Step-by-step preparation of a business plan for a kindergarten. Ready-made business plan for a home kindergarten: necessary documentation, calculations and profitability

Already for many years The problem of kindergarten does not become less relevant for parents. Firstly, it’s very difficult to get there now; you have to wait in line almost before the baby is born (it’s even accepted government program compensation to parents for kindergarten). And secondly, the enrollment in groups is so large that an individual approach to the child is simply excluded, which greatly affects the development of the baby. Private kindergartens come to the rescue. If you put in enough effort, this is a fairly profitable type of business. Read on to learn how to open a private kindergarten.

It’s worth noting right away that high-quality child care requires a serious investment. The main tasks that the future owner will need to solve are the selection of premises and personnel, as well as the collection of all required documentation.

Registration of a legal entity is a rather troublesome period, which by law should take a month. In practice, this period increases significantly. After you have registered a legal entity, you need to go through several levels to coordinate the implementation of specific activities. It is imperative to register the educational institution with the tax office (there it will be assigned a taxpayer identification number - TIN) and in all off-budget funds: pension and social insurance, as well as in the organization of state statistics.

If educational activities are carried out legal entity, it is necessary to undergo licensing and obtain a license that will give the right to such activities. The license is issued by State educational authorities and local governments.

You can obtain a license by providing the following documents:

1. Charter of the organization.

2. Lease agreement for premises or ownership rights to it.

3. Tax registration document.

4. Conclusions of the sanitary-epidemiological station and firefighters on compliance with all safety rules in educational institution.

5. A document stating that the institution has all the necessary material and technical base and educational literature.

6. Educational program of the institution for each age group.

7. Data on the teaching staff and the number of children.

Obtaining a license is prerequisite. Otherwise, the founders may be subject to criminal liability. At the same time, activities that do not subsequently involve the issuance of educational documents are not subject to licensing. These include classes in clubs, sections, organizing leisure time, providing consultations, conducting trainings, etc.

The choice of premises must comply with all norms and requirements for preschool educational institutions, regardless of whether it is in your property or under a lease agreement. Employees of the sanitary and epidemiological station will be required to visit the kindergarten long before opening to ensure compliance with all rules. Each child must have at least six square meters of space; there must be separate rooms for sleeping, games, a gym, and a medical office. It is mandatory to install a fire alarm around the entire perimeter of the kindergarten.

The next cost item will be equipping the kindergarten premises with all the necessary equipment. These are educational toys, stationery items, children's furniture (chairs, tables, beds, individual lockers for clothes), methodological manuals, equipment for free play and educational activities. It is necessary to equip the teacher and children musical instruments, and the gym is equipped with equipment for outdoor games and physical activities. You should also purchase furniture, cutlery and utensils for eating, pots, towels and other household supplies.

Personnel are selected in the same way as in a state kindergarten. It is mandatory to have teachers, nannies, a health worker, a cook, a cleaner and a manager on staff. Depending on financial opportunities, a private kindergarten may have a psychologist, security guards and a sports coach. Parents associate non-state kindergartens with highly qualified specialists, for whose work they are willing to pay good money. Therefore, the selection of employees must be approached with all responsibility and scrupulousness, so that they, in turn, provide preschool training at a decent level.

This type of business is not considered highly profitable; moreover, opening it takes a long period of time due to the preparation of all documents. How can you increase profitability when opening a private kindergarten? The answer is simple: it is necessary to introduce additional services (for example, clubs). Therefore, this direction is very promising.

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Business plan

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A well-executed business plan for a kindergarten will provide a person interested in such a business with a real opportunity to quickly, correctly and legally realize their dream. And the dream of your own mini kindergarten can be very profitable! We all see how recent years the birth rate has increased, what queues arise every year when enrolling children in kindergarten, how much effort, time, and money parents need to arrange for their child.

By purchasing a document on organizing a private kindergarten and putting it into practice, you give your fellow citizens a worthy alternative government institutions for children. And we know that such gardens have never been exceptionally good. That is why, using a well-thought-out project, you can offer a kindergarten best quality, in which children will be given maximum attention.

It is worth understanding that a home kindergarten or a private one, located in a separate building, will be profitable if you take finished project, invest in it not only strength and money, but also your soul, the desire to help people. In this case, your kindergarten will never be empty, and the children will go there with great pleasure.

The surge in birth rates that has been observed in recent years has led to the fact that our country has a serious shortage of places in preschool educational institutions. In such a situation, the opening of new kindergartens would be most appropriate, but since there are certain difficulties with this, private kindergartens would help solve the problem. And there are people who are ready to open their own private kindergarten, while hoping for financial assistance and government support, and this is a big problem in our country.

Organizing a business such as a private kindergarten begins with overcoming many bureaucratic obstacles. If in America to create a private kindergarten you need to prepare only two certificates, then in Russia the package of documents for opening a group in a kindergarten or organizing a home kindergarten is so voluminous that one gets the impression that local officials are doing everything to complicate the process of creating private kindergartens as much as possible .

To open private house As a kindergarten, a businessman needs a lot of documents - licensing, reviews, registration. Due to this general characteristics private kindergartens is such that most of them belong to illegal business. This means that entrepreneurs work without permits.

