What do you need to open a travel agency? How to open a travel agency from scratch - implementation of the business idea of ​​​​opening a travel agency

Have you decided to start your own business, but don’t know how to open a travel agency (firm)? Then the information below is just for you. Here you can download ready-made example business plan for a travel agency (company), find out why

If you can't compete with the big players, then you just need to work hard to make sure your services are worth the money they ask for. It is important to remember that the important services are those that significantly distinguish you from everyone else. This is the most important key to success.

Business plan - ready-made example

Before you open any travel agency, you need to know that tourism is quite a competitive industry. That is why, at the very beginning, you doom yourself to hard and painstaking work. All this must be foreseen in advance.

You should always be prepared for the fact that you will need to conduct tedious negotiations with people for days and try to indulge all their whims. If you're not sure you can handle it, then it's better Once again think about whether it is worth opening such a business.

In such a business, you need the ability to find a personal approach to everyone, to interest the client so that he purchases a tour from you and returns to you more than once. The important thing here is not to sell travel packages, but to sell your consultations. The most important thing in this matter is the ability to mobilize yourself and get used to the situation as quickly as possible.

Where to begin?

The possibility of opening a travel agency at home cannot be ruled out. The most important thing is to have a phone and a computer. However, if you want the business to not only survive, but also generate good income in the future, then you need to think more broadly.

Look through those areas that are not yet covered by the tourism business and try to start your business there. You can also try to provide services that do not require an office.

How much does it cost to open a travel agency?

Before opening your own travel agency, you need to allocate a budget.

  • Office. In order to save a little on this, you can rent an office in an area where it costs less. But you should definitely take into account its transport accessibility for future clients.
  • Staff. However, this can be a disadvantage when hiring staff. You need to try to find such people who have at least some experience in this field and thereby avoid the learning process.
  • Advertising. Before opening an agency, think about how to make sure that as many people as possible know about you as quickly as possible. Advertising in newspapers is not very cheap and effective; radio and television are also not an option, since the return on them is very short-term. Most effective method advertising in tourism is the promotion of a company’s website, which must be approached with all responsibility. In addition, it is not enough just to successfully promote the monetary pages of the site, you also need to very effectively place information about your services on them. Since website promotion takes a lot of time, initial stage It is recommended to use contextual advertising, the impact of which you will feel in the very near future.

Opening process

Steps to implement the plan:

  1. Developing a plan. It is necessary to develop a realistic and most effective plan. Remember that you will need to compete with all available agencies that have been on the market for several years. If you have no experience at all, then you can work a little in tourism to get the hang of it. Then you will have at least the slightest idea about tourism and how it can be made successful.
  2. Defining a Niche. Focus on those distinctive features that only you have. It is best to do the work that will be most interesting to you and where you will be most competent. If you like organizing tours to Europe, for example, and you have work experience, then it is best for you to pursue this direction.
  3. Create connections. You need to convey maximum quantity people that you are a good and reliable travel agency that has experience in carrying out such activities. Based on your knowledge, you can significantly save not only your time, but also the time of your clients.


IN in this case Your fame and popularity are very important. Since the profit of the company is nothing more than the commission received by the company for the sale of a tour operator’s voucher. Naturally, tour operators are unlikely to provide a good commission to an unknown company.

The minimum commission starts at 8%. For well-known operators it reaches 18%. This is another one important point, since the difference between your commission and the commission of other travel companies operating for more than one year will, unfortunately, not be in your favor. Think about it.

How to open a franchise

If you want to open a travel agency and not go bankrupt in the first year, then a franchise is an excellent option. You will be provided with a ready-made brand, a business model, and much more. You will have to pay for this, but the fee is not too high.

What is needed for this? Contact any travel company that is engaged in franchising and you will be provided with all the conditions for cooperation with them.

If you are still a beginner, then a franchise will be the best option for you.

Popular destinations

  • clients who are vacationing in another place, and your travel company fully organizes delivery, collection of documents and negotiates with the receiving party;
  • also receive travelers from other cities and countries. Businesses in countries such as Egypt, Türkiye and others operate according to this scheme.

As for the first direction, it is fashionable to divide business into 2 areas: travel operators and agencies. Travel agencies sell ready-made tours, and tour operators are directly involved in the organization and formation of tours.

