunker in the Central Department Store And Panorama Museum Battle of Stalingrad . I read a lot about the Battle of Stalingrad and watched films. A variety of books and films. “Stalingrad” by Yuri Ozerov is impossible to watch, the movie is about nothing, solid Soviet propaganda. The book by German war correspondent Heinz Schröter about the Battle of Stalingrad, written by him in 1943, seemed very interesting. By the way, the book, conceived as a propaganda tool capable of raising the spirit of the German army, was banned in Germany “for its defeatist mood” and was published only in 1948. It was completely unusual to look towards Stalingrad through the eyes of German soldiers. And oddly enough, it was precisely the meticulous analytical German assessment of military operations that showed the incredible feat that the Russian people - the military and the city residents - accomplished.

STALINGRAD- the same stone against which the invincible, powerful German war machine I literally broke my teeth.
STALINGRAD- that sacred point that turned the tide of the war.
STALINGRAD- the city of Heroes in the most literal sense.

From the book "Stalingrad" by Heinz Schroter
“In Stalingrad there were battles for every house, for metallurgical plants, factories, hangars, shipping canals, streets, squares, gardens, walls.”
“Resistance arose almost out of nowhere. At the surviving factories, the last tanks were being assembled, the armories were empty, everyone who was able to hold a weapon in their hands was armed: Volga steamships, the fleet, workers of military factories, teenagers.”
“The dive bombers delivered their iron blows to the ruins of staunchly defended bridgeheads.”

“The basements of houses and the vaults of workshops were equipped by the enemies as dugouts and strongholds. Danger lurked at every turn, snipers were hiding behind every ruin, but the sewerage structures posed a particular danger to Wastewater- they approached the Volga and were used by the Soviet command to supply reserves to them. Often, Russians suddenly appeared behind the advanced German detachments, and no one could understand how they got there. Later everything became clear, so the channels in the places where the drain covers were located were barricaded with steel beams.”
*It is interesting that the Germans describe houses for which mortal battles were fought not by numbers, but by color, because the German love of numbers has become meaningless.

“The sapper battalion lay down in front of the pharmacy and the red house. These strongholds were equipped for defense in such a way that it was impossible to take them.”

“The advance of the engineer battalions moved forward, but stopped in front of the so-called white house. The houses in question were piles of rubbish, but there were battles for them too.”
*Just imagine how many such “red and white houses” there were in Stalingrad...

I found myself in Volgograd at the very beginning of February, when they celebrated the next anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Stalingrad. On this day I went to Panorama Museum, which is located on the high bank of the Volga embankment (Chuikova St., 47). I chose the day very well, because on the site in front of the museum I caught a concert, performances by our guys, and a gala event dedicated to the memorable date.

I didn’t take pictures inside the museum, it’s dark, it’s unlikely that they would have worked nice photos no flash. But the museum is very interesting. First of all, the all-round panorama “Destruction” Nazi troops near Stalingrad." As Wiki describes it: “Panorama “Battle of Stalingrad” is a canvas measuring 16x120 m, with an area of ​​about 2000 m² and 1000 m² of subject matter. The plot is the final stage of the Battle of Stalingrad - Operation Ring. The canvas shows the connection on January 26, 1943 of the 21st and 62nd armies of the Don Front on the western slope of Mamayev Kurgan, which led to the dissection of the encircled German group into two parts.” In addition to the panorama (located on the very high floor museum, in the Rotunda) there are 4 dioramas (small panoramas on the first floor).
Weapons, Soviet and German, awards, personal items and clothing, models, photographs, portraits. You definitely need to take a tour guide. In my case, this could not be done, due to the fact that a solemn ceremony was taking place in the Triumphal Hall, which was attended by veterans, military personnel, young army guys, and the museum was flooded with a large number of guests.