As the experience of creating private kindergartens shows, this business is the best suited for young mothers. It is extremely convenient to be involved in raising your child, and at the same time provide care for other people’s children, whose mothers cannot afford to stay at home. There is no need to talk about the particular profitability of this business: the costs are too high, and excessively high payments will only scare away customers.

Legal registration of a business can discourage even the most assertive women, and yet the mandatory license for a kindergarten is difficult to challenge. After all, the organizer of such a business bears, according to the law of the Russian Federation, enormous responsibility for the child in kindergarten. If you are law-abiding citizens, be prepared to go through this difficult path, which is not strewn with rose petals. To obtain a license, you will first have to agree on the premises. Not every building is suitable for renting as a kindergarten. For each child there should be at least 6 square meters. m., special rooms for games and sleeping are required; serious requirements are placed on equipping the kindergarten kitchen.

After receiving permits from the fire inspectorate and sanitary doctors, you should obtain state accreditation and certification, submit to the Licensing Chamber a list of educational programs that you plan to use in your work, provide a description organizational structure private kindergarten. It is clear that this option is only acceptable for a large-scale project, and not for creating a kindergarten at home.

In order for the business project of opening a private kindergarten to look more or less attractive from the point of view of investment, the entrepreneur needs to use a professional example of a business plan for opening a kindergarten with ready-made calculations. This document contains detailed description work of the kindergarten, including the organization and activities of the accounting department.

All mothers know that state preschool institutions cannot always provide the normal all-round development of a child, which he so needs at an early age. What kind of development can we talk about if the teacher is torn to pieces every day, trying to look after a group of kids of 25-30 people? A completely different matter is a private kindergarten, the opening of which has become a good alternative to municipal kindergartens.

The peculiarities of a private preschool institution are that the groups are small, which makes it possible to pay individual attention to each child. How to open a private kindergarten, where to start? Such questions are invariably asked by all beginning businessmen. The organization of the work of a private kindergarten should be built taking into account the competent equipment of the premises, which, by the way, must meet the most stringent requirements.

In what premises can a kindergarten be rented? The full answer to this question can be found in SNiP standards, which should be read very carefully, because even the height of the ceilings and window sills, as well as the type of paint used to paint the walls of the building, matters.

The best option for renting a private kindergarten is a building that previously housed a state preschool institution; in this case, it is possible to additionally rent space for a kindergarten with an adjacent territory where children can take daily walks.

Having found a suitable room, it is necessary to make high-quality repairs in it, install a fire alarm and start equipping the kindergarten. There are strict requirements for the arrangement of a mini-kindergarten. For example, the features of furniture for kindergartens are such that it must be made of safe materials, which is confirmed by relevant certificates. The requirements for the equipment of a playroom in a private kindergarten and the design of the locker room are also very high, because the safety of children is the most important thing.

It is clear that you cannot save on equipping a kindergarten under any circumstances. And this is one of the main reasons why the payback period for a kindergarten is very long, and an open kindergarten brings a businessman not so much profit as a headache. An analysis of income and expenses in a kindergarten shows that parental fees barely cover the costs of maintaining a child, after which only small amounts remain.

Using when opening a private kindergarten With a competent business plan for a kindergarten, you will be able to minimize financial risks. You will get acquainted with recommendations for opening a mini-garden. When you decide to open your own business - a nursery, do not neglect this most important financial document, on which your success directly depends.

The relevance of the topic of preschool institutions in our country is still high. And organizing a kindergarten at home, as a business, can correct the situation, if not for the problems associated with this process. Until recently, the existing experience in opening a kindergarten, unfortunately, did not inspire optimism, since entrepreneurs - as a rule, young mothers - could not count on state support. But gradually things moved forward, and opening your own kindergarten at home became a little easier.

In many cities, the authorities have met the initiative of parents who want to organize their own business - a private kindergarten at home, in their apartment. Now you can do this quite legally. Each city has its own package of documents for opening a home kindergarten; as a rule, it includes permits from Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor, the results of checking the premises for compliance with housing standards (there must be at least 2.5 sq. m. per child). Additionally, some cities require forms to be filled out to obtain permission from neighbors to open. home garden– after all, the noise in such an apartment will increase significantly.

Organizing a private kindergarten at home from scratch seems to be a difficult undertaking, but the advantages, if permission for this activity is obtained, are very obvious. Opening a home family mini-kindergarten is profitable - hundreds of mothers who have not been afraid of the difficulties of creating a business have already been convinced of this.

There are two options for events: you are allowed to organize a family group at home, which will relate to a kindergarten located nearby. Those who don't have special education and experience as a teacher, they are sent to free courses. Mom officially gains teaching experience in private kindergartens, since she is hired as a teacher in a state kindergarten. You do not need to rent premises for a kindergarten, since you use your apartment for these purposes. In addition, such a private kindergarten is provided with furniture, dishes, and toys at the expense of the state. A mother who looks after not only her baby, but also a group of other children, receives the official salary of a teacher. Parents pay for home kindergarten in the usual manner - to the account of the municipal preschool institution.

