What time of day is best to do it? Brain activity by the clock: at what time does your brain work faster?

Once they asked me - what time of day is best to exercise? And, you know, I thought about it a little, because the question is very general. The word “sport” alone is worth it; many types of sports activities fall under this concept. It turned out that they were asking me about exercises in the gym in general.

Content: 1. 2. 3.

I answered the question with the following phrase: when it’s better for you, then study. I don’t know what happened, but apparently my answer didn’t suit some higher powers, since he did not leave me, and I decided to look into this topic in more detail. Delving deeper into the World Wide Web, I began to look for an answer. After some time, I found it, and decided to write this post about it, thus sharing this information with you.

How important is the time of day in training?

Honestly, there is not much difference between exercising in the morning, afternoon or evening. Our body will react to the load given to it accordingly, depending on its type. So, if you exercise with the goal of losing weight, you will lose weight both in the morning and in the evening.

The same applies to gaining weight, do the appropriate exercises, eat right and the weight will “grow”, in any case, regardless of whether you visit the gym in the morning or in the evening. But this conclusion only says that the body will react to the corresponding load in an appropriate way, but does not say how it will react to it.

This means that at one time it is better to build muscle, at another it will be more effective to lose muscle. overweight. Also has great value, what specific biorhythms you have, and the time of day when you feel filled with energy and strength. According to such biorhythms, it is customary to divide people into larks and owls.

Larks are those people who have a lot of energy and productivity in the morning. Owls, on the other hand, are the type of people who reach their energy peak only in the late afternoon. As already mentioned, at certain times of the day, it is most effective to perform a specific type of training for a different purpose.

The best time to lose weight

To lose extra pounds, morning hours are ideal, 8-9 am. Why morning? It’s very simple: when a person wakes up, there is a low heart rate, and before the person has had breakfast, there is very little glycogen in the muscles, the substance that supplies our muscles with energy.

Since glycogen is in short supply in the morning, the body is forced, during training, to take energy from its reserves, and the reserve is, first of all, fat. Therefore, if you want to lose weight quickly, then a morning workout is what you need.

You only need to train in the morning on an empty stomach, maximum by drinking a glass of water and eating half a piece of fruit, only under this condition will the fat “burn” actively.

If you have a big breakfast and go for a run, the calories that will be burned will not come from fat, but from your recent breakfast.

By the way, about jogging. It is generally accepted that in order to lose weight you need to run, this is the idea that comes to most people’s heads when it comes to losing weight. In fact, training is aerobic in nature, and running is just such a load; calories are burned only while the exercise is being performed. Once you stop training, this process will stop.

Strength training has the quality of burning calories within an hour or two after completing the workout. In addition, strength training is more energy intensive, so if you need to lose weight quickly, practice strength training.

What part of the day is best to work on strength and mass?

Here it is already logically clear that in the second half of the day, it is best to carry out heavy intensive and volume training. For the reason that during the day, the body has managed to accumulate glycogen, and there is more than enough energy in the muscles, of course, subject to the correct diet with the intake of all macroelements and.

In the afternoon, it's easier to do failure sets with heavier weights. Even if we take statistics, the vast majority of world records were set in the afternoon.

Best timing for strength training 18-19 pm. On the one hand, by these hours, there is already enough energy to digest a heavy load, and on the other hand, just at this time many people have free time, coming after work.

There are often cases when some people train late in the evening at 10-11 pm, this is nothing, the main thing is that the person feels normal with this regime, and you also need to finish the workout two hours before the person goes to bed.

Let's summarize. Answering the question: when is the best time to exercise? You can say this: “ when you feel better then do it" This is the most laconic answer, which implies that if you are cheerful in the morning, then exercise in the morning, if you want to lose weight, exercise in the morning, if you want to become big and strong, it is better to train in the evening, it is also worth exercising in the evening if you feel an energy boost at these hours.

The question of when is the best time to exercise in order for the training to be effective worries everyone. Indeed, you can spend a lot of time, exhaust yourself, but you won’t be able to lose weight or get a boost of energy for the whole day. When is it better to engage in which sport? I will discuss in this article.

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Every person should play sports. Physical activity (moderate or professional) allows you to improve your figure, improve your health, lose weight, and become a more confident person. After all, when you are happy with your reflection in the mirror, your self-esteem will certainly rise. Having seen the first achievements in the form of lost kilograms, a toned figure or beautiful sculpted muscles, there is an incentive to continue working out.

I spent a long time choosing the most suitable time to play sports. After all, sometimes there was simply not enough time, but more often sports brought only irritation and lack of concentration for the whole day. When is it better to exercise: during the day, in the evening or at lunch, how to combine physical activity with meals - I dealt with all these questions by trial and error. Therefore, I will share with you my tips and useful information.

According to doctors, morning is the most best time for sports. Like, then our body can train most productively. A morning jog gives you a boost of vivacity and energy for the whole day. This is due to the fact that in given time days the lowest heart rate. In the morning before the first meal, glycogen levels are reduced, so energy for exercise is consumed from fat. As a result, we lose weight faster. If you exercise in the morning, but after eating, then the body will spend energy obtained from carbohydrate foods. It has also been proven that if you want to lose weight, you need to run in the morning and drink a cup of strong coffee without sugar.

