Why are electromagnetic waves dangerous? The influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body

Mechanism of influence of EMR

The human body, like any organism on Earth, has its own electromagnetic field, thanks to which all systems, organs and cells of the body work harmoniously. Human electromagnetic radiation is also called the biofield. The visual representation of the biofield, which some people see, and which can be constructed by a computer using special devices, is also called an aura.

This field is the main protective shell of our body from the influence of external electromagnetic fields. When it is destroyed, the organs and systems of our body become easy prey for any pathogenic factors.

If our natural electromagnetic field is affected by other sources of radiation, much more powerful than the radiation of our body, then it is distorted or even begins to collapse. And chaos begins in the body. This leads to disruption of the functioning of various organs and systems—diseases.

That is, it is obvious to any person that, for example, a humming transformer box or a powerful electric generator poses a danger because they create a strong electromagnetic field around them. Standards for safe time and distance when staying near such devices have been calculated for workers. But here's what is NOT obvious to most people:

The same effect of destruction of the biofield occurs when exposed to weak electromagnetic radiation, if the body is under its influence regularly and for long periods of time.

That is, the most common sources of danger are household appliances that surround us every day. Things we can no longer imagine our lives without: household appliances, computers, laptops, Cell phones, transport and other attributes of modern civilization.

In addition, large crowds of people, a person’s mood and his attitude towards us, geopathogenic zones on the planet, magnetic storms, etc. have a significant impact on us. (for more details see page ).

There is still debate among scientists about the dangers of electromagnetic radiation. Some say that it is dangerous, others, on the contrary, do not see any harm. I would like to clarify.

The most dangerous thing is not the electromagnetic waves themselves, without which no device could really work, but their information component, which cannot be detected by conventional oscilloscopes.

It has been experimentally established that electromagnetic radiation has a torsion (information) component. According to research by specialists from France, Russia, Ukraine and Switzerland, it is torsion fields, and not electromagnetic ones, that are the main factor in the negative impact on human health. Since it is the torsion field that transmits to a person all the negative information that causes headaches, irritation, insomnia, etc.

How strong is the impact of the technology around us? We offer several videos for viewing:

How dangerous is the radiation that surrounds us? Visual demonstration:

Of course, these are not all the dangerous items that we use every day. More information about radiation sources can be found on the page:

The influence of electromagnetic radiation on human health

Weak high-frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) with a power of hundredths and even thousandths of a watt are dangerous for humans because the intensity of such fields coincides with the intensity of radiation from the human body during the normal functioning of all systems and organs in his body. As a result of this interaction, a person’s own field is distorted, which contributes to the development of various diseases, especially in the most weakened areas of the body.

The most dangerous property of such effects is that they accumulate over time in the body. As they say: “a drop of water wears away a stone.” People whose occupations use a lot of various techniques– computers, phones – decreased immunity, frequent stress, decreased sexual activity, increased fatigue were found.

And if we take into account the development of wireless technologies and the miniaturization of gadgets that allow us not to part with them around the clock... Today, almost every resident of a metropolis falls into the risk zone, one way or another exposed to round-the-clock exposure to mobile and Wi-Fi networks, power lines, electric transport, etc.

The problem is that the danger is invisible and intangible, and begins to manifest itself only in the form of various diseases. However, the cause of these diseases remains outside the scope of medical attention. With rare exceptions. And while you are healing your symptoms with the achievements of modern medicine, our invisible enemy stubbornly continues to undermine your health.

The circulatory system, brain, eyes, immune and reproductive systems are most susceptible to the influence of electromagnetic fields. Someone will say: “So what? Surely this impact is not so strong - otherwise international organizations would have sounded the alarm long ago.”


Did you know that already 15 minutes after starting to work on the computer at 9-10 year old child Are the changes in the blood and urine almost identical to the changes in the blood of a person with cancer? Similar changes appear in a 16-year-old teenager after half an hour, in an adult – after 2 hours of working at the monitor.

