Director of the Likhachev Heritage Institute. How the Institute of Cultural Studies and the Institute of Heritage were destroyed. Scientific and practical events of the Institute

In February 1928, after graduating from Leningrad State University, Dmitry Likhachev was arrested for participating in the Space Academy of Sciences student group and sentenced to five years for counter-revolutionary activities.

From November 1928 to August 1932, Likhachev served his sentence in the Solovetsky special purpose camp. Here, during his stay in the camp, in 1930 the first scientific work Likhachev "Card games of criminals" in the magazine "Solovetsky Islands".

After his early release, he returned to Leningrad, where he worked as a literary editor and proofreader in various publishing houses. Since 1938, Dmitry Likhachev's life was connected with Pushkin House- Institute of Russian Literature (IRLI AS USSR), where he began working as a junior researcher, then became a member of the academic council (1948), and later - head of the sector (1954) and department ancient Russian literature (1986).

During the Great Patriotic War from the autumn of 1941 to the spring of 1942, Dmitry Likhachev lived and worked in besieged Leningrad, from where he and his family were evacuated along the “Road of Life” to Kazan. For his selfless work in a besieged city he was awarded a medal"For the defense of Leningrad."

Since 1946, Likhachev worked in Leningradsky state university(LSU): first as an associate professor, and in 1951-1953 as a professor. At the Faculty of History of Leningrad State University, he taught special courses “History of Russian Chronicles”, “Paleography”, “History of Culture Ancient Rus'" and others.

Dmitry Likhachev devoted most of his works to the study of the culture of Ancient Rus' and its traditions: " National identity Ancient Rus'" (1945), "The Emergence of Russian Literature" (1952), "Man in the Literature of Ancient Rus'" (1958), "The Culture of Rus' in the Time of Andrei Rublev and Epiphanius the Wise" (1962), "The Poetics of Old Russian Literature" (1967), the essay “Notes on the Russian” (1981). The collection “The Past for the Future” (1985) is dedicated to Russian culture and the inheritance of its traditions.

Likhachev paid a lot of attention to the study of the great monuments of ancient Russian literature “The Tale of Bygone Years” and “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” which he translated into modern Russian with the author’s comments (1950). IN different years Various articles and monographs of the scientist, translated into many languages ​​of the world, were devoted to these works.

Dmitry Likhachev was elected a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1953) and a full member (academician) of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1970). He was a foreign member or corresponding member of the academies of sciences of a number of countries: the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1963), the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (1971), the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1973), the British Academy (1976), the Austrian Academy of Sciences (1968), the Göttingen Academy Academy of Sciences (1988), American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1993).

Likhachev was an honorary doctor from the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun (1964), Oxford (1967), the University of Edinburgh (1971), the University of Bordeaux (1982), the University of Zurich (1982), Lorand Eötvos University of Budapest (1985), Sofia University (1988) ), Charles University (1991), University of Siena (1992), honorary member of the Serbian literary-scientific and cultural-educational society "Srpska matica" (1991), Philosophical scientific society USA (1992). Since 1989, Likhachev was a member of the Soviet (later Russian) branch of the Pen Club.

Academician Likhachev conducted active social work. The academician considered his most significant work as chairman of the series " Literary monuments"in the Soviet (later Russian) Cultural Foundation (1986-1993), as well as activities as a member of the editorial board of the academic series "Popular Science Literature" (since 1963). Dmitry Likhachev actively spoke in the media in defense of monuments of Russian culture - buildings, streets, parks. Thanks to the scientist’s activities, many monuments in Russia and Ukraine were saved from demolition, “reconstruction” and “restoration.”

For his scientific and social activities Dmitry Likhachev was awarded many government awards. Academician Likhachev was twice awarded the USSR State Prize - for scientific works"The Cultural History of Ancient Rus'" (1952) and "The Poetics of Ancient Russian Literature" (1969), and the State Prize Russian Federation for the series “Monuments of Literature of Ancient Rus'” (1993). In 2000, Dmitry Likhachev was posthumously awarded the Russian State Prize for Development artistic direction domestic television and the creation of an all-Russian state television channel "Culture".

