What does the name Ekaterina mean briefly? What does the name Ekaterina mean? Important years of life

Short and diminutive options: Katya, Katyusha, Katyunya, Katena, Katyasha, Katerinka.

Analogues of the name in other languages: English Catherine, Kate, Belarusian Katsyaryna, Bulgarian Ekaterina, Katerina, Spanish Catalina, Italian Caterina, German Katharina, Kathrin, Polish Katarzyna, Ukrainian Katerina, French Catherine, Czech Katerina.

Latin transliteration in the Russian passport - Ekaterina.

Origin of the name "Ekaterina"

The name Ekaterina translated from Greek language means “pure, undefiled”, it comes from the Greek word “katharios”. IN mass consciousness it is firmly associated with the image of Empress Catherine the Great and her era, and all Katenka’s whole life is a bit of a queen - either by the amount of pride, or by the royalty of her manners.

On December 7, they remember the Holy Great Martyr Princess Catherine, who lived in the fourth century AD. She was baptized after seeing the Virgin Mary with baby Jesus in a dream. She was not afraid to denounce the pagan king to his face for persecuting and torturing Christians, and then was beheaded on his orders.

Since childhood, Ekaterina, as they say, has been a child on her own mind. Moreover, she likes to stock up and is reluctant to share what she has received. She carefully puts candy, apples and small gifts from adults, touched by the girl’s intelligence, into her pockets and rarely treats her friends.

In her class, Katya is usually an excellent student, diligent and slightly arrogant, and she chooses the same excellent students, as well as strong and respected guys, as friends. Having matured, she loves to surround herself with people who are interesting to her and can benefit her. The living room in her house becomes a real reception room for the queen, even if in her heart Katya is extremely unsure of herself.

Catherine is usually a bright personality, and if she is unlucky with character or outstanding beauty, she takes her inadequacy hard own name and may become depressed. In general, it’s not worth hurting Catherine’s pride, although good joke she will always understand and be happy to support.

It is very important for Catherine to know what others think about her, and it is important for people to have an opinion about her. good opinion. But woe to anyone who suspects Catherine of this - she will never confess, but will consider such a person an offender. Offenders Catherine cannot forgive for a long time, and can often take completely cold-blooded revenge.

Katya may be a timid, unconfident woman, but her appearance will always be regal, and her anger will be regal. She generally loses her temper easily, especially since she tends to take everything personally. Catherine has a difficult character, and her life is rich and stormy.

She can dress extravagantly and behave provocatively, but usually this is a manifestation of internal anxiety that haunts Catherine all her life. Catherine has a rich imagination, so she shocks the audience with skill. In an effort to gain confidence, she may resort to unconventional ways, turn to psychics and fortune tellers.

Ekaterina easily copes with any tasks. They are not inclined to any particular type of activity, but they feel good everywhere. The main thing is that willpower should keep Catherine from her characteristic impulsiveness.

Catherine chooses her husband from among her many admirers for a long time and diligently. Usually remains faithful in marriage. Catherine’s husbands love them very much, and in general the marriages are successful, although Katya is not best hostess, life in general seems to her family life far from the main thing. And she often doesn’t know how to raise her children properly.

Horoscope named after "Ekaterina"

Catherine is ruled by Sagittarius and Leo, and her planets are the Sun and Jupiter. Catherine’s totem plant is lotus and strawberry, as well as cedar, the tree of kings. Her totems are the termite and the swan, which Katya has been like all her life in her royalty and coldness towards people. She is lucky if she wears blue or red clothes, and Catherine's talisman is chrysolite.

Name compatibility

It is best for Catherine to marry,. But her relationship with Victor, Kirill, Nikolai, Philip, Yakov most likely will not work out..

It makes sense to call a girl Katya if her middle name is Avgustovna, Yulievna, Yuryevna, Efremovna, Adamovna or Glebovna.

Catherine and pets

Catherine usually loves animals, but rarely has a dog in the house. She is too lazy to bother with her, she is too busy with her own problems. If the children insist, then she chooses a large dog: chow-chow, collie, St. Bernard, Newfoundland. Under no circumstances should she get a Boxer, Great Dane or Bull Terrier; she will not be able to cope with raising such a dog; her nervousness and irritability will make the dog unbalanced and uncontrollable.