(with photo yarowind

(with photo kerrangjke

(With) muph

Behind the Panorama Museum there is a dilapidated red brick building - Gergard's Mill (Grudinin's Mill). The building became one of the important defense centers of the city. Again, turning to Wiki we find out that “The mill was semi-surrounded for 58 days, and during these days it withstood numerous hits from aerial bombs and shells. These damages are visible even now - literally every square meter The outer walls were cut by shells, bullets and shrapnel; on the roof, reinforced concrete beams were broken by direct hits from aerial bombs. The sides of the building indicate varying intensities of mortar and artillery fire.”

A copy of the sculpture is now installed nearby "Dancing Children". For Soviet Russia it was a fairly typical sculpture - pioneers with red ties (3 girls and three boys) lead a friendly round dance around the fountain. But the children’s figures, damaged by bullets and shell fragments, look especially piercing and defenseless.

Opposite the Panorama Museum across the road is Pavlov's House.
I’ll turn to Wikipedia again so as not to repeat it: “Pavlov’s House is a 4-story residential building in which a group of Soviet soldiers heroically held the defense for 58 days during the Battle of Stalingrad. Some historians believe that the defense was led by senior sergeant Ya. F. Pavlov, who took command of the squad from senior lieutenant I. F. Afanasyev, who was wounded at the beginning of the battles. The Germans organized attacks several times a day. Every time soldiers or tanks tried to get close to the house, I.F. Afanasyev and his comrades met them with heavy fire from the basement, windows and roof. Throughout the defense of Pavlov’s house (from September 23 to November 25, 1942), there were civilians in the basement until the Soviet troops launched a counterattack.”

I would like to return to the demonstration performances of our guys again. And I will quote the text of Vitaly Rogozin dervishv about hand-to-hand combat, which I liked incredibly.
Hand-to-hand combat - window dressing or a deadly weapon?
Experts continue to argue about whether soldiers need hand-to-hand combat in conditions modern warfare. And if necessary, then in what volume and with what technical arsenal? And what martial arts best suited for this? No matter how much analysts argue, hand-to-hand combat still has its place in training programs. The other day I looked at the hand-to-hand combat skills of the cadets of the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School.

There is a joke among the troops: “To engage in hand-to-hand combat, a soldier needs to remain in his shorts, find a flat area and a second idiot like him.” And this joke contains considerable wisdom, tested in hundreds of wars. After all, even in the era before the appearance firearms hand-to-hand combat was not a “major discipline”. The main focus in a soldier's combat training was on his ability to wield a weapon and not bring the battle to hand-to-hand combat.
For example, in China, where the traditions of martial arts go back thousands of years, the training of soldiers for hand-to-hand combat was systematized only during the Ming Dynasty, when General Qi Jiguang selected and published his “32 fist methods” for training troops.
Only 32 techniques from the huge variety of Chinese Wushu! But the most effective and easiest to learn.
According to Western press reports, the entire hand-to-hand combat course of the American Delta consists of 30 techniques.

