Why yoga is better than the gym

I personally go 3 times to gym and 1 time for fitness yoga. If you work out in the gym for “general tone” and don’t put growth first, then yoga will become great addition. Well, if your main goal is to lose weight, then going to the gym 3 times a week (strength + cardio equipment) and 1-2 times of yoga for stretching and well-being would be great!

IN lately The popularity of gyms and sports halls, various fitness centers and clubs has increased greatly. This is understandable, because all people want to be healthy, athletic and slim. You did it anyway right choice, if you decide to sign up to buy a subscription, but before that the question arises, what is better: a gym or a fitness center, but it is not at all difficult to answer.

What about fitness? The fact is that aerobics or cardio training is the most effective way burn fat cells right here and now. Among other things, I want to emphasize that the secret of success in any physical program, whether it's the gym or aerobics, it's variety. Men should also take this into account.

Yoga and the gym are absolutely two different physical activities and in fact, one helps the other. Yoga or Flexible strength... But strength is the beauty of the body. But if the joints and spine are weak, then using force can harm yourself. And why is lactic acid so harmful? I’m not sure that lactic acid is not produced in static yoga, but I am sure that static yoga does not lead to such fatigue as dynamic yoga.

The alkali present in the muscle fibers or inhaled oxygen can neutralize the effect of lactic acid and thereby relieve fatigue. The yoga system is not new; it was practiced many centuries before the advent of modern systems.

Law: I will, I will and I will!

In other words, if you do yoga, then your body will become more obedient. Now I rarely go to the gym. Progress in yoga shows that abs and strength can be developed with the help of hatha yoga. Although this is not an end in itself, as is known. Lately, more and more more people thinking about how to keep their body active and healthy.

Yoga: everything is on the rise...

Depending on the chosen goal, you will have to choose the further direction. Gym - good way build muscle and build a beautiful body. Therefore, it is most popular among men. As a rule, every fitness club has a dance direction.

In any case, no matter what kind of dancing you take up, I can assure you that the sense of rhythm and plasticity will immediately begin to become friends with you. Dancing is very suitable for those who feel that they lack dynamism in life, who would like to become more active and relaxed.

Yoga is an ideal direction for those who are too tired at work, for those who are hot-tempered and unrestrained in emotions, for those who are constantly stressed. For such people, yoga will give rest and relaxation, as well as balance and harmony in manifestations with others. There are also other areas in fitness clubs, such as Pilates, aerobics, tai-bo, and many others.

There is nothing bad in this, on the contrary: the key to successful and effective learning is a friendly relationship between the trainer and the student. But the latter must be clearly aware of why he is training with this coach and what results he wants to achieve in this regard.

Bodybuilding RB: cup, diploma - and goodbye!..

Of course, music can be turned on during any training, including yoga, fitness and exercise equipment... But in aerobics, music is as important as physical exercise itself. Let’s be honest, fitness is no different from aerobics, except for the name and the fact that you don’t have to use music in fitness.

Yoga is a philosophical direction. But anyone who thinks that when they come to yoga, they will read mantras, meditate, feel chakras, walk on coals and lie on nails, is mistaken (although you cannot do without mantras and chakras). Yoga includes a number of physical exercise. Once I went to yoga with a friend, just to see what it was like; according to him, it reminded him of army training, when everyone was “thrown into push-ups” and did push-ups.

If you have no choice, and the only thing nearby is a gym with a yoga instructor, then it’s okay, go and you won’t regret it. Do you go to the gym to lose weight? A weight loss program in the gym, as a rule, includes exercises top part body, and movements for the legs and buttocks.

If we discard everything related to esotericism, then yoga consists of the same physical exercises as fitness and aerobics. In any case, the main thing is to have a result, and yoga classes give this result, as do aerobics, fitness, and any other sport. Yoga, fitness and aerobics classes are extremely useful, if you haven’t signed up anywhere yet, then go ahead, get healthy and have an ideal figure.