If you want to create a real business - your own kindergarten, from which you will make a profit, then you can open a kindergarten with short-term stays for children at home in an apartment. At the same time, you should not position your business as the organization of a kindergarten, otherwise legalizing it will be problematic. It is much easier to define your activity as developmental, for which you do not need licenses and permits from sanitary doctors and fire inspectors. Payment for such a home kindergarten will go to you, but you need to be prepared for the fact that the business will take a very long time to pay off, and problems may arise with regulatory authorities.

To prevent opening a private kindergarten in a residential building from becoming a serious problem for you, carefully study professional sample business plan for a kindergarten at home, which describes in detail how the business should develop, what role legalization plays in this, and how to reduce the payback period with the least losses.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

1.Project summary

The goal of the project is to open a private kindergarten at home to meet the demand of the population of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg for preschool services. The kindergarten will be a mini-format institution located in a residential area of ​​120 square meters. meters. The mini-garden will operate in short and full day modes. The kindergarten students will be children from 3 to 7 years old living in the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg.

The project to open a kindergarten is socially significant. According to the district administration, there is an urgent need for these services due to the lack of space in existing municipal gardens. As of April 2016, the district requires at least 19 new kindergartens. Opening a private kindergarten will allow parents to find a way out of this situation and use services within their area for an affordable fee.

Investments in opening a kindergarten, taking into account the creation of all the conditions necessary according to the new Sanitary Regulations, will amount to 648.1 thousand rubles. To start, we will use our own cash. The payback period of the project is 14 months. The preparation stage for opening the garden will take 3 months.

2.Description of the industry and company

The tense situation with queues in kindergartens has affected many Russian families. As a result of the demographic crisis of the 90s, the need for kindergarten services decreased significantly, as a result of which many of them, having lost their pupils, closed. If in 2010 there were about 45 thousand kindergartens operating in Russia, then twenty years ago their number was 76 thousand. In the 2013-2014 academic year, there were 43.1 thousand preschool educational institutions in the country. In September 2015, more than 183 thousand children aged 3 to 7 years and 270 thousand children under 3 years old could not go to kindergartens due to lack of places.

Increased attention to this problem began to be paid after the so-called May Presidential Decrees of 2012, when the government was given the task complete elimination queues in kindergartens for children from 3 to 7 years old by 2016. In addition to the construction of municipal preschool institutions that began in the regions, the authorities created simplified conditions for opening private kindergartens for business. In particular, individual entrepreneurs received the right to conduct educational activities, and from January 1, 2014, private kindergartens could count on material support from regional sources. A new SanPiN has also come into force, simplifying the organization of a private kindergarten at home within the framework of Russian legislation. Now, to do this, it is not necessary to rent a premises that meets certain requirements - it is enough to refurbish a private house or apartment. According to Rospotrebnadzor, in Russia today there are 2,174 private kindergartens, which are attended by 140 thousand children. At the same time, the number of commercial establishments is growing. The highest rates are recorded in Moscow – 6.7% per year; in the regions this figure is lower and amounts to 3%. However, the level of demand for kindergarten services still exceeds supply. IN major cities There are up to 108 children per 100 places in preschool educational institutions. Since the need for public services is not fully satisfied, the creation of private kindergartens remains a promising and socially significant area of ​​business.

The goal of our project will be to open a private kindergarten at home to meet the demand of the population of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg for preschool services. The kindergarten will be a mini-format institution located in a converted residential building with an area of ​​120 square meters. m. The mini-garden will operate in shortened and full day modes (up to 11.5 hours). The kindergarten students will be children from 3 to 7 years old living in the Krasnoselsky district of the city. The capacity of the kindergarten will be up to 20 people.

The project to open a kindergarten is socially significant. According to the administration of the Krasnoselsky district, there is an urgent need in the district for the services of preschool institutions due to the lack of places in existing municipal kindergartens. Opening a private kindergarten will allow parents to find a way out of this situation and use services within their area for an affordable fee. The kindergarten will provide services within the legal framework, and its activities will be aimed at stable operation and further obtaining a license to conduct educational activities. The kindergarten will be equipped with a playroom, a sleeping room, a kitchen, and a place for eating. Children will be provided with a daily routine that includes time for games and creative activities, walks, rest, and nutrition.

The private kindergarten staff will include 3 employees. The main organizational responsibilities will be assigned to the owner of the project, who will act as a teacher. As an organizational and legal form of activity, in our case, a more acceptable option is individual entrepreneurship (IP). The simplified tax system of 15% was chosen as the form of taxation.

3.Description of services

The kindergarten will provide preschool educational services for children from 3 to 7 years old. Due to the small format, the work of the establishment will be based on the principle of mini-groups. Service fees will be charged on a monthly basis. Prices for home kindergarten services are presented in Table. 1. In the process of developing a kindergarten, it is possible to expand the range of services with paid developmental classes on weekends (psychologist, speech therapist, courses English language for preschoolers, etc.). Due to the abundance in the area large families, military families and beneficiaries, prices for services are planned to be made as affordable as possible compared to competitors.

