What is the source of ultraviolet radiation. How can you make sure your lenses provide UV protection? Quartz emitting devices

The concept of ultraviolet rays was first encountered by an Indian philosopher of the 13th century in his work. The atmosphere of the area he described Bhootakasha contained violet rays that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Soon after infrared radiation was discovered, the German physicist Johann Wilhelm Ritter began searching for radiation at the opposite end of the spectrum, with a wavelength shorter than that of violet. In 1801, he discovered that silver chloride, which decomposes faster when exposed to light decomposes under the influence of invisible radiation outside the violet region of the spectrum. Silver chloride white within a few minutes it darkens in the light. Different parts of the spectrum have different effects on the rate of darkening. This happens most quickly in front of the violet region of the spectrum. Many scientists, including Ritter, then agreed that light consists of three distinct components: an oxidative or thermal (infrared) component, an illuminant (visible light) component, and a reducing (ultraviolet) component. At that time, ultraviolet radiation was also called actinic radiation. Ideas about the unity of three various parts spectrum were first voiced only in 1842 in the works of Alexander Becquerel, Macedonio Melloni and others.


Degradation of polymers and dyes

Scope of application

Black light

Chemical analysis

UV spectrometry

UV spectrophotometry is based on irradiating a substance with monochromatic UV radiation, the wavelength of which changes over time. The substance absorbs UV radiation at different wavelengths to varying degrees. A graph, the ordinate axis of which shows the amount of transmitted or reflected radiation, and the abscissa axis the wavelength, forms a spectrum. The spectra are unique for each substance, which is the basis for the identification of individual substances in a mixture, as well as their quantitative measurement.

Mineral Analysis

Many minerals contain substances that, when illuminated by ultraviolet light, begin to emit visible light. Each impurity glows in its own way, which makes it possible to determine the composition of a given mineral by the nature of the glow. A. A. Malakhov in his book “Interesting about Geology” (Moscow, “Young Guard”, 1969. 240 pp) talks about it this way: “An unusual glow of minerals is caused by cathode, ultraviolet, and x-rays. In the world of dead stone, those minerals that light up and shine most brightly are those that, once in the zone of ultraviolet light, tell about the smallest impurities of uranium or manganese included in the rock. Many other minerals that do not contain any impurities also flash a strange “unearthly” color. I spent the whole day in the laboratory, where I observed the luminescent glow of minerals. Ordinary colorless calcite became miraculously colored under the influence of various light sources. Cathode rays made the crystal ruby-red; in ultraviolet light it lit up with crimson-red tones. The two minerals, fluorite and zircon, were indistinguishable in X-rays. Both were green. But as soon as the cathode light was connected, the fluorite became purple and the zircon turned lemon yellow.” (p. 11).

Qualitative chromatographic analysis

Chromatograms obtained by TLC are often viewed under ultraviolet light, which makes it possible to identify a number of organic substances by their glow color and retention index.

Catching insects

Ultraviolet radiation is often used when catching insects with light (often in combination with lamps emitting in the visible part of the spectrum). This is due to the fact that for most insects the visible range is shifted compared to human vision, in the short-wave part of the spectrum: insects do not see what humans perceive as red, but they see soft ultraviolet light.

Artificial tanning and “Mountain sun”

At certain dosages, artificial tanning can improve the condition and appearance human skin, promotes the formation of vitamin D. Fotaria are currently popular, which in everyday life are often called solariums.

Ultraviolet in restoration

One of the main tools of experts is ultraviolet, x-ray and infrared radiation. Ultraviolet rays make it possible to determine the aging of a varnish film - fresher varnish looks darker in ultraviolet light. In the light of a large laboratory ultraviolet lamp, restored areas and hand-written signatures appear as darker spots. X-rays are blocked by the heaviest elements. In the human body this is bone tissue, but in a painting it is whitewash. The basis of white in most cases is lead; in the 19th century, zinc began to be used, and in the 20th century, titanium. All these are heavy metals. Ultimately, on film we get an image of the whitewash underpainting. Underpainting is the individual “handwriting” of the artist, an element of his own unique technology. To analyze the underpainting, a database of X-ray photographs of paintings by great masters is used. These photographs are also used to determine the authenticity of a painting.


