Competitive game program "Take care of nature." "Mysteries of nature." Ecological game program

Environmental competitive game program
“All this is called nature” for students (57 classes)
The program goes under the motto:
“We want to protect all nature from humans”
Raising attentive careful attitude to nature, Earth, feelings
responsibility for it.
Development of observation and mental activity of students.
Fostering a creative attitude towards solutions environmental problems.
Formation of responsibility for one’s actions and actions.
Development of speech and aesthetic taste.
Planned results:
Vaccinate cognitive interest to study the features of the nature of their native land.
Lay the foundations of environmental behavior.
Venue: chemistry room
Time: 1 hour
Illustrations depicting medicinal plants, animals, birds;
audio recording “Sounds of Nature”;
fragments of songs from cartoons about animals and birds;
presentation on the topic “Prohibition signs”;
cards with prohibition signs;
commandments of a young ecologist;
colored pencils, markers, paper;
colored napkins, scissors, glue.
The hall is decorated with posters and sayings.
Exhibition of books on ecology.
Red Book.
Progress of the program
(music “Sounds of Nature” sounds)

You, man, loving nature,
At least sometimes feel sorry for her;
On pleasure trips
Do not trample its fields;
In the station bustle of the century
Hurry to evaluate it:
She is your long time
Good doctor,
She is the ally of the soul.
Don't burn it recklessly.
And don’t exhaust it to the bottom,
And remember the simple truth:
There are many of us, but she is alone.
V. Shefner
Remember the commandments of the young ecologist:
not only look, but observe,
don't make noise, but listen and understand,
do not offend, do not interfere, but help our smaller brothers - insects, birds,
Whoever fulfills these commandments will become a young ecologist, that is, a defender of nature.
Good afternoon, girls and boys! Good afternoon, dear adults! I'm glad to see you
welcome to the competitive game program “All this is called nature.”
We are all inhabitants of the Earth. We have stepped into the 21st century with many achievements in the field
technology of science, art, education. But along with the achievements of humanity
appeared and big problems. The most pressing issues include
In order to preserve nature, and at the same time to survive themselves, people began to study very seriously
laws of living nature. This is how the science of ECOLOGY arose. This word is made up of two
Greek words: "oikos" "house" and "logos" "science". So, we can say that ecology
is the science of our common home and the laws by which we must live in it.
We all owe our lives to our planet - the beautiful Earth, groaning in pain,
calling for help. Today, every person should know what we owe to plants and
animals and how to preserve all life on Earth.
I hope that the competitive game program “All this is called nature” will help us with
you once again think about our common home and that this home must be loved and protected.
To begin our program, I would like to introduce our esteemed
jury. (Jury Presentation). Our jury will evaluate using a five-point system.
Ahead of us are competitions and entertainment for the teams. So, let's begin!
You and I will play in two teams: Grasshoppers and Cornflowers.

I ask the teams to introduce themselves.
Team presentation.
The teams take their place at the table.
Our program will take place across stations. You'll know the way if it's right
complete the task.
Teams receive envelopes with tasks.
Distribute the words into two columns according to the principle of “living, inanimate nature”:
sun, boy, berry, sky, water, stones, mushroom, fish, hare, rain, soil, tree.
The jury evaluates the competition.
Station 1 “Natural First Aid Kit”
Be careful, now you will be given riddles. Teams will respond according to
queues. If a team cannot give the correct answer, the next one can answer
Oh, don’t touch me, I’ll burn you even without fire. (Nettle)
The golden mean and the rays go around.
This could be a picture -
Sun in the blue sky? (chamomile)
All in White dress dressed,
In earrings in lace foliage,
Welcomes the hot summer
She is at the edge of the forest. (birch)
Whoever touches clings to him,
Attractive and prickly, needles stick out all around (burdock, or burdock)
We smell the freshness of the forest
Brings in late spring
The flower is fragrant, delicate,
From a snow-white brush. (lily of the valley)
A thin stalk by the path,
At the end of his earring.
There are leaves on the ground - small burlap.
To us he is like good friend,

