Love lyrics by F. I. Tyutchev. Abstract: Love in the lyrics of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev

Throughout my entire creative path, F.I. Tyutchev created magnificent poetry about love. In my opinion, the reason for the strong emotional coloring of the poet’s love lyrics lies in its autobiographical nature. Tyutchev's love lyrics can be read as a kind of intimate diary, which reflects his whirlwind romances with Ernestina Dernberg and E.A. Deniseva. However, this is a special kind of autobiography: in the poems there are no direct references to the names of the poet’s lovers.

For Tyutchev, love is almost always a drama, a fatal duel of unequal human forces. This feeling is incomprehensible, mysterious, full of magic. But the happiness of love is short-lived, doomed to not withstand the fatal blows of fate. Moreover, love itself can be interpreted as a sentence of fate:
Fate's terrible sentence
Your love was for her.

Love is thus associated with suffering, longing, heartache, tears. The poet appears before us as a passionate, enthusiastic personality, a person with a warm, loving heart. He persistently repeats the epithet “fatal passion”, “fatal meeting”, “fatal merger”, “fatal duel”. In the poem, part of the famous “Denisyev cycle,” love is called “murderous.” It is in the poems dedicated to Elena Alexandrovna Denisyeva that the poet’s “blissfully fatal” love is revealed.

In the poem “Oh, how murderously we love...” the technique of a ring composition emphasizes the idea of ​​the murderous power of love. Two identical stanzas enhance the feeling of the personal tragedy of the lyrical hero; in the words of the poet there is a terrible prediction - about the death of a loved one. Inside the form of the poem, imbued with the pathos of hopelessness and doom, there is a narrative about the consequences of the “violent blindness of passions.” The lines that create the frame have become an aphorism. They exist outside the poem because they contain a deep, sad, emotional thought, expressed with incredible force:
Oh, how murderously we love,
As in the violent blindness of passions
We are most likely to destroy,
What is dear to our hearts!

The exclamation mark at the end of the stanza is not only a means of expression, it also indicates the inevitability of the death of deep, selfless, passionate love. Inevitable separation adds tragedy to love; the thought of inevitable separation is embedded in the very foundation of this lofty and unearthly feeling. The lyrical hero suffers incredibly, because he, unwillingly, becomes the cause of a spiritual tragedy, the death of his beloved woman. Rhetorical questions and exclamations - bright artistic medium, capable of conveying the strongest changes that happened to a woman who managed to love so selflessly, to love to the point of complete self-denial:
Where did the roses go?
The smile of the lips and the sparkle of the eyes?

The lyrical hero admires the beauty of a woman and the power of her passion. The rhetorical exclamation “A life of renunciation, a life of suffering!” contains the idea of fatal fate a woman in love to the point of oblivion. These lines also became famous, they contain a deep general meaning. Also in the poem, Tyutchev uses his favorite technique of opposition. On the one hand, we see a “crowd” that is capable of trampling the most beautiful spiritual movements into the mud. IN in this case the crowd is a symbol of violence public opinion, based on the condemnation of any manifestation of human behavior outside the boundaries accepted by the morality of this society. It is precisely such a “crowd”, hostile by natural manifestation strong emotions, pronounces a “terrible sentence”, invades the sacred, brands him with “undeserved shame” and condemns a person to incredible mental torment. The word “pain” is repeated several times in the poem; it is this that defines the state of the beloved woman, from which she can no longer escape, which will always accompany her in a state of love:
Pain, the evil pain of bitterness,
Pain without joy and without tears!

The lyrical hero experiences an unabating sense of guilt in front of his beloved for the “fatal meeting” that took place, for the fact that he unwittingly became the executioner of his beloved, a blind instrument of fate. Dramatic story love in this work became not only a reflection of Tyutchev’s private life. The poetic gift of the lyricist expanded the boundaries love story. Subtle psychologism and deep emotions made this poem a property of Tyutchev’s love lyrics, reflected in inner life every reader.