  1. ISO 21348 Process for Determining Solar Irradiances. Archived from the original on June 23, 2012.
  2. Bobukh, Evgeniy On animal vision. Archived from the original on November 7, 2012. Retrieved November 6, 2012.
  3. Soviet encyclopedia
  4. V. K. Popov // UFN. - 1985. - T. 147. - P. 587-604.
  5. A. K. Shuaibov, V. S. Shevera Ultraviolet nitrogen laser at 337.1 nm in frequent repetition mode // Ukrainian Physical Journal. - 1977. - T. 22. - No. 1. - P. 157-158.
  6. A. G. Molchanov

Life-giving rays.

The sun emits three types of ultraviolet rays. Each of these types affects the skin differently.

Most of us feel healthier and healthier after spending time at the beach. full of life. Thanks to the life-giving rays, vitamin D is formed in the skin, which is necessary for the complete absorption of calcium. But only small doses of solar radiation have a beneficial effect on the body.

But heavily tanned skin is still damaged skin and, as a consequence, premature aging and high risk development of skin cancer.

Sunlight - electromagnetic radiation. In addition to the visible spectrum of radiation, it contains ultraviolet radiation, which is actually responsible for tanning. Ultraviolet light stimulates the ability of melanocyte pigment cells to produce more melanin, which performs a protective function.

Types of UV rays.

There are three types of ultraviolet rays, which differ in wavelength. Ultraviolet radiation is able to penetrate through the epidermis of the skin into deeper layers. This activates the production of new cells and keratin, resulting in tighter, rougher skin. Sun rays penetrating the dermis destroy collagen and lead to changes in the thickness and texture of the skin.

Ultraviolet rays A.

These rays have the lowest level of radiation. Previously, it was generally believed that they were harmless, however, it has now been proven that this is not the case. The level of these rays remains almost constant throughout the day and year. They even penetrate glass.

UV A rays penetrate through the layers of the skin, reaching the dermis, damaging the base and structure of the skin, destroying collagen and elastin fibers.

A-rays promote the appearance of wrinkles, reduce skin elasticity, accelerate the appearance of signs of premature aging, and weaken the skin's defense system, making it more susceptible to infections and possibly cancer.

Ultraviolet rays B.

Rays of this type are emitted by the sun only at certain times of the year and hours of the day. Depending on air temperature and latitude, they usually enter the atmosphere between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

UVB rays cause more serious damage to the skin because they interact with DNA molecules found in skin cells. B rays damage the epidermis, leading to sunburn. B rays damage the epidermis, leading to sunburn. This type of radiation increases the activity of free radicals, which weaken the skin's natural defense system.

Ultraviolet B rays promote tanning and cause sunburn, lead to premature aging and the appearance of dark pigment spots, make the skin rough and rough, accelerate the appearance of wrinkles, and can provoke the development of precancerous diseases and skin cancer.

Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) - electromagnetic radiation of the optical range, which is conventionally divided into short-wave (UVI S - with a wavelength of 200-280 nm), medium-wave (UVI B - with a wavelength of 280-320 nm) and long-wave (UVI A - with a wavelength of 320-400 nm ).

UVR is generated by both natural and artificial sources. The main natural source of UVR is the Sun. UVR reaches the Earth's surface in the range of 280-400 nm, since shorter waves are absorbed in the upper layers of the stratosphere.

Artificial UVR sources are widely used in industry, medicine, etc.

Virtually any material heated to a temperature exceeding 2500 eK generates UVR. UVI sources are welding with oxygen-acetylene, oxygen-hydrogen, and plasma torches.

Sources of biologically effective UVR can be divided into gas-discharge and fluorescent. Gas-discharge lamps include low-pressure mercury lamps with a maximum emission at a wavelength of 253.7 nm, i.e. corresponding to maximum bactericidal efficiency, and high pressure with wavelengths of 254, 297, 303, 313 nm. The latter are widely used in photochemical reactors, in printing, and for phototherapy of skin diseases. Xenon lamps are used for the same purposes as mercury lamps. The optical spectra of flash lamps depend on the gas used in them - xenon, krypton, argon, neon, etc.

In fluorescent lamps, the spectrum depends on the mercury phosphor used.

Workers may be exposed to excess UV radiation industrial enterprises and medical institutions where the above sources are used, as well as people working outdoors due to solar radiation (agricultural, construction, railway workers, fishermen, etc.).