The question of whether training is effective is on everyone's mind. Indeed, you can spend a lot of time, exhaust yourself - and lose weight or you won’t be able to get a boost of energy for the whole day. When What kind of sport is better?– I will look at it in this article.

Exercise every person should. Physical activity (moderate or professional) allows you to improve your figure, improve your health, lose weight, and become a more confident person. After all, when you are happy with your reflection in the mirror, your self-esteem will certainly rise. Having seen the first achievements in the form of lost kilograms, a toned figure or beautiful sculpted muscles, there is an incentive to continue working out.

Today I myself do the “Flexible Strength” system and a little fitness with a variety of equipment (dumbbells, elastic band, fitball). I spent a long time choosing the most suitable one time for sports. After all, sometimes there was simply not enough time, but more often sports brought only irritation and lack of concentration for the whole day. When is the best time to exercise: during the day, in the evening or both? d, how to combine physical activity with meals - I dealt with all these questions by trial and error. Therefore, I will share with you my tips and useful information.

According to doctors, morning is the best time to exercise. Like, then our body can train most productively. A morning jog gives you a boost of vivacity and energy for the whole day. This is due to the fact that at this time Times of Day lowest heart rate. In the morning before the first meal, glycogen levels are reduced, so energy is reduced. sports is consumed from fat. As a result, we lose weight faster. If you exercise in the morning, but after eating, then the body will spend energy obtained from carbohydrate foods. It has also been proven that if you want to lose weight, you need to run in the morning and drink a cup of strong coffee without sugar.

After active aerobic exercise, the human body continues to burn fat for some time (about an hour). If you exercise in the evening, a person’s metabolism slows down, and such active processes do not occur. At all, morning Recommended for running, swimming, gymnastics. Evening– for strength training with mandatory stretching of the muscles (cool-down) and spine (after sedentary work).

There is also an opinion opposite to this, according to which, in the morning we get tired of sports just like In the evening. Scientists from Texas have established no less interesting data. They claim that most records in sports were set during the day or In the evening. If you consider yourself a very emotional, irritable person, then experts recommend that you exercise In the evening, but no later than 2 hours before rest. To relieve excessive emotionality after a busy day at work. Although, such people are also advised to do yoga before bed in order to calm down.

The body is capable of shedding extra pounds and train both morning and evening. I believe that during exercise at any time of the day you should enjoy the process itself. When training, the level of endorphins in the blood increases in the human body. Hence the feeling of joy, good mood. Both morning and evening workouts have their own indications.

I came to the conclusion that morning sport suitable for those who are early risers; wakes up better from active activities; from sports one becomes more energetic, cheerful, joyful, active and, naturally, those who do fitness in the morning are allowed by their work schedule.

If you are a night owl, you want to stretch your back, spine and whole body after work, take your mind off the hustle and bustle and problems - exercise sports in the evening. Work schedule also plays a big role here.

For me, I like to start my work day with some light exercise. Regular, easy exercises at home. At lunchtime or evening I feel more comfortable doing yoga. Several times a week in the evening I do aerobics. With this schedule, I don’t feel very tired or irritated, and I fall asleep quickly.

If you still can't decide, follow these rules:

  • morning workouts should be no earlier than 20-30 minutes after waking up (this time is just enough for the morning toilet);
  • evening workouts do not start later than two to three hours before bedtime;
  • try not to eat before the workout itself (preferably an hour and a half after it).

But everything is individual, and when creating your training schedule, be sure to listen to your body.

It has been written in detail about natural fat burner products.

And in order to always have a beautiful and fit body, playing sports and proper nutrition needs to be supplemented.

Write when it is more convenient for you and best exercise!

Everyone is interested in learning about when it is better to exercise in the morning or evening, and how to properly plan and distribute fitness loads. This current topic this article is devoted to.

Fitness in the morning

Interesting facts about morning fitness

Morning workouts are designed for people whose bodies work like early risers. It is important that the work schedule can be coordinated with classes without prejudice. This option is suitable for lazy people with weak motivation: there is a chance to successfully study in the morning, since the brain, which has not had time to wake up, will take the activity for granted. Exercising early helps you burn maximum calories throughout the day. The fact is that this type of physical activity creates all the conditions for accelerating metabolism. Morning exercise helps you tune in to an active pastime during the day, and in many cases helps to wake up the body and gain a lasting charge of vigor.

The real benefits of morning fitness

Appetite control

Early exercise provides comfort and protection from overeating during the day. This fact is confirmed by the fact that British researchers surveyed fans of morning running and other types of fitness. As it turned out, such people felt comfortable during the day; they did not suffer from a debilitating feeling of hunger. Those who like to exercise in the evenings are less likely to achieve similar success. According to experts, morning workouts suppress the production of hormones responsible for increasing appetite. It turns out that for people with a tendency to overeat, morning exercise acts as a protection against this harmful habit.