IN last years life in Tyutchev's lyrics affirmed the idea that love, even tragic, is a symbol of genuine human existence, without which life is unthinkable. In Tyutchev's love lyrics one can trace Difficult life hearts. According to Tyutchev, only through love can one be saved “in deep old age,” only in love lies the meaning of human existence.

Tyutchev tried to instill his selfless faith in the Motherland in his children. I remember a small but meaningful excerpt from the poet’s letter to his daughter, in which he writes that in Russia she will find more love than anywhere else, will feel all the good in its people and will be happy that she was born Russian .

The theme of love in the lyrics of F.I. Tyutchev occupies a significant place. The poet was happy in love, could not live without love, loved with early youth until old age. For him it was a golden time - a time of continuous love with life, with the brilliant society of young, beautiful women.

Being ugly in appearance, vertically challenged, bald, thin, he was very popular among the ladies high society Moscow, St. Petersburg, Paris, Munich. What was the secret of Tyutchev’s charm? I think he captivated women with his intellect and extraordinary romantic nature. There is an inexpressible sense of mystery in his favorite poems:

I love your eyes, my friend,

With their fiery-wonderful play,

When you suddenly lift them

And, like lightning from heaven,

Take a quick look around the whole circle...

In most of his works, the poet carefully hides his addressee, and only by barely noticeable signs can one guess to whom it is addressed:

She was sitting on the floor

And I sorted through a pile of letters,

And, like cooled ash,

She picked them up and threw them away.

These lines are dedicated to Tyutchev’s second wife, Ernestina Fedorovna. While observing her husband's affair, she maintained her composure, dignity and love for him. In his declining years, the poet will appreciate this and understand what left his life with the death of his wife:

You are loved, and to love the way you do -

No, no one has ever succeeded!

Oh, Lord!.. And to survive this...

And my heart didn’t break into pieces...

Tyutchev’s “blissfully fatal” romance with E.L. lasted 15 years. Denisieva, during which the author created the famous Denisieva cycle, a masterpiece of Russian love poetry. It included such poems as “Predestination”, “Oh, do not disturb me with a just reproach!..”, “There is a high meaning in separation...”, “Last love”.

Oh, how murderously we love

We are most likely to destroy,

What is dear to our hearts! -

Tyutchev wrote.

Indeed, he himself became the reason for society’s rejection of his beloved: their relationship was considered vicious. Experiencing a suffocating feeling of shame, the poet writes his appeal to Deniseva:

What did you pray with love,

What she took care of like a shrine,

Destiny for human idleness

She betrayed me to reproach.

The crowd came in, the crowd broke in

In the sanctuary of your soul,

And you involuntarily felt ashamed

And the secrets and sacrifices available to her...

Another side of the poet’s love lyrics is interesting. I observed this feature only in Pushkin in “Eugene Onegin”: trying to penetrate into the innermost corners of the heart, a male poet takes on the role of a woman, he writes on behalf of a woman in love. Tyutchev tried to understand and express Deniseva’s feelings:

Don’t say: he loves me as before,

As before, he values ​​me...

Oh no! He is inhumanly ruining my life,

At least I see the knife in his hand is shaking.

He measures the air for me so carefully and sparingly...

They don’t measure this against a fierce enemy...

Oh, I’m still breathing painfully and difficultly,

I can breathe, but I can’t live.

Meanwhile, the poet's life is already coming to an end. It seems that there should be poems in which the author sums up his life. But despite illness and old age, notes of love continue to sound:

Oh, how in our declining years

We love more tenderly and more superstitiously...

Shine, shine, farewell light

Last love, dawn of evening!

I love Tyutchev’s creations because the idea of ​​any of his works is not just a thought, but is always inspired by images taken from the world of the soul or nature. I also love his poems for discriminating taste- “the fruit of multilateral education.” For me, he differs from everyone else in his unity of talent and humanity. The poet is not looking for popularity. His talent is not aimed at the crowd; not everyone can understand him. I understood only a small part of his work. Tyutchev taught me to notice what I had not noticed before, to admire what is not striking.