Table 1. List of services

To provide the above services, you will need an educational license and permission from Rospotrebnadzor. To work within the legal framework, all requirements specified in the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 19, 2013 N 68 “On approval of SanPin “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for preschool groups located in residential premises of the housing stock” will be met. " In particular, the following measures will be observed:

1) temperature (21-24°C) and humidity (40-60%) with regular ventilation according to standards;

2)daily wet cleaning;

3) change of bed linen at least once a week;

4) organizing walks for at least 3-4 hours a day;

5)organization of meals in accordance with age standards;

6) correspondence of furniture to the age of children;

7) the absence of aquariums, cages with animals, birds and other animals in the kindergarten;

8) regular medical examination by personnel;

9) compliance of the area of ​​the playroom with the standards (at least 2 square meters for each child);

10) mandatory organization of daytime sleep for long-stay groups.

11) availability of personal bed linen.

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12) the use of toys made from materials that are harmless to health and can be wet processed and disinfected.

4.Sales and marketing

Today, the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg is experiencing an acute shortage of places in preschool institutions. According to the local administration, about 300 people apply for places in kindergartens every month. About two thousand more are in line to be transferred from one kindergarten to another. Despite the efforts of the authorities, the opening of temporary stay groups and new kindergartens, the situation cannot be normalized. According to calculations by the district administration, 19 new kindergartens need to be opened to fully meet the demand of district residents. For residents of the area, whose population has increased by 20% over the past 7 years due to extensive development, this problem is extremely acute, but one cannot count on a quick solution. It comes down to direct appeals to the highest-ranking officials, collecting signatures for various petitions. Unfortunately, the May presidential decrees are not being implemented in this particular case. According to rough estimates, queues for kindergartens in St. Petersburg will be completely eliminated no earlier than 2019.

Due to such high queues and large number young families with children, there is virtually no need for large investments in advertising. To attract clients to initial stage Given the increased demand and the small number of openings, minimal costs will be required. In particular, it is planned to limit ourselves to POS materials – handout booklets, which will be distributed in the multi-storey residential sector of the district. Before the opening, an open day will be held for children and their parents and registration in groups will be organized. Moms and dads will be able to verify the competence of the staff and the availability of all the necessary conditions for a comfortable, safe and useful stay in the kindergarten for their children.

5.Production plan

The kindergarten will be located in the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg. The population of the district is approximately 366,000 inhabitants. The kindergarten will be located in a converted apartment with an area of ​​120 sq. m. meters on the 1st floor of a multi-storey residential building.

The process of providing services will begin with the admission of children to preschool groups. Before the first visit, the child will need to obtain a medical certificate. The daily reception of children will be carried out by a teacher. Before the appointment, he will make sure that the children are feeling normal. Only healthy children will be able to attend kindergarten. If illnesses are detected in children during the day, they will be isolated from other children until their parents arrive or are hospitalized. After admission, the children’s stay in kindergarten will be structured in accordance with the daily routine, which will depend on age characteristics children. The maximum duration of wakefulness for children according to SanPin will be up to 5.5-6 hours. The daily routine will include a walk twice a day (in the first and second half of the day) for a total duration of up to 4 hours, a 2-hour nap during the day, 5 meals a day (breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner). Food preparation will be carried out from food raw materials directly in the kitchen of the residential premises. In the first half of the day there will be creative and educational activities taking into account the required load standards. Physical education sessions will be held in the middle of classes. Walks will take place on the equipped children's playground at the property. The kindergarten will operate on a short and full day basis from 8:00 to 19:30.

To create a private kindergarten, it will be necessary to repair and equip the existing residential premises. 120 sq. m. will be adapted to the needs of the kindergarten. meters. The total investment in real estate and equipment will be 628.1 thousand rubles. The cost of repairs, including replacement of plumbing and cosmetic repairs, will be 350,000 rubles. The walls and ceilings of the room will be finished with materials that allow wet cleaning and disinfection. The estimate will not include communications - the premises are equipped with water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation and electricity systems. The kindergarten will have several rooms (zones) designed for various purposes. Among them:

1. Games room for classes and main pastime, games - 40 sq. meters.

2. Separate bedroom - 25 sq. meters.

3.Kitchen - 13 sq. meters.

4.Eating area (dining room) – 20 sq.m. meters.

5. Washroom and toilet – 8 sq.m. meters.

6.Utility room for storing cleaning equipment - 4 sq.m. meters.

7. Hallway with lockers for outerwear and shoes - 10 sq. meters.

Equipping a kindergarten with equipment will require 278.1 thousand rubles. Expenses do not include: gas stove with oven, refrigeration equipment and some other items available. To gain the trust of parents, the kindergarten will be equipped with a video surveillance system. Equipment cost items are shown in Table. 2.

Table 2. Equipment costs


Price, rub.

Quantity, pcs.

Cost, rub.

Games room and dining room

Children's table*

Children's dining table*

Children's chair*

Book corner

Semi-open toy rack

Wall shelf

Toys and gaming complexes


Single-tier bed, solid pine and chipboard

Bunk bed, solid pine and chipboard

Bedding (3 sets per child)

Washroom and toilet

Towel cabinet with 10 sections

Plumbing (additional sinks, toilets, etc.)