Academician Dmitry Likhachev was awarded the highest awards of the USSR and Russia - the title of Hero of Socialist Labor (1986) with the Order of Lenin and the gold medal "Hammer and Sickle", he was the first holder of the Order of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called (1998), and was also awarded many orders and medals.

Since 1935, Dmitry Likhachev was married to Zinaida Makarova, an employee of the publishing house. In 1937, their twin daughters Vera and Lyudmila were born. In 1981, the academician’s daughter Vera died in a car accident.

2006, the year of the centenary of the scientist’s birth, by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

Mironov Arseny Stanislavovich


In 1995 he graduated from the international department of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. Speaks English, French and Serbo-Croatian.

Since 1994, he worked at ITAR-TASS in the editorial office of European countries as an intern, correspondent in Washington, editor, senior editor, special correspondent of the diplomatic service in Moscow.

Since 1995 - member of the Union of Journalists of Russia.

In 1998-99 - consultant to the Referenta of the President of the Russian Federation.

In 2000-2004 - Advisor to the Office of the Press Service of the President of the Russian Federation.

In 2001, he defended his dissertation work “Techniques of soft propaganda in the quality press of the USA and France” (supervisor Prof. Ya.N. Zasursky). Inflate and conquer: technologies of modern soft propaganda Candidate philological sciences.

In 2004-2008 - chief adviser to the Protocol and Organizational Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation.

2008-2012: Director of the Department of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications

From 2008 to 2012 - Director of the Department of Information and Public Relations of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of Russia. Member of the team of Igor Olegovich Shchegolev. Several sources close to Svyazinvest companies said that it was Arseny Mironov who introduced Igor Shchegolev and Konstantin Malofeev. The latter has known Mironov since childhood. But their close cooperation, according to Mironov, began in 2006, when the Orthodox gymnasium of St. Basil the Great was created (one of the main projects of the Malofeev Foundation). Mironov says that he joined its academic council, helped develop the concept and compile new textbooks. According to him, when he was working on a literature textbook for the 10th grade of the gymnasium, he discussed the very idea of ​​the gymnasium, including with Shchegolev. “Shchegolev is interested in history, and this project was interesting to him,” says Mironov.

2012: Deputy director of the Institute of Art Studies

In 2012 - Deputy Director of the State Institute of Art Studies.

2013: Assistant to the Minister of Culture

In 2013 - Ministry of Culture of Russia, Assistant to the Minister in charge of planning issues of state policy in the field of:

  • culture, organization of activities of expert councils of the Ministry of Culture of Russia and examination of creative projects;
  • digital heritage and information technology in the field of culture;
  • preservation, study and popularization of intangible cultural heritage and traditional folk culture;
  • public relations and preparation of projects for public speeches of the Minister;
  • interaction with the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade on the development of national cultural images for the children's goods industry.

Member of the State Council's editorial group for state cultural policy, Working group The Ministry of Culture of Russia on the development of the Strategy for State Cultural Policy.

2014: Director of the Likhachev Heritage Institute

In September 2014, Arseny Mironov was appointed director of the Russian Research Institute of Cultural and natural heritage named after D.S. Likhachev.

The Russian Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage was created by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation in 1992.

The creation of the institute was determined by the need to implement the provisions of the UNESCO Convention “On the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage” and take effective measures to preserve, improve and develop historical, cultural and natural environment. The purpose of creating the Institute is defined in a government decree as scientific support for state cultural policy and regional programs for the preservation and use of national heritage.

The history of the institute is closely connected with the work of the Soviet Cultural Foundation, created in the late 1980s and working under the leadership of D. S. Likhachev. The core of the institute’s team was made up of specialists who participated in the work of the Council for Unique Territories of the Soviet Cultural Fund.