How to become a travel agent

Let's assume that you decide to sell tours from several or one tour operator. You do not bear any significant risks. However, there is a marketing problem. In addition, you need to decide on the direction of activity.

When you find the answers to all the questions, then think about how you will attract tourists.

How to become a tour operator

In this case, quite a significant initial investment is required. In most cases, tour operators are formed from successful travel agencies.

Opening without starting capital

This is quite possible, but do not forget that you will have to give up all the benefits that are associated with large expenses. While you have few clients, you can work independently, and only then you will have to take care of hired staff.

How to open a company working with corporate clients

This is, as a rule, a separate niche of the tourism business. New companies are constantly appearing that have not yet established relationships with agencies. In this case, you have many advantages in luring them to you. You can also be an independent travel agent who works from home. If you want, you can earn good money.

Your responsibilities

You must be aware of your responsibilities and the responsibilities for not fulfilling them. In addition to all the available functions, firms can also provide services such as:

  • search for “last minute tours”;
  • organizing high-quality delivery of tourists to the airport;
  • assistance in obtaining various foreign passports and visas;
  • fulfillment of special requirements of managers, etc.

Your potential clients

You must remember that almost any travel agency is your future potential client. Most likely, your clients will include:

  • companies are too small to support their staff;
  • departments involved in organizing travel packages in larger companies;
  • athletes and musicians;
  • high-ranking executives who travel quite frequently. After all, they need that person who will deal only with their plans.

In any case, the decision to open a travel company or agency must be approached comprehensively and be sure to weigh all the nuances in advance.

useful links

    http://forum.turizm.ru/common/forum34/ - Forum for tourism industry specialists

“Seeing the world” is one of the most persistent human desires. If we are not talking about a sofa TV show, then why not give people joy by making your own business out of it? Is it difficult to open a travel agency, where to start? Let's try to figure it out.


The good thing about tourism business is that you can open a travel agency with minimal investment and without work experience. The activity is not licensed, so you do not need to obtain any permits. At the same time, competition in the travel business is high, and the demand for travel agency services in a crisis naturally falls. The population prefers to save rather than spend. How to open a travel agency from scratch in such a difficult time and make it profitable?

According to Russian Union in the tourism industry in 2015, demand for mass outbound destinations fell by 30-60%. The reason is the decline in purchasing power of Russians. Due to recent events in the world, experts predict a large subsidence in the following directions: Egypt, Türkiye, France.

Tourism business: who is who

If the decision to open a travel agency has been made, it is first worth studying industry legislation. The legal side of the tourism business is regulated by Law No. 132-FZ of November 24, 1996 “On the fundamentals of tourism activities in the Russian Federation.”

According to the document, tourism can be international (inbound and outbound) and domestic, and tourism services are provided by tour operators and travel agents.

Tour operators- legal entities that independently develop tourism products (tours), promote and sell them. The mission of the operators is for the tourist to see Paris and... return home safely. Therefore, the law obliges them to have financial security in the form of a bank guarantee or insurance. All tour operators operating in accordance with the law are included in the Unified Federal Register, and those working to organize outbound travel must also be members of the relevant associations.

Travel agents- legal entities or individual entrepreneurs who are the link between the tourist and the tour operator. This party sells tours designed by tour operators and earns commissions. Relations between tour operators and travel agents are regulated by agency agreements, which stipulate the amount of remuneration - 5-16% of the cost of the sold tour.

The responsibilities of a travel agent are listed in the agency agreement and typically include:

  • informing about tourism products and selecting tours according to the wishes of clients;
  • preparation and issuance of tour documents to tourists (tickets, accommodation voucher, insurance, memo about the specifics of the route, visas);
  • guarantee of reservation of all services.

We open a travel agency from scratch: we take into account experience and financial capabilities

A travel agency can exist in different forms. It all depends on starting capital and the swing of a novice entrepreneur. Be realistic about your capabilities, but be optimistic.

You can go one of four ways:

The initial investment when opening a franchise travel agency is 150,000-450,000 rubles. depending on the size of the city, and they can be repaid in the first six months of operation. The main disadvantage is that the franchisor sets unrealistic sales plans, especially for the initial period. Therefore, you need to either choose a partner who does not assign plans, or change the terms of the contract.

How to open a travel agency: step-by-step instructions

So, what does it take to open a travel agency?