Dinnerware and cutting equipment


Cupboard for storing dishes


Five-section wardrobe for outerwear, laminated chipboard


Cleaning equipment, disinfectants

Video surveillance system (4-channel video recorder, video cameras, microphones, etc.)


278 100

*tables, chairs and beds will be selected in accordance with the requirements of SanPin, taking into account the anthropometric indicators specified in Appendix 1.

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In addition to the owner of the premises, who will perform the duties of a teacher, you will need to hire a nanny and a cook, who will also perform cleaning duties. According to the law, staff will need medical books and undergo regular medical examinations. Staffing table and the wage fund for employees are shown in Table. 3.

Table 3. Staffing and wage fund

Taking into account the capacity of the kindergarten for 20 people, the maximum possible gross revenue per month (full-day stay) will be 340,000 rubles. Taking into account the increased demand for the services of children's educational institutions, we can predict at least 75 percent occupancy of kindergartens in the first year. In this situation (in our case, pessimistic) and an average bill of 17,000 rubles. per month, a kindergarten at home will pay for itself by the 14th month of operation. At the same time, the monthly profit will be 52.3 thousand rubles. The current expenses of the kindergarten will include: wages for kindergarten employees, purchase and delivery of food, public utilities other expenses (laundry, disinfection, etc.). Calculations of the main period of work are given in more detail in Appendix 2.

6.Organizational plan

The start of activities is planned for the beginning of the new academic year with the completion of all preliminary procedures and an open day in August. The owner of the premises assumes responsibility for the preparatory period. His responsibilities will also include hiring staff, receiving and maintaining children, and working with parents.

7.Financial plan

Opening a kindergarten will require raising 648.1 thousand rubles, for which our own funds will be used. In Table. 4 shows the starting cost items. Financial indicators for three years of operation of the kindergarten, taking into account 75% load (group of 15 people) in the first academic year and 100% load in the second and subsequent years (group of 20 people) are given in Appendix 2.

Table 4. Investment costs

8.Evaluation of project effectiveness

The project to open a private kindergarten at home is different not only social significance and ease of organization compared to large kindergartens, but it is also a stable source of income. By recruiting groups at the beginning of the school year, the owner can predict profits over an extended period of time with a high degree of confidence. In our case, with partial load, the starting investment will pay off by the 14th month of operation, and the net profit of the kindergarten will be more than 50 thousand rubles. At the same time, indicated in Table. 1 prices for services may be increased depending on the actual number of applications for services. Project performance indicators for a three-year period of work are presented in Table. 5.

Table 5. Project performance indicators

9.Risks and guarantees

The main difficulties in implementing the project are associated with the preparation process, including construction, registration, resolution of bureaucratic issues, and settlement of issues with neighbors. However, when organizing work and admitting children to groups, the risks are minimized. Taking into account the increased demand for kindergarten services in the area, the project manager has the right to count on the great interest of parents in his project and the full filling of places in the first intake. In Table. 6 reflects the main risks for the implementation of the project, force majeure circumstances, as well as measures that will help avoid them or their consequences.

Table 6. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences


Probability of occurrence

Severity of consequences

Prevention measures

Difficulties in obtaining permits, time costs



Using the services of a lawyer, preliminary collection of documents, in-depth study of the issue, temporary and financial “safety cushion”

Rising food costs



Changing suppliers, optimizing costs without compromising the quality of service or risk to children’s health, increasing prices for services within the limits of parents’ ability to pay

Mass disease of kindergarten students, epidemic



Compliance with SanPin standards for organizing routines, meals, compliance with requirements for premises, materials, etc., timely identification of a sick child during admission, admission of new children to groups after passing medical examination, timely cleaning and disinfection of premises

Emergency situation, cataclysm, attack by intruders, etc.



Availability of security alarms, surveillance cameras, insurance, fire extinguishing equipment

Complaints from neighbors to various authorities



Preliminary approval of the opening of a kindergarten with neighbors (approval of the placement of a kindergarten by at least 51% of residents), compliance with legislative norms, occupancy standards, discipline in the kindergarten,

Decrease in demand due to the opening of new kindergartens by the authorities



Maximum proximity to the children’s place of residence, establishment of strong ties with parents, customer-oriented service, revision of pricing policy

Losses due to a child’s failure to attend classes (for example, due to illness)



Refund of part of the parents' funds paid from the total amount for food +% depending on the duration of the illness, admission of children to vacant places for a shortened/full day

Decline in demand for services in the off-season



Enrollment of children in a short-stay group, additional services



Basic sizes of tables and chairs for infants and children early age and preschool age


Production plan and main financial indicators project over a three-year period

Get current calculations for your business plan

How to open a private kindergarten, where to start, how much money will it require? Is this legal? How to organize hot meals, naps and walks for little clients? What documents should I fill out, do I need to obtain a license, or transfer the premises to non-residential use? These and other questions are answered in this article. Here you will find comprehensive information on how to organize a private kindergarten in your apartment or rented cottage, you will get a lot practical advice, you will see the real figures of your expenses.

