Kushnir Production - SHOO. Group Shoo: “Routine, monotony and everyday life are terrible things that can completely destroy the human soul. What style do you think you play in?

Student years are considered a period of apprenticeship and choosing your own direction in creativity. The Shoo group and its founder Shunya Balashova are a striking exception to this rule (“Shunya” is a childish abbreviation of the original name). The talented girl made a name for herself at the age of 20, when she created a group that collaborates with many musicians and actively participates in prestigious festivals and competitions.

Shunya Balashova was born on April 23, 1933 in Moscow, but spent her childhood in the Crimean Evpatoria. The girl began studying music and singing at the age of five, and took it in several educational institutions- first at the capital's music school named after. Griga (2004), then at the school at the Gnessin School (2006), alternately specializing in folk, academic and pop-jazz vocals. Choosing jazz as a priority, Shunya entered the music school them. Gershwin, and graduated in 2010, while simultaneously receiving a certificate of secondary education at the prestigious educational center No. 109 (Yamburg school). Back in 2009, the girl completed an internship at a prestigious music company.

College Berkeley (USA), where she participated in the Blow Out Show festival.

Having entered the Russian Academy of Music. Gnessins (class of A. Rudneva), Shunya Balashova interned at Berkeley College again in 2011. Currently, the young singer is completing her education, planning to receive a Gnesinka diploma in 2015.

The beginning of independent creative career Shuni Balashova began working with the group "Vision Of Sound", founded by members of the legendary "Arsenal" Dmitry Ilugdin and Evgeny Sharikov, whose concept was the "fusion" style and attracting the best Russian and world performers to cooperation. The young singer calls her experience of collaborating with “Vision Of Sound” invaluable. Maybe,

It was the performances within the framework of this project that laid the foundation own style Shuni, which she characterizes as “absolute soul” - a mixture of jazz, folk, blues, funk, neo-soul and other directions. The creation of her own group was facilitated by a student party, at which Shunya, together with pianist Max Meshcheryakov, her fellow student and lover, presented her own arrangements of various musical styles. This was the beginning of joint performances, and the name of the group “Shoo” was chosen based on the name of its founder. In addition, in ancient Egyptian mythology, Shu is the god of air, the mediator between earth and sky. Collaboration led to the creation of a new

project, named after the first letters of the names of Shuni and Max - “ShooM Project”. Many musicians took part in this project; currently the permanent third participant of the “ShooM Project” is Sergey Klevensky ( wind instruments). The group's performances attracted the attention of music connoisseurs; their concerts took place both at charity events and in the best halls capitals, including Gogol Center, Teatr, B2, 16 Tons. In 2011, the group recorded their first single, “I’ll Be Back,” and a year later, the song “Winter Song.” Shuni Balashova's first album, entitled "City Limits", was recorded in 2013 together with the group "Analog Attention". Presentation of the debut album "S"

oo", called "Absolute Soul" (named after the main style of the group), took place in the fall of 2013. The musicians of the group "Vision of Sound" (Ilugdin, Sharikov, Ivshin, Babayan, Klevensky), former guitarist of A"STUDIO, took part in the creation of the album Fedor Dosumov, as well as US saxophonist Gary Meek. The album's compositions were created based on Russian, African and other ethnic styles. The group took part in the student festival "Festos", at which Balashova was awarded a diploma and became the youngest participant.

In 2013, the group, with the participation of Vlad Dubrovin, organized its own festival called "Urban Jazz". Among other reputable festivals where

The group "Shoo" was marked - Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, "Wild Mint", "Lady In Jazz", "EthnoPlanet", Koktebel Jazz Party, "Estate Jazz", etc. The group's performance schedule is extremely busy. The frontwoman of "Shoo" and the head of "ShooM Project" is open to creative interaction; both jazz legends from Arsenal and unknown young performers work with her. Shunya Balashova constantly collaborates with the Moscow 24 TV channel and is a producer of musical events, on her pages in social networks There is active and friendly correspondence with colleagues, fans and all music lovers. In 2013, she recorded the single “This Year”, and

in 2014 - two more: “It’s become cozy”, and also “Your Earth”. Another single is planned for 2015 - “White”. Currently, all the shows of the group "Shoo" are sold out, and each performer, especially Shouni, has a lot of fans. The group is provided with venues by such famous clubs in the capital as the Central House of Artists, the Central House of Artists, Teatr, Forte, etc. Each Shoo concert includes not only an exclusive sound and a combination of musical materials, but also an unusual visualization of the numbers. So, for example, at a concert called Shoo Airlines, which took place on the eve of Valentine's Day (2015) and took place on the roof of the European shopping center, at exactly midnight, during the performance of the song “Friend Pi

from" spectators launched paper airplanes, making wishes.