Treats wounds of legs and arms. (plantain)
Green bush growing
Angel flowers,
Devil's claws -
If you touch it, it will bite. (rose hip)
A fashionista like this
The earth has not yet seen
He loves it very much in the summer
Show off in a downy hat. (dandelion)
After the riddles, the teams are given a puzzle about medicinal plants.
You need to complete the puzzle and read about the healing properties of plants. (Appendix No. 5)
Competition for fans “Medicinal plant” No. 2
While team members are putting together puzzles, fans of each team are asked a question
what medicinal plants do you know? Which fan team will name the most?

Station 3. “Riddles from the Earth”
Be careful, now they will tell you something interesting riddles. The team responds
who will be the first to raise the “Answer” sign. If the command does not give the correct answer,
the following command can answer.
It is very durable and resilient, a reliable friend for builders.
Houses, steps, pedestals will become beautiful and noticeable. (Granite.)
If you meet one on the road, your feet will get stuck.
And to make a bowl or vase, you will need it right away. (Clay.)
Mom has an excellent assistant in the kitchen,
It blooms like a blue flower from a match. (Natural gas.)
The kids really need him, he’s on the paths in the yard,
He’s at a construction site, on the beach, and he’s even melted into glass. (Sand.)
Without it, the car won’t even go a kilometer,
Planes and helicopters will not take off,
The rocket won't rise. Guess what it is? (Oil.)
Plants grew in the swamp... And now it’s fuel and fertilizer. (Peat.)
It was cooked for a long time in a blast furnace,
So that later they could make us scissors and keys. (Iron ore.)

Come on, quickly take off your hat!
I am the daughter of a space dad.
And omnipresent and light,
I am ice, I am sweat, I am clouds.
I am frost, tea, broth, fog,
River, stream and ocean.
When I get angry, I seethe;
And I'm freezing from the frost. (Water)
The jury evaluates the competition and assigns marks.
Ecosigns station



Host: Station 4 “Decipher the cryptogram”
Each team receives an encryption. It needs to be deciphered, for this you need to guess
four keywords. Each letter in these keywords brings you closer to the final result.
the phrase that was encrypted.
12, 3, 2, 3, 11, 15, 9, 3, 1 – 10, 5, 6, 3, 12, 8, 11, 5, 13, 1, 13, 14, 8.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – third day of the week. (Wednesday.)
6, 7, 8, 9, 5 – an institution where students receive knowledge. (School.)
10, 8, 11, 15 – human lower limbs. (Legs.)
12, 8, 13, 14, 5 – upper leafy part of potatoes, carrots, beets. (Botva.)
Answer: Take care of the forest - our wealth.
The jury evaluates the competition, assigns marks and sums up preliminary results.
The jury evaluates the competition, assigns marks and distributes tokens.
Station 5 "Complaint"
The presenter offers to draw one of the cards with the text of the animal’s “complaint” and
determine who we are talking about and what benefits it brings.

Complaint No. 1.
I know myself that I am not a beauty. If I show up, many will shy away, or even throw a stone
thrown or kicked. For what? They came up with the idea that I caused warts on my hands.
What nonsense. Not everyone can be beautiful!
And people benefit greatly from me.
Toad. One toad saves an entire garden from caterpillars and worms. If there are infestations in the house
cockroaches, bring a toad and they will disappear.
Complaint No. 2
There is, perhaps, no such creature on the globe about which so many legends would be told.
and fables like about us. I don’t like that we love the darkness, that ordinary birds and animals are not
similar. But we are man’s friends, not enemies. What do we do? After all, that's how we are
born. We like to hang upside down. And they offend us undeservedly.
Bat. She hunts only at night, but her benefits are enormous. She destroys
The jury evaluates the competition and assigns marks.
Station 6 "Bird Bazaar"
You know that with the arrival of autumn, many birds fly south to survive the cold
time and lack of food. And only in the spring can they please us with their singing and sonorous
chirping when they fly back to build nests and hatch chicks. And only
few stay with us to while away the long winter.
The presenter proposes to distribute the names of birds under the appropriate names
(migratory or wintering).
Crane, crow, swan, tit, swallow, crossbill, nightingale, woodpecker, cuckoo, starling,
magpie, duck, owl.
The jury evaluates the competition and assigns marks.
Station 7 "Captains"
Captains from each team come out. They become the same distance from
jury and take turns talking about the role of birds in nature and their significance for humans, making
step forward. The winner is the one who reaches the jury table first.
The jury evaluates the competition and assigns marks.
Station 8 “Decipher the phrase”
Each team receives a phrase that must be deciphered.