Tyutchev's love lyrics are one of the pinnacle phenomena of world poetry. The central place in it is occupied by the study of the “dialectics of the soul”, complex and contradictory processes of the human psyche.

Researchers have identified a special cycle from Tyutchev, associated with his passion for E. A. Denisyeva and therefore called “Denisyevsky”. This is a kind of novel in verse, stunning in its courage of introspection, sincerity and psychological depth. Of course, you are more interested in poems about first love, but appreciate Tyutchev’s confessional poem, full of inner drama, called “Last Love”:

Oh, how in our declining years we love more tenderly and more superstitiously. Shine, shine, farewell light of the last love, the dawn of evening! Let the blood in the veins become scarce, But the tenderness in the heart does not become scarce. Oh you last love! You are both bliss and hopelessness.

Love, traditionally (according to “legend”) presented as a harmonious “union of the soul with the dear soul,” is perceived by Tyutchev in a completely different way: it is a “fatal duel” in which the death of a loving heart is inevitable, predetermined (“Predestination "):

And the more tender one of them is in the unequal struggle of two hearts, the more inevitable and sure, Loving, suffering, sadly melting, It will finally wear out...

The fatal impossibility of happiness depends not only on the “crowd” that rudely breaks into the sanctuary human soul, not only from the “immortal vulgarity of people,” but also from the tragic, fatal inequality of people in love.

The innovation of Tyutchev’s love lyrics lies in the fact that it is dialogical in nature: its structure is built on a combination of two levels, two voices, two consciousnesses are expressed in it: her And his. Wherein her the feeling turns out to be stronger, which predetermines the inevitable death of a deeply loving woman, her fatal defeat. “Tyutchev’s man” feels his inability to answer her with an equally strong feeling. Material from the site

Around the same time (50s), Nekrasov created his love lyrics, in which the image of a woman was also highlighted. Thus, in the work of two great poets, the image of another person, another “I”, appears independently of each other, giving love lyrics the character not of a monologue (as is most often the case in poetry of the first half of the 19th century), but of dialogue. Instead of a form of confession, it often appears dramatic scene, conveying a conflict clash caused by complex psychological collisions.

Love in the lyrics of F. I. Tyutchev

1. Fatal duel of souls.

2. Sizzling feeling.

3. Consequences of love.

The lyrics of F.I. Tyutchev are considered philosophical and reflect in it pressing problems, which in their description acquire an existential sound. Researchers note that many of his poems are filled with drama. A similar tonality is preserved in love lyrics. IN mature years, critics note, he “without ceasing to be a poet of thought... is increasingly looking for ways to express feelings.” The poet’s focus is on deep experiences and moods. Only their diverse manifestation, dissolved in Tyutchev’s poems, helps us understand all the shades of love feelings in his lyrics.

Unwittingly or accidentally, sadness invades his poems and begins to dictate its rights. The lyrical hero suffers and is sad. Although at the same time his poems are not alien to delight. “Attraction, lurking somewhere in the depths of the soul, breaks through with an explosion of passion,” wrote critics L. N. Kuzina and K. V. Pigarev. And passion is possible only with deep and true love. She opens loving hearts inexhaustible and Magic world. But this bright feeling gradually turns into a “fatal duel.” The union of souls turns out to be a struggle. “Love, love - says the legend - / The union of the soul with the dear soul / Their union, combination, / And their fatal merging. / And the fatal duel...” (“Predestination”). The duel that is born in loving souls, has negative consequences. After all, a tender and vulnerable heart begins to wither over time from such treatment. And then it may well die: “And the more tender one of them is... / The more inevitable and truer, / Loving, suffering, sadly melting, / It will finally wear out...”