  1. Registration. A travel agency can operate both as a legal entity and as an individual entrepreneur. It is easier for an individual entrepreneur to register, use the earnings for personal purposes and cease activities. This option is ideal for home-based travel agencies. In other cases, it is preferable to open an LLC - the level of trust in companies in Russia is traditionally higher than in individual entrepreneurs.

    When choosing a taxation system, you should focus on the simplified tax system with the object “income” (6% rate).

  2. Office organization. For a travel agency, a premises (own or rented) with an area of ​​15-20 m2 is sufficient. The office should be bright and comfortable, have a telephone line and the Internet. You will need to make repairs, decorate the premises thematically, buy furniture, office equipment, and stationery. There must be space on the façade of the building to accommodate external advertising.

    The location of the travel agency is important. The preferred placement option is in a shopping center or business center, in an area with high business activity. It’s good if kindergartens, schools, beauty salons are located near the office - usually it is women who initiate the trip and collect all the information about the tours.

  3. Software. Information on tours can be searched on the websites of tour operators or in specialized search engines - Internet resources whose databases consolidate information on most tour operators. Such systems provide travel agencies with the most full picture according to current offers. The use is paid, but significantly saves time.

    The most famous are the following search engines: TOURINDEX (www.tourindex.ru), “Ehat” (www.exat.ru) and “TURY.ru” (www.tury.ru).

  4. Choosing a direction of work. This is a key point for starting, on which the further strategy when starting a business depends.

    You may prefer the following tourist destinations:

    personally known and verified;

    matching the specialization of potential employees;

    promising and fashionable types of tourism (eco-tours, beach holiday, extreme, etc.).

    You should choose a niche where it will be interesting to work. All subsequent organizational stages will depend on the decision made at this step: recruitment of personnel, selection of tour operators for cooperation, search for effective channels for advertising.

  5. Website creation. Before creating/ordering a website, you should decide what function it will perform: representational (a regular business card website), informational with the ability to search for tours or an online store. The optimal solution in terms of the ratio between price and efficiency is the second option.
  6. Selection of employees. This is one of the main problems when starting a tourism business. Finding a professional with his own client base who knows how to work with people is difficult. Such specialists are rare and expensive, but investing in them pays off, so it’s not worth saving on remuneration. Wages Tour sales managers are traditionally calculated: salary and percentage of sales.

    Employees need to be developed: thematic trainings, seminars, regular study tours to selected countries increase the effectiveness of managers.

    You can save money on an accountant, especially in the first year of work. With small sales volumes, the businessman himself can handle accounting and reporting using specialized free online services.

  7. Selecting tour operator partners. You can enter into contracts with several tour operators at the same time. For each chosen destination, it is worth concluding agreements with several operators in order to satisfy all possible requests of tourists regarding arrival dates, hotel level, etc.

    When searching for potential partners, you can use the federal register, which contains all legally operating tour operators, as well as professional ratings, reviews in specialized Internet resources, tourist directories and other sources.

    Main selection criteria:

    the tour operator operates in key tourist destinations;

    popularity of the tour operator, positive image, degree of reliability;

    conditions offered to the travel agent (amount of agency remuneration, frequency of its increase, price offers for tours, etc.).

  8. Advertising. You need to use all available channels with high efficiency.

    They work well: business cards in the checkout area of ​​supermarkets, competent promotion of your own website, useful and beautiful handouts (calendars, metro maps, brochures and books), information on forums and social networks, announcements on information stands in elevators and entrances, preparation of joint broadcasts/publications with local media (print, radio, TV channels).

How to open a profitable travel agency from scratch?

Whatever they say about the year-round demand for tours, about the replacement of beach resorts by ski resorts, the business is still seasonal - experts note a decline in the market from January to February. In addition, the crisis that the economy is going through also affects the tourism industry. Find out why you should start your own business during a crisis.

Is it profitable to open a travel agency? What techniques should you use to not only break even, but also make a profit?

Analyze the market, study demand, adapt when external conditions change. Start with interesting outbound destinations, including CIS countries where growth has been recorded: Vietnam, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Moldova. Organize custom tours.

It is also worth taking a closer look at domestic tourism, the potential of which is enormous. Already now, a competitive infrastructure has been formed in some regions of Russia: the Black Sea coast, St. Petersburg, Golden ring. Russian exotics are also promising in terms of tourism: Altai Mountains, Baikal, Kamchatka, Kola Peninsula, Karelia, Khakassia, ski resorts in the foothills of the Caucasus.