The activities of the new institute were guided by precisely those principles that were developed during work at the Cultural Foundation, in scientific expeditions and research conducted under the patronage of Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev and in the process of forming a new cultural policy and lawmaking at the transition point from Soviet era To new Russia. The Institute's activities are based on the fundamental role of heritage in preserving the country's cultural and natural diversity and in its sustainable development. The sphere of interests of the institute, defined at the very beginning of its functioning: methodology and theory of conservation of cultural and natural heritage, development of comprehensive territorial heritage conservation programs, formation of a system of specially protected areas, cartographic support for the sphere of heritage protection, study of living traditional culture, remains relevant today .

In 1999, the Institute was named after Academician D. S. Likhachev.

The Russian Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage was created by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation in 1992.

The creation of the institute was determined by the need to implement the provisions of the UNESCO Convention “On the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage” and take effective measures to preserve, improve and develop the historical, cultural and natural environment. The purpose of creating the Institute is defined in a government decree as scientific support for state cultural policy and regional programs for the preservation and use of national heritage.

The history of the institute is closely connected with the work of the Soviet Culture Foundation, created in the late 1980s and working under the leadership of D.S. Likhachev. The core of the institute’s team was made up of specialists who participated in the work of the Council for Unique Territories of the Soviet Cultural Foundation.

The activities of the new institute were guided by precisely those principles that were developed during work at the Cultural Foundation, in scientific expeditions and research conducted under the patronage of Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev and in the process of forming a new cultural policy and lawmaking at the transition point from the Soviet era to the new Russia. The Institute's activities are based on the fundamental role of heritage in preserving the country's cultural and natural diversity and in its sustainable development. The sphere of interests of the institute, defined at the very beginning of its functioning: methodology and theory of conservation of cultural and natural heritage, development of comprehensive territorial heritage conservation programs, formation of a system of specially protected areas, cartographic support for the sphere of heritage protection, study of living traditional culture, remains relevant today .

In 1999, the Institute was named after Academician D.S. Likhachev.

Basic principles of the Institute:

Focus on a broad view of heritage as a reflection historical experience interaction between man and nature. This presupposes the inclusion in the category of heritage not only of immovable and movable monuments of history, culture and nature, but also of objects of living traditional culture, traditional technologies, historically established forms of economy and environmental management, and the cultural landscape.

Consideration of heritage as a systemic formation in which individual heritage objects cannot be preserved without connection with each other and outside environment. At the same time, not only individual monuments, but also the entire historical, cultural and natural environment become the object of protection. At the same time, the unity and close relationship between cultural and natural heritage is emphasized.

The primacy of a spatial approach to heritage conservation. The main objects of protection and use are territories - from the country as a whole to individual cities, villages, estates, national parks, historical and cultural territories. At the same time, the concept of territory implies all the diversity of historical, cultural and natural monuments, ensembles, landscapes included in it, as well as traditional forms of socio-cultural and economic activity that have survived to this day.

Consideration of activities for the protection and use of heritage as an organic part of the complex of modern socio-cultural, socio-economic, political and environmental processes.

Organizational and legal form

Organizational and legal form - Federal state budgetary research institution under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation with scientific and methodological guidance of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Heritage Institute and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation


License Federal service on supervision of compliance with legislation in the field of mass communications and protection of cultural heritage dated March 4, 2005 No. 264 for the implementation of activities for the restoration of cultural heritage sites (historical and cultural monuments).


The Russian Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage was created by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation in 1992.

The Heritage Institute was created to implement the provisions of the UNESCO Convention “On the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage” and take effective measures to preserve, improve and develop the historical, cultural and natural environment. The government decree defined the purpose of creation as scientific support for state cultural policy and regional programs for the preservation and use of national heritage.

The background of the Heritage Institute is connected with the Soviet Cultural Foundation. The staff of the institute consisted of specialists who participated in the work of the Council on Unique Territories of the Fund. The basic principles underlying the activities of the institute were developed during work at the Soviet Cultural Foundation, in scientific expeditions and research supervised by D. S. Likhachev.