(we are talking about cathode ray monitors, which are gradually disappearing from use, but are still found)

US researchers have found:

  • in most women who worked on computers during pregnancy, the fetus developed abnormally, and the probability of miscarriage approached 80%;
  • Electricians develop brain cancer 13 times more often than workers in other professions;

Effect of electromagnetic radiation on the nervous system:

The level of electromagnetic radiation, even if it does not cause thermal effects, can affect the most important functional systems of the body. Most experts consider the nervous system to be the most vulnerable of them. The mechanism of action is very simple - it has been established that electromagnetic fields disrupt the permeability of cell membranes to calcium ions. As a result, the nervous system begins to function improperly. In addition, the alternating electromagnetic field induces weak currents in the electrolytes, which are the liquid components of the tissues. The range of deviations caused by these processes is very wide - during the experiments, changes in the EEG of the brain, slowed reactions, memory impairment, depressive symptoms, etc. were recorded.

Effect of EMR on the immune system:

The immune system is also affected. Experimental studies in this direction have shown that in animals irradiated with EMF, the nature of the infectious process changes - the course of the infectious process is aggravated. There is reason to believe that when exposed to EMR, the processes of immunogenesis are disrupted, more often in the direction of their inhibition. This process is associated with the occurrence of autoimmunity. According to this concept, the basis of all autoimmune conditions is primarily immunodeficiency in the thymus-dependent cell population of lymphocytes. The influence of high-intensity EMF on the body’s immune system is manifested in a suppressive effect on the T-system of cellular immunity.

Effect of EMR on the endocrine system:

The endocrine system is also a target for EMR. Studies have shown that under the influence of EMF, as a rule, stimulation of the pituitary-adrenaline system occurred, which was accompanied by an increase in the content of adrenaline in the blood and activation of blood coagulation processes. It was recognized that one of the systems that early and naturally involves the body in the response to the influence of various factors external environment is the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal cortex system.

The effect of electromagnetic radiation on the cardiovascular system:

Disorders of the cardiovascular system may also be noted. It manifests itself in the form of lability of pulse and blood pressure. Phase changes in the composition of peripheral blood are noted.

The influence of electromagnetic radiation on the reproductive system:

  1. There is a suppression of spermakinesis, an increase in the birth rate of girls, and an increase in the number of congenital defects and deformities. The ovaries are more sensitive to the influence of electromagnetic radiation.
  2. The female genital area is more susceptible to the effects of electromagnetic fields created by computers and other office and household appliances than men's.
  3. The vessels of the head, the thyroid gland, the liver, and the genital area are critical areas of exposure. These are only the main and most obvious consequences of exposure to EMR. The picture of the real impact on each individual person is very individual. But to one degree or another, these systems are affected by all users of household appliances at different times.

The effect of electromagnetic radiation on pregnant women and children:

The child's body has some features compared to adults, for example, it has a larger head-to-body length ratio and greater conductivity of the brain matter.

Due to the smaller size and volume of a child’s head, the specific absorbed power is greater compared to an adult, and the radiation penetrates deeper into those parts of the brain that, as a rule, are not irradiated in adults. As the head grows and the bones of the skull thicken, the content of water and ions decreases, and hence conductivity.

It has been proven that growing and developing tissues are most susceptible to the adverse effects of the electromagnetic field, and active human growth occurs from the moment of conception until approximately 16 years of age.

Pregnant women also fall into this risk group, since EMF is biologically active in relation to embryos. When a pregnant woman talks on a cell phone, virtually her entire body is exposed to EMFs, including the developing fetus.

The sensitivity of the embryo to damaging factors is much higher than the sensitivity of the mother's body. It has been established that intrauterine damage to the fetus by EMF can occur at any stage of its development: during fertilization, cleavage, implantation, and organogenesis. However, the periods of maximum sensitivity to EMF are the early stages of embryo development - implantation and early organogenesis.


In Neurodiagnostic scientific institute in Spain in 2001 they found that in 11-13 year old children who talked on a cell phone for two minutes, changes in the bioelectrical activity of the brain persisted for another two hours after they hung up.

A study completed at the University of Bristol in the UK last year showed a significant increase in reaction time in 10-11 year old children using a GSM mobile phone. Similar results were obtained by Finns at the University of Turku, who observed a group of children aged 10-14 years.