It has been established that both a deficiency and an excess of UVR negatively affect human health. If UVR is insufficient, children develop rickets due to a lack of vitamin D and impaired phosphorus-calcium metabolism, the activity of the body's defense systems, primarily the immune system, decreases, which makes it more vulnerable to the effects of adverse factors.

The critical organs for UVR perception are the skin and eyes. Acute eye lesions, so-called electroophthalmia (photoophthalmia), are acute conjunctivitis. The disease is preceded by a latent period, which lasts about 12 hours. Chronic eye lesions are associated with chronic conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and lens cataracts.

Skin lesions occur in the form of acute dermatitis with erythema, sometimes swelling, up to the formation of blisters. Along with the local reaction, general toxic phenomena may be observed. Subsequently, hyperpigmentation and peeling are observed. Chronic changes in the skin caused by ultraviolet radiation are expressed in skin aging, the development of keratosis, atrophy of the epidermis, and malignant neoplasms are possible.

IN lately Interest in improving public health through preventive ultraviolet irradiation has increased significantly. Indeed, ultraviolet starvation, usually observed in the winter season and especially among residents of the North of Russia, leads to a significant decrease in the body's defenses and an increase in the incidence rate. Children are the first to suffer.

Our country is the founder of the movement to compensate for ultraviolet deficiency in the population using artificial sources of ultraviolet radiation, the spectrum of which is close to natural. Experience with the use of artificial sources of ultraviolet radiation requires appropriate adjustment in terms of dose and methods of use.

The territory of Russia from south to north extends from 40 to 80? north latitude and is conventionally divided into five climatic regions of the country. Let us evaluate the natural ultraviolet climate of two extreme and one middle geographical regions. These are areas of the North (70? N - Murmansk, Norilsk, Dudinka, etc.), Middle zone(55? N - Moscow, etc.) and the South (40? N - Sochi, etc.) of our country.

Let us recall that according to the biological effect, the spectrum of ultraviolet radiation from the Sun is divided into two regions: “A” - radiation with a wavelength of 400-315 nm, and “B” - radiation with a wavelength of less than 315 nm (up to 280 nm). However, practically earth's surface rays shorter than 290 nm do not reach. Ultraviolet radiation with a wavelength of less than 280 nm, which is found only in the spectrum of artificial sources, belongs to the “C” region of ultraviolet radiation. Humans do not have receptors that urgently (with a short latent period) respond to ultraviolet radiation. A feature of natural UV radiation is its ability to cause (with a relatively long latent period) erythema, which is a specific reaction of the body to the action of UV radiation in the solar spectrum. IN to the greatest extent UV radiation with a wavelength of maximum 296.7 nm is capable of forming erythema (Table 10.1).

Table 10.1.Erythemal efficiency of monochromatic UV radiation

As can be seen from table 10.1, radiation with a wavelength of 285 nm is 10 times less active, and rays with a wavelength of 290 nm and 310 nm are 3 times less active in forming erythema than radiation with a wavelength of 297 nm.

Arrival of daily UV radiation from the sun for the above regions of the country in summer (Table 10.2) relatively high 35-52 er-h/m -2 (1 er-h/m -2 = 6000 μW-min/cm 2). However, in other periods of the year there is a significant difference, and in winter, especially in the North, there is no natural radiation from the sun.

Table 10.2.Average distribution of erythemal radiation of the area (er-h/m -2)

North latitude









The amount of total radiation at different latitudes reflects the daily arrival of radiation. However, when taking into account the amount of radiation arriving on average not in 24, but only in 1 hour, the following picture emerges. So, in June at latitude 70? north latitude 35 er-h/m -2 are received per day. At the same time, the sun does not leave the sky for the entire 24 hours, therefore, per hour the erythemal radiation will be 1.5 er-h/m -2. During the same period of the year at latitude 40? The sun emits 77 er-h/m -2 and shines for 15 hours, therefore, the hourly erythemal irradiance will be 5.13 er-h/m -2 , i.e. a value 3 times greater than at latitude 70?. To determine the irradiation regime, it is advisable to assess the arrival of total UV solar radiation not over 24, but over 15 hours, i.e. during a person’s waking period, since ultimately we are interested in the amount of natural radiation affecting a person, and not in the amount of solar energy falling on the surface of the Earth in general.

An important feature of the effect of natural UV radiation on humans is the ability to prevent so-called D-vitamin deficiency. Unlike regular vitamins, vitamin D is not actually found in natural foods (exceptions include the liver of some fish, especially cod and halibut, as well as egg yolk and milk). This vitamin is synthesized in the skin under the influence of UV radiation.