The idea of ​​the fundamental role of heritage in preserving the cultural and natural diversity of the country and in its sustainable development is key to the activities of the institute. From the very beginning of its activities, the sphere of interests of the Heritage Institute included the methodology and theory of preserving cultural and natural heritage, the development of comprehensive territorial heritage conservation programs, the formation of a system of specially protected areas, cartographic support for the sphere of heritage protection, and the study of living traditional culture.

After the death of D. S. Likhachev in 1999, the Heritage Institute was named after him.

Structure and areas of activity


Discussion of main directions and problems scientific activity Institute, discussion and approval of dissertation research of graduate students and applicants, discussion of the results of research work of sectors and centers of the Institute at the end of the year.

Heritage Documentation Center (HCDC)

Collection and dissemination of diverse information related to cultural and natural heritage for scientific, official and educational purposes.


Sector of unique historical and natural areas

A comprehensive study of territorially expressed especially valuable objects of cultural and natural heritage and scientific justification of policies regarding their protection and use.


  • Abdurakhmanova, Zarema Tariverdievna - researcher. Candidate of Geographical Sciences.
  • Kulinskaya, Svetlana Vladimirovna - senior researcher.
  • Pakina, Alla Anatolyevna Candidate of Geographical Sciences.

Sector of legal problems of cultural landscape management

Identification and systematization of cultural landscapes, including work on the study of the nomination of cultural landscapes of world significance; information support and monitoring of cultural landscapes; development of regulations and legal documents aimed at preserving cultural landscapes and regulating their use; development of programs, projects, plans, diagrams, concepts and other guidance documents for the management of cultural landscapes as heritage sites; inclusion of the information potential of the cultural landscape in the main development programs and the main activities of museum-reserves and national parks as government institutions.


  • Gomboev, Bair Tsyrempilovich - senior researcher. Candidate of Geographical Sciences.
  • Shtilmark, Natalya Feliksovna - senior researcher.

Sector for the protection and use of archaeological heritage

Participation in the legislative process; development of new regulations and methods for recording and monitoring objects of archaeological heritage, creation of methodological foundations for a monitoring system of archaeological heritage.

Head - Sergey Valentinovich Gusev, Candidate of Historical Sciences.


  • Zagorulko, Andrey Vladislavovich (b.) - senior researcher. Candidate of Historical Sciences.
  • Mukhin, Gennady Dmitrievich (b.) - senior researcher. Candidate of Historical Sciences.
  • Prut, Alexander Anatolyevich - research fellow.

Living Traditional Culture Sector

Living culture is a set of facts and phenomena of spiritual and material culture, relevant for society or individual social groups in the current period of time. The most important component living culture, its kind genetic code is a tradition that ensures continuity and continuity of cultural development.


  • Belosheyeva, Anna Aleksandrovna - research fellow.
  • Vedernikova, Natalya Mikhailovna Candidate of Philological Sciences.
  • Veshnsky, Yuri Grigorievich (b.) - senior researcher. Candidate of Cultural Studies.
  • Nikitina, Serafima Evgenievna (b.) Doctor of Philological Sciences.
  • Polishchuk, Mikhail Aleksandrovich - researcher.
  • Ryabov, Sergey Alekseevich - leading researcher. Candidate of Military Sciences.
  • Faustova, Elmara Nurgaleevna (b.) - researcher. Candidate of Philosophical Sciences.
  • Cherenkov, Lev Nikolaevich (b.) - senior researcher. Candidate of Historical Sciences.

Center for Traditional Culture of Nature Management

Cultural landscapes and traditional indigenous knowledge small peoples and ethno-territorial groups of other peoples of the North; marine mammals and birds of the Arctic - traditions of conservation and use; aboriginal pets in traditional cultures Russia and foreign countries.

Head - Lyudmila Sergeevna Bogoslovskaya, Doctor of Biological Sciences.