Everything has its pros and cons, but if you are asking the question “yoga or gym, which is better?” or want to know about the benefits of yoga, then this will undoubtedly be of interest to you. After all, playing sports does not always mean jogging on a treadmill. The benefits of yoga may be more impressive.

Benefits of Yoga

What are the benefits of yoga:

It's effective! Is it worth spending a lot of time in the gym working each muscle individually when you can use them all with yoga? No amount of lifting extra weight will make your arms as strong as holding your own body weight in yoga. Plus, almost everything you do in yoga uses your core, from core-focused poses to pose-to-pose transitions that require stabilizing your body. And in different poses and balancing, yoga allows you to increase your heart rate, strengthen and develop muscles at the same time.

Yoga is not a competitive sport! For many, the advantage of yoga over the gym is that you are unlikely to compete with other practitioners. Isn't there enough competition in work and life in general? While some people try to do more sets on a machine while looking at others or run longer on the treadmill than the woman next to them, in yoga it doesn't matter what anyone else does. There is no comparison or competition, there is only you.

Saving money. In fact, yoga may not cost anything. All you need to practice is you. You can wear clothes that are simply comfortable to move in and you don’t even need a special mat: grass and carpet will do an excellent job. If you need inspiration, there are many excellent and inexpensive activity DVDs or free online videos.

You can practice anywhere. Since no equipment is needed, it doesn't matter whether you are at home, in the office or in the park. If you wish, you can do several poses almost anywhere.

Yoga will help you lose weight. Yoga practitioners change their thinking: this changes their attitude towards life, body and nutrition. Yoga shows you how to appreciate your body for all the amazing things it can do for you and encourages you to want to fuel your body with better food rather than processed junk food. And changing the way you think about your body and nutrition will be a much more effective tool for weight loss than burning calories through aggressive kickboxing and then mindlessly consuming the same or even more calories the same day.

Long live diversity. Yoga can be different every day if you want. Do you want a challenge? Add some hand balances and inversions to your practice. Need to concentrate? Try doing several balancing poses in sequence on one leg. If you want to relax, do pigeon pose.

No injuries. The undoubted advantage of yoga is that you learn to unite your body and mind. This allows you to move with ease and pay attention to how your body feels at all times, so you move in a way that feels good and comfortable and doesn't ignore how you feel. Result? You are strong, healthy and safe.

In fairness, it is worth recognizing that this is a rather one-sided argument. But for those wondering, "Which is better, yoga or the gym?" here's some advice: If you're going to choose one, choose something that will save you time and money, make you feel great, and help you lose (or keep) weight. in excellent shape).

What are the benefits of yoga? What is better: yoga or fitness?

  1. Yoga and fitness are completely different things!!! yoga is much better. not only for the body, but also for the soul, . yoga develops flexibility and the body is always in good shape...
  2. For some people, fitness is categorically contraindicated due to problems with the spine. You can do yoga. even useful for the same back)
  3. Hm.
    Well, depending on who the instructor is, in my yoga, in principle, there are power asanas. .
    In general, this is for relaxation.
    Do you want to get in shape --- fitness, fitness...
  4. Fitness is designed to develop muscles, get rid of excess fat, and tone the body. And yoga is for spiritual development that is, relaxation, concentration, self-knowledge, and other esoteric things... .
  5. Yoga is good because you can feel the effect of it immediately after the first lesson. Typically, experts start with slow movements, then gradually increase the intensity, and end the yoga session with exercises that help to relax. As a result, you experience a feeling of blissful peace and tranquility. And this is not a game of sensations. Yoga powerfully stimulates blood circulation and thus helps get rid of harmful metabolic by-products. As a result, strength is restored rapidly, and well-being improves.