Love in Tyutchev's lyrics sparkled with new facets. She illuminated new shades of this beautiful and unearthly feeling. And sometimes it seems that love cannot be the last, because it lurks in the heart of every person. But not everyone can find the path to it. “Let the blood in the veins become scarce, / But the tenderness in the heart does not become scarce... / O you, last love! / You are both bliss and hopelessness” (“Last Love”).

Not only in these two poems, but also in many others, there is some kind of doom and hopelessness. Feelings of love, perhaps, just like human existence, Certainly. The poet often writes about this in his philosophical poems.

Perhaps the shade of such a mood in the poems is a consequence of the poet’s mental trauma. The death of his first wife deeply shocked Tyutchev. Eleanor's poor health could not stand it, as it was undermined by the terrible night she experienced on the ship, where a fire broke out. And not only in poetry, again and again, the poet turns to his tragedy. “It was the most terrible day of my life,” the poet wrote on the fifth anniversary of Eleanor’s death, “and if it weren’t for you, it would probably have been my last day.” This sweet image remains forever in his memory, although it constantly eludes him. And it seems that the beloved has turned into a star, which will always, if not warm, then at least light the way. “Your sweet image, unforgettable, / It is before me everywhere, always, / Unattainable, unchanging, / Like a star in the sky at night.”

But there is probably too much love in the poet’s heart. And he pours it out in new poetic lines. This time the reason was new image- second wife of Ernestine Dörnberg. “December 1, 1837” is one of the few poems dedicated to Ernestine. And even in this poem lyrical hero states that everything that happened has incinerated the soul of his beloved. And it turns out that the lyrical hero only destroys the heroine with his love. His love does not bring her any happiness. “Forgive everything with which your heart lived, / That, having killed your life, it was incinerated / In your tormented chest!...” But even such burning love will leave a memory of itself for many years. And the poetic picture that the lyrical hero paints cannot be warmed at all by the eternal cold shine and pale roses. They are lifeless, just like one of the heroes is “lifeless.” Sometimes it seems that only the fair half truly loves. Therefore, she suffers the most from her crazy feelings.

This is most clearly manifested in poems dedicated to another of Tyutchev’s lovers, E. A. Denisyeva. The poet transfers the right to the heroine herself to speak out in poetic lines (“Don’t say: he loves me as before...”). The work is filled with contradictions. Lyrical heroine convinces everyone that he loves her as before. But sometimes one gets the impression that she is trying to convince herself, not others, of this, since she herself understands the hopelessness of her situation. But hope, fueled by the fire of love, remains all the same: “Oh no! He is inhumanly destroying my life, / Even though I see the knife in his hand is trembling.” She simply cannot live without him. It is in him and only in him that she still lives. Even if the fatal duel is not mentioned in this poem, it still seems to be present behind the scenes. But here there is a struggle between two souls. The duel goes deep into the heart of the heroine herself. And perhaps there will be no winners here, since the soul will have to split into pieces. The duel in this poem retains only its breath, since life simply no longer exists. “Oh, I’m still breathing painfully and difficultly, / I can breathe, but I can’t live.”

The poet himself realizes that his love brings only grief and unhappiness to a loving, tender and vulnerable heart. No wonder the poet compares it to murder. “Oh, how murderously we love...” he exclaims in the poem of the same name. And here it is not the duel that is presented, but the result of this action. And it has a bad effect on the image of the beloved. “Where did the roses go, / The smile of the lips and the sparkle of the eyes? / They scorched everything, burned out their tears / With their flammable moisture.” And of the beloved image, only “memories” remained, which also changed over time.

Another integral component appears in this poem - the crowd. She actively interferes in the relationship, but this only ruins her feeling: “The crowd, rushing into the mud, trampled / What was blooming in her soul.” He could not protect her from the “invasion.” Perhaps that is why there is so much sadness and bitterness in these lines.

Love in Tyutchev's lyrics, like a diamond, has many facets, and all of them are filled with their own unique shade. Love is always a duel, a struggle. And this situation mainly destroys the heart of the vulnerable beloved. However, she never doubts his love. Although, when you love, you wish your beloved happiness and prosperity, and not the torment that we see in poems.