Calling the opening of a private kindergarten a simple business is hardly correct. This is quite a troublesome task, requiring vigilant control and great dedication. On the other hand, this useful look activities that bring satisfaction to its creator and numerous clients. And the neighbors are quite tolerant of the kids - suddenly the situation turns out to be such that they themselves will need such a kindergarten.

With proper organization, a private kindergarten as a business will develop and make a profit, and there will always be clients. This:

Children who get sick often

So-called “non-kindergarten” kids who need an individual approach

Little ones who, due to their age, are not yet accepted into municipal institutions

Children of your friends and acquaintances.

In times of crisis, home gardens will be especially in demand, as they can offer loyal prices to mothers who are forced to go to work ahead of schedule.

Legal issues

How to open a private kindergarten? An experienced businessman will begin to solve such issues with a business plan. But home kindergartens are often opened not by “business sharks”, but by school teachers, educators and mothers on maternity leave. What worries them most is the legality aspect of such an event.

They can be reassured, this is a legal business and encouraged by the state. The main law you need to know: Law on Education in the Russian Federation. Article 91 of this document states that only educational institutions are subject to licensing. It will also be useful to study the Housing Code; it states that residential premises can be used for individual entrepreneurial activities if the entrepreneur lives there legally and his activities do not interfere with neighbors (Chapter 2, Article 17).

In 2013, a Decree of the Chief Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation was issued, which describes all the requirements for preschool institutions. Practice shows that the inspection authorities (SES, Pozhnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor) are also quite loyal to the “children’s” business - unless, of course, emergencies occur in the garden and numerous complaints are received from parents.

Thus, our kindergarten is not an educational institution, but a development school for children. The concept of our development school, for which calculations have been made for the return on business, is a mini-kindergarten, with the duration of the children’s stay for about 4 hours; the cost of providing services does not include the child’s food. Working hours from 9-30 to 13-30. If desired, parents and children give them fruits and cereals for nutrition, but all this must be packaged and of good quality.

How to open a private kindergarten without a license: frequently asked questions

  1. Is it true that you don’t need a license to open a private kindergarten? - Is it true. A license is only required educational programs. Child care, supervision and development is not education.
  2. Is it necessary to transfer an apartment from residential to non-residential? - Not necessarily. The law allows you to open a private kindergarten in a residential apartment (house).
  3. How to open a private kindergarten on the second (fifth, ninth) floor? - The same as the first one. Of course, the first floor is more convenient, but other floors are not prohibited.
  4. Is teacher training required? – Not required, but it will be a big plus for the reputation of your establishment.

What is needed to open a private kindergarten: the most important documents

Besides goodwill and a good mood to open a private kindergarten you will need:

  1. Certificate of individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur). All benefits from the state mentioned above apply only to individual entrepreneurs.
  2. Lease agreement if the garden is opened in someone else’s apartment (house). The contract must include a clause that the landlord agrees to open a private kindergarten in the rented premises.
  3. Contracts with staff (nannies, cleaners, cooks).

But you don’t need a license to open a kindergarten! This follows from the documents listed above. Please note: failure to obtain a license minimizes communication with the SES and Fire Surveillance. Their many demands are worth considering, but official permission from these organizations is not required.

The beginning of all beginnings - pencil, calculator, common sense

Before you open a private kindergarten at home, a business plan and its analysis will clearly show your expected profit. Make a plan in detail, based on real numbers. How much does a set of children's furniture cost, what will be the food costs? Perhaps you will have to re-equip the toilet or make repairs? Don’t forget about taxes - a beginning individual entrepreneur can work according to a simplified system and has a number of benefits.

As for the initial amount, it will depend on whether the institution is opening in its own or rented premises. In the first case, the costs will be minimal, in the second – more significant. It is difficult to give exact numbers. There is always an opportunity to reduce expenses: buy furniture on sale, take on the functions of an accountant, cook, nanny, postpone the purchase of non-essential items until a later time. According to estimates from various sources, the cost of a full-fledged kindergarten in a separate room with several groups and qualified personnel will range from 300 thousand to several million rubles (in the capital).

How to create a private kindergarten from scratch - the simplest idea

If you have absolutely nowhere to get money, but have your own living space, you can create a private mini-garden on it. Put the apartment in order, separate some of your child’s toys and take 1-2 children for supervision. If things go well, we can expand in the future.

What do you need to open a kindergarten in your apartment?

First of all, children must be provided with:

Sleeping places (after all, a private kindergarten is for children from 0 to 3-4 years old, they must sleep during the daytime)

Special furniture (table and several chairs)

Toys, books, educational aids

Conditions for outdoor games and walks in the fresh air

Hot lunches.

Do not forget about individual towels and detergents, since the children's institution is cleaned several times a day using special disinfectants.

Plan for opening a private garden: counting income

Calculating income is a very pleasant process, but it is advisable to approach it soberly. You need to realistically assess the solvency of the population of your area (city). In Moscow, the fee for 1 child can reach up to 20 thousand rubles and exceed this amount, but in a small town (village) with small salaries, 5 thousand rubles may seem excessive.

