How to calculate a lucky number. How to find out your lucky numbers by date of birth. How to win the lottery using numerology.

What awaits us in the very next seconds, minutes, hours? Where does Luck wait for us? These questions interest everyone.

It turns out that the main purpose, the role of a person is known from the first moments, from the moment of the first breath, the first cry. And it depends on our Date of Birth and Name.

And if the choice of date is left to the Universe, then the name is given to the baby by the parents. Sometimes it's
done thoughtlessly. Choosing a name is a step that will cause the child’s future successes or problems, so preference should be given not just to the option you like.

Side color This is capricious, romantic and responsible. They value justice and their supporters. She is not afraid of change, she is friendly, unfriendly and adaptable. Tolerance of others and relatively communicative views. He tends to be oblivious, but is a wise and attractive personality with a spiritual outlook. She has good intuition, but she must learn to rely on herself.

Primary Color She is hardworking and can go beyond what she is trying to do. They can study at various tests life. She is ambitious and she will go at any cost, although she remains humble and kind in her heart. He has leadership skills, but is not shy about using the help of others. If she accomplishes what she has done, she is very pleased. Perhaps this is why he is able to sacrifice his family for his goals.

Science will tell you how to correctly recognize your Luck Number. Knowing your “Lucky Number” makes it much easier to build your own life.

To calculate your Luck Number, you need to focus on three points. The first is the Name Number, then the Birth Number, and at the end – the summation of the resulting results. It's simple.

Letters to numbers conversion table

Secondary Color It is adaptable, calm and respectful of others. But he has little sense of humor and is sometimes lonely. He has a sense of justice, but can be very destructive when angry. He tends to spend and values ​​financial independence. This will be very difficult for your goal. But she needs to trust people more.

Main color Great ideas, vitality and energy. She can use this opportunity effectively, she is wise and spiritually grounded. But she must try to understand more people around me. He is ambitious and smart, he recognizes truth and justice. She is honest and strives for success.

  1. Name Number

Thanks to the special table (above), it is easy to find out that letters and numbers are interconnected. Determine the numbers for all the letters and add them up.

  1. Birth Number

There is no need to go into calculations here. If you were born on February 1 or November 5, that is, a prime number, then this will be your Birth Number. If the date of your name day is May 21 or December 15, then reduce the number to a simple number.

Secondary Color Loves others, admires, has a lot of energy and a strong will. She wants to be respected at all costs. Perhaps this is why he is often involved in public welfare. She is practical, but she lacks patience. She is fearless, but may have a tendency to push forward. If someone hurts her, she can take revenge.

Primary color Good to build relationships with environment, but friendship is not the first place. Basically he wants everything to submit to her views. He wants to find goodness and truth, for which he has the necessary vitality and ideals. She has a good imagination and is untouched.

  1. Luck Number

The sum of the two previous results will be the Luck Number. It should also be turned into a simple one. There is a small exception - these are special numbers. Numerologists call them master numbers. These are 11 and 22. There is no need to carry out any actions or operations with them.

Not entirely clear? Let's look at specific example. And even more specifically - on mine.

Side Color He can handle almost any situation and does not get caught up in dark thoughts. She is very hardworking and she goes towards her goal with the necessary strength. He is a good leader, another favorite. He comes with new ideas and has a rich imagination. Primary Color She is heavy and strives for success. If he succeeds in his goal with enough persistence, he will achieve everything he has. He's smart, he has strong judgment. It is powerful and has great potential. As she moves forward, her individual charm will be of great benefit to her.

Sublime color. She has a brave heart, is not afraid, is hardworking and methodical. He can deal with almost every situation. However, he cannot always cope with difficulties in a partnership. For others it is attractive, he wants to be the first. She is ambitious, has common sense and is popular among others. At times he may have a tendency to remain in a comfortable "downwind" environment.

Full name: Golovin Artur Viktorovich

Converting letters to numbers:


My Name Number3 .

My date of birth: 02/17/1970.


My Birth Number9 .