Insufficient exposure to UV radiation without the simultaneous effect of visible radiation on the human body leads to various manifestations of D-vitaminosis.

In the process of vitamin D deficiency, trophism of the central nervous system and cellular respiration, as a substrate of nervous trophism, are primarily disrupted. This disorder, leading to a weakening of redox processes, should obviously be considered the main one, while all other diverse manifestations will be secondary. The most sensitive to the lack of UV radiation are young children, who, as a result of vitamin D deficiency, can develop rickets and, as a consequence of rickets, myopia.

UVB radiation has the greatest ability to prevent and cure rickets.

The process of vitamin D synthesis under the influence of UV radiation is quite complex.

In our country, vitamin D was obtained synthetically in 1952. The starting material for the synthesis was cholesterol. During the conversion of cholesterol to provitamin, a double bond was formed in the B ring of the sterol through successive bromination. The resulting 7-dehydrocholesterol benzoate is saponified into G-dehydrocholesterol, which, under the influence of UV radiation, is converted into a vitamin. The complex processes of the transition of provitamin into vitamin depend on the spectral composition of UV radiation. Thus, rays with a wavelength of a maximum of 310 nm are capable of converting ergosterol into lumisterol, which turns into techisterol, and, finally, under the influence of rays with a wavelength of 280-313 nm, techisterol is converted into vitamin D.

Vitamin D in the body regulates the content of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. With a deficiency of this vitamin, phosphorus-calcium metabolism is disrupted, which is closely related to the processes of skeletal ossification, acid-base balance, blood clotting, etc.

With rickets, conditioned reflex activity is disrupted, while the formation conditioned reflexes occurs more slowly than in healthy people, and they quickly disappear, i.e. The excitability of the cerebral cortex in children suffering from rickets is significantly reduced. In this case, the cortex cells function poorly and are easily depleted. In addition, there is a disorder of the inhibitory function of the cerebral hemispheres.

Inhibition over a long period of time can spread widely throughout the cerebral cortex.

It is absolutely clear that it is necessary to carry out appropriate preventive measures, i.e. use a full UV climate.

Source type

Power, W

Irradiance in energy units at a distance of 1 m

UV radiation area A

UV radiation area B

UV radiation region C

µW/cm 2


µW/cm 2


µW/cm 2


PRK-7 (DRK-7)





However, it should be noted that the spectral composition of the artificial radiation climate, which occurs in a fotarium with a PRK-type lamp, differs significantly from the natural one due to the presence of short-wave UV radiation.

With the release of low-power erythemal fluorescent lamps in our country, it became possible to use artificial sources of UV radiation in fotarium conditions and in general lighting systems.

Dose of preventive UV irradiation. A few words from history. Preventive irradiation of miners began in the 30s of the twentieth century. At that time there was no relevant experience and the necessary theoretical basis regarding the choice of dose specifically

preventive radiation. It was decided to use the therapeutic experience used in physiotherapeutic practice in the treatment of various diseases. Not only the sources of UV radiation were borrowed, but also the irradiation scheme. The biological effect of irradiation with PRK lamps, the spectrum of which contains bactericidal radiation, was very doubtful. Thus, we have established that the ratio of the biological activity of areas “B” and “C” involved in the formation of erythema is 1:8. The first guidelines for using photaria were developed primarily by physiotherapists. Subsequently, hygienists and biologists dealt with issues of preventive radiation. In the 50s of the last century, the problem of preventive radiation acquired a hygienic focus. Numerous studies were carried out in different cities and climatic regions of Russia, which made it possible to take a new approach to the dose of preventive UV irradiation.

Establishment prophylactic dose UV radiation is a very difficult problem, because a number of interrelated factors must be addressed and taken into account, such as:

UV radiation source;

How to use it;

Irradiated surface area;

Season of the beginning of irradiation;

Skin photosensitivity (biodose);

Irradiation intensity (irradiation);

Irradiation time.

The work used erythema lamps, the spectrum of which does not contain bactericidal UV radiation. Erythema biodose

Table 10.4.Relationship between physical and reduced units for

Expressions for the dose of UV radiation in region B (280-350 nm)

µW/cm 2

mER-h/m 2

μEr-h/cm 2

mER-min/m 2

µW/cm 2


mER-h/m 2

μEr-h/m 2


mER-min/m 2


expressed in physical (μW/cm 2) or reduced (μEr/cm 2) quantities, the ratios of which are presented in table 10.4.