Soft nicknames are suitable for Katya's pets: Lizzie, Jessica, Dune, Nessie, Bonnie, Hamilton, Geophan, Fanny, Mason, Jason, Til.

Name popularity and statistics

The name Ekaterina, which parents gave to their daughter at birth, is quite popular. For every 1000 newborn girls this name was given (on average by period, Moscow):

  • 1900-1909: 63 (4th place)
  • 1924-1932: (not in the top ten)
  • 1950-1959: (not in the top ten)
  • 1978-1981: 42 (10th place)
  • 2008: (8th place)

This beautiful girl's name comes from the Greek - katharios, which means pure and immaculate. This name, in various variations, is very common in many countries around the world. In Britain and America - Catherine, in Italy - Catalina. The Poles call Katerina Katezhina, and the French call Katrin. In Russia, girls have been called Katya for several centuries. And the popularity of the name is not decreasing at all.

So, what kind of Ekaterina is she, what does the name Ekaterina mean for a girl, what does her character and fate mean depending on this name? Let's talk about this today:

Name meaning, character

As we have already said, the meaning of the name Ekaterina is pure, immaculate. The owner of this name has a calm, balanced character, although the name gives her a proud, proud disposition and a somewhat subjective view of things. But sometimes Katya suffers from her own indecision and self-criticism.

As a child she is a very active child. He loves noisy games, always wants to be in the center of attention, strives to be in first place. From early childhood, a girl shows many abilities and talents. Ekaterina has an excellent memory, is sociable, and outstanding.

Katya studies well, tries to be friends with the most interesting girls in the class, beauties and excellent students. The point is their indecision, which forces them to look for “external support.” Therefore, they themselves always have many friends, although it is difficult to be friends with Katya. They are very dependent on their own mood.

It is difficult to get her to open up to strangers. She will not tell anyone about her feelings or her deepest secrets. The only exception can be a person very close to her, whom she completely trusts and whom she really likes. She also will not hide her attitude towards such a person.

When Catherines grow up, they almost never quarrel with their parents or conflict with their relatives, as their teenage girl friends often do. My relationship with my mother has been wonderful all my life.

"Pitfalls" of character

Some representatives of this name become more reasonable and unapproachable. They carefully choose their friends and girlfriends. They do not allow strangers to joke about themselves, although they themselves are quite ironic.

Some girls with this name wear bright, provocative clothes and prefer provocative makeup. Such Catherines have a rude character and prefer to live a busy, “club” life. They lack spiritual subtlety, softness, and femininity.

Catherine’s developing character depends significantly on her parents and can manifest itself in two ways. If the attitude in childhood was harsh, she lacked the care and love of her family, the girl may grow up withdrawn, distrustful, and indecisive. If everyone in a family treats each other with love and care, adult Katya will be distinguished by its sincerity, cheerful, good-natured, sociable disposition.

Love, family

The name undoubtedly leaves its mark on love and marriage relationships. Apparently because one of the meanings of the name Ekaterina is immaculate, its owners spend a very long time meticulously choosing their life partner. Although Katya has no shortage of admirers, she will compare, weigh, and doubt for a long time, without giving preference to anyone.

She will choose the man who turns out to be close to her in spirit, temperament and psychological make-up. Her chosen one always has strong character, is able to protect her from any problems, including material ones. Catherine will remain faithful to her chosen one all her life. She will be a good wife, an excellent housewife. Although, unfortunately, the first marriage often becomes unsuccessful.

Ekaterina is a caring, loving mother, although she does not always raise her children correctly. Sometimes she often deals only with children, forgetting that her husband needs her love and care. If this fact is ignored, the marriage may fall apart.

Work, career

If we talk about professional activity, then the owners of this name are not very hardworking, although if they like the work, they can show remarkable abilities and efficiency in their field. The profession of a journalist or system administrator is suitable for girls named Ekaterina. They do an excellent job as an economist, engineer, entrepreneur, especially in the trade sector. Catherine talented actresses, choreographers, excellent bank workers.