Humans are not the only ones who have the gift of speech. Books also speak. There is a book that
she just says, she screams, but not everyone hears her. This is the RED BOOK. On
its pages contain the names of endangered animals and plants. Red color - signal
ban, understandable to people all over the world: stop, man! Think about why every day
There are fewer and fewer animals and plants on the planet! Don't leave behind a bunch of trash,
a planted tree, a clean river, a saved bird. Hear those who are calling for help. IN
The RED BOOK will help you with this.
The jury evaluates the competition and assigns marks.
Station 9 "Ecosigns"
We have the right to use natural resources. This right is secured
constitutional, but many people still do not know how or do not want to take care of
nature (participants’ attention is drawn to the prohibitory signs attached to
We repeat the rules of behavior in nature, explaining the signs.
Think about what you would not allow people to do so as not to destroy nature. Depict
its prohibiting sign of nature. (Teams are given paper and markers)
Teams provide and protect their signs. Attach them to the board. Leading

→ Ecology >" url="">

26.07.2017 | Looked at the script 1439 Human

Oh my forest, my wonderful forest,
Full of fairy tales and miracles!
My life passes in worries and labors,
I hope that you recognize me.
Protector of the forest, friend of animals,
I am a king from a fairy tale...
Children. Berendey.
Well done my friends!
I invite everyone to visit...

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June 5 - World Conservation Day environment.
Every flower and every blade of grass,
Birds that fly into the blue sky
All the nature that surrounds us,
Our protection, my friend, is expected.
The sound of an alarm bell sounds in the background of alarming music.
Reader 1.

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Ecological cleanup “Picnic in a forest clearing”

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Host: Dear guys! We all know that the Earth is ours common Home. From birth we are surrounded by nature - trees, grass, air and water. We live in this world, and what it is and what it will become in the future depends only on us. Nature is very...

Ecological fairy tale "Clean City"

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On the banks of the great Volga
The city was built big.
It was called Astrakhan.
All in green spaces!
Oh, what a pleasure!
Walk along wonderful streets,
Breathe clean air.
They say that Astrakhan is a clean city!
But there is a lot of garbage here too...

"This Fragile Planet"

19.06.2011 | Looked at the script 5677 Human

We are talking about
That the whole Earth is our common home -
Our good home, spacious home,
We all live in it from birth.
We are also talking about this
That we must take care of our home.
Let's prove that it's not in vain
The Earth hopes for us.
Presenter 1. Our...

Ecological game "Happy Anthill"

02.06.2010 | Looked at the script 11863 person

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Diana Motova
Scenario competitive game program“Happy Accident” from the series “Nature and Us”

Target: identify the level of knowledge on environmental education and expand

children's horizons.


First divide the children into 2 groups, choosing team captains and coming up with a name for the team.

-Give the fans a task: come up with questions for the opposing teams.

Progress of the GAME

Leading: Hello guys!

I am so glad to see you in our hall. You probably guessed that

will there be anything interesting here? Of course, if we are all gathered, then

it's always good and interesting.

Today we are playing a game « Lucky case» . In the very

the title feels like it will definitely be interesting and I

I think you should all be lucky.

I know you all love nature, take care of her, try

do not offend a bird, an ant, or a tree, because you are a lot

you read about it and know that everything in the world must be protected and loved!

All our meetings this year will be dedicated to our nature.