Perhaps it makes sense to open a private kindergarten for half a day without sleep and food. Or take children 2-3 days a week instead of five. This will reduce your costs and prices for parents. In any case, you need to carefully study the demand for your service. Find out whether there are enough places in the municipal garden, whether there are competitors nearby. Take into account that in big city The demand for a garden is greater than in a small village. Plan income taking into account risks.

For our calculations, we assume that our group works from 9-30 to 13-30, the cost of the service is 10,000 rubles. The average number of children in a group per month will be 8 people. We hire one employee to work with children, the second will be the initiator of the project. We will register an individual entrepreneur for the activity; taxation is a simplified reporting system.

Our kindergarten will be located in a rented apartment, on the ground floor.

Let's summarize our calculations in tables. Let's start with a list of necessary investments.

We will determine the size of the wage fund for the year and calculate tax deductions for employees.

Let's calculate total revenue for several years in advance.

Let's reduce the constants and variable costs into one table.

Fixed expenses


Payroll taxes



Variable expenses

Utility costs

Insurance individual entrepreneurs

Other variable expenses

Total costs

Based on the available figures, we will determine the gross and net profit of the enterprise.

Thanks to the obtained figures, we can determine the profitability and payback of the planned business of opening a private kindergarten.

It is worth noting that many of these kindergartens operate in three shifts. With such a work scheme, it is better to hire one or two more teachers. The profit of the project initiator increases and there is more opportunity to purchase educational games, toys and further development business.

How to open a private kindergarten without a loan

It would be unreasonable to recommend using a loan to a beginner. A kindergarten as a business is a profitable business, but it can hardly be called extremely profitable. Firstly, in the first year of operation, profits will be unstable, and secondly, individual entrepreneur is liable to creditors with its property. Of course, a person with experience can take a risk and take out a loan, but first he will calculate all the pros and cons.

It follows from this interesting question, how to open a private kindergarten with state support. The important thing here is that the creation of gardens at home is encouraged at the legislative level - this solves the problems of many families. Is it possible to get real money from the state and return part of the costs? Can. There are 3 ways.

First. Renting a commercial space is the main cost. Therefore, it needs to be reduced. The local government can help here by providing municipal premises at a minimal (non-commercial) price.

Second. Receive a subsidy from the employment center. If you are registered as unemployed, you can qualify for one-time financial assistance. The entire amount of the due unemployment benefit is paid in a lump sum, subject to registration as an individual entrepreneur and provision of a business plan.

Third. In some regions, the local budget partially compensates parents for private kindergartens. If there are not enough places in municipal institutions, and the mother is forced to go to work, the local budget can compensate her for part of the costs.

CONCLUSION. Remember: the goal of any business is to minimize risks/costs and maximize profits. Your talent and perseverance will undoubtedly be rewarded if you are not afraid of failure, do not stop moving forward and take our advice. Good luck in your useful business!

Probably the most actual problem for all young parents, is to place their child in a preschool institution. The lack of large numbers of state kindergartens provokes the appearance of long queues, the development of corruption and many other negative aspects. Therefore, many young entrepreneurs, despite difficulties in design and organization, are developing a business plan for a kindergarten on a private basis. At its core, although this is a troublesome business, demand creates supply and this business has very good prospects. Next, we will give an example of a step-by-step drawing up of a business plan for a private kindergarten.

The advantages of opening a preschool institution are the following main points:

  • With a competent and precise approach to this business project, the entrepreneur’s investments will be quite acceptable. Yes, and besides, it is quite possible to save on a number of points;
  • Private preschool institutions are not highly competitive. Therefore, when opening a good kindergarten with an acceptable price category, you can promote the business quite well, and in the future even open branches of the institution;
  • There is a very obvious need for this type of business, since state kindergartens do not cover all the needs of the population;
  • It is also possible to develop a better development program and create more good conditions than in the same state kindergartens, thereby attracting as many clients as possible;
  • For opening of this business It is not necessary to have any particular education or skills.

Also, this type of activity has its own certain difficulties, which are associated with the following points:

  • Large contribution of initial investments, which is not commensurate with further profits;
  • Obtaining numerous permits, such as: sanitary service, fire safety, obtaining a permitting license and other details;
  • You must have your own starting capital, since obtaining a loan can take quite a lot of time and effort, and this will be especially problematic to do during this crisis period.

Stage of registration of documents required to open a private preschool institution:

First of all, a novice entrepreneur needs to obtain registration of an LLC or individual entrepreneur to open a non-state preschool institution.

Despite the fact that this business has a non-profit form, it will therefore have to be registered with the Ministry of Justice. The duration of such registration can be about thirty days, or even more, it all depends on the specific case and the speed of registration. It is also necessary to indicate the intended type of activity.

After registration, you must pay a mandatory fee, as well as register with the Tax Service and Statistical Offices. government agencies. But this is not the end; after that you must pass the control of all government inspection services. After verification, the entrepreneur is issued a license to carry out entrepreneurial activity in the field of preschool education.

Thus, a ready-made business plan for a kindergarten must necessarily include a reserve of time to complete all of the above procedures.