1 . The soldier’s task, since he cannot, for some reason, use weapons, is to as soon as possible destroy the enemy or disarm and immobilize him. And you don’t need to know many techniques to do this. It is important to master them; they must be firmly embedded in the subconscious and muscle memory.
2. The most important thing for a fighter is the ability to use personal weapons and equipment in hand-to-hand combat.
3. Let's start with the machine gun. The blows are delivered with a bayonet, barrel, butt, and magazine.
Thus, even without ammunition, the machine gun remains a formidable weapon in close combat.
In the Kadochnikov system, which in some places in domestic security forces they still teach, the machine gun is even used to immobilize and escort a prisoner.
4. Hand-to-hand combat techniques with a knife are characterized by fast, economical and generally short and low-amplitude movements.
5. The targets for striking are mainly the limbs and neck of the enemy, since, firstly, they contain large blood vessels located close to the surface of the body. Secondly, hitting the opponent’s hands sharply reduces his ability to continue the fight (a hit to the neck, for obvious reasons, practically eliminates this). Thirdly, the torso can be protected by body armor.
6. A soldier must still be able to throw a knife without missing from any position. But he only does this when he has no other choice, because the knife is designed to cut and stab and should lie firmly in the hand, and not move in space, leaving the owner without the last weapon.
7. A terrible weapon in the hands of a soldier is a small sapper blade. The radius of destruction and the length of the cutting edge are much greater than that of any knife. But in these exhibition battles it was not used, and in vain.
8. Confronting an armed enemy while unarmed is also a necessary skill.
9. But taking away a weapon from an enemy is not so easy.
10. Real knives and pistols bring the training situation closer to a combat situation, strengthening psychological resistance to weapons in the hands of the opponent.
11. The fighter still needs the skills to silently destroy sentries and capture enemy troops.
12. It is important for any intelligence officer to be able to search, bind and escort captured or detained persons.
13. A soldier of army units in hand-to-hand combat must kill the enemy in the shortest possible period of time and continue completing the assigned task.
14. The targets for his blows are the temples, eyes, throat, base of the skull, heart (a competent, accurate blow to the heart area leads to its stop). Hit to the groin and knee joints are good as “relaxers”.
15 . The stick, in turn, is the most ancient human weapon.
16 . The methods of its use have been refined over thousands of years and can be adopted for service without any modification or adaptation.
17 . Even if you never have to use hand-to-hand combat skills, it is better to know them and be able to use them.
18. Crunch and cut in half.

Posts tagged “Volgograd”:

Pavlov's house became one of the historical sites of the Battle of Stalingrad, which still causes controversy among modern historians.

During fierce fighting, the house withstood a considerable number of counterattacks from the Germans. For 58 days, a group of Soviet soldiers bravely held the defense, destroying more than a thousand enemy soldiers during this period. IN post-war years historians carefully tried to restore all the details, and the composition of the commanders who carried out the operation led to the first disagreements.

Who held the line

According to the official version, the operation was led by Ya.F. Pavlov, in principle, is associated with this fact and the name of the house, which he subsequently received. But there is another version, according to which Pavlov directly led the assault, and I. F. Afanasyev was then responsible for the defense. And this fact is confirmed by military reports, which became the source for reconstructing all the events of that period. According to his soldiers, Ivan Afanasyevich was a rather modest person, perhaps this pushed him into the background a little. After the war, Pavlov was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Unlike him, Afanasiev was not awarded such an award.

Strategic importance of the house

An interesting fact for historians was that the Germans designated this house on the map as a fortress. And indeed the strategic importance of the house was very important - from here there was a wide view of the territory from where the Germans could break through to the Volga. Despite daily attacks from the enemy, our soldiers defended their positions, reliably closing the approaches from enemies. The Germans who took part in the assault could not understand how the people in Pavlov’s house could withstand their attacks without food or ammunition reinforcements. Subsequently, it turned out that all provisions and weapons were delivered through a special trench dug underground.

Is Tolik Kuryshov a fictional character or a hero?

Also little known fact, which was discovered during the research, was the heroism of an 11-year-old boy who fought along with the Pavlovians. Tolik Kuryshov helped the soldiers in every possible way, who, in turn, tried to protect him from danger. Despite the commander's ban, Tolik still managed to accomplish a real feat. Having penetrated one of the neighboring houses, he was able to obtain important documents for the army - the capture plan. After the war, Kuryshov did not advertise his feat in any way. We learned about this event from surviving documents. After a series of investigations, Anatoly Kuryshov was awarded the Order of the Red Star.

Where were the civilians?

Whether there was an evacuation or not - this issue also caused a lot of controversy. According to one version, there were civilians in the basement of the Pavlovsk house for all 58 days. Although there is theory that people were evacuated through dug trenches. Yet modern historians adhere to the official version. Many documents indicate that people were indeed in the basement all this time. Thanks to the heroism of our soldiers during these 58 days of civilians no harm done.

Today Pavlov's house has been completely restored and immortalized memorial wall. Based on the events related to the heroic defense of the legendary house, books have been written and even a film has been made, which has won many world awards.