Only in the game will you show your knowledge about nature!

So let me introduce our teams of experts

nature: team "Thunder" and team "Droplet"

(children greet the teams)

Now look ahead and you will see our jury, very

strict but fair.

(jury presentation)

LEADING: Look here, two autumn leaves have flown towards us.

What tree is this leaf from? Right! And this one?

These leaves are not simple, on the back of the leaf are written

questions for teams. Now the team captains will come up and

choose any of them.

(Pick leaves)

Each team must answer these questions. You are given

15 seconds to prepare your answer. For every correct

The answer is given one point. Who will start first?

I ANNOUNCE the first game.

(the leader reads the question, the children answer)


1 team:

What kind of forest dweller dries his mushrooms on the trees?

What animal lives in water in summer and in land in winter?

Where do frogs go for the winter?

What is more scary for birds - cold or hunger?

2nd team:

Where do crows sleep in winter and autumn?

Are a cat's eyes the same during the day and at night?

Which animal will still give birth to cubs during leaf fall in the fall?

LEADING: Our strict jury will appreciate your efforts, and we move on

to the 2nd game!


Now each team will receive a bag of seeds, you must

you will call this plant or tree. To think about - three

(teams are given seeds: watermelon, pumpkin, peas, plums, cherries, apples)

LEADING: Well done! And now, as the host of the game, I propose

take a musical break!

Our fans have prepared a new song for you

"Leaves", listen to her!

Song "Leaves" E. Shibitskaya.

Leading: Everyone liked the song. So lyrical, a little sad, but

we are no longer sad, because there is no time to be sad, we continue

game. I announce game 3!

Now I will ask a riddle question to each team member.

If all six people guess correctly, they will receive

an extra point, that is, for this game they will get not six, but seven

points! If you don't know the answer, you can ask your help

fans. Do you understand everything?

Let's start with the team "Thunder"


Without arms, without legs, but he opens the gate?

Was the lanky man walking - did he get stuck in the ground?

Curls, twists, rushes into the sky?

We have little golden chicks in our little stove?

In the thicket of the forest, along the paths,

He stands among the aspen trees,

There is a hat, but no coat

Guess who it is?

Along the forest paths

Lots of white legs

In multi-colored hats,

Noticeable from afar.

Collect without delay - this is... (RUSSUL)

LEADING: Riddles for the team "Droplet"

There is a sieve hanging, not sewn by hand.

At Grandma's over the hut

The edge hangs.

Dogs bark

They can't get it.

No windows, no doors -

The room is full of people!

Without arms, without legs, knocking under the window -

It's asking to go to the hut!

There are no more friendly mushrooms than these,

Adults and children know

They grow on stumps in the forest,

Like freckles on your nose (honey mushrooms)

Near the forest, on the edge, decorating the dark forest,

Grew up motley, like Parsley, poisonous (fly agaric)

LEADING: Well done boys!

You know everything: both about berries and mushrooms. Let's sing

now a song about autumn mushrooms "Honey mushrooms".

Song "Honey mushrooms" music Abelyan

LEADING: I think the jury can already say the results of three games.


LEADING: Let's continue our game.

To your fans, guys, I gave this exercise: compose

for you, three difficult questions for the opposing teams. Here

now the fans will do it.

Please team fans "Thunder" ask questions

team "Droplet"

QUESTIONS: 1. A green bush grows,

If you touch it, it will bite (rose hip).

2. They grow - they turn green, they fall - they turn yellow, they lie down -

turn black (leaves)

3. There is a curly haired woman standing in a field - a white shirt.

Heart of gold, what is it? (chamomile)

LEADING: Team fans have their questions "Droplets" team


QUESTIONS: 1. Two brothers look into the water, they will never meet (shore)

2. From branch to path, from grass to blade of grass

Jumping spring, green back (grasshopper)

3. Not the sun, not fire, but shining. (Firefly)

LEADING: Well done boys! You take note of everything, so answer all questions

answer. As a presenter, I announce a musical break.