Name compatibility with zodiac signs

The name Ekaterina is very suitable for a girl born under zodiac sign, whose character is combined with this name. This is, for example, Aries or Scorpio.

The sign of Aries (March 21-April 20) is friendly, but also somewhat aggressive - in many ways it repeats the character of the name Katerina. Therefore, it will favorably emphasize the direct, lively, but very generous character of its owner. Will increase activity and help in entrepreneurship. At the same time, it will soften sharp corners, will make the personality more harmonious.

The zodiac sign Scorpio (October 24-November 22) also suits this name very well. Catherines, born under the sign of Scorpio, are a little secretive and straightforward. But they are very cheerful, they love active life, protect the weak, enjoy the respect of other people.

The beautiful name Katya is considered royal by the common people. It became popular among the population only in the 17th century, when Empress Catherine the Great ascended the Russian throne. The main selection criteria that guide parents are its origin and meaning.

The name Katya and the influence of the season of birth. Winter

The girl who bears this name is very contradictory. This manifests itself depending on the season in which the girl was born.

“Winter” Catherines are often silent and quite slow. The cause of difficulties in personal and family life can be the difficult character inherent in the meaning of the name Katya.

Ekaterina is a cunning and resourceful girl. This is most clearly manifested in relation to rivals. She easily weaves intrigues, makes insidious plans, which often turn out to be quite cruel for her competitor. Husband, children and family have for the girl special meaning. The name Katya determined her mediocrity in relation to household, but she loves her loved ones limitlessly. A proud, self-loving character includes a slightly inflated self-esteem, but all these personality traits are perceived as the girl’s virtues. When choosing clothes, Ekaterina is guided not by fashion trends, but by her own taste and opinion.

Katyushas born in spring

Catherine's "spring" girls are powerful girls who recognize only their own opinions. They know and see only their own “I”; they do not care about other people’s interests. Their husbands often become henpecked, since freedom-loving and disobedient men will not be able to withstand the leadership qualities inherent in Katya’s character for a long time.

The name Katya is characterized by a desire for self-improvement and personal development. Catherine is quite sociable and hospitable, but despite this, she is a terrible homebody. Choosing between cozy home gatherings and noisy company, they will prefer the first option. Being the life of the party, the girl does not like to attract unnecessary attention to herself. But this does not apply to relationships: the other half must give of himself, and in any situation be the first to make concessions. Catherine will never ask for forgiveness, even if she is to blame for the discord that has occurred.

"Summer" Katya

Fidgety, a walking fountain of emotions, a wonderful housewife, a little eccentric and fickle, imperious and majestic, a girl-mystery... The name Katya, or rather, its owner, has all these qualities if the girl was born in the summer season. But excessive sensitivity does not prevent Ekaterina from remaining a pragmatist, scrupulously and meticulously assessing everything. life situations. This quality is conducive to active life position And confident attitude to life.

“Summer” Katya, like “spring” Katya, is a terrible owner, but she holds a man not by willpower and tough character, but by her relaxed attitude to life. Love is like fire for her: it lights up from a small spark, but if you don’t maintain interest, it quickly fades away. Therefore, she gives herself entirely to the feeling: she dreams about her man, and only about him.

The list of her friends mainly consists of representatives of the stronger sex, but women are not often found in it.

The name Katya and the influence of autumn

“Autumn” Katya is the most reasonable, demanding and serious of her seasonal namesakes. She is doomed to become a boss, if not at work, then in family life; this fate is inherent in the origin of the name. Katya, in addition to leadership qualities, from birth will have an inexorable craving for justice. Thanks to this property, the girl will be an honest boss and a wonderful wife. As a rule, the mystery of the name Katya also implies the burning sexuality and beauty of its owner.

These qualities will be important for a girl when choosing a soul mate. The main criteria are: a man’s success in sex, generosity and ability to make concessions. Feigned prudence does not interfere with Catherine’s romantic moods: for the sake of her beloved, she is ready to climb Mount Everest or walk along the bottom of the sea. The only thing a girl is not capable of is concessions, so she will not be able to live with a person superior to her in character and will.

Origin and meaning of the name Katya

Since childhood, Catherine has behaved like a regal, arrogant and stately person. This is explained by the origin and history of the name.