  • Aleynikov, Pyotr Aleksandrovich - leading researcher. Candidate of Philological Sciences.
  • Vdovin, Boris Innokentievich - senior researcher.
  • Kozlov, Andrey Igorevich - leading researcher. Doctor of Biological Sciences, Candidate of Medical Sciences.
  • Krupnik, Igor Ilyich (b.) - leading researcher. Doctor of Biological Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences.
  • Sulimov, Klim Timofeevich - leading researcher. Candidate of Biological Sciences.

Sector for the Study of Historical and Traditional Technologies

“Historical” technologies are technologies that in the “pre-industrial” period were the basis of many industries and were used to create material objects, but have now long disappeared with the disappearance of industries operating on the basis of these technologies. “Traditional” technologies are “historical” technologies that managed to adapt to the conditions of the industrial revolution.


  • Maksimova, Tatyana Vasilievna - senior researcher.
  • Sadykova, Elena Yuryevna (b.) - senior researcher. Candidate of Art History.
  • Frolov, Dmitry Yuryevich (b.) - research fellow.

Center for Environmental Problems of Heritage Conservation and Expertise of Regional Programs and Projects

Analysis environmental problems preserving heritage and finding ways to solve them.

Head - Galina Alekseevna Zaitseva, Candidate of Biological Sciences.

Sector of Russian estate and garden culture

Local history sector

Study of a complex implementation problem government functions on the study and protection of cultural and natural heritage by means of local history, as well as the study and use of the educational potential of the heritage.

Head - Valery Evgenievich Tumanov, Candidate of Historical Sciences.

Sector of tourism and recreational forms of heritage use

Head - Sergey Yuryevich Zhitenev (b.), candidate of cultural studies.


  • Baynazarov, Yuri Karabaevich (b.) - senior researcher.
  • Solovyov, Andrey Petrovich (b.) - senior researcher.

Arctic Cultural and Natural Heritage Research Sector

Identification, description, monitoring and preservation of the historical, cultural and natural environment of the Arctic.

Head - Ilya Borisovich Baryshev.


  • Kuliev, Anatoly Nikolaevich - senior researcher.
  • Pyatnitskaya, Alena Vasilievna (b.) - junior researcher.

Sector for Research of Cultural and Natural Heritage of the Solovetsky Archipelago and White Sea Region

A sector based on the Maritime Arctic Complex Expedition (MAEC), which has been conducting field research of the Solovetsky Archipelago since 1986; is part of the Marine Arctic Complex Expedition center.

Head - Vadim Vadimovich Ryabikov.


  • Gruzinov, Veniamin Stanislavovich (b.) - senior researcher.
  • Zakharov, Yuri Semenovich - senior researcher.
  • Semyonova, Tamara Yuryevna - senior researcher.
  • Filin, Pavel Anatolyevich - senior researcher, head of the White Sea detachment of MACE. Candidate of Historical Sciences.


  • Lopan, Oksana Vitalievna - researcher.

Sector for comprehensive research, design and protection of historical territories of the Central region of Russia

Development of new research, design and conservation methods historical territories Central Russia as an integral ecological and cultural system that preserves unique evidence of our past and ensures ethnocultural identity, continuity of traditions and sustainable development of society.


  • Glazunova, Olga Nikolaevna (b.) - senior researcher.
  • Ershova, Ekaterina Georgievna - researcher. Candidate of Biological Sciences.
  • Zavyalov, Dmitry Grigorievich - researcher.
  • Zavyalova, Nadezhda Iosifovna - senior researcher. PhD in Architecture.
  • Lebedeva, Ekaterina Yurievna (b.) - senior researcher.
  • Nikolaeva, Natalya Vyacheslavovna - senior researcher.
  • Rom, Natalia Vitoldovna - junior researcher.
  • Smirnov, Sergey Alekseevich (b.) - research fellow.
  • Sherenkova, Vera Nikolaevna (b.) - junior researcher.