Let's all sing and dance together.


music B. Savelyeva

A game “It grows, it doesn’t grow”

(If "grows"-raise our hands up, "not growing"- squat)

LEADING: I think you had a good rest before the last, decisive

game. I announce game 5! Blitz tour!

Within 2 minutes you must answer the questions (as best you can


team "Droplets":

1. White trunk tree (birch)

2. Is the plant a living creature or not? (Yes)

3. Turtle clothes? (shell)

4. What are pine and spruce branches covered with? (needles)

5. Cowardly animal (hare)

6. The Blind Digger (mole)

7. What fish can’t live without (without water)

8. Forest orderly bird (woodpecker)

team "Thunder":

1. Roadside plant (plantain)

2. Cunning cheat (fox)

3. An insect that sees the stars even during the day (ant)

4. What animal is greedy for raspberries? (bear)

5. The last month of autumn? (november)

6. Which animal will give birth to cubs in the fall? (hare)

7. Which animal sleeps all winter with its head down? (bat)

8. Winter home of black grouse? (snowdrift)

LEADING: Yes, well done! Our teams did it very quickly

on a mission! Who actually won? Now we will find out!

(The jury announces the results of the game, awards the winner, and presents incentive prizes)

LEADING: Let's love nature,

So that both birds and animals love us,

And they trusted us as if they were their loyal friends!


Game program script

"The green planet gathers friends"

Target: creating conditions for the formation ecological culture from program participants; fostering communication skills, a sense of responsibility, the ability to work in a team, and collectivism.

Equipment: - presentation;

- cut pictures;

- paper, colored pencils, felt-tip pens;

Task cards;

Handkerchiefs according to the number of commands (for blindfolding);

Ropes according to the number of commands (for tying legs);

Black box;

Garbage collection bags, garbage;

Air balloons;

Apples by number of teams;

Phonogram of N. Koroleva’s song “Little Country”, lyrics;

A picture of a green planet, colored circles - “emoticons”, glue;

Progress of the event:

Leading: Hello! I am pleased to welcome all participants in our “Green Planet Gathers Friends” program. Today, not only environmentalists came to visit us, but also guys from other creative associations.

(Division into teams based on cut pictures).

1 task "CALL"

IN: your task is to come up with a team name and design a business card that will reflect the interests and character of the team members (5 points).

Leading: The teams have been introduced and it’s time for us to start the game program. Although people believe that they have studied nature quite well, nevertheless it presents and presents us with its unexpected gifts, reveals secrets and mysteries. And today you must overcome, fulfill and reveal all that has been prepared

natural secrets, mysteries and surprises for you.


IN: Before we study the mysteries of nature, we will check whether you know the ecological dictionary. Find matching pairs between a word and its meaning. (Correct answer – 1 point)

6. Buckwheat e) volcano.

11. Celandine l) diet.
12. Antelope m) bathhouse.

(Answers: 1 - i; 2 - h; 3 - j; 4 - a; 5 - d; 6 - b; 7 - d; 8 - f; 9 - g; 10 - c; 11 - m; 12 - l )

Comic game"THE STOLEN SUN"

IN: Four people per team are required to participate in the game. Rules of the game: a player, the “sun,” sits on a chair with his legs tied, guarded by another player, the “cloud.” The “cloud” is blindfolded. The task of the “rescuer” is to free the “sun” from the captivity of the “cloud” by untying the “sun’s” legs. The “cloud” prevents this. If she touched the “sun” rescuer, then he lost and must be replaced by another team representative. The team whose player frees the “stolen sun” wins. (The winner brings the team 2 points).


IN: you need to choose the correct answer from the proposed answers. (Correct answer – 1 point)

Attention to the screen.

Question 1 (1 slide):

- to the Black Sea,
- to the Mediterranean Sea,
- into the Caspian Sea.

Question 2 (2nd layer):
A tsunami is a consequence of:
- storms,
- underwater earthquake,
- ship collisions.

Question 3 (3 slide):

- Red Sea,
- White Sea,
- Blue sea,
- Yellow Sea.