In the USSR until the 90s it was carried out a large number of studies of the biological effect of EMF on the developing organism of animals.

It has been established that even low intensities of EMF affect the embryonic development of offspring. The offspring of irradiated animals are less viable; developmental anomalies, deformities, weight loss, dysfunction of the higher parts of the central nervous system are observed. nervous system(slow production and decreased ability to preserve defensive and motor-nutritional conditioned reflexes), shift in the pace of postnatal development.

Adult animals irradiated by EMF are characterized by a decrease in the number of offspring born, changes in the genital organs of females, disturbances in fetal development, a decrease in the percentage of crossbreeding, and statistically more frequent cases of stillbirth.

Study of the effect of EMF on the offspring of rats exposed to electromagnetic influence according to parameters similar to what a human embryo receives when its mother talks on a cell phone, it showed that compared with the control, embryonic mortality of offspring was statistically significantly increased, the mass of the thymus gland was reduced, and the number of developmental anomalies was increased internal organs, during the first 4 weeks of the postnatal period, the mortality of the offspring of rats of all experimental groups was 2.5 - 3 times higher than in the control, and body weight was lower. The development of rat pups was also worse: the formation of sensory-motor reflexes and the timing of incisor eruption were delayed; in female rat pups, development was disrupted.


Body system Impact
Nervous “Weakened cognition” syndrome (memory problems, difficulty perceiving information, insomnia, depression, headaches)
“Partial ataxia” syndrome (disorders of the vestibular apparatus: problems with balance, disorientation in space, dizziness)
Artho-myo-neuropathy syndrome ( muscle pain and muscle fatigue, discomfort when lifting heavy objects)
Cardiovascular Neurocirculatory dystonia, pulse lability, pressure lability
Tendency to hypotension, pain in the heart, lability of blood parameters
Immune EMFs can act as an inducer of autoimmunization in the body
EMFs contribute to the suppression of T-lymphocytes
The dependence of immune reactions on the type of EMF modulation is shown
Endocrine Increased adrenaline in the blood
Activation of the blood clotting process
Decompensating effect of EMF on the body through reactions of the endocrine system
Energy Pathogenic change in the body's energy
Defects and imbalances in the body's energy
Sexual (embryogenesis) Decreased spermatogenesis function
Slowing embryonic development, reducing lactation. Congenital deformities of the fetus, complications of pregnancy and childbirth

IN ordinary life We use a dozen or two electrical devices, as a result of which our body is harmed by electromagnetic radiation. Our homes are packed with household appliances, and hospitals diagnose diseases with high-tech tomographs.

Electromagnetic radiation - what is it?

Electromagnetic radiation has accompanied living organisms for many millennia in the form of a natural background. In the process of technological progress, humanity has created artificial sources of radiation. Over millions of years of evolution, the human body has been able to adapt to many manifestations environment. But it remained defenseless against fluctuations in the level of electromagnetic radiation. Increasing the EMR level by a couple of percent is already enough to cause harm to the body's systems.

Electromagnetic radiation is produced by objects capable of exciting electromagnetic waves.

The emitted wavelength may vary depending on the type.

Types of radiation:

  • X-ray;
  • ultraviolet;
  • infrared;
  • radio wave;
  • side electromagnetic radiation.

X-rays and ultraviolet radiation, passing through tissues, have a damaging effect. Infrared radiation heats and accelerates chemical reactions in a cage. Radio waves are absorbed by human skin, which leads to heat loss.

Some types of radiation are felt by the human body, others are not. This does not cancel their destructive effect. Despite different names, the essence remains the same.

The electromagnetic field from various devices and power lines can accumulate, forming electromagnetic smog. Being in its area is very harmful to the body.

In addition, there is also side electromagnetic radiation and interference.