The name Katya came, like many other names, from Greece. According to the word from which it originates (“katarios”), Catherine is pure and immaculate. Many bright women from different historical eras bore the proud name Katya.

She knows how to get what she wants. The girl's charm attracts people around her, they pamper her. And this spoils Katya’s character from childhood. She may grow up to be too proud, wanting to be the first and best everywhere. However, this desire helps her in life: she does well at school and has great success at work.

Catherine chooses friends from the “elite”, who enjoy authority among those around her. The girl's popularity plays a cruel joke on her: she often takes advantage of people and they indulge her in everything. Her peers are ready to please her in everything: give her her favorite toy, treat.

Personality characteristics of Catherine

Outwardly bright and proud, Catherine often turns out to be a timid and insecure woman at heart. The girl covers up the contradiction between her external appearance and internal state with excessive impulsiveness.

From the first years of her life, Ekaterina stands out from the crowd of children: she is calm and approachable. Learns to speak faster than his peers. Successful in learning.

Parents who from birth consider Katya to be a princess and a beauty, even if she does not have attractive features, provoke a personality disorder in their daughter in advance. Failure to meet their expectations leads to frequent depression. Therefore, it is not worth talking to Catherine about her visible shortcomings - the girl can harbor a grudge, but she remembers them for a long time and can take evil revenge.

Clothes for a girl are of particular importance. The name “Katya” initially prescribes a slightly secretive character for the girl: timidity and confusion are hidden behind the feigned majesty and courage. Extravagant clothing helps Catherine hide her true self.

Choosing a first name by patronymic

Now the name for a girl Katya is one of the ten most popular names. Future parents are based on characteristics, origin, and the relationship between the first name and patronymic.

The compatibility of the name Katya with patronymics, based on numerous sources, is quite contradictory.

Some say that if the child’s father’s name is August, Yuri, Efrem, Adam, Gleb, then the baby should be named Ekaterina. Others, on the contrary, advise that if you have such a middle name, do not call the girl by this name.

But in the existing information chain one can notice similarities that affect patronymics: Alexandrovna, Alekseevna, Anatolyevna, Andreevna, Antonovna, Valerievna, Vasilievna, Vladimirovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Glebovna, Danilovna, Dmitrievna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Igorevna, Konstantinovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna , Mikhailovna, Olegovna, Romanovna, Svyatoslavovna, Sergeevna, Timofeevna. They are the ones who are preferred by Katya and who are most favored by them.

Ekaterina and numerous fans

In relationships with men, the name and its meaning play an important role. The name Katya imbued its owner with authority, demandingness and pickiness towards the stronger sex.

Since childhood, the girl has become accustomed to the attention of others. She is loved and adored by the opposite sex. Even in kindergarten, the girl has numerous fans. Having matured, Catherine is very popular among young people. Therefore, she chooses her husband for a long time and scrupulously, but, having found her soul mate, Katya remains faithful to him. A woman's married life is successful, but she is not the best housewife and mother. She does not see the main purpose of life as everyday life, comfort and raising children. On the one hand, she is ready to take care of the child, but on the other, she cannot choose the right tactics: she is either overly strict, or overly affectionate and undemanding. The responsibility of raising children is usually placed on the shoulders of Catherine’s husband, but given the pliable and affectionate characters of the intended chosen ones, this is only a joy for them.

Among men with what names to look for a spouse

If her husband makes small concessions, then Catherine is ready to change her worldview and disposition as much as possible. Based on this, men who are pliable and calm will suit Katya.

The ideal compatibility of the name Katya with men will occur when the girl sees in her chosen one the following features: ability to provide physical and psychological support, confidence in one’s strengths and abilities.

Family life will not work out with Victor, Kirill, Nikolai, Philip, Yakov. Lovers may feel connected at the beginning of a relationship, but usually do not maintain happiness and feelings for many years.

The logical question is: what names are suitable for Katya? A girl should look for suitable suitors among Antonov, Vitaliev, Denisov, Petrov, Pavlov, Semenov, Ruslanov, Yuliev, Borisov, Valentinov, Valeriev, Alexandrov, Nazarov. In marriage with men bearing these names, harmony, mutual respect and love will reign.