It should be especially emphasized that the irradiance of the erythemal flux of UV radiation can be assessed in effective (or reduced) units - eras (Er - erythemal flux of radiation with a wavelength of 296.7 nm and a power of 1 W) only when emitting in the “B” region.

To express the irradiance of section “B” of the UV spectrum in eras, its irradiance, expressed in physical units (W), should be multiplied by the coefficient of erythemal sensitivity of the skin. The coefficient of erythemal sensitivity of the skin for rays with a wavelength of 296.7 nm was adopted in 1935 by the International Commission on Illumination as a unit.

Using LER lamps, we began to find the optimal prophylactic dose of UV radiation and evaluate the “irradiation method,” which basically refers to the duration of daily exposure, lasting from a minute to several hours.

In turn, the duration of preventive irradiation depends on the method of using artificial emitters (the use of emitters in a general lighting system or in fotaria) and on the photosensitivity of the skin (on the value of the erythemal biodose).

Of course, with different methods of using artificial emitters, different body surface areas are exposed to irradiation. Thus, when using fluorescent lamps in a general lighting system, only open parts of the body are irradiated - the face, hands, neck, scalp, and in a fotaria - almost the entire body.

UV irradiation in a room when using erythema lamps is small, hence the duration of irradiation is 6-8 hours, while in a fotaria, where irradiation reaches a significant value, the effect of radiation does not exceed 5-6 minutes.

When finding the optimal dose of preventive radiation, one should be guided by the fact that the initial dose of preventive radiation should be lower than the biodose, i.e. suberythemal. Otherwise, skin burns may occur. The prophylactic dose of the UV component should be expressed in absolute values.

Raising the question of expressing a prophylactic dose in absolute physical (reduced) values ​​is by no means

means eliminating the need to determine individual skin sensitivity to UV radiation. Determining the biodose before starting irradiation is necessary, but only to find out whether it is less than the recommended prophylactic dose. In practice, when determining the biodose (according to Gorbachev), you can use a biodisimeter that has not 8 or 10 holes, as is the case in medical practice, but much less or even one, which can be irradiated with a dose equal to the prophylactic one. If the irradiated area of ​​the skin turns red, i.e. biodose is less than prophylactic, then the initial dose of radiation should be reduced, and radiation is carried out in increasing doses with an initial dose equal to the biodose.

A comparative analysis of such physiological indicators as erythema biodose, phagocytic activity of blood leukocytes, capillary fragility, alkaline phosphatase activity indicated that additional artificial irradiation with UV radiation by erythema lamps, carried out in winter, while causing a very positive effect, does not fully contribute to the maintenance of the studied physiological reactions at the level observed in autumn after prolonged exposure to natural UV radiation.

Analysis of the levels of physiological indicators irradiated with a dose of UV radiation during different methods exposure due to the method of using artificial emitters, led to the conclusion that the biological effect of exposure to UV radiation does not depend on the irradiation methods used.

Dynamics of skin sensitivity to UV radiation in a known way reflects the processes occurring in the body as a result of a long absence of natural UV radiation.

During preventive UV irradiation, it is necessary to take into account the climatic features of the area where the irradiated people live (to determine the timing of irradiation), the average value of their erythemal biodose (to select the initial radiation dose) and the fact that the preventive radiation dose, normalized in absolute values, should not be lower 2000 μW-min/cm 2 (60-62 mEr-h/m 2).

Preventive measures to prevent acute conjunctivitis when exposed to ultraviolet radiation are reduced to the use of light-protective glasses or shields during electric welding and other work with ultraviolet radiation sources. To protect the skin from UV rays are used

protective clothing, sun screens (canopies), special creams.

The main role in preventing the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation on the body belongs to hygiene standards. Are the “Sanitary Standards for Ultraviolet Radiation in Industrial Premises” SN currently in effect? 4557-88. The normalized value is irradiance, W/m1. These standards regulate the permissible UVR values ​​for the skin, taking into account the duration of exposure during the work shift and the area of ​​the irradiated skin surface.

Light therapy is actively used in medical practice to treat various diseases. It includes the use of visible light, laser, infrared, and ultraviolet rays (UVR). UV physiotherapy is most often prescribed.