According to Federal agency In terms of tourism, domestic tourism increased by 30% over the past year, 2014.

Lazy relaxation is going out of fashion, so the future belongs to active tours that combine travel and hobbies: yoga tour, ecotour, photo tour, trekking, jeeping, fishing tours, etc. Agrotourism is gaining momentum.

And, of course, the ratio of price and quality decides a lot. Offer discounts, develop bonus loyalty programs. Attract clients with quality service, cooperate only with reliable tour operators - create an image that will work for you in the future.

Watch the video interview with the CEO of 1001 Tour:

How to make a travel agency profitable

Young HR School

If the decision to open a travel agency has been made, it is first worth studying industry legislation.

The legal side of the tourism business is regulated by Law No. 132-FZ of November 24, 1996 “On the fundamentals of tourism activities in the Russian Federation.”

According to the document, tourism can be international (inbound and outbound) and domestic, and tourism services are provided by tour operators and travel agents, go here on how to become a tour operator for external tourism.

Tour operators- legal entities that independently develop tourism products (tours), promote and sell them. The mission of the operators is for the tourist to see Paris and... return home safely. Therefore, the law obliges them to have financial security in the form of a bank guarantee or insurance. All tour operators operating in accordance with the law are included in the Unified Federal Register, and those working to organize outbound travel must also be members of the relevant associations.

Travel agents- legal entities or individual entrepreneurs who are the link between the tourist and the tour operator. This party sells tours designed by tour operators and earns commissions. Relations between tour operators and travel agents are regulated by agency agreements, which stipulate the amount of remuneration - 5-16% of the cost of the sold tour.

The responsibilities of a travel agent are listed in the agency agreement and typically include:

The Association of Tour Operators of Russia demands to ensure safety when organizing children's holidays

Travel agency at home. Your own travel agent

Now anyone can become a travel agent and receive commissions directly from the tour operator, much higher than with the same employment in a travel agency.

The idea will appeal to mothers with children and people who cannot imagine themselves outside of Social Networks.

In a nutshell, I’ll tell you about the essence of the tourism business. Tour operator- a company that organizes tours and offers them for sale either directly to consumers (tourists) or through intermediaries - travel agencies. Travel agencies have managers on staff ( travel agents), V job responsibilities which includes the direct implementation of tours and the formation of a client base.

Travel agencies sell tour packages at a price tour operator and for this they receive a fee, on average 10% of the cost of the tour. Travel agent directly selling the trip to an individual, receives a fee from the travel agency of about 10% of the agency’s income, i.e. on average 1% of the cost of the trip.

With the penetration of the Internet into every home, any literate person can become a travel agent for themselves and their loved ones, receiving 5% of the cost of the trip for their work!

We are talking about the Workl service. It's simple. Workl, an online travel agency, has already agreed with tour operators (there are about 40 of them) on the implementation of the proposed tours (vouchers). But due to the fact that there is no need to maintain an office (travel agents work from home), advertising costs are minimal (first of all, the travel agent offers to buy tours for people in his circle), the agent’s commission increases to 5%.

Not so simple. In the Workl system, you will first be offered training on types of tours, ticket booking, geography, sales technologies, and only then you will be able to offer tours to your loved ones! But I want to note that this training is very interesting and educational. Any person with higher education done in 1 day!

It seems to me that this is a very tempting offer, especially since each of us regularly uses the services of tour operators (but without any fees). Think about it, 5% of a tour worth 100 thousand rubles is as much as 5 thousand!


How to become an inbound tour operator

“Garlic!” "TIC VS Tour Operators"

Currently, in the tourism market, the most common types of organizations are: tour operator and travel agent.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities in the Russian Federation,” tour operator activities mean activities related to the formation, promotion and sale of a tourist product carried out by legal entity, more details here on how to become an inbound tourism tour operator.

Tour operators play a leading role in international tourism, since they are the ones who form the tourist product, which may include services for the provision of transport, accommodation, food, excursion services, etc. In addition to creating a tourism product, tour operators promote it by participating in specialized exhibitions, organizing advertising, publishing catalogs, etc.

The sales of the formed tourism product can be carried out in several ways.

A tour operator can sell tourism products through travel agents. At the same time, he bears responsibility for the quality of the tourist product sold and the reliability of the information provided to the tourist. In addition, the tour operator may not sell the entire range of services included in the tourism product, but only part of it, that is, a specific service (for example, hotel accommodation).