Prominent personalities with the name Katya

The origin of the name Katya left its mark on the girl’s character.

Catherine was the name given to the great Russian empresses, many future famous actresses and singers. All historical figures, who wore given name, by nature bright, extravagant, unusually beautiful people.

The Great Russian Empress Catherine II had a cheerful and calm disposition, but sometimes she was too hot-tempered. Historians note that the empress’s smile not only bewitched, but also filled those around her with a sense of devotion and respect towards her.

Sumarokov P.I. in the following words described the features inherent in Catherine the Great: “Extraordinarily majestic view inspired respect in everyone; “Whoever had not seen her would never have recognized the empress even among the crowd.”

Catherine the Great, according to the memoirs of her contemporaries, knew how to skillfully control her feelings and character. This was explained by the inherent wisdom of the empress. She was even credited with the ability to command and control the universe.

Ekaterina and pets

It is noteworthy that when choosing a pet, Katya should also be guided by her name, otherwise the relationship with him will not work out.

The most preferred animals for Catherine are dogs. Among them, it is worth choosing the following breeds: Newfoundland, Chow Chow, St. Bernard, Collie. Not allowed - boxer, bull terrier, Great Dane. It is quite simple to explain: it is necessary to have pets that the girl can definitely handle raising - not irritable, not nervous.

A correctly chosen nickname will give your pets obedience and pliability to their disposition: Til, Hamilton, Lizzie, Dune, Bonnie, Jessica. The pet's nickname should contain a combination of soft and sonorous letters.

But Catherine should not have animals as patrons. After all, these include termites and swan. The first will destroy everything in its path; and the second simply will not survive at home. Therefore, wanting to recharge with positive energy from favorable animals, it is better for Katya to go to the zoo or visit their natural habitat.

Translated from ancient Greek, Catherine means “immaculate.” Interestingly, Catholics have a masculine form of this name. She sounds like "Katherine". The name was first mentioned in the population census at the beginning of the 17th century. But it became especially popular after one of the princesses received it. That's why it's beautiful sonorous name associated with confidence, pride and article. Modern parents often choose it for their newborn daughters.

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    The meaning of the name Ekaterina

    The name comes from another ancient Greek - Khaikaterine. Today the latter is practically not used. The first mention of Catherine was discovered by historians in the Moscow census of the late 30s of the 17th century. The enormous popularity that the name gained over time was influenced by the reign of Catherine the Great. Today she can be called the most famous bearer of this name.

    There are several meanings of the name Catherine: “eternally pure”, “pure”, “immaculate”. And him various shapes: Katyusha, Katena, Katka, Katerinka, Katyunya.

    Name day

    Modern Katya considers the Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria to be their protector and patroness. This saint is especially famous among Catholics. She is also considered the patroness of all brides, children, students and other students. The Great Martyr lived in the 4th century BC. She was learned woman: she knew several complex languages ​​perfectly, studied the works of famous doctors at that time and tried to practice healing herself. The saint was baptized after the Mother of God appeared to her in her night dreams. This dream led the woman to believe in Christ and begin to actively expose the pagans. Among them was a king who cruelly mocked Christians. For her actions and faith, Catherine of Alexandria was subjected to terrible physical torture. As a result, she was beheaded.

    Catherine does not change her name at baptism, as it is noted in the calendar. Women celebrate their name days in winter (December 17 and February 5), as well as in the first month of autumn (September 20).

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    Katya is always a bright, noticeable girl. Even if they are timid and shy inside, others will never know about it. Outwardly, such a woman looks proud, unapproachable and even regal. She is capable of a lot of time and cash spend on personal care. Catherine always has beautiful hair, carefully thought out hairstyle and the whole image as a whole.

    Katya may look extravagant and defiant, she may have an arrogant character, but this is all an external manifestation of the inner restlessness with which she lives her whole life. In pursuit of self-confidence, she may resort to different methods- delve into religion, black magic, turn to fortune tellers and psychics. Catherine has a rich imagination that gives her no rest.