It is used for the treatment of ENT pathologies, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, immunodeficiencies, bronchial asthma and other diseases. Ultraviolet irradiation is also used for a bacteriostatic effect in infectious diseases and for treating indoor air.

General concept of ultraviolet irradiation, types of devices, mechanism of action, indications

Ultraviolet irradiation (UVR) is a physiotherapeutic procedure that is based on the effect of ultraviolet rays on tissues and organs. The effect on the body may differ when using different wavelengths.

UV rays have different wavelengths:

  • Long wavelength (DUV) (400–320 nm).
  • Mid-wave (MW) (320–280 nm).
  • Short wavelength (SWF) (280–180 nm).

For physiotherapy, special devices are used. They generate ultraviolet rays of different lengths.

UV-devices for physiotherapy:

  • Integral. Generate the entire spectrum of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Selective. They produce one type of ultraviolet radiation: short-wave, a combination of short- and medium-wave spectra.
Integral Selective

ОУШ-1 (for individual use, local irradiation, general effects on the body);

OH-7 (suitable for the nasopharynx)

OUN 250, OUN 500 - desktop type for local use).

The source of irradiation is a mercury-quartz tubular lamp. Power can be different: from 100 to 1000 W.

Short-wave spectrum (SWF). Sources of bactericidal action: OBN-1 (wall-mounted), OBP-300 (ceiling-mounted). Used for disinfection of premises.

Short rays for local exposure (irradiation of skin, mucous membranes): BOP-4.

The mid-wave spectrum is generated by luminescent erythema sources with ultraviolet-transmitting glass: LE-15, LE-30.

Long wave sources (LWF) are used for general effects on the body.

In physiotherapy, ultraviolet irradiation is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. The mechanism of exposure to ultraviolet radiation is as follows: metabolic processes are activated, the transmission of impulses along nerve fibers improves. When UV rays come into contact with the skin, the patient develops erythema. It looks like redness of the skin. The invisible period of erythema formation is 3-12 hours. The resulting erythematous formation remains on the skin for several more days; it has clear boundaries.

The long-wave spectrum does not cause very pronounced erythema. Medium-wave rays are able to reduce the number of free radicals and stimulate the synthesis of ATP molecules. Short UV rays very quickly provoke an erythematous rash.

Small doses of medium and long UV waves are not capable of causing erythema. They are needed for a general effect on the body.

The benefits of small dosages of UV irradiation:

  • Enhances the formation of red blood cells and other blood cells.
  • Increases the function of the adrenal glands and sympathetic system.
  • Reduces the formation of fat cells.
  • Improves the performance of the name system.
  • Stimulates immune reactions.
  • Normalizes blood glucose levels.
  • Reduces the amount of blood cholesterol.
  • Regulates the excretion and absorption of phosphorus and calcium.
  • Improves heart and lung function.

Local radiation helps stimulate immune reactions in the area where the rays hit, increases blood flow and lymph outflow.

Dosages of irradiation that do not provoke the appearance of redness have the following properties: increase regenerative function, enhance tissue nutrition, stimulate the appearance of melanin in the skin, increase immunity, stimulate the formation of vitamin D. Higher doses that cause erythema (usually AF) can kill bacterial agents, reduce the intensity of pain, reduce inflammation in the mucous membranes and skin.

Indications for physiotherapy

Overall Impact Local impact
Stimulation of immunity in immunodeficiencies.

Prevention and treatment of rickets (vitamin D deficiency) in children, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.

Purulent lesions of the skin and soft tissues.

Increasing immunity in chronic processes.

Increased blood cell production.

Replacement therapy for UVR deficiency.

Joint diseases.

Pathologies of the respiratory system.

Bronchial asthma.

Surgical purulent wounds, bedsores, burns, frostbite, abscesses, erysipelas, fractures.

Extrapyramidal syndrome, demyelinating pathologies, head injuries, radiculopathy, various types pain.

Stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease, infiltrative formation after tooth extraction.

Rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis.

Cracked nipples in women, acute gynecological inflammatory diseases.

Weeping umbilical wound in newborns, diathesis with exudation, rheumatoid diseases, pneumonia, skin damage by staphylococcus.

Psoriasis, eczematous rashes, purulent skin lesions in dermatological patients.

Contraindications to irradiation are:

  • Tumor process.
  • Hyperthermia.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Overproduction of thyroid hormones.
  • Lupus erythematosus.
  • Hepatic and renal dysfunction.