In April 2015, a foreign tour took place in European countries. Concert program, based on compositions from the album "Absolute Soul", as well as new songs by Shuni Balashova, was performed in Vienna (cafe Pat a Mat), and then in London on Old Street (anti-cafe of the Ziferblat network). Spectators and journalists gave a very high rating the unique style and refined performing manner of the group, especially noting the iconic song “Just Energy of Absolute Soul”. The next announced performance of the group was the closing of the season of solo performances and the presentation of new songs, which took place on May 2 at the Alexei Kozlov club.

Shoo is music without boundaries; the group itself calls the genre in which it plays “Absolute Soul”. Recently, the musicians made a real gift for all Yaroslavl fans by playing a concert at the Gorka club, and on the eve of the performance, singer Shoo told YarKub in an interview about the many facets of creativity.

Shoo is music without boundaries; the group itself calls the genre in which it plays “Absolute Soul”. Recently, the musicians made a real gift for all Yaroslavl fans by playing a concert at the Gorka club, and on the eve of the performance, Shunya Balashova told YarKub in an interview about the many facets of creativity.

The Shoo group was formed not so long ago, in 2010, but during this time the musicians managed to fall in love with thousands of fans throughout Russia.

- What style do you think you play in?

- We love to combine different styles and directions – modern or already classic. Of course, one cannot help but note the constant presence of ethnicity in our music. Thus, we simply did not know what to call this whole cocktail. The existing terms, it seemed to us, did not fit, and we had to come up with our own: “Absolute Soul”. All styles and directions from jazz waltz to Russian lament, everything seasoned with funk and fusion - that’s what we play.

- How do you distribute roles in the team? Who is the author of the music and lyrics?

- The utopian idea, as it may seem, that music and influence in a group are divided strictly into equal parts between the group members, strangely enough, is working so far.

As a rule, I am the author of the texts, but this is not a rule at all. Also, several texts were written by our great friend Valera Vertinsky. He often speaks with us and reads his poems. We sometimes find very interesting lines from young poets such as Natalya Makuni or Alisa Yagubets.

Music in lately I write, and the group, or rather the main composition, brings it to the final harmonic plan.

-Where do you get inspiration from?

- To one degree or another, almost everything can inspire, sometimes where you didn’t expect it. Sometimes there is such an accumulation of emotions that 5-6 compositions are born.

The most incredible feeling is when an idea has been in your head for many months or existed in the form of a tape recorder, and then this tiny melody turns into a huge song.

- What gives you the greatest pleasure in your creative life?

- Firstly, these are the moments when you see that your music and creativity are needed. When you hear people in the hall singing along, couples dancing and eyes bewitched.

Secondly, I will say that the moment of spiritual growth is clearly visible. And the fact that we do not preserve ourselves, that we must constantly listen to ourselves in the process of work, does not allow us to live through “Groundhog days.” In my opinion, routine, monotony and everyday life are terrible things that can completely destroy human soul.

- Do you participate in festivals?

- Of course, we try to participate in festivals all the time. Moreover, now this is one of the most popular forms of event. This year we will be able to perform at Wild Mint and Usadba Jazz - which is a huge event for us.

Charity festivals are also very important - they are a good cause that is always needed and that really helps someone.

- What impressions did Yaroslavl leave you with?

- Yaroslavl is a wonderful and cozy city, the people here are very friendly and cheerful. Unfortunately, we didn’t have much time to fully experience the city, but we tried very hard to walk around and see as much as possible.

- What are the future prospects for the development of the group?

- We have planned many different activities, various unexpected events and concert performances, we hope that this will help us find even more like-minded people. We hope that more people will hear about our music!

- Do you plan to release a CD or will there be only an online release? Are there any other surprises for listeners?

- The CD has been released and you can already buy it, however, in our country the CD format has long been just a form souvenir products, therefore, it will probably be more popular full version album, available on iTunes.

Since July we have been going on a month and a half “vacation”, which for us, on the contrary, means a large layer of work: recording a new album, which has already begun, preparing fresh material for a cascade of autumn concerts in Moscow and other cities, as well as several interesting duets!

YarKub thanks freelance correspondent Alena Kryukova for the materials provided.