    Character Virtues

    Catherines usually boast a very developed imagination. They are strong in creativity, it is easy for them to use their imagination when doing any task. IN good mood Katya easily makes new friends. Therefore, it is not difficult for her to join in new team, if everyone around her treats her kindly and does not make offensive jokes or remarks. Such a girl can be called a good and reliable friend, despite her complex character. If you learn to deal with Katerina’s violent emotional manifestations, then she will become a real support and support for her friends. You can always come to her for help and good advice.

    The owner of the name perceives any adversities in life quite calmly. With her confidence, she helps to cope with the surging fear of those around her. Katya is good at keeping secrets and is not capable of betrayal.

    When meeting people, they perceive Ekaterina as a very tactful, well-mannered person with impeccable taste. The girl knows how to show her education and high level intelligence from the very first seconds of communication. Therefore, making a favorable impression on men or women is not difficult for her.

    Katya is an optimist who does not like to lose heart for no reason. If she's lucky in early childhood If she turns out to be a beloved child, whom mom and dad protect in every possible way, teach her to be self-confident and not be afraid to seem funny in front of others, then such a girl grows up to be very light, bright and pleasant to talk to.

    Due to her character, Katyusha is not prone to cruelty at any age. She does not accumulate negative emotions within herself, but immediately lets them out. As a result, she quickly forgets grievances and easily moves on even after the most serious quarrel. Catherine is generous and noble. She enjoys doing charity work and helping those in need.


    Among the main shortcomings of Catherine is a tendency to self-digging. For all problems and mistakes, the girl will only blame herself. If we further emphasize the mistake that she made, Catherine will be greatly offended and even capable of taking cruel revenge. Such women have a sick pride, which is very easy to hurt.

    People who are close to Katya will probably note her difficult character. A woman's behavior and emotions greatly depend on her mood. Catherine is capable of being calm, kind and cheerful and suddenly the next minute experiencing an attack of anger, the scale of which will shock those around her. At work she easily finds common language both with colleagues and with superiors. But if Katya dislikes someone, that person will have a hard time. A girl can openly pick on her colleague and point out his shortcomings. She definitely will not remain silent, no matter how others or even her manager ask her to do so.

    The bearer of the name never admits that she is very dependent on the opinions of other people. She tells everyone that she only listens to her inner voice. Actually this is not true. It is extremely important for Katya what others think about her. She is ready to perceive any fleeting innocent remark as a real insult and worry greatly about it.

    If we talk further about the disadvantages of such women, then the main one is vanity and selfishness. Catherine will always be sure that she is smarter than other people, even if they are much older and more experienced. For this reason, a girl often encounters failures in business and is not able to climb high. career ladder. True, Katya’s dignity also follows from this - she knows how to take a blow perfectly and even after a painful fall she easily starts all over again.

    Katyusha perfectly knows how to adapt to circumstances. Especially if it is in her interests. A woman is even able to restrain the anger that spills out of her when it is necessary for the sake of future success. But someone else's superiority makes the fair sex suffer greatly. Having learned about other people's victories, she clearly feels her own inferiority. And although this feeling is far-fetched, it still greatly hurts Catherine.

    Most Katyushas are emotional and touchy. They are easy to anger. Katya's close people usually know about this peculiarity of hers and try not to “awaken the beast.” Calming an angry Catherine is not easy. She will rage and conflict until she gets rid of all the negative emotions within herself.

    Catherine's fate

    It is believed that a name can influence not only a woman’s character, but even her destiny. This is especially true for personal life and relationships with loved ones. Therefore, parents often study it before deciding on a name. possible influence on later life baby.

    Hobbies and interests

    Often Catherine's at different ages are interested in exact sciences and the history of their country. With knowledge in these areas, the bearer of the name conquers those she meets. life path men. All yours free time Katya reads, knits or does other quiet things.

    As for noisy entertainment, a woman tries to ignore them even in her youth. She feels uncomfortable in noisy companies, especially in unfamiliar ones. An ideal date for Katya is a quiet tea party in a cozy cafe, a trip to the theater to watch a classical production, or a walk accompanied by an intimate conversation.