Luck Number = Name Number + Birth Number = 3+9=12=1+2=3

So my Luck Number3 .

Interpretation of Luck Numbers by Numerology

Unit (1)

Take good care of your aura, that's your role. Let's do it bad smell from the mouth, take a deep breath several times and exhale. Gradually calm down and slowly fold your head over the “roof”. We close our eyes and focus on our aura. After a few minutes we feel warmth in our palms.

Slowly lowering the aura, we will do the same on the sides, front and back. The whole body has a wonderful feeling of relaxation, well-being and good mood. The importance of primary colors in polar lights. Red potential: leadership. It gives its owner a strong ego and the desire to succeed and be happy. During childhood, this color is often weakened, especially if the child is forced to obey the wishes of the family. As a result, the aura sometimes appears wrinkled and dark. As a person grows and is able to stand on his own two feet, the aura spreads, showing that the person is now capable of doing what he wants.

Owners of this Luck Number probably know that success is their constant companion. You consciously build the correct chain of actions and tasks that should be completed to achieve what you want. If necessary, you adapt to new circumstances. You are characterized by sociability, ease of communication and an inner core that convinces others of the fidelity and correctness of your opinion.

People with a red primary color are often given positions of responsibility and leadership roles because they have the necessary insight, energy and leadership to inspire others. They are often emotionally grounded and have a good heart. The color red can also symbolize physical courage. Negative value red is nervousness and pride.

Orange Potential: Harmony and Cooperation Orange is a warm color that you find in people who are naturally intuitive, tactile, and easy to get along with. They have the ability to influence people to feel good and often find themselves in a position where they can calm “troubled waters.” They are cautious, capable and practical, keeping their feet to the ground. The negative meaning of orange is laziness and laziness.

These are leaders who internal forces They pull others along with them and give confidence to their subordinates. If obstacles or unpleasant competition arise in the process, you are not afraid of them. On the contrary, with every difficulty in life, your self-esteem quickly grows, you show even more hard work and perseverance.

There is only one little thing that is worth doing: so that luck does not turn away at the most inopportune moment, you do not need to praise your own successes. Higher powers can turn boasting against you.

Yellow Potential: creativity, good brain, excellent judgment People with basic yellow easily delighted with something, excited, they are very changeable. They are quick thinkers, have fun, and love to have fun with others. They are social, they have a social sense and they like to discuss things at length. They are easy to learn, but they often get involved in many things at once rather than one thing all the way through. Negative side yellow is fatigue and a tendency to lie.

Green Potential: Healing Green is peaceful, and people with a basic aura color like peace are natural healers. They can work well with you, they are trustworthy and generous. At first glance they may seem soft and carefree, but they can be very stubborn and headstrong if they believe it is necessary. The only way to change the minds of people with basic green auras - to convince them that they need to change their minds on their own. Negative characteristics green colors represent irreversibility and immutability in views.

Deuce (2)

To be successful, you need family support, empathy and support. When you are filled with confidence that someone needs what you do, and the result of your work is really needed, then everything works out. It is important to know that the products of the activity are used for their intended purpose. But it’s worth being alone for a short moment, quarreling with a loved one, quarreling with best friend or break off relations with colleagues - luck flies away.

Blue Potential: Bring Variety blue, since the basic color of the aura is good because these people are naturally in the right mood. Therefore, their aura is usually large and bright. They have as many successes and failures as anyone else, but they always get out of trouble just as easily. People whose primary color is blue remain young in their hearts. They are honest, honest and usually say what they think. The negative blue side is difficulty in completing tasks. They tend to be better at starting things when they are doing things with more enthusiasm rather than finishing them.

Self-hypnosis is important here. You don’t feel your shoulder nearby, and it seems that everything is in vain: your mood disappears, your work doesn’t go well, your general condition worsens. When the Universe notices that a person does not see a positive ending to his work, then it stops helping him. Thoughts are material. Try to rid yourself of addiction. Know that you need your goals.