Many of Tyutchev's works about love have shades of sadness and sadness. And we note that they have absolutely no nature, which, as a rule, becomes a reflection of the emotional unrest of the heroes. However, this is completely unimportant. Tyutchev’s skill lies in merely verbally expressing all the vibrations of the souls of lovers. Exclamations and ellipses create certain intonations. And we, reading these lines, seem to be witnessing a fatal duel.

2. Sizzling feeling.

Tyutchev's love lyrics


1. Introduction

2.Muses of the poet


Tyutchev's love lyrics significantly enriched Russian literature. In life I was a fan of “pure” art an ordinary person, which is characterized by mistakes and hobbies. Tyutchev had serious affairs with several women.

The poet was married twice, but his family and children could not force him to give up his secret “civil” life. Someone may consider the two main misfortunes of a. Tragic death his first wife died.

The poet's most serious romance with L. Denisyeva also ended with the death of his beloved in early age. These losses introduced motifs of sadness and longing into the poet’s love lyrics.

First strong love the poet fell in love with Amalie von Lerchenfeld during his stay in Munich. Tyutchev proposed, but received a decisive refusal from the girl’s parents. During Tyutchev's short departure from Munich, the family married Amalia. At the beginning of his courtship, the poet dedicated the poem “Your sweet gaze, full of innocent passion...” to Amalia, which is a declaration of love.

Much later, he recalled this in his work “I Remember the Golden Time...”. The poem “K.” is also dedicated to Amalia. B.”, which became a widely popular romance “I Met You...”. Tyutchev's first wife was a young widow with three children, Eleanor Peterson. Eleanor was a fragile woman with a sensitive soul. She was very upset by the news of her husband’s betrayal with Ernestina Dernberg. Nervous fatigue had a significant impact on her health. An elementary cold dealt the final blow to the poor woman. Eleanor left the poet two more daughters and a son.

There are two known works of the poet, posthumously dedicated to Eleanor: “I am still languishing with the anguish of desires...” and “In the hours when it happens...”. Soon after the death of his wife, Tyutchev married his longtime lover, Ernestina Dernberg. Happy marriage continued for a long time until Tyutchev experienced a new hobby. Ernestina knew very well about her husband’s betrayal, but forgave him for the sake of the children. Love for Ernestine became a rich source of inspiration for the poet. Such beautiful poems as “I love your eyes, my friend...”, “She was sitting on the floor...”, etc. are dedicated to her.

The most popular poems by Tyutchev were works dedicated to the poet’s latest hobby - E. A. Denisyeva. She was much younger than Tyutchev, but she loved him with incredible self-sacrifice. They despised her and openly laughed at her mistress's position. Such a life became the cause of rapidly progressing consumption. Denisyeva died at the age of 40. The result of the novel was the “Denisevsky cycle” of poems, including “Oh, how murderously we love,” “More than once have you heard a confession...”, “There is not a day when the soul does not ache...” and others. Shortly before his death, Tyutchev summed up his love relationships, writing the poem “Everything was taken from me by the executing God...”. He dedicated it to his most faithful friend in life, Ernestine Dernberg.

Home distinctive feature Tyutchev's works about love had a special sincerity. The poet was an “incorrigible” romantic. His poems are very chaste, they do not mention the rough everyday trifles. Tyutchev worships the magical feeling of love. He compares his relationships with women to worshiping a deity. Dedications to a loved one are very pure and full of solemn phrases. Tragic motives appear in the Denisevsky cycle.

“Illegal” love left its mark on Tyutchev’s work. He described what he himself experienced. A great feeling was combined with hopelessness, romance - with misunderstanding and rejection by society, tender relationships - with the impossibility of being together. Tyutchev's love lyrics became an example of Russian poetic classics. It reflected the most intimate movements of the human soul, both in happiness and in suffering.