    Ekaterina knows how to make a positive impression on management. She is responsible and does an excellent job with any job. Therefore, the girl does not have problems with her career. Her life in this area is active, interesting and changeable. Katya easily decides to change jobs if she gets more advantageous offer.

    Such a girl is capable of becoming a famous public or political figure, a successful scientist. Various professions from the field of art will suit her. Catherines often join the ranks of volunteers and help others without any material benefit for themselves.


    It cannot be said that Catherine has perfect health. Most often they suffer from the following problems:

    • bone fractures and dislocations;
    • infectious diseases;
    • ailments nervous system and lungs.

    To improve their own health and condition, women with this name need to actively strengthen their immune system. It is important to try to be as nervous as possible and avoid any stress. When Katya is doing well in her personal life, she feels cheerful, active, and ready for achievements. Conflicts and quarrels unsettle her for a long time and can even provoke illness.

    Love and intimate relationships

    Catherine both attracts and repels representatives of the stronger sex with her outward self-confidence. You can’t call such a girl overtly sexy and charming. Her true beauty, femininity and eroticism will be visible to the man whom Katya allows as close as possible. Only in serious relationship she is able to reveal herself as a passionate, ardent nature and experience sincere, deep feelings.

    Ekaterina is very reasonable in choosing a partner. She has little interest in mythical princes on a white horse. The girl needs it next to her a real man with an inner core, stubborn, punchy character. If her lover regularly shows weakness in front of Katya, then her feelings for him may subside. Only a strong partner can stay with such a woman for a long time.

    Katerina knows how to interest a man well and win him over. But she is not at all flighty. Such a girl is very faithful, devoted and demands the same from her loved one.

    If we talk briefly about compatibility, then Katya is well suited for partners with the zodiac sign Taurus and Scorpio. Tender, caring and homely Taurus will surround the girl with sincere warmth and help her get rid of existing complexes. If Katerina did not have enough love from her parents in childhood, then this gap will be filled by the spouse born under the indicated sign.

    With stubborn, strong Scorpio, it will be somewhat more difficult for Catherine. But this is exactly the real man she dreams of. Next to such a partner, a woman will be able to achieve significant career heights. After all, she will look up to her beloved and try to keep up with his successes.


    Katya rarely becomes the ideal housewife who stands at the stove and waits for her husband to come home from work. This girl will happily go for a walk in the park on her day off instead of washing a mountain of dishes or polishing the floors until they shine. But she is a good, loving and attentive wife. Therefore, the husband will turn a blind eye to her small economic flaws.

    Catherines are caring, gentle mothers. True, they are too soft when raising their children. For this, the heirs love their mother infinitely and do not want to leave the parental home, where it is always so easy and calm.

Translated from ancient Greek, the meaning of the name Catherine is “immaculate, pure,” and these qualities are truly present in the characteristics of this beautiful female name. Katya is proud, ambitious, impulsive, she always needs to be on top, she does not tolerate second roles, and this begins to manifest itself in childhood.

When choosing the meaning of the name Ekaterina for a girl, parents need to prepare for raising a child who is a small lump vital energy, which is just splashing around this cheerful little girl. Katya loves noisy games, fun, she always needs attention, she loves to manage and command.

Popularity is of great importance to her; she tries to stand out from everyone, and is often the ringleader in a children's company. The meaning of the name Ekaterina for a child is such that she has a great imagination and can find entertainment even on the dullest day.

It is these qualities that make the girl a leader at school; with her prudence and inaccessibility she evokes repulsive emotions in many, but still most classmates and teachers simply adore this girl. She will not be friends with ordinary guys; prestige and some ostentation are of great importance to her.

In adolescence, the interpretation of the name implies even greater selfishness, and in order to be recognized by others, the young lady often chooses original activities for herself, or simply puts on bright and provocative makeup. It is important for her to evoke emotions, even negative ones.


In relationships with the opposite sex, Katerina rarely takes the first step herself. But most men are afraid to approach the unapproachable beauty. She creates an aura of indifference around herself. This means that only a sensual man can understand what a fragile creature is hiding under a cold mask.

Even when taking her first steps in a serious relationship, Katya tries not to open up completely; she cares about the inviolability of her feelings and thoughts. Her small, strong world is of paramount importance to her.