Stray electromagnetic radiation and interference are radiation emitted by computer components. With special devices it can be detected and deciphered. This is usually done for the purpose of obtaining information. The most powerful emitting element is the monitor, and it is from it that data is stolen. You can catch the data while viewing it on the screen. In order not to wait for the user to open the desired file, the operating system becomes infected with a virus. And then interested parties have every opportunity to steal any information. During a normal game of, say, kerchief, the virus will contact the necessary components and provoke side radiation.

However, the average user is not in danger of espionage. It is much more important to remember that the most powerful emitter of a computer is the monitor, and to stay at a safe distance from it.

Mechanism of action of electromagnetic radiation

Is electromagnetic radiation harmful? The answer is clear. Exposure to electromagnetic radiation negatively affects living organisms. Emitters suppress the natural frequencies of the body. Each organ vibrates at its own frequency. For example, for the heart it is 700 hertz, for the liver - 550-600 hertz, for the pancreas - 600-800 hertz. The average frequency of the human body is 620-680 hertz. When the average frequency drops to 580 hertz, the body becomes extremely vulnerable and diseases occur.

Irradiation source changes normal frequency the work of organs, forcing them to work harder or, conversely, suppressing activity. For example, if the heart rate increases by one and a half times, this will lead to angina.

People with electrical pacemakers are at particular risk. The influence of radio waves on the pacemaker above a certain level will cause the device to stop.

Currently there is no protection against electromagnetic influence No. Some companies tried to speculate on protective materials, but in practice they turned out to be useless.

The effect of electromagnetic radiation is negative on all living organisms. The very first systems that are damaged in humans are the nervous, immune, endocrine, and reproductive systems. They have one common property - intensive cell division, constant tissue renewal. The harm of electromagnetic radiation is due to changes in the cell cycle. Absorbed by tissues, it increases the reaction rate in the cell. At first glance it doesn't sound scary. Acceleration of cell division processes leads to the formation of errors and mutations. A cell that has shared with an error will perform its functions poorly or incompletely, and a cell with a mutation may even give rise to a cancerous tumor.

The most dangerous thing is not one-time exposure, but constant exposure to electromagnetic smog. Common signs of EMR damage to the body are headache, chronic fatigue syndrome, disruption of the thyroid gland and other endocrine organs. Decrease in brain functions, its degeneration. As a result - malignant tumors, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

Sources of electromagnetic radiation

The radiation intensity of electrical appliances varies. Accordingly, so does the harm caused. Let's consider in descending order of the danger of electromagnetic radiation:

So, first of all:

  • computers and laptops;
  • microwave;
  • power lines (power lines).
  • electric stove;
  • washing machine;
  • fridge;
  • mobile phone;
  • TV;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • fluorescent lamps.

And small household appliances are practically harmless: iron, blender, hair dryer, coffee machine, toaster.

Mobile phones pose a serious risk of electromagnetic radiation. Smartphones cause particular harm to the body. The level of radiation emanating from them is small compared to other electrical appliances. But, as we remember, the intensity of the impact increases if you get closer to the source of radiation. The main radiating element in a phone is the antenna. When we talk on the phone, we hold the emitter close to the brain tissue every day. The World Health Organization (WHO), after large-scale studies covering 13 countries, announced the carcinogenic properties of EMR and the connection between malignant head tumors and the use of mobile phones. According to research by some scientists, the picture looks even more frightening: brain cancer can occur even in those who talk on the phone for only 15 minutes a day.

How to reduce harm?

You won’t be able to neutralize electromagnetic radiation, and most likely, you won’t be able to eliminate household electrical appliances from your life either. This means that all that remains is to comply with “safety precautions”.

First of all, you need to understand how far the electromagnetic field extends. And, if possible, stay at a safe distance while electrical appliances are operating.

Thus, radiation from an electric stove, kettle and iron is at a distance of 20-30 cm.

TVs, refrigerators and washing machines produce noise per meter.

The real monster of radiation is the microwave oven. When cooking or heating food, it is better to stay away from it. Measurements show that at a distance of one to two meters the level of EMR is much higher than sanitary standards.