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SHOO are residents of the Jazz Estate festival and winners of the Jazz Estate Rosa Khutor 2016 competition. The group was formed in 2010 by vocalist Shunya Balashova, a graduate of the Gnessin Academy and Berklee College of Music.

“I’ve been following Shunya for five years now, and what we heard here today is a colossal leap! - shared the singer, the jury of “Jazz Estate Rosa Khutor” Mariam Merabova. - Behind this there is hellish work, the guys work like oxen. She's beautiful! On stage, musical unity is the true servants of music. I would like to sing a duet with Shunya!”

The group defines its original style as “absolute soul”. The musical material of this world music band includes jazz, neo-soul, ethno, folk, funk, blues, reggae, Russian, Ukrainian, African folk motifs.

SHOO are participants in many significant open airs: “Wild Mint”, “Koktebel JazzParty”, ColorFest, “Oh Yes! Food!”, “Spasskaya Tower”, “Be Kind!” etc. SHOO's first performance at Usadba Jazz took place as part of an unusual project dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the legendary Sergei Kuryokhin - “Kuryokhin: NEXT”. Together with the Ensemble “4"33”, the Ad Libitum Orchestra and members of “Pop Mechanics” under the general direction of Alexey Aiga, the group performed on the main stage in Arkhangelskoye. The following performances at the “Jazz Estate” took place in Moscow, Kazan, Voronezh and Sochi - there , at Rosa Khutor, the musicians won the coveted first place.

“I regret that I didn’t turn my attention to the SHOO group earlier,” admitted Kommersant music columnist Boris Barabanov. - Today’s performance revealed the band for me: I appreciated both the quality of the singer’s vocals and her capabilities, both in jazz and folk styles. The group has everything we expect from jazz. The music is not easy - it requires the attention of the listeners, their involvement in the material, in addition, Shunya sings in Russian - this is a big plus. SHOO has everything to ensure that as many people as possible listen to their music!”

The band's sold-out concerts take place at iconic capital venues: Gogol Center, 16 Ton, Mumiy Troll Music Bar, Forte, Alexey Kozlov Club, Central House of Artists, etc. Each show of the group is conceptually stylized - both musically and and visually: a “magic concert” with fortune telling and lotteries on Halloween, the launch of wishing airplanes “on board your own airline” on Valentine’s Day, an evening of black and white cinema with the participation of “young Charlie Chaplin”, “Paris Concert” with mimes, an accordion and street artists.

“To be honest, it’s hard to surprise me,” admitted journalist and radio host Vladislav Boretsky, after listening to SHOO’s “Absolute Soul”. - But now I don’t even have words! Peter Gabriel had a video project “One Voice, One World”, where from the outside rising sun the melody goes across all continents and is picked up for 45 minutes by different performers. And you made the same amazing project in four minutes!”

The release of the debut CD “Absolute Soul” took place on the Mystery of Sound label. The album was recorded with the participation of ex-musicians of the legendary Arsenal, as well as the famous folk multi-instrumentalist Sergei Klevensky. In addition, guitarist Fedor Dosumov (Grigory Leps, ex-A’STUDIO) and American saxophonist Gary Meek (ex-FloraPurim, AirtoMoreira) collaborated with the group.

SHOO’s videography includes eight clips: “Letter”, “I’ll be back”, “At my soul”, “Minutes”, “Love song”, “Fears”, “Absolute Soul” and “Train to Evpatoria”. The premiere of “Love Song” took place in February 2018 during the group’s concert in the editorial office of Seasons magazine and was timed to coincide with Valentine’s Day. “Train to Evpatoria” is a collaboration between SHOO and the finalist “ New wave 2017”, musician Stas More. In the summer of 2018, the video went into rotation on Russian channels Music Box, Music of the First, Country FM, etc. The team is preparing for release by the beginning of November new clip"Pilot".

Now the group works in a permanent lineup, which includes musicians: Shunya Balashova - vocals, Maxim Meshcheryakov - keys, Artem Arkhipov - drums, Kirill Ryaguzov - bass, Dmitry Artemov - clarinet, Yuri Posypanov - percussion, Artem Gavkin - saxophone, Sergey Klevensky - ethnic winds, Anastasia Slepchenko and Ksenia Kaverina - backing vocals.