In addition, tourism and, accordingly, types of activities are divided into:

1. Inbound tourism - travel within Russia by persons who do not permanently reside on its territory;

How to make money in tourism in 2016 at the international level.

Internet promotion of inbound tourism operator

The role of the tour operator and travel agent in the tourism market. Stages of organizing the work of a tour operator to develop a tour.

Requirements imposed in accordance with the Federal Law for the implementation of tour operator activities. Contractual relations in tourism.

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

Forms of work between a tour operator and a travel agency

The role of the tour operator and travel agent in the tourism market. The main differences between a tour operator and a travel agency. Bonus programs as a scheme of interaction between a tour operator and a travel agency. Formation of basic and additional services into a single tourism product.

course work, added 11/08/2013

Work of a tour operator with a travel agent

Types, functions and tasks of travel agencies. The role of tour operators and travel agents in the tourism market. Schemes of work of a tourist operator for the implementation and organization of tours. Agreement between a tour operator and a travel agent. Work of a tour operator with Meet companies.

course work, added 11/22/2013

Organization of activities of the tour operator ClearTour

Stages of creating a tour operator "ClearTour". List of documents required to open a tour operator. Personnel requirements, development staffing table And job descriptions. Differentiation of tour operator offers in a competitive market.

course work, added 01/11/2014

Organization of interaction between the tour operator and travel agencies for the sale and promotion of the tourism product

Characteristics and areas of activity of a tour operator and travel agent.

The scheme of their relationship after the conclusion of an agreement on mutual cooperation. Principles of promoting a tourism product. Incentives used in customer service.

course work, added 04/13/2016

Registration of travel agency relations with its partners

Studying the features of contractual relations between a tour operator and a travel agent. Concluding agreements with service providers. Risk insurance. Legal acts governing contractual relations in the field of tourism at the national and international level.

test, added 02/23/2010

Technologies for organizing field trips

Features of outgoing. Presentation organization of tours. Advantages of organizing the work of a tour operator through the services of a meet-company. Schemes of cooperation between tour operators and foreign meet-companies. Tourist credit and tour operator responsibilities.

abstract, added 03/17/2009

Analysis of the activities of tourism enterprises in the formation and implementation of tours on the market and ways to improve it

Tour as the main product of a tourism enterprise. Analysis of the organization of a tour operator’s activities in planning and developing a tour using the example of ROSTING LLC and directions for improving its activities in introducing tours to the market.

course work, added 03/31/2010

Activities of the tour operator "Averf 2000"

The main goals, objectives and activities of the tour operator “Averf 2000”: organizational and legal form of the enterprise; management functions, personnel composition. Sales technology in tourism: main types of clients, their characteristics; service improvement.

practice report, added 10/02/2011

Technology for preparing for the publication of a tour operator catalog

Tour operator catalog as the main carrier of information about the tourism product. Purpose, types, contents of catalogs. Technology of work on preparing material for the catalog and its publication. Draft catalog of the tour operator ALLEN-Travel LLC, composition of information.

test, added 03/03/2015

Tourist and tour operator professional liability insurance

Insurance in tourism: concept and legal regulation. Insurance of professional tour operator activities. Insurance market in Russia. The main Russian documents regulating tourist insurance. Voluntary health insurance.

test, added 03/23/2009

Creative people tend to change or expand their areas of interest from time to time, so it is not surprising that an ordinary lover of quality films and videos will one day want to become a professional videographer. It is at this moment that completely logical questions « how to become a videographer from scratch? And " what does it take to become an operator?. Of course, not everyone who has acquired an expensive camera can call themselves a good cameraman, because this proud title must be earned. What distinguishes a good operator from an amateur?

They don't teach this in school

Currently, most professional operators are self-taught. Of course, we are now slightly disingenuous and embellishing, but by and large this is true. The thing is that the standard set of knowledge and skills, the so-called “video operator’s ABC,” taught in higher educational institutions, is not always advisable to use in its original form in practice. The world is changing so quickly that it is not always possible to record these changes, but what if recording current events is one of the main responsibilities of a good operator? The operator has to be very flexible and inquisitive in order to always be aware of innovations. And most importantly, the videographer must have his own view of the space and the objects in it.