Intense fat burning

In the morning, the fat burning process is most effective. When our body experiences physical activity, first the carbohydrate reserves are exhausted, and only after 20 minutes of continuous work, the muscles begin to be nourished using energy obtained from fat reserves. For this reason, only long workouts, from 40 minutes, are considered effective in losing weight. Foreign scientists who study the body of athletes know exactly when it is better to exercise, in the morning or in the evening, in order to lose weight. So, they believe that training in the first half of the day will be effective and fat-burning, even if it lasts up to half an hour. This load is equivalent to a 40-minute fitness class in the afternoon. As doctors say, until 5 pm, metabolism is predisposed to intense energy consumption. After this threshold, the rate of metabolic processes physiologically decreases. Restoration occurs in hormonal and other systems. This is why fat reserves that are difficult to burn in the morning are easier to destroy.

Minimal risk of muscle injury

We continue to talk about when it is better to exercise in the morning or evening for health and fast weight loss. Interestingly, after the early sports loads the feeling of fatigue is neutralized more quickly, muscle tissue is restored better. This effect was noticed by authoritative foreign researchers. When observing three thousand fitness enthusiasts, it turned out that it was after morning workouts The body's recovery occurs 20% faster. Evening training is inferior in this regard morning exercises. The test results proved that the same loads during training cause microtraumas of muscle tissue and negative changes in the composition of the blood more often during evening fitness.

Cons of morning fitness

We will not describe in detail the negative aspects of evening training; we will touch on them briefly, since these arguments are very doubtful.

Firstly, there may be problems with the combination of fitness and breakfast.

Secondly, in the morning a person’s blood is thick.

Thirdly, for some people it is problematic to exercise in the morning, since the body cannot wake up.

morning or evening, it is important to find the optimal time of day for fitness specifically for yourself, taking into account the individual biorhythms of the body and lifestyle

Fitness in the evenings

Interesting facts about evening fitness

For people whose bodies are close to owls, evening sports are definitely suitable. It’s good that after a working day you can work out the necessary muscles. It’s great if you have the opportunity to stop by gym on the way home from work. Evening exercise helps relieve stress, distract you from workloads and all sorts of problems that have accumulated during the day. Moderately stressful activities help improve sleep.

The benefits of fitness in the evenings

Acceleration of metabolism

We know that in the evening the metabolic rate in the body decreases. For this reason, sweets consumed during breakfast minimally spoil the figure, and the same high-calorie foods added to dinner are highly likely to cause obesity. Smart training is an excellent tool for accelerating your metabolism to the desired level. The main condition is maintaining moderation in everything. You need to study without fanaticism.

Long lasting fat burning

The post-workout period during night sleep is associated with effective breakdown excess fat. After the evening load, the destruction of fat reserves does not stop; it drags on for another 12 hours, no less. Muscles draw energy reserves from the body to successfully repair fibers. At night, only a light dinner is allowed.

Disadvantages of evening fitness

All negative aspects exercises before bed you can feel on your own, it’s individual. But let’s briefly touch on the disadvantages of this approach.

Firstly, evening sports can be hampered by fatigue after a hard day.

Secondly, after late workouts you may really want to eat, which results in a risk of overeating.

Thirdly, if the exercise is intense enough, it can interfere with restful sleep.

Now you know all the intricacies of fitness in different times days, and it will be easier to decide on the best option for yourself. The main condition is that you need to exercise with pleasure, constantly looking for motivation to improve your results.

Often people who are just starting to train make many mistakes when practicing. And we are talking not only about the choice and technique of their implementation, but also about what time is best to play sports.

It is no secret that scientists have proven that the effectiveness of training will depend, among other things, on when a person exercises. Therefore, it is important to choose the right time for sports exercises.

What time of day is best to exercise?

There are two theories about when is the best time to exercise. One of them is based on human biorhythms. This theory states that the best time to exercise is in the afternoon. According to research, during this period the risk of injury is minimal, since body temperature naturally becomes slightly higher than in the morning and afternoon. Scientists have proven that from 15:00 to 21:00 the heart rate becomes higher, which means that the muscles will respond more intensely to the load.

The second theory says that there is no exact data on what time of day is best to exercise. It is much more important to exercise regularly than to adapt to biorhythms. This statement also has the right to life. After all, there is data that suggests that changing the start time of exercise does not significantly affect the reduction of body fat and muscle performance.

Thus, it is better to choose a time for training based on your own well-being, as well as your work schedule. However, try not to schedule classes after 21:00, at this time concentration decreases and the risk of injury increases. During this period, the body prepares for sleep, and not for intense training.

Is it good to exercise in the morning?

Exercising immediately after sleep can lead to injuries, both fans of the first and followers of the second theory agree on this. In the morning hours heart rate slowed down, so intense exercise can lead to tachycardia.

If you can only set aside the first half of the day for, it is worth following a few safety rules. First of all, you shouldn't exercise right after you get out of bed. Secondly, the time interval between breakfast and class should be at least 1 hour, and the meal itself should be as light as possible. It is also prohibited to drink coffee less than 2 hours before class.