Method of ultraviolet irradiation

Before treatment, the physiotherapist must decide on the type of rays. Required condition is the calculation of radiation exposure to the patient. The load is measured in biodoses. The number of biodoses is calculated using the Gorbachev-Dahlfeld method. It is based on the speed of formation of redness of the skin. One biodose can cause minimal redness from a distance of 50 cm. This dosage is erythemal.

Erythemal doses are divided into:

  • small (one or two biodoses);
  • medium (three to four biodoses);
  • high (five to eight biodoses).

If the radiation dose is more than eight biodoses, then it is called hypererythemal. Irradiation is divided into general and local. General may be intended for one person or a group of patients. Such radiation is produced by integrated devices or long-wave sources.

Children must be irradiated very carefully using general UV radiation. For children and schoolchildren, an incomplete biodose is used. Start with the smallest dosage.

With the general exposure of newborns and very weak babies to UV rays, initial stage 1/10–1/8 biodose is effective. For schoolchildren and preschoolers, 1/4 of the biodose is used. The load is increased over time to 1 1/2-1 3/4 biodoses. This dosage remains for the entire treatment phase. Sessions are held every other day. 10 sessions are enough for treatment.

During the procedure, the patient must be undressed and placed on the couch. The device is placed at a distance of 50 cm from the surface of the patient’s body. The lamp should be covered with a cloth or blanket along with the patient. This ensures that the maximum radiation dosage is received. If you do not cover it with a blanket, then some of the rays emanating from the source are scattered. The effectiveness of therapy will be low.

Local exposure to ultraviolet radiation is carried out by devices of a mixed type, as well as those emitting short waves of the UV spectrum. During local physiotherapy, it is possible to influence reflexogenic zones, irradiate with fractions, fields, near the site of damage.

Local irradiation often causes redness of the skin, which has a healing effect. In order to properly stimulate the formation of erythema, after its appearance, the following sessions begin after it fades. The intervals between physical procedures are 1-3 days. The dosage in subsequent sessions is increased by a third or more.

For intact skin, 5-6 physiotherapy procedures are sufficient. If there are purulent lesions or bedsores on the skin, then up to 12 sessions need to be irradiated. For mucous membranes, course therapy is 10-12 sessions.

For children, local use of ultraviolet radiation is permitted from birth. It is limited in area. For a newborn child, the area of ​​exposure is 50 cm2 or more, for schoolchildren it is no more than 300 cm2. The dosage for erythema therapy is 0.5-1 biodose.

In case of acute respiratory diseases, UV treatment of the nasopharyngeal mucosa is performed. For this purpose, special tubes are used. The session lasts 1 minute (adults), half a minute (children). The course of therapy lasts 7 days.

The chest is irradiated across the fields. The duration of the procedure is 3-5 minutes. Fields are processed separately in different days. Sessions are carried out every day. The frequency of field irradiation per course is 2-3 times; oilcloth or perforated fabric is used to highlight it.

For a runny nose in the acute period ultraviolet exposure carried out on the feet from the sole side. The source is installed at a distance of 10 cm. The course of treatment is up to 4 days. Radiation is also given using a tube into the nose and throat. The first session lasts 30 seconds. In the future, therapy is extended to 3 minutes. Course therapy consists of 6 sessions.

For otitis media, ultraviolet exposure is applied to the ear canal. The session lasts 3 minutes. Therapy includes 6 physiotherapy procedures. In patients with pharyngitis, laryngitis, and tracheitis, irradiation is performed along the anterior upper part of the chest. The number of procedures per course is up to 6.

For tracheitis, pharyngitis, and sore throat, you can irradiate the back wall of the pharynx (throat) using tubes. During the session, the patient must say the sound “a”. The duration of the physiotherapy procedure is 1-5 minutes. Treatment is carried out every 2 days. Course therapy consists of 6 sessions.

Pustular skin lesions are treated by ultraviolet irradiation after treatment of the wound surface. The ultraviolet source is installed at a distance of 10 cm. The session duration is 2-3 minutes. Treatment lasts 3 days.

Boils and abscesses are irradiated after opening the formation. Treatment is carried out at a distance of 10 cm to the surface of the body. The duration of one physiotherapy procedure is 3 minutes. Course therapy 10 sessions.