Question 4 (4 slide):
What grows at the bottom of the sea?
- sea burdock
- sea onion
- seaweed

Question 5 (5 slide):
Who doesn't live in the sea?
- sea turtle
- angler
- guinea pig
- sea bass
- sea urchin

Question 6 (6 slide):

- moon
- Sun
- wind

Task 4 “BLACK BOX”

IN: Your task is to guess what is in the black box by asking unambiguous questions for the answers “Yes” or “No”.

Environmental CHALLENGE

Aunt Zina was coming from the forest,
She carried a hundred mushrooms in a basket.
Lisichkin Kolka came up
- Aunt Zina, how many whites are there?
- There were a lot of russulas
I counted, but forgot
There are ten times fewer whites
I remember it like it is now.
There are a couple of butterflies here
And ten again...
- Well, what about whites, how many whites?
- I don’t remember and that’s all!
Who will tell Aunt Zina,
How many white ones are in the basket?

(Answer: 80 russula, 8 porcini mushrooms).


IN: To decipher the encryption, to do this you need to guess four key words. Each letter in these keywords brings you closer to the final phrase that was encrypted (slide 7)


1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – third day of the week. (Wednesday.)

6, 7, 8, 9, 5 – an institution where students receive knowledge. (School.)

10, 8, 11, 15 – human lower limbs. (Legs.)

12, 8, 13, 14, 5 – upper leafy part of potatoes, carrots, beets. (Botva.)


Answer: Take care of the forest - our wealth.


IN: But what is it? We have received telegrams!

Urgent! Here you are:

1 telegram

"Urgently. From Baba Yaga. I'm lost, I'm dying. I broke my last bone leg on the rubbish that tourists left behind.” Here's your first problem - environmental pollution. Our tourists behave incorrectly in the forest. Who will tell you how to behave in the forest?

(Guys answer the question. All those who answer receive tokens)

One person per team participates in the competition"Who is faster will clean up the clearing.” Participants are blindfolded and search for scattered objects. After the end of the competition, the results are summed up. (Teams receive points based on the amount of garbage collected in descending order).

2 telegram

Another telegram, from a crow: “What is this happening, citizens? The murderers destroyed their native nest. Left without a roof over their head in their old age. Now I'm not turning out to be a crow, but a homeless person. Take immediate action, otherwise I’ll go all the way to the UN. You are such hooligans."

So the crow can die! Therefore, the next environmental problem is a sharp reduction in biological diversity on the planet. Nowadays, several species of animals and plants die every year in the world. Do you know what a wombat is? This is a marsupial rodent, lives in Australia, resembles a small brown bear cub. It has one peculiarity - in 10 minutes it can gnaw a hole in a thick log wall.

Now we’ll see how quickly you can chew.

Test for one team member. You need to eat an apple.

3 telegram

Telegram from Little Red Riding Hood: “In my grandmother’s garden, the sun burned all the cabbage. There is nothing to make pies with. Help! We're starving." Why did grandma's cabbage burn? The ozone layer above the garden has been depleted. What is the ozone layer and where is it located?

(Children answer that ozone accumulates at an altitude of 15-60 km and forms a protective screen that saves us from ultraviolet rays, and receive tokens).

If ozone becomes low, an “ozone hole” appears, caused by aerosols. What are aerosols?

These are the cans from which we spray paint, hairspray, air fresheners, etc. These cans contain substances that destroy the ozone layer. But the ozone layer can recover. Have you noticed how easy it is to breathe after a thunderstorm? pine forest? Now let's see which of you walks in the forest more often after a thunderstorm.

Each team needs to inflate two balloon until they burst. (Points are awarded in descending order.)

- Such good mood– I just want to sing! And you? Is there any good song about environmentalists (to the audience)? I have.

Performance of the song “Little Country of Environmentalists” (to the tune of N. Koroleva “Little Country”)
1. There is one in a wonderful city
He's called Chernushka
A little corner of childhood
You will find happiness in him
Children's laughter always sparkles there,
There is no evil or grief there,
Everyone's dreams are destined to come true there,
And surprise the whole world.