Modern smartphones have different intensities of electromagnetic radiation. In the specifications for the device, this parameter is called SAR. SAR determines the electromagnetic field energy absorbed by human tissue in one second. It is measured in watts per kilogram. In the USA, a value of 1.6 W/kg for 1 gram of tissue is considered safe. However, third-party research by scientists claims that the real SAR parameter is several times higher than that indicated in the characteristics of the gadget. The latest models of iPhones (7 and 7 plus) have SAR close to the normal limit.

Exposure to smartphones can be completely eliminated by following simple rules. Do not leave your phone close to your body during sleep, but it is better to turn it off altogether. Talk only using a wired headset. It is completely secure, unlike the more convenient wireless Bluetooth headset.

The harm from electromagnetic radiation can be reduced by staying at a safe distance from the devices while they are in operation.

This distance is different for each emitter. The closer you are to an electrical appliance, the more radiation you receive. It is important to remember the property of electromagnetic waves to penetrate walls. By correctly placing radiation sources in your apartment, you will not be protected from your neighbors’ electrical appliances. But there is a way out here too. Using a device that measures the electromagnetic field, you can find the optimal location for your furniture.

The human body has its own electromagnetic field, like any organism on earth, thanks to which all the cells of the body work harmoniously. Human electromagnetic radiation is also called the biofield (its visible part is the aura). Do not forget that this field is the main protective shell of our body from any negative influence. By destroying it, the organs and systems of our body become easy prey for any pathogenic factors.

If our electromagnetic field begins to be affected by other sources of radiation, much more powerful than the radiation of our body, then chaos begins in the body. This leads to a dramatic deterioration in health.

And such sources can be not only household appliances, mobile phones and transport. Significant influence We are influenced by large crowds of people, a person’s mood and his attitude towards us, geopathogenic zones on the planet, magnetic storms, etc.

There is still debate among scientists about the dangers of electromagnetic radiation. Some say that it is dangerous, others, on the contrary, do not see any harm. I would like to clarify.
What is dangerous is not the electromagnetic waves themselves, without which no device could really work, but their information component, which cannot be detected by conventional oscilloscopes.

It has been experimentally established that electromagnetic radiation has a torsion (information) component. According to research by specialists from France, Russia, Ukraine and Switzerland, it is torsion fields, and not electromagnetic ones, that are the main factor in the negative impact on human health. Since it is the torsion field that transmits to a person all the negative information that causes headaches, irritation, insomnia, etc.

Weak electromagnetic fields (EMF) with a power of hundredths and even thousandths of a watt of high frequency are dangerous for humans because the intensity of such fields coincides with the intensity of radiation from the human body during the normal functioning of all systems and organs in his body. As a result of this interaction, a person’s own field is distorted, provoking the development of various diseases, mainly in the most weakened parts of the body.

The most negative property of electromagnetic signals is that they tend to accumulate over time in the body. People who, by occupation, use a lot of various office equipment - computers, phones (including mobile phones) - have been found to have decreased immunity, frequent stress, decreased sexual activity, and increased fatigue. And that is not all Negative influence electromagnetic radiation!

Sources of negative radiation:

  • Geopathogenic zones
  • Sociopathogenic radiation: the influence of people on each other
  • Mobile communications and cell phones
  • Computers and laptops
  • TV
  • Microwaves (microwave oven)
  • Transport
  • Psychotronic weapon

The problem is that the danger is invisible and intangible, and begins to manifest itself only in the form of various diseases.

The circulatory system, brain, eyes, immune and reproductive systems are most susceptible to the influence of electromagnetic fields.

The imperceptible influence of electromagnetic radiation every day and every minute is exerted on our eyes and brain, gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system, hematopoietic organs and immune system. Someone will say: “So what?”