Indigo Potential: Responsibility for others It is often difficult to decide whether this color is a primary color because it sometimes appears purple. Because it is warm, nourishing, and associated with nurturing and nutrition, people with this color usually find themselves involved in some kind of humanitarian work. They love to help and support others, and their greatest joy is being surrounded by people they love. Negative trait Indigo color is the inability to say no. These people get rid of their advantages very easily.

Three (3)

What did the troika hide inside? People who have this Luck Number are the builders of their own Destiny and the presence of luck in it. This is an absolutely serious opinion in numerology. If you sincerely believe that success will meet you at the finish line, that is exactly what will happen. You are capable of colossal things. You will conquer any mountain with faith in your own Self.

Violet potential: spiritual and intellectual progress. It is no coincidence that bishops wear purple robes. People with purple, as the main ones, develop spiritually throughout their lives. The degree they have reached in their development can be determined by the violet color of their aura. Many who have violet as their primary aura color sometimes try to deny this aspect of their being. This does not bring happiness and they need to realize that they are not doing what they should be doing in their life. But if they begin to learn and their knowledge increases, their auras also begin to grow and shine.

Having taken up any business, such people must become interested in it, completely immerse themselves in the process, stopping at every detail and studying it. This emotional state is similar to when you are immersed in the world of a fascinating detective story. In such minutes, or even hours, your gaze is unable to notice anyone or anything, there are only lines of an exciting storyline.

The negative side of purple can create an outward impression of superiority. Pink Potential: Financial and Material Success This delicate looking color is often the primary color of determined and stubborn people. Their eyes are raised high and then they pursue their goals with unwavering determination. It's no surprise that we often find them where they have power and responsibility. Despite this, they are generally humble, peaceful, loving, peaceful lives. They are also loving, gentle and kind, often happy when they are around those they love.

But if faith disappears, then nothing will come of it. Everywhere you will begin to encounter confrontations, all the people around you will interfere with you. That is why be absolutely confident in a positive result and cultivate this feeling in yourself. This is the only way you will be able to control your Destiny.

Four (4)

Numerology says that those who are accompanied by four as the Luck Number need constant instructions for action. This means that this kind of people are unquestioningly able to carry out all assigned tasks, but it is quite difficult for them to come to an independent decision. They constantly think that they will do something wrong, let the whole team down, and not justify the trust of their superiors.

Bronze Potential: Humanitarian This color often appears as an autumn color, and its whims can often be very attractive. People with a Bronze base are nurturing, caring, philanthropic humanitarians. They have a soft heart and are generous. Because of this, they often have to learn to say “no” because they are often taken advantage of by others.

Finding silver as a common color is not common, although it can be seen quite often mixed with other colors. People who have silver as their primary are full of great ideals, but they are mostly impractical in realizing them. These people often lose motivation and become more dreamers than action people.

And luck is a picky lady. In this case, two solutions are proposed. The first is to be subordinate to more strong character people, leaders. Second, gradually try to eliminate your fear of responsibility. It is better to cope with this mental obstacle, because confident and purposeful individuals ready to take on the most difficult tasks.

However, if they get motivated and find the idea behind them, they can make significant progress. Golden potential: without limits. Gold as the primary color of the aura is the most powerful color of all. This empowers people to successfully tackle big tasks and accomplish almost anything that challenges them. These people are calm, with their own charm, capable of working and managing the work of others. Their greatest success usually occurs in more later years life. Not surprisingly, the halos around the heads of saints and spiritual people are usually gold, indicating their unlimited potential.

Five (5)

You don't tolerate advice. None – neither right nor wrong. It seems to you that only your opinion exists and it is the most correct. Only in such a position do your actions become orderly and specific. Otherwise, when a close friend, colleague, even wife, makes attempts to change something in your exclusively business, you stop finding any passion for it.

Aura is human energy. This gentle radiance reflects the character, properties, state of health, mental development and the spiritual essence of the individual. Certain colors and their interdependence, as well as the size and shape of the aura itself, represent the general state of mind and body. The aura is unique in every person, unique and unmistakable.