Agree that a novice videographer in Odessa, whose prices for individual filming are higher than average, is unlikely to agree to free filming “for an idea.” But what prevents him from participating in a talented and creative, but free, project, gaining experience, and not filming dry material according to a template? A good cameraman should not be afraid of experiments, therefore, before setting exorbitant prices for video shooting, he should try his hand at several genres and styles, learn how to work with the person in the frame and adapt to the conditions environment. All these skills are not taught in any educational institution, so each videographer becomes a kind of pioneer in his creative path, for the first time encountering difficulties, looking for a way out of current situations.

The most successful videographers are professional photographers who, having come into contact with magical world compositions and frame sizes, we couldn’t part with it. As a rule, the entire basis of the filming process comes down to the basics of photography, so often the videographer can collaborate with the photographer or be his assistant. If you decide become an operator from scratch, then in any case you will have to learn the basics of photography, even if the static art of photography is not to your liking. Here is a short list of what a novice videographer must understand first:

  • Features of working with lens aperture
  • Working with frame composition
  • Lens shutter speed features

A beginning videographer must be constantly under the influence of inspiration and must create a holistic picture that will be much more interesting and meaningful than a single photograph. Unlike an experienced craftsman, who often works according to universal scheme, a novice cameraman has every chance to shoot interesting and impressive material. Professional videographers over time tie their own hands and do not allow the creative impulse to take over them, shoot similar videos, “stamp” the same effects and edit footage without taking into account individual characteristics plot. To become a good videographer from scratch, you need to work every day and develop in this direction, communicate with creative people and get inspiration literally from everywhere.

Theory and practice

We all know from school that theoretical knowledge is best learned after practical training. That is why every videographer who has familiarized himself with the theoretical basis should immediately begin the process of video filming. Only after a number of filmed scenes can the operator claim that he knows the basics of composition and knows how to work with artificial and natural lighting. When a videographer comes across such a concept as “frame composition,” he must skillfully shoot a full-fledged scene, perhaps in one take, but the composition itself must be carefully thought out:

  • All objects are arranged in a special chronological order
  • Each object is presented from a favorable perspective (from the point of view of creative intent)
  • The entire frame area is skillfully used

In addition to composition, the operator will sooner or later come across such a concept as “frame size”. When filming video, you can use the following types of image sizes:

  • Close-up
  • Medium shot
  • Overall plan
  • Detailed shooting

When shooting close-up, only one expressive detail is captured by the lens, close-up It can also play the role of portraiture, where the cameraman focuses on the subject's facial expression while emphasizing a specific emotion. A medium shot is appropriate when the person in the frame needs to be depicted “from the waist up” and the surrounding details need to be given significance through visual magnification. The long shot demonstrates the depth of the frame, and people are always shown to the audience at their full height. Detailed photography is photography whose task is to demonstrate to the audience part of an object, to highlight a small part of a significant object.

Due to the large size of the image, a novice videographer has to work hard on the duration of the frame, because this process predetermines the further editing process.

For each type of image size there is its own “regulation”, for example, a close-up should not last more than 20 seconds, medium shot- no more than 15 seconds, but shooting details can fit in a short 10 seconds. When working with frame duration, the operator must remember the semantic load, because prolonged scenes can quickly bore the viewer, and he will lose interest in the entire video.

The choice of camera angle and editing are perhaps the most interesting, creative and important stages in the work of any operator. When working with angles, a novice videographer, as a rule, makes a choice in favor of the most suitable one, rather than in favor of the usual angle, which makes the frame rich and unusual. If we talk about installation, then very often academic scheme overall plan- medium shot - close-up - detail shooting is disrupted by novice cameramen, allowing viewers to look at the subjects through the eyes of the cameraman.

If you are determined to become professional operator, then feel free to start studying the whole creative process from within and never allow yourself to act according to a pattern. And remember that the road always appears under the feet of the walker!

Increasingly, citizens of our country spend their holidays abroad, traveling to different countries. But tourist trips around the country do not stop. , following this trend, is also developing. New agencies, tour operators are appearing, hotels are being built. not a very complicated process. The biggest difficulty is the huge competition. And before joining their close ranks, you need to decide in the role of whom you will act. Currently, the most common types of organizations are: Tour Operator or Travel Agent. So who are they?

What is a tour operator and travel agent?