Did you know that already 15 minutes after starting to work on the computer, changes in the blood and urine of a 9-10 year old child almost coincide with changes in the blood of a person with cancer? Similar changes appear in a 16-year-old teenager after half an hour, in an adult – after 2 hours of working at the monitor.
Does the signal from a portable radiotelephone penetrate 37.5 mm into the brain?
US researchers have found:
- in most women who worked on computers during pregnancy, the fetus developed abnormally, and the probability of miscarriage approached 80%;
- brain cancer develops in electricians 13 times more often than in workers of other professions;

Effect of electromagnetic radiation on the nervous system:

The level of electromagnetic radiation, even if it does not cause thermal effects, can affect the most important functional systems of the body. Most experts consider the nervous system to be the most vulnerable of them. The mechanism of action is very simple - it has been established that electromagnetic fields disrupt the permeability of cell membranes to calcium ions. As a result, the nervous system begins to function improperly. In addition, the alternating electromagnetic field induces weak currents in the electrolytes, which are the liquid components of the tissues. The range of deviations caused by these processes is very wide - during the experiments, changes in the EEG of the brain, slowed reactions, memory impairment, depressive symptoms, etc. were recorded.

Effect of EMR on the immune system:

The immune system is also affected. Experimental studies in this direction have shown that in animals irradiated with EMF, the nature of the infectious process changes - the course of the infectious process is aggravated. There is reason to believe that when exposed to EMR, the processes of immunogenesis are disrupted, more often in the direction of their inhibition. This process is associated with the occurrence of autoimmunity. According to this concept, the basis of all autoimmune conditions is primarily immunodeficiency in the thymus-dependent cell population of lymphocytes. The influence of high-intensity EMF on the body’s immune system is manifested in a suppressive effect on the T-system of cellular immunity.

The endocrine system is also a target for EMR. Studies have shown that under the influence of EMF, as a rule, stimulation of the pituitary-adrenaline system occurred, which was accompanied by an increase in the content of adrenaline in the blood and activation of blood coagulation processes. It was recognized that one of the systems that is early and naturally involved in the body's response to the influence of various environmental factors is the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal cortex system.

The effect of electromagnetic radiation on the cardiovascular system:

Disorders of the cardiovascular system may also be noted. It manifests itself in the form of lability of pulse and blood pressure. Phase changes in the composition of peripheral blood are noted.

The influence of electromagnetic radiation on the reproductive system:

  1. There is a suppression of spermakinesis, an increase in the birth rate of girls, and an increase in the number of congenital defects and deformities. The ovaries are more sensitive to the influence of electromagnetic radiation.
  2. The female genital area is more susceptible to the effects of electromagnetic fields created by computers and other office and household equipment than the male genital area.
  3. The vessels of the head, the thyroid gland, the liver, and the genital area are critical areas of exposure. These are only the main and most obvious consequences of exposure to EMR. The picture of the real impact on each individual person is very individual. But to one degree or another, these systems are affected by all users of household appliances at different times.

Influence of electromagnetic radiation of various household appliances, μW/sq.cm (power flux density)

The impact on the human body (abbreviated EMF, electromagnetic field - EMF) has been studied by specialists since the invention of electricity: large research institutes have conducted studies on children, pregnant women and even entire generations of people.

As a result, according to official data from the WHO (World Health Organization), EMR is considered dangerous if exposed for too long.

Radiation sources– These are mobile electronics, telephone towers, transformers and many other electronic devices. It is impossible to protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation. It is found in natural quantities in the natural field of the earth. For example, the result of EMR in the atmosphere is flashes of ions during the northern lights.

But if the influence of electromagnetic radiation on a person is negative, how to maintain your health and compensate for unpleasant ailments?

Sources of electromagnetic radiation

The more electronics are produced, the more sources of EMR humanity receives. One cannot demand to stop the process of technologization: the scientific and technological revolution has led to the rise of electronics.

Now it occupies an important place in human life. Some electrical devices even support the lives of hospital patients on mechanical ventilation or in a coma, and in these cases the influence of EMR is negligible.

If you need to avoid sources of radiation, the only option is to simply not buy certain items or go near the following number of influencing things:

  • Cell phones;
  • tablets;
  • LCD TVs;
  • energy-saving lamps;
  • transformer booths;
  • large electrical cables;
  • sockets;
  • refrigerators;
  • home electric generators;
  • brain tomography devices;
  • and much more.

The effect on the human body is stronger the longer he uses the device. To limit the effect, it is enough to move a few meters away from the equipment.