The conclusions that can be drawn from his observation outweigh in complexity and state the essence of any other method that has hitherto been used to obtain similar information. Christian mysticism of the Middle Ages, as well as artists and sculptors of all times, depict the Aura as a radiant, bright luminous phenomenon around a person. Research recent years confirm the experience of sensitizers that it is surrounded by a bright, luminous film - Auro. This energy field can now be captured using special photography technology.

There are cases where such people began to suffer from mental illness when they found themselves in such situations. They are always accompanied by excessive pride. It is impossible to hear from them a request for help; they will not talk about their failures, nor will they share their worries about the future outcome of the case. All their thinking is occupied with is the independent solution of absolutely all problems. Because of this, success is not always nearby.

If you get an A after all the calculations, think about whether your behavior might be worth changing. It is worth working on your ambitions and excessive pride. Sometimes it is useful to hear another opinion. This is necessary to analyze your own work.

Six (6)

What does the number six mean? Many people do not really tolerate it and try to avoid it in every possible way. But numerology has a completely different opinion. Science shows that the number holds incredible luck. In the most neglected cases, in failed projects, in difficult exams, you will find a way out. Moreover, this will happen in secret from your consciousness; how you got out of such a difficult case will not be known even to you. For each of your achievements you demand at least a meager reward.

In your opinion, work should have a result - albeit not material, but worthy. Feature of the owners given number is the ability to find like-minded people. By gathering in teams, they attract a greater flow of luck, enjoying its gifts. They are worshiped and admired. Such successes in all directions can be associated with occult and unrealistic components, but Heaven simply loves you and extends a helping hand.

Seven (7)

It is believed that the number seven is the luckiest. But numerology says the opposite here too. People who have seven as their Luck Number are the least likely to be surrounded by success. They can be more classified as calculated and rational people. They are not going to receive undeserved gifts and are ready to achieve everything through hard work. They tend to calculate all their steps and actions. They can be called a kind of bore, but thanks to their perseverance they can achieve a lot without the help of the Universe.

They behave seriously among people, rarely smile, and are committed to long and regular work. Their actions can be easily predicted, and they can also easily see through others. Therefore, luck is not always needed by those with the number seven. They are capable of creating their own destiny.

Eight (8)

This is the number of money and wealth and brings a lot of income. Eight promotes success in career, business - in everything that has a connection with finance. Usually such people put money in the main place, because their thinking is as follows: love or friendship is not what they need. They think this way because they don’t know true price unexpected meetings and unselfish relationships. And you just have to plunge once not into the financial world, but into the world of warm, pleasant, mutual relationships, and immediately money will stop occupying a large part of your life.

If you have faith in your success, if you believe in sincere friendly support, family warmth, then these things will soon appear in life. By the way, you won’t even understand how the hand of a loved one ends up in your hand. And after all, banknotes are not the main thing! It's not very good without them either. But the world around us represents a lot of other things that are not related to money. Everyone in old age wants to have good memories: how they flew a kite with their little son, how they took him to first grade or helped him tie his tie for the first time. Let other feelings and sensations into your boring material world.

Nine (9)

Have you determined that your number is nine? Then you don't push luck too hard. No, she, of course, is present in your destiny and helps, but along the way you encounter a lot of obstacles. The personality trait of being upset over small problems and nervous about any negativity does not allow you to concentrate and move on without stopping because of any problems.

You can, regardless of your desire, offend loved one, taking it out on him and pouring out all the negative emotions from another failure. It’s worth restraining your impulses a little and remaining calm. The people around you do not think of standing in your way or, much less, being an annoying factor for you. Don't take everything so personally. This can help you a lot.

Eleven and twenty two (11 and 22)

Professionals in the field of numerology claim that only special people get master numbers. And for good reason. Their owners have excellent intuition and excellent instincts. They often guess numbers in lotteries, take home the best prizes in competitions, and snag lucrative promotions and offers in stores. In any activity, they intuitively avoid dangerous moments - they leave on time, know how to stop, have endurance and patience. To enjoy the gifts of Luck, such people should not forget that faith in their own Self will contribute to even better results.