“Shunya Balashova is a wonderful example of how such complex music for our language as soul can be performed in Russian,” says Maria Syomushkina, president of the Usadby Jazz festival. - It often looks awkward, but when you listen to SHOO, such a feeling does not arise - rather, associations appear with such wonderful groups as, for example, “Kvartal”... In addition, this is a very versatile performer - in addition to soul and Latin American music, She’s great at singing ethnic music!”

In April 2015, at the St. Petersburg GlavClub, SHOO supported the cult Manchester trip-hop team Lamb. In the fall of the same year, the group took part in the project “ Main stage"on the channel "Russia 1".

“I can’t say no when the music sounds so great, masterly and driving,” Vladimir Presnyakov appreciated. “The group’s format is complex, and we will have to choose, but I say yes!”

At the end of 2015 in Theater hall The Moscow International House of Music SHOO celebrated its fifth anniversary with a large concert with an orchestra. Together with the group that evening, both a string section of fourteen musicians and a brass section performed. The group also presented duets with the famous multi-instrumentalist Oleg Sakmarov (ex-Aquarium, Nautilus Pompilius, Hummingbird) and the Sambateria percussion orchestra.

In April 2017, at the YotaSpace SHOO club they warmed up the only Moscow concert of the group Deep Forest - the actual creators of the world music style, winners of platinum records and a Grammy award. At the end of May of the same year, the team entered the top three winners according to the results international festival-competition Emergenza, and Shunya Balashova received the prize for best vocal.

SHOO VKontakte:

Shunya Balashova was born on April 23, 1993 in Moscow, but spent her childhood in the Crimean Evpatoria. The girl began studying music and singing at the age of five, and took it in several educational institutions - first at the capital's music school named after. Griga (2004), then at the school at the Gnessin School (2006), alternately specializing in folk, academic and pop-jazz vocals. Choosing jazz as a priority, Shunya entered the music school named after. Gershwin, and graduated in 2010, while simultaneously receiving a certificate of secondary education at the prestigious educational center No. 109 (Yamburg school). Back in 2009, the girl completed an internship at a prestigious music college Berkeley (USA), where she participated in the Blow Out Show festival.

Having entered the Russian Academy of Music. Gnessins (class of A. Rudneva), Shunya Balashova interned at Berkeley College again in 2011. Currently, the young singer is completing her education, planning to receive a Gnesinka diploma in 2015.

The beginning of Shuni Balashova’s independent creative career was her work with the group “Vision Of Sound”, founded by members of the legendary “Arsenal” Dmitry Ilugdin and Evgeny Sharikov, whose concept was the “fusion” style and attracting the best Russian and world performers to cooperation. The young singer calls her experience of collaborating with “Vision Of Sound” invaluable. Perhaps it was the performances within this project that laid the foundation for Shuni’s own style, which she characterizes as “absolute soul” - a mixture of jazz, folk, blues, funk, neo-soul and other directions. The creation of her own group was facilitated by a student party, at which Shunya, together with pianist Max Meshcheryakov, her fellow student and lover, presented her own arrangements of various musical styles. This was the beginning of joint performances, and the name of the group “Shoo” was chosen based on the name of its founder. In addition, in ancient Egyptian mythology, Shu is the god of air, the mediator between earth and sky. The joint work led to the creation of a new project, named after the first letters of the names of Shuni and Max - “ShooM Project”. Many musicians took part in this project; currently the permanent third participant of the “ShooM Project” is Sergey Klevensky (wind instruments). The group's performances attracted the attention of music connoisseurs; their concerts took place both at charity events and in the best halls of the capital, including Gogol Center, Teatr, B2, and 16 Tons. In 2011, the group recorded their first single, “I’ll Be Back,” and a year later, the song “Winter Song.” Shuni Balashova's first album, entitled "City Limits", was recorded in 2013 together with the group "Analog Attention". The presentation of the debut album "Shoo", called "Absolute Soul" (named after the main style of the group), took place in the fall of 2013. Musicians of the group "Vision of Sound" (Ilugdin, Sharikov, Ivshin, Babayan, Klevensky), former A"STUDIO guitarist Fedor Dosumov, as well as saxophonist from the USA Gary Meek took part in the creation of the album. The album's compositions were created on the basis of Russian, African and other ethnic styles. The group took part in the student festival "Festos", at which Balashova was awarded a diploma and became the youngest participant.