    Experts point out that yoga is not only relaxation for the body, but also exercise for the mind. The connection between physiological and mental processes is well known, but nowhere is it more evident than in yoga. Because asanas affect those aspects of brain activity that are discussed in ordinary life We have no idea. For example, yoga develops a special inner hearing, when you seem to hear the body, tuning in with it on the same wavelength
    yoga helps to reveal our weak points. For example, poor flexibility of individual joints or loss of muscle coordination

    Yoga trains breathing. Breathing is one of the most important wisdoms of yoga. Its effect on the body is such that after classes you will feel both relaxed and energized. Our usual aerobic exercises do not give such an effect. Yoga teaches you to work without adrenaline, and this is much more useful

    Yoga is not like strength training or aerobic exercise. The novelty of yoga benefits both your body and your spirit

    Yoga helps recovery from injury

    The yoga system is generally useful. But all types have their pitfalls, which practitioners should try to skillfully avoid. To achieve your goals, you should find your type of yoga and practice it regularly.

    Fitness yoga is the East for Europeans.

    Fitness yoga is a workout based on yoga poses and breathing. Fitness yoga is suitable for those who are not interested in seriously studying the philosophy of yoga. Although fitness yoga is based on ancient Indian traditions, it is not related to any philosophy, religion or type of meditation
    The goal of Fitness Yoga is to give the body excellent tone. Fitness yoga is especially recommended for those who lead an active life.

    Fitness yoga combines elements of hathayoga with traditional exercises of classical choreography and muscle stretching exercises, which maintains muscle tone, develops flexibility and improves well-being.

    Regular Fitness Yoga classes develop strength and endurance, naturally reduce weight through proper breathing, and raise your level of vital energy. Increasing inner strength, concentration, resistance to stress increases. Fitness yoga classes give peace and balance in life.

    Fitness yoga is a way of life. The practice of Fitness Yoga is ideal for athletes, professional dancers and fitness enthusiasts: it reduces the risk of injury, the consequences of stress and overtraining. And Fitness Yoga is also ideal for those who have firmly decided to take care of their body, spirit, and health.

    Fitness yoga can be practiced at any age and with any level of fitness.

  6. I went several times and really didn’t like it! It’s more pleasant to study when there is a cheerful, energetic instructor... And it seems to me that intensive training is more effective! and yoga, I think it’s just fashion!

Anyone who begins to lose weight in healthy ways, without the use of express diets and Thai pills of dubious origin, sooner or later comes to the understanding that physical activity is an integral part of any weight loss program. And here you have to choose which way to load your own body in a healthier and more enjoyable way. Fortunately, now every club has at least several areas of fitness, as well as dance classes, yoga and group cardio training. So what is better for losing weight - active fitness or calm yoga?

If we talk only about the desire to quickly part with extra pounds, then fitness is definitely in the lead. To speed up metabolic processes and burn fat reserves, the heart rate during training must be within a certain range. This is quite easy to achieve by moving to fast music, and almost impossible by meditating and practicing static asanas.

But the fact is that those types of fitness that actively burn fat are not suitable for everyone. They create a fairly large load on the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system, which in people with a weight of 20 percent or more exceeding the upper limit of normal are already not in the best condition. Therefore, beginners who do not have minimal physical training should seriously think about the benefits of yoga:

  • relieving stress, unloading the nervous system;
  • development of flexibility and mobility of joints;
  • relaxation and stretching of the spine;
  • restoration of energy balance;
  • correction of posture, development of plasticity.
  • Yoga has only one drawback - it will not give quick results in losing weight. But much faster than fitness, you will give your body beautiful shape and improve the condition of your skin. There are practically no contraindications to it. People with a diseased or injured spine and impaired functions of the vestibular apparatus cannot attend classes.

    Maybe fitness is better?

    So maybe it’s fitness after all? For the young and not too overloaded overweight organism, perhaps, yes. Only if the emphasis is not on general improvement in health, but on fast weight loss. It should be remembered that some types of fitness can overload the joints and spine, increase blood pressure and stimulate the heart too much. So let's get to work in different directions There are many more medical contraindications for fitness and it is better to ask a trainer about them before purchasing a subscription or attending trial training.

    On the other hand, it is fitness:

    • promotes active fat burning;
    • accelerates metabolic processes;
    • stimulates the growth of muscle fibers;
    • accelerates the removal of waste and toxins;
    • eliminates swelling, stimulates lymph flow;
    • strengthens blood vessels, reduces cholesterol;
    • successfully fights cellulite.