Friends, make friends with your Luck. She loves those lucky people who believe in her and trust her. You shouldn’t curse fate and cry over every minor loss. They cannot be avoided. And the Universe will remember your negativity and preserve it for a long time.

Educate yourself correctly, live in harmony with yourself, be polite to others. Be sure that your life will improve, and successes will come one after another.

I wish you good luck!

Arthur Golovin

P. S. Please click below or on the left on the social buttons. networks - give others the opportunity to find out their Luck Number! Thank you!

P.P.S. Accept a powerful vibration-digital becoming a GIFT for protection and well-being:


The main numbers that make up your numerological core are numbers Life Path, Expressions, Souls, Appearance and Birthday - are a constant, never changing basis for all calculations. Including to identify lucky numbers.

However, each of the basic numbers has its own “sphere of influence,” and this feature must be taken into account. Otherwise, mistakes cannot be avoided, and any of them can become fatal for you.

Using lucky numbers for your date of birth

Based on the date of birth, two Main Numbers are determined - the Life Path Number and the Birthday Number. Both of these numbers are “responsible” for a person’s capabilities. Therefore, their meanings are directly related to the functional, practical side of life. In particular, to the circumstances that shape our destiny.

Accordingly, one should resort to their help in cases that fall under these parameters:

  • when determining a good date for a job interview;
  • for a business trip;
  • to enter into an important financial agreement;
  • when choosing a car number and office phone number.
Both the Main Numbers themselves and all their derivatives will become precise guidelines for you.

Lucky numbers based on your birth date numbers

How to use lucky numbers name

As for the numbers of the name - the Number of Expression, the Number of the Soul and the Number of External Appearance, they are in charge of the spiritual and emotional sphere life. This means that they need to be used in situations that correspond to these characteristics:

  • determining the date of the first date;
  • engagement or marriage;
  • choosing a house or apartment number for moving with your family, etc.

Lucky numbers based on your name numbers

Having understood these general principles, You will quickly learn to navigate in any situation and will know exactly which numerical indicators are dominant in each specific case.

How to calculate your lucky numbers?

So, the birth date numbers are the Life Path Number and the Birthday Number. Let's say you were born on August 15, 1993. Therefore, the Life Path Number is 15+8+1993=2016, 2+0+1+6=9. Thus, the “nine” itself and all the numbers that can be reduced to it are lucky: 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 99. And these are only the numbers of the first hundred. And you can continue ad infinitum.

How to use it? Let's say you are choosing from two cars. One was released in 2007, the second in 2008. Take the first one, even with high mileage. She is a “nine” just like you. Well, you'll save money.

Birthday number in in this case– 1+5=6. Yours lucky numbers not only 6 and 15, but also each of the derivatives: 24, 33, 42 and so on. Since the Birthday Number is responsible for your course of action in a specific situation, be guided by these indicators when choosing a day and even an hour for serious purchases and sales, important business meetings.

Now let's move on to the full name numbers. Let’s take an arbitrary combination of name numbers, say, 5 – 1 – 4. That is, the Expression Number, which is the sum of the numerical values ​​of all letters, in this case – “5”, the Soul Number, determined by the sum of the vowel numbers – “1”, the Appearance Number (consonants) – “4”.

Consequently, all numbers that are in one way or another connected with the manifestation of abilities must coincide with the derivatives of the number “5”. For example, it is better to take the aptitude test on the 5th, 14th or 23rd.

To fulfill personal desires, you need to focus on the derivatives of the Soul Number “1”: 10, 28, 37, etc., and check for compliance any numbers related to this component of life - dates of intimate meetings, registration of marriage and even divorce.

Finally, Appearance Number “4” indicates the need to use derivatives of this number in cases where the first impression will be of key importance. These are the dates of the first calls and first contacts with representatives of the opposite sex or future business partners: 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st.