Museum and restoration sector

Non-specialized museum department.

Head - Tatyana Ivanovna Chernova.


  • Pozdnyakova, Galina Ivanovna - senior researcher.

Heritage Electronic Publishing Sector

Use of existing and creation of new computer technologies for their application in the field of study and use of cultural and natural heritage.

Head - Sergey Anatolyevich Pchelkin.


  • Vorobyova, Elena Andreevna - senior researcher.

Conferences organized by the Heritage Institute



  • Russia: imagination of space / space of imagination. International conference.


  • Domestic and world experience in the conservation and use of cultural and natural heritage. International conference within the framework of events dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the creation of the Heritage Institute.


Proceedings of the Heritage Institute

Collective monographs

Proceedings of the Maritime Arctic Complex Expedition (MACE)

  • Willem Barents Park on Novaya Zemlya. In Russian and English. M., 1998.
  • New Earth. Nature. Story. Archeology. Culture. Book 2. part 1. Cultural heritage. Radioecology. Proceedings of the Marine Arctic Complex Expedition.
  • New Earth. Nature. Story. Archeology. Culture. Book 1. Nature. Proceedings of the Marine Arctic Complex Expedition.
  • Vaygach Island, Hebidya Ya is the sacred island of the Nenets people. Natural and cultural heritage. M., Heritage Institute. 2000.
  • Solovetsky Islands. Spiritual and cultural heritage. Map for pilgrims and tourists. M., Heritage Institute. 2001.
  • Polar Archive. Volume 1. Proceedings of the maritime Arctic complex expedition under the general editorship of P.V. Boyarsky. M., 2003.
  • Solovetsky Islands. Spiritual and cultural heritage. Map for pilgrims and tourists. Scale 1:50,000. M., Heritage Institute. 2004.
  • Vaygach Island. Book 1. Monuments of Arctic exploration. M., 2000.
  • New Earth. Nature, history, archeology, culture. Book 2, part 2. M., 2000.
  • Koch - Russian polar ship: problems, research and reconstruction. M., 2000.
  • The village of Belushya Guba is the capital of the polar archipelago Novaya Zemlya (1897-1997). M., 1997.
  • To the North with Barents. Joint Russian-Dutch comprehensive archaeological research on Novaya Zemlya in 1995. In Russian and English Amsterdam, 1997.
  • Solovetsky Islands. Bolshaya Muksalma Island.
  • Map “New Earth. Natural and cultural heritage." Scale 1:1000,000; inset map to it “History of discoveries and research”, scale 1: 2500 000. M., Heritage Institute. 1995.
  • Map “Vaygach Island. Natural and cultural heritage. Hebidya Ya is the sacred island of the Nenets people.” Scale 1:200,000. M., Heritage Institute. 2000.
  • New Earth. Volume 1. Book 1. Proceedings of the Marine Arctic Complex Expedition. M., 1993.
  • New Earth. Volume 1. Book 2. Issue II. Proceedings of the Marine Arctic Complex Expedition. M., 1993.
  • New Earth. Volume 2. Issue III. Proceedings of the Marine Arctic Complex Expedition. M., 1993.
  • New Earth. Volume 3. Issue IV. Proceedings of the Marine Arctic Complex Expedition. M., 1994.
  • Novaya Zemlya: the concept of forming a system of specially protected natural, historical and cultural territories. M., 1994.
  • Solovetsky Islands. Bolshaya Muksalma Island. Coll. auto.. M., 1996.
  • New Earth. Nature. Story. Archeology. Culture. Book 1. Nature. Proceedings of the Marine Arctic Complex Expedition. Coll.aut. M., 1998.
  • New Earth. Nature. Story. Archeology. Culture. Book 2, part 1. Cultural heritage. Radioecology. Proceedings of the Marine Arctic Complex Expedition. Coll. auto M., 1998.
  • Willem Barents Park on Novaya Zemlya. M., Heritage Institute. 1998.
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