    The list of advantages is quite long. But if the body cannot yet cope with such loads, it is better to properly prepare it for them than to create health problems for yourself. Or maybe we can somehow combine everything?

    Strange mix

    Fitness yoga is one of the synthetic areas of fitness that combines seemingly two incompatible things - calm exercises accompanied by music and serious physical activity. This cannot be said to be perfect. New proprietary programs are constantly being developed, but they have not yet reached the level that gives quick and tangible results for those who want to lose weight. Reviews about it are different. Those for whom traditional yoga is too calm, but who cannot yet afford the fast pace of classical fitness, like the new direction.

    Classes are held at a moderate pace and focus on those asanas (postures) that allow you to maximally load and work out problem areas. At the same time, all the usual attributes of yoga are present: beautiful light, scented sticks, stylized music.

    An example of such a workout can be seen by downloading a video on the Internet. But don’t forget that all trainers are different and each of them has their own idea of ​​what fitness yoga is.

    So where is the truth?

    In fact, the question of which is better - fitness or yoga, is from the same series as the chicken and the egg. There is no clear answer to this. It all depends first of all on your health status, and then on your priorities and individual preferences. If desired, you can combine both. For example, do fitness twice a week and yoga twice a week. The main thing is that the body feels good and does not feel strong overloads.

    Fitness yoga is a good option for those who love everything unusual and are ready to accept the synthesis of two diverse areas. As a means for rapid weight loss, it is not very good - the pace of exercise is clearly not enough to speed up metabolism. But as a transitional stage from classical yoga to more active areas of fitness, this is practically perfect view training. It will gently prepare the body for serious physical activity that fitness offers.

    Maintaining health is one of the top priorities for most. Sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical culture or time to study as a result lead to a deterioration in well-being and psychological problems. Grueling workouts are not for everyone, so the ideal choice is a new direction in sports: fit yoga.

    What is fitness yoga

    Dynamic exercises according to the Fitness system are losing their position every year. And all because traditional strength training Fast pace is not for everyone. Fitness yoga – what is it? This is a hybrid of health exercises with meditation, which allows you to find inner harmony and learn to think positively. Fitness yoga is a set of asanas that improve posture, restore joint mobility, calm nerves and help eliminate figure imperfections. Trainers focus on the static nature of the poses performed, and not at all on the strength of their execution.

    Fitness yoga for weight loss

    Relatively low intensity, measured and feasible loads help the body gain endurance and muscles - flexibility. Meditation provides an opportunity to develop spiritually and learn to understand oneself. The synthesis of physical activity with spiritual practices overcomes stress, helps you become more confident and love your body. Fitness yoga for weight loss is new, but already popular look sports. It can be done in individual and group training, where it is even more interesting to analyze how the “before/after” photos differ and evaluate the result.

    Fitness yoga for pregnant women

    Pregnancy is a real test for the female body, not only on a physical, but also on an emotional level. Engaging in “advanced” strength sports is difficult and unsafe. The best option will become yoga fitness. With regular exercise, the body undergoes excellent preparation before the arrival of a new person. Fitness yoga for pregnant women works great for relaxation, stretching muscles, improving mood, sleep, and appetite. Beginners should start classes no earlier than 18-20 weeks, but only if there are no contraindications.

    Contraindications to exercise during pregnancy:

    • placenta previa (complete or partial);
    • threat of miscarriage, including increased uterine tone, bloody discharge;
    • any threat of bleeding;
    • low or high blood pressure;
    • low or polyhydramnios;
    • fetal development disorders.

    Fitness yoga for children

    Every parent of a growing child often thinks about where to send their child to lose excess energy and improve health. In this case, it is worth considering a sport such as fitness yoga for children. During the training, the child will gain weight positive emotions, and parents will appreciate the results of the little athlete. Playing sports together is a great way to find common language between parents and children, make muscles more elastic, movements more graceful. It is especially useful to conduct classes in the “play-learn” form.

    Video: fitness yoga for beginners