In 2013, the group, with the participation of Vlad Dubrovin, organized its own festival called "Urban Jazz". Among other reputable festivals at which the "Shoo" group was noted are Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, "Wild Mint", "Lady In Jazz", "EthnoPlanet", Koktebel Jazz Party, "Usadba Jazz", etc. The group's performance schedule is extremely saturated. The frontwoman of "Shoo" and the head of "ShooM Project" is open to creative interaction; both jazz legends from Arsenal and unknown young performers work with her. Shunya Balashova constantly collaborates with the Moscow 24 TV channel and is a producer of musical events; on her pages on social networks there is active and friendly correspondence with colleagues, fans and all music lovers. In 2013, she recorded the single “This Year,” and in 2014, two more: “It’s Become Cozy” and “Your Earth.” Another single is planned for 2015 - “White”. Currently, all the shows of the group "Shoo" are sold out, and each performer, especially Shouni, has a lot of fans. The group is provided with venues by such famous clubs in the capital as the Central House of Artists, the Central House of Artists, Teatr, Forte, etc. Each Shoo concert includes not only an exclusive sound and a combination of musical materials, but also an unusual visualization of the numbers. For example, at a concert called Shoo Airlines, which took place on the eve of Valentine's Day (2015) and took place on the roof of the European shopping center, at exactly midnight, while performing the song “Friend the Pilot,” the audience launched paper airplanes, making wishes.

In April 2015, a foreign tour took place in European countries. The concert program, based on compositions from the album "Absolute Soul", as well as new songs by Shuni Balashova, was performed in Vienna (cafe Pat a Mat), and then in London on Old Street (anti-cafe of the Ziferblat network). Spectators and journalists gave a very highly appreciated the unique style and refined performing style of the group, especially noting the iconic song “Just Energy of Absolute Soul”. The next announced performance of the group was the closing of the season of solo performances and the presentation of new songs, which took place on May 2 at the Alexey Kozlov club.

Shoo, song "Distant Spring", video

Shoo is a young group that defines its style as “Absolute Soul”. The band was founded in 2010 by a vocalist, a student at Berklee College of Music and the Gnessin Academy named Shoo. The team's repertoire is filled with various musical styles: jazz, neo-soul, Latin, ethno, folk, funk, blues, reggae, Russian, Ukrainian, African folk motifs. Unique musical material united by a single sound concept.

The debut album “Absolute Soul” was released on “Mystery of Sound”. The album will be released in the spring of 2014 in 3plet format. The lyrical ballad “Winter Song” was included in the 3Plet select collection - 14/02.

The group includes ex-members of Arsenal, musicians playing in the band Vision of Sound - Dmitry Ilugdin (keys) and Evgeny Sharikov (bass guitar), as well as Petr Ivshin (drums), Vartan Babayan (percussion) and famous multi-instrumentalist Sergei Klevensky . Also playing with the group is Fedor Dosumov, ex-guitarist of A’STUDIO, and saxophonist Gary Meek (USA) participated in the recording of “Absolute Soul”.

Each Shoo concert includes exclusive visuals. The group’s immediate plans include the participation of Ukrainian artist Ksenia Simonova, who works in the genre of sand animation - winner of the television competition “Ukraine’s Got Talent 2009”, finalist of the “Minute of Fame” project.

The band's sold-out shows are held in many iconic metropolitan clubs: “16 Tons”, “Aleksey Kozlov Club”, “B2”, “Forte”, “Teatr”, Central house journalist, Central House of Artists.

“There are so many people around, they are all incredibly different,” MuseCube correspondent describes the Shoo concert. - They are united by the fact that they all came to listen to “absolute” soul. Shoo's musical style is unique, and his performance manners are exquisite. It's all in the name! Shoo in Egyptian mythology is the god of air, separating heaven and earth. This divine music erases all boundaries between the earthly and the heavenly, unites different countries and culture into something united and magnificent!”

Shoo took part in international festival"Jazz Voices", Interregional charitable foundation Denis Matsuev “New Names”, festival of student creativity “Festos”. In June 2014, Shoo will play at the international festival of ethnic music “Wild Mint”.

“I saw Shoo at Festos and was pleasantly surprised by her performance,” says the famous jazz pianist, composer, teacher, People's Artist Russia, professor Igor Bril. - Moreover, she was the youngest participant. The Festos diploma is the first step in her long journey!”

Another project of the vocalist - ShooM Project - combines academic sound and trip-hop, using three different types vocals – folk, jazz and academic. At concerts, ShooM Project performs jazz standards, cover versions, themes from films and Internet videos; original works in German and English languages. From March 27 to March 31, 2014, the project will become musical accompaniment designer show CONTRFASHION as part of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Russia.