Where is she, where is she.

Where the soul is light and clear,
Where it's always spring.

2. Children come to this country
To know the world around us.
And having made his discovery,
Become a young scientist.
Here they will always tell you everything,
Knowledge will open the door,
Many earthly wonders will be shown,
Many miracles, believe me!
A small country of ecologists, a small country
Who will tell me, who will tell me,
Where is she, where is she.
A small country of ecologists, a small country,
Where the soul is light and clear,
Where it's always spring.
A small country of environmentalists
Little country,
It's good for children to study here,
It is their second home.
A small country of ecologists,
Little country,
Here the doors are always open for you -
Here life is full of love!

Event reflection: and now draw your mood on these colored circles, i.e. smiley and stick it on the “Green Planet” of ecologists.

Q: Now each team must choose a participant who brought the team a large number of points.

Summarizing. Rewarding.


Quest “The Clueless Dictionary”


1. Cosine a) this is the kind of forest in which it is good to take a nap.
2. Kill the worm b) Greek flu.
3. A flexible animal c) a fan of crawl swimming.
4. A dense forest d) is a complex multicellular organism.
5. Notebook e) industrial waste disposal.
6. Buckwheat e) volcano.
7. Prunes g) popular crooner.
8. Fiend h) spray the garden with chemicals.
9. Limestone i) harvesting campaign.
10. Rabbit j) camel with luggage.
11. Celandine l) diet.
12. Antelope m) bathhouse.

Exercise " Right choice»

Team ________________________________

Task "Cryptogram"

Team ________________________________


12, 3, 2, 3, 11, 15, 9, 3, 1 – 10, 5, 6, 3, 12, 8, 11, 5, 13, 1, 13, 14, 8.

___________________________________________________________________ .

Answers for the jury.

Quest “The Clueless Dictionary”

Answers: 1 – and; 2 – h; 3 – to; 4 – a; 5 - g; 6 – b; 7 – d; 8 – e; 9 – f; 10 – in; 11th; 12 – l

Task “The Right Choice”

    The great Russian river Volga flows into which sea?
    - to the Black Sea,
    - to the Mediterranean Sea,
    - into the Caspian Sea.

    A tsunami is a consequence of:
    - storms,
    - underwater earthquake,
    - ship collisions.

    Which sea does not exist in nature?
    - Red Sea,
    - White Sea,
    - Blue sea,
    - Yellow Sea.

    What grows at the bottom of the sea?
    - sea burdock
    - sea onion
    - seaweed

    Who doesn't live in the sea?
    - sea turtle
    - angler
    - guinea pig
    - sea bass
    - sea urchin

    What affects sea tides?
    - moon
    - Sun
    - wind

Task "Cryptogram"

Answer: Take care of the forest - our wealth.

Hello guys! Today our program is devoted to environmental problems. What are environmental problems and what is ecology?

The guys are trying to answer these questions, the presenter is helping.

Ecology is a science. Environmental scientists study how changes in the environment affect plant, animal, and human life. Environmental problems arise most often due to human influence on nature. Today we will look at the most important of them. But before that, I’ll ask you to organize two teams of 6 people. The rules are simple: after each competition, the winning team takes one person from the losing team “captive”. The team with the most players left wins. The one who answers the most questions correctly will receive a special prize.

In the meantime, it’s a warm-up for everyone, including the audience.

If it's smoky and foggy

So that you can't see your legs,

This means the air is dirty.

That fog is called... (Smog.)

Don't pick mushrooms here

And don’t dry herbariums.

The factory once stood here

Suddenly it happened... (Accident.)

There is singing, knocking and roaring all around -

Nothing comes to mind.

Know what is for a person

This one is very harmful... (Noise.)

If we don't feel sorry for something,

Then we take it to the landfill as soon as possible.

They pollute the land and waters

Household everything... (Waste.)

But what is it? We have received telegrams!