UV treatment at home

Ultraviolet irradiation can be carried out at home. To do this, you can purchase a UFO device at any medical equipment store. To carry out ultraviolet irradiation physiotherapy at home, the “Sun” device (OUFb-04) has been developed. It is intended for local action on mucous membranes and skin.

For general irradiation, you can purchase a mercury-quartz lamp “Sun”. It will replace part of the missing ultraviolet light in winter and disinfect the air. There are also home irradiators for shoes and water.

The “Sun” device for local use is equipped with a tube for the nose, throat, and treatment of other parts of the body. The device is small in size. Before purchasing, you should make sure that the device is in working order, that it has certificates and quality guarantees. To clarify the rules for using the device, you must read the instructions or contact your doctor.


Ultraviolet radiation is often used in medicine to treat various diseases. In addition to treatment, UV devices can be used to disinfect premises. They are used in hospitals and at home. When lamps are used correctly, irradiation does not cause harm, and the effectiveness of treatment is quite high.

We most often see the use of ultraviolet radiation for cosmetic and medical purposes. Ultraviolet radiation is also used for printing, for disinfection and disinfection of water and air, and when it is necessary to polymerize and change the physical state of materials.

Ultraviolet healing is a type of radiation that has a specific wavelength and occupies an intermediate position between X-ray and violet zone of visible radiation. Such radiation is invisible to human eye. However, due to its properties, such radiation has become very widespread and is used in many areas.

Currently, many scientists are purposefully studying the effect of ultraviolet radiation on many vital processes, including metabolic, regulatory, and trophic ones. It is known that ultraviolet radiation has a beneficial effect on the body in some diseases and disorders, promoting treatment. That is why it has become widely used in the medical field.

Thanks to the work of many scientists, the effects of ultraviolet radiation on biological processes in the human body have been studied so that these processes can be controlled.

UV protection is necessary in cases where the skin is exposed to prolonged sunlight.

It is believed that it is ultraviolet rays that are responsible for photoaging of the skin, as well as for the development of carcinogenesis, since their exposure produces a lot of free radicals, adversely affecting all processes in the body.
In addition, when using ultraviolet radiation, there is a very high risk of damage to DNA chains, and this can lead to very tragic consequences and the emergence of such terrible diseases as cancer and others.

Do you know which ones can be useful for humans? You can learn everything about such properties, as well as about the properties of ultraviolet radiation that allow it to be used in various production processes, from our article.

We also have a review available. Read our material and you will understand all the main differences between natural and artificial light sources.

The main natural source of this type of radiation is is the Sun. And among artificial ones there are several types:

  • Erythema lamps (invented back in the 60s, used mainly to compensate for the insufficiency of natural ultraviolet radiation. For example, to prevent rickets in children, for irradiation younger generation farm animals, in photos)
  • Mercury-quartz lamps
  • Excilamps
  • Germicidal lamps
  • Fluorescent lamps
  • LEDs

Many lamps emitting in the ultraviolet range are designed to illuminate rooms and other objects, and the principle of their operation is associated with ultraviolet radiation, which in different ways converted to visible light.

Methods for generating ultraviolet radiation:

  • Temperature radiation (used in incandescent lamps)
  • Radiation created by gases and metal vapors moving in an electric field (used in mercury and gas-discharge lamps)
  • Luminescence (used in erythema, bactericidal lamps)

The use of ultraviolet radiation due to its properties

The industry produces many types of lamps for in various ways Applications of ultraviolet radiation:

  • Mercury
  • Hydrogen
  • Xenon

The main properties of UV radiation that determine its use:

  • High chemical activity (helps accelerate many chemical reactions, as well as accelerating biological processes in the body):
    Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, vitamin D and serotonin are formed in the skin, and the tone and vital functions of the body improve.
  • Ability to kill various microorganisms (bactericidal property):
    The use of ultraviolet bactericidal radiation helps disinfect the air, especially in places where many people gather (hospitals, schools, universities educational institutions, train stations, metro, large stores).
    Water disinfection with ultraviolet radiation is also in great demand as it gives good results. With this method of purification, water does not acquire bad smell and taste. This is great for water purification in fish farms and swimming pools.
    Ultraviolet disinfection method is often used during processing surgical instruments.
  • The ability to cause luminescence of certain substances:
    Thanks to this property, forensic experts detect traces of blood on various objects. And also thanks special paint It is possible to detect tagged bills that are used in anti-corruption operations.

Application of ultraviolet radiation photo

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