Results of various studies

In the USSR, Spain, USA, Great Britain and other countries, studies were conducted on the effect of EMR on children and adults. Here are the main facts about emitting devices, which were identified during the experiments.

How does radiation affect the embryo?

Pregnant women who constantly worked at a PC while pregnant were more prone to miscarriages.

80% had prerequisites for its appearance and even full-fledged cases.

Another group of subjects, which did not spend as much time near electronics, had a much lower rate of miscarriages. The study was conducted in the USA in the early 2000s. Now computer technology has stepped forward, and the waves have become less dangerous for humans.

Children who talked on the phone for 20 minutes then showed changes in brain activity for 2 hours. A group of 11-13 years old was taken for testing. The experiment was carried out in Britain in the 90s.

The same experts, but later tested the influence of computers on children and adults. Children about 10 years old showed blood and EEG changes similar to those of cancer patients within half an hour. Teenagers - after an hour, and adults - after 2 hours. The changes faded away over the same period of time.

Experts from the University of Bristol have proven that the reaction speed of children 11-14 years old who constantly use the phone decreases by 1.5-2 times. Similar results were revealed by Finnish studies that studied the effects of electromagnetic fields and radiation on the human body.

Experiments on animals were carried out in the USSR. The offspring of those individuals who were even slightly irradiated during pregnancy turned out to be less viable. It showed abnormalities not only in development, but also at the genetic level.

Based on the above data, EMR actually has an effect on living organisms, including people.

How exactly does the impact process occur, which organs are affected by electromagnetic waves?

The nature of changes under the influence of EMR

Electromagnetic waves- these are certain vibrations that transmit energy from induction electrical systems and affect living organisms and inanimate objects.

Induction or irradiation occurs when electrons move unevenly within a closed space. Electrons are also part of the human body, as a result of which a microscopic magnetic and electronic field arises around the person.

Electromagnetic radiation affects a person by changing his natural field. Some vital functions depend on the field. For example, one’s own electromagnetic radiation affects the reaction speed of neurons, brain activity, and reaction.

When external influences lead to disturbances in natural wave levels, functions become disrupted. As a result, the body begins to get sick, exhibiting various EMR-related dysfunctions.

What does radiation affect?

Waves emitted by electrical devices and natural sources affect most parts of the human body:

  • reproductive system;
  • cardiovascular system;
  • endocrine organs;
  • departments responsible for immunity;
  • nervous system;
  • brain.

Each department suffers in its own way from constant doses of radiation. And even though the waves are less dangerous than radiation is commonly considered, the problem of EMR is more pressing: the induction of waves surrounds us at every step, and therefore is more dangerous.

Effect of EMR on the brain

Studies by prestigious English and American institutes of science, Finnish organizations and Russian research institutes have shown that EMR reduces the activity of the nervous system.

Signals from the brain to the periphery and in the opposite direction are transmitted more slowly. Some information is lost along the way, resulting in malfunctions: convulsions, absent-mindedness, incorrect mechanical movements.

Reaction speed decreases, especially in children. This leads to an increased risk of mortality due to accidents and the suppression of a sports career. Waves negatively affect brain activity, temporarily exerting a kind of “dumbing” effect on a person.

Side effects for the reproductive system

With constant exposure to induction on the reproductive system, reproductive function decreases. A person either becomes completely infertile or partially loses the viability of germ cells.

A man's gametes, called sperm, clump together, making it more difficult to conceive. Women's menstrual cycles are disrupted.

People with “electrical” professions (transformer booth repairman, electrician, IT specialist) are more likely to have children with developmental anomalies.

Cardiovascular depression

The blood vessels, especially in the eye area, become significantly narrower after prolonged exposure to emitting devices. The outflow and inflow of blood slows down, and the brain and other organs suffer from oxygen starvation.

Due to their lack of nutrition, vision deteriorates sharply, and the heart begins to “become naughty.” People who are susceptible to heart attacks are at greater risk of having them when using PCs and mobile devices.

Changes in the endocrine system

Thyroid gland in Lately shows dysfunction mainly in adolescents. This is caused not only by natural reasons (their rapid growth and hormonal changes), but also by the influence of electronic devices.