A kindergarten business plan should also include clearly designed instructions, with step by step steps receiving required license, in this way the actions of the entrepreneur will be better coordinated with the main tasks solved within a specific time frame.

A novice entrepreneur faces another important point: choosing a suitable premises for a kindergarten that would meet all the requirements taken into account by the Ministry of Health.


This point is probably the most difficult in the entire business plan for opening a private kindergarten. So, as in the written requirements for opening a private preschool institution, all details are taken into account in a specific form, and compliance with them is mandatory. For example, they contain requirements for the size of the room itself, as well as the width of doorways, the number of toilets, sinks, pots, and other things.

An entrepreneur can rent the necessary premises for a kindergarten close to the city center, in which case he will not have any difficulties with clients. But at the same time, the costs of opening a private kindergarten will increase significantly. It is also necessary to take into account such points as convenient location, availability of parking areas and public transport passing nearby.

The most suitable rental options are:

  • A private house, this option has the opportunity to organize a children's play area on the streets, and this in turn will further increase demand;
  • The building of a former kindergarten, usually in such premises the necessary conditions have already been taken into account in advance, and modifications will take less time;
  • Partial rental of premises from organizations such as the House of Pioneers, the Youth Palace and others.

Approximate rental amount for one square meter space for a kindergarten can cost five hundred rubles, and in proximity to the center it is much higher. You can also draw up a business plan for opening a kindergarten in an apartment, but this will take a lot of effort and time, since there will be more checks and the process of obtaining a license will be quite difficult.

A ready-made business plan for a kindergarten with calculations must necessarily include all the necessary staff, which will directly respond to the number of children attending a commercial preschool institution.

In order to ensure the normal functioning of a private kindergarten designed for twenty people, it is necessary to recruit the following staff:

  • Qualified chef;
  • A healthcare worker with direct experience working in a medical institution (preferably in pediatrics);
  • Assistant teacher (nanny);
  • Two teachers, experience in a preschool educational institution or pedagogical education is also desirable.

Employees hired to a private kindergarten must have the necessary medical certificate, a health certificate, and also have certain qualifications.

For educators, the following requirements apply, such as passing qualifying courses once every three years, as a result of which a certain certificate or diploma is issued. This point is mandatory, since this procedure is checked by the relevant authorities.

Entrepreneurs who have a number of branches of preschool institutions should also fulfill the above requirements.


An important point at the beginning of an advertising campaign for a private kindergarten is the opening of your own Internet resource (website), which will provide detailed information to your potential clients. Moreover, you should not save money on the implementation of this item; it is better to contact a specialized institution that provides high-quality services. You should also contact designers to create your own logo, which will be present on all advertising products.

Also in a good way, is to promote your business in all social networks forums. If you have a free budget, you can order advertising on radio or television channels.

Many entrepreneurs engaged in this type of activity arrange free visits for everyone at a specially designated time, thereby demonstrating the advantages of a private child care facility compared to the same public one.


A financial sample of a business plan for a kindergarten gives the entrepreneur an accurate representation of all expected costs for development. This information is also necessary for providing investment loans from banks and depositors.

The financial calculation of a business plan for opening a private kindergarten is carried out as follows:

Name Cost, rub
1 Procedure for obtaining the necessary permit 1500
2 Carrying out repair work 150000
3 Purchase of all necessary furniture 40000
4 Purchase of additional equipment 50000
5 Advertising costs 10000
6 Costs of entertainment material for children 12000
7 Various minor expenses 2000

After making the calculation, the final cost of opening the kindergarten was 265,500 rubles.
Also, the entrepreneur additionally needs to have his own or credit funds in order to carry out normal maintenance own business until it reaches a payback level.

The entrepreneur must include this point in the example of a kindergarten business plan. If this requirement is not met, the business may collapse, since there will be no funding left to further support it.

It is also necessary to consider what amounts of expenses should be taken into account when planning this business:

The total cost based on their expenses was 190,000 rubles.


This point must also be included in the business plan drawn up for planning the opening of a private kindergarten. In order to make an approximate calculation of the payback period in the business plan of a private kindergarten, it is necessary to carry out an analysis of competitive organizations. The data in the formulas will only diverge based on the number of children in each institution.

The number of children attending private kindergarten plays an important role. Since, with a large number, the process of recoupment of expended material resources naturally occurs faster.

Based on statistical information, the moment of expected profit occurs only after the arrival of one year, or even more. Experienced entrepreneurs in this area of ​​business provide additional services in order to minimize this time. So, for example, they open additional sections, conduct various hikes and other entertainment activities. Some manage to get the necessary support from the state.

Of course, you should not needlessly inflate prices for visits at the beginning of building a business, as this will not give you more customers, but on the contrary, will attract negative opinions. And only after a private kindergarten has earned a certain status and received the necessary trust, you can additionally open other groups, inflate the price and, therefore, receive greater profits.


The risk section in drawing up a business plan for a private kindergarten should be included in the business plan for the kindergarten. This is necessary, first of all, for the entrepreneur himself, as a guide for actions in case of unforeseen situations. Which may include: a small number of clients, great competition, termination of premises rental and other issues.