Urgent! Here you go: “Urgent. From Baba Yaga. I'm lost, I'm dying. I broke my last bone leg on the rubbish that tourists left behind.” Here's your first problem - environmental pollution. Our tourists behave incorrectly in the forest. Who will tell you how to behave in the forest?

The guys answer the question. All those who answer receive tokens. Teams participate in the relay race “Who can clean up the clearing faster.” The first participant, blindfolded, follows the command prompts and picks up one of the scattered objects. Returning to the team, he blindfolds the second player, who continues the search. After the end of the relay, a player from the losing team moves to the winning team.

Another telegram, from a crow: “What is this happening, citizens? The murderers destroyed their native nest. They were left without a roof over their heads in their old age. Now I'm not turning out to be a crow, but a homeless person. Take immediate action, otherwise I’ll go all the way to the UN. You are such hooligans." So the crow can die! Therefore, the next environmental problem is a sharp reduction in biological diversity on the planet. Nowadays, several species of animals and plants die every year in the world. Do you know what a wombat is? This is a marsupial rodent, lives in Australia, resembles a small brown bear cub. It has one peculiarity - in 10 minutes it can gnaw a hole in a thick log wall. This animal has become rare. What other rare and endangered animals do you know?

The guys answer and receive tokens. It is held for teams “Who can name the most wild animals.” The losing team loses one player.

A telegram arrived from polar bear from Antarctica: “Urgent. Help! Icebergs are melting. Soon there will be nothing to float on.” Here comes the next problem - the “greenhouse effect”. And what is it?

The children answer. Those who answer receive tokens.

A gradual increase in temperature throughout the Earth leads to climate change and the melting of glaciers, which means an increase in water levels throughout the world. In glaciers, water is, as it were, “in reserve”, because they only contain fresh water.

The “Store Water” competition consists oftransferring water with a spoon from a full container standing at a distance into an empty glass placed at the start. Team members run in turns until the first container is empty. The team whose water level in the glass is higher wins. A player from the losing team moves to the winning team.

Telegram from Little Red Riding Hood: “In my grandmother’s garden, the sun burned all the cabbage. There is nothing to make pies with. Help! We're starving." Why did grandma's cabbage burn? The ozone layer above the garden has been depleted. What is the ozone layer and where is it located?

Children answer that ozone accumulates at an altitude of 15-60 km and forms a protectivea screen that saves us from ultraviolet rays, and we receive tokens.

If ozone becomes low, an “ozone hole” appears, caused by aerosols. What are aerosols?

Those who answer receive tokens.

These are the cans from which we spray paint, hairspray, air fresheners, etc. These cans contain substances that destroy the ozone layer. But the ozone layer can recover. Have you noticed how easy it is to breathe after a thunderstorm in a pine forest? Now let's see which of you walks in the forest more often after a thunderstorm.

Teams are given the samethe number of balloons that need to be inflated quickly. The team with inflated balloons wins bigger size. The losing team loses one player.

Telegram from a squirrel: “After the rain, all the cones fell from the trees, I can’t find them, help!” Why did the cones fall after the rain?

Children offer their options and receive tokens.

Here is another environmental problem - acid precipitation. You have all seen a yellow film on puddles in the summer after rain; after such rains, cucumbers in the beds usually turn yellow. Where does acid rain come from?

The guys answer and receive tokens.

Acid rain occurs after emissions or accidents in factories. For example, after emissions from the Sayanogorsk aluminum smelter, plants and animals in the area die. Let's return to our squirrel, we need to help her look for cones.

Teams receive sheets of paper with outline images of pine cones and markers. It is necessary to quickly and accurately trace the contours of the drawings. The losing team loses one player.

And now a question for the most attentive. How many environmental problems have we considered today?

The person who names the number five and lists the problems receives a token.

All these problems arise under human influence. Never has man had such an influence on the nature around him as now; never has this influence been so varied and so strong.

The results of the team game are summed up, and the guys who received a lot of tokens are awarded “Honorary Ecologist” medals.