With constant exposure to EMR, the risk of developing iodine deficiency, excess thyroxine production, and delayed physical development increases.

Regular computer users show increased rates of ankle swelling, even if they took the breaks and exercises necessary to compensate for it while working. This is also associated with hormonal imbalances.

Conclusion about the effect of radiation on humans

It cannot be said unequivocally that we should abandon all electronic devices at once and move on to healthy image life. It is impossible to refuse their use. Easier to comply simple recommendations, which will reduce the negative effect of electronics.

Children should use phones and computers as little as possible, about 30-60 minutes a day. Adults should limit themselves to 2 hours. When working with electronics, you need constant breaks.

As you know, environment, nutrition and stress are the main factors that affect human health. Everything that enters our body from the outside helps or harms us.

Toxic substances, nitrates, pesticides, heavy metals, radiation and electromagnetic radiation destroy our health by accumulating in the body.

Even in our homes we are not protected from influence external factors. We live surrounded by chemicals.

Finishing materials, detergents and cleaning products are based on synthetic materials that have a carcinogenic effect on the human body. If we compare it with ozone holes and acid rain, the impact on the human body of synthetic materials inside our homes is much greater and what is most terrible is their constant exposure to people, albeit in small doses.

Therefore, it is hardly surprising that diseases caused by the influence of external influences on the body are becoming more and more common. These are not only ordinary allergies, but also oncological diseases such as cancer.

on the human body

What can we say about electromagnetic fields? Electrical wires entwined our homes, trapping us in a web like a trap. Exposure to radiation puts everyone at risk of various diseases. And it is unlikely that most of us will be able to change anything in this regard. This is not possible for anyone right now.

Therefore, I want to dwell in more detail on influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body.

Agree, it’s hard to imagine modern life without household appliances: computers, television receivers, cellular, radiation from microwave ovens, all this creates an electromagnetic field that can continue to exist for some time even after all devices are turned off, like static electricity.

The immune, nervous, reproductive and endocrine systems are especially sensitive to the influence of electromagnetic radiation on the human body. A person’s memory deteriorates, immunity decreases, constant tension appears due to an increase in adrenaline in the blood, sexual activity decreases, and in women, the negative impact on the development of the fetus during pregnancy increases.

Those people who are constantly forced to be exposed to electromagnetic radiation most often suffer from radio wave disease. It’s not for nothing that radiologists retire very early.

What should we do if we are constantly forced to be exposed to electromagnetic influence?

Electromagnetic radiation protection

To protect workers from electromagnetic radiation, enterprises use various absorbing, reflecting materials and deflecting devices.

In everyday life, the most effective protection is distance. They also use a shungite plate called magralit, which is installed on cell phones. This greatly reduces the harmful effects on the brain of a person talking on a cell phone. Watch a video about the Magralit shungite plate:

How to protect yourself if you are involuntarily exposed to electromagnetic radiation? First of all, you need to know the degree of danger to human health of each household appliance. To do this, look at the table:

Rules for protection against electromagnetic radiation at home

  1. When you buy household appliances, you need to check whether they meet all safety requirements and sanitary standards.
  2. The lower the power of a household appliance, the safer this device is for human health.
  3. It is better if household appliances are equipped automatic control at a distance (by remote control)
  4. The distance from a person’s permanent location of a household appliance must be at least 1.5 meters
  5. If you decide to install electric floors in your home, then choose a system with a low level of electromagnetic field.
  6. If you are forced to turn on several devices that emit radiation, then try to stay in this room as little as possible.
  7. Electrical wires should not be stored rolled up in rings during operation; straighten the resulting loops.
  8. Read the instructions for the devices carefully. Safe distances must be indicated there.
  9. The safest position is next to the computer opposite the monitor. Stay close to the sides and back of the computer. It is better to keep the distance from the monitor at 50-70cm
  10. At night, be sure to turn off your computer from the network, especially in the rooms where you sleep.
  11. If you are choosing a place for a bed in a room, be sure to check whether there is a computer or TV behind the wall next to it. Walls do not protect against magnetic fields.