A tour operator is a legal entity that is engaged in the formation, promotion and sale of a tourism product, in accordance with the law of the Russian Federation “On the fundamentals of tourism activities in the Russian Federation.” Simply put, it is an organization that prepares and promotes tourism offers. The tour operator will organize meals and hotel accommodation. Provides transportation, excursions, etc.

There are several ways to sell tourism products. For example, using travel agencies. In this case, all responsibility for the quality of the service provided falls on the tour operator.

A travel agency is an organization that promotes and sells the tourism product of a tour operator. In accordance with the law of the Russian Federation “On the fundamentals of tourism activities”. A travel agency can be opened either by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. This is an intermediary between tourists and the tour operator, who receives his commission. A travel agent buys a tourism product that is formed and ready for sale from the operator. And offers it to the end consumer. For this sale I receive monetary reward.

Quite often, a tourism organization combines the functions of a travel agent and a tour operator. For example, a tourism organization creates and offers a tour of Italy, acting as a tour operator. And at the same time, this travel agency acts as a travel agent, implementing a tour to France, formed by another tour operator.

It is important to know that tourism happens:

  • entry - travel within the territory Russian Federation people who do not permanently reside in Russia;
  • outbound - travel of citizens of the Russian Federation abroad;
  • domestic - travel within the Russian Federation by Russian citizens.

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For the opening and operation of a travel agency there are special permits not required by law. That's why this type tourism business, as practice shows, is more common. Let's look at the main stages of creating a travel agency (travel agent).

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Business plan

At the first stages of opening any business, it is necessary to draw up a business plan. First you need to decide for what purpose it is being compiled and for whom. For example, to obtain a loan, for a private investor, for yourself. It is necessary to calculate the amount of investment for a year, six months, a month. You can draw up a business plan yourself or order it from a consulting company.

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Choosing a travel agency name

A lot depends on the successful name of the travel company. It helps promote the company’s services on the market, creates an associative range and style associated with the company. A successful name is remembered well and quickly, which is very important when there is a lot of competition.

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Website creation

Nowadays, to organize your business, you need Internet support. Take care of creating your own company website. This service can be ordered from professionals, but it is possible to create a simple website on your own. To do this, you need to select hosting (the place where your site is “physically” stored) and a domain name. This is the address of your page, which should echo the name of your company. This will make it easier for potential clients to remember and find you.

There are many free and highly detailed website builders available. Choose one and, following the instructions and tips, create your website. To begin with, it is enough to create a one-page website, where there will be information about you, contacts, and a short list of services.

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Selection of tourist destinations

As experts advise, narrowly focused businesses sell their goods and services better. Buyers are more likely to contact specialty stores. The same rule applies in the tourism business. It is better to offer specific tours to your clients. For example: “Our agency selects therapeutic tours around Russia using a unique method for children and adults.” Instead of the sentence “We will select any tour.” The first option is more informative and understandable.

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How to choose tour operator partners

When signing a cooperation agreement with a tour operator, pay attention to the availability, validity period and amount of financial security. To the number in the Federal Register of Tour Operators. For the duration of work in the tourism business. Pay attention to the number of employees in this company, the presence of diplomas and awards. Find out where the tour operator's office is, its size and presence, availability of management information, etc. There are no exact criteria for selecting the best and most reliable partners. Try to find out as much as possible about them.

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Where does the tourism business begin?

So, where should you start when opening a tourism business:

  • office selection. In order to organize a tourism business, you need to find suitable premises. It is worth choosing office space in areas with maximum traffic. In the promoted mall, in the business center, on central streets city, near the metro;
  • preparation of a business plan;
  • recruitment. According to experts, decency and diligence are the most important criterion in personnel selection. Quite often, aspiring entrepreneurs hire their friends and relatives. Perhaps this is not such a bad choice in the tourism business;
  • advertising. Print business cards, advertise on the Internet, post or distribute leaflets. Students can be hired for this work;
  • paperwork. Find out what documents you need to prepare to open your own tourism business from the relevant authorities. The main thing is to arrange everything legally.

The travel agency acts as an intermediary between the tourist and the tour operator and receives a monetary reward for this. The tourism industry is very competitive. Let's look at what a travel agency does, whether it is a profitable business, and whether it is worth opening another travel agency in this market.

What does a travel agency do?

Agencies for the sale of tourist vouchers are one of the areas entrepreneurial activity, engaged sale of tours to the population.

The tour may include a certain number of services selected for individuals individually or take the form of an already fully formed (package) tour.

A tour that includes a standard set of services: a booked hotel room, round trip flights and insurance is called package tour.

A tour that includes all the same services, but selected individually depending on the customer’s preferences, is called individual.

If you have never worked in the tourism business before, it makes sense to start with sales certain types tour: either package or individual. Everyone chooses for themselves which type of tour they prefer to implement.

If you have no experience at all in the tourism business, then you can first work for some time in an existing travel company to understand everything from the inside. Or you can open a franchise travel agency.

Travel companies that have chosen the market segment consisting of VIP persons sell only individual tours. The percentage of orders here is, of course, lower, but the cost of tours is many times higher. As a result, income from sales of individual tours is much more significant than from package tours.

In turn, the implementation package tours much simpler - in this case everything has already been selected. Often, potential tourists know what they want and apply only to arrange everything, book and pay. Package tours help reduce the time it takes to select a particular service and eliminate the possibility that the customer will be disappointed.

The agency's profit lies in the difference in prices for tours between the tour purchased from the tour operator and the tour sold to an individual. The tour operator is responsible for organizing the tour.: draws up contracts with the embassies of host countries, concludes contracts and monitors the mandatory implementation of them with insurance and transport companies, hotels, etc.

Requirements for paperwork when applying for a visa are strictly regulated by each tour operator in its own way. Responsibility for obtaining travel documents such as voucher, transfer, insurance and incorrect visa paperwork rests with travel companies.

In order for the tour operator to be able to provide tourists with a full package of ordered services, travel agencies are required to formalize all Required documents and transfer payment for them within the prescribed period.

Tourist operators provide for fines if the customer decides to terminate the contract for the provision of services. The amount of fines is specified in the contract and may vary depending on the selected tour operator.

Is it profitable to open a travel agency?

Many entrepreneurs prosper after opening their own travel agency. But experts are convinced that before opening your own travel agency, you need to think very carefully, after weighing all the pros and cons.

If you agree to exchange a measured life for constant worries and stress (and you can’t do without it!), you can start planning your business. After all, with it you will receive a good income and constant travel around different countries, - after all, the head of a travel agency is obliged to establish business connections.

Among other things, it is necessary to mention the high competition in this business area. Statistics show that 30% of travel agencies operate for less than a year.

If you decide to work in the tourism industry, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail and make every effort. So, what does it take to open a travel agency?

What you need to open your own travel agency

Stages of registering a tourism agency.

The most important principle in the tourism business is trust level travel agency chosen by the customer. Therefore, when registering a travel company, an LLC should be preferred to an individual entrepreneur, since such an organizational and legal form of management inspires more confidence in the customer.

At the same time, the main thing in trust and reputation is how you will work with clients, and the organizational and legal form of your travel agency can be any.

A simplified form of tax deductions is provided for travel companies. For example, for the simplified tax system, two calculation options can be used: at a rate of 15% for the difference between expenses and income, or at a rate of 6% of the total amount of income. The most favorable tax rate will be 15% if the company has a significant share of expenses.

Travel agency licensing.

Currently no license required. Although until 2007, licensing was mandatory for travel agencies. Now it has become a voluntary matter, that is, at the discretion of the owner.

If the manager wants to increase the level of trust of potential clients, then a license should still be issued.

Selecting tourism operators for cooperation.

After registering an agency, the first thing you should pay attention to is choosing a tour operator.

And there is plenty to choose from - there is a large selection of tour operators on the market. In this case, you should not enter into cooperation with dubious operators. The alarm should be exaggerated low prices for services, this will not lead to anything good. A tourist’s trip can be disrupted for various reasons, and a dubious operator, in pursuit of profit, is unlikely to warn about this.

Main focus when choosing a reliable operator you need to do the following:

  1. company priorities,
  2. the duration of its functioning in this area,
  3. financial support.

It will be very convenient for you to choose an operator if its main office is located in your city. In this case, paperwork will be completed without intermediaries.


Selecting a location

Advertising, clients

For a client to come to you, you need so that the client knows about you. Any means can be used here mass media: newspapers, magazines, banners, as well as advertising on radio and television, advertising in transport. It all depends on the amount you are willing to invest in advertising.

So, if you decide to open your own travel agency, you need:

  • correctly draw up and execute documents;
  • select qualified workers;
  • choose a crowded place for an office